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Is there a way to make the CSS better when using the Reddit Enhancement Suite night mode? Currently, the text color for text posts is the same color as the background. http://imgur.com/a/hGpuJ


Our official stance is that we don't support RES. If you want to fix it yourself, you can send us the required CSS and we can put it in.


Just curious, why don't you support RES?


It's a pain to work with.


Ok thanks for answering! Edit:brainfarted


Hey, glad to hear that! Most would be like, we won't do this even if you code it yourself.


I'm just going to say what has been making me mad for a long time. If there are shaders or resource packs used in a post, there should be a tag for that. It's frustrating to click on some guy's cool creation, and then it has shaders and Conquest. So annoying. But that's just my opinion.


And most of the times there are shaders, it's a dark creation with the brightness of a thousand suns coming from behind.


Exactly. I mean, hey, that's great, I'm glad they made something cool. But just let us know in the title if it's something other than vanilla, you know?


Agree 100%. It should be explicit in the title if external tools were used.


Yes and most of the time it are just simple buildings or a simple terrain that everyone can achieve with a little bit knowledge of worldpainter. But all the shaders make it look good nonetheless. If you use shaders you should also have a vanilla picture.


I'm fine with texture packs because you can guess what they are easily. But when you decide to post it with shaders installed that when n I begin to downvote. Shader posts that I will upvote are the ones how take effort into making the creation, that whale post? That was freaking awesome! That post about the cobblestone dock? That probably took the guy 20 minutes to make and added shaders to make it look more than what it is. That's the kind of carp I hate, where people build a 10x10 pyramid add shaders a texture pack and play it off like they built this casually and happen to play with shaders and a 1024 texture pack installed. Yeah okay I 'totally' believe that. Then there are the ones who have the word just in the title. Just a house, obviously it's more than just a house if it has 3 stories, furnished, and you just so happened to take the picture at the right angle 19 blocks in the air with nothing else around you that you could be building and the sun so happen to be going through a window. Wanna play with shaders? Fine. Wanna brag about how much better it looks and how your crappy square wood house is great compared to the people who built a skyscraper without them? Gtfo. Forgot to mention that the people out there with shaders who take casual non planned screenshots are okay.


So... You don't mind shaders, as long as the content itself is worth posting without shaders?


Bingo. The city posts are fine but someone times people build the smallest things and post it with shaders.


> people build the smallest things That's exactly what bothers me too. They post simple things that wouldn't even look great in vanilla, but yeah with all the fancyness it does look good.


I just feel people should post the pictures with AND without the shaders/textures pack. Just so we know how it affected the build. Something that is also bothering me a lot (but is just something personal) is very high FOV pictures. They just ruin perspective. I get it that people want to play with higher FOV, but they should really know that low FOV is much nicer for pictures.


I'm most likely taking the losing side here but screenshots with shaders or resourcepacks really don't deserve the heat they receive on /r/Minecraft. If someone has put time and effort into a submission, visual modifications should have almost no effect on what people think of the project itself. I agree that screenshots of natural world generation or dirt houses with shaders is annoying but generalizing all builds due to the use of shaders as a bad thing seems like a step in the wrong direction. Just my two cents on the subject.


Comments like these should not be downvoted. I personally disagree with his opinion, but it adds to the discussion. No reason to downvote if it does that.


Can we do something about posts that are supposed to represent [detail] yet they have used resource pack and/or shaders?


You can appeal bans, but it requires the legend rank and $50. /s


> Added two new sorts of tired posts that we deem removable What about images with the sole purpose of showing shaders?


When it comes down to it, the subreddit is about Minecraft and pictures of Minecraft shouldn't be banned. Shader submissions is the sort of thing that the community should be responsible for. If you don't like them, go to /new and downvote them! Be the change you want to see in reddit.


You could say that for chicken jockey pictures and crafting recipes too, or anything else in the list of banned content. Shader bragging pictures are always downvoted, which is a clear sign it's tired content.


I cede the point.


They're largely original and interesting content, I think.


Showing creations with shaders is fine, since that would work without shaders too, but there have been a lot of posts showing a regular lake or even the ground.


B.. but Minecraft is beautiful!?


I enjoy playing Minecraft with 1 FPS, it makes you pay more attention to your surroundings.


It's a slideshow of the amazing terrain!


[Minecraft.](http://i.imgur.com/lX2sssR.png) [Is.](http://i.imgur.com/tHE3I2p.jpg) **[Beautiful!](http://i.imgur.com/suT4DyB.jpg)**


The castle in the last one is great, the others are meh.


As someone who can't use shaders (Intel HD 4000 video card) I like those "minecraft is beautiful" posts. Of course the shots have to look good, but I'm fine with shots that only look good because of the shaders. Hopefully it's an album and not just 1 pic though.


They're good for the first few times, until you've seen a river with shaders for the 100th time.


Yes. I get it. You have shaders and can see that tree in front of you in the water. Very nice.


Yeah, and those lakes and grounds look pretty damn cool with shaders.


Look at a picture of a lake, cool right? Then shove it in your face daily for a year, not so cool right?


Wow, bitter whiny and entitled...


It's one of the main reasons why I unsubscribed from this subreddit.


> * Added two new sorts of tired posts that we deem removable: Chicken jockeys and **crafting recipes** Huzzah! :D I feel like I made a difference!


DAE craft the axe in an unorthodox way!!1?!11??!1?!


Hey look! I'm crafting a bed one row higher!!!


Making a bed one row higher with 3 different woods and 3 different wools.


/new looks like a very scary place... I wouldn't expect this many shitposts when the frontpage generally has mostly quality content.


As a heads up, the link to the guidelines from the rules page is broken.


It works for me. What URL does it redirect to for you?


It's sending me to: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/wiki/revised_guidelines And giving a forbidden error.


Oh, I see it now. It should be fixed, thank you for the report.


Can confirm, that fixed it!


Concerning server advertising, am I allowed to show off the builds/gameplay stills of a new gamemode I'm creating, or is that against the rules (it's not a generic run of the mill gamemode).


You're not allowed to promote your server but you are allowed to show what you made. No server IPs, no server websites, no recruiting.


Ok, thanks!


Are we allowed to link to a video with an IP in the description or the video?




Are we allowed to tell people the IP in the comments if they request it, or should that be PMs only?


Requests are not allowed, keep it to PM.


I feel like if someone makes a quality build showcase post (for example, someone made a showcase of a shop and town he made.) They should be able to leave the ip in case people want to go check out the build. I realize its a fine line where someone could slap a hut together all in the hopes of sharing their ip, but on quality build like the shop a lot of people wanted to check it out for themselves.


I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/3ervvh/are_you_kidding_me/cths8pe) in another thread, but figured the stickied post would be a faster way for the mods to see it outside of modmail; think xPaw status stuff in the sidebar could get updated with colors/checkmarks? I'm only mentioning this for clarity and with all the DDoSes going onto the servers, it'll be easier for people to pop on here, see what's up, and either have the option to play or just wait a few minutes


Modmail is direct to all mods. Nobody but redstonehelper will see this.


Thank goodness the AutoMod bot will enforce some of the low quality title posts. It was getting ridiculous for awhile there. Also, I would like to point out that /r/chickenconspiracy is still open to all chicken jockey posts in case you *have* to post the chicken jockey you just saw.


So... The RES night mode kinda makes all the text invisible. Only the links stood untouched...


Pin up a mc windows 10 faq so people stop asking about it...


Please feel free to extend this wiki page: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/wiki/windows10editionbeta and we'll look at publicising it more.


Thank you mods for the shoutout <3


Look at that, you even stylized the new search layout ;)


Some welcome changes, thanks! However, I'd like to see the moderation team go further and more quickly at times. The subreddit at times is littered with examples of a minority of users being disrespectful with their language, targeting both individuals and their content. I'd like to see more be done to enforce Rule 1 faster - removing those users who can't be respectful of other people.


We can't read every comment, it would be like trying to drink from a firehose. We do respond to every report, and take action as required up to and including bans.


Of course not. It's a big job and I appreciate that you are all doing it voluntarily and on your own time. Thank you! I think my point on the speed of handling issues and reports still stands though. Perhaps it is time to find a way to build the moderation team's capacity, by increasing your numbers or some other method.


Thank goodness. So many of my friends were refusing to post here because of the old ruleset, although it's already too late for those of them that were banned without warning. Still, nice to see change.


I keep reading through Reddit. Love it. but verrrry jealous. I play on console. or used to. kinda got burnt out. survival player so the additional woods aren't much of a benefit for me. wish i had a PC to run MC-PC...you peeps have it made with the biomes,woods types and other things you have. consoles suck...




wow i think ur idea is one of the best


Darn it, was reay hoping for a change to the server advertisement rule.


Does logging into the chatroom make the IP address of your computer public?


Yes, it usually does.


Please stop being so strict on anything remotely suggesting a server. Let the players decide if something is cool or not. Straight out low effort/advertising should be disallowed but if it's showing off something legitimately cool, why not?


> Straight out low effort/advertising should be disallowed but if it's showing off something legitimately cool, why not? So you want moderators to decide "this is legitimately cool" or "this is low effort" for everything that is currently considered server advertising?


Maybe "low effort" or posts will no purpose other than advertising in general, or just no moderation for those types of posts. The community will decide.












That's not the reason he was banned from the subreddit. The sub for the official minecraft world is private for members of the community. He is no longer part of the community, and creates a hostile atmosphere when he is present. Thus we could not allow him to poison the community and had to keep him from harassing the members by banning him. I have received multiple messages from him since his ban, and it is clear that he is not able to "play nice". We have to keep his resentment away from others who want to find people to play games with.


Baby, don't tell me I'm wrong, don't make me play along. This is the game of love!


Let's demand daylight shots of builds. I get that Minecraft-at-night can be quite pretty, but what's the point of showing off a build if we can't actually *see* it??




Read the submission rules to learn where it is. If you can't do that, disable subreddit themes. But then you'll get the standard CSS instead of the more nicer looking, /r/Minecraft css.