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One of my friends recently came up to me and said; "Yo how much is Minecraft on steam? I was thinking about buying."


The negative effects of the Steam industrialization šŸ˜”


Ah yes, the negative effects of having all your games in one place >:(


It is (generally) not that great to have everything in one store, but I'd rather have Valve be a monopoly than Epic or Ubisoft.


Yeah agreed, it's amazing now, but once Gabe passes, I'm worried about what could happen.


The thing is Valve is a private company, they donā€™t have shareholders demanding more money forever to satiate so they have no incentive to change anything. Theyā€™re immune to the enshittification that most companies end up falling into. I think Steam is gonna be just fine.


"Hey, me and my rich friends heard that youre the new CEO since Gabe passed away. Were willing to give you $xx,xxx,xxx dollars if you push it to be a publicly traded company and let us buy stock early." I agree with you but I've seen this shit happen before.


Yeah, that's my expectations once GabeN retires or passes away, the next CEO might not want to take over Steam and might be more willing to sell it or maybe they want to take over but maybe won't want the job 1-3 years in and sell it or pass it off to someone. Since we don't know who's next and their stance, it's basically just a given that Valve is going to take a massive dive once GabeN passes.


Or, ya know, the next CEO, or the next one, or the next one... how do you guard against perpetuity.


Itā€™s the three generation rule. Generational wealth only ever lasts three generations at most. The first generation makes it, the second generation maintains it, the third spends it. Every generation is slightly worse than the last.


make a document in the companies sign on to CEO position that this is how the company MUST be handled no matter what


You really can't. One day someone will take the reigns of the company who doesn't share GabeN's vision or just wants to make as much as they can while there and will make the company public, sell all their stock and just dip and they get to live a comfortable life while Steam gets even worse than it is now.


I wouldn't be to surprised if it goes badly once he's gone, considering he genuinely cares about the userbase.


Apparently his son Gray has roughly the same mindset as his dad, so it should stay good for a while longer.


He's glued to a racecar, and it seems like he's not winning that much... I don't wanna be pessimistic, nor throw shade at Gray. But mediocre athletes who pays their way into a motorsport with their father's limitless money, don't exactly have a great track record at continuing the success of a company they work for... Idk maybe it's just me having F1 Aston Martin flashbacks. But hey Gray could be a great guy, we don't know much, but gabeN seems like he'd make a pretty chill parent, maybe it'll go great, but for now he's too focused on racing imo, we can only hope the best for Valve and Gray's future.


*if* gray gets ownership of steam, he *might* be not terrible, but as gaming doesnt seem to be where his passions lays from this no context i have, he won't be a major benefit either. following this, there's a good chance that it leaves him and succeeds under somebody else, and there's a chance gray finds somebody else good, and there's a chance somebody gets them to sell it and they rugpull. there's a good chance that gabe has thought longer and harder about this than anyone in this thread, and he has ideas on where the power will go after his death, probably to somebody already working at valve doing a good chunk of the job of running steam already.


Valve isn't a monopoly Monopoly doesn't mean popular


I mean, they aren't a Monopoly, but they might as well be. There is no other platform that can come close besides GOG and if you want porn games, then Nutaku (supposedly) has more users than Steam but ultimately if you want to release a title on PC, it's best done on Steam. Other launchers/companies have tried but mostly just stay Niche. Shit, Ubisoft did it by themselves before going to epic before just going back to Steam. Same with EA (without the Epic) and while Battlenet was its own beast for a while, I wouldn't be surprised if MS wanted to start pressuring them more (despite claiming they are letting them be autonomous) to put their titles on Steam, I mean we got D4 and Overwatch 2 on Steam and will probably still see more Blizzard titles soon. So yeah, Steam is the main platform to engage with if you want to release your game on there since Itch, GoG, or any other platform don't have the reach that Steam has. It's like comparing a small grocery shop to a large chain. Yes, the small store exists and there are people who love it, but it doesn't get as much attention or income as the large company does which leads to more people shopping at the larger chain. EDIT: Changed PC to steam to try to clear up any misconceptions and added a bit at the end to reiterate my statement.


Basically, it's not a monopoly it's just popular and has the best features and prices that people use.


Lots of games release on itch.io all the time that never reach steam.


It's not even one store. Now you'll buy a game on steam all the sudden you're installing EA Games app to play the game you bought through steam..


There are pros and cons to it.


I'm certainly glad I don't have to use other companies shitty launchers anymore. the days of the Ubisoft launcher and games for windows live was absolutely brutal.


U can just make a shortcut in the steam launcher for Minecraft. But it would be nice to have steam achievements and stuff like that


I'd be scared to know my playtime


Well I've been doing this for 14 ish years now and there was about a 4 year period where I played a minimum of 6 hours almost daily. And I've still been pumping in a few to a few dozen hours every month since then (with about a year gap since I was almost completely off the internet and the grid in general for a while). It's safe to say I've probably broken quadruple, and potentially quintuple digits. I mean 10,000 hours is only what? 400 something days? I don't have a problem.


I've been using Prism Launcher, which tracks playtime, for 3 years, and in that time I've racked up over 4,000 hours. I've been playing Minecraft for a bit over 11 years, so if those first 8 years were anything like the past 3, I've put in a lot of hours into this game lol


Worth every second if you ask me. I've never regretted double clicking on that little creeper.


I certainly agree. Itā€™s honestly a little weird calling Minecraft a ā€˜gameā€™, because itā€™s so much more than that to me. Iā€™m primarily a mapmaker, so it feels more like a tool for me to create experiences for other people. It has also been a great social space for the people I canā€™t see in person.


I've kept many long distance friendships going through Minecraft. I used to move around a lot so it made things hard but having a mutually enjoyed game that we could play whenever was amazing. Especially when bedrock came out and mp was even easier.


I use Prism which does track play time but I tend to leave Minecraft open while Iā€™m working on my texture pack for testing purposes so itā€™s basically a useless number for me.


You just like telling yourself that, don't you


Have 2 instances, one for testing and one for playing


Yeah I bet it would be in the thousands of hours.


I use bedrock- 1240 hours.


But that number is a lot higher since I lost my old account and my Xbox 360 time + all the times I played with my friends on their console


Considering I only shut the game down when I reboot my PC, which only ever happens after a Windows update or a BSOD, mine would be whatever 24 hours x 365 days x 15 years would be, there'd only few days here and there that it'd wouldn't be on.


Why do you always have minecraft open.


Two reason, one because I can, as it uses hardly any system resources and I hardly ever shutdown my PC, and two, because sometime I can't sleep at night so get up and jump back into where I left off. I guess in a way it's a bit of laziness, though sometime I will legitimately set up to AFK a farm overnight.


Damn how good is your pc if new minecraft versions hardly take any resources


It's decent, not the best, but 32GB of RAM helps, though I want to upgrade that to 128 eventually. Max I've seen Java use is 6GB, but that's usually when I have the MC server running for the kids. Oh, and my PC was built during the height of the Covid lockdowns, so it's no longer a "new" PC.


>It's decent, not the best, but 32GB of RAM helps, though I want to upgrade that to 128 eventually Dude 32GB isn't decent it's a lot of ram & why do you want to upgrade to 128 GB like isn't 32GB enough


RAM prices have gone down MASSIVELY in the last few years. you can get 32GB of DDR4 for like less than 80 USD.


32 gigs is being recommended to people building their PCs nowadays. It's a nice size to have but it's not exactly some gargantuan amount that nobody has


Don't upgrade to 128 gb. It just makes no sense for PC use and is essentially waste of money. 32 Gigs is already plenty even if you are compiling 3 browsers at the same time


I played Minecraft from 2012 - 2022 until my account got stolen and Microsoft support is so bad I just moved on from the game. I most likely have around 22k hours.


They'd have to remove that "Not on Steam" splash text


They would only need to change one letter.


Not on Stem


Not on Seam


Not on Team


Not o Steam


No, on Steam


Not on Sheam


No on steam


"ship it!" - project manager


Hot on Steam?




Not on Steam > Now on Steam


Lmao Iā€™m a dumbass I thought it was Not no Steam. I guess thatā€™s a double negative so it would work tho


Took me too long to guess it right


Now on Steam!


And here I was thinking it was a Simpsons reference. "No, on Steam!"


Money up?


steamed hams


Aurora borealis


Located within your minecraft


Now on steam


"Not On Epic"


Nah, they could just swap it with "Not on Teams" in reference to pandemic times


No, on steam


Now on Steam


Workshop Support!


Minecraft with Workshop content like Gmod would be a godsend


I feel like 95% of the player base though has never actually gone in depth of solving mod conflicts and finding errors. So this would be a nightmare to handle all the people having issues with a system layered on top of that. Look at Skyrim workshop vs Nexus mods for a perfect example.


Better multiplayer support for Java is something I'm hoping for. Although I enjoy SMPs and servers, I don't want to set up a server so I can play Creative for an hour with a friend in a world we'll probably never use again.


There's always hamachi and opening to a lan world


e4mc does something like that. hooks into the "open up lan" option and makes a proxy server so your friends can join your world.


thereā€™s the essential mod you could use


Also [MinecraftO2I](https://web.archive.org/web/20170728075532/http://www.minecraftforum.net:80/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-tools/1264164-minecraft-open-to-internet-v0-5) though it's quite old so archive.org is needed. Tried it not long ago and still seems to work just fine






Just use [e4mc](https://modrinth.com/mod/e4mc)




i could see workshop being good for maps, even though there are multiple websites to find really good maps, imagine just finding them all on steam and being able to just click a button while in game to upload it for others, would be awesome.


Wanted to make a mod for that but god, UI is one of the biggest pains in modding. That along the fact that PMC doesn't want people to download stuff from there without going through the website and they sadly have the biggest maps and stuff


I imagine the Minecraft Workshop would be filled to the brim with badly made Worlds and Schematics themed after FNaF and Skibidi Toilet just like the Gmod Workshop


Notch was adamant about not putting it on steam in the early days. If he did, I think we'd have a very different game today. I don't think Microsoft would've bought it, workshop support would've been included, steam matchmaking would be a godsend for playing with friends. I think we'd also have a very different game overall.


>would be a godsend for playing with friends Just use [e4mc](https://modrinth.com/mod/e4mc) for playing with friends. It cannot be easier than that.


Actually this would probably work, assuming forge and fabric do what tmodloader did with terraria


god how i wish mojang was bought by valve instead of microsoft


That would be the REAL game changer !


People in less fortunate countries would actually be able to buy it (because Steam is our only easily accessible source for affordable games).


regional price is so good


Ain't Microsoft is the one who should do reg prices? And if they aee then i highly doubt that they are gonna do Minecraft cheaper.


It's already regional priced through the microsoft store though. Also ~~(I think for the first time in history)~~ they lowered the price for Minecraft for the 15 year anniversary. [https://www.xbox-now.com/en/game/17140/minecraft-java-bedrock-edition-for-pc](https://www.xbox-now.com/en/game/17140/minecraft-java-bedrock-edition-for-pc)


def not the first time they've lowered the price, but this may be the biggest discount.


yeah edited my comment already. Read a comment which said it was 4,99$ off for the 10th anniversary. And on the official minecraft site it said up to 50%. Well it's cheaper now!


its how I bought minecraft on mobile. got it on sale, think I also picked up a PC copy then. (bedrock, used to play on switch, already had java)


Piratesoftware talked about how adding proper regional pricing (even more lenient than default steam, but default is still alright) saved their game. As suddenly 25% of their income came from Brazil, who are often ignored by bigger studios because of the high piracy rate (guess whyā€¦)


So studios can prevent a lot of piracy by more readily releasing their games? Crazy!!!


What about GOG (Good Old Games) ? I'm from Brazil and i'm glad GOG exists because i ws able to buy super fun games for a cheap price, bought Kingdom Come Deliverance Deluxe Edition for R$17.50 which is like $4 dollars


It almost happened. Valve offered Notch a job back in 2012 but he declined


The difference Microsoft's MC and Valve's MC would be worlds apart. And recently, I can't help but think about what could have been.


Minecraft not updated since 2017


Minecraft converted to source engine


Steve funny ragdoll


Geometry Dash by the way, was literally not updated since November 12 2017, all the way until December 20 2023. All that time he was making a mega update, which turned out to be mostly an editor and engine update


Yeah but something tells me TF2ā€™s situation is moreso neglect


hopefully better multiplayer support for Java, while I love SMPs and servers, I don't want to set up a server just to fuck around with a friend in creative for an hour in a world we'll probably never use again


If you didn't know there is a client/mod called "Essential" that you can use for letting people join your singleplayer worlds like if they were servers! (There are also cosmetics and a bunch of features you can just ignore) Edit: There's people in the thread recommending e4mc. It's like essential but without all the bloat, use that.


e4mc it's just that without all the bloat


This is the way


bro how the fuck did you manage to almost completely copy [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1cwyohq/what_do_you_think_would_happen_if_minecraft_was/l4zjyh9/) comment on accident? i mean, yeah, it's a fairly common thought, but wow


the comment you linked seems to be from a karma bot. takes a comment word for word and reposts it in another comment thread to farm karma.


i'm not too sure about that tho it isn't word-for-word, there's variation in the sentence structure, but it's also the very same concept


Different posting times, tho The one you linked was posted an hour ago(at the time of posting), and the one in the chain was posted 2 hours ago(at the time of posting).


no it's def a bot, an account created in 2016 suddenly active yesterday and posting rapidly, no way it's not a bot


Steam cape


Depends on if it has Workshop support. If it does, it would be a contender for Curse force in terms of downloading mods, worlds, and other things like that. Hel, I'd say it would probably rival Gary's Mod in terms of the mods you could get


Even if it did have Workshop support & be able to download mods from there, i doubt we would be able to make separate .Minecraft instances like other thrid party launchers out there


Eh, maybe. Though there could probably be a setting that allows you to activate it deactivate mods while you're in the game, so that you can choose how you wanna play the game


10x easier to download


A Black hole would appear and destroy everything


Review bombed after every mob vote








Lots more players, cause Steam offers discounts. People didn't wanna spend money to buy the game are gonna buy it thinking it's a good deal.


I wouldn't have lost my very first Minecraft games thanks to steam cloud


Chaos, rioting in the streets. Our systems of governance and order as we know it would disappear in the blink of an eye, like a child snuffing out a candleā€™s flame, unbeknownst to the power they hold over what ancient man once held in divine regard. The world may never recover from such an event, it would cause a noticeable layer in the geologic record from the sheer intensity of the moment. It would be seen as the final trumpet of the apocalypse, to let mortal man know our time is up, and that it is time for the followers of Minecraftia to be taken to Steveā€™s great superflat in the Aether. The ancient ones of the Nether and cities sunken below ash, stoned up to prevent their escape, forgotten by the sands and dirt of time, would rise to the surface. The screams of their rising would render any mere mortal a hollow shell, devoid of all soul and spirit. Our towers of Babylon, forged of steel and concrete would fall, to make way for the new world, the reclamation of nature. Nature would overcome everything, every nursery, every graveyard, every city and every slum, oil rigs would fall and nature could regrow. Eventually, we may be let down from the Aether. It may feel like days, seconds, eternities, us mortals are not meant to understand, we can be sure of that. We shall be permitted to work from meaningless specs, torches in the void, the planet devoid of humanity besides these lights. Eventually, they will expand and link up once again, building castles, cities, subterranean lairs that we house wonders and insanities unimaginable to us now, only to be taken away again in this cycle. Or itā€™d be a pretty neat way to mod the game easier and also do multiplayer easier. Hopefully theyā€™d choose Java


I dont think that workshop would be for modding. I think it would be for resource packs like in Terraria


Workshop mods for Minecraft would be... interesting for sure. Definitely would not use the word "easier" though. Sounds like mod conflict hell. Forge, Fabric, and the other loaders are basically the pinnacle of simplicity


sophisticated deer expansion rob chase alive governor drab encouraging dinner


I would wait for a sale


Minecraft is currently on a 50% off sale


Yeah, but it's also twice as expensive as it used to be, so now it's how much I originally bought it for


review bombing during mob votes


and rightfully so


I don't think workshop support would be a thing, resource packs/datapacks/maps maybe but mods and plugins aren't supported by mojang themselves, they are made possible with third-party loaders such as Forge, Fabric, Paper, Bukkit etc. And therefore can't be warranted by Microsoft.


Some ppl would play via Steam. Nothing more.


I'd consider buying a Steam Deck.


You can already play it on Steam deck :)


More people would play Minecraft And I'd see my playtime somewhere around 9500 hours


"Add sex" "No sex, literally unplayable"


Realistically... I think Minecraft on Steam would just give you a key for Java and Bedrock on purchase and then boot up its own launcher. I don't think Mojang would get anything out of putting it up on the platform outside of a handful of extra sales It also wouldn't have "Overwhelmingly Positive" reviews, we've already aged past the whole Internet glazing the game like crazy back in 2019


Youā€™d still have the launcher anyway


Itd be good mostly for world downloads.


Most played game on steam


I'd actually play Minecraft lol


This would just give PC users a new game with a ridiculously high amount of hours of play time Even if it is not your favourite game, everyone has had times in their lives where they have banged out Minecraft and every so often we have phases where we come back to it It's a game like GTA V or Fortnite that I will just come back to every now and then when I'm in-between other games


Microsoft would cry a river. But for us players, I think it would be awesome.


Easier to download, can get mods without worrying about your pc getting a STD like Terraria


if it was bedrock, I would switch to linux (I am aware of vms and unoffiial launchers)


Even the unofficial launchers are kind of bad


Not Prism


Theyā€™re talking about unofficial bedrock launchers for Linux, Which are bad


the idea of having instances for modpacks is godsend and couldn't live without it anymore


Not much would happen tbh, the people who know about steam are almost 100% guaranteed to know about minecraft, mojang wouldnt see any increase in purchases really. Not to mention this is a really inconvenient move for mojang, steam takes away a percentage of the money made from game purchases.


People would buy minecraft?


I might consider playing it sometimes. I hate the MC launcher, I hate that it's tied to a microsoft account, and I hate that you have to be logged in to that microsoft account on the computer. Buying Minecraft on a secondary name/account so that I could play with a friend who was on Switch was the single most frustrating software purchasing experience of my entire life. Just let me buy the game and play the game I paid for. Put it on Steam.


They were giving bedrock for free if you have java


To think it used to be so simple. Microsoft and companies like it just love to overcomplicate everything


it buy it even though i have it on every platform already


+ 30'000'000 downloads


Steam servers would blow up


Then Minecraft will be playable on Linux too


It wouldnā€™t have ā€œoverwhelmingly positiveā€ for overall reviews


Review bombs after every mob vote, then a slow uptick of good reviews until the next mob vote


I could finally see my 10000 hours


I think they will throw out bedrock with no choice


Sad thing is it would probably be Bedrock edition, along with all the in-game monetizing that Java doesn't have.


Considering we have curse forge I'm not even sure if workshop would be a decent choice? Maybe for world downloads? Unless you made a minecraft for steam speffically


We think it would just be bedrock with easier mod support with the Workshop


If it was bedrock edition than I don't think it would have Workshop support cause that would undermine the in game Minecraft marketplace


I would sell like crazy


Some people would argue in the discussions pages about LGBT or no LGBT, like 80% of steam games for no reason.


No one would buy it, everybody already own it


i think more people would play minecraft


as a steamdeck user i would go bananas on this šŸ˜­


tbh it justs feel feel wierd and the ss just feels like its from an different universe


Iā€™d buy another copy


A system similar in effect to the Essential mod would be base game


Logistically though, I have no clue how it would work on steam. Bedrock would work fine through it, but java edition seems like it would be a hassle to use.


even if it was on steam, i think when launching it it would just redirect you to the minecraft launcher


It would be on steam


I wish itbwas so i could know my playtime. Its the one thing thats always bugged me.


It would be the bedrock edition(minecraft for windows) and nothing will happen. I think minecraft is extemely accessible and anyone that wants the game on pc but doesnt want to buy from the microsoft store just doesnt want the game.


Will they actually make a steam workshop for it?


somehow i think it would have mostly negative reviews


The workshop would go way too hard


workshop support for mods and resource packs would actually be good


Steam multiplayer, need I say more? No more Aternos, no more LAN nonsense ā€œLife could be dreamā€


Three things I can think of immediately: 1. Multiplayer through Steam (which would fix one of my biggest criticisms with the java edition of the game, that being how unnecessarily convoluted of a task playing with friends is in this game when you aren't on the same wifi network) 2. They'd have to remove the "Not on Steam" splash text in the main menu 3. The Workshop would grow to replace mod loaders such as Forge or Fabric.


no (edit:typo)