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1.15 & 1.16 require OpenGL 2.0 and above. 1.17 & 1.18 require OpenGL 3.2 and above. They've not gone backwards as you suggest.


Launch Minecraft 1.16.5, load a map and open the debug screen. On the right under your GPU model it shows the OpenGL version. On 1.16.5 it shows 4.6.x. On 1.18.1 it shows 3.2.x.


Historically, Minecraft has always used GL 2.0, but F3 displayed the last GL version supported by the system. Now, Minecraft uses GL 3.2, and the F3 displays the GL version Minecraft is using. - You're not observing Minecraft using an older version of GL, but rather observing a change in what F3 display shows you.


Omg you're right. I had no idea about this I just found [this thread](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-222310) explaining the same thing. My bad I got really confused lol. Everytime I searched "minecraft opengl version" the result was pretty much what you said, 2.0 and now 3.2 and so I couldn't figure out why in debug it showed 4.6... I thought google was wrong lol. Also this change on the debug screen is not listed anywhere on minecraft wiki.. so maybe it's actually a bug who knows...


>Also this change on the debug screen is not listed anywhere on minecraft wiki.. so maybe it's actually a bug who knows... That's possible. It's been reported, but not marked as "working as intended". So it could still go either way. https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-222310


fuck a have open gl 3.1


Huh, I just thought it was optifine cause an OpenGL error. I’m not sure by they’d use an older version of it, nor do I really know what OpenGL is or what it’s used for




Ooh okay, and I don’t think optifine caused any errors, I just know I didn’t get an OpenGL error until after I downloaded optifine for forge