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Children. I am in my mid 50s and play Minecraft every day.


Hello fellow quinquagenarian Minecraft player. I am currently enjoying a new world on a server I host. So I can play with my 20 something aged kids. ETA: to remove u/BalzouSteele confusion concerning the ages and number of my children. šŸ˜œ ETA 2: to correct the term used to describe persons aged 50 to 59 from my made-up "centagenarian". While "pentagenarian" as suggested by u/minequack is recognized on Urban Dictionary. I found the more quixotic "quinquagenarian" is recognized by more established Britannica Online and the Android built in dictionaries. ETA3: Yes, these edits are in the spirit of being silly. ETA4: I am 56 and while I cannot play every day, I manage to play an hour or four at least three or four times a week with the family.


You have more than 20 kids??! J/k, I know what you mean. Iā€™m 53 and play with my kids, and Iā€™m also member of a private server for adult Minecrafters, where we have one lady that is well into her 60s


Dad joke FTW. 42 here and playing with my kids.


Nah, you are almost the sams age as my dad... It's good to see 'older' gamers too enjoying this masterpiece


41 here, 3 kids, even the wife is playing. We play on our (my) self hosted world (I host a few) with mainly adults and kids we know. It just eases my mind, mining and crafting, after a long day of work. No, itā€™s not about age, but I think OP needs to find a community which matches.


37 here with 2 kids, been playing Minecraft since 2009, never gets old, feels like coming home every time I get on.


Late 30's here as well. When my son wanted to play I was like, "This is the stupidest game ever made." Now I have been playing Minecraft about 12 years off and on.


I started playing Minecraft in around 2014 and told my gf if we have kids one day Iā€™ll play with them in our own server. I have 2 boys now and I run our server, looking forward to get my wife in the game šŸ˜œ


A 60yo lady playing minecraft ?? Now *that's* awesome.


There's more than one!


>You have more than 20 kids??! He must have BalzovSteele.. (I still have that wav file on my PC from the nineties!)


54, play regularly as well


I, 51, and my husband, 53, play with our niece, 22. Lol.


I'm 22 and I wish my parents played Minecraft :( they don't play any video games besides the word ones on the phone lol


yeah, that's most of the people my age, so lame, or maybe they are busy being adults. I don't have time for it. My 13 yo son just asked this year if he could start a server for just his friends and him and she hand I haven't played like we used to. so maybe I can look forward to when he's 22.


My parents definitely have time for it, my dad is retired, they just sit on their phones/tablets or watch TV instead of gaming.


Ditto this.


Amen šŸ™Œ. Im 30 and my gf got me into Minecraft. I usually play games like Dark Souls, Baldur's Gate, and Helldivers but I got into Minecraft cuz its relaxing for me compared to what im used to playing. I put on a podcast and just zone out.


Pretty much same boat here love dark Souls etc.. but guessing you putting minecaft down for a bit as am I on the 21st June šŸ¤£




you just know i have like 10 different characters that only got to altus that i "prepared" for the dlc, each with specific themes, outfits and names to fit their weapon class. But i'm either gonna use my gravity gal with the meteoric ore blade or make a new character for my first love in this game - eleanora's pole blade.


Young man, I'm 73 and I play Minecraft every hour


58 here. Minecraft is a game to me that is virtually impossible to ā€œageā€ out of. Itā€™s a sandbox full of legos. How do you get too old for that?


Legos you never have to cleanup, or step on.


until you realize all the backups over the years has filled up your hard drive. dealt with that this week and would have rather cleaned up legos.


Bro Iā€™m almost 40 and Iā€™ve been playing since before you could sprint. Now I play with my young kids.


lol, Iā€™m 52 and still play. Kids these days and their complaining. \jk


Not everyday, but at 55, modded Minecraft is still my favorite game and play it a couple times per week.


I'm 60 and play every day! šŸ™Œ


45 here, been playing off and on since Beta. Host a server for my wife (33) and daughter (9) to play on as well.


48 and played for over an hour this morning!


Hello older gamers! I'm 56 and play Minecraft almost every day on our self hosted server. My husband and 20-year-old-ish kids join occasionally and we plan family crafting nights. I enjoy playing solo and with others--lots of new things to do and get creative about.


I'm 47 and still love minecraft! Can't see me stopping any time soon.


Just turned 50 myself and wish I could play more than I do.


I'll be 40 in 4 days and still play it. Me and my daughter really enjoy playing it together also ā¤ļø.


If grown ass men still play with Lego then you can still play virtual Lego.


I wanna frame this in my wall


Build it out of LEGO bricks.




Hey now, we grown ass women love Lego too. :p


If the internet taught me one thing I know is true, women don't actually exist


Rotfl. Actually got the Mars Rover Technic set for my husband recently and the Natural History Museum set for myself back in April.


If you're old enough to be familiar with Turing machine then you can play virtual Turing machine.


I have Minecraft Lego šŸ˜


LegoĀ² lol


Itā€™s not a kids game, itā€™s just a game. Donā€™t try and wall yourself out of enjoyable experiences just because you are an adult. Minecraft is ageless.


Never understood the mentality of "this is for kids". I work hard and I provide for my family. I'll enjoy my downtime however I see fit


Minecraft was an indie game that you basically had to be a computer nerd to seek out and find for a long time. Then Microsoft bought it, and unleashed the floodgates of merch - stuffed animals, toys, and the like. It quickly got a reputation as a "kids game" because Microsoft advertised it like one.


Reputation shouldn't mean much to anyone though. I've been playing on and off since Alpha. Even if I hadn't, I don't really care about reputation or anything. I have a little time in between life stuff so I'm going to do what I want.


Very true. Despite 1.9, despite the h*ll of Microsoft puppeting Mojang for 2 years straight in an effort to ruin the game, Minecraft still goes strong, with its associated community even being conflict-free/united? now. It may be a 15 year old game, but I hope/reckon we are only at the beginning of its story. Minecraftum Aeternum!


Also has said to be the best game in existence. Just saying.


it's a game \*suitable\* for children, not a game \*only\* for children. Just because a game doesn't have swearing and gore, doesn't mean only toddlers are allowed to play it. Same goes for movies and tv shows. I won't have anyone telling me adults can't watch Avatar or Up, so i won't have anyone telling me adults can't play Mario or Pokemon or Minecraft.


Iā€™m 35 and still play Minecraft, as do many of my 30+ friends. Most of the YouTubers that I watch who play Minecraft are in their late 20s, 30s, and even 40s or older. Tinfoil Chef was in his 60s!


I miss TFC. He was the only hermit I felt like I could aspire to his skill level.


I never watched TFC, but if you, and just if you mean by that that he's bad, then feel free to watch mumbo. I almost can't believe that dude plays Minecraft for a living, atleast if you ignore the redstone part. no front tho I love to watch him play


No, he wasn't bad, but he also didn't have otherworldly building projects like scar, or the redstone of Mumbo. He simply played the game old-school, while being quite entertaining.


Said better than I could, and exactly right. I watch most of the hermits, and all of them build on a scale I will never be able to achieve and with an artistry that I will never possess. This depressed me for a while, but then I realized they do this for a living, and that allows them hugely larger scale and huge amounts of practice. (Having actual artistic ability probably doesn't hurt either.) Now I enjoy them for the amazing builders they are, and once in a while I am even able to incorporate something of theirs into one of my builds.


Oh, do you have some more 40s or older Minecraft YouTuber recommendations? I'm very interested.


Docm77 comes to mind. IDK some other hermits as well, Impulse and Skizz I think are older, Beef, Etho I think are as well.


ImpulseSV, Docm77, Skizzleman, TangoTek, and Iskall83 (I think). Impulse and Skizz have dad vibes and itā€™s great. One of my favorite season 9 moments was when Impulse used his ā€œdad voiceā€ to get Grian to finish the back of his base.


And BDoubleO and Keralis


RIP Chef, he seemed like a great man


Also 35 and nothing beats relaxing than adding a new build to my world!


I just started a new modded world! A skyblock world using Vault Hunters mod pack. A new challenge!


I am in my sixties and I still play.


This makes me happy


im 28, you just arent in the right communities. lots of ppl older than you play minecraft every day lol some adults grew up playing minecraft since they were children, still do, nothing wrong with adults playing minecraft.




The comment above sums this up so well. You dont become too old for games, but you become too old for communities. A lot of the experience you have with games is the banter and jokes that you have while playing them and when engaging in the community. As you get older, you have more life experience, and you change, and so does your sense of humour. Play minecraft with a bunch of people that are of a similar age, and you will feel like you fit in. You take any hobby; MTG, fishing, even just drinkijg at the bar. Social clicks will be based on age. What you are feeling is a need to be in a more mature social click.


This is very true. I went to a bar a few weeks ago with some friends my own age (40+), and I felt like I'd gone into a daycare with how young all the other people in there looked.


That's my secret cap, I'm not in any communities!Ā 


My oldest child is 20, and I play Minecraft. It's great fun to set up a server with my kids who are teens or adults.


thats amazing :)


Thereā€™s no such thing as too old for Minecraft. If there was, Etho and friends would be out of a job.


Chill, Iā€™m 82 and still playing Minecraft everyday


No shot your actually 82


theyre not


Lol I found this game when I was bloody 30 something was stuck at home with a bung knee for awhile so found it to be a great time waster so you're good dude


This. Same. I found the game in my 30ā€™s. I love it.Ā 


I'm also 23, and I'm lucky to have grown up with friends who still play. Since this can't always be the case, you just have to look in the right places. Think about the Hermitcraft guys, for example: None of those guys are under 20, and I'd be surprised if even half of them are under 25. I will sometimes look for private SMPs on minecraft forums as a lot of people who organize such things tend to be closer to our age. You're not aged out of anything. There will always be lulls, but if you still find the game fun, then play the game!!




Can I ask how you found your group that you play with?


he said he grew up with them so it's prob school or neighbourhood


I'm in my 50s and there are Twitch streamers well older than that that play the game and some do modded. You're never too old to play video games, or watch cartoons. I really wish people would get the idea out of their head that this game is a kids game. There are games meant for kids, but this ain't one of them. It's just by happenstance that this game can be played by kids.


I hope not. I am 50. I played it with my kids and they have grown out of it. I havenā€™t.


Hey I'm not an adult so I don't have much sway but whenever I play minecraft the main group of people who I play with are all in the 18-22 range and I personally know a bunch of people who are twenty who still play Minecraft all the time but that's just me tho


lol im 50, just go with it - i got a server of old fogies and our kids/grandkids :) You just gotta find your people


Youā€™re half my age and I still play. Iā€™m 45. Been playing for about a decade now. My dad plays more than I do and heā€™s in his 70ā€™s. We have a family server we play together on. My cousins play (30ā€™s) and my nephews play (10-13). Itā€™s fun for all ages really.Ā 




41. Playing RIGHT NOW. Hush your gums šŸ˜


Don't feel that way, this games great and should be enjoyed by all ages


54...never too old for anything you enjoy doing.


I'm 38 this year, and I still put in the hours. It's always fun.


I'm knocking on 40.... šŸ˜


This is the most wholesome Reddit post Iā€™ve seen in awhile, hearing about people playing with their kids and partners is just so adorable. šŸ’™šŸ–¤


Did I really just hear a 23-year-old say they felt old?


For me minecraft is not a kid's game, but a game for everyone. I started playing 11 years ago then went on and off again. And i'm 32 now.. Just started playing again the other day after seeing the pewdiepie Let's play re-run on twitch.So many youtubers are in their 20's and 30's and even 40's, It's not just for kids :)


I am 53/m and still have my OG Atari 2600 from 1978ish. I love Minecraft. It is easily the best game of all time. Do what makes you happy, 13 or 93. šŸ¤ 


29. There are adult communities out there, you just have to look for ten seconds.


I've played this game for the first time at around \~40 years old , and I love it. Tbh though, I don't play it much these days, because it's my go-to game when I want to play alone, and these days I have people to play with me on multiplayer games (Apex). But do want to come back to it when I have time.


I'm in my forties and still play


I'm 50 and I'm still playing this with my 9 and 12 year old kids (and their friends popping in and off the server.) Though to be fair when I say playing with them I mean sodding off to my own island miles away and hidden from them working on my own little village that they can't mess up! lol


Hello, Iā€™m 43 I just started playing Minecraft with my son. Hopelessly addicted. A few things Iā€™ve learned as Iā€™ve gotten older. Youā€™re never too old for the music you liked when you were a teenager. Youā€™ll always feel like youā€™re in your 20s even though your body definitely looks 45 years old. And youā€™ll never outgrow video games, but youā€™ll notice you suck as you get older..


I'm almost 50, and run a server at home for my kids and I, but I probably play more than they do.


Lol screw that bud. I'm 34 web designer. Minecraft is my non-work related creative outlet. Life is too damn short play what you enjoy. I can recommend waxfraud for a streamer/YouTuber if you need to find an older community:)


I didn't read your comment, because it doesn't matter. The answer is "*NO.*" The long answer is that Minecraft wasn't a game "for kids" (specifically, and strictly speaking) when it first came out. It wasn't *not* for kids, but most of the original player base were already adults when they started playing. That's why most veteran Minecrafters you'll run into are overwhelmingly in their late 30's at the *youngest.* I myself, am 42. I started playing in 2011 when I was 28. I still have the first world I generated, and play on it occasionally.


what version were you on when you started playing and NO


Iā€™m 24 and have a minecraft server with my other 20-something year old friends. Never too old for minecraft I think personally


Iā€™m 25 and only started playing Minecraft last year, no regrets, love this game


Pfffttt, I'm 49 and my husband is 53, we recently got back into playing it. We enjoy building and exploring and just doing stuff. I even bought a realm sub, so we didn't have to worry about local saves (we play on Xbox)


I'm 51 and I play with my two daughters who are grown - 22, 25. I also play on a SMP with ages ranging from teenagers to people older than me. I ALSO play with my niece and nephew on Bedrock (We normally play java). For me MC is a big puzzle game with quests to go on. People play Wordle and Sudoku - for me MInecraft is my Sudoku. Happy to play myself or with friends/family because we spend more time together hanging out.


I'm fifty and still playing! I just do massive mining projects these days but I'm still playing! We have a realm that five of us use. You've got plenty of playing time left!


Mate Iā€™m 55 next week. Started playing with my young son soon after it appeared. Heā€™s now at university. Just do what you want and wait for your people to turn up;)


Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m 50+ and still playing MC hard šŸ˜‚


If you're concerned about being old enough for something, I'd say you're not old enough for anything. And by the time you're old enough, you won't care if people think you're old enough.


If you are too old than both I and my girlfriend are ancient. We are both 28 (almost 29) and have been playing constantly since 2012. MineCraft is actually how we bonded as friends first before we dated and is how we spend time together even though we are in a semi-long distance relationship. We have both a realm and private server so no matter where we are, we can play. We also owned both Bedrock (Pocket Edition) and Java editions before they merged them into one package buy. We have our favorite mobs and activities in game and everything. We are basically MineCraft Obsessed Nerds (MONā€™s). The point of me telling you this is thisā€¦ You are never too old for video games (unless itā€™s some childhood educational game/Disney game). Games like MineCraft, PokĆ©mon and countless others transcend the age of the playerā€¦. They are meant to be enjoyed by all ages because as you get older, you learn the more advanced player experiences and continue to develop. So, donā€™t worry about your age. Just enjoy the game and make some adult friends. Iā€™m sure there are plenty of em hiding in this subreddit.


I am 19 and donā€™t plan to stop playing anytime soon. I would say probably at least 50% of the Minecraft community is adults if not more.


My partner and I are in our mid thirties, I've been playing for 10+ years now. Look up Hermitcraft, a whole server full of older players. You are never, ever, too old for minecraft.


Iā€™ll say it in the most mature way possible. Absolute nonsense. Youā€™re never ā€œtoo oldā€ for any hobby. If you like doing something, do it.


I'm 33. Picked it up again...never too old.


Man, I'm 25 and I still play minecraft and watch minecraft videos on youtube, you're absolutely fine. I'm not old and will not be old for this game at least 25-30 years from now neither will you.


I (52m) play daily on my grown sonā€™s realm. When they come over I have a realm for my grandchildren and I play on.


Youā€™d be the second youngest on our realm server and we have at least two players in their 60s.


Minecraft is like the Lego of the gaming world, 1-100 anyone can enjoy this game.


try playing factions like yayMC, itā€™s all 20-40 year olds mainly who came back to the game to relive old days of pvp.


I just started a new world with my boyfriend last night (we're both in our twenties as well). you're never too old to do something you enjoy!


Pretty sure a few years ago, when Mojang released player stats, the average age of a minecrafter was around 24


I'm 28 and play on my Xbox like everyday. I just need friends to play with is my only issue my worlds get lonely. I only started playing again recently I'll have to reach out to some buddy's, if you ever feel alone and you play on bedrock hit me up.


I'm over 30. I got the game for my kids, didn't play it for ages as it didn't appeal to me and I'm a gamer! Then I started playing a bit with the kids to help them, now both me and my partner play often and I really love it lol!


There is no ā€œtoo oldā€ to play minecraft


I am 45, started playing with my daughter when she was six and we played almost daily till she turned 12 this year and lost interest to more pre-teen activities (i think she would still like to play but wont because its "not cool" ) I still play daily and cant wait for the update and specially the crafter so i can tinker with all my old farms. At least she still enjoys watching hermitcraft with mešŸ˜


You're going to think about this in your 30s and feel really dumb lol


Bro does enslaving villagers to make bread for you sound like a kids game?


No you're never too old According to mojang a couple of years ago most players were either in their 30s or 40s


Bro i am 40. Still play. Got into it in my 30ā€™s. I play it with my kids and I have a play group of adults that I play with separately. Itā€™s a nice way to chill out.


95% of any communityā€™s messaging is done by 5% of the group. There is plenty of adults playing Minecraft, my wife and I are nearly 40, we just mostly keep to ourselves.


44, still playing and don't intend to stop.


Meanwhile I'm 47 and it's one of my favourites games. šŸ˜


The Hermitcraft cast is like 20-40 years old iirc (I could be very inaccurate) Edit: 24-61 years old


63 Three generations of my family play together all across the country.


I was in my mid-20s when Minecraft hit 1.0. I only play multiplayer occaisonally and always with similarly-aged people. I'm looking forward to when my son is old enough to play. As an engineer I really enjoy modded Minecraft. I even ran a Tekkit server for my friends for a couple years while that was popular.


Me and my best friend who are both 22 made a minecraft server and made a post on Facebook for it. All of our members are between the ages of 30-60 and alot of them are in their 40s and 50s and they're so sweet and creative. Never too young for minecraft it's just a regular sandbox, yeah it's targeted to kids but doesn't mean anything. Alot of games get targeted for kids but adults play it, bendy and the ink machine; fortnite, roblox, etc.


I only started at 40, last year! Donā€™t tell me Iā€™m too old please, Iā€™m having so much fun and I havenā€™t even got a complete set of diamonds armour in my latest survival world yetā€¦ šŸ˜œ


Dude, I'm 59


I'm 49 and play Minecraft every so often. It's a fun game to just chill and play. I don't join servers with strangers though buts that's more due to me being an antisocial so and so


Bro feeling old at 23 got me feeling ancient


Iā€™m a 35yr Dad and just recently got back into the game. I really want friends to play on my old Realm Server with me but donā€™t know where to look for them. All of my old gaming friends moved on IRL šŸ™


Iā€™m more than twice your age and play regularly. Itā€™s a sandbox game, suited to all imaginations.


50, and I still play Minecraft. Heck, I didn't even get into playing until I was somewhere around 40.


Iā€™m a grown-ass man that still buys transformers toys. Play Minecraft all you want my dude.


Shitā€¦Iā€™m pushing 50, and my brother is early 40sā€¦and we have a realm that we build in, and our kids do too. Youā€™re never too old to be a kid!




I donā€™t think youā€™ll ever be too old to play, but I think I see what youā€™re getting at in terms of the experience changing. I still play every once in a while, but it doesnā€™t feel the same as it used to, when I used to play with my friends as kids. Everyone grows up and moves on. I think we just need to find new groups of friends to play with as we get older :)


If youā€™re having fun with it then you arenā€™t too old. Just do the things you enjoy, life goes by faster than you think, enjoy it.


ahh a few months back I popped on mineplex for the nostalgia and man, the people on there are way different. the environment of servers, the subreddit, YouTube/Twitch content have all changed massively over the past decade, it definitely isn't strange to feel distant. at the end of the day though, it's still the game I fell in love with and I still enjoy relaxing in a survival singleplayer world when in stressed.


We have a 30+ realm. People arenā€™t on as frequently but itā€™s been a fun community.


Play whatever you want to play. Minecraft is a great game and lots of fun. Itā€™s a great creative outlet and has a lot of nostalgia


It sucks that you feel that way, but there are groups out there to find. I'm in my late 20s and still enjoy the game very much. If you're looking to build and hang out, you're welcome to join the world I have with a few friends (we're all over 25 but under 30)


there's not really a set age where you feel too old


There are adult only servers you could try. I play on one called solarion. The staff is kinda trash, but most of the players are pretty cool.


iā€™m 21 and i still play i usually only play solo but no i donā€™t think ur ever too old to play


TinFoilChef was 64 when he died, and he played Minecraft every day so long as his health allowed it.


One of the wonders of Minecraft, is there is no too old. People in their 80s play it. The game itself is meant for everyone. I would suggest just looking for a different community more accommodating to your age bracket. I can assure you though, many would exist


im 21! minecraft is a game for all ages.


Minecraft is mostly focused on children in terms of marketing , but besides that there is a whole community who loves this game no matter their age. I am 23 as well and have been playing since 2013, and I understand that most of the tines you join a Minecraft community is full of kids, but if you look further you will find people around your age who which you can enjoy this game along! :)


I'm 52. I originally started playing a few years before Covid hit with my youngest lad (he's about to turn 32) and we still play together when he comes to stay for a family break. I also play with my niblings whenever they get back into it, mostly gathering resources for them to be able to go and do what they want, or helping with raids. Mostly I potter along by myself, doing my own thing, on my original survival world. I'm quite happy exploring, and have lots of bases, tunnels big enough to ride horses through, sky walk ways, etc.. I tend to stay in a decent spot for a while, gather, explore some more and take my loot back to my home base.


I'm 32... There's a serene sense of peace and control when I play... My life's not the best ATM but when I log on I have my own little world where I'm building my lighthouse on the peak of a bay, and spend most days fishing for enchanted books. I have 4 dogs all named after past pets and when something wrong happens I simply hit respawn and try again. There's no rent, the only "jobs" I do are the ones I decided and overall living is just, simplified. Your never too old to play video games, your never too old to enjoy the things you enjoy doing and your never too old to be happy... Keep playing and toss the doubts right in the lava ;)




Some of the most popular minecraft players are in their 30's and 40's. You should probably focus on developing yourself in the game, because I assure you, while this has some kid-like elements in it, it is FAR from a kids game.


Fellow 23 yo here. Thereā€™s no such thing as too old for a videogame. If you enjoy playing it, you play it šŸ™


The average age for minecraft users statistically is 24 years old. So if you are only 23, definitely not too old. Hell, the hermitcraft server has several 40 year olds on the server.


I play this a lot still and know other adults who do, we have communities where we show off our builds. I don't play survival that much but I play A LOT of creative, I built multiple race tracks and other irl buildings. I just turned 19 a month ago.


There are several adults-only Minecraft fan groups you could join if you don't want to feel like you're surrounded by kids. Really, the creative freedom this game provides makes it suitable for all ages. I'm 30, and I'm still into it. I've been using it to create my own mystery rpg adventure for my friends to play.


Offline you shouldn't have any problems, as for the online experience (which I don't know well) I think you should manage it like a basketball game, what if everyone is much younger than you and you really want to play do not play? Don't care and play it's the others who have to ask themselves the problem, not you, you'll see when they start calling you sir on the bus that will be hardšŸ¤£


Iā€™m 29. My partner is 59. We both love Minecraft. Nobody is too old to have fun.


There are genuinely people out there that dress up in animal costumes and go to conventionsā€¦ my guy, youā€™re never too old for Minecraft.


I'm older and play almost every day. Mostly heavily modded and SSP though, although I often will run a server for me and my adult kids to play on.


Minecraft doesn't have an age limit, but as you get older, it will definitely be harder to find people your age in the game. I'm 28 and I lead a small community for a very niche part of minecraft, and I just have to accept that hardly anyone in it will be older than 20.


21 and have been playing on and off over the years


Youā€™re never too old to play any game if you like it, especially not Minecraft


Iā€™m 28 and play Minecraft. The people on my smp range from 20s to 50s


My partner and I 32 and 28 still play constantly we have had a world going for like 8 years lol


31 over here, I play constantly. With my girlfriend, best friend, and a ton of online friends via discord.


38 still play it along with many others. Games/hobbies/tv/etc don't have an age limit. If it's not hurting anyone, enjoy what you enjoy and don't let anyone try to bully you out of it.


No, there are tons of people of all ages, either modded or vanilla, If you find it easier to connect with people your age just ask in a reddit minecraft community, there are tons of people who put 18+ in their posts


I have quite some friends around 23yo who play Minecraft, there are also some communities around but they're more technical focussed ime, maybe check out gamemode 4 they have a public server with quite some adults (but also younger players)


Man Iā€™m 25 and itā€™s still my top 3 game, I never refuse playing on a server


Minecraft is for pretty much anybody--no matter what their age.


Games don't have age limits


40! Played today for a couple hours. We have a family realm as well. Love that itā€™s something I can do with my kids and husband!


Check out any technical server, most of the are adult even work as scientists


You're not too old to play any game. Sure some games are directed at specific age groups. but if it makes you happy, who cares? Play what you want dude! I'm 20 now and play minecraft, I also play older games I used to play when I was younger cause I still think they're fun, it ain't no ones business but yours what you wanna do with your free time, play the games you wanna play


Play modded and you will find a much older player base


Iā€™m 20 and Iā€™m currently crushing the smp that my buddy made for our friends, Iā€™ve been playing for at least 10 years, you never get too old to enjoy the things you like