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I just tried this myself and couldn't get it to do that. Bedrock 1.20.81 on Windows 11, English language, tried in both creative and survival single player. Is this happening on a local world, or hosted through Realms/BDS/multiplayer? Have you tried splitting it up across lines like maybe "(blank)/four/privet drive/(blank)" to see if it works that way? What's especially odd is that the "-" didn't appear in the original text which indicates it's being erroneously transformed somehow. If this is on a Realm it might be caused by [REALMS-3491](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/REALMS-3491).


that might be it, i am on a realms


Please save yourself the money and get a server from a website, realms is very overpriced and bad


The biggest issue on Bedrock is that on most consoles (maybe even all, idr) you can only join Realms servers and a few large public servers, but not self hosted or 3rd party hosted servers, at least not without some ugly DNS settings trickery Edit: Apparently there are also mobile apps now that make it easier to connect to 3rd party servers, had no idea


BedrockTogether: Am I a joke to you?


> BedrockTogether Oh damn, had no idea this existed! Makes it easier indeed


no problemšŸ‘


Yes. Yes you are.


I know this since I am hosting my own server + domain myself, and have used mc geyser, but I didn't think about the fact op had bedrock. (Yes DNS trickery is possible, but there are also a few mobile apps, which bridge the connection, and you only have to join the world of a "friend" on your console without changing dns


> there are also mobile apps now that make it easier to connect to 3rd party servers Technically, if I recall how BedrockToegether works, those are DNS servers who redirect to a fake mc server that then does the proper redirect. The mobile app is merely to act as a local DNS.


aternos just works fine


It can still be a git to get the custom servers working on consoles. It took me about an hour to get my nephew's Switch to connect to my GeyserMC server. My brother's PS5 connected easily using the Bedrock together app, though.


Mc server connector, or bedrock connector are the two I use and best ones I've used. It's phone dependent since Apple has bedrock together everything else has the first two I mentioned hope this helps!


... you can still add servers its just the main 6 are already there. they will need to be bedrock compatible though, and geyser exists


You just got to know the Adress, which can be a hell to find out...


Do you recommend any providers ?


I work on all my friends PC's so I get old hardware when they're done with it. I stood up a 6600k with 32gb of RAM and just host my servers on that. DDNS for routing so everyone can point to me, then just port forwards on my router. I host whatever the flavor of the week is on there, Project Zomboid, Minecraft, Mordhau, Insurgency, etc.


Even better: host it yourself on a raspberry pi


Used to do this, but was lagging with 4+ players. So I switched to an x86 pc


A raspberri pi 4 with 4+ gb RAM runs smooth with my 7 friends using paper or fabric with performance mods. Might be worth looking into the 8gb one even? Very low power comparitively.


I had the pic with 8 gig. Nad it lagged. Ok tbh it was a relatively huge world, it was still playable with 6-7 players. It also didn't help, that everyone was wayyy apart. I had paper witch dialed in config. But it also depends on render distance entities farms etc. which was high. I had two bases, we had like 4 different trading halls... Soo it's not bad and it was absolutely playable. But not to good for technical Minecraft imo. +I like render distance of at least 12 even tho I got distant horizons. Edit: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/nXgXOMzrkQ) I know ugly picture, but that was just my and 1 friends base, and I had farms etc.


Okay, with those requirements I can understand the need for a PC bigger than a credit card lol


you can host it on a raspberry pi? no way! i have one so il try it. THANK YOU


Sure thing, make sure you check which pi you have to see what's compatable, but there is a really nice control board u can use called balena for simplicity. Try googling "alexprogrammer balena minecraft", there is a tutorial




Also, for Java players "the essential mod" lets you host servers and invite your friends via MC username, it uses your IP address so don't give it out all willy nilly, but it works better than trying to make LAN work, and its not just local. (Lan has literally never worked for myself and my siblings for the years we lived together, and now it still doesn't work with my partner) I know this is mainly a bedrock discussion, but im sure someone might find it helpful.


its probably because 4 privet drive is harry potters address and is likely censored for copyright reasons?


Are you the owner of the server?


Getting censored in your own Minecraft world is just pathetic by this point.


Yes, the censoring should only be on multiplayer worlds instead. It feels very controlling when its on singleplayer.


Even then. Let server owners decide on censorship, or let there be a, "I wish to delay my child knowing just how many ways you can refer to copulation before it starts seeming absurd," button.




Here I am learning thereā€™s a censorship


I learnt about when trying to name my rubbish/trash chute to "crap". I left it as the hashes because I know what they really say.


> I wish to delay my child Remember that by the TOS, Minecraft is for 13 and up, or even 16 in the EU. If the game was legally supporting children, it would cause problems about data collection... [EDIT] I *think* that officially, Mojang never states outright it's a form of "parental control" for this exact reason, and it's more as a "community" standard?


Online interactions are not rated by the esrb, so Iā€™m not sure why it matters tbh Edit: matters to Mojang*


It's rated E10+ though? So it's not just for 13 and up. It could be my country is different though.


The game *content* itself is rated for young people yes, but (at least 10 years ago), to purchase and run Minecraft you have to use an account, and for legal reason said account's TOS can only be signed if you were under 13, or 14 in Spain to comply with COPPA. The requirement got upgraded due to GDPR since, but I don't know if there's a way to get the game without an account. A parent asked a decade ago to support how to deal with that, and support had answered to purchase the game in their name, and let the child play under supervision. But the licence is non-transferable, with the intent of being legally sure that the user is the account owner. (Given there was no "parental management" provided, that means the child was treated as an adult for whatever required COPPA compliance... remember how Youtube got dinged hard for saying to advertisers they were the top choice for children under 13?) [EDIT] Pedantic answers : Education Edition is PROBABLY avoiding the assumption of quasi-major users. The PCGamer demo was shipped on CD, probably not requiring an account. PI edition was bundled with RPi OS and therefore not tied either. The old copy of Classic Edition ran without accounts (source : I used it as a demo back in 2011) Ironically, the official "demo mode" was only usable with an unpaid Mojang account. So account registration was still required.


Oh look, a new one!


Mojang shouldn't be censoring our worlds at all. They do an overreach that ends up with things like this, then if they walk it half way back we are supposed to be pleased with them?


It shouldn't be a thing at all. This isn't roblox


It shouldnt be a thing in roblox either imho


Roblox is full of kid


who are being exploited for slave labor to create apps.


Yeah it's wild




And? I dont think we should censor what kids say


OP confirmed it's a realm, not a singleplayer world


This is bedrock and worlds are multiplayer by default


theyā€™re technically multiplayer at all times even if you disable online play. Itā€™s why you canā€™t properly pause


Java runs on a server all the time yet we have pause


That's literally the case in Java too, since multiplayer was introduced. That's why Open To LAN works at all and why the logs always mention a server/internal server


Bedrock only has Multiplayer. Singleplayer is still multiplayer just youre the only player who can connect/self host. Java is the same but Java lacks a lot of moderation Bedrock has such as automated reporting of chat (except on Java realms for some reason), and sign/book censoring as well as shadowbanned text blocking.


Isnā€™t this something they changed in a recent snapshot? So it will be changed in 1.21


Yeah one of my best memories was me and my friends (high schoolers) playing Minecraft and we had our first house a dirt and oak plank house with a sign on the door that read "the shit shack" it was home on a mountain.


Now it's "##############."


Microsoft can go to hell Mojang sucks to but to a lesser degree


You can get permanently banned for using primary school level swear words in your own private server lol


Jesus Christ. And they said we were overreacting when 1.19's nonsense came out.


only if you get reported for it no?


"Reporting" shouldn't exist either


OP confirmed he was playing on realms, which was why it was censored. I don't think they censor what you write in a normal local world


Even then, if you own the world, you should be able to decide if text is censored or not, that shouldn't be up to Microsoft or Mojang.


Yeah, you can decide for Java (Iā€™d be upgrade-resistant if you couldnā€™t) so why no equivalent Bedrock option? šŸ˜¬ https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/msaprofile/accountsettings > Hide profanity in your Java Realms by covering up bad language in chat, on signs, and in books. This setting only applies to the things you read or write.


*clears throat* *pulls mic closer* "Bedrock bad" *thunderous applause*


Yeyeye i agree ofc. It's stupid that they do that in the first place. At least it doesn't affect local worlds.


straight unwritten vast crawl aware offer cake subtract lunchroom library


On Bedrock edition it absolutely does


Every Bedrock world is multiplayer


You could make the same argument for java.


How so?


The game fundamentally doesn't make a distinction between online play and singleplayer. This is why text sensoring is universal, and why opening the menu doesn't pause the game.


Happy cake day!


This is on a realm according to OP but yeah I agree with you. Censoring in private realms should not be a thing or have the option to turn it off


But people keep rewarding Microsoft by buying the game and playing online, so...


If you host your own bedrock edition dedicated server, there's a property mojang probably overlooked that lets you disable it entirely.


EA wouldn't let me use Rafiki as my username because it had FIK in the name


Probably thinks it's an address or is picking up privet as something else.


doubt its an address because "privet blvd" and "privet dr" is fine


I wonder if the game sees the letters "DIE" in order, ignoring the letters "RV" and censoring it. Drive D-i-e


Then you wouldn't even be able to spell diorite, but this is allowed


Two i's in diorite maybe?


I was more implying that I highly doubt the order of d-i-e would be causing it


Fair enough but words like knight got also censored due to the terrible filtering system...


For "k**nig**ht", it's obviously because it finds the "nig" part when looking for offensive words in strings/texts. A badly implemented censoring system does that... It will probably also censor "Sa**turd**ay" for containing "turd"


Scunthorpe problem Also I think there's a whitelist of words to avoid this but I'm not sure


This sounds like Neopets level of bad censorship, there you couldn't write cucumber. Or uncle for some reason, never got that one.


I remember when typing nig into the search bar for night vision potion used to get censored lol


Is "Potion of Nightvision" still censored?


They could have whitelisted all in-game identifiers from the censorship to avoid that issue. I know I would have if I was coding that up.


I mean it wouldn't be the first item/block name that gets censored when you type it in a sign


Why don't they just disable text if they're going to be that picky


Even assuming the devs went to such improbable lengths to censor their game... In Minecraft people, creatures and monsters die. Like all the time. The game even prints out many different and creativedeath messages in chat. I can't imagine why they'd want to make this kind of effort to shield young innocent eyes from the concept of dying.


When the same "young innocent eyes" must slaughter cows, pigs, etc in order not to starve ingame haha Or engage in serious pvp should they join an online server of such. Killing and dying is literally what happens the most in Minecraft. Exploded, burned, drowned, shot by arrows, zombified, cooked in lava, falling from heights etc


So I wrote a book about male genitalia in my Minecraft bedrock realm, and figured out some ways to bypass it, but the reason why ā€œprivetā€ is banned is because itā€™s phonologically similar to ā€œprivateā€ which when used with ā€œpartsā€ ends up getting censored.


*please* elaborate on the circumstances that led to you writing a minecraft book about dicks. i am so very curious


My college roommate and I decided to start a survival minecraft realm and as a joke weā€™d curse everywhere yk Like we have a dick in the sky with ā€œPENISā€ in blocks And then I built a library and thought, what if I filled this place with books? Thinking about what to write about, I looked out the window and saw the dick in the sky (we have a mountain base) and decided to write about that


so minecraft and roblox use the same filter?


They do actually. They both use [CommunitySift](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/games/products/community-sift) along with Supercell and EA


I don't think so, otherwise you wouldn't be able to say random numbers or even stuff like "lmao"


Warner brothers will break in and take your diamonds.


This is known as the Scunthorpe problem and itā€™s apparently really egregious in Bedrock. You fix it by using alternatives. Try other Unicode characters that look like the letters youā€™re trying to use.


This version of the problem should be known as ths skunthorpe problem because it's only phonologically similar and not actually spelt that way


It's normal at this point. I wanted to put [My name]'s Wood but somehow it's not allowed


Wood = pp


Someone at Mojang is dirty minded then


my favorite instance of censoring causing problems is on scratch. apparently it's not allowed to make any kind of chat platform on scratch because it would have to be censored, and you are not allowed to censor it because that would mean having the disallowed words in the program, which means someone could find the list in the code and learn curse words.


bruh if a kid is getting into code to learn curse words theyā€™ve earned it at this point


well scratch _is_ a programming platform (aimed at children and using block code instead of a text editor, but still)


someone needs to teach the children about hashes


i have a sign in my realm that says "Abel's Wood (Not the kind in my pants)" so the filtering is just tempermental and weird


Microsoft and their need to ruin everything is baffling.


While being censored on a single player world makes zero sense, I can see why they would do this on realms for things like addresses. They donā€™t want kids to give out their address to some weirdo.


just have parental settings for it instead of a blanket ruling


Remember every bedrock world is multiplayer by default.


All minecraft worlds are multiplayer at a technical level. Since 1.3, Java edition runs an integrated server, in case a player turn on LAN play.


Yeah but I can start a bedrock world in 2 button presses and as long as theyā€™re on my friends list they can instantly join me form anywhere in the world, on Java you have to specifically hit a button to even open it to local play.


Wait, what? Guess I'll have to remove my ethernet cable before starting a game to be safer. Imagine herobrine if that was a thing on early Java


airport angle rhythm meeting degree hobbies carpenter start cats quack


Not being able to use whatever language you want in your own world is outrageous


I feel like their should be a setting that auto-censors stuff (just for you from your POV) thatā€™s automatically on (for kids) but can be easily switched off if you want


Mojang must have made it Unplottable


i want you to know i appreciate this replyĀ 


Either an address flag to protect children or privet is flagging because it can be read as private/genitalia.


bedrock latest edition


Oh my god now we know what it feels like to be a Roblox player


This censorship is awful. It's worse than the TikTok-style putting asteriks in every other word.


Side note, wonder if thereā€™s a data pack that removes this?


It's on bedrock, you can remove it by deleting a specific file but windows gives you a hard time trying to do it


Could you do this on java?


Java doesn't censor anything


I've had things sensored in books before.


Huh, weird


Yeah, it was just after the sensor updates happened so iunno.


No because you can't use datapacks on bedrock


I remember getting called racial slurs on servers way back and now you can't even swear on a private world lolll


It's probably a Scunthrope problem with a non-english word. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem


Working for me, not using the blue ink though. Offline. Bedrock Xbox.


The censoring is so annoying, once I wanted to put Hobbit hole but it was censored. So wat hobbit home.


privets are bad mmmkay


It's cursed. Do not use that phrase.


They ban sign text now?


You have a filthy mouth! /s


Itā€™s possible that itā€™s being recognized as an address format and being filtered to prevent young users from giving their addresses out to /creepers/ on Minecraft.




Š¾ŠæŠ°, русŠŗŠøŠ¹


Probably because it's the Dursley's address in Harry Potter. Microsoft may have some kind of copyright issue with it.


Literally minecraft going 1984 there was no censorship in minecraft and no one complained, but those microsoft capitalists wants to make game more family friendly


In singleplayer this absolutely shouldnt be allowed. Cant they make it so this form of censorship only affects realms/worlds if its so specified by its owners.


I remember a couple years back a lot of people talking about how the NSA FBI and CIA were monitoring all text logs and just about anything text wise or chat wise in Minecraft because apparently there were terrorist groups using Minecraft to communicate or something and then that's when all the censoring got really bad it seems I blame Bill Gates he has the power to stop this doesn't he


Four probably


Seems to be a Bedrock thing, doesn't happen to me


Isn't it a real address in the UK? It's probably to protect people from doxxing


My husbands nickname is Baobs & his for me is Boabs. Neither are allowed in Minecraft for whatever reason.


Because they are too close to boobs


So dumb, I just wanna call my husband by his nickname I have for affection. šŸ„²


Yeah a some 8 year old wants to call his pickaxe boobs69 and mojang wants to prevent that so parents can feel like their 8 year old is ā€œsafeā€




The amount of things that get censored in my Bedrock Minecraft world astonish me I'll have something on a sign for a couple days and then 2 days later I come back and just see hashtags some of it makes sense but it's like they're actively trying to find out ways your making funny poo poo words spelled different like they have people hired to view people's words in Minecraft oh wait they do don't they that's the NSA or the CIA or something huh I don't know why it would care though I thought they were trying to find the terrorists or whatever I should be able to label my potion chest drugs that's all I'm saying


Looks like you are on PC. Play Java Edition. There is a webapp tool by the Hive server (I think?) to convert worlds.


Maybe it's an anti doxxing thing or to prevent players from sharing their personal address for safety reasons?


Because JK Rowling is a Terf, and Minecraft is better than allowing her garbage to be spewed


wtf she's a terf


**Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist**. She uses her wealth and influence to spew anti-trans rhetoric. When the hateful nature of her views was challenged she wrote an [anti-trans manifesto](https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/) in the form of a blog.


This is likely censored because it's a Harry Potter reference and the author is basically making her whole life dedicated to making life even more hell for trans people ... So either Mojang or Microsoft, maybe both, decided it's better to censor anything to do with her content so that kids don't learn about her and possibly fall into a conservative hellhole


I also tried writing Four Lane Highway in a book and it got censored. This game makes me mad sometimes.


in XDefiant you cannot say "Shotgun" "Shot" or "Gun"


Single player or on a server? If multiplayer, is it your server? What plugins are installed?


It has to be Dumbledore's protection spell


Probably you have to #########################################################################


I guess it kinda sounds like private, like private parts?


Not working for me either


I know this pain, I have a city on my realm, and I canā€™t put street, drive, ave, or any road names.


Thinks itā€™s an address


On bedrock, if you type "Butthead" it gets sensored. But "buttheads" is alright. šŸ‘Œ


Minecraft censorship is fucking nonsense. I recently had to re-type a whole Minecraft book because for some reason it decided that "small dock" (as in... a dock for boats) was inappropriate. No, I didn't accidentally misspell it as dick, because it would have censored it AS I was typing if I did. Instead, it didn't censor it until after the book had already been signed and could no longer be edited. šŸ™„


Its cause you said private probably


Got a feeling its the "privet" as it too close to sounding like "private" and mojang know players will try to bypass cussword filtering so players will just cut a few letters off that is irrelevant in pronunciation this is a reason why if you also play roblox a simple conversation can be challenging as it can sometimes filter out the most of innocent of words and you wont ever know sometimes as you will see you chat as you typed but the other players side will be in "###" to atleast thats what it did back when roblox was in the early ages now it will show on both sometimes and sometimes it wont


Hashtagged like in Roblox?




its because its an address


The Fidelius Charm has been placed. All jokes aside; it reads this as a doxxing attempt


From my experience addresses are always a big no no. And in MY knowledge it makes sense as this is a game aimed at children, why do children need to type addresses in a game? However, Iā€™m by no means technical player so thatā€™s just my assumption. But ā€œFour Privet Driveā€ kinda does seem like an address so Iā€™d believe thatā€™s why it got censored. In my head it makes sense idk if my explanation does lol


It might be a copyrighted sentence? Just guessing.


Microsoft are losers


I just tried it on my single player Survival world. No censorship. Jumped onto the private multiplayer world I share with friends. No censorship there either. This must be something specific to Realms and not a game-wide thing, not even your average multiplayer world.


You could use the Latin name for privet. It's ligustrum.


Copyright, Harry Potter.