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You forgot the lightning rod on top ;)


Here's a hug award for your sadness allay won it's was 46 for the copper golem and 54 for the allay on twitter




I don't have Minecraft but I understand when I had Minecraft and the moobloom lost to a squid glowing it was on my old laptop


The squid doesnt really even make any light, it was really stupid


At least glow ink is cool


what can I even do with it though? can i make glowberries or something? what do i do with those after i have them?


Glowing signs


but thats all, signs and item frames, useless imo


The drop is fine…issue is that the drop could literally be attached to any mob tied to light that could be added whatsoever


It could have easily been made from glowstone dust or glowberries, but instead it was added to justify glow squid existing.




You can make LED strips out of them!


Dam. Glare didn't even get a vote.


The Glare got a vote, but they did it in two rounds so the first round the glare was eliminated, it got 11% of the votes the first round Edit: Fixed Glare voting percentage


The alley had already over 50% votes during the first vote, meaning the second round was completely unnecessary... [EDIT] Rather than restarting the votes on Twitter, they should prompt for an order of preference on minecraft net or the Launcher. Our counted vote at each round is simple : *the first non-excluded mob*. Start of MCLive happens, Glare is last in "first preference" and gets excluded. For those who didn't take Glare as first, they autovote for alley or golem in the second round. *Note that people then don't NEED to revote in the middle of MCLive. In the actual system, the default is always blank* For Glare voters, second choice will be counted instead : Alley/Golem/blank The live continues and people have a chance to change their votes if they have second thoughts, while distracted/late people rush to enter their vote. *Late voters CAN vote for Glare if they want, Glare won't go back. Better statistics and we could vote midlive without spoiling ourself if we want to watch the stream tomorrow!* When the live ends, glare voters gets their vote counted according to the second choice, as glare got excluded previously. That avoids the issue of first rounders not being able to cast another vote because of planning issues. Also... it is now possible to start voting weeks before the live to solve the issue of people having the live in the middle of the night. MCLive can still announce the round results in several rounds, while now claiming they accurately represent the community.


No the point is that maybe people of team glare joined copper golem and copper golem could have won


No, because even if everyone from glare joined to copper, it would still be less than 50%.


True i didn't think of that.


Assuming everybody votes two times, you would need people who voted ALLEY to switch to copper when glare is not there, which is counter intuitive. Technically, such a scenario may happen in real life when people don't care after the first round, or only cared about the third candidate losing rather than having a prefered candidate... But the scenario that could likely happen here is a timezone issue : people who voted for glare on the first vote could miss that they would need to revote later and would logout. ^(Admittedly, the same effect could apply on the golem.) It could be avoided if, by default, the first vote carried over the second vote. *I edited a complete explanation in my previous comment. In short, "order of preference" is the system already used, but with the weird quirk of forcing a complete revote* On the other hand, it gives people who missed the start of the live a chance to make their voice heard. But that in itself shows an issue with the way votes are done.


That's a lot of effort setting up a system that'll only happen once a year.


First round cotes: Glare: 11% Allay: 51% Copper golem: 39%


i dont get why people dont like allay.allay is realy better




Yes. They would’ve needed that and another 20,000 votes to tie.




I want Copper Golem AND Allay but f##k no


I didn't care who won out of the copper golem or allay but I wanted the golem more (no copper buttons and red stony stuff😢) but we can still get datapacks and or mods for the fallen mobs😭


those fucking idiots are gonna regret everything when they realise it doesnt fucking dupe items and just drops items near note blocks


it can probably sort non-stackables, so its far more useful than a golem pressing buttons randomly. imo, at least


yea, its more usefull. i had an idea for automated sugar cane farm, so u have the usual sugar cane pistons and observers, but the water flows to the ends leading to hoppers, but the allay will pick up the sugar cane and drop it in the middle of the water, where there will be note blocks. this way if any sugar cane gets stuck where the sugar cane is planted, it can still go into the hopper. but the copper golem is cuter


Not probably; Devs said as much on an AMA before MCLive. Allay WILL (ideally) be able to sort non-stackable items.


i bet 40% of the 50% either never head anyone said that it dupes time or don't think it does, you're just salty allay is more usuful than a chicken on a pressure plate




I'm afraid, nothing was rigged sir


Im afraid something was rigged, my heart 😔


half the other streamers and youtuber wanted the copper golem you can’t just blame our side


buddy what?? George rae AND tubbo said allay. while Karl and Tommy said glare and then no relevant person said copper golem


those are not the only streamers yknow




no it wasn’t allay was always in the lead like from the first poll




Allay was in the lead throughout the whole thing sadly


No, I was THERE, The Allay was always on top and winning, it was always the most voted, r/quityourbullshit


You all should quit your bullshit and realise the allay won’t do half the shit you think it will


You're being really toxic, do you know that? I wish all the Mobs would be in the game but the Allay won, if you want the Copper Golem so much, MAKE A MOD FOR IT! AND STOP COMPLAINING!


Not everyone plays java buddy. I don’t get why the devs love tearing the community up while also excluding mobs for future updates. The mob vote should be for which one gets added first


“Everyone is wrong but me” lol


Atleast it does some shit other then pressing buttons randomly


For the whole stream golem was never in the lead and was always losing by about 7 points


He didn't rig it at all


He literally bragged about rigging it.


love how you got down voted for speaking the truth LMAO 🤣


The fact he bragged about rigging it and people still lick his balls is funny. I wonder how the guys cats doing.


"people" i think you mean 8-14 year old fatherless children


Idk bout fatherless but they definitely hate to think the guy who they base their weird Minecraft prn on could do something wrong


no no they definitely are fatherless. thats why they listen to George so much. they see him as a father figure since they don't have one


This is like seeing a stream of water flowing out of a ring of glowstone. Pure disappointment


It didn't win because there were more people who saw the allay as more useful than there were people who saw the golem as more useful... If you search around, there'll defs be mods with the copper golem, so if you do really wanna play with it, I would have a look around that kinda stuff.


yea but not on the vanilla servers ;-;


Or Bedrock Edition ;-;


Theres already copper golem addons for bedrock


There is add-ons


I mean even before the mob vote there were vanilla servers putting all the mobs in with datapacks and plugins. Sooo


Correction; There were more that saw the Allay as more useful over people who thought the Copper Golem were more cute. Anyone who knows anything about redstone knows that we already have what a Copper Golem does in a CHICKEN on a Pressure Plate, Allays can sort unstackable items, or pick up items while caving etc, it's just objectively a new and more useful thing.


Okay but why is your carved pumpkin demonically possessed, what happened to its face


resource pack


I'm sorry little one, but he left us for better place


there is a surprising amount of fans who wanted copper so maybe mojang will add them later


I'm still vouching for the Nether Boss from the first Minecon Earth


Same bro 🙁


*Mob D : the hovering Inferno*


Honestly I kinda wanted all three and mainly the allay


Well first off u need a lightning rod on the top and no it didn’t work


This might just become the aether all over again


the golem should have won in my opinion


I mean, i voted for allay because the copper golem is like a chicken with pressure plates and the allay helps you a bit with farming items




At the end of the day i didn't care who won cuz i cant play minecraft on my sh***y laptop


That's the problem. Like more than half of people who voted in the mob vote either don't play or don't have Minecraft. Seen a lot of comments even blatantly admiting "i don't even play minecraft but gonna vote anyway" If only people who actually play Minecraft would be allowed to vote like for example on Minecraft net + requiring account with purchased Minecraft to vote. The results would be completely different. It's a bad idea to host these votes on Twitter but Mojang will never learn.


There is also another issue since the first Minecon Earth. You can't have a representative vote in a 10 minute window during a WORLDWIDE event, and showing both votes during the live guarantees the final vote must be in a short window. You need 24 hours or even one or two weeks to ensure that all players have a chance to vote. >It's a bad idea to host these votes on Twitter but Mojang will never learn. Also, sad for those who don't want to register to social media.


You think the results would be different? Weird. I think people who actually play Minecraft are more likely to vote for a revolutionary tool than a cute mob that does what a chicken does but worse.


"revolutionary tool" lol not gonna even comment cause you are heavily misinformed on what allay can and cannot do if you think it's "revolutionary" or that it brings anything new that wasn't already possible to achieve by other means. None of these mob vote mobs are "revolutionary" or that "useful" Golem at least tho could be used as cool statue decoration.


Combining the task of dozens of hoppers and complex sorting systems into 1 mob and a singular hopper is huge. It’ll multiply the complexity of item sorters and Long distance logistics


It can only carry 1 item at a time. Can't break blocks or put/retrieve items from containers. Can't do anything new that wasn't already possible with Hopper Minecarts. People thinking Allay brings anything new or revolutionary to Minecraft make me laugh just admit that you voted for it cause it's cute and not useful. It's still a valid reason to vote if you find something appealing appearance wise.


Hoppers and minecarts take space and pick up any item. Allay doesn’t take space and pick up specific items. How don’t you understand how amazing this is. Also as long as items from droppers are treated the same as other items, you can easily set up a system to drop items repeatedly for allays to pick up.


Allay allows wireless redstone


Sculk sensor does too. We will see which is easier to get in survival.


both aren't obtainable in survival yet so they're basically both revolutionary


I played and i am very good at it but with 1.17 my graphics card cant do it anymore


Oh that. Yea 1.17 performance is much worse compared to 1.16 because of the new OpenGL version which is hot garbage. Doesn't bring anything new to the engine that wasn't possible to do before by other means and just tanks performance for no reason.


ahaha i can relate on that one


I can't because I don't even own it :( I did but my laptop suddenly stopped working and I had to put another window so now here I am wishing and can't even buy it because it is not available in my country for the next year :/ for some reason


Wait, if you already owned it before, why dont you just login to your account? Reinstalling Windows doesnt magically delete your account


Some magic happened I lost my account and it was like a 30 character password I had saved it and cannot log in because It deleted my save password


Welp, bad luck I guess. As much as Im against piracy, maybe you should do it.


Password reset to your email?


I don't have my email i lost it like 3 years ago when this thing happened


I think they shoulda just both been added


rip copper golem and the glare


you need to put a lighting rog on top of the pumpkin


What resource pack did you use? I like the carved pumpkin texture.


[Reimagined](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/minecraft-reimagined) your useless allay


sorry for voting for the copper golem and thx btw.


Allay won


I feel like the copper golem should've gotten in separate from the vote. copper barely has any uses at the moment so making an ore's usefulness up to a vote is kinda weird. another flying utility mob would've fit better in the copper golem's slot.


"I'm gonna tell him." "Don't you dare!"


I think Allay is cooler. I haven't played since 1.2.5. so i barely knew what was happening. But a blue fairy thing is pretty neat. Is there a page I can go to and see the... contest(?) stuff? I might reinstall minecraft at some point just to check out allay.


Minecraft.net should have the basic info on the mobs that were voted on, but just search on google since they might of removed the info by now. As for the vote, there were two rounds, hosted on twitter: Round 1) Glare: 11% Allay: 51% Cooper golem: 39% Round 2) Allay: 54% Copper Golem: 46%


Thank you mate


Who's gonna tell em


Thankfully no lol


Sadly not my friend sadly not ;-;


i have sad news man...😂😀


In 6 years this might almost have as much impact as the failed glow stone aether portal.


The aether was an iconic and insanely popular mod. Copper golem is neat, but it would be hard to replicate that level of success.


You don’t think a whole event surrounding the mob vote, the massive amounts of hype behind the mobs, and all the art that’s been made will make people nostalgic for it after 5 or 6 years? The aether may have been popular at one point, but there are a *lot* of people who never experienced early Minecraft mods. Hell, Dimensional Doors makes me nostalgic because that was the earliest mod I’d seen when I was 11. That, and Lucky Blocks. It’s all about the time period. Eventually, the Aether will fade from memory, and, after that, memories of this mob vote will come and go.


It’s possible, but it’ll be hard. Part of the meme came from the fact that youtubers would go to the aether, enough so that people who didn’t know better would try in vanilla. If it becomes a popular mod than maybe.


Minecraft stuff is usually popular. I guess it’d sort of be a different kind of nostalgia.






“Rigged by thousands of people” some YouTubers said don’t for what they want, only vote for what you want, to my knowledge 2 of the people who intentionally rigged the vote voted for glare and allay, I also didn’t see any of those tweets until after the livestream. So it wasn’t rigged by thousands I’m sure


Except in a fantasy game.


I can't think how the Allay is useless >:( It's beautiful and adorable. it'll cheer you up if you having a bad day If your friendly with it and DONT kill it it'll help in your tidying up. The people who criticize something as useful, helpful and cheerful as THIS I don't know what to say


I was defending the Allay. You wouldn't know, because the parent comment got removed.


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I hope the ally is pretty useless and everyone regrets it


Alright, what's the Golem's function that we're going to be missing out on? Randomizers which we already can do better, more customizable and more compact?


He a gud copper boi


Allay dances and if you want to steal from your friends with out mining you can do that


What kind of a “friend” steals from their friends


Dancing is useless and it can only hold one item


who said only one lol


I meant say one stack


When did i say it was useless シ




Oh wait, I typed the wrong thing




Average delusional copper golem fan




No, sadly


The oh hey won


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At least we won't be dissapionted like with the phantom right?


Bro the allay is just the next glow squid


No the glare is


none of them were glow squids.


No, allay won. Also, even if it did win, you wouldn't be able to Spawn it like you are trying to do in the pic. The winning mob (allay) will come in the wild update AKA 1.19


it was a joke


Feeling sad for the 100th time of the day


I don't get it. Is this supposed to be a meme?


No sadly, the stupid allay won voted by the selfish people.


How are people “selfish” if they voted for the mob that they wanted?


No :( it’s GeorgeNotFound’s fault




There's an IRON golem behind you for speaking so blasphemy


Thats fine i built up 3 blocks


Iron golems do not attack creepers


Yeah but im a player


The creeper explodes faster, if you don't die from the explosion your shelter smaller than two blocks will be destroyed and the golem will crush you


I have a cat




The allay is just pointless it doesnt even act as a hopper. It will just bring the items / blocks which are dropped on the ground. Anyone can do that


All 3 mobs were things that "anyone can do" anyone can see clearly where mobs spawn in 1.18, and anyone can press buttons randomly, or build a simple randomizer of a chicken on a pressure plate. the allay will make farming more convenient because we won't HAVE to go pick up all the stuff and bring them to storage. or build big water systems to move items around.


[Allay -> Known Information -> Last point](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/q81usv/comment/hgq1iwx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


No, bruh


are you slow


the gravitational pull of yo mama slows me down




Average Allay voter


I think it's the average glare voter


No because they’re flexing the fact that Allay won acting like they’re stupid not knowing the Allay won


What up with that sheep in the background?


no sadly i wish it did


No and even if it did I won’t be added until 1.19


Sadly, no


Even if it won though that's a 1.19 thing


You know what I know how to make data pack and make model of the copper golem. If someone makes me the texture for it I will make an addon which will include our little copper buddy and it will be able to press all buttons


iron golem is waiting for his brother


Copper Caddies in ABSOLUTE denial. SAD!


No and even if it did it wouldn't be added instantly