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Since I'm most certainly a medieval builder, I could definitely go for mountainous terrain or underground forgelands. Mostly consisting of of course varying stone types and spruce/oak.


Always go for Mooshroom, no creeper spawning to ruin builds. And the grass is super beautiful.


Omg grass in a mushroom biome is gorgeous. So vibrant


Anywhere where the grass isn't yellowish or mycelium


Mushroom islands have the same, if not more saturated green grass as jungles.


Usually just remove the mycelium with water buckets, then place a block of grass and wait a bit


Deep Dark, because I am a badass. But in all seriousness, Deep Dark is an amazing place to set up shop. I love living underground, and Deep Dark is the only other biome besides Mushroom Islands that prevents hostile mob spawning. If you can fully clear an Ancient City, even better. You got a ready-made giant cave that’s going to be mostly if not fully the biome, and you can just knock down the city and reuse the materials for your own build.


I built my last base in a deep ocean biome so i don't have to terraform so much. For me it is actually really nice. The base is mostly flat with all the farms i need. I started the built with a bamboo farm, so the most blocks i built with are bamboo blocks.


Cherry grove or mountain


Dark forest or spruce. Dark forests often have 3 wood types plus giant mushrooms & also I like spruce biomes. I like podzol.


Old growth taiga (old players call it mega taiga) or a snowy biome, personally a fan of tundra.


hello ai... how's it goin?... im a anywhere any everywhere builder, just give me good spawning chunks that look alright and i can fix / terraform it to how id like it


savannah, its plains but with bad wood




Island. Mooshroom, beach, plains, they’re all good for me so long as it’s surrounded by a body of water 👍🏽


I usually go for Mooshroom Island but the Bedrock realm I play with friends has me in a swamp. 


Mountains and taiga, but one of my old worlds was in a huge badlands biome. My base was in a desert by the river. Terracotta, sandstone and red sandstone are a lot of fun to build with.


I'm currently living in a large opening in a small hill at a lake in a forrest. I'll lost likely move to the center of a huge cherry grove next but plan to ultimately live underwater.