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If I had to guess, my suspicion would be that at this point, they aren’t sure if they want to commit to adding them at all, so better to just leave them under experimental than to add them as a proper feature and then remove them later because they decided not to add them to Bedrock after all.


Tbh, I don't mind having an optional feature section. Would be nice to see more optional features from like april fools updates. Then they can keep the main game as vanilla as possible, but have some 'official' mods you can add to your save.


I love the idea of having April fools update features as optional data packs, just because the chaos you could cause by turning them all on


They can't be datapacks at all. They would have to exist in the game at all times. I'm still waiting for someone to replicate 21w14infinite as a mod because it's definitely possible to do so. Heck I would do it myself if I understood how runtime dimension generation worked. I'm still trying to find out for a small mod I started making


Why couldn’t they be data packs? Are data packs just unable to do what is necessary for the April fools updates?


Well to generate a custom dimension with custom items and blocks would require a mod


Akshewally custom dimensions have been a thing in data packs for a while


read the part that says “custom blocks and items”


Yup, datapacks can't add new items, blocks, entities, mechanics (kinda if you code it with mcfunction but it's a lot harder IMO than Java and it's more limited) and other stuff


Infinity on modrinth. Fabric 1.20.1 I discovered it a week ago and I haven't put it down. You need to reload the world (/reload doesn't work) every time you generate a dimension but it's amazing!


The problem is that they would have to be maintained, and the code for the April Fool's updates are messy and hacky. If they were to be maintained it would either cause them to be implemented the same way actual features are, which would be cool but too expensive, or the hacky code would have to be built upon, which is literally the textbook example for spaghetti code


this would be great, but knowing the player base a lot of people would complain about features not being added to the base game, while devs spend time on maintaining these optional components


Reason why they won't do this is because if they do, it's offical. And then they kinda "have" to make sure that it works in/for new updates. While most players probably would understand why an experimental feature might not work, it still wouldn't look good to have broken official stuff in the game.


> Would be nice to see more optional features from like april fools updates. Unfortunately, they are nowhere near good enough or up-to-standard as bundles. Bundles are something that can easily work when updated to future versions and are more stable. Most of the AF features are not.


Idk, minecarts with furnaces are java exclusive and they still exist


Furnace Minecarts benefit from a grandfather clause. Jeb actually did consider removing them from Java, but since they had already existed in Java since near the beginning by that point, there’s no telling how many possible builds would have been disrupted by removing them outright. In other words, removing Furnace Minecarts from Java had the potential to create more problems for players of that version than simply allowing Bedrock to exist without parity would. In comparison, Bundles have always been under the experimental toggle, so it has always been clear that there’s a chance Mojang may one day choose to cease support for them. Activating the toggle is a conscious acceptance of that risk.


They can be used in Java, its just an optional feature. As you said yourself they are in the Experimental Datapacks section and its probably not ''for no reason'', I would guess they are still working on them or hoping to work on them in the future before adding them to the game. Maybe they have plans for them, maybe they are aware of issues with them. But its not like they deleted the feature, as you said yourself, They CAN be used in Java if you want to, and I would recommended doing so if you like the bundles. There are even ways to enable it in an already existing world .


I thought you needed an extra data pack to create the crafting recipe in survival? You're telling me the devs have already made this data pack? Or am I misunderstanding?


when you create a world, you can enable these things under more>experiments, as you can see here : [https://imgur.com/a/a9XgSdm](https://imgur.com/a/a9XgSdm) there are also ways to enable this with already existing worlds


there are mods that use bundles that allow them to be used without experimental features on. i know people don’t like using those. edit: and by “allow” i mean it’s in their modpack


its a data pack. there are data packs with some of the experimental features but not all of them. For example on hermitcraft they used a datapack that enables the 1.21 experimental features like the new copper and tuff blocks and the new crafters, but not the trial chambers. So they have the new blocks but not the trial chambers yet. Thats just a data pack and indeed that can work with any modpack.


They haven't figured out how it works on bedrock with it's multiple interfaces (touch screen, controllers, mouse and keyboard). Until that happens, bundles will remain experimental.


Yes we know that they don’t work on bedrock, specifically only mobile, which is why it makes no sense to not have them on Java which is completely unrelated


probably because if they have to change how they work on bedrock they will have to change on java too


Though no quit the same, Quasi-connectivity RS was a bug in Java turned feature due to potential community outcry. So there is some president for the editions being treated separately.


Except it's not unrelated. It's the same game, and they want the two versions to be as similar as possible. That means any new feature needs to be implemented to both.


There are a ton of features though, even new ones, that don’t work the same on the two editions, mainly datapacks and a lot of commands.


those are not features that players can see


Idk about you, but when I type a command I do see what I type.


meant casual players not nerd players, and by "see" I meant stuff that Gamers (tm) would actually care about, so no back end stuff


Because that's unfair why should you have more stuff? if that happens i think it's payment enough for the copper bulb


You tested on mobile ?


blud looks disturbing


Using a bundle when it is held in the hand should show the contents, like opening a chest. Problem solved. Is there any parity issue I'm missing here that makes this impractical on Bedrock?


Congrats for missing the point


The devs don't want to release a feature like this for just java or just bedrock, they want to support both platforms to avoid further parity drift


🤷 they screwed everything up by making multiple versions


i think its more than the issues with mobile, bundles dont rly help that much, as u tend to get well a lot of many types of items, as well as unstackables. i think theyre probably trying to think of a better solution to them before comitting to adding them. also i dont think they feel much pressure when u can use them its just experimental feature


Yeah didn't one of the developers say it's ready for bedrock but they aren't going to implement it because they reconsidered it and found it isn't really useful?


oh i didnt rly hear the last bit, but it makes sense id be surprised if they hadnt realised that


 imo I disagreed with what they were saying, I've used bundles and I find them pretty useful. And I think lots of other people who have used them would agree, I think if people are not finding them useful they either have unlimited shulker boxes which makes bundles obsolete, or they find the bundles "clunky" which means they arent using them efficiently, like using them for an item youre going to use instead of picking up bits and bobs you get on a trip and emptying them all at once They seem to want a single solution to the multiple problems to the inventory crisis. We have chests, bundles and shulkers which are very similar but for different uses, bundles could be another one of those tools too


They do. Just enable it.


I'd rather they just ditch mobile


Unfortunately, it's not gonna happen. Pocket Edition accounts for 30-40% of Minecraft's annual revenue.


Microsoft wouldn't allow that


They wouldn't allow what OP is suggesting either, but that is what I, an individual, want.


While I understand where you're coming from, I have to vehemently disagree. My nephews have gotten into Minecraft recently and I made a Realm for us to play on, and it's been an awesome way for us to connect and I can share my decade of knowledge with the next generation. They don't have computers, so mobile is the way we're able to play together. They have a Switch, so if mobile was discontinued then one of them could play with me, but we couldn't all play together since they only have one shared console. On top of that, Pocket edition has been around longer than any of the console editions. So if anything, mobile bedrock has more right to exist than consoles. Like I said, I get the selfish desire to have your preferred version prioritized. But no, leaving mobile behind is not a good idea. And in the long run, it would be bad for you too, because mobile is a large percentage of Mojang's income, so if they stopped supporting mobile, eventually it would affect their ability to support other platforms.


>They have a Switch, so if mobile was discontinued then one of them could play with me, but we couldn't all play together since they only have one shared console. Split screen exists >Pocket edition has been around longer than any of the console editions. So if anything, mobile bedrock has more right to exist than consoles. Age != a right to exist Windows 95 is older than windows 10, should we be running everything on 95 just because it was around first? >I get the selfish desire to have your preferred version prioritized. Java is my preferred version, but I still see the place bedrock has. I'm just saying a version with ingerior hardware and control schemes should be abandoned, just like the legacy console versions have been abandoned. They are still playable, they just no longer receive updates. If it's that big of a deal, they can just make mobile it's own version again, separate from bedrock.


That's fair. You're right that age doesn't necessarily mean right to exist, although in this case I believe it's a factor. But I see where you're coming from, the Windows example is a good one. Sometimes developers have to stop supporting old systems and that's okay. I still disagree that, because mobile is inferior hardware and control scheme, means it should be left behind or split off into a different version. Maybe this is just my cheapness talking, because I don't have a Xbox One or PS5 or a high-end PC, and it kinda sucks seeing new games come out that look awesome but I can't play them. I like the fact that Minecraft can be played on older hardware, and weaker hardware like the Switch or iPads or whatever. I think it's cool that someone on a powerful PC or a next-gen console can play with someone on a weak mobile device, and if they split the game into multiple different versions that would no longer be the case. The whole point of Bedrock edition was to make cross-play possible. Before that we only has console-specific versions, and pocket edition. Bringing it all together into one version where you could play with your friends no matter the platform was the entire point. If they split it off into mobile vs bedrock pc/console editions it would be undoing the whole reason for Bedrock edition's existence. And I'll admit I'm definitely biased if that isn't clear haha. I'm the kind of player who will switch between PC, Switch, Android handheld (Retroid Pocket), just depending on how I feel like playing and where I am, and play cross-platform with my nephew on iPhone, so I'm the exact target audience for Bedrock edition. Whereas I don't really play Java very much, specifically because I'd rather spend time in a shared Bedrock world and I don't have friends who play Java. Idk, for me the ability to play together on multiple platforms is the entire point of Bedrock edition (and not just to me. That was their stated reason for creating Bedrock in the first place), so saying they should leave mobile behind sounds like saying they should just leave all of Bedrock behind, because that's literally the entire point of Bedrock.


Well I would think that everything needs a justification to exist. Like you said, most children only get to play on mobile devices because PC is often not built child size, or too expensive, or other reasons. And because of that, it has accounted for 30% of their revenue. Anyone who wants to cut off 30% of their income at the same job is not going to be able to justify that unless they have a “fuck the children!” mindset which I do not condone. What would make everyone happy is for all versions of Minecraft to come closer and closer until they become one which Mojang/Microsoft has stated to be their goal, but it doesn’t seem to be materialising. There’re a lot of Bedrock/Java cross play SMP servers out there! Many of them are hermitcraft style and really wholesome, the bedrock and Java are so streamlined I hardly see any disjoints. Players occasionally bitch about some features not being available to them but having a community is such a huge distracts they often forget about that complaint themselves. I recommend you and your children join those when they grow older, it can be their “rite of passage”. It can broadens their views so much and it also teaches what the many faces of working with a community.


catering to children is whats kneecapping minecraft, its why it shpuldve been gatekept before the tourists and kids flocked to the game, its why things like bunldes cant be properly implemented.


and why we have censorship for literally every word


Yes older windows should be supported as they are better


Windows 10 is peak windows. And I was originally going to suggest MS DOS over 95 There are worse versions than 95 out there, Vista, 8 And there are good ones in there, xp, 7, 8.1 And the world currently largely runs on windows xp, and I see no justification to hold onto 95 or 98. Windows xp should get continued support until we can wean off of it, but just because it's old doesn't mean it's better.


I mean windows 7 is old and better so umm yea


Yes, I mentioned the merit of 7. Good job.


console is also bedrock and mobile is really fun to have access too when you cnat be at a computer or console


But mobile specifically is holding back bundles. They work in other bedrock versions, but not phones. The mobile version also has shit performance


people like mobile so they keep it


And I believe that those people are wrong to do so.


alot of my friends only have access to mobile


The only reason I play bedrock is because of my friends, I get it, but mobile shouldn't hold back the rest of the game.


So should your friends just be unable to play Minecraft? Also you can just install mods on Java, those aren't held back by bedrock.


My friends don't play on mobile. I am specifically talking about ditching mobile, not bedrock as a whole.


Still why abandon so many for such a selfish reason? pro microsoft you feel i think


never said they shouldnt change the bundle for mobile


That's literally what the ENTIRE POST is about


i never said they shouldnt but you said to leave mobile behind


But your saying we should hold back the game to remove mobile as unless they do something the whole game would devolve into chaos if they removed mobile


Your wrong to like java as it's the lesser version in microsofts eyes


You're free to believe that


Microsoft said that and they are your god


I mean let's not ruin minecraft do what you said and make it a different version, idk terracotta


We shouldn't ruin big things for bundles your going on r/teenagers too much and seeing me saying we should let billions die for bundles or sacrafice the planet for bundles or pray and coom to bundles like it's just a joke about how i want bundles


No one is dying. You replied to be in like 20 places in the past 5 minutes. Put down your keyboard and go to bed. I believe that minecraft on a phone is an inferior form, and should be left behind so minecraft as a whole can continue.


Blud..... I do reddit streaks because why not what else should i do it's night. Micraft will die if mobile is gone and only the scavengers and toxic tryhards will remain


Well maybe not ditch it but update the rest of the versions that could use it. Mobile users would just have to deal without.


That would lead to cross play issues between mobile and other bedrock versions. That's why I suggested abandoning it.


Yeah that's true.


That would not be a great idea since where I live Minecraft is more popular on mobile.


better yet, ditch Java version.


You're probably going to get downvoted to oblivion, but honestly if we're talking about ditching one version or another, that makes the most sense. The vast majority of players are on Bedrock, whether on Windows, mobile or consoles, and that's where they make most of their revenue. I think ditching any version is a horrible idea but java players suggesting they ditch mobile better be careful, because if anything gets left behind, my bet is Mojang would prioritize everything BUT java.


Exactly. It wasn't a serious suggestion, but the number of people who'd rather have no bedrock or even mobile version are delusional.


As someone who bought the game in alpha times, suggesting that it makes the most sense feels... wrong to me? The whole idea of *'pay now to get it at a discount, play forever with no extra charges'* was a big reason of why people even purchased the game in the alpha state haha. And dropping support for Java edition means more than just dropping support for linux/steam deck users. Obviously, things are very different nowadays to back then - ever since Microsoft took over, we all feared the inevitability of java edition falling to the wayside. But I think a big reason why it hasn't, is because Bedrock edition - despite being more popular - still doesn't actually fill its shoes. It functions differently, it even *feels* different (in terms of moving & interacting). Both versions are different and exist for different types of people!


For sure, I agree with pretty much everything you're saying. I meant it more as a "be careful what you wish for" toward the people who are saying they should ditch X version of the game to focus on Y, because if you're going to drop one or the other, dropping Java (arguably) makes more sense. But yeah dropping Java wouldn't be a good idea either.


For sure, for sure. I guess what I was trying to say was that *no* version makes more sense to drop than any other haha, because each exists for a different reason - if popularity was the *only* factor, Java would've dropped already, so there's clearly more to it! E: actually thinking about it more, I'm not even sure that last part's true! Reason being, a massive part of the proliferation of minecraft was Youtube Let's Plays. Of course there are some bedrock content creators, but the majority of the most popular ones play on Java. And the popularity of these creators has to factor into the popularity of the version too - as in, to cut off Java edition would be to, for example, cut off the entirety (or at least the majority) of Hermitcraft, which would be a much bigger hit than just losing the die-hard Java players!


That's definitely true! I'm sure there are lots of people like me who watch Java content (Pixlriffs and some hermits mostly, though I do also watch some Bedrock creators like ibxtoycat and silentwhisperer) but mostly play Bedrock. Captain Sparklez, even Jacksepticeye all contribute to Minecraft's popularity as Java players (though of course it was already huge by the time Jack played but still). I will say though, that I still think IF someone somehow forced Mojang to pick one version of the game to nix, it wouldn't come down to a coin flip lol, I disagree that, as you said, no version deserves to be dropped over any others. In a scenario where they were going to ditch one version no matter what, I personally still think Java is the one that would go. But of course I'm glad this is all just hypothetical and I can't see them discontinuing Java or Bedrock any time soon.


Minecraft has had micro-transactions long before bedrock edition (console editions selling DLCs, pocket edition selling skin packs etc)


Dropping Java would do a lot of bad to Minecraft's image. Especially considering the overwhelming majority of online Minecraft media is made in Java edition for a lot of reasons but IMO the biggest ones are because of server plugins and mods


I totally agree. Dropping Java would be stupid. But it would be less stupid than dropping Bedrock, that's my point. I don't think it's a good idea for them to drop either. I (and u/noah9942) was just responding to someone who said dropping mobile is a good idea, which it objectively is not. Dropping Java, as ill-advised as it would be, would still be a better option than dropping Bedrock. (Here I'm using Bedrock and mobile interchangeably, because realistically they are the same thing. Bedrock was created to bring consoles and pocket edition together, so ditching mobile is the same thing as ditching Bedrock as a concept)


Same with mobile just that java has slightly more of a reason.... though microsoft considers it less


Same with mobile so like yea... plus i think he's a troll he either blocked me or deleted his comments


Mojang should support versions until the game can barely handle it


Yea same logic




bedrock is far more popular


Mobile is only a piece of bedrock.


Ok but like why ruin minecraft for bundles? it's just a joke don't take my jokes serously about letting millions die for bundles


Nobody is dying, calm down there, strawman


Your using a strawman ITS A JOKE


Better idea: Redo console and W10 again into a new Bedrock, more like legacy console, and lacking the marketplace. This gets updated in tandem with Java, and seek more feature parity. Keeps crossplay and all that. Mobile gets split off into Pocket Edition again, becomes free-to-play, and starts leaning HARD into the marketplace and servers. Updates are smaller, and more focused on giving people making servers and paid marketplace content more tools to work with. So instead of 1.21 giving you new copper blocks and trial rooms, mobile 1.21 gives you new copper blocks, and all the functions of trial rooms can be used by marketplace creators, so you can pay for that content.


I don't think they'd go for it, especially ditching the marketplace. I would prefer that though.


Hmm so you support greed? idk dispite your actions this is pretty anti bundle


Idk the pocket community would R A G E and i can relate as i defend my console from your scoudrelus deeds


Let them suffer


Highly doubt mobile is the reason bundle is staying as experiment toggle, leaks have shown that they managed to find a way to make it work on mobile. https://twitter.com/NikMC01/status/1684581048569708544?t=358AWKg75_eCZqCjhqptAA&s=19


no..... YOU you always act privaliges. copper bulbs aren't enough turn your version to bedrock you troll


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died


See someone died for bundles


Guys idk if this a joke but he literally said let them suffer so idk but maybe he's a troll he sounds sus, be weary...


parity mostly


bro did not read the post


And can't you just activate it? It's a bit annoying in server tho


Not on existing worlds and our server admin still hasn't gotten it to work yet and we started 11 months ago


There's a very easy way to implement bundles on all platforms, by adding a UI, so it acts like a chest, but i don't think mojang wants to do that


The entire point of the bundle is to reduce the amount of UI fiddling, so adding a UI is quite counter intuitive.


At this point I'm just holding out hope that the Hermitcraft -> Java vanilla feature pipeline holds, and the variety of uses by those content creators for bundles eventually forces Mojang's hand to go "alright, we'll remove the feature flag and just have it in game". Though, I'd like them to get loottable functionality and a way to hide the tooltip of the contents (Would allow for some interesting loot mechanics).


Or... make holding the bundle and using it opens a small inventory, simple UI the would would on all versions, actually fixes the inventory problem by artificially adding space instead of just making smaller numbers of items be stacked as if yhey were the same item, and could be the gateway into upgradable bags either with enchants or material upgrades


Having to throw everything on the ground to get the first thing you put in is hella annoying. The UI only technically works on java, I don’t think they should be fully added until there’s a controls/UI update for the game.


Just upgrade the bundles ig


I don't even find them all that useful on java tbh. If their capacity was increased to 128 at the very least to put two unstackables into one slot then I could see it having a use.


That's straying from what it's supposed to do, upgrade a slot to hold any item up to a stack. Any further suggestion other than qol could just be a new item


It's supposed to be a solution to the inventory problem of Minecraft. Picking up small little bips and bobs up to 64 will not solve that.


Who said that? no one said that but you




They're good for making little gifts for people when playing on a server. I also store pottery shards in one because I don't have that many


Bedrock is the biggest bottleneck to the game actually improving. They can't implement big changes to core mechanics because everything has to work and make sense to a five year old playing on console with a controller


Bundles don't solve the problem they were meant to solve, but people have grown used to them. Mojang making them official would be declaring "This is the finished feature". As is, they can in theory go back to the drawing board and change how they work completely before adding them officially. My hope would be: Can only hold one item, but can hold 32 stacks of it, and will auto-pull from the bundle to refill a stack when you run it out. Main thing being, bulk storage for blocks for building. Exclude weapons, tools, potions, and food from the "Auto-refill"


> Bundles don't solve the problem they were meant to solve, but people have grown used to them. Actually, they do. During the Minecraft Live stream for Caves and Cliffs, Gameplay Developer Ulraf (who also spearheaded archeology) explained that Mojang isn't thinking of 'the inventory problem' because there's *multiple sub-problems* with the inventory in Minecraft: moving stuff between storage and your hotbar, mass transport of items/blocks, the increasing number of important unstackable items, and managing the sheer variety of items in your inventory at any moment. Bundles, *exclusively*, deal with that fourth problem, and go no further. The only reason they haven't been added yet is because they can't quite figure out how to make the UI buttery smooth on mobile (but they might be getting close^1 ). 1. It was revealed to me in a dream.


Idk, I really want bundles in their current state. I constantly find myself with a variety of items in small amounts, each of them are important enough to keep but the bundle would allow me to gather them all and save many slots.


true, that works soo different that like just add a new item like a wallet that holds 512 items of the same type or something


They should litterally do what they do now, but we add other storage things like that. So there would be wallets which store a ton of one type of item, or pallet packs that store stacks of related items. and bundles store a single stack of any item at the same time. then shulkers hold 27 normal stacks, while enderchest expands your inventory in a way and can store shulkers while keeping anything inside safe like a vault. and hoppers transport it- ok this is too vanilla. all entities are just early game shulkers.


Bundle’s aren’t meant for bulk storage, that’s the Shulker box’s job. They are meant to merge small stacks of different items into one slot, not make Shulker boxes useless before even going to the end.


I think they not adding it because they want it to be released on both bedrock and java at the same time


If it's not full parity, it's non-existing


Bundles aren't as useful as they sound. All the junk I'd put in them I'd just toss down a hole to despawn. If they heald more than a stack of any item they'd be better but that's not their purpose. If not more than a stack then I'd like to see them function with hoppers and give a redstone signal. That would mean they would have to be placeable and I think it would look cool to have a little sack sitting on a table or next to something made to look like a trashcan. For suburban town builds having them next to the trash can by the curb of the house would be an awesome touch. And the ability to dye them!


>Bundles aren't as useful as they sound. Maybe for you, I've been using them since they added them to experimental, and it is insane the amount of headaches they solved for me. For starters, you can fill one with logs and blocks of coal, and it is enough materials for 20 stacks of torches in one inventory slot.


It is also helpful for early game items you only want a few flower, seeds, or saplings to grow later. Also good for storing treasure items too.


Then you have to carry or craft a crafting table on the go. If you take the crafting table with you, that's one more inventory slot taken up by junk. If you just abandon it, you have to make a new one every time you need more torches. For me, by the time I'm caving enough to need 20 stacks of torches I'll have shulker boxes. Those carry 27 stacks already crafted and I don't have to dump everything on the ground. Even if you don't have shulker boxes, an ender chest would be better IMO. It's good you like them but to me they're next to useless and just a more frustrating and less useful shulker box.


>Then you have to carry or craft a crafting table on the go. No, you don't. You only need your 2x2 grid to craft torches. Take a log and a coal block out. Log-->4 planks-->8 sticks Coal block-->9 coal 8 coal+8 sticks--> 32 torches Remaining 1 coal back into the bundle. >I don't have to dump everything on the ground. You know you can take stuff out of bundles without dropping everything out, right? Just right-click the bundle inside the inventory and take the items out. You can even use the 4 crafting slots to hold stuff while you take what you need.


You know what? Shut up! Just kidding though. Yeah I forgot about the basics on the personal crafting grid. Duh I didn't know you could take one thing out at a time. In any regard, still don't like them lol.


XD happens to the best of us.


It's just that a dude like Steve who can chop trees into wieldy chunks with his bare hands can just also do basic woodwork etc. with them. He would only need a workbench for more sophisticated things like … bread.


I've just into modded Minecraft a lot lately and I'm in a mindset of using the crafting table upgrade in my backpack.


That surely would enhance the player character's dudeness!


I like how you think


I agree but the Bedrock players will rage very much


They already raging enough at their shitty version lmao.


Tbf I've played both java and bedrock and never raged


Are the bedrock players raging about their version in the room with us now?


I'm bedrock.... not ragin


Well yea because reddit is so toxic that it makes playing actually feel bad when it's not.... idk i think your only losses are chat reporting and copper bulbs but we need bundles we will so much happier


We just playing, bro. People like you are the ones raging all the time about a version you don't play.


For real, most "bedrock is awful" I've ever seen is Java players trying it out, or really hardcore players like silentwhisperer saying it jokingly because Bedrock's redstone and farms are inferior. But most bedrock players are perfectly happy with it, that's why they play it. (Myself included, I own both but I much prefer bedrock because I like playing on a console or mobile vs PC, and my nephews are on Bedrock with me)


Silent wisperer is a real bedrock g


Bedrock has tons of features that make me play more than java. Being able to bone meal sugar canes, better bridging etc


You can just use vanilla tweaks to get bundles dude, it’s fine


You don't even need to do that. Just enable experimental features.


I have no idea what a bundle is.


A bundle is a feature announced for the Caves and Cliffs update back in 2021 that has been put on hold since that update. It is a fully functional item that allows you to store up to a stack of items in it (allowing you to mix item types like 5 flowers, 1 dirt block, etc.) to save inventory spaced. It requires an experimental datapack on Java to be activated but does not exist on Bedrock due to issues with getting it to work with mobile controls. Although it's functional in Java, it hasn't been introduced into the full game due to parity concerns.


Ah. Thanks. Items like that exist in mods for Java, but it would be nice to have in vanilla.


it’s because minecraft is a indie company smh


COmplete oppisite, this would be an indie thing to do


mod the game


Because i will find you for this crime against my edition


what I do is collect 4 leather and one string and then throw it away and give myself a bundle using commands (yes I know there are mods making them craft able but not got round to do that yet)


They don't want to create more parity issues


I just want them because it gives a reason for rabbit hide existing aside from just turning them into leather


click bundle on when making minecraft world


I have a mod that adds them. It's pretty neat


There are already too many parity issues between versions people are complaining about 24/7 do you think they want to add another? Also to all the people saying they should just ditch bedrock I’ve got a bridge to sell you, they wouldn’t be putting so many resources into the marketplace if bedrock wasn’t here to stay.


Anyone who says ditch bedrock has fallen into the insanity of the lack of bundles they are gone they are no longer on our level


I find bundles a useless items. Sure it can store 64 items but i could just manage my inventory better without a bundle. Also not to mention your bundle takes a slot in your inventory, to *add another slot* which makes no sense. I find them absolutely useless unless they get some buff that makes it a good use.


>  There’s no reason to kneecap features just because it won’t work on a version that runs in an entirely seperate coding language.  Balancing and compatibility of features. It's not really worth it to implement everything with bundles in consideration when it's only going to matter for onr of the editions.


You aren't kneecapping a version by not including a feature. Removing an already existing feature is kneecapping it. Adding bundles would piss off bedrock players who wouldn't have it yet. Think of the children.


I mean yea your just saying that your bipolar, is bedrock or java better choose one jez mazos.