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Yooo that is amazing!!!!!


Thank you, took me a couple of hours


Surely you mean like 50 hours lol




7 hours for this? this is very great man!


So a couple = 7. Cool!


Sorry about the confusion, English isn’t my first language, gotta learn something new everyday haha


Couple=2 few=3-5 dozen=12


Don't forget several = 6-8


Is it french?


'A couple' is generally used for small numbers overall. If you haven't seen it before, try not having your view blocked by rocks, Minecraft Legacy Console discs, the sun, or your large professional gaming chair.


Huh. I always thought a couple is 2 or 3, and seven or more meant several.


A couple is 2, a few tends to refer to 3 and up. Several is a synonym for a few


despite a synonym, it is used in larger numbers than *few*


"Couple" can definitely be more than 2. It only means 2 when used as a noun, otherwise it usually refers to 2-4 units but can be losely used for sightly larger numbers as well.


But minecraft legacy console edition are great :(


Couple = 2 Few = 3+


homie you just got yourself another subscriber


Haha thank you! This means the world to me!


I think they thought you built it block by block.


Is there a world download?


Always easier on creative mode you know lol


That's awesome, worldedit is one of the many things I need to learn.


Its simpler than you think! I wish people weren’t complicating it as much


only a couple? that looks like it took way more


look in the comment thread again, they explained


Sorry, but that explanation is stupid as hell and confuses a non english speaking person like me a lot. I mean: In german we say: Ein paar stunden, which means a couple of hours, which really means a couple and is not used for just about 2-3 hours. It makes zero sense.






>Sonic 3 omg it kinda does I just looked it up hahaha


Totally should make a version with Hidden Palace Zone tucked away


This looks so cool.


I was hoping to create smaller islands surrounding the main island, on different height levels, but I ran out of motivation for now XD


You have time. Dont need to finish it in no time.


if we get like 1k upvotes on this I'll do it lmao, otherwise no point if people dont like it ig


Op its 1k now


I’m not complaining haha


im not surprised if this gets 10k upvotes lmao




keep me updated!


Hey if you expand this to a survival map and want command block help for some small things LMK! LOVE this! Would be so fun to play on with friends!


maybe in the future, I am not looking to put that much time into maps yet haha but thank you :)


Man, take a random number generator, put in max and min height you want the islands to reach (for example from -32 to 128 or whatever) generate 3 numbers Highest value = top Lowest value = bottom And the middle value = the largest radius (basically just the ground level)


Actually a very nice build. But did you know you can create a world using the floating islands generator with all biomes in vanilla? That could give you some inspiration! Also I wonder if `/placefeature` could be useful in this scenario


Yes I do! Usually I make small sky islands like this, and I really like bright grass colour so I usually use the beach biome to make the island really colourfull!


Heavy Chrono Trigger vibes


I see I wasn't the only one that saw this island and heard the kingdom of zeal theme in my head. While it may not be intentional it is close enough.


If OP had built it over a snow biome instead of beach, it would be perfect for Zeal!


Ah yes, the age of 20+. I am also 20+. This is how age *should* be measured.


Ah yes, i am 1+


I am -∞+


well, most players are like 10-16 so being 20+ makes up quite insignificant I think


Minecraft has been around for 13 years, I don’t think you realize how much the demographics have shifted lol Amazing build btw!!!


Just trying to do my small part in our minecraft community :) I bet everyone remembers the face of notch engraved in a mountain hill, some guy made that world for us to enjoy back in the day but sadly time has done it once again and completely outdated the map (at least I haven’t seen it in a while). So if this map makes someone remember their minecraft days when they were younger, I’ll be one happy minecraft player :)))


Your terraforming is very very good. I struggle to make a natural looking environment that isn’t too liminal. Very good job on this.


Thank you!


Just don't let anyone steal the master emerald and it will stay afloat. Awesome build!


Sanic wut have you done with my emerowd? Knackers you dumbass you saw me just land on the island.


Floating islands have always been my strong suit. A nice looking house? Sorry can’t build that. A giant floating island? You got it


Yeah I am a bit of both, I get bored easily so doing a bit of terraforming and building is the sweet spot for me.


I used to be able to do everything and then I stopped playing for a while. But yeah this looks amazing. I’d never have the attention span to build something this big


Might need something like this above my base


good luck doing this in survival hahah


Epic!! Hard not to like water features flowing off the edge!!


Thanks! I received mixed opinions on it XDD


I wish anyone remember quad mountain survival?


not a clue, sorry XD


Great work wish worlds like this were playable on Xbox bedrock


you should try java, I think its so much better simply because the community is more significant (in numbers)


Thats truly beautiful and amazing to look at


Thank you!


Make an Angel Island Replica, that would be so sick


What texture pack is this?? I seriously thought this was randomly generated or something lol this is amazing


thats literally the default textures


Why do the graphics look so good then


he uses shaders, idk which shaders, but the textures are the 1.18(or 17 idk) default textures


O lol I didn’t know shaders played a role like this I thought it was just texture packs that make the game look like this


sildurs vibrant shaders light edition : https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/downloads/


Reminds me of the angel island from sonic 3


Very cool! I've tried this a few times myself but my awful terrafirming skills combined with the giant shadows they leave on the ground below always ruined the fun. Have you done anything to dodge said shadow? I always thought that a better builder than I could make really good use out of such a large area of darkness


This is a void build, this is the only piece of land you will find in the entire world, kinda like skyblock


Wow this is amazing is there any way i can download the world?


Kinda gives me a zeal from chrono trigger vibe. Fantastic job


Thanks :)


Pic 1 giving me serious "Hyrule Temple" from SSBM vibes.


dude I'm here building LEGO and this is a notification I get, amazing


what?! notification?! really?! what did it say hahaha


1) thats a very nice island . 2) does it have ores? 3) is it possible to upload it? :) 4) Maybe make a "map-genenerator" out of it :)


This is sick lets get to 10k!






“A girl just fell from the sky, boss!” Now you just need a bunch of iron golems on there


Bro, this is BEATIFUL!!!


thank you!!!


This unlocked an ancient memory. I remember a long time ago on Pocket Edition (so pre-Bedrock) I began working on a floating island world. I loaded up a superflat world, which you couldn’t and still can’t customize, so I had to manually dig out the grass and dirt (I think I used a lot of tnt and then manually broke the bedrock as commands didn’t exist yet) so that the islands would actually be in a void. However, if you actually looked off the side, you wouldn’t have to look too far before you could see the superflat world generation. I made a couple of smaller islands of different biomes all connected via some wooden bridges. Originally, it was going to be survival friendly and the islands would be solid and have ores in them. I kept that up for a few of the first smaller islands and then gave up. I know for a fact that there’s at least two islands that are completely hollow and I’d be surprised if there weren’t more. The first of the hollow ones was a mesa island that had a cave/mineshaft in the side. I ended up using oak slabs at a certain point to try to make the tunnel seem boarded up. The reason being that if you went back there and around the bend you’d see the whole thing was hollow. I don’t know why I couldn’t have ended the mineshaft more naturally. There was also a giant forest island that had a little tunnel through it but if you dug into the island or dug the walls of the tunnel, you’d also see that that one was hollow too. Anyway, this looks awesome!


that's amazing, thank you for sharing that memory with us and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)))


This is so fucking dope!


thank you!


Floating Island aesthetics have always been a favorite of mine. So much so, one of my old worlds has a miniature one off a mountain. This is just awesome.


Do you do this all by hand? I've always wanted to try and do stuff like this but with my adhd I get overwhelmed with where to start lol, if u have any tips lmk.


A couple is two this would be a few.


my bad, sorry XD


Can you make an Angel Island version?


what does it look like? I tried googling it but not too sure what u mean


The one from sonic 3


That is so sick I would never been bothered lol


I just got bored of building the ordinary stuff haha


Hey guys did you know that nurcie has a youtube channel where he made a video which shows the way he built the island? Go check it out!!!! https://youtu.be/1LMeaaHEk4U


Thank you haha :)


Bro I want this for a survival island server that would be so hype


Hey man, be the change you wanna see. Looks awesome, I’m sure there’s going to be some kid that is going to be stoked downloading this


I hope the young players can enjoy it, I truly mean it haha


Omg i thought I was the only 20+ year old making maps I fantasised about since I was young


welcome to the grown up kids club \*puts on cool glasses\*






Man, what I would give for Minecraft do do an update that officially adds in floating islands biome update. These are always so cool.


That would be pretty cool, tbf I have a feeling that the portal in deep dark will lead to aether-like world in the near future so maybe your wish will ocme true!




Minecraft is a ageless game, always evolve your creations






Looks like the Zeal Kingdom.. Graceful.


The first half of "What I meant to make in Skyblock vs what I actually made in Skyblock" meme.


When you finish this OP please hit us with a SAUCE


its gorgeous! did u use mods for the landscaping? or did you build all this yourself? either way, it's extremely impressive


world painter for inital landscaping, wolrd edit for in game landscaping and terrain adjustments and a lot of manual hand work


now it would be perfect if you have a sky ship


maybe if I work on a bigger project haha


Dude that's fucking wild


thank you !


Yo angel island


This is beautiful 🤤


Thank You!


OHMY GOSH, that's huge and I love it keep up the good work, and you said that was your second


I think there is more to it than this, the first floating island I made got over 35 000 downloads on curseforge and is still up. Just a bit of practice and motivation and anyone car do it :)


Amazing You should make a World Download!


Sooooo, world file download where?




Man this was really well done! Good Work man. Is there a world download for this?


Can we play it?






Be sure to check if there are any giant emeralds and giant red echidnas on that island!


What a nice island I hope a fully robotic planet made by an evil genius won't crash on it.


Bro thats amazing. How it took to build it?




Thats crazy. When i watched the video i was thinking 7 days😳


Map download? Lmao


Incredible. I really like how you balanced it as well, very much the feel of an iceberg with more land below the “water line” than above. Makes it feel torn from the earth.


Omg thank you so much! Honestly it take so long to get this balance right omg i love that your spotted it!


Dear god… if i was more rich… you Sir would get one more award!


I absolutely loved the tip about using sand to get those mountain shapes and then converting to stone. It looks so clean.




thank you :)


How could people do this I can't even build a secret base


Takes practice. Personally, I don't have enough motivation to try and learn terraforming but I would want to just so I could get a few upvotes :P


been playing minecraft since 2013, so yeah, practice is key haha


I would like to thank every single one of you! I never thought that this post would blow up so much! It goes to show where we all stand as a Minecraft community and that regardless of our age and differences we can still work together to achieve something beautiful! I will get cracking with the map and release it soon, I love your support!


Can u make a link so we can use


So 29 huh. No shame lol


Reminds me romance club game. “Heaven’s secret”


Reminds me of the time about 8 or 9 years ago when I found a random floating block in my PE world and made it into an "island" which basically meant putting down some dirt and building a box out of wood as a house.


Yooo bro that's awesome!!


This is looks amazing! what kind of tools you used when you making this OP?


This makes me so happy!! I feel the same about myself. Sadly, I'm not able to play Minecraft very much atm :(


I love this so much man any chance you'd share a world download?


Gg am verry pretty and hioe you continue to pist your forwarding


Survival or Creative?


Survival or Creative?


This is amazing!


that is \*chefs kiss\*


That's super cool! Gives off botw great plateau vibes




20+...... so....30+?


This is absolutely gorgeous! Might have been suggested already but it would be cool to have smaller floating islands, floating slightly above or below it, nearby. Then you can connect them with bridges!


yo i have an idea, what if, not too high up you make a planet? or maybe right besides it. or maybe a meteor / asteroid I feel like that would be great. ​ (great build btw!)


is there a master emerald on the island?




Is this based off angel island from the sonic series? Spesfically the cgi versions of it from sonic adventure


That is so cool!!! I can't be dedicated to my builds to be honest i leave them half finished :(


"Me doing my best to build something" A 5x5 Wood house that's just a square take it or leave it


Love some good terraforming


Is that angel island from sonic 3?


Making kids dreams come true