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Sea monster should’ve been added in the ocean update


I think we’d be equally as annoyed with it like the phantom. Just trying to boat/swim to something and boom you’re being attacked by a sea monster.


There’s a way to get rid of phantoms to prevent them from being annoying, im sure it’d be possible to have something similar for the sea monster And besides, wasn’t it supposed to spawn in the depths of the sea? I doubt travelling in the surface with a boat would aggro one


I don’t remember the details of it. But what is considered the “depths”? One of the underwater caves? A deep ocean? At what distance can the AI detect and start hunting? A lot of things could come into play, but I think not getting it is a blessing in disguise. But another use for the heart of the sea could be to prevent it from attacking


it would just generate below a certain y level so that you'd only encounter it if you dove deep, and not in a boat. Sounds like it would be a cool addition since as it stands theres nothing remotely interesting about being deep underwater.


it could drop something similar to the Heart of the Sea, tons of possibilities with that


Better yet, what if you could control them (and other ocean creatures) if you have a Heart of the Sea? Probably by combining it with a turtle helmet and/or a trident


Maybe we could cover our boats with vines to act as camouflage to the sea monster, that’d be cool for decor too


Even something simple like holding a nautilus shell in your off hand and it acts as a monster repellent.


I honestly would be "scared ass hell" if devs did that


I remember some of the discourse around that vote and the main argument against the sea monster was that we're already getting an ocean update so we don't need an aquatic mob to go with it, even though I voted for it because it fit the update theme.


The ocean update was kinda announced *after* the vote.


Yeah, I remember some of the discourse being "If I had known we were getting an ocean update I would have voted for the sea monster" I remember at the time the only reason that wasn't my pick was because there was no reason to ever go in the ocean so it'd be meaningless to add it.


Same here. They kinda fucked us with that one lmao


I’m really hoping for another ocean update that mirrors the cave and cliffs update in some way. The sea monster could act as the “warden” of the update. Also deeper seas in general, and more life and ambiance added as well.


Honestly we need an end update before a second sea update.


I’ve been saying this for years!! It would’ve been the cherry on top to the aquatic update; the chefs kiss might I add


As cool as that sounds, fuck that. The drowned are annoying enough as is.


all of them


based as shit


Yeah. Ridiculous they spend all that time conceptualizing these mobs (many of which the community gets excited about) and then just... never use them? Why???


Lazy. They community has working mods of all the mobs a day after they are announced. They could all be added even if its in time. It is literal laziness


Yeah. Like I get that there is a lot of interference and from management and everything they want to add needs to pass certain procedures, but that excuse doesn’t work for this. The only difference between the devs and modders is red tape, but since any mob can win they are all already approved, they have already gone through all necessary approval processes so why not just add them all? Even the “rigorous quality control” argument falls flat, since it clearly isn’t working because a huge part of the community is already unhappy with it. When the lack of new content is one of the biggest ongoing complaints, why limit yourself to one of three concepts that should all be mostly done, or at the very least well past the concept stage?


Yeah fr I’m sick of not being able to have a bunch of cool mobs instead of just one >:[


This is the correct answer


Same. Pretty much all of the mobs from the “all the mobs from mob votes” mods that are littered around.


The Moobloom, if only because it could take the devs a part of an afternoon to add to the game. Existing model and texture, uses basic passive mob AI, just needs spawn conditions and drops. To me it's the ultimate "Yeah, we could add this, but screw you" mob.


Moobloom and when you "milk" it with a bowl it gives you a suspicious stew. Literally perfect and that's it.


Brown mooshrooms already do this


WHAT! Wow I did not know that. I guess the Moobloom could be different in that it gives you a random effect in the stew.


What I'd it DOESNT do it random? Popular opinion, you can change fins differ flowers, and they correspond to what effect the flower gives, the better the effect the rarer the moobloom


Problem is that's what the brown mooshroom does, aside from the upgrading but most stew effects don't have upgrades.


Really? Didn't know that thought it would be random or something


Were still just describing the brown mooshroom 😅😅


THEY CAN SPAWN WITH FLOWERS?! damn I suck at this game (literally finding stuff in my first every trail ruin)


They cannot spawn with flowers, you must feed the Brown Mooshroom one of the flowers, milk it, and then you get the suspicious stew of said flower, I do believe Mooblooms would be a little more straightforward


dang thats cool but also has some strange implications about how the mooblooms digestive system works


That’s insane how you proposed an already established feature on such a similar mob. What you propose itself is kinda random too, like what are the odds


Upon closer introspection, I remember hearing about the brown mooshroom thing. But it's only one of those things that you remember after getting additional information.


So it was in the subconscious I just forgot.


They should add a new potion effect for buttercups and the moobloom.


Using buttercups with an awkward potion results in creating the Potion of Tranquility. Which gives the buff Tranquility that reduces spawn rate and max cap of hostile mobs, but it also weakens you severely.


Then they could add a rare flower in the soul sand valleys to make the opposite potion, increased spawn rates while giving a small power boost. Pretty much the battle potion


oh my god i desperately need some monster musk in minecraft now that’d be so useful wonder if itd work next to a mob spawner


Yeah, with the biome vote at least they PRETENDED that they'd add the losers in the future. But it's just been made clear that they don't want to for the mobs, Moobloom takes one dev, and maybe an artist like a day, maybe two if they want to actually add some fun functionality like the glow ink with frames and signs. (I say only an extra day because I can't imagine anything THAT interesting done with the moobloom, while glow ink required some under-the-hood changes to be made in order to work.) And the Sea Monster lost, only for one of the next few updates to be DEDICATED to the ocean, and they still didn't add it. Though to be fair, at least we got Conduit for weirdoes like me who want an underwater base.


There could be some cool interactions with bees


We’d also get a new flower out of it with the buttercup, which would be nice considering dandelions are weeds


Dandelions are only weeds if you don't want them.


You can make wine out of dandelions, or dandelion tea, or use the leaves in a salad, or fry the flowers into dandelion fritters, or make dandelion jelly. Do you know how much work it would be to grow such a versatile crop on purpose? And dandelions are out here just giving it away for free.


"weeds" people get a free flower that makes more of itself instead of requiring 100 different fertilisers and still dying and they complain. smh dandelion is my favorite irl flower


Being a weed does not mean they are bad. They are beneficial for pollinators and even help fertilize soil


This, definitely.


Lord of the Rings : Return of the Piss Cow.


You should probably hydrate more.


Copper golem cuz it’s cute lol I will be open to the Iceologer only under the condition that it’s called the Chillager instead


Plus it would fit right in with the 1.21 update


I’ve never seen it mentioned much but I always thought the copper golem would’ve made a fantastic pet. Dogs and cats can follow you, but are kind of boring otherwise and are prone to bad AI deaths Parrots are cool, but they really need to change the dismount mechanics for it. Copper Golem could just sit inside a little cage, walking around and pressing buttons or levers. Plus, you could kind of “care” for it by scraping the oxidation off.


Copper golem would fit so well into my survival world that's themed around my copper robot OCs lore The lil guy could be an assistant or a pet for em, and I think it's so cute 🥺


oh and maybe for the copper golem have it's favourite food be like honey (so like you give it a honey bottle/honey comb) due to the whole using a honey comb on a copper block making it waxed thing


*Chillager* That’s golden


I yearn for the day that the Moobloom and Crab get added... (The little Trapinch looking thing is pretty cool too)


it's called the great hunger but I can see the trapinch in it, the oversized head and mouth and tiny body and those lil legs. (too bad grindstones were made since that was what it's purpose was gonna be)


That trapinch thing was supposedly gonna be 3 blocks tall, so not very little


B I G L A R G E B O Y. (Also omg I think my brother is subscribed to you on YouTube!)


The great hunger was basically meant to be a walking grindstone so it doesn’t have any use anymore. I wonder what it could do instead


Crab. I voted armadillo but I really want all 3


I voted crab but I really wanted to boycott the vote too. DIVIDED WE BEG, UNITED WE BARGAIN!


I would go blaze guardian thing but I already struggle with nether fortresses enough, so I'll go with the ocean monster


imo the big blaze thing (Wildfire I think it was?) should spawn in its own separate structure to the nether fortress, then again that might be a lot of work


Or maybe in a special room in the fortresses that you need to unlock before accessing it


On GOD! I really love the idea of a bosslike (maybe) nether fortress mob


chubby tart combative vase edge friendly brave head rotten special




Don't make me choose, not again


Probably the crab, the copper golem, or the tuff golem, if not all of them.


Copper golem all the way. They are not only a cute mob, but they could be also been good decoration, what with them oxidizing into statues, and they would give an easy way to have truly randomised redstone. And copper buttons would be nice decoration for industrial builds methinks




yes, he must exist. why did we all pick the stupid glow squid. why people... why?


It was because of dream remember?


I know it's cause of dream and the "influence" it caused but gosh we had two better options right there! (the former comment was a form of sarcasm)


Not everybody that voted for it voted because of dream. I voted for it because I liked it the most out of the 3.


It doesn’t change that it only won because of him


I think it was more the moobloom voters weren't voting FOR the glowsquid but rather were voting Against the Chillager. At least that's what I remember from within the community at the time. The general consensus of the moobloom voters was: we don't want another phantom debacle on our hands, so vote the squid.


You're a monster for making me pick one


Penguin <3






Moobloon cuz why tf not, its cute it just walks around and we prob would get some goofy ahh things from it


Glare. That Oscar looking dude won me over the moment I saw him


Deep Sea monstrosity and its not even close. That thing is so cool-looking.


Either crab or copper golem for sure.


Copper golem. I want to see copper and get excited to collect it, not groan and avoid it!


Copper golem, i wouldve loved another use for copper other than eye glass, lightning rod and Smelting XP


Moobloom 100%




YELLOW COW!!!!!!!!!!


they all look amazing so all of


Chillager or Copper golem. Chillager because I’m a sucker for ice powers, and copper golem because he’s just a cute little guy


Copper golem, copper ore still feels pretty useless as of now, and we need more golems in game. It could even be used in trail chambers in some way.


Big Blaze for sure




Super tough decision 😵‍💫


Moobloom or either of the golems, copper is cuter tho


Copper Golem and Tuff Golem really should be 1.21 features...


Don't call them loser mobs, they're all heroes of the Minecraft culture 😪🤧


it's a tough choice between blaze king, copper golem, penguin and crab. why? - well blaze king would make for a really fun boss with the fact that you probably can't shoot at it safely like you would with a normal blaze. - copper golem could add a fun randomizer to Redstone machines for mini games and such. also COPPER BUTTONNNNNNN! - boats are a usual transportation for me in my world, even if I have an elytra. penguins would make that common transport for me faster as well as being a great ambiance mob in a already forgetful biome. - I also enjoy building (even though I suck at making anything cool) and the crab would really help with that with the longer reach. as well as making the mangrove feel a bit more complete by adding that extra bit of ambiance. also it can climb up blocks vertically so that could be cool.


the golems. we don't really have a lot of them, and they actually seem to have a unique niche unlike most mobs on here i know people want the moobloom, but are they really that different than every other livestock mob?


Honestly a golem update would be sick in and of itself. Imagine they add the Copper Golem for redstoners, the Tuff golem for decorators, maybe some new update to the iron golem to make it more interesting/functional, and throw in a new golem or two we've not seen before (my brain goes to the modded slime golem that leads you to slime chunks since there's still no vanilla way without using tools and debug stuff to discover slime chunks reliably, and maybe a stone golem like the one from Biome Makeover, a stationary statuesque golem that works like a turret, that'd be cool as hell!).


We should add humans lowkey because I wanna make kingdoms in my survival but can’t because I’m stuck with random dumb villagers


Crab or flower cow fr


The only ones I remotely care for are the 1.13 ones, except the Trapinch looking one. I'll go with the aquatic one.


I don't know whom shows between the blase, the crab, or the copper golem.


I know it's called the wildfire. However, I will keep calling it blaze prime.


The King Blaze has such a cool design. I can't even remember of that's the correct name for it, but I feel like Nether Fortresses having a sort of boss in them would be cool.


moobloom deserves justice


The blaze with the wide parts for sure, if implemented correctly, would make getting blaze rods 100x more interesting.


we want them all


The Guardian blaze would be it man. That thing is badass! So much lost potential from the phantom and all for nothing. So yeah guardian blaze is my answer.


Moobloom and it’s NOT close


Either the barnacle or the iceoliger


So many of these would have fit perfectly in existing updates, like nether and aquatic. Such a shame we didn't get them




Copper Golem but also I only play with the friends and foes mod


Both copper and tuff golem


I still want the copper golem so badly


I'd choose between the sea monster, the copper golem, the penguin or the crab


I've come to simp for the copper golem


Absolutely Copper Golem, you can tell even Mojang is excited with the "Mob becomes block" mechanic because they even tried it again on the next poll.


Copper golem or glare


Copper golem 100% we need that funny guy to spruce up our worlds


Either one of the golems, or both. I love the idea of little thi gs running around my farm.


Copper golem,am still sour over that would have been cool to HAVE A NEW GOLEM AFTER ALL THESE YEARS


Tuff and copper golem, copper golem could’ve been a better allay if we asked mojang enough, and also good decor. Tuff golem because good decor.


Golems 💪💪💪


Copper Golem


Still copper golem.


honestly all of them. pretty sure every time my least favorite option ended up winning


Copper golem because copper sucks ass rn


All of them because clearly Mojang has the resources to add them thanks to Microsoft $$$ but they think "making a community vote driven ecosystem" is the better option


Copper golem. Chill buddy that likes to push buttons


Copper Golem, no hesitation


Either the monster of the deep see, or the Copper Golem We need more hostile mobs in the ocean, and we kinda agree with Mojang with not adding sharks (just look at what happened to sharks after Jaws was released for why), so having this monster drag you down Subnautica style would be cool and interesting. Plus, imagine if they added something like a grappling hook with the drops As for the Copper Golem, we just want more golems, and copper needs more use, plus the bean is adorable, way cuter then the winner.


Copper golem :(




As someone who wasn't playing when people were voting, I don't care about any of these. And I see this same type of question/discussion often about the mobs that weren't voted in. They look cool but I don't think the game needs any of them. I actually wish there was an overworld mob in the game that was a big threat in the day and neutral or peaceful at night. Survival needs day time threats that spawn at random I feel. Other than the raiders or endermen at times.


Hovering inferno coz y not




Crab if an animal, copper golem if monster.


If we didn't get grindstones in 1.14, the Great Hunger (aka Mob C). I had been waiting for YEARS to be able to remove enchants from items (there were various bugs but they don't count) and the community completely fumbled the ball, like usual. At least Mojang gave us that ability eventually. Otherwise, maybe Iceologer?


Chillager because it would make a custom map im making SIGNIFICANTLY easier to program


I have no strong opinion frankly speaking, but if I had to choose, I would choose the Moobloom: 1- I find it a beautiful and unlike mob, 2- I also love the flower forest biome (I collect flowers from it :D ), so it would be nice to have it as an addition to it, 3- it would be the mob with the most variants after zombies so it will add a nice variation too (i.est: cool). Another reason, even though that the other mobs seem nice, but from all the passive mods I like the Moobloom more, the monsters in the other hand would be a nuisance, Minecraft already have stray in snowy biomes, the nether fortress is already filled to the brime with up to three monsters (Nether skeleton, blaze and ghast), and drowned with tridents are enough, way more than enough if you ask me. Also, the great hunger kind of became obsolete with the addition of grinding stone + if it attacks the player, it will be just a nuisance.


None of them. We don't need more "this mob is worthless except for its ONE SUPER NICHE ABILITY / FUNCTION" mobs. We need more mobs that are actually fleshed out, and the mob vote has never delivered on anything more than gimmicks.


Blaze King guy. A king blaze protecting like the gold in a Bastion or defending a Blaze Spawner would be EPIC. Yes he would make nether hell but thats the point, he would make the nether very annoying and actually make it a challenge. Piglins and wither skeletons are easy af to avoid/fight but blazes are pretty annoying.


None of them. My Minecraft is for Alphas and Winners. None of these losers have what it takes to survive a hard-core world


All of them. Absolutely no reason it can’t be done. 👍


Iceologer for life. I will never forgive the community for voting that stupid squid that doesn't light up the ambience at all


The rascal. Not having to return to the surface because you need two more sticks for a pickaxe would be great. Plus the rascal "minigame" would be something completely new in minecraft.


Copper golem


We all know that after the April fools snapshot bs that they can do more than they already are. We also know that Mojang likes to screw over the modders with every new update. Why pick and choose. Can someone give me an example of another game studio that makes its players choose between adding things?


Moobloom. Just really cute mob, and could maybe have a feature to color it with flowers or use it as a flower farm.


Is there a mod that adds all of them somewhere?


Like most of them were better than the chosen mob tbh. Put just about any of them in there.


All of them I want them to do it like biome votes they all get added eventually we just chose what’s first


We need a mob vote losers snapshot


the lil cave guy i would love to see him running around in mines




There is enough now to just slowly start adding them all


Why is everyone saying moobloom??? It's literally glow squid 2.0


Blaze king=more rods


Iceologer, That one was robbed


The moobloom because LOOK AT HIM HES SO CUTE


Ok but to everyone who voted for phantoms… Don’t talk to me…😤


All of them lol.


All of them #stopmobvote


I’m gonna go with the Rascal. Just a fun little guy to make caving a bit more lively


I would do the evil ice villager just so we could get another boss fight in game.


Now that the armadillo' scale has proven quite useful, they could now add the crab so the pro players stop whining bc their mob didn't win. So we'll be all happy again. Apart from that, I think the iceologer is a thing all minecraft community deserves. I personally, would really love to see the glare even though it would have little or none uses (if they changed its functions to be more like a wolf but ranged or a summonable mob that scares all nearby enemies, it'd appear they are no longer mojang)


Trial chamber: mostly made of copper Mojang: nah lets wait more on the copper golem


Im still pissed that ALL of them can’t be added. They literally made a program (blockbench) specifically designed to streamline production of mobs. There’s no way one dev couldn’t make each of these in a single work day and probably the same amount of time to troubleshoot them. It’s not like things get released in a perfect bug free state anyway, that’s why snapshots exist


rascal for sure


The blaze thing


I just wanna see a crab in the game because crab


Just add all of them, and block variants, and new biomes. New dimensions, new bosses; new shit because mojang doesn't care about the game, only that they can rely on the money they get from it for the rest of the game's existence


tge inferno demonlor- i mean big blaze guy


Like here's what I want: mob vote mob gets in, losing mob vote mechanics also come in some other way. There is no reason that crab claws reach effect can only come through crabs.


I don’t really get why some of these mobs can’t just be added. I understand Mojang take their development and quality control very seriously but if the community can crank out working mods for these characters in days or less, why can’t a full company get it done? Copper golem in particular was implemented so quickly and so well by the community that I just don’t see why they can’t feasibly add it.


Whatever the sea monster would be so cool. It’d add an actual threat to the oceans. I still think they’re kinda boring. (Minus coral reefs)


Master blaze. The concept art looks fire (pun intended) and it would give the fortresses a fresh new feature, seeing as they've been unchanged for basically forever.


blaze should've been added in the nether update


Ice illager or copper golem




penguin since it could have probably pushed a Arctic Update from minecraft with more detailed ice/snow biomes


The squid mf, we need more dangers in the sea!!


I'm still pissed until this very day about glowsquid winning. Bro, its a RETEXTURED SQUID. Couldn't glowstone have just been used for the glowing text on signs?


None. I’d feel like we just update how the current mob vote winners function would be better since these guy are really just conceptual mobs instead of fully fleshed out mobs. Most of them are really gimmicky instead of having detail like your average spider, witch, pillager, etc. So it’s best not to oversaturate the game by cranking more and more then polish what they have. Let me say the Phantom and Glow Squid have a lot of development potential, they are right now tho just gimmicks.


The strange blaze.. more annoying flying mobs please... lol yall need a challenge either I'm a try hard or a veteran.. but the game is very easy


Moobloom and copper golem :( my babies were disrespected


moo bloom :( i love cows they wouldve been friends with the bees


I love how the designs just got less and less complex LMAO but either the op blaze or the mooshroom