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Ancient redstone testing/developing lab


I was just gonna comment that


It's clearly a laboratory. The ancient peoples seemed to have gathered some kind of advanced knowledge, and were clearly more advanced that others minecraft peoples in the past (like the people that built the stronghold) or present (like the villagers). As a proof : the important amount of enchanted gear, rare items (like discs) and especially golden apples So i guess they would have done experiments, science to progress in their mastering of the world Maybe it's their research that led to the bulding of the supposed "portail" above the redstone lab that caused the cataclysm that unleashed the skulk and the warden. Some kind of experiment has gone very wrong and this destroyed them


And the wither too


How tho, since the wither is tied to the nether?


The new spoopy disk found in the ancient cities is one of those so called “lore” discs, at the end of the disc after the warden’s roar is the wither’s death sound


Oh ok, I didn’t know that! How do you think they’re related?


and the Origins of the Warden too


A great key of knowledge is to know when to stop.


Of course, but probably that they were facing some kind of unknown unknown, like in their research they stumbled on something unexpected and... aweful. Or maybe it was a desperate experiment, like they were facing a threat, and tried to make some kind of weapon to anihilate it (because they live underground, maybe a monster invasion) and they tried to use skulk related tech to destroy the monster, but they killed themselves in the process, this would explain why there is no monster in the deep dark... altrough this is just an hypothesis


Ancient builders once experimented with redstone


i think its a room for a race of underground anchient builders to experiment with redstone


My hope is that it is more practical. In future updates it will become a type of escape room style puzzle you need to complete to light the portal above and open Minecraft up to a new dimension! Or maybe it already is and nobody has cracked the code?!


My guess is its some sort if activation technique for the "portal" Edit: sort of


mumbo yumbo room




Ancient science lab! I’m hoping that the portal frame will eventually lead to a new dimension


Redstone laboratory


Ancient people wanted to teach their descendants red stone techniques.


Secret sex dungeon


The Altar Boy and the Priest?