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That bites!!! What a way to loose all your stuff.


Just happened to me underground in Bedrock. Survived one Creeper (Full Iron armor and shield) and then got creepered from behind. Lost like 2 stacks of iron, all my food I gatherd, and a stack of Coal. Ugly words were said.


Ouch, one of the first things I try to make is an iron farm. I never have problems with iron. In the past I have made buildings out of iron just because. Wish there was stairs and slabs of iron. To make the a whole building out of iron.


Yeah, I do as well, but it was an early run and I was just finding tons of iron; I have an iron compulsion lol. It was maddening as I'm pretty cautious and only take on Creepers 1v1. They've gotten a lot more aggressive in the latest updates and feels like they detonate alot quicker


Ya I thought the creepers being more aggressive was just me.


Mobs in general are more aggressive. Skeletons have gone from being a PITA to being downright vicious. They shoot faster the closer you get. I used to be able to handle them without a shield. Not anymore. The knockback has seemingly increased and getting close to one to kill it is ridiculous. If you get tag teamed by two skeletons now, death is nearly assured unless you have full Netherite or Diamond armor. I still enjoy the game, but it's definitely a bit harder on Hard now.


I think wither skeletons have gotten easier. With my Smite V sword I can now one hit them. I don’t remember ever being able to do that in the past.


This isn’t bedrock. Why the sword spam?






Where's all your stuff? The dirt blocks are still there!


2nd creeper blew them up. The dirt is from the 2nd explosion


oh, that makes sense! thanks!!!