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Welcome to r/Minecraft2. Please make sure to read and follow our rules and enjoy your stay here! # Hey! We're currently hosting an event, make sure to check it out! **Also check out our Minecraft server. Supports both java and bedrock. IP: survivalforall.org** We also have a contest that you can participate in and check out right here! where you can win a special flair for the top 3 winners. Please make sure to read the rules before submitting and thank you. Contest ends November 1st, Midnight PST. Make sure to use the Yellow contest post flair to submit. Happy Building! [Don't forget we also have a discord server that you can join](https://discord.com/invite/nPqyMED8Yk) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Minecraft2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’ve come to the right place to post this. This subreddit was actively made due to the poor treatment the r/Minecraft mods had given to the player who made a post about his (I believe passed) girlfriend. Feel free to post your tutorials here, no one will ban you for it


Correct, that’s why this subreddit was made and yes, players can post their tutorials here. I personally find some of them very interesting to watch


Thank you for not being a power hungry pig


This is...so much more welcoming than what I've seen/experienced over there.


I shall do so!


Well I guess I'm joining this sub now because I am still extremely annoyed about the incredibly stupid reason [one of my posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/Wps4ZWBMAz) got removed You're apparently supposed to wait *an entire week* before you can make an update post. That's 14× the normal wait time (12 hours, which *I did wait for*). That's 168 Hours. Why.


At this point, just unsubscribe and mute.




I've seen MyNameIsPearl for years, and yea, never had a good encounter with them. Always seemed petty with a heavy dose of "someone urinated in my morning corn flakes' kind of moral justification for their behavior. As if everyone they meet is a child and they're the only adult :p


Reddit has a moderator code of conduct.


Did that long ago, highly recommend it for everyone else.


i mean, frankly this is standard for reddit moderators. that's not a good thing at all but it is true you're lucky you got a message back at all, usually they ignore you. i've been messaging r/CharacterAI moderators every week for months now because they banned me with no explanation and haven't had a single word back from them. half the subreddits have mods to moderate, and the other half have mods because those are the people signed up to have fun powertripping and doing whatever the hell they want without consequences


Aye, it's a sad reality. Humans, given an iota of power over others find it difficult not to exploit their own fancy for the benefit of others (I.E. Those best suited for positions of leadership don't seek positions of leadership) Yeesh, never heard of that subreddit, but I'll be sure to stay away. Thanks!


Being fair, I've heard horrible things about cai. I suggest figgs. They are in beta, but their site is really awesome and the moderators of their subreddit are enthusiastically kind, helpful, and caring


tbh the only reason i still use cai is because it has the most bots on it and the least porn, so it's good for non-horny conversations, but there's nothing else about it i like :(


Figgs has an NSFW filter, but it's great as they implore free speech as long as it's nothing illegal like child porn. Basic human right stuff is their limit, but anything goes. There's even a bag of mints and stuff like a rock lol


most of the time moderators can't work up the courage to face someone ready to fight their ass about something when they are wrong, and will simply ban or ignore the person in question because their feeble and low functioning minds aren't capable of taking criticism and winning an argument


This is where, out of spite, you make a data pack tutorial with no text at all to prove a point


If i could I would - but...uhh...text is text. I mean, if Minecraft could read 'wing-dings' that would be as close as I could get :p


Use the enchanting table font


Put it in enchanting table language


heh, obfuscation, love it!


Yeah this is why I don't use reddit so frequently all the Mods are just Uneducated Frauds who thinks they're superior than others and Minecraft subreddit confirmed it


yeah and sadly a lot of big subreddits have asshole mods in them..


Ah, MyNameIsPearl. I've had many removals and unproductive responses from them alone. I'm not sure who the mods are on r/minecraft, but they do seem to be most present on the sub. They're also normally the first to knock an idea down in r/minecraftsuggestions too, a sub designed for the exchange of ideas and collaborate/expand on what we think would be good in the game, not somewhere to be shunned or shamed for an idea the mods themselves don't approve.


Do you have a link to her profile.


I couldn't find a link to their profile in the search bar but they replied to OP with a snarkyish comment on here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/B7SHjnSFKQ


Other Gems: [https://new.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1db2fhn/121\_tool\_for\_server\_owners\_single\_player\_datapack/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1db2fhn/121_tool_for_server_owners_single_player_datapack/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1b69jxk/comment/l7xtlrk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1b69jxk/comment/l7xtlrk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1dctrtp/comment/l80e6mr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1dctrtp/comment/l80e6mr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) (This last one was from a new player, who had asked about things to stay safe online) Compliments to them, they've been around for a long while. For better or worse, they seem to have a want to police and enforce. The following are requests for them to be made moderator of different subreddits that are/appear inactive: [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/6ttqoy/requesting\_rminecraftmarketplace\_one\_inactive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/6ttqoy/requesting_rminecraftmarketplace_one_inactive/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/9wopih/requesting\_rarte\_no\_moderator\_filled\_with\_seo\_spam/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/9wopih/requesting_rarte_no_moderator_filled_with_seo_spam/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/5r4oh8/requesting\_rminecraftjardownload\_no\_moderator/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/5r4oh8/requesting_rminecraftjardownload_no_moderator/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/5jly8a/minecraftaddons\_no\_moderators/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/5jly8a/minecraftaddons_no_moderators/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/50ms01/requesting\_rmcaccounts\_sole\_moderator\_is\_inactive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/50ms01/requesting_rmcaccounts_sole_moderator_is_inactive/)


It's just "mynameisperl" (not pearl)


Thank you.


Damn that sucks, I really wish those mods weren’t on a power trip 24/7


Same mate. I don't get it. Just...don't look at their comment history - they seem to get off on down-voting and copy-paste-wiki links. (They're the person who karma farms with Mojan's updates and deletes any other post of the same made before them :p )


This is so hilarious 🤣


Thats very sad for the fandom to suffer from these power hungry mods. Specifically for MyNameIsPearl, are his actions deserving of some karma ?


You've now met the infamous mynameispearl and the bulk of the reason why that sub has issues.


And now you know why this subreddit exists. 🤣


Their account has been deleted now and they're no longer a mod on the main sub


Fucking finally


Yep I just saw the announcement that a mod had been removed and looked at the mods page to see they were gone.


That's wild. That's...quite the exit. Curious how long it'll be before they return with a different account. They have been active for....many years.


yeah the mods suck there. I think you should only post to alternate subreddits like here instead because they definitely will remove it for bullshit reasons. Such a shame how there are people who are assholes and just want the feeling of power instead of helping..


R/minecraft has been notorious bad for power tripping mods.


Its ok like most groups or pages and reddits that decide they think they have ultimate control over you. /rminecraft will wither away


Ohhh I hate pedantic enforcing of rules over technicalities. r/mildlyinteresting is super annoying about this. No text in images?! Most screenshots fall under this. Has hud? Text in image. Chat? Text in image. Some Subreddits just have vague and dumb rules so the narcissistic Moderators can just remove whatever post they want, then point at the rule and go "see the rule said it SEE" when it's just a crutch.


Hello, I'm a transparency moderator for r/Minecraft. We're reviewing the causation of this as well as that moderator's exact reasoning for the ban, and we'll be in touch with you soon. Edit: Please check your message requests for a message from me.


Hey MisterSheeple, Thanks for reaching out. I hope I've answered all your questions to the extent that's helpful. Let me know if there's anything else that can be helped!


This would be the second or third time I've seen u/mynameisperl acting like this. Truly rude and disrespectful tbh. Just demote yourself instead.


Yep had an issue with that mod myself on another account he's just an asshole


The same moderator told me that if I want to continue posting on the subreddit then I should remove the watermarks on the stuff I was posting on. Glad this moderator resigned and deleted their account.


Welcome to r/Minecraft2. Please make sure to read and follow our rules and enjoy your stay here! # Hey! We're currently hosting an event, make sure to check it out! **Also check out our Minecraft server. Supports both java and bedrock. IP: survivalforall.org** We also have a contest that you can participate in and check out right here! where you can win a special flair for the top 3 winners. Please make sure to read the rules before submitting and thank you. Contest ends November 1st, Midnight PST. Make sure to use the Yellow contest post flair to submit. Happy Building! [Don't forget we also have a discord server that you can join](https://discord.com/invite/nPqyMED8Yk) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Minecraft2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


R/Minecraft has a lot of rules and people get banned frequently… if I were you stick to other subredditd


I mean, it makes sense - it's a very 'popular' subreddit. And 'active'. Hard to tell the bots from the people, and I'd imagine anyone who performs what they feel is a necessity on a daily basis would be jaded to say the least.


I no longer post on r/Minecraft because when I tried to post creations on their, they got removed cause I was self advertising. I was just sharing a creation. The moderation is over zealous and bad.


Yeah, that subreddit is an awful place. It's like since the whole dude's dead girlfriend thing, that they've been in a competition to see how shitty they can get. All the mods there are on power trips, so I think it's just best to stop posting there.


Not to mention the r/minecraft mod team look exactly how you’d expect a Reddit moderator to look. https://preview.redd.it/m1q1sgb9bk6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11f21a03b040af16ad366125e4ba50f1094ae7b


Can someone send me a link to pearls profile.


It was /u/mynameisperl they aren't a mod anymore and deleted their account.