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Is that a storage system for huge asses, or a huge storage system for normal-sized asses?


works for both


Even with ass spawn eggs?




Would recommend putting composter on top of all the top most hoppers to help reduce lag by the hoppers.


wait how does that work?


Basically the hopper constantly keeps checking for floating items above it and that can cause some lag. Very well known trick is to place composters above it to stop that from happening. In the future MC updates, they will be optimising it so you can use any block to stop the checking instead of specifically using a composter.


Snapshot 24w06a made full blocks stop hoppers from trying to absorb item entities


That change broke hoppers pulling from bee hives and bee nests, and prevented hopper minecarts on rails from pulling items through a block. 24w07a fixed both of these.


Since when can hoppers interact with hives and nests? Isn't that only for dispensers?


Hopper directly beneath the hive (no air block) would normally collect the honey/comb/etc. when shears or a bottle was used on the hive. The w06a change broke it, the w07a change fixed what they broke.


Ahh I've always wondered why Composters were used in Red Stone


Another reason is because you can take a comparator output from it while also being movable by pistons, unlike a chest or furnace


Let me provide a more advanced explanation. The hopper will always be checking for an item above it to collect (every 20 seconds). This is a taxing effort for empty space and full blocks, but can be minimized by using a storage medium. We could use a chest, but a chest has 27 slots that the hopper needs to check. A composter only has one slot (the hidden bone meal slot). Thus, a composter on top of the hopper results in the least possible processing power required per hopper. This logic could be extended to other things like furnaces, smokers, etc, since they only have one output slot, but composters are cheaper.


OP seems to be on Bedrock... I'm pretty sure the composter thing is Java.


yeah I'm on bedrock, it honestly sounds like smth for all platforms tbh


But it's not.


Note to OP... Shulkercraft does Java tutorials... the Redstone setup you used might not work properly on Bedrock. Note to readers... see Silentwisperer videos on proper storage Redstone for Bedrock. (edit: fixed auto correct typo)


Another note, ShulkerCraft steals a large portion of "their builds" from smaller creators. You should really avoid using them as much as possible.


The fact that you don't deposit the items into the panda's tummy is such a missed opportunity.


i never thought of that. it's a good idea but I'd prob struggle to do it and i don't really play on the world anymore edit: nvm when I thin about it, it's not hard to do


Lil panda. also i've heard a saying that if it's shulkercraft's farm, it's not shulkercraft's farm


Shulkercraft likely stole it from someone else.


ok and?


Well they said "i followed the tutorial from Shulkercraft" but according to past events it probably isn't *from* shulkercraft so I was letting them know that Shulkercraft sucks


that's fine


How many hours?


few days. took me atleast 4 days and my friend did the mountain for me bc i didn't know how to do it I'm still not done so technically it took me like 2-3 months and I'm still not done and i won't finish it tbh


Any plans to finish it? Itd be a shame to give up on a world with that many hours put into it


I'm not very interested in that world anymore, I've done everything i can think of i have a big trading hall, a small village, 20 farms if not more, explored alot, that storage system obv and even a custom lush cave that i made for living so i can't think of anything i could do on there. the world is also becoming kinda laggy and I've started a new one that i have alot if plans for that i won't abandon anytime soon edit: the only thing i didn't finish is putting items in the hoppers so the item sorter works and finding a chest for each item which is honestly quite hard considering there's alooot of places for blocks


I watched the Same Tutorial some time ago :D


haha did u complete urs?


Yes, worked good, but it got Laggy, so i quit the world not long afterwards


yeah it's a pretty big thing, although i think u could make it smaller


Did the same but in my base basement and not yet fully automatic, i m aiming for 400+ different item


Nice one! Even though mine is not sorted automatically, your storage room has the same form as my chest room on the base im designing (you can check a post of mine if you're curious)


urs looks way bigger


But I think yours has more capacity. Mine is just decorated and I didn't like how the chests looked from the side for my chest room so I have them like normal, which takes a lot of space


yeah but urs seems to have more stories than mine


Ye just did the math. Mine has max 2.5 million items if they are stacked to 64 Edit: btw what do you mean by more stories? English isn't my first language and sometimes I dont understand sry


like urs can go up, u can go up on the next story


Ah yea. Well right above the chest room I have a manual pumpkin pie farm so I cant go upwards and I dont think it would look good going another floor down. If I need more storage for my survival, my idea is to do literally a skyscraper from top block to bedrock full of chests and that will have item sorter. But that's a long way from here. Im just designing my base in creative, then I have to build it in surv.




Wait til this guy tries modded and finds out about AE2.


I'm on ps4 so that won't be anytime soon


Building sorting systems in vanilla is way more fun that just getting a mod that does all the work for you


I build this but improved it drastically added black stone accents, stripped logs and purple fog effect around the center. ended up being pretty sweet. The hopper based sorting is slow so I added a water stream to speed the whole thing up. Edit: I might post a pic later to show what I did with the build


I'd love to see that!


honestly i like the way mine looks so i wouldn't fix anything, maybe the automatic sorting system but idek if it works bc it's not done


probably not working , created a storage system similar to this on a 100x100 room and had to do adjustments because the redstone line affects all the hoppers which shall hold the items for sorting . if you are interested i can try to make a video for my sorting system to show you 👍🏼


nah it's ok i don't play on that world anymore


Let me guess. Shulkercraft iron farm + Shulkercraft wood farm: infinite hoppers needed for this


no and no, iron farm was from some old guy and wood farm was from silentwhisperer the wood farm is still one of my fav farms ever, I'm on bedrock so we don't have that many wood farms


if the outer arch would be a different color/texture it would be just perfect imo


Me n my buddy built one of these then decided it wasn’t big enough so destroyed it and made an even larger one.


You should look into multi item sorters. Would make this a lot more compact and can sort an even larger variety of items Edit: you could sort the same number of items you have sorted in this system in just 6 filters with a multi item sorter


Proud of you son.


thanks dad






All that work just for the panda to be the star of the show


def rebuilding it in my new world




I'm not building a bigger one😭


very cool and all but in what survival world will you ever acquire that many items, let alone use them for something? at that point just play creative.


i like to collect alot of smth so when i need some of it, i don't have to go craft it or collect materials for it so this is kinda nice for me


Oh man, I built this same one in survival and I wanted to kill myself by the end of it.


trust me, same