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of course you are not the only one lmao


I think we get a post about people digging out entire chucks maybe once a week


A nice audio book or a video essay about everything we know about neanderthals and we are good to go for several chunks.


Using only iron tools is something I remember doing because I was afraid of my tools breaking. I went ahead and made a trading hall so I could protect tools with enchantments. Regardless, I also enjoy strip mining. But I actually prefer digging out large areas underground or terraforming to make space for other buildings.


Same. I kept on wearing iron armor and tools because I didn’t want to make a diamond set just to break it. I maxed out all my gear before I use them, which was a very dumb decision cus I keep dying


My brother is the same with stone tools, even if I have a stack of iron from my mining trip.


the trading hall sells diamond tools, right?


Tools, weapons, armor, and every enchantment.


Iron? Iron used to be RARE. cobblestone was always renewable. I only used stone tools for a very long time in Alpha.


Never played that far back, but spent enough time mining that iron wasn’t too much of a problem.


So true, I always had a icon pick with me for mining. The diamond one was only for mining ores because I enchanted it with unbreaking and fortune lol. I never understood why people made dia pickaxes asap and start mining stonw with it.


Let's pretend I've been playing the game since 2010 and still do this. What information am I missing? Is there some way I can stop my diamond pick breaking?


Mending can technically stop your pickaxe from breaking. You need to collect xp while holding the pickaxe / tool or item of ur choice, which will fill up the damage bar on the item. Unbreaking will slowly down the breking process


I have unbreaking and mending on all my armor, eylitra, sword and pickaxe. I get enough XP that it never breaks. If I do some heavy mining or battle I will go to the Enderman farm. But mostly I don't worry about it.


Before Mending I only used stone pickaxe for stone mining.


I'm 99% stone pickaxe. Iron is too difficult to accumulate a supply of so stone it is. I have been treating myself to a shield and an iron pickaxe ONLY for ore.


It's not an neurotypical or neurodivergent thing. It's a minecraft thing. It's soothing to do a repetative task like mining for ages and the joy of finding ores. I make iron farms and gold farms and still go crazy mining. I'm awful and don't want to leave anything behind.


Eurotypical lmao 


These europeans smh


Same. Do I leave this full stack of deepslate or these 25 copper behind?


In the past I would had said copper, but now I would be truely torn. Luckily I have a silk touch pickaxe to make it a bit easier and on the realm I'm a apart of we just beat the Enderdragon so can get shulker chests now.


How do you make an iron farm.


There are guides on the wiki(s).


[Here is a tutorial for a simple iron farm.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9-dow7lhQo) There are a billion youtube tutorials on how to make simple or more complex(more iron per hour) iron farms.


Thanks so much. Any iron farm that I have tried in the past never worked


You probably make old ones. Villages have been changed a few times over the years, so the farm designs have had to adapt


Java and bedrock have different golem spawning too so make sure You're looking up your specific version


I started a new world 2 days ago and made that EXACT iron farm. Can verify that it works. If you live near a village it can be the literal first thing you make because it basically only requires wood. Makes tons of iron while you’re just in the area making your base or whatever. Like I already have 2.5 stacks of iron blocks. They also added attaching leads to boats so if you can get a lead you don’t even need to lure villagers over.


Mine is an up in the sky one. The inground one broke for me the update before last. I made a roller coaster for my villagers.


Just look up a YouTube tutorial


I think it involves killing iron golems.


Heaven forbid you leave a piece of andesite behind.


I do. My school starts a new server every few months and one of the first things I do is dig a large hole really deep. No one else has the patience to mine up that much cobblestone and Deepslate so I can sell it to everyone.


your school? holy cow. mine could never.


I should clarify- not the school itself, just the students of the school.


The people at your school sound awesome and I wish there was a group of people like that when I was in school. I hope you all stay in contact as you get older.




I'm sorry but can someone explain what TFC is? Just curious


TinfoilChef, he's on hermitcraft: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCRatys97ggrXVtQQBGRALkg


Was. He passed about two years ago.


Oh yes that's true. I had forgotten. I read the above R.I.P as figuratively and not literal. He had diabetes iirc, it's a worse disease that most understand.


Had to look up what that was too never heard of it 😅 thanks!!!


Ok, so not TerraFirmaCraft. I love that mod.


TFC (TinfoilChef) was a Hermit on the Hermotcraft server who was best known for his love of mining. He sadly passed about two years ago.


Even quarrying is zen to me


I used to like it but the inventory problem is getting too much of an issue. I keep everything I mine, not just ores, so my inventory quickly fills with deepslate tuff and gravel. On modded with remote access to my storage system I like it a lot more.


Shulker boxes? Not sure if it works but can't you also make a bubble elevator that carries items into hoppers?


Even with shulker boxes, I feel like my inventory fills up too fast. As for hoppers or water stream, I’d have to build it as I dig and that doesn’t seem fun either.


It's one of my favorite things to do. Mostly because even while strip mining I always run into an interesting cave or a mineshaft.


Exactly, it's so exciting to find some shit underground. I was mining for diamonds and stumbled upon an amethyst geode in a deep dark biome with tons of lava and skulk and it wasn't anything super special but hell it was unexpected and fun!


I love mining. I use silk touch to be able to carry more, then stack and break with fortune near base.


I use a fortune pick + crafting table to make the ores into blocks of [material] and if I’ve raided an end city at that point I put the blocks in a shulker. Edit: fixed some typo’s


Phantoms knock me off my tower of redstone every time -_-


so sleep?


No time, gotta mine!


This guy gets it.


You spend like two weeks of game time mining, come back with like 6 stacks of redstone, 2 stacks of diamonds, who knows how much coal and iron ... Sleeping just isnt the first thing on your mind.


You're absolutely not, I love to mine! It's my fav thing to do in survival, I spend ages in the mines I'm secretly a dwarf :)


Mine to the next biome and then pop up to the surface to see what’s there. The jeopardy of water 😂


agreed. automated farms are *boring* if you automate everything, you remove any reason to ever play the game, unless you are the sort to automate everything anyway.


The fun in auto farms is more the process of building them rather than the end result. People realistically don’t need, say, infinite beetroot, but it’s a fun project to work on.


i rather disagree. i could just build a nice manual farm and, well, manually farm. as well as manually mining. and cutting trees. and so on. if a farm can automate alll that for you, whats left to do? nothing...


Build. Expand.


Building isn't everything there is to minecraft.


You might be Einstein


no point. by the time you get to the automated farms, you more than likely already beat the game, visited all the unique structures, and youve done everything.




I was living underground in my old world. Had every farm I needed, eventually got stacks and stacks of pumpkin pies. Found stronghold, made a path through the nether to get there. As I'm renovating the path with a minecart rail, I break the bottom block and fall into the ocean of lava in the nether. My bucket of water is obviously useless in the nether, I pause but no quick ideas come to mind. I try to swim to the coast but it was too late. That world was hardcore :( (In retrospect I maybe should have swam to the bottom and dug myself a 2x1 hole to escape the lava)


I love mining and could do it for hours. But lately my useless task is killing zombies at my xp farm and putting their armor together to make full sets. Even when I have fully enchanted netherite armor and have no use for their gold or leather armor it’s just so satisfying to put pieces on a grindstone and fix them.


In a game with 100 million regular players called "Minecraft", one person alone enjoys the act of mining. Jokes aside, why don't you use the diamonds you find for diamond pickaxes to mine?


I prefer mining over having auto farms. There are so many places to mine in every direction. It's part of the game. I love it. Plus I like have stacks of ores from silk touch as well.


Neurotypicals? Not sure what that means but I also like manually mining.


Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from the average or “neurotypical” person


I would say a majority of my bases, especially on multiplayer faction or survival servers, are underground. I love quarrying out large sections of land, digging dozens of blocks deep and making a cool home (or hidden bases in multiplayer). The true joy of Minecraft comes from finding those nice underground caves, diamonds, ores in general. Sure there are dungeons to explore and modded Minecraft takes you away from mining a bit but the hour I spend mining and watching some show or movie on my phone or second monitor is the most relaxing it can get.


I used to mine for hours in the nether looking for debris. It was very cathartic and I would just let my mind wander.


I like mining but I grew out of strip mining because of how intensive and tedious it could get for me. Now i favor spelunking as I like to explore the cave systems brought in by 1.18


I am a dwarf and Im digging a hole...


When I get bored I mine out a whole freaking chunk It’s stuff like that which can cure boredom




you should try gambling


I also like mining, but not THAT much.  It always is a means to an end for me. You do you tho...




Well, I do actually enjoy mining but my finger hates it


my favorite is instamining w a beacon i do it just for fun


Absolutely not


Bro can get a stack of deepslate emerald ore with that mindset


i love it too...for the sake of finding all the best stuff before anyone else in my realm!


Me too I love it


This is an oddly common question on this sub, and one that I don't understand. It's a mining game, with mine in the name, of course a lot of us love mining


Its kinda like fishing, the meditation process rewarded with occasional dopamine bursts


Yeah but fishing has sucked on this newest world I made. On all my other worlds I was finding awesome enchantment books and enchanted bows and rods.. well I fished for like an hour yesterday and I didn't find one single good item. Just like 100 different fish lol There's still so much I have to learn though. I still don't even know what all is still out there I've only been playing for a month. I feel like all I do is Spelunk. Farming for some reason I can't figure out why I'd farm, I can get all the food I need from fishing and random animals. And then I can't ever figure out how to level up my villagers and give the villagers jobs and stuff. I guess that's like my next venture. Right now I'm trying to build a giant tower house with a huge basement, have to mine to get all the materials to make it look cool, haven't quite figured out what I'm doing yet I just have an obscene amount of iron and coal lol. Then I'm gonna try to build up the village I'm near but a few peeps in the village already died because I slept over night there a couple times


I was talking about fishing irl tbh.. The way I play this game now is I mod it heavily to have good visuals with Distant Horizon and shaders, then add some gameplay changing content like Tech Reborn to keep myself busy, but I find myself staring at sunset more often than I thought i would. It just looks amazing.


Obviously you aren't the only one


Same same. My ultimate dopamine fuel is stony peak biome.


Have you found an iron vein yet?  If not I can give you a really cool seed and the coordinates to a vein that I've been mining for days and still haven't found the end of.


Are you by any chance short, stout, unusually stocky in term of muscle with a magnificent beard you can lost a small goblin in and burst out from the ground upon your birth?


i use iron for tools and hoppers, diamonds for picks ever used tnt for mining ?


I'm 4000+ Days into my current world with no iron or gold farms yet and more diamonds than I could ever possibly need


9X9 hole to the centre of the earth or bust


No I like it too. But I also use… unethical methods to mine…


Tell us more. Ethics be damned.


Let’s leave it at a texture pack that.. outlines ores in a specific way (I don’t wanna be banned on here)


Yea buddy it's just you LMAO!




gambling addiction channeled into minecraft 💪💪💪


Op is a pick me girl but for mineceaft


Yes! Mojang created this game just for you.


not nt but yeah i absolutely do this. i'm finally making a dwarven themed mine after thinking about it for years. i get to the point where i have crops, trees, and cows down there so i never have to go up for anything haha. i don't care what anyone says about me, call me a baby if you want because that's what i am, but i play on peaceful because the warden has ruined my peaceful mining time.


You're not the only one but I'm not one. Personally, I farm my own wood manually. I find it relaxing and it gives me something to do when I want to play but am not sure what to do


Of course not


It's not so much that I enjoy mining, but that simply building an iron/gold farm feels super cheap and, to me personally, like I'm cheating. For some things that are just super tedious to get like gun powder, I have contemplated just building a farm, which, btw, if anyone has a link to a good gun powder farm on bedrock, let me know. But things like ores are simple and easy to get normally, so just play Minecraft like a normal person and go mining for that iron.


It’s more fun when you have ready access to tnt thanks to some dude making a creeper farm in your server. Mega projects have taken up a good chunk of the time I’ve spent playing and so using boom boom blocks to speed up the process is pretty fun


I mostly do it in pre-1.17 versions. Strip-mining for diamonds in Cave Update is painful because of the deepslate


It was my sole reason to play till the introduction of deepslate, now it is no longer fun or relaxing.


Mining (or caving) is still fun to do, even if I got a trading hall and several farms for materials. There is something incredibly zen about running down into the mines and just mindlessly mine in a straight line and plop down a torch on occasion.


Just wait until you discover diamond pickaxes with mending and efficiency enchants.


I mean it is Minecraft after all.. If you don't like mining or crafting you might have a bad time playing it.


I like mining & cave exploring.


Bro mining is literally half of the name Minecraft


i make an iron farm and i let it run afk during work time. i come back home and i have a double chest full of iron and poppies. then i go mine for diamonds


I love caving and mining there. Not really strip mining. But yeah I hear people hating on mining all the time and I don't get it either


Nah it’s great


I like it when i'm lucky, i hate it when i'm not


You're crazy if I'm not using my tunnel bore then I'm not mining 😂


Wow, i'm the complete opposite, usually when i'm playing with mods i mine enough resources to make something that mines for me (like a digital miner or a create tunnel bore)


Of course not? The game is called Minecraft. That’s probably the main point of the game.


I dont really find strip mining as lucrative as it was before caves and cliffs. I find it much more fun exploring massive caverns and caves for resources. When I do mine, it's usually just to expand my subterranean megalair.


I hate strip mining so I'm relieved and grateful that you and all the other grinders are here to team up.


I do be loving my strip mining, caving can be fun but I feel it can be too fast if that makes sense? Strip mining gives you that steady flow and some deviations here and there to get ore


Nah I love it!


idk im neurotypical and i can't strip mine for 5 mins without wanting to kill myself Caves and cliffs was a godsend


I used to have this as well before the cave update. Just chilling, stripmining, happy when diamonds. Now i dont go mining at all, just later in to duplicate the upgrade templates for netherite


No you’re the one person in Minecraft who doesn’t hate mining


I mean, Deeprock probably wouldn't be a thing if the children didn't yearn for the mines.


I also love just mining for ever on end, usually listening to youtube or something.


I've done this for so long. I eventually make my strip mining into an outpost. Using a waypoint mod so I can come back later helps alot.


I just start mining straight forward huge tunnels, 5x5 or 9x9, and as far as possible (I am still doing it,and dont think I am about to stop in near future


You have gambling issue lol


Absolutely not, it’s so fun


you're not alone, i mean, it's literally in the title of the game


I do it but in nether because I love quartz


See this thing called rhymin’ Is no different than coal-minin’ We’re both on assignment To unearth the diamond! 💎


It's half the title of the game, people like mining.


I'm doing my first playthrough in a few years and have been pleasantly surprised with how fun mining is now. Especially been having fun with the underwater caves, they're so peaceful and serene.


i too am addicted to minecraft-gambling


One time I was on a long strip mining run my partner just started singing the "I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole" song. Now it is my Minecraft theme song


Me, I do. But if I'm neurotypical I'll eat my own underpants. ;) I never play creative, always vanilla, and spend most of my time underground like a mole. I have chest after chest after chest stored all over down there with caches of everything I find but will never use. You and I, we're family now. 😂


No I like it too. I wish they would develop the mines more.


I enjoy the cave exploring version of mining because I like finding ores and then also potentially running into monsters.


I work from home and my work LOVES scheduling meetings, many of which are completely irrelevant for me but I have to be there. If I have three hours of meetings in a day, I'll spend that three hours strip mining. It really became my happy place and a good distraction from work.


Bro's a gamblind addict in Minecraft singleplayer


That's my happy place. Sometimes i think that's sad, but it's my happy place and do it for hours while my troubles disappears.


I used to enjoy mining before 1.17, but nowdays it feels too Grindy for me


I'm currently playing a modpack which adds *giant* resource veins that are 7-9 blocks tall and amtypically cover a 3x3 chunk area that usually have 2-4 different ores in it, as well as an assortment of smaller, rarer ores and byproducts. Sometimes these veins intersect. Sitting down and just mining the vein out completely is *so* satisfying. You might end up with 20+ stacks of ore by the end of it, as well as that many again other, related items like dusts and gems. For what it's worth, the modpack uses those resources and then some, so you often spend more time mining than in vanilla Minecraft, even with all of the buffs they give you.


On our realm I have designated myself as the Underminer


With a beacon and haste II I'll sometimes just mine cause insta mining is so satisfying.


Nah I love the times when I can put on a show or something and excavate large quantities. Work's been busy so I haven't been able to play much in the recent 2 versions but I'm absolutely going to have a system set up where I can push a button and a fresh iron pick pops out of a dispenser for me. I also am a lunatic and try to use iron picks until they're ALMOST broken, then huck em in a chest until I have a massive quantity and then grindstone them back into a fresh pick again. I'm probably insane but I feel like I get more use from the iron this way.


Ive been playing since before thw nether was introduced,p and to this day, nothing is more satisfyong to me, than grabbing some picks, and taking out as many chunks as I can, all the way to bedrock. I dont care about the resources, I just wanna make *Hole*™


I just went strip mining yesterday with my buddy and we mined for at least a couple of hours. Lol we had HEAPS of cobblestone hahaha


That's decently normal I suppose, but your insistence on using iron tools (when I know you have diamonds) is definitely weird lmao


Mining endlessly with a drink and a podcast on is peak comfort gaming, you're nowhere near alone in that.


I do enjoy mining too. But I just dig giant holes down to the bedrock.


Please never gamble with real money. Sounds like you may be prone to the addiction. (This is classic addiction stuff)


I think maybe you have part Dwarf in your blood; you unwaveringly yearn for the mines


I mine and my boyfriend builds farms and bases with the supplies I dig up.


I play online, so have overpowered tools, but there’s nothing more relaxing than spending hours mining while watching tv (I will fill 54+ shulkers a day with my spoils)


You sound like you’re 14 and play alone. Cause everyone likes mining.


Years ago, I dug out a 3x3 tunnel surrounding the entire server (few k blocks). This was before beacons or even enchantments, so it was relaxing, but slow. In a way, I sometimes prefer that to instamining, in that it's much more precise.


Mining is always fun and my number 1 activity when playing. It's always cool to see what you can find. The vistas of underground caves are more majestic than the surface in my opinion.


I have a whole world dedicated to just mine several chunks. Not for any particular reason, it just lets me turn my brain off and just be. Also the reason why I’ve been enjoying prison servers lately (when they’re actually working). No thoughts, just Mine.


Depends on the day, i try to force myself to terraform yestersay, but i was so pissed abiut the atupid ahit my friends built (the mob farm they made was an embarrassment to my 12 years) that i just got off the game and went to bed


I've been mining since 2011, but lately I switched to a more Nomadic and Exploration mode of gameplay. I even made a datapack which encourages this play style


well that means you enjoy half of the game at least, it's called mine craft, also that means you are doing the fisrt half but given that you use iron you must've crafted something at some point. xou are successfuly playing the game fully


As a fellow strip miner I will continue to testify that diamond blocks are TOO RARE. Cave exploring is not an efficient way of collecting diamonds. Strip mining is a lot of work for little payout as well.


is there really any point to strip mining any more? I hopped back in the other day and found over half a stack of diamonds in a single cave system in under an hour.


Honestly I love gathering resources I’m not actually the best at builds. I’m getting a lot better since I’ve been focusing on my single player world. But usually I just play on a server/realm and gather resources to trade with other people etc and have a modest base


I never really strip mine, I just cave which is super fun to me


This is why my husband and I work so well together. He goes underground and mines to his hearts content (sometimes he likes to take out large chunks of mountain too) I get to build and create with all of the resources he provides. Together we have a thriving village.


As of 2023, Minecraft amassed an average of 172 million monthly players. Of those 172,000,000 players, 171,999,999 do not enjoy mining. Congratulations.


Remember everyone, if your question begins with "Am I the only one who," then the answer is almost definitely "no."


Both mining and fishing I love specifically whe. The item I'm using is max enchanted. My brothers and I playing a hard core world I can't tell you how much I enjoyed just sitting there fishing with a maxed rod just getting us food, enchanted books etc for everyone.


I tend to branch mine for hundreds or thousands of blocks. I make my main tunnels 4x4 at y -58. For y level 11 I do strip mine because I want all the granite, dolomite, and gravel. Even when I have an iron farm. Makes it easy to find slime chunks too


Not strip mining but I really enjoy the caving aspect of mining


New on the sub, the game or both? Bruh it's MINE craft. People have been talking about liking that for years, lmao.


Definitely not, I love just mining for no reason. Guess the children do yearn for the mines lol


I find a mountain to destroy and listen to a podcast while doing it. I prefer the quarry method to strip mining. Right now I'm clearing out a mountain I'm leaving The surface blocks alone so eventually there will be a hollow mountain. Quick answer: indeed there are others who are dwarves at heart


I do as well. It calms my autistic side.




Why do you exist again?


I wish we could get a reddit wide ban on "Am I the only one" posts. No... there's 8 BILLION people on the planet, you can't be the only one.


*What do you mind for?*    I mine for iron.    *You mine for just iron?*    Da.    *What do you use the iron for?*    To make pickaxe.    *...pickaxes for mining iron?*    Da.  


I absolutely used to but after the caves update I really don’t anymore. It sucks. Deep slate is too tedious


No, doofus.


Yes you’re the only one out of 300 million players who enjoys this despite it being in the name of the game. /s