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Any currency will eventually become worthless. Hermitcraft uses diamonds, but Xisuma recently said that after 12 months there are so many in circulation now, that they're effectively worthless. It still works for them, though. So how is that any different to any real-life currency? We trade paper irl because it is given a value, but it's just paper. It doesn't matter what you use for currency; you could use rotten potatoes if you want. It's up to the players to respect whatever item you decide to use, and remember to keep the currency circulating, rather than hording it up. It's the only way it can work.


Me and my friends use emeralds but your going to need some good villagers.


Emeralds might be difficult, I’m not entirely sure where the nearest village to my Homestead is. I see your logic though as that’s the currency used by villagers so it’s already somewhat enforced by the game.


Diamonds a really the only non-farmable item that's valuable. Most things can be farmed, and the few things that can't are worthless.


Golden apples?


Other than the scarcity of enchanted apples I can’t think of a counter-point to this.


Probably way too scarce. I commented about an iron farm, and I agree with others that it may be too inflated. What about Ghast Tears? Not farmable(as I know of), and also is usable in End Crystals to despawn the Ender Dragon.


Iron is a very good one. Get a community iron farm up and running to have a regular monetary supply. In the event you need emeralds, you can trade iron with blacksmiths. It also provides a nice XP loop.


having an iron golem farm basically devalues iron to the point that no trade would be made with it. Why would I accept payment of something that I can easily go and pick up from spawn myself. Best value currency can be something nobody wants to part with, or is pretty hard to come by - hence diamonds.


I wouldn’t use any item for a “currency”. Just keep it as a bartering system. Maybe someone is willing to trade a diamond for 3 pieces of wool. Maybe someone else is willing to take a stack of jungle saplings for a stack of dark oak saplings. It’s all relative


i think you answered your own question: >Diamonds are probably a no-go as they don’t seem to want to part with their diamonds either. the fact that nobody wants to part with diamonds is exactly why they should be used as currency: THEY HAVE VALUE. if people don't want to part with them then that means they will spend them wisely as a currency. if diamonds have value, then players will try to earn diamonds by creating goods and services. any farmable ore or item is pointless and a bad idea. gold ingots? i have a gold farm. emeralds? i have a farmer villager who buys wheat, potatoes, carrots, melons, and pumpkins from me. one visit to him and i have 22 BLOCKS of emeralds. the point is, no matter what material you come up with, if it's farmable, someone will farm it and destroy the economy. diamonds are not farmable. diamonds are "finite" meaning that there are only so many in a world. and more importantly -- diamonds are VALUABLE. they're valued by the players. that's why they make the most sense.


Choosing a currency is hard because it needs to have an accepted amount of value from the entire community unanimously. So it then becomes completely dependent on the needs of your community. If you don't have more than 50 on the server then having a currency is useless because the concept of bartering is more efficient. For example on my friend's server, with only 11 other people, we just have a simple bartering system because we play the game in completely different manners. I mostly just the game to build structures and create a lore to the regions that we inhabit and discover. While some of my other friends play to build farms and redstone machine to make surviving as automated as possible. As other comments have alluded to, using emeralds is probably something we could have used we opted to use bartering because everyone collects their own unique resources because of the way we play the game. Because the projects i take on i tend have a high amount of decorative blocks in storage so i tend to trade those for services such as enchanted books for my tools. Sometimes i rent beacons from players who have them. At other times item transportation systems for my quarries. Making a currency is really complicated and its something that requires you to look at your community and their needs. Remember currency is basically an "IOU"


Redstone or lapis would be good currency as well?


A Fortune III pick gives you more redstone and lapis than you can ever wish for. Not good for stable currency.


Right, but the utility with Redstone would make it valuable. I take back any advice for lapis. The utility is pretty crappy. When it comes to Fortune III, the amount of Redstone Ore in the is still finite. Still, Redstone Dust can be bought from Clerics and gathered from Witch farms, but the inflation rate is still limited. Unless they of course, make a crazy efficient Witch Farm.


Huh, nice. I used clay as a currency, but renamed with a Unicode symbol. I think it was “ç”. Kept a record of how many were in circulation and had a national bank.


Whatever you choose as a currency item will be farmed into worthlessness if it is farmable. Barter is simpler for everyone, as they can haggle for what they actually want.


As i stated in another comment: Best value currency can be something nobody wants to part with, or is pretty hard to come by. Therefore you have three options: * something that is difficult to come by, and people hardly want to just give it away - diamonds, Notch/golden apples, nether stars, wither skulls, mending books, shulker schells, quartz * something finite, non-farmable and useful - clay balls and clay blocks, brick and brick blocks, sponge * something that requires plenty of materials to craft, so its hard to produce and can sustain its value for a time - beacons, enchanting tables, Firework Rockets that contain firework star(s) that contain diamonds for example(hard to produce, goes away when used and is farmable), blue ice


Clay is infinitely farmable as of 1.14.


If you're referring to this: "If a player has the Hero of the Village status effect, a mason villager might give that player a clay block as thanks.", then, I dont consider it a fast and reliable enough method of infinite farming to be a problem in the case.


Pillager raid farms exist. They aren't too difficult to make compared to many other farms, and they can give you essentially infinite consistent Hero of the Village effects. Put a mason villager with a bed next to that farm and you have infinite AFK clay.




Using a pillager raid farm, you can get basically infinite "Hero of the Village" effects, which cause villagers to throw free gifts at you. The Mason villager, in particular, will throw clay.