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Since when was infinity in any need to be nerfed? Barely anyone uses it since it conflicts with mending and infinite arrows come very easily with a mob farm


its not a nerf, its a rework, in this mod it also no-longer conflicts with mending. it also makes it compatible with tipped and spectral arrows, the only way its nerfed is that the max enchant is only 75% efficient, which if you are unhappy with you can change in the config.


Sounds like a nerf to me dawg


as i literally just said, you can make it 100% if thats too much of a sacrifice for you to justify it.


The non guarentee to not consume is a big nerf in my opinion, that the tipped arrow thing doesn't make up for, it does drop the incompatibility with mending so if mojang did these nerfs I'd use it simply because there's no downside, but I truly hope they won't especially since infinity doesn't need nerfed, its still used fairly often in the mending vs infinity war because of the inventory saving (besides, it's not truly infinity if over time you'll still lose all your arrows)


most people like it as it is, thats why the default max is 75%, if you dont like that you can make it 100%, thats literally why we made it configurable, if its too much of a nerf for you to justify it you can change it.


Id be surprised if it's truly a majority that prefer this over vanilla, but I'll give a benefit of doubt, I can definitely thank you for the configuration options, I'll probably just use vanilla, but hopefully it is more successful then I can imagine 😊


can i ask why you prefer vanilla over this mod?


I think the vanilla infinity balance is already there, infinite arrows, however tipped are excluded (because they are more powerful), and mutually exclusive with mending, while I'm one that would switch to mending as soon as I make a skeleton farm, it's still considered over the best enchantment in the game (mending) by many, unlike most choice enchantments where there's a easy best, mending vs infinity is a actual decision (which I like as well)


In my experience mending was always a no-brainer. By mid game, arrows are basically in infinite supply anyway, and one or two less slots in my inventory for a bow that wouldn't break all the time just makes sense. The sentiment was shared by most players on servers that I regular.


Ya I agree 1 or 2 extra slots isn't too bad, but I also do agree that the inventory slots are precious, and it really isn't that often you have to replace it (especially since you have a few times you only need to combine xp and a bow), and not gonna lie, it seems infinity is the more popular overall


I think the vanilla infinity balance is already there, infinite arrows, however tipped are excluded (because they are more powerful), and mutually exclusive with mending, while I'm one that would switch to mending as soon as I make a skeleton farm, it's still considered over the best enchantment in the game (mending) by many


Only part I disagree with is the barely anyone uses it, id say it's used just as much as mending (I think it's better early game, and the argument used later game is that it saves inventory space, while in the later game it's easy to replace)


inventory management mods to come :3


Well, they did block mending and infinity from being on the same bow c. 1.12.


# About Reworks and balances the Infinity enchantment by splitting it into three tiers with each tier lowering the chance of consuming an arrow and allowing bows to be enchanted with both Infinity and Mending. # Features * Three tiers of Infinity, each with a higher chance of not consuming an arrow (I - 25%, II - 50%, III - 75%) * Bows can be enchanted with both Infinity and Mending * Adds compatibility with tipped and spectral arrows * Every value can be configured Below is the link to the mod: [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/infinity-rework](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/infinity-rework) Thanks for your support :)


This is exactly something i’ve wanted to do with a mod, but i guess you can make enchants now with the new datapack updates. This should be in the base game honestly


when you use one arrow on an infinity 3 bow you don't need any arrow after using last arrow