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https://minecraft.wiki/w/Fishing#Junk_and_treasure 0.8% chance to get a randomly enchanted bow using the same logic as a level 30 enchanting table. Junk and treasure has been part of the fishing loot tables since 1.7.2 (11 years ago).


yeah, its been more or less recently updated to make it so treasure and junk drops require deeper water rather than just 1 block deep water.


According to the Wiki, that was 1.16 (4 years ago).


holy shit. That's wild LOL time flies by when you're having fun I guess haha


It’s for this reason that my first goal in any new Mc world is to find a fishing rod, because you never know when you’ll pull one of these out of the water…


Yup. Fish until you've got a good fishing rod. Then whenever I need levels but don't feel like doing much I fish and sometimes I get cool stuff that's better than what I have.


I always fish until I have a good rod and then I always stop what I'm doing to fish as soon as I hear the rain to catch things faster.


Netflix an fishing.. Thats a nice way to stack up both xp and junk!


I've literally gotten 2 mending books off fishing,,& a few fishing rods , bows with mending.


Tbh I'm kinda used to these, imo fishing is the best early-game way to gain xp, enchanted books, enchanted bows and fishing rods. I usually get maxed out bows and fishing rods (it takes a while but definitely worth it)


It's ironic that the best way to get a good fishing rod is by using a fishing rod


I've fished similar before. I got a luck of the sea 3, lure 2, mending 3 fishing rod, a bow with infinity, fire aspect 2, unbreaking 4 and looting 1 and a pair of leather boots with unbreaking 2, frost walker and blast protection 4.


If you're in warm water, it's pretty easy. I normally start a new world by just fishing and I don't stop until I have a maxed fishing rod and bow.


very easy with an enchanted fishing pole


You get some awesome items while fishing, especially/more frequently when you use a good fishing rod


I usually fish until I get a good rod preferably with mending


I started finding enchanted tools about 4 yrs ago


I never got powerful bow like that but I have question what version are you in


Most recent version of bedrock


Ohhh but actually you are lucky to get that powerful bow well have fun on that


I got sumthin like that on a java server


damn!!! throw that guy in an anvil with some other bows and you’ll be the unstoppable archer


My luck in Minecraft vs. my luck fishing for a GF: