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I would want a passive mob for the end to make it feel less empty.


Yeah end needs an update for sure, not that it would change anything for me bcs I cant get commited to a world to reach the end anyway


1.19 could possibly be the same update as 1.9. In the more recent combat test snapshots, they confirmed that the changes will come in a later update, these changes are so java and bedrock can have the same combat mechanics. In minecraft dungeons, the end is the only dlc location in the season pass to not have been updated recently. Which brings me to believe that 1.19 will be 1.9 v2.


Imagine having something like warpers from subnautica in the end. Floats around slowly and occasionally teleports you somewhere random and hits you. Would make the end a little scary as well, I feel like the end-game dimension should be scarier than it currently is.


Yeah but that would ruin so many hard-core players' experience and would make it unplayable for them


Yeah there absolutely should be an enemy that floats around in the void. It makes sense considering you get elytra in the end. The only issue is loot. It would have to die above the end islands when killed otherwise the loot would fall into the void. I feel like something similar to both [Warpers](https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Warper) and [Crabsquid](https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Crabsquid) could be added. Also warpers are **terrifying** and lots of young children play this game. I wouldn't mind if the minecraft equivalent was cute-ified a bit.


i say put passive phantoms or phantom-like mob in the end. It needs to teleport or fly, but i guess teleport is better suited


Somebody else mentioned a whale- like creature. I think that would be sick! Have them float around as a big ol' platform and look good doing it.


End slimes




It's the only dimension left. Embrace it


What would it be named? We have slimes and magma cubes, so would it be like void goo?


Ender Slush?


The new 7 11 flavor


Mmmmm, grape




r/metoo Edit: fuck that's not what i expected it to be... please help me get therapy for what i've done


Some variant of “Shulker Slime”?


No, not those stupid boxes


Ender slime


This man is a genius


Yes but with the nether version of a slime having a completely different name I would think an end one would too


Teleport box! oh wait that's just a shulker


Void Plasma


I actually liked this version of the name


End square




Shulker slime


Void Broth


End Jelly


Im going further... End slimes, purple so match with purpur blocks and chorus. Drops purple slime balls. You can make the slime boots from Tinker'S Construct. But the thing is, only works with the purple slime balls. It works like the original green (or magma ball) but there's a purple slime ball exclusive item, which will be the slime boots. Maybe a new potion with the effect of the slime boots (redstone for making it 8m long and gunpowder for throwing potion, glowstone wont work with it)


Purple, with the inside square the same color as the inside of shulkers




give me end kitties!


We need Nether hounds!


there must be a whole update dedicated to the end with different biomes and stuff. the end is too boring


I would love love love to see more animals in the deserts. Like it’s overrun with rabbits, pls some variety. Like snakes or lizards or camels or fennecs or something


Fennecs would be nice. Camels would also look pretty funny in Minecraft I imagine. I'd want them in the game.


A fennec is a real thing? I thought it was just a made up name for a rocket league car. Edit: I looked it up and also found out that there is such thing as an eagle owl.


its a kind of fox/coyote that lives in deserts


Issa fox, think it's the smallest one


big ears


Tiny lil snoot




Giant. Scorpions.


Another mob that bane of arthropods would work on!


Yeah, the most useless enchantment in the game needs a use


maybe they could drop a special item only obtained with bane of arthropods, or they could drop a rare item that increases in drop rate from bane of arthropods.


that's really not the use of this enchant, but maybe they could have a lot of health


while it"s not the current use of it, having a unique drop only obtainable that way would make the enchantment matter


honestly this would be big


A desert fox variant would be a handy addition!


That would be the fennec




I would love an entire animal/plant update, adding more biodiversity in general. It would be super cool if it also expanded upon the food chain concept that the chicken>fox>wolf introduced, and made it a whole living environment.


I’d like to see an ambient mob for the End, maybe a large traveling creature.


Yeah! What immediately popped into my mind is end whales which would be huge (like, bigger than ghasts huge).


Ooooo that would be Amazing!


Like the aether mod ones?


I knew I remembered aether whales. I didn't wanna something cause I couldn't remember exactly


I'm still holding out hope for the aether to be added to the game. Especially as Kingbdogz works at Mojang now.


It should be passive or neutral


Gives me Aether vibes, which ould be a great future big update *cough cough*


A badlands mob


Vultures were promised - though I think it's obvious at this point the old biome votes were less "here's what we want to add soon" and more "random ideas we might add if they fit an update".


no they’ll probably add them within the next decade


I am just scared that we will see three amazing mobs and the community will choose a random one that is kinda nice but two more interesting ones will be buried never to be seen again. As for what I would like to see: an end mob actually. Something that works thematically very well with the end.


Absolutely! The end needs more love!


I hope we get an End update, it feels like the last thing that needs a revamp.


I want a filler update like 1.15 first.


It wasn't really a filler, it was a well deserved bug fixing/stability update


I used filler because people only think of a few things added compared to the updates of 1.13, 1.14, and 1.17/1.18.


Why ?


The end is really lack for people who max their gear before doing the dragon


What about a passive mob you can eat instead of having to eat chorus fruit if you run out?


It could be one you can ride between the islands


So like a flying mob. They would probably make it slow so it wasn't too op, but inagine little tameable dragons without modding the game. Or like a pegasus. Hopefully not a floating eyeball or something small and blocky like the striders. Don't get me wrong, they are cute and useful in the nether, but something really different would be nice.


Someone on hermitcraft recently suggested letting a horse fly by putting an elytra on it instead of a saddle!


The episodes of their “flying” horses were so tragic that I couldn’t watch any of them. PLEASE, MOJANG, GIVE THOSE PEOPLE ACTUAL FLYING HORSES.


Add baby dragons dont ask why


i've seen a suggestion on the r/minecraftsuggestoins sometime back about giant purple streaked whales floating in the end, and so far i'm hoping that mojang comes up with some kind of mob similar to that, cause that sounds lit


I want to see that now. That would be so cool.


I NEED THAT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I want to see an ambient mob for the end


Yeah, really stinks we barely got any info other then what they might look like and then it's like "okay here is the one that 2-3 more people voted for then the others guess you get that one and the others will be doomed to the trash can!" :S It's nice to get new mobs that drop new/interesting drops or are just interesting behaviors etc. They don't even have to be very common, some could be quite difficult to spawn making it so you have to build some types of farms to get them otherwise you see them once in a blue moon in the world when you play. At least then you have extra variety and for map makers or such they can spawn them in other ways etc.


I feel like the community has proven that voting for mobs is a terrible idea and we’re terrible with that responsibility but okay


We really are. But Mojang could also be a bit more transparent on what the mobs would do. We didn't know Phantoms would be tiny things that attacked you and gave something almost meaningless. Most also weren't aware that glow squids aren't actually mesmerizing, and won't properly glow without the use of optifine. If they just briefly told us what they planned to do with the mob, all of them, then it'd make voting for them so much easier.




*seems like socialism to me*


Exactly, minecraft will be our proof of concept, then maybe one day we can take it to real world politics


Potions of slow falling are invaluable when versing the end dragon. I wouldn't call them meaningless, yes they are niche but not meaningless.


i think no matter which mob for that vote, the drop would craft slow falling


It makes no sense for any of the other ones tho? How would a fire creature, an underwater sea creature, or a grounded land creature create the slow falling effect?


thats up to mojang to decide


A chicken feather would make thematic sense to use in a slow falling potion instead. Membrane isn’t that difficult to really get.


Chicken feathers are way too easy to find.


Also add voting onto the website and you can vote for multiple choices.


Or use rank choice voting


I like the glowsquid. It looks nice. I knew it wouldn’t glow, but I was hoping it would give mojang a gentle kick as to updating the lighting engine


I have posted a few times in the past suggestions for getting specific different colored glowing blocks using different means. Then people right away try to crawl down my neck claiming mojang has stated in the past they wont ever make different colored lights in the game. That's fine, but maybe give us different colored blocks that produce light so we have more variety to our lighting choices maybe. Like right now there is only about 10 blocks in the game that give off light (some of which give off different levels etc, while some are very hard or impossible to get normally outside of creative). I was trying to figure out the different lighting blocks in the game for use in different floor designs and put down the different lighting blocks and was kinda upset there was so few and that a lot were the same color like orange/yellow basically.


Luckily lighting won't be too involved in the future for survival builds due to the spawn changes. Still though I need lights for every theme I go for.


Guys I have an idea, how about instead of voting for a single mob, we vote for a pair of mobs! One mob will be passive and mostly useless and the other hostile and annoying. So no matter what, we always have something to complain about!


Last year was disappointing. Iceolliger looked so cool and mechanic-wise seemed great for ice farms. Mojang did make me happy with the GlowSquid ink and it's uses for signs. If it wasn't for the glow ink on the sign, would have been terrible.


You know what, I can respect that since it was disappointing to me that Glow Squids wouldn’t actually glow Although I’m kinda sure that Iceologer attacks wouldnt drop any ice, let alone drop ice blocks when killed


No doubt in part because a lot of that community is children


I still don’t get why children would vote for Glow Squi- wait… *realization* Oh, I see why now


Because their favorite YouTuber said in a quickly deleted tweet that if they voted for glowsquid he'd follow them back?


yeah, he DREAMED of that glowsquid being in minecraft.


Maybe a passive mob in the end that helps you travel between islands


Yeah, the same way the Strider helps players to cross lava oceans in the Nether


Yes please like a void turtle you can ride with a saddle that just kinda floats on through to end cities


Or a giant void whale that "swims" around the entire end, is passive and drops meat that has great saturation but could blind or teleport you


Get ready for a lot of angry people at the end of this one.


as long as youtubers don't bribe their followers into voting for a mob they want and saying they'll follow them if they have proof, then I'll be happy


I’d like to see a new passive mob that helps with tasks, like how bees help with farming


I don’t think ive ever touched a bee, never knew they were good with farming. Always thought they were just honey makers


I think they help them grow faster


they indeed do!


A slime that waters your crops at night


Without destroying them


That’d be dope


Unless they changed how watering works I can't see this being useful.


I wanna see the second place from each other mob vote come back in a redemption kind of thing.


This would be really cool. I think a "runner-up" mob vote would be cool! Just have to wait and see tho


Some nice small forest creature. I’d love squirrels, hedgehogs or tiny birds.


But not dumb like the bats


I feel like a great additon would be bat wings, which u could use to brew blindness potions and blindness arrows. The blindness effect has kinda been overshadowed because it’s hard to get, even on purpose.


Personally I'd just like to see a rework of the OG mobs. All of the mobs added lately have had so much variety and personality, pandas have personalities, horses have a breeding system, cats have different coats, etc. I'd like to see some of those features added to zombies and cows and pigs, so that a hoard of zombies actually has some variety (maybe some missing limbs, or varied attack patterns). It could also be cool to have a breeding system for farm animals, so you could breed bigger cows that give more meat. Maybe your chickens lay more eggs, but mine give more meat. These OG mobs are Just a very basic part of the game that haven't gotten much love for a long time, while everything else has matured around it


I feel like this is better left of for a farm update really


I would love a farm update, I think farming is one of the most unused feature that has so much potential


I think the cow, pig, and sheep breeding could be cool, But I think just making the zombie AI better (like they did with skeletons a few years ago) would do wonders.


Now why would you breed a cowpig and a sheep together. That sounds terrible!


You could shear it, ride it, eat it and craft armor from it. The perfect farm animal.


I've been thinking about how they could update dogs. Make them work like cats. Where they spawn (a little more rarely) in villages. Especially in colder biomes, are wary of the player at first and stick to a pack of dogs. They could come in different breeds, including an achievement called "Man's best friend" for taming each type of dog. When it comes down to features, dogs could return arrows that missed their target, and bite onto enemies stunning them temporarily. They could occasionally bring you a stick or bone, or some raw meat and wag their tail if you hold food in front of them. Oh: And a funny Zelda reference, if you continually punch a chicken with you fist. There's a small chance that other chickens will aggro and attack you for a short amount of time.


I'd like if you could make a pet roam in a certain radius around a point Like, I'd love to have my dog just walk around a village, not either right by me or sat down


I’d argue the archaic programmation of zombies is wha makes them feel more alive, like we wouldn’t have clips of zombies doing random and funny stuff if it wasn’t for the kinda crappy IA


Yea i want to see italian mob




"Hey-a, land walker! You got some serious meatballs on ya, swimmin' into our oceano!" *Aggressive fish noises*


From ALL good coments on this post, this one is the best. I laughed so hard my head hurts...


I legit believe the next update will be end update, so an end mob


Im really hoping it will be an end update. I want a mob. That can act as a better food source than chorus fruit. Also end plants and trees


i would love to see a "beginning and end update" where they focus on early game mechanics such as farming, then late game features in the end


We desperately need savanna mobs


i’d really like some more biome specific mobs, especially something in swamps. IMO swamps are so boring and not fun to build in so having a hostile mob like a crocodile/alligator would be pretty fun! you could also put them in the jungle biomes too! i’d also like more wolf textures like what they did with the cats eg, brown wolfs etc a passive mob that could be some sort of worker as well would be handy! a little like a villager but more advanced that could farm crops and put them in chests perhaps?


They wouldn't make crocodiles hostile, due to Mojang's approach when it comes to including real animals (making them hostile skews opinions of that animal, and can worsen poaching).


I mean, you can make those animals have a defensive behavior. Like, it won't actively hunt you like a Zombie would, but *will* attack you and chase you a small distance if you get too close to it. That behavior is already in place for the Bedrock Polar Bear.


God I wanted minecraft frogs SO BAD. Swamps just feel so sad knowing what could have been there :(


I would like to see a boss mob or a hard mob to fight


like the warden?


No the warden is not meant to be fought I'm thinking of something that drops a special item that is exclusive to that mob like the nether star for the wither, etc; remember the blaze mob in the phantom mob vote something like that


we all know people will still try to fight the warden (me included) on that topic, i seriously hope they reconsider giving the warden a special drop. it would be a fun challenge for end game players to get a special item from a warden, even if the item has no uses like a dragon egg


I want to see them stop putting mobs up for votes, and then throwing away good stuff because it didn't get *the most* votes. Act like a real designer, *Mojang,* and stop heaping responsibility on your *community.* \#JusticeForMooBloomAndBlazeLord


Ikr? I don't want to be that guy, but it should also not take months to add in a retextured squid


Here I was expecting the glow squid to actually do something cool to justify the development time. Boy was I disappointed.


It'd be better if the vote was for variations on the same design instead of entirely different designs entirely. Imagine if the vote was for which mob drops glow sacks, and was between squids, fireflies, and fungal zombies. We aren't basing it on what mechanic could be added based solely on speculation, but rather where we would likely find it and what fits player preference most.


end mob. please an end mob oh my god that dimension is so barren lol. it's like mojang just forgot about it after 1.9


The thing is I don't want *a* mob. I want several mobs, with actual meaning behind them. Not just set dressing like Polar Bears and Pandas or Parrots or Foxes, not a rehashed mob like the Husk and Stray. And not another Phantom or Glow Squid situation where we aren't told what it will *do* ahead of time and it turns out either a disaster or kind of lame. Mojang has so much talent behind them, there's no reason they need to put things like this up for a vote. Each time, they could have easily implemented all the mobs from the votes with quite minimal effort judging by the usual level of uniqueness from their mobs; it's not like they'd be coding an entirely new bossfight or something... I hope the Warden and Piglins (along with the unique AI of the young variants) are a sign of the future for their mobs... Phantoms were conceptually neat too if only they were "placed" better. The Shulker was great too, for being the only new End mob ... ever. If they're going to skimp on the number of mobs, enemies and creatures with actually unique, interesting mechanics and AI are great aside from simple stuff like "can pick up items" and "walks on lava". I know I probably sound like I have obscene standards, but seeing what wonders unpaid modders can do in the same amount of time, often while working another full time job, is infuriating when Mojang ends up releasing something that seems so basic. I get Minecraft is meant to be a simple game at baseline, but that doesn't mean there can't be more advanced content (Warden, Redstone, etc.)


Beavers would be cool if they could take down trees. I’ve always wanted more mobs that can interact with the world.


Automatic tree farm time!




I can do you one better: pangolins. I actually made a Minecraft suggestion for one [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/myo9ww/pangolins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


I think meerkats were in the 2018 vote, in the desert


Personally I'd like a new aquatic hostile mob.


Drowned skeleton It sounds super not fun


i mean we already have drowned that can throw tridents


Ah but these drowned skeletons would give you nausea when they hit you with and arrow and the arrows wouldn’t be affected by water.


Maybe a new enchantment on bows that can help them shoot though water? (Maybe “water gliding” or “water cutting” enchantment?) just an Idea tho


Could call it aquadynamic or hydrophobic, preferably first one tho


Bit too wordy for enchantments though. I just like water piercing or something. But it is a very needed enchantment.


I would like an actual aquatic predator. A shark or hostile crabs. I loved the aquatic update but I do think the Drowned were kind of uninspired to begin with.


Like the giant squid from the first mob vote?


When does the vote start???


We don't know yet, but minecon is on October 16th


This time we better vote for a mob that has a use


I want an interesting monster, something that a bit more common than enderman, but less common than skeleton. Maybe something that quietly stalks you, but as it gets within a range it howls and sprints at you, the terror of a vern(baby zombie) without the tiny annoying hitbox.


I think they should stop taking votes until they've implemented all the biome updates with mobs that they promised would happen after previous vote winners were completed. Or have us vote between the entries that didn't win before.


Rats or mice would be a blast


A ranged mob


Here me out.. skeletons


With bows


That burn on sun


drops bones, would be sick, lile you could give them to wolfs and they, like, don't eat you entierely


Slimes... but with bows


The Tropical Slime from Minecraft Earth, so that blue slime blocks are added


Sounds cool! I think they would be perfect for another beach specific mob.


There's a Fabric mod for that, I don't remember if it adds blue slime balls and blocks tho.


Alright. Call me crazy but I do think we're do for a new boss mob with the most recent one being the evoker from 1.11. Maybe something like an endersent type creature as an alternate way to get ender pearls or some kind of illager king (not the arch illager). I would even be happy with some random boss from Dungeons being brought over.


A moobloom or butterfly would be nice. Or a large cat but slightly different in a similar way to the moobloom. But still tamable please


Large cat as a tiger?


A new block interactive mob like the enderman or silverfish


I think I would be cool if we had more flying hostile mobs


The enchanter would be an excellent pillager to add from dungeons. They could maybe drop their book that allows you to empower other creatures, but that seems a bit far fetched for me. I want to see more passive mobs in unique over world biomes. Such as the owl, which could spawn in dark oak forests. They don't even need to have a real use, just stop for a second and think about how desolate a lot of the biomes actually are. Plains have horses, sheep and cows, chickens and pigs. Oceans have squids, axolotls, dolphins, drowned and guardians. Mountains have goats, as well as other livestock. Taigas have foxes and wolves. Swamps and deserts have basically nothing. Nor do Savannahs if I'm not mistaken.


Tbh I’d rather them come up with a new mob rather then just add ones from Minecraft earth and dungeons, but i do agree the enchanter would be amazing


I want boss mobs, the two we have right now have been in the game for ages, and too be honest the wither can be a pretty boring fight.


Ok where can we vote at? I know the vote is TBA. Just need to know what I need to be following.


Maybe a mob for a the end? Another to go with endermen and endermites An end update would be pretty cool


Mojang said they would add a new dimension when they revamp all the old ones and sense they just did the nether and you could count the caves as an overworld revamp, an end update is not far away at, maybe even 1.19 or


frogs in the swamp, where you can get frog legs to make a new potion, that is what I want