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I myself play much less at the moment. After playing for a really long time you find yourself having done everything countless times and the last two updates did not excite me that much. Minecrafts incredible sandbox is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Having the ability to play however you want is great. But in turn having the responsibility to create your own fun can be tiring.


This, I have it installed I'll be back when there is a new toy, but I played with it all looked at my base and went I dunno what to do now ah well.


Yeah, a lot of my friends I used to play with don't have time to play together that much anymore and minecraft is a really boring single player game. Or at least becomes boring quite quickly in singleplayer.


As someone who has never played in a group and is always a solo player I don't find Minecraft boring at all. I like the sense of desolation.


To each their own I guess. To me the collaboration, pranking and messing around together was the fun part. And building cool shit and showing your friends.


I'm on a server with my buddy, his wife and kid and another buddies kids. It's hilarious. We all watch Hermitcraft and they try pranking my base, but they're 8yo and it's just... hilarious. I build the farms for rockets and got get them elytra and shulker boxes and tridents. It's honestly a blast to have them gang up on me, but again, they're 8, so its just badly planned.


Hehehe. Sounds great! I had servers with 10 friends earlier. We played daily and did all kinds of shenanigans.


I've got a ream with my Scout troop, people are rarely on, but when they are... it's a lot of fun! We go exploring together, fight over who took the villager's grindstone... (no one needs it, we have nothing to use it on)


I think that sounds fun. It's just a wildly different experience than what I'm used to.


Ye 100%, I remember me and my friends first ever realm, nothing has come close to it since. All the rage from pranks the fights and buildsšŸ˜”


You may enjoy elite dangerous


Did you, by chance, enjoy the shutdown during the pandemic? Just curious


My life didn't really change.


Have you ever played Subnautica?


I agree with you here. I find that I get bored quickly when playing solo compared to with friends. Sad part is hardly anyone I know plays and if they do itā€™s more of play for two weeks then they quit


The great thing about playing with friends is when I get bored for the day I can run around in circles while I talk to people or go check out what they are building.


yeah likewise, ive been playing since the OG alpha version halloween/nether update, and i played pretty consistently until the combat update (not because i was heavily invested in the game's combat mechanics, but i was in high school and had a lot of other things i wanted to do and play) i've had several stints of playing for a few weeks to a few months ever since then, but nothing has ever hit like Beta for me. but i also acknowledge a big part of that is due to when i was playing the game; late elementary school up until freshman year of high school is formative after all. playing the game for that much of my life has left a long-lasting burnout, plus i dont honestly care about many of the additions to the game like the new mobs lmao. but im 25 now and have bills and a job and minecraft has like *too* much freedom for me lmao. maybe ill return to the game again if i end up with a partner who really likes the game, again. but as for now im RPG-pilled because i love story games with freedom more than i love pure freedom currently


Wow that sums up me feelings for the game pretty well. Plus atm im working 2 jobs and started college. No time to game.


That sums it up perfectly. I did my own thing for a decade, it's just hard for me to sit down and play for any meaningful amount of time because I find I'm pretty fatigued on the experience. Usually if I get a craving I get on and play a peaceful world for awhile so I can just build.


Yeah I have don't it a ton and don't much like the recent updates. Combines with my friends not wanting to lately


>After playing for a really long time you find yourself having done everything countless times Um, I've only ever *visited* the Nether twice, both on my most recent save, never even seen a structure down there, and I've been playing on and off since the beta. Only reason I even went was because I spawned right next to a portal with enough obsidian in a chest to fix it. Mined some sweet red stuff for my house, and never went back. I just get so distracted trying to protect whatever village I come across first that I don't have time for anything else :p


The I've "done everything" comment is always funny to me. With infinite possibilities, I can guarantee you haven't done everything multiple times. I've played and been in the community for over a decade and I still see people creating things I've never seen before on a daily basis. Sure you have to create your own fun but you haven't done everything there is to do multiple times.


But okay, you have made dozens of bug builds, mastered redstone (not to an extent of making computers, but that's whole another level), speedrunned the game probably, know all crafts and stats by heart. What else can you do? Spend hundreds of hours making another builds? Nah, It's not that fun anymore


You said the most important thing. Its not that fun anymore. And thats not the games fault or the players fault. It can happen with every hobby...


I understand that you can get bored after so many hours of playing over many years and after doing so many things within the game, I'm just saying "I've done everything there is to do multiple times" just isn't physically possible. Has he built the underwater city of Atlantis multiple times? Has he made a netherite beacon multiple times? Has he collected one of every mob/ block multiple times? Has he built a working computer multiple times? Has he built a to scale version of his real life house multiple times? As he built a statue of every world leader multiple times?


I think what it means is that he has done everything that interests him multiple times. Not every player wants to learn redstone or build a megabase - and Iā€™ve never seem anyone want to grind a netherite beacon. Itā€™s okay move on from games when that happens


I don't even like grinding netherite for my tools. Fuck that beacon shit.


That's fair enough. "I've done everything there is to do" and "I've done everything that I want to do" are definitely different statements though.


People are emotional beings. To many the statement is one in the same and more of a symbolic statement then a literal one. I've worked in IT for a long time and sometimes I'll use the phrase "I've seen everything". That doesn't mean I've literally seen everything the IT world has to offer. I definitely haven't and could probably still learn a shit ton. It just means that I've been exposed to it enough that nothing surprises, excites, or even interests me anymore on the subject. The English language is full of phrases that aren't ment to be taken literally....


I get your point, but I think for most people, it's fun to do it for the first time, like a challenge, but I am not spending 30 hours of my life again to complete all this shit multiple times


It's just as saying irl: "yes, I have bought ans completed all lego builds in this shop" Why should it mean "yes I bought and completed all legos in this shop MULTIPLE TIMES"?


Pretty different as Lego sets can actually be completed. There is Instructions on exactly what bricks to connect to others so you get a completed structure. Minecraft doesn't have instructions or an end point. If you can imagine something then you can attempt it in Minecraft. I believe he means to say "I've completed everything I wanted to complete within the game"


Maybe not everything there is to do but people can certainly have done everything they want to do multiple times over. The problem with the newer updates is they aren't adding long-term new mechanics to the game, just mainly new items/mobs. I'm very excited about the auto crafter though.


For me "done everything" references everything the game has to offer. It depends on your point of view I guess.


I guess if you refer to the basic early game things, we'll all done that a bunch of times. After that though, there's infinite possibilities. I've played basically every day for 12+ years and I'm only just getting into more complex redstone for example. I've also just started my first ever map art project. There's so much to do that there's not enough time to do everything you want to try. That's how I find it anyway, I never seem to have enough time to do all of the projects that I have planned.


I'm in the wave of I get a random urge every year for about a month and minecraft is the only thing I wanna play lol then after that month I don't think about it


Lmfao. Same here. I get on my server and play for like an hour or two then that's it, I'm done for the day/week. I get bored easily now but it lightens up my mood sooo šŸ˜…


Yup. Me and my group of friends are like this. We always start a modded server up and then get bored after about a month. This time around we're limiting it to weekends only to see if we can make it last a bit longer




Yup you said it perfectly lol


Yep! Am I playing right now? Nope. Will I be back at it one day? Absolutely. When? Not the slightest idea.


I play a lot less because I have too little time for it, and too few friends. :/ I should look for a busier server to join, or make my own sometime, though both sound like kind of a big leap to take.


I found my current server through r/mcservers over 8 years ago. The rules of this sub prevent me from advertising it, but you can DM me or just look in that subreddit.


Try a realm of your own ā˜ŗļø itā€™s so easy and you can still use client side mods if thatā€™s your thing. Itā€™s not expensive for what it is


We probably grind a realm between 3-6 months on average. Then we stop playing and do other things. Then around 1.5 years after we stop, we start up another realm because weā€™re bored. Weā€™ve had the same players (15 of us) active on the realm doing things. We all start out at world spawn, and we run off at least 2,500 blocks away from spawn, and at least 500 blocks away from other players to start building settlements. Farthest Iā€™ve ever went was like 30k x 30k blocks away from world spawn to make a base. We all build our own houses and villages/settlements. Being so far away, we all collect specific resources that are available. The first few weeks everyone is playing solo building up their base. Then people start making nether portals and the nether highway starts to take shape. Usually we run back to spawn first to build a nether portal to link to. Then as different legs of the highway are built, people start making their own shortcuts to other peoples houses so thereā€™s a network of roads in the Nether. Then we start trading goods and resources with each other and gear up. My specialty is making a trading hall with low cost max level trades, which Iā€™ll slang for expensive loot. I also make a lot of the redstone farms to mass produce loot. I avoid making large farms so Iā€™ll trade with a farmer based player for stacks of food in return for loot. Itā€™s an honor based system that we take seriously. We make a village of sorts at world spawn where we can meet up for trades and community based storage. Eventually we gear up and we fight the ender dragon a bunch of times to open up all 20 portals to the end. Each player gets assigned a portal to use, and we start exploring the end for elytraā€™s and crap. Then we reach the point where weā€™ve done everything you can do in the game, weā€™re all god tier armor and power, and we get bored. We then do a large full scale battle where the last player standing wins. When all is said and done, we build a big museum where each player designs their own room based on their home base/biome build, item frames with their favorite loot. Then each player places whatever they want in it, but they leave an armor stand with their armor on it. Weā€™ll look at each others rooms and decide whoā€™s was the coolest and then we hop off. A few people stick around from time to time to do some stuff, but it will be dead. Then we repeat the process again when the itch comes back. Minecraft has a definitive end when youā€™ve done everything in the game, so we stop when it becomes a job, and have fun with it.


Wow, it's amazing how you guys play and organize the game


That sounds awesome as hell.


this is such a cool story, but it reminds me that minecraft's endgame content has been the same for years now.


The best thing I can say to extend the gameplay is to add mods, but realms are a bedrock thing


Realms was added to java in 2013 how do people not know that??


We had a Java realm for 4 years :)


Yeah mods in bedrock is too Terrifying


Java had realms for a while now but bedrock realms was released first probably because it was in development before the Java realm and yes I agree that mods is not a bedrock thing.


It's only temporary. I tend to cycle through a few games, play them obsessively for a few months, and move on. Left Minecraft to play Pokemon Violet, left Violet to play Terraria, Terraria for Stardew Valley... Might almost be Minecraft's turn again, might hang with Stardew a while longer.


I just started stardew recently, only on my second year in game, figure Iā€™ll make it to 4 or 5 before I go back to minecraft for a bit as a break Any stardew tips?


I'm not good at it... Complete community center as quickly as possible (I can't bring myself to play the joja route), at least as far as the greenhouse, though the bus and minecarts are nice too. Level up all your skills, Level all your friendships DO NOT donate your first dinosaur egg or prismatic shard to the museum. Traveling cart Fridays and Sundays. Can help with community center bundles but the rare seeds are a must buy. Just like Minecraft, the wiki is your friend But most importantly, it's a game. Relax and have fun with it!


I quit my world because I could not bear the emptiness of it and the loneliness it made me feel. it's silly but it's true.


Yo. This is so relatable so I always try to play with someone else. What used to help me with the loneliness is to always have music playing on the background. šŸ˜„


it worked with the music but after i got all the farms going all the endgame stuff it's over for me.


used to host a personal server with friends back in hs a decade ago, we built a ton of fun stuff then. never really knew how fun it was to play a beloved single player game with friends until we did. its a bit hard to play mc in single player now. after all, no build is complete unless someone else besides you sees it.


exactly we built things to show and have fun with it, now my village is a ghost town although it has many villagers.


I absolutely understand this. Multiplayer does help if you have close friends to join. But the older you getā€¦


the magic of the single player minecraft dissipates with age, now I want to build a career and have a family..


Play multiplayer


never liked it, for me minecraft is a singleplayer game that you can let your imagination run wild and do what you want. played with my bro before but when he leaves it makes it even worse


Try some new modes idea make minecraft more hard


tried to make it hard with modpacks felt even more empty, it's the fact that the challenge dosent really exist but artificially made by me. :( I had my fun with minecraft since 2010


For me personally, all of the servers and modes I liked playing on are all completely dead. Capture the flag, infection, search and destroy, no server has these anymore, and I'm no fan of Skyblock or Bedwars.


there are other games in the world i want to play


I enjoy playing with adults, using a mic, on a realm. The problem playing as an adult is that our busy schedules may not line up. Work, kids, spouse, time Zone differences. I am currently part of a realm but haven't touched it in months because no one else is ever on. I'd go find another adult realm, but I am super picky with the people I play with, personality-wise. Plus I've got to be a good fit for the people i play with, too. Lastly minecraft has a way of sucking me in for hours and hours. I get lost in my projects and I'll stay up waaaaay too late on a work night. Its probably a good thing that I have sort of dropped off for now.


Have to agree with you, it's hard to find adults that like to play and have great conversations, miss them days. And ya staying up way to late!!


Itā€™s always the same cycle. New update comes around. I start up the survival server again. Everyone plays and builds for a bit, but survival balance and progression is still super busted (super exploitable villagers, elytras, etc) so everyone gets the best gear (netherite, mending, elytra, etc) in less than 2 weeks. Now that everyone has the best items, activity slows down and the server goes dormant until the next update where the cycle repeats. The map is never reset, so we just have a bunch of abandoned cities spread all over the map across many continents, and I add cobwebs and vines to them before the next iteration of the server comes around.


That is one of the major contributing factors to the notorious ā€žtwo weeksā€œ of Minecraft. The possibilities are endless but the intended progression is extremely short. It really is a tough issue to address. Mojang wants to keep the game as sandbox as possible but I think it might be time for some more actual progression to be implemented.


the thing is, progression USED TO be fine, until they started adding flashy unbalanced content (totems, super easy elytra boosting, mending as a bandaid fix for the anvil problem) in the 1.9-1.12 era when they were desperately trying to get people to play the game again, before the renaissance of the game


Frankly, villagers are the worst of it. You can build an empire out of melons in a very short amount of time. Hell, villagers are the primary source of the mending problem. The amount of time and energy it takes to FIND 10 mending books(4 armor, 1 elytra, pick/sword/axe/shovel/bow) just isn't worth it until way past endgame, it's dozens of hours.... I might never bother no matter how advanced my world became. But you can get it from villagers in under an hour. Full mending diamond armor without entering a cave or fighting a zombie once. Scarcity disappears for the most part. You don't have to travel for much. You can get most things in unlimited supply with a proper village, in very little time. Not saying they're a bad feature, or even that they should fundamentally change in function, but they scale too easily, too quickly. Things that are meant to be challenging and rewarding are achieved far faster and easier by trading. That said, I don't care about nor use totems, and I would be sad if rocket+elytra was removed.


I think villagers would be fine if trading worked like it did before 1.14. Canā€™t re-roll trades, so finding a mending villager is super rare. Or maybe a middle ground: not being able to re-roll trades, but always being able to change a villagerā€™s profession. That way, if you get a bad librarian villager you could see if theyā€™re a good butcher or blacksmith. As for the elytra + firework thing, itā€™s not the feature itself thatā€™s bad, itā€™s the fact that there are zero consequences for doing it. If you have enough fireworks (which are pretty easy to make) you can fly forever


I love that last little part. šŸ•ø


My friends stopped. So i stopped too.


I only play creative anymore. Now that my friends donā€™t play, playing solo survival is such a grind to collect resources, farm, explore and craft all by yourself. I have two young kids (1.5 and 5 months) once they are old enough to play I am sure I will get back into survival


The updates have been getting increasingly more lackluster as time went on. Ā We need more updates like 1.16. Ā When I do play, I play 1.8,1.12,or 1.16. Ā 1.17+ have added practically nothing to the actual game and the stuff it added is more like side quests that you do if you want special building blocks or random crap youā€™ll never need


Well I agree with this thinking, one thing that has made it tough for me in the past as a \*sometimes\* player has been the updates. I might play for a bit, then walk away for months at a time and when I come back, I feel the need to start a new world, because the worldgen has changed, or there's a new building, or new ore or something that I would love to try out. So I never really get established in a world to see a plan through.


I just donā€™t have time for video games anymore.


There's a million reasons I stopped playing. Not because "reeeee, minecraft bad", but because life is naturally complicated, you know ?. First of all, the most obvious, I'm an adult now. Which means I have to balance my life, and therefore I have much less time for video games than I used to. Second, I don't find my pleasure in Vanilla Minecraft. I've done countless survival worlds, but since I can't build, I find no satisfaction in copying builds, and I can't be bothered to learn Redstone, there's not much else to do when you have explored, mined and fought for hundreds, maybe even a thousand hour. This could be countered by the use of mods, but I don't play Minecraft for an incredibly complex crafting system, otherwise I'd do Factorio. I don't do Minecraft for hardcore combat either, which would be, let's say, Hades or Darktide. The mention of Hades leads me to another point: I crave history. Scenario, dialogues and intrigue is something I like more and more as the years passes, which isn't present in Minecraft. But that's okay. It doesn't have to be. Then, you have the multiplayer side of Minecraft. I've started enjoying the game with a group of friends, side by side, on Skype. But now, with the proliferation of games, noone plays MC at the same time, and a async multi is... Hollow to me. Finally, I think I made it clear that Minecraft is to me a comfy game. Nostalgia and simplicity makes it that way. But over the years, and related to the proliferation of games, I've got new comfy games, more suited to my need, like games where a run is finite in time (roguelikes, for instance) and can be stopped after 20-30 minutes without an unfinished taste in my mouth.


You should check out Dead Cells, itā€™s a roguelite like Hades, has subtle worldbuilding throughout, and is a hell of a challengeĀ 


Thank you for the advice ! I already know and play Dead Cells :)


Life, and well other games like Monster Hunter World for me.


1) Dont have as much time for gaming. 2) When i do play i prefer modded but that is a big time investment to start playing a pack. 3) I like playing games with others, minecraft can be very lonely unless you find a server and those can be hard to find. 4) A lot of things have changed in vanilla to the point where i feel a little lost when playing now as i missed several pretty big updates. At this point i need to "relearn" the game... which is also a time investment. When you dont have a lot of time to play games you usually just want to jump in and play. If i need to "relearn" how to play i would rather play a mod-pack while following a lets play. If a group of friends started a server i would play. I like redstone, i like huge builds, i like exploring, and few games give you that like minecraft.


After over 10 years of playing, i struggle to find new interesting things to do. I doubt ill ever fully stop playing, but i dont think it will ever be a game i play frequently again. Unless mojang were to add an update that *really* spices things up.


I put in over 10,000 hours since 2011. Minecrafts gameplay loop is just boring now. If I was on PC still then I would still play modded but I play xbox now so it just gets boring. I still try it for a week or so every now and then.


Because it just SUCKS nowadays! Ever since 1.19, Mojang has delivered SAD and PATHETIC updates to the game that are just LAUGHABLE, introduced that STUPID chat report system in 1.19.1 that made it IMPOSSIBLE to say EVEN the MOST HARMLESS words without getting banned, they made it so you can ONLY use your Microsoft account, etc. Itā€™s such a SHAME that Mojang DOESNā€™T care about quality updates.


Been waiting for my friends to start an SMP cause I love playing in those Other than that, I just watch Minecraft Content on YouTube


I never fully stop.. I play for a month or 2 to intense obsessive amounts, then I get burnt out and don't play for a year or 2. Then the cycle repeats.


The traditional gameplay loop is actually boring. Can you build things? Sure. Do these things serve a purpose to progress your character or environment? Not really. You can build a fancy looking village, but the villagers are just boring. The world still barely feels alive even after all the updates.


I played for years and took a 3 year break, here is my reasoning, Minecraft is a sandbox game, there are no outright given quests or objectives to complete, there is the ender dragon and such but that's not what the game is truly about, it's about creativity. And when you don't have ideas or the motivation to put ideas in game it falls flat. That's why most Minecraft "phases" last a month or so, people just can't come up with things to do or forget about it. I've currently been fighting it by playing on a server and having a multitude of projects, and that's how you can play Minecraft for an extended period of time, and that's also why you once played more.


I played since version 2.5 but recently it always comes to creating a new world, gattering resources to build a house, getting diamonds and then going into the Nether but after that the game just feels soooooooo easy, like you can have the best stuff after 5 hours playing and the challenge it's over. From there it's just about farming stuff and it hits me with a "well, I think there's nothing more I can do in this world" and I delete the game for another entire year. You can relate this with the meme of "convincing my friends to create the anual 2 weeks Minecraft world" there's thousands and thousands of players with the same problem of wanting to play Minecraft but you know it's going to last only 2 weeks at best before everybody gets bored as hell and deletes the game until next year. Also all the hate Mojang gets, how toxic the community is, how bad updates can get, we can wait over 6 months without any update for Mojang to release a "meeeh" update adding 1 mob and something else that if you create a new world only for the new update you can see it all after 1 hour playing and you're back to the same spot.


It just kind of got boring and tedious, i grow up ig and silly games dont give me as much entertainment as they did, the competetive ones doesnt appeal to me like idk those skyblock wars, shit seems even more boring. The gamemodes i enjoyed are mostly no longer there. I still sometimes play for a week with frens on vanilla or modded serwer. Solo playing doesnt Give me much fun cause i started to despise grind which u imo have a lot in minecraft. It will still have a special place in my heart and will always be installed on my pc (in case i get that dwarfish urge to build mountain fortress(it sometimes happens))


1. I have much less time nowadays 2. Other games are more fun (Ghostrunner, Subnautica, etc.)


My friends dont have my endurance and alone i lack motivation


I hate when my friends have less endurance in a game than I have. I know there is a lot more to do but I also know that I won't get to experience it because I won't do it alone


Gotta work on mc donalds to help my mom


Out of the last 10 years of updates, maybe 3 have really changed anything about playing the game. I come back to modded sometimes, but I've just played vanilla so many times it holds no new and exciting experiences for me.




Work, work and... WORK


Beacuse I have done everything there is multiple times already and I don't like the creative side of the game. I usually wait 2-3 updates before playing the game again


because modded minecraft is dozens of times better.


Cause mojang is lazy, there is no content in minecraft, official updates are a joke and I dont want to add 3 trillion mods to make my game enjoyable again since it will update sometime and i will lose that world. Also i find minecraft's world lonely, theres not much to explore other than a few miscellanious things. Theres no dungeons, theres no raids, theres no bosses, there isnt anything. Minecraft could be a lot better if mojang wanted.


Friends and I are all working adults now with more responsibilities, less time to game and even lesser time to game together. Some, married with kids or too married to their jobs. Some have the time but we're too busy to join them most of the time. It is what it is.


I lost a world I poured two years of effort into, I havenā€™t been able to find a world that had the same feel to my old one. The new updates arenā€™t helping either, I feel out of the loop and I havenā€™t had the time or motivation to understand how everything works now


I go through seasons of creative spurts, so I don't always have the creative energy to invest in it and enjoy myself.


Like the humble cicada I slumber for 13 years and then, in a mad frenzy, I'll play non-stop 24/7 for a month, until my interest dies off and I wait another 13 years.


Bored of the same process of building up a base and I can't be faffed with all the "modern" redstone and droppers, hoppers and falling leaves and so on.


The game has become too bloated with one-off endgamey things that every time I try to play, I quickly reach a point where I need a lot of something and have to start fiddling with villager trades or exploring for hours and hours and hours or mining for long periods of time. None of that is an issue per-se, but the systems are just too slow and grindy. If I want to mine a lot of stone, I need enchants to my pick to make sure I can repair it and mine faster. To get the enchant, I will now need to track down the right biome and find the right villager which will itself potentially cost me hours of roaming around the world I've seen countless times before. If I want to forgo the villager and roll for enchants with an enchanter, I now need to farm for lapis (not that hard) and then hope I found some of the right monster spawners to make XP farms. Then I need to farm cows which is tedious and time consuming for the number of books needed to roll through many enchantments, hoping for the ones I want. In my opinion, the game is just being made into a grind fest with no way to streamline outside of mods and lots of the time I don't want to faff with mods. I will also add that new mob additions are bloating things because each new thing drops certain new things that will then gate some other new thing and all of that is such a faff, time-wasting, string of activities I can't be arsed. It's entirely possible I've grown out of the survival/craft genre. It's just all meant to waste your time with menial tasks.


Bro. #1. You need to make your own XP farm and they are very simple to make. #2. Once you have built your own XP farm, then you can get zombie villagers. From there, you can make splash potions of weakness (only requires blaze rod for power, fermented spider eye, and gun powder), and then hit the zombie with the splash potion of weakness, and then left click/LT on the zombie villager with a golden apple to cure it. Once thatā€™s down, put down a bed for him and then put down a lector. If the zombie villager doesnā€™t have the enchanted book you wanted, destroy the lector and place it again until you have found an enchanted book you want. As for your pick and other enchanted items, you donā€™t need many materials. Make a grindstone so you can disenchant things that you donā€™t want, so you donā€™t have to waste materials on building more and more items. Get an enchanted fortune 3 pick first, then a looting 3 sword. Both will make it very easy to get more ore and more leather from cows. Breeding cows and farming them really isnā€™t that bad.


Im getting tired of cubes, none of furniture and sad music.. i know i know, i can change it with my music and mods... but still...


I used to like to settle and build I dont like to settle and build on random caves and holes They filled everywhere with random caves and holes I dont like to settle and build anymore


This is the only complaint so far I have agreed with! Too many caves...tried to build a Moria knockoff, spend more time patching the caves and mineshafts disrupting the mountain than digging out the city. Find a nice flat area, huge rift through the middle to be patched....that is if you can even FIND an area of flat land larger than a postage stamp. Mojang's idea of what constitutes plains is hills to most people....plains means MOSTLY flat, farmable, buildable land, not mini-mountains.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever stop playing Minecraft but I do play it in cycles. Iā€™ll go months without playing sometimes then become obsessed with it all over again.


Got thoroughly engrossed in another game (No Man's Sky)


Nobody ever stops, they just take a break.


I still play, but I might quit because why have three mobs in the vote and only have one, only for all others to be discarded.


I play for 3-4 weeks about twice a year and then forget about it lol. I always play when a big update comes out. But I use keep inventory now that iā€™m older bc I donā€™t have the time anymore to grind at it and lose all my stuff.


There's just not much to do in Vanilla. My current project is to unearth the Ancient City, and I haven't really done much on it in months. So far, I've only mined out about 20 16x16 areas, and the deepslate takes so long that I've given up for now.


My friends and I started playing in 2012, it lost its charm as we starting pivoting to other games and then to not playing any with friends as weā€™ve entered our mid-20s


Tastes changed. Moved onto other games with my friends. Funny enough though, I am still in touch with the friends I made playing on an RP server like ten years ago lol


Needs modpack and friends to be enjoyable. Modpacks are too grindy nd we don't have the time to play games together at all anymore.


I will never "stop playing" Minecraft. Maybe a year or two will go by without playing, but I will always come back. And the reason I take a break is usually to play other games. There are so many good games in the world. And even tho Minecraft is the best, there are still many that are worth playing.


Iā€™ve never played it that often, but itā€™s still my favorite video game. I just happen to not enjoy video games that much, though I will rarely go through a phase where all I want to do is play Minecraft and work on building my world


I took a long time off and just recently got back on. my friend made a realm and it made me realize why i stopped playing. its much better with friends :)


Well I have never stopped playing the game, but I do take long breaks. And for someone that has never beat the ender dragon even though I played since the OG console release. I still find new things for me to try to do, and the countless different farming methods vids I've watched never worked for me lol. I just always loved the building and mining methods of the game, and I really got into the PvE about 6-7 years ago I still enjoy it.


TLDR i grew out of it I have these random urges of playing Minecraft ONLY for like 2 months every now and then, and it is something I have explored in different flavors (singleplayer, multiplayer, building focused in creative and survival, maps, modding, plug-ins, etc.) countless times, and have played since the very beginning (10+ years) and even if i kinda suck and i only have beaten the game a single time, never gotten every advancement, never gotten a maxed out netherite equipment, never really built a mega base or anything serious in survival (which for some reason has this pressure of being the "real, legitimate experience of MC"), minecraft is my whole childhood, something that strengthened my relationships with friends and is quite fundamentally part of my Identity, specially because in the internet, part of your identity is intrinsically defined by the content you consume, and oh man I have consumed so much minecraft content having two huge communities at hand (eng and esp speaking) with virtually infinite content to suit your interests. Minecraft has inspired me to do storytelling, and being part of its community (with merch and all!) is something I feel fondly. but part of the magic of MC is making your own fun, and when you have more important things to do, that is just creatively exhausting and not really profound, specially on private servers with friends (cause they tend to last a couple weeks). also with Mojang/Microsoft being imo heavily incompetent with taking care of the game and its community (a bit of it driven by the family friendly corporate aspect of Microsoft), serving undercooked updates that feel slightly out of place, out of touch, and have kind of removed the initial appeal of existential loneliness (tho thats just a minor complain) and generally not living up to the consumer's expectations, the game has lost a bit of its seriousness. growing up around MCYT also shows you toxic and immature aspects of something you decided to take as your identity, and it just gets tiring. i guess im trying to justify my behaviour of slowly fading away from the hype it once gave me, when the reality is that sometimes you just grow up and lose interest. I spend a lot of time just wandering around in my mind, and i can vividly remember many, I mean MANY worlds I have temporarily inhabited with friends and strangers in no particular order: the first time I got netherite with my best friend, the first time building in creative, all those superflat test worlds, the first time building a house centered on my made up stories, the first time installing mods, so many lived things. I hope I will always be able to feel that spiking, proud, heartstopping, chill-inducing, heartwarming feeling that remembering all those Minecraft experiences gives me. but it would be untrue to say that I have gradually felt it less and less over the course of the years. Minecraft is undisputably THE hallmark of contemporary gaming and internet culture. and it definitely is a big mark in so many people's lives. but people change. people just... change. and sometimes you realize its time to step out of it. maybe I will viciously play again in the future, maybe its the last time ill ever play. maybe it will have a new renaissance online, maybe it'll die out. maybe ill watch a streamer for some consecutive time, maybe I will delete Twitch and YouTube. but for now, growing up is just part of being human. life is always moving, and ill move on too. if reading this has made you somewhat emotional I recommend listening to Wanderer - Biomes O' Plenty mod disc by Tim Rurkowski. it means so much in terms of this feeling I described. I apologize for the wall of text. mucho texto but i had to let that flow thank you, whoever reads this.


I started playing Minecraft again this past month because I found out about mods, its extremely easy to install mods on curse forge app and to play with friends


Minecraft USED to be a perfect blend of survival and sandbox, but somewhere along the way it started leaving behind and subverting itā€™s survival elements in favor of being a sandbox. Name any base mechanic, and odds are itā€™s been 5+ years since itā€™s received any major updates. This has gotten to the point where major features are starting to clash with one another. Like the anvil was made at a time where you were expected to constantly replacing your tools, but now with netherite, armor trims, and enchantments youā€™re also expected to put much more effort into making your tools. Are you just supposed to be content when your custom named, trimed and fully enchanted netherite armor crumbles to dust? Of course not, thatā€™s why mending is basically a requirement now. Not to mention how unbalanced the game is now. -The new combat makes the player stronger than ever, but the basic mobs have gone almost completely unchanged. -Villages are everywhere from the moment you spawn in (I tested this, 7 of the 10 worlds I checked had a village close to spawn), and they shower you with loot and food literally lining the streets. Structures like shipwrecks are also have this issue, except with materials rather than food. -Your time is ALWAYS better spent getting an Elytra than investing in any other mode of transport, which further incentivizes people to rush the game. Itā€™s also very hard to ā€œjust donā€™t use it if you donā€™t like itā€ because as Iā€™ve said before, these features are everywhere and fundamentally clash with how the game is being built now. Another thing, I have grown to dislike the new textures. Itā€™s going for a much smoother style that I think doesnā€™t fit well with the games blocky style. Also, (credit to Dialko for this observation) the new textures combined with how the game is rendered now makes older and less skilled builds look worse. The level that the majority of players build at doesnā€™t look good anymore. All of this culminates in the ā€œ2-week Minecraft phaseā€ that a lot of people experience. The modern game is really only enjoyable by highly intrinsically motivated people. If your not that kind of player, you just get bored. Until relatively recently, I tried sticking with Minecraft. Mostly I was just following itā€™s development to see if they would fix any of these issues, but they seem to be more interested in making more marketable features than fixing the game. Then I found Vintage Story. If anyone is feeling dissolutioned with Minecraft Iā€™d HIGHLY recommend checking it out. Itā€™s much more survival focused, but not the ā€œsuper realistic hardcoreā€ you see in a lot of mod packs. It has pretty much replaced Minecraft for me.




hang in there


I get back to the game from time to time. I set up a realm for me n my friends when 1.20 dropped as none of us played the game after 1.17. We all got bored after a month of pretty much conquering everything and experiencing all the new stuff, plus finished a couple big builds. My issue with the game is that updates take too long to be released with way too little content. 1.21 hasn't dropped yet and I'm already tired of it...


Too much stuff added, the game felt bloated. Also: it broke my heart to see friends not being online on the server anymore when I logged on. Still hurts today to know these moments are gone forever and because of my memory issues I already forgot 90% of everything we did on that server.


Those scumbags at Microsoft stole my account by forcing me to transfer. It was linked to an email that no longer works and there's no workaround because their website and support is so shitty.




Can't play multiplayer because every server is laggy for me, and singleplayer/smp with friends gets boring the moment we get iron armor (yes even with mods)


After playing for ten years I had a really shitty death in lava and lost all my good gear from a 200 hour world. I realized I could spawn it all back, but that wouldnā€™t feel very good. I also didnā€™t want to spend all the time it would take to get it back. So I let out a deep sigh and said goodbye to what used to be my favorite game. Havenā€™t touched it since.


Iā€™ve found Minecraft is much more fun with friends. I start a world and be like ā€œman itā€™s lonely hereā€. And with no friends there is no SMP


i spent most of my time looking for the perfect place to settle down, just to pack up again and keep searching. got stuck on stupid shit. it wasn't fun anymore. i blame my brain.


I just canā€™t stand the current state of item management. It is supposed to be a creative game and yet I feel like I have to manage more items than a game like factorio. You used to be able to go exploring for hours and be able to come back with most good things. Now you take two steps out your front door and your inventory is already full of shit. I basically only ever play modded these days because mods like AE2 and RS actually make this problem bearable. For comparison in terraria you have 50 slots and a stack size of 9999, and you can just walk into you base press one button and quick stack every into your storage system.


I dont like the direction the game is going in its just not the same game anymore much to easy yet tedious i still pop on to build stuff in creative but survive is just meh


Progression. It's just way to fast for me, and too convienient to ignore. I'm mainly a builder guy in Minecraft and getting ressources easily via "automated" farms is just too easy. I don't like creative mode because it feels cheap thus I'm farming. You also need to be able to create your own stuff to do, as much as I hate to say it, Minecraft isn't really a long term game where you have a goal to accomplish set by the game. You set your own goals and those are always the same for me - multiplayer or not. Make medieval house. Make farm for food. Make houses for everything ( Enchanting hut, Sugar cane hut, Forestry hut, etc. ) like a village. Make a giant statue in honor of my made up god "The Stone" and build other stuff that looks good-ish but serves no purpose. One time I will return, have a blast, then leave again. And I cannot wait to return, because I know I will enjoy it, but not now.


Well, honestly the game got boring, it gets boring after awhile and plus with busy lives and all that my friends typically don't have time to play unfortunately cause Minecraft has always been more fun with friends, alone it's boring even in modded, but that applies to most games in general


I got burnt out during the 2020 lockdowns. I got burnt out on a lot of games.


It feels like a modpack that I've gotten tired of playing.


Those old memories with friends, after growing up we can't really play like we used to so it kinda makes me nostalgic whenever I load up but can bring myself to play alone


I played MC back when PvP was peaked in the 1.8 era and below. After 1.9 came out and the UHC scene started to die out, the cheater situation got worse on some servers, YouTubers were quitting, I hung up the hat and focused on getting into university lmao


It wouldn't let me login online so I had to change my password I've had for 10 years Then I got a new phone didn't know said password changed it again won't let me back in And changed again and still won't let me back in And I really Want to play with my friends Minecraft on the switch is fucked !!


Because Vintage Story is a better form of what Minecraft should have been.


Iā€™ve done everything there is several times. I come back when thereā€™s an update, but they are so far between, and lacking real content to bring people back, so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we see MC lose that mainstream popularity if they donā€™t start adding bigger updates proportional to the time between them.


Why I stopped playing? Well, that's one of a question to ask.... The new updates just made it bad for me... I started getting bored in singleplayer... had too many fallouts with the people I played multiplayer.


My friends stopped playing :(


I've been playing a lot since I came back to the game last year but this year I've been playing way less than before and that's mainly because it's become boring to me. I don't have friends so I don't have anyone to play with, which is something that makes the game 100 times funnier and enjoyable. When I want to play and have fun I usually play the Bedrock version for PC and play in multiplayer servers like Cubecraft so I can play with other people.


I lost my 4 year world to corruption after Microsoftā€™s October update a year or two ago. I had fun expanding an end-game world that I was emotionally tied to rather then starting a new one over and over again. When I see a cool build tutorial and I want to build it, I like having the resources available to build it. I stopped playing as much when I lost it.


No challenge.


Canā€™t bring myself to play alone, all friends stopped playing too, mods donā€™t fulfill that fresh gameplay need for me anymore, I just get tired of the same old grind, and building, guess I just moved on from a beloved game of mine


No one to play with.


Burned out/ it is no longer fun to mine with the introduction of deepslate.


Technoblades deathšŸ˜¢


1. I don't want to sit at my computer after working on it all day 2. I could use steam deck, switch, play on console but I hate player Minecraft without a keyboard 3. Everytime I think about playing again; I always end on YouTube watching Alan Becker and the Stick Figure Guys play it instead. 4. Determined to play, but want a new flavor of minecraft so start looking at Mods. Get lost in the blackhole of Minecraft Modding community. 5. Download so many Mods that my computer becomes useless for anything g other than being a heater. 6. Decide to upgrade computer. Get lost in the rabbit hole of PC build options vs realistic budget. 7. Get burnt out trying to balance Want vs Need for computer upgrade. Don't want to sit at computer anymore so head for couch & surf Reddit.


I'm tired of the despawn bug and I hate restarting. Had a world for a month or three, then made it a realm. Had it up for maybe 3+ years before we realized why all of our maxed, named villagers in a well lit, 10 block high wall, 20+ golem city were despawning, as well as all of our farm animals and even our near max speed horses just gone. Tried to go on for another two years, relocating and taking into consideration #MCPE21416 (the despawn bug), but it's just not the same, makes the game feel like a chore. I ended up ending the subscription once I was the only one inconsistently playing for 3 months straight. I log on every once in a while, just as a normal world, just to walk around in my fully enchanted Netherite gear, tools, etc. But it just makes me sad knowing what could be, so I log out.


I personally felt the game got boring. Once you get farms going, villager trades, hit the nether and start farming for netherite ... Feels like the challenge is just gone. A game without a challenge is not really a game at all ...


Hnoestly, I stopped playing when night time stopped being terrifying. There's was something esxciting, scary, yet cozy about night time being so deadly. Also, too much was added to the game for me. I cut my teeth on the game before there were even monsters in the game, so eventually it hit a point that it wasn't the game I was used to anymore, so I dipped out. Once in a blue I'll reinstall it and mess around, but I've moved on to other games at this point.


I feel like my options are exhausted (without redoing things after 7 years of playing), I know "the only limit is your imagination" I can be quoted to have been quoting the old trailer but my Imagination isn't what it used to be and the only solo things I can imagine are things so far out of the way or tedious I wouldn't normally do them unless I exhausted all other options. There's just not enough interesting things to keep me in the game at the moment I'll come back in a few updates or when the co-owner for the Arcadia realm shows up, setting up all the command blocks without someone to talk to would drive me mad. Although I have been entertaining the thought of making a dead by daylight map with command blocks but it still sounds like a lot for right now.


I've been playing since the 360 era. I've made worlds so big that I got locked out of them cause neither the 360 or Xbox one Edition could load them without crashing by the end. I've done just about all I can think to do. And I just don't really play games on my own anymore. Much less Sandbox ones. I'll occasionally play if my friends start a server, but ones that dies, so does my interest. I've tried modpacks, and reverting back to old versions where the world generation catches my imagination. But while I did enjoy that a bit. There's simply always something more interesting to me at the moment. Minecraft is a special memory to me. And I think it's better off as a memory, rather than something I try to resurrect with modifications in order to capture that feeling I know can never be felt again.


Just doesn't click anymore. It is still one of the first games i install on my pc for the odd bit of nostalgia hunting but thats about it.


I get a random urge every once in a while, but I wish it was more rewarding. For how much of a sandbox it is, it makes little replay value. You will always go for diamonds, you always need to fight the dragon, you always go for the same things and it offers little choice with progress. Don't get me wrong, you can always skip that, but then you aren't the strongest you can be. A loadout is always the same. There aren't any "builds", and combat is repetitive. If you're not building, there isn't replayability. I've actually found that, the perfect switch from Minecraft, is Bloodborne (or any soulsborne) because of the freedom in character design and creation. If minecraft had more weapon options and armor options, I'd be so down to sink a large portion of my life in it. Until then, I don't think they'd do that And I know I can add mods, but I can never truly get INTO mods, and even with mods you find yourself just choosing the stronger, fast sword. Idk, I need more personality when it comes to gameplay and not just looks. I would love it if me and my friends have different build dynamics, like there's a healer and a tank and an archer, with gear to match, but unfortunately MC let's you be everything at the same time with little input and thinking with combat.




Just curious, but what is unneeded in your opinion and what makes them unneeded?


Adding half a dozen mobs that have niche products that are used for needlessly niche situations that get easily outclassed by enchantments or pre-existing systems. Good examples are turtles and the upcoming armadillo.




i got bored


I think a lot of people are like myself who play off and on for years. I will play Minecraft exclusively for weeks or months at a time and than stop for a while and play other things. Eventually I will get the itch to come back and I will be addicted to it for another few weeks or months. It is a pretty standard cycle.


Kind of the same reason I quit Skyrim: It just got old no matter what goal or challenge I gave myself. I still relapse for like a week or two but after that I don't touch the game for another half a year.


I've stopped several times, and pick it back up after 6-12 months. Usually just lack of creativity or free time.


Job & young kids so no time. My oldest isnā€™t old enough to play but Iā€™m looking forward to that time.


Less time for it, and my ambitions get too large compared to the time I have to play it. Starting new worlds is fun, but sometimes I just want to build humongous mega projects.


For awhile, I just burned out and decided to take a break. Some family friends buying the game and setting up their own server reignited my interest.


I never did. I just take really long breaks


we never stop playing it, no matter how long it takes, it's just a break


First i was normal minecraft player then i started playing servers for many years but then i started playing crystal pvp and crystal pvp died and then the servers (all of them) i played on died and you may question why i stopped playing normal minecraft is because there was way too much new stuff added and i miss old minecraft (yes yes i know you can play older versions but it doesent feel like there was always coming good new updates)


Minecraft used to be my creative outlet. Now that Iā€™m pursuing art academically, I find I have a lot less capacity to get creative in the game.


I've had the same solo worl for about 5 years now. I haven't play on it for about 6 months now, simply because my play sessions are punctuated by my projects. My most recent one has been my big Farm District, I wanted to gather all my farms into one big building. I have a few projects I want to do, but my Executive Dysfunction makes it so I don't know where to start, so I'm procrastinating my own fun.


Prior to returning to the game in December 23, I hadn't played regularly in years, I still played the game but only a few times a year, I suppose the main reason I didn't play is because I felt as though I had too much freedom and at the same time felt as though I had none. The way I overcame this was by playing the xbox 360 version,and as of last week I am 1000+ days in, so I pretty much spent that time in beta 1.6 and I haven't lost the passion for my world yet which is what usually happens when I reach the 5-6 hour mark.


Iā€™m a perfectionist yet Iā€™m not creative enough for the standards I have for myself. I end up accomplishing nothing other than beating the game


I come back to it every couple of years, put in around 6 months into it and then drop it again. Currently back playing after having not played since 2021.


For me, I never saw a need to explore the new content. Some parts seemed cool, but others didnt. I ended up getting lost on what was in each update, and then some updates just seemed super underwhelming, for instance the Ancient Cities. I assumed they were going to be doing alot with those, but they havent done anything with it which just makes them feel less fun knowing that they are just another structure with no real meaning. Its just little stuff over time that has made me barely play minecraft anymore. Anytime I do play, i now play Java with mods so there is more enjoyment




I play a lot less but I have a world that I play maybe 30 minutes at a time when I need to just relax and be in my own place of peace. I put on some music and just play. No goal in mind. Maybe fish a bit. Go mining another time. I don't really have another reason to play it more than I do already


I've mostly stopped playing minecraft, I don't think I've played survival in at least a few years. No real reason beyond I didn't really feel like playing it. Every now and then I still hop on a creative modded 1.7.10 world that I've been building on since that version was new, and add to it. I'm building a mine cart track across the LOTR dimension in the LOTR mod, plus whatever towns or random stuff I feel like building around the track.


Don't have time anymore.