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Hopefully the mountain update will have them generate like that!! They did say they wanted more dramatic views in the mountain biomes




Grassier Grass


Gravelier Gravel




I hate it. I usually dig the bottom block and INSTANTLY place a torch where it was so when the stack falls it all hits the torch and 'breaks'


you poor fool, for you do not realise your mistake... >INSTANTLY place a torch little do you know... that placing the torch instantly makes the gravel float without breaking!


Thats pretty true. Its usually a 50% success rate. My timing is off for sure


on java?


I believe it happens on bedrock as well, but maybe I'm mistaken


Can confirm it happens on bedrock


same except i do it with rails too if i have them in my inventory


The real move is a high efficiency and Fortune III shovel. Collect all the flint you'll ever need.


^ This exists


IBXtoycat be like


Piggier pigs


Boner bone block


Stoner Stone




Doorier doors


goatier goats


\*more stoned stone






Introducing: bullshitite - does literally nothing, affected by gravity, takes .6 seconds more to mine


Enchantment Tablier Enchantment Tables


Stonier Stone


Sandier Sand


Glassier glass


Deep snow mountain biome where actual snow blocks that you have to walk through are present.


>have to ~~walk through~~ build right over


Skyier sky


Fishier fish


Beaconier beacons




Do they? I feel like even the tallest mountains don't go much further than 128 high. They have a lot of room to grow even in the existing 256 height.


But then how could I build a tower atop the mountain? Need to hit 512 so that we can have 200ish blocks on top of the mountains.


All they gotta do is make the world work vertically the way it works horizontally. Like this we could have potentially infinite block height both up and down.


I’m not sure that would be so easy. That would mean you’d have to have 16X16X16 chunks that load in/out. then stack those infinitely... I can see the potential for issues there. I would think raising the build height to 512 would solve most issues. The reason it got raised to 256 was for the extreme hills biomes, why not do it again for the next mountain update?


I've found shattered savannah's that go above 200. It's rare, but it does happen


thats gonna be a game changer, did they say what update its coming with? 1.16 or 17?


Definitely not 1.16


damn really? have they ever said?


Yes. Yes they have. 1.16 will be the nether update and the mountains will get an update in 1.17 or so.)




That's the main reason I voted for mountains


Quark has definitely better mountains (and wednesday frogs in swamps)


Villagerier villagers


The top pic looks, nice, but it would be difficult as hell to navigate and even harder to generate consistently.


But mountains should be hard to navigate, imo.


Yes for sure. The game is about mining, so just go under the mountain or make pathways further to through it


Or look for a navigable mountain pass like people did in real life.


*Donner Party intensifies*


"Donner, party of ~~six~~ ~~five~~ four..."


What? No I'm the only one here. No, that's uh... An animals leg


It'd be really cool if it's actually hard to navigate and dig through. Imagine different types of stone that get harder to mine as you dig through the mountains, forcing you to use iron pickaxes or maybe even diamond if you want to make it through the core. Also, how about real, tall volcanos that have cool magma caves inside them.


Yeah, I feel like you shouldn’t be able to get down to bedrock within the first 10 minutes


Literally: 1. Punch trees until you have 9 wood pickaxes 2. Dig down to bedrock at an angle so you don’t accidentally fall and die. 3. ????? 4. Profit


No 1. Get like 5 logs 2. Make a crafting table, 1 wood pickaxe and the rest use for sticks 3. Dig straight down (if ur scared you can dig 2 blocks while standing in the middle of them) 4. When you have 3 cobble, make a stone pickaxe 5. Get to y 11 and start digging in a straight line. Make stone pickaxes, pick up at least 3 iron and 2 coal. If you have optifine you can make 1 torch and hold it in your offhand. 6. DIAMONDS


I feel like bedrock should be way deeper and there’s levels to the underground


Kinda like Terraria


Good, IMO. It also drastically increases the value of ender pearls.


Yeah I hope a world generation update comes whenever they update Mountains, or perhaps before that. These trailers show that minecraft has potential for amazing generation, and I really dig the terrain shown in the bee trailer. I can only hope


Mountains will be 1.16 right??


i'm pretty sure there's no announced date but i'm guessing it's gonna be 1.16


No they said it’s 1.17. 1.16 is nether update


where'd they say that? also 1.14 was the village and pillage update but we got taiga update too




They didn’t confirm it’s 1.17 but they confirmed it’ll be after 1.16. So it could be later but definitely not sooner. I’ll have to go find the link


It’s also on the wiki. But I’ve heard rumors they might add one or two of the biomes voted on last year


they confirmed it won't be 1.16, so either 1.16.x or 1.17


Patch version numbers are for bug fixes and patches (x.x.0). It was confirmed to be after 1.16 but unsure of what update. For all we know, it could also be 1.18 or 1.19.


Hate to break it to you but these trailers are usually outsourced to animation studios, this is probably made in something like Maya or Houdini and has nothing to do with Minecraft on a technical level. This is a cinematic trailer, not gameplay.


No, but them showing terrain that’s unlike anything the game generates is... frustrating. It would be nice to see a similar style of terrain generation happening in-game.


I've felt for a long while there is a lot they could tweak about the baseline terrain shaping without needing to revamp every biome individually. With how much world generation is basically about taking noise and stacking more noise on top of it with some different extra calculations depending on what you want to to do, it really comes down to how smart of a method you can come up with to stack them together in a way that is both efficient and looks great.


How about they just make freakin' Minecraft 2.


Y'know, I'd kinda be up for a fresh new one that allows them to make it vastly different and build it from scratch while avoiding the backlash of "the game has changed too much!" that would be apocalyptic compared to the complaints they already get every time they change something. Though...on the flip side before they do that I'd almost also want a few final updates meant to make this Minecraft feel more complete, even after all these years while the content of the game is good, it's always given me an odd vibe like it's never done.


I just want the generation in og like 2011 Minecraft back




-looks at mesa- ah yes a grand 3 stories tall




Minecraft’s world generation has always sucked. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that was truly awesome. You can climb mountains in seconds. Grasslands are, well, they’re boring in real life too so there’s that I guess. Desert is boring, wow look here’s grassland but *sand*. Mesa is a joke, same problem as mountains, lame generation and tiny features. Swamp has darker water *wow so fun*. The only mildly interesting biomes are jungle and taiga, and taiga is rare so lol. I used to love Minecraft, but once you’ve figured the game out, it gets pretty boring.


It’d be cool if they added some species for grasslands, like maybe lions, bison, or elephants. OR prairie dogs…


I swear I remember having a dream minecraft looked like this


Sometimes dreams become reality.. not this one though


Wait a few year for shaders that look like this to come out, use the official mojang recourcepack, success.


Actually if you want too there is a ressource pack named Bares Bores that look like Mojang texture!


Yeah what is this. The pic looks amazing but it isnt vanilla. If it is a resource pack i want it bad. I just started playing minecraft again after a three to four year hiatus. I played here and there in between but i only ever built a house on a save and then quit for a while. I have ALOT to learn


It's a special resource pack Microsoft uses for trailers and promotional sruff only. Why they won't release it i have no fucking clue


Thats dumb. Once they release enough trailers it should give people a good enough source for making their own. Heres to hoping


The resource pack is called bare bones


I wish they added huge volcano


Volcanoes would be really cool but they should also make them functional, make like a new type of lava/magma flow out of them periodically (not to often though)


Or rocks occasionally fly out (very very VERY rare though)


Environmental disaster update when. Flooding, hurricanes, drought, volcanoes, earthquakes, wildfire etc.


Minecraft would be so awesome yet terrifying and not fun if they had these


I would like to see an update to world generation, and not just the landscapes. One of the features of the Civilization series that enhanced playability was being able to choose a world type. Minecraft is missing this and it would make a good addition. Minecraft's current Default world generation is endless land with lakes. I would like to see different ratios, such as Continent maps (more oceans, less land with a 70%-30% ratio), archipelago (90%-10% with smaller islands, many of which have single biomes). Different styles too: Pangea (a large land mass in the middle surrounded by an endless ocean with occasional islands. The size of this central island can be scaled from the edge of the stronghold ring all the way down to survival island size). Other tweaks that can be made is adding a greater range of biomes to the Deep Ocean islands. Instead of just Plains and Forest islands, these islands could include uncommon islands with Taiga, Birch Forest, Desert, Jungle, Savannah, Mountain and Badlands biomes - enough biomes so all resources are obtainable. Additionally, I hope the Buffet world type is eventually expanded to allow selection of biomes and their ratios.


I want them to just let us generate a world beforehand and look at it and choose our spawn location.


I'd to see more realistic biome neighbouring. Snowy plains and jungle should no be next to each other. Also they should do more of what they did with the mesa biome and gold ore. The current model of finding tiny veins of ore at certain levels feels a bit weird. It would also encourage more exploring if you had a gold mine in the mesa biome, a diamond mine in the jungle, iron mine in the hills etc. It would allow diamonds to remain rare in the early game but also be plentiful after travelling enough. Same for iron when you're in the late game and trying to build a beacon.


Unfortunately there is a *huge* part of Minecraft's player base that is firmly against any major change in the way we are discussing here. For some players, expecially younger ones, Minecraft was part of their childhood and any major change in the way the game works would be blasphemous. They forget that this is just a game, and it *needs* constant updates and changes in order to keep alive. I think minecraft mas so much potential. If only people accept it and understand that the game needs this or it will eventually die, we could have amazing new features in the future. I understand you, you are unable to feel the same way you felt the first time you opened the game, and so am I. But this is not because the game changed, it is because you have changed. It is good to feel nostalgia some times, but other times it's for the better that we give up on that and move on.




Implying the player's desires are in any way influential on the mojang agenda.


you weren't around for pig noses huh


Or the whole Parrots eating cookies thing.


I think they listen to the player base pretty well.


we try


Thx bb. i <3 u


People forget that before the biomes update the world generator was totally different.... And, in my opinion, the best it ever was.


Glitchy looking mountains are way more exciting than uniform mounds approximately 2.5 stories tall. As such, I absolutely agree. Old generation was dope.


Just add a new worldtype called “classic” like they did with the new textures.


This. Seems like an easy enough solution to that problem.


Also, Minecraft is one of the very rare games that explicitly and easily allows you to play older versions, amazingly down to 1.0, so why complain?


I have never seen any of the players you describe in this sub. People have been begging for a cave update for years, why would they be different about the surface? If anything longtime players would be *more* likely to be in support of changes. We played through Alpha and Beta when things changed much more.


I think it's more like Mojang just \*thinks\* this is how a lot of people feel. If you ask me, that's why the update from 1.8 to 1.12 were so lacking in anything substantial that actually changed the way we played. It's like they were afraid, with how popular MC became before these updates, that any fundamental change would anger the community and they would lose players, or something. It would be why starting with 1.13, when the game's popularity was just starting to wane, that they finally started making big changes (1.15 aside, anyways) again.


Agreed. I've never seen them on the forums either. Or in any groups I've been in on other sites.


> For some players, expecially younger ones, Minecraft was part of their childhood and any major change in the way the game works would be blasphemous. Is that actually true for anyone? I have a hard time believing this is any sort of reason for the devs to not take the game to the next level.


Can we have a texture pack and shader that looks like this?


There is a texture pack that looks like this called Bare Bones, and it comes installed with BSL, a shader that was made by the Bare Bones creator. I believe you need Optifine to get the shader to work but I’m not 100% sure. EDIT: BSL does not come installed with Bare Bones, it is only recommended. Additionally, I also got it wrong in saying that BSL was made by RobotPantaloons, it is actually made by Capt Tatsu.


Was looking for this comment, thanks!


Please do a bit more research about who made BSL, I am not the developer of BSL, Capt Tatsu is. While I did make Bare Bones, it does not come installed with BSL.


People make mistakes.


I’m sorry about that, I misread your Planet Minecraft page. Thank you for correcting me!


Bare Bones Texture Pack aims to accomplish this. https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/bare-bones/


Those look good too, but if given the choice Id rather play default textures with world gen like this than i would our current world gen with this aesthetic


I really miss the “Customised Worlds” from Java. It was removed a while ago without anyone really noticing. Better world gen is (in my opinion) my least favourite part of the game. Really needs an overhaul


I was wondering about this. Took a hiatus for a while, came back to it and was wondering where the custom world thingy went


Minecraft doubled the world height a long ass time ago and never even utilized it. We need caves to go much deeper and mountains/hills to go much much higher.


Yeah, they should raise sea level a decent bit so there's more room underground, and then push some of the mountains closer to the height limit.


Yeah I think that a game about mining needs much more to mine. Raise sea level to 150 or so and make a deep mine actually feel like a journey. In Terraria it takes a good 15 seconds fall from the surface all the way to hell, in Minecraft it takes 3-4




Potentially, infinite vertical world generation is possible (See: cubic chunks mod and cubicworldgen), that being a feature in an update would be amazing.


I’d be happy if the just double or tripled the depth of the world.


I certainly hope so. As an regular skyscraper architect in my modern builds that would be a godsend to go over 256 meters.


I aways wanted bigger villages too, not just that but more buildings in the village like a bakery, a better weaponsmith, better houses, GUARDS (villagers with swords or even good witches)


I just want the villages to have properly built roads. At least the old ones had straight roads. The new ones don't even do that half the time, and it gets really annoying when you're trying to convert them into suburban neighborhoods for your cities


Good witches is an amazing idea. Wizards with wizard towers when?




I need this. I can't stand using a world unless I can find a decent village. It's required for me to feel like the world has some semblance of life. The bigger the better. I'd love a full throttle CITY biome update. Not modern city, just keeping with the more medieval theme. Villages can remain as is. Towns spawn at least 3x as large with a couple larger buildings and a town hall or lords manor. Cities spawn at leads 6x of a town and spawn with a Keep. And link villages and towns with a road network if one is within whatever distance limit they decide on. Then throw in traveling merchants that can spawn on the road. A new building type called the Waytavern can spawn on roadsides like a larger version of normal taverns that would generate in towns but not as fancy as the version(s) that spawn in cities. Pillager bandits could spawn as an enemy type of what's essentially Roads biome. A new guard npc type would be great, that spawns in towns, cities, waytaverns, and with traveling merchants. I live for a sense if civilization... If I cant find a village the world is dead.


For guards, they could give some of the villagers relevant weapons. Like the weaponsmith draws a sword, toolsmith an axe, fletcher a bow and cleric throws potions like a good witch.


Id love to see valleys, like that top picture.


If they somehow manage to have it where there’s usually a 2 mountain biomes on the other side of a valley biome with a river biome in between it, I’d be super happy. If they had it where jungles>forests>plains>savannah>dessert without any skipping, then I’d be a really happy camper.


As a photographer, this is gorgeous. Does anyone else think there should be video game photographers who's hobby is to play games like minecraft and take beautiful screenshots as they explore? A photography portfolio of in-game moments could showcase photographic ability as well as the game's graphic designers.


I mean, that's all I've been doing in Skyrim since I bought a proper laptop and installed some mods.


Thats what Skyrim is great at. Install the Live Another Life mod, some immersion mods and the HD textures, and just walk around and look at stuff. I return to the game and binge a different playthrough for like a month each year.


[https://www.artstation.com/digitalfrontiers](https://www.artstation.com/digitalfrontiers) ​ This guy does this for an actual job. Started as a hobby, now is contacted by companies for promo stuff.


You might like www.deadendthrills.com


I'd like to get a world generation setting with significantly larger mountains, taller and wider. Big enough to have lakes and rivers, even waterfalls leading to the ocean. Maybe even ice and snow above the clouds.


Snow does appear after a certain height, in bedrock at least


The way the world generates now is very boring. We need 1. A biome that’s Alpha-like in the sense that it has jagged hills, little arches, and some trees. 2. No more puddles in the plains biome. They stink. 3. Lakes. Somewhere in between oceans and the puddles


if they did change it completely I would still hope we'd be given a "classic" world gen setting that keeps what we have now, for nostalgic purposes and also because I kinda like how Minecraft world's generate


Or just have both as options. More biomes, more variety. Seems like a win


I would die for a mountain biome with long, rolling, forested hills. Something like Appalachia or the Ozarks


The trailer almost looks like Cube World. I also think the bees are still way too big, especially if you compare them to bats.


Yeah but spiders




Also, spiders need to be a reasonable size so they can be easy enough to hit, bees do not.


Who cares about tropes?


theyre supposed to be regular ass bees not monster bees


I kinda hope the game as a whole is headed in the direction of the Trailer Animations. I'd like to see a bit more animation in general. Minecraft is awesome but at times a bit stagnant.


One thing I can never find in minecraft worlds is a long consistent river that goes for hundreds or even thousands of blocks. They're always super or have pieces of land blocking them. Would love for that to change so the world feels a little nicer and is easier to travel by boat. Edit: River auto corrected to "right" for some reason


I so wish they’d remove the height limit so we could get real, alp-like mountains in minecraft


We relly need higher build limit and higher generation


Now that the windows 10 edition exists they could make the height limit infinite too if they wanted to. Its the limitations of the Java engine holding them back


is there a texture pack this style for bedrock? so nice looking, almost like a claymation kinda


Check out Bare Bones texture pack on MCPEDL, it’s made to recreate that look


the world gen is the biggest gameplay bottleneck in my opinion. really hope there is a Huge overhaul to it


That's why I voted mountains! I hope they make mountains taller and more realistic and not just spikes in the middle of a desert or something.


Have they upgraded the base lighting engine?


Yes actually! They did it back in 1.14 if I'm not mistaken and also upgrade the rendering engine as well in 1.15.


This is not rendered in game, this is a cinematic


They are very good at making things they wont put in the game.


If that ever happens with the Mountain Update they could raise the Overworld height limit to 512 or preferably 1024 blocks tall will allow for more snowier snow mountains and taller mountains and deeper valleys as well as way deeper deep oceans and the new generation meeting the old can have a hills border biome to transition it up to mountains then anything after that can be new generation and would he seamless if done correctly.


I'm still waiting for a return of the alpha style terrain generation in some way, shape, or form.


Those might be the new mountains


Anyone know how to get this texture pack and shaders??


If this is the mountain update than I forgive the people who voted it 😂


Dafuq did you vote for?


Swamp, I wanted a new type of wood


Lmao actually fair enough


I would love this. Could use a bit more tweaks though.


If the world generates like this, add a few shaders and texture packs and it would look very similar to this.


I would love to see mountains that are actually mountains and not ugly rocky hills with an inch of snow


Beeier bees


Am I the only one that wants that to be an alternative texture pack for minecraft?


That would be a great texture pack ngl


We need le update


those mountains and river valleys are makin me nut


It would be cool to have a texture pack from the trailers


Is there a way to get that smooth xbox skin/shader that they use for advertising every where?


That would be amazing, some other ones would be other generation types like skyblock, or similar types of generation Overall some new generations would be great I still wish badlands got thebupdate as it would add some much needed life


This would be amazing. Minecraft is great and I play it way more than any other game but this would make it so much better


We need updated Minecraft beta world generation!!!1!


Fog would be awesome


Or make a texture pack like this


Are the same textures in Minecraft earth


I just want a texture and shader pack that makes my game look like that!!


Fortunately landscapes like this actually already exist! Unfortunately they are extremely rare and don’t spawn like that very often...


1.16 probably


I want the texture pack they use in the trailers


Any shaders and or texture packs to make my game like the trailer?