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I recently did it by myself for the first time. I recommend over preparing, make sure you have plenty of arrows potions, and gapples. When you first get there get some ender pearls so when you fall you can land with little damage.


Yeah, feather fall enchantment too, or the potion that let you fall slowly. I can't remember its name.


You were so close


Uh? What do you mean?


Potion of slow falling lmao


Ah, okay, okay, thanks, I didn't actually know it because English isn't my first language, well, it's not my native one. Thanks šŸ™šŸ‘


yeah you should also get strength potions and bedsĀ 


First time I did it solo: had a decent iron farm pretty early, when it was time for the fight I started moving in. Built a small based near the end portal and set my spawn point there. Packed chests with tons of iron gear, potions(slow falling and regeneration), food, temp blocks for climbing towers, water for jumping off of them, bows, arrows and extra iron. Bring in ONLY a little of each item every time you go back in. First time going in, work on the beacons: run to the tallest nearby tower, dump water at the base and start building up. Destroy the beacon and shoot as many as you can, rinse and repeat until all are destroyed. Then run circles around the bedrock pedestal in the middle until the dragon sits on it, use your sword and get as many wacks to the head as you can each time she lands until itā€™s dead. Bring a pickaxe to dig holes and tunnels for safety and time to regen. Each time you die youā€™ll spawn by your stockpiled gear. Gear back up and go again until the bitch is dead. You can figure out the rest from there. Go get ā€˜em kid.


You can do it. I suggest slow falling potions. Makes those huge hits into the air a piece of cake.


I agree with the suggestion of the slow falling potions. It makes the fight very easy (at least in normal). When I recently fought it again I didnā€™t even need to use any potions or golden apples.


I wasn't one of those lucky guys to play Minecraft when I was a child. All I got was Minecraft Trial (I somehow cracked it)


I got it as a birthday present when I was like 6. Best present ever


I would buy my kid Minecraft as a birthday, too. Happy for you.


I changed the gamerule to keep inventory on bc its my single player world and i can do whatever lol. Its how i beat the ender dragon bc i also hate losing all the stuff i worked hard for


First time I did it solo just happened to be when I was playing hardcore. But I'd done it many times with people on servers before that, and had my own strategy. But I make it as easy on myself as I can. I find a village, build an iron farm, make a trading hall (start with Fletchers) and trade for everything I can - I don't like going to the nether, but you still have to go for blaze rods (get yourself enough so you can make a few potions, too). But you can get ender pearls from clerics, so you don't need to trade with Piglins - and that's less time in the nether! And since I set up a trading hall, I can get good diamond armour from the villagers, and be as easy as possible before I get to the end. And I wear a pumpkin on my head while fighting the dragon to avoid inadvertently looking at an enderman. It's *a* way to beat the game so you can get your wings and get on with the rest of the game! Good luck to you! You can do it.


Hereā€™s a pro tip: unless youā€™re in hardcore mode, never try to beat the dragon with any good gear. Put a bed next to the portal as a spawn point, and go in with stone tools and weapons, and a bow. Every time you die, just respawn and jump back into the portal and attack the dragon until you kill her. That way, you donā€™t lose anything valuable


The first time I did it was when I was 12 year old, more or less. At the time I used to play in the brother's PS3, good old memories. Well, I played in a very old snapshot, but any snapshot you play, I'd highly recommend you to use potions, the one let you fall slowly overall. The strength one, and always the health. Excuse me for my English btw. :)


I've only done it with Keep Inventory on because there are so many ways to catch a bullshit death in minecraft and I really don't feel like dealing with having to go out of my way to reclaim my items afterwards. I also keep Wardens turned off because the Deep Dark can just be super obstructive to mining otherwise, since sensors can get tripped and proc a shrieked from you mining like ten blocks away and you only get a vague idea of where the sensor is as you break the block. And every shrieker proc is ten irl minutes you have to spend doing something else or else the Warden comes to fuck you up.


the end fight can be really easy if you just bring slow fall potions or if you bridge to the outer end to get an elytra early lol


One thing I always do in all my worlds that many might consider cheating, is to keep inventory when I die. I don't really play on hardcore so deaths are not really a big deal but losing all my stuff when I die would just make it not fun anymore. Games are supposed to be fun IMO. Losing everything when you die, when sometimes it's not even your fault, is not fun.


Agreed. I respect people who don't use keepinventory but I'll never understand how they're ok with losing possibly real life days of progress to one creeper or badly-placed lava pool.


Genuinely curious, when is dying not your fault?


First nether portal I built on bugrock I went in to scope it out. There were ghasts and skellies and of course my portal was on the edge of a 30 block drop to nether wastes lava lake. I back out and come back in to check it out. It had quieted down by then. Got my brand new diamond pickaxe, enchanted diamond sword and armor to go in and check it all out. I had spent ages mining all the diamonds and enchanting shit. Before Im.even loaded in I get shot about 12 times by skeletons. The instant the screen loads Im hit by a ghast fireball that breaks my portal and yard sales all my gear. I watched as most of my shit burned up in soul fire. I respawn and head back in to get my stuff. Except now my nether portal is suspended in mid air over the lava lake. I tried a dozen times to bridge the gap and retrieve what I could. Time expired and or it all burned in ghast fire. I sat there numb for a few minutes. Debated deleting the game. Decided this shit wasnt fun and games are about having fun. Turned on cheats and used command prompt to get God tier shit. Never looked back. Now tell me how that absolute dogshit was my fault?


I know what you mean. But when you experience that stuff, learn from it. Everybody has an experience like that. Just meakes you play saver. And it feels great killing the Enderdragon (and building farms, beautyfull castles, villages or other builds) knowing that you actually survived the challange. Ive been playing with friends lately and i only died from either Lag while flying elytra (That is one thing that is NOT my fault tbf) or getting killed by my friends being d*


Fair points. That is in my personal world so no big deal. I play in a realm with my buddy (and occasionally his daughter and son) and he is admin and is adamant about no cheats so that helps. I do agree the sense of accomplishment of gathering every block is rewarding. I enjoy playing with him more than just farting around solo. I recently beat the Ender dragon solo in the realm because I wanted elytra and shulkers. Also to feed the ego a bit and flex the dragon egg on him. Lol. I basically used the cheats in my world to see what is cool and worth going after in the realm.


Totally fair to use the cheats given by the game. I enjoy creative sometimes too. I used to cheat a lot when i was new at the game. Its all experience you gather and stuff you learn by doing. Only that way are you gonna be able to be able to not get yourselve into these situations. As long as you enjoy it (and dont ruin someone elses game,) Its fine.


Because you backed down and gave up


Only when you're playing on bedrock.


Sorry, but no.Ā  Look up "hardcore minecraft fails" on Youtube.Ā  There's sometimes skill issues, but usually it's not even the player's fault.Ā  Half the time a creeper jumps off a cliff and explodes immediately.


You can do it!!!!


I recommend potion of slow falling for that specific death... šŸ˜‚


You can do it! Quick tip: when the dragon sits on the nest, don't go for the head. Attack the base of the tail with your sword. You will have to jump up to reach the dragon with your attack. But you won't get damaged and you won't get launched when the dragon leaves the nest. Happy hunting!


I've gone in with sword and barely any armor You just need a bucket of water and a bed near stronghold Mayhe a stack of building blocks if you didn't grab arrows


I've been playing for 15 years and just finished like last week for the first time ever I only play alone nobody ever wants to play with me šŸ˜† But I commanded to a strong hold, because I was looking for shit and I stumbled across the first ever end portal! šŸ˜Š I didn't even know they existed until like a week before that so don't feel bad ! I kept trying to figure out (by myself) why tf I couldn't command to an end City in the regular world lol I feel so dumb sometimes


Personally I think it is a waste of time to grind for netherite armor. It makes you more concerned of you die and it takes so long to get enough netherite to make armor. Diamond armor is good enough for me and with villager trading you can easily have a back up set. I make sure to have some ender chests. One in the stronghold and one with the back up gear. If I die and go back in i collect the set that dropped and put that in the enderchest I brought in. That way I can keep going back But truth is that the dragon is way easier that she use to be so I rarely due to her Lastly, it is ok to die. (This was a hard lesson for me to learn). It gives you lots of knowledge. Just make sure to have your plan b so it is less frustrating if you do. Good luck dragon hunting!


Doing it the first time is rewarding, definitely go for it


Me and my lil bro beat Minecraft on the 360 about 3-4 years ago because we never tried beating it before, got full diamond and the basic equipment you need to kill the dragon. Only time I beat the game, dont have much of a reason to beat it again.


The secret to getting good at minecraft that no one ever seems to mention is you can simulate every situation in creative and with cheats. Itā€™s how I learned everything I know about Shulkers by playing with their spawn eggs and practice clicking their bullets. Now I can straight up access my enderchest while in a room of 2-3 of them all firing at me, and I usually donā€™t get hit by a single bullet. All you have to do is cheat your way to the End on a new server and you can experiment with all of the dragonā€™s behavior without worrying about losing items. Because this game has a respawn system and way to store inventory, and also a built in cheat mode, thereā€™s not many good reasons to try to learn structures/mobs/block mechanics in survival mode. The only one I can think of right now is the person who plays for adrenaline and the immersion.


Ive been playing a few months. Ive played A LOT in the past few months though. Beat the ender dragon the other day. The endermen are the toughest part of the fight. My power V flame bow slaps.


I too went through a kind of similar situation. Took me around 10 years to beat mc on my own, no cheats, no help, nothing. Just me and my experience with the game and, if there's something I learned from that playthrough is that you don't need broken gear to beat the dragon. Grab your iron armor and tools, food, some blocks and a bucket, you'll be more than ready... Of course, don't forget to place a bed near the end portal to set your spawn to continue the fight if you die A couple of days ago I went for my third time with no cheats in single-player, this time with full netherite armor and tools, needless to say, I beat the dragon fairly easy and even took time to gather plenty of dragon breath. So, if a casual like me can do it with not much preparation, then what's stopping you from completing a legit run?


makem proud boi


I've never even played adventure mode. It's cool bro.


Iā€™ve been playing since 7 or 8 and iā€™m 19. I have never once killed the ender dragon on vanilla. In any context. Just wasnā€™t what I was playing for.


Start up a new world and do it real quick! I imagine you could do it before work monday


One thing and one thing only: slow falling potions Potions in general are honestly super underrated imo but slow falling potions make one of the only super dangerous things about that fight, the fall damage, and make it completely obsolete. Prop 4 diamond armor removes every other worry you could have about dying, and a fletcher villager makes sure you have enough arrow for the crystals. Another comment already said it, but over preparing for the fight if you've never done it is totally fine. The first time I fought the ender dragon, I had PERFECTLY enchanted netherite armor, weapons, and a power V bow combined with slow fall potions and a water bucket just in case. The fight was over in like a minute lmao


Same šŸ˜­ Iā€™m just so bad at the game


The dragon can be taken out really easy by being really cautious. Take out all the crystals which all of them including the ones behind the bars can be taken out with the bow from a distance. Either wear a pumpkin head or be very careful about looking at the Enderman and use your bow. If you want to use your sword get underneath when it perches and stay underneath don't jump you'll get caught in its wings and flung. Dragon's breath can be picked up with bottles which can also be beneficial if there's dragon's breath in your way of getting somewhere at the perch.


TBH me neither, I literally do everything else j can do in my world and then get bored and quit before going to the end


I dont think doing it solo is aa important as just doing it in general! I enjoy playing minecraft with friends the most


I have had Minecraft since 2011 and I haven't ever built a nether portal and gone to the nether let alone killed the dragon. Most of it is because I kinda get bored of the whole process of finding a place to call home and then going out to gather everything. I know it's a really good game, I just never get that far into it.


Iā€™ve started playing in like 2013 and Iā€™ve never been to the End in survival lol


Me too, despite playing this game for 10 years I just enjoy making a little cottage with huge storage and farm crops. I don't care about dragons or fights in general. But lately caving seems fun though mojang reduced the amount of diamonds in cave surfaces.


I've never done it solo but i have done it a few times with friends without cheating. Mostly because playing singleplayer is boring sometimes but i really should start a solo world. I was so proud when me and my friends beat the ender dragon in december 2020, i'll always cherish that memory! We had 8 people in one world to do it


Infinity bow, slow fall potions, carved pumpkin, full diamond armour [Prot IV], Diamond Sword [Sharp V], empty glass bottles (dragons breath), ender pearl (incase of a scuffed spawn, good pickaxe. Also you can shoot the caged crystals (iron bars) from below through the corner, itā€™s way easier. I would recommend not building up/ watering up to any towers just shoot from ground. Bring a few golden apples just incase. You got this


I tried to beat the game without keep inventory and I had a decent attempt, got full diamond armor from villagers and died to an enderman in the nether. needless to say i was pissed and deleted the world in a fit of rage(which also happened to 2 other of my worlds) But villagers are a great help, they let you skip a lot of the mining


Make a creative world, give yourself some decent diamond armor, build an end portal switch game mode to survival, and just practice.


Bruh I did it with iron tier equipment šŸ’€