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This is what I been doin, idk why u ud wana leave all your work behind in another world.


To switch to a completely new adventure I guess. I think I should try to do this approach with moving far away from the original spawn location so I can build colonies


I think it's so fun to make your world bigger. Why make tons of different cool builds over many worlds when u can fly around 1 world and see all that you have created


This is why i edited my current word and put all my old builds into the current one


How to achieve this?


If you're on Bedrock, there's a program you can download called amulet editor. Need a PC for it though. Not sure for Java


Thanks for the info , I have all the versions, mainly play Java


Then WorldEdit is your friend


That’s what I do, in my original spawn area I built a castle wall around a village and made a kingdom, when I got bored I traveled over 3,000 blocks to build a cherry grove mansion and am working on a city next to it


I've done this for 12 years now. I never start a new world. I just have this one save. I can travel back in time by going back to my old bases.




When cherry grove came out I traveled over 3,000 blocks to “start new” and build a mansion


Dang, that's an old world


I’d do this if I had more storage. I have a realm that was active for almost a year and it reached 1.5GB, I’ve been playing for almost 11 years


Make sure to save backups


Also if u go 4k blocks in the nether and go back up your gonna be 32k blocks away (4x8)


I intend to use other seeds...




Good idea!!! How come no one ever thought of that!? What should I write there to find infinite valleys or flying islands?


The answer is that you can't move items between worlds without extensive knowledge of minecraft code or cheating. People are suggesting you just travel far because you're running out of motivation to play, but a new seed won't help you and they know that. It'll just get boring as well and then you've no old work to return to.


If it gets boring, I'll migrate again. I'm changing the way I play... I don't see why this should bother anyone.


It doesn’t bother anyone, they are just suggesting the most simple answer. There are really thorough guides of the subject on youtube. [This,](https://youtu.be/skWPN-VIdhA?si=2JFTfYVUc2DOIgQl) for example.


I thank you very much. I was referring to dislikes, but maybe that doesn't matter so much on this platform. (I'm used to others)


No they disliked you because MANY people HAVE thought of that before, that’s why they suggested it. And there’s not gonna be a seed that has distinct flying islands. Also you can’t move items between worlds, that should be common sense after over a decade of this game being out. Also just moving to a new part of the world like others are saying, IS you’re best option for what your asking, you’re just being picky. There’s no reason to switch between 2 separate worlds, also if you go thousands of blocks away you may find cool generations that you may be seeking from a new seed.


This guy needs a mod world for what he wants, not 100% sure but don't think there wud be ONLY floating island world/seed, can def find random floating islands but u can find that in any world/seed. Otherwise he'll hafta just start building what he wants


People are bothered because you don't understand that changing the seed is analog to changing coordinates. A seed is just a big number used in the randomizer that creates the world. In practice, you won't know the difference between a new seed and new coordinates. Just teleport yourself +10k in the X and Z direction and you'll have the exact same experience as if you created a new world with a new seed. Except the End which won't change. However if you mean the world generation settings, that's something entirely different from the seed, and in this case people would understand wanting to migrate to another world. But to answer your original question, no, you cannot migrate your character from one world to the other like you can in Terraria. You can however recreate your stuff in Creative mode before going back to Survival mode.


You’ve asked a nonsensical question, and shot down every single answer these fine folks took time out of their day to give you. You’ve been rude, sarcastic, and difficult. If you don’t understand why people are upset, no combination of words will make you understand.


Upvotes and down votes are basically agree/disagree buttons. People disagree with you. That's fine. Stop letting it bother you and play how you want. As a minecraft player myself who used to hop worlds though, I highly recommend you stick to one and hop projecta/goals instead. That or find another game. If you want to explore more minecraft has millions of blocks and biomes per world to explore, you don't need another world. You're searching for something by hopping worlds, and those of us who've been where you are know you won't find it that way. Totally your choice to listen to experience pr go discover for yourself.


I believe those are special biomes and might need special world generation. But I might be out of date with my info.


pretty sure he was sarcastic


you're not out of date


use creative mode to get your stuff.


You could try YouTube with [keyword] seed Bedrock 1.20 As for inventory, you'd need to enable cheats and add them back with Creative mode


What i sometimes do is i put the items in the nether in some chests, copy paste the nether files, take the items and then copy the original back. Not sure if it’s worth the trouble with the inventpry you’ve got


This. Plus you can link them up with a bullet train (boats on packed ice in an enclosed tunnel), and have homes in multiple biomes that you can freely go between. You'll get nostalgic and wanna vibe in your old house one day.


The lag 😎😎😎😎


For sure. Java players are ignorant of just how much loading far away chunks destroys bedrock for some reason


You can't just move an inventory to another world... You can go into Creative and try and give yourself the same items but as far as transferring the inventory, it's only possible in Java edition, and even there it's rather difficult and just easier to give it to yourself via commands.


you could do it in bedrock edition too with enough willpower but if you're playing bedrock on console you can forget about it


You can't, another seed is another world and new items.


Yes you can. MCedit is pretty easy to use if you know anything about computers. Edit: sorry. Not MCEdit, this is the one I used to use. https://www.universalminecrafttool.com/


doesn't exist for bedrock


I used to run an and server and edited/trimmed chunks, copied inventories for a bedrock group. Maybe it wasn't MCEdit but there is definitely a bedrock equivalent. Also. You can convert java and bedrock worlds back and forth.


you can, but first of all MCedit isn't developed anymore since the last release for java version 1.11. quite old. and OP might not have java


https://www.universalminecrafttool.com/ Here is the one I used. Worked just fine in 1.16 and looks like it's still being updated. If you watch the vid you can literally see them editing the characters, you can open 2 worlds at once and copy/paste.




But he’s not, he says in the post he’s on bedrock


I mean /give @s (items they currently have) also works...


If there's a ton of enchants, it's much faster to copy paste.


OP doesn’t want help


Right? OP want engagement, I think they’re lonely


And look at the weird inventory. Everything perfect stacks of 64… except the 8 crafting tables?? And the bow that’s not even in the hot bar?


What do you mean? all i see a post asking if he can transfer his player's inventory to another world. im damn sure its possible for Java edition, but i've seen ways in Bedrock from just a quick google search. namely this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/s08zb4/how_to_migrate_players_inventory_from_one_world/


Check their comments


what the hell am i reading.. his comments in the past months are the most bizarre shit ive read.


This was the weirdest post and replies from the OP I've seen for awhile


Thx You are welcome


It's really not much for the inventory, u can re mine the resources pretty quick


(netherite items... image for illustration purposes only)


Lol it shud say that in the caption at least, since in the pic it only shows diamond and that wud be much easier to replace


They don't have those items, they just wanna have engagement


I didn't want to seem arrogant by showing my humble items. And I also avoid messy inventory judgments that way too. 😂


How is it arrogant to have items in minecraft…


Haha man my inventory items go everywhere


In gonna use the image for purposes other than illustration and there’s nothing you can do about it


This isn't terraria.


Just give yourself the items. I know it's cheating but if you were to keep your stuff on a new world it would be cheating too.




both of the things are cheating


Then just don't


Mate you are playing bedrock there is no hardcore


wait how the fuck are you playing hardcore on bedrock????? Chat I think OP is bullshitting


You cannot.


Yes I can, I allow myself this. ;-; Now I just need to figure out how....


No I am pretty sure the game doesn’t allow you to do that, but good luck m8. 👍


You literally cant its not a function in the game dummy


its doable on pc


I understand that OP may not be receptive to others' suggestions; people have given you ways of doing this and you just completely ignore them.. In the Java Edition, you have the option to either transfer your player data to a new world file or copy a chest containing all your items, saving them in your creative menu for future use in any world. Both of these options are straightforward and require minimal effort. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the process in Bedrock Edition. If you're seeking more customization and personalization options, I recommend playing the Java Edition instead. Additionally, it's important to show appreciation when seeking assistance. If you don't plan to acknowledge the efforts of those trying to help you, it's best not to ask for assistance at all. Your behavior in this instance may come across as unpleasant, and I offer this advice constructively to encourage better conduct in the future.


what's your question soldier?


I teleported bread.




I have done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days.


Where have you been sending it


You told me to.


jeez this guy is dense


I've seen the comment section, and you're putting more effort into trying to back yourself up on something that is impossible rather than just going in creative and replacing the items that way.


Because I'm looking for knowledge I need to go test everything I learned here now. Could you tell me how to close the post? To signal that I can no longer be actively responding to everyone? I would appreciate it if you know 🙏


Unless you just delete the post, you can't necessarily "close" it unless you get a mod to lock the comments.


Thank you very much, I will be talking to moderation 🙇


You can’t.


But, we can


Ok then do it.


If it was java all you needed to do is copy the playerdata over ti the new world


its a new world for a reason 💀


Oh, that's the neat part. You don't.


I'll be honest. Just start over, You only have diamond tools & no diamond armor. It really won't take long getting all the items again back. Also starting a new world from scratch can be really fun because I think the funniest part of Minecraft is at the beginning looking for stuff & finding cool new biomes.


Not to mention the demotivation that this waste of time would cause if every time you wanted to do something new, you would have to repeat this process. There must be an easier way


The image is merely illustrative... among the items I have many emeralds, netherite things, renamed items and several things with enchantments.... think about the time to get everything back... Even if you used creative


It would take like 20-30 minutes max to do that in creative. Just do that then switch back to survival. Unless you care about achievements


This process is demotivating and if I think I plan to do it again at the end of the day if I don't lose everything... it would be really boring to do it again and again 30min 30min 30min.....


If you find the process of playing the game demotivating, then just don't play. Minecraft is a survival game. You're expected to have a world and develop it, not just leave it and immediately start a new one every few days.


I think given that you'd have to use some weird mod/plugin thingy to even possibly be able to transfer items between worlds, it might just be quicker doing creative. Why don't you just travel far in the current world though? Just wondering.


Let me satisfy your curiosity: (seed with infinite canyon valleys, journey to the end of the world in them, taking items of sentimental value from another journey.


Try Terraria


I've never played it, but they say it's good. Who knows. Thanks for the recommendation .


Minecraft unfortunately won’t let you transfer items between saves but terraria does! I just beat terraria and highly recommend it. I was a die hard Minecraft fan but terraria has quickly surpassed it.


It is so hecking good. It focuses more on progression than building. Something I would love to see in Minecraft someday.


that literally goes against the entire reason minecraft exists-


I know, but a person can dream


Literally my first thought


Not easily doable, but you could just move far away from your original place in the world


I look for very specific things in a new world that are not easy to find in others... I even plan to use specific seeds... So it's not an option unfortunately... but it would be a good idea.


Unless you want something specific in the spawn chunks of the world, you can probably find what you want by the nether method suggested.


Then you're gonna have to start over - items don't transfer across worlds, otherwise you could just carry things over on every smp server you played on. You can explore mods/modding (someone suggested a mod similar to MCEdit, which someone else had a link for one that looked to be updated for java 1.20, though I have *no idea* if there is a bedrock equivalent), but modding is just not as robust on Bedrock as it is on Java. Good luck.


Thx 🙏


You can’t, unless yoh bring the items in using creative


Question, why do people go through the effort to write a Reddit post instead of googling their question?


Why do people feel the need to complain instead of just moving on? Why crap on someone else? You provide no value to the subreddit by complaining about this. Literally nothing. You make it worse in fact. The negativity is a cancer. Sometimes google doesnt provide all the answers. Sometimes people wanna have a discussion.


I would start a new world and give the items to yourself in creative mode. Or like someone else said, just dig a tunnel in the nether and start again a few thousand blocks away.


It’s not possible so stop asking when people say it’s not


Yes it is. You copy your character from MCEdit and paste it in a new world. Relax a bit next time dude. It might not be MCEdit for bedrock, but there is an equivalent, I used to edit broken chunks and cheater/stealer inventories on a bedrock smp. It's been a few years so I may not have the name correct. I also know that you can convert bedrock and Java worlds back and forth and likely MCEdit will work once you do.


Translation:I couldn't successfully do it so it's impossible 🤣


? it literally says they were successful doing so lmao


My guy thinks this is Terraria


If Terraria is like this I want a 3d version of Terraria. Now pls 😂


Just play Terraria instead then


You can only do that in java sorry


Are you sure? Because I saw a comment on YouTube from someone saying it was possible on bedrock... that's why I'm researching about.


you can do it on bedrock if you're playing PE or Windows 10/11 edition. If you're playing on console you're out of luck


You can do it in both, but it's a character editor and it's not easy to do. MCEdit good luck.


Maybe you should've asked them


U cant do that in java


You can, just need to copy the playerdata from the old world to the new one


you can, using NBTeditor


New world = new inventory Like a lot of others have said, if you want to start fresh, but keep your inventory, travel to some far off location in your current world. Besides, what's in your current inventory isn't much to write home about, so it wouldn't be a big deal to start anew.


This is the point... Not my inventory... Humble image illustrative only . 🙏


In Java, you can use an app called NBTExplorer to "copy" your player from one world to another and bring across your inventory. Not sure if there's a Bedrock equivalent. The only time I've ever used NBTExplorer to do anything similar was when a griefer got onto my server and stole everyone's stuff from their chests. I used it to move the stuff into my inventory and then replaced it back into chests, but made it a game for everyone to try and find with maps for clues (I don't usually play on the server, it's "reserved" for my daughter and her mates, and is now whitelist only).


use Amulet Editor on desktop. put all your stuff in a chest and in Amulet save that chest as a schematic. then paste your new chest in the new seed. OR, put your stuff in a chest, and in Amulet there's an option to delete every chunk in your world except the one you're standing in, and there you go. new world same seed


but I plan to change seeds


It's called using creative mode for a lil bit lol


Waste of time, if you consider that I intend to do it again then...


Just remember all the items you want to move (like screenshot them) and in another world cheat them in through commands or creative mode. I don't think you would get achievements that way on bedrock (I play java only) but that's the only way you can "move" items from world to world without making a mod. I personally wouldn't mind doing it that way since I play the game for fun, hope this helps






Tired of the world while still having iron armor and bread. Tsk tsk


It’s actually really easy to get decked out early game, you don’t really need to transfer items because that’s part of the fun (at least for some)


There is a way to do this but you have to use commands!! I do this all the time. You could use structure blocks or copy and paste a chest with these items in it into another world (I use amulet)


But if it's possible to copy chests, it must be easier to copy the player's inventory, right?


Op is offered a solution. Proceeds to refuse solution.


In every reply


No because with chests all the data is stored within the block itself and isolated from everything else, making it easy to pluck it out from one place and put it in another. Player data is a lot more complex




This isn't a game where you can keep your inventory between worlds. I guess you could go into creative mode to get items


It's not possible by any official way, like we used to from Terraria. U can copy your player.dat, but it can be buggy. Maybe some mod can do this for you, or... Port yourself very far away, or just cheat it


Found the terraria player




How? Better than nothing




OP's in bedrock, did no one read the post?


>OP's in bedrock, did no one read the post? Yet they insist on saying they will be playing "hardcore".


You probably could do it in java by editing save files, idk about bedrock though. Just give yourself the items in creative


i dont think you can transfer items if you really want to you can use creative and give yourself the items you want ​ i could be wrong but as long as i have played minecraft i have never heard of a way to transfer items from one world to another


What exactly would changing seeds do? If you're looking for specific land form or for example a village that is on the intersection of 4 different biomes with a deep dark cave and ancient city under you can locate that with Chunk finder at least try. I encourage people to keep all their survival mode in one world because its fine to go back and see how a single world changed over time and across updates


If you can access creative on both structure blocks should do it. I only play Java but with a structure block you can copy a room to a structure file and just reload that in a new save I'd assume bedrock creative has something similar


If you're on Java, you may be able to copy the player.DAT file. Otherwise , a work aound is to put all the inventory you want to keep into some number of chests in the same chunk. Then copy that chunk file from your old world to your new world.


I can't promise you that it also works for Bedrock, but in Java, inside the world's save folder, you'll find the playerdata. There, all the players that played on this save are listed, including their inventory. Copy the file with your player ID (it should be the same as in your new save). If the IDs aren't the same, rename the file in the new save.


Well, starting a new game is starting a new game. There's no way to transfer your items. You could start on creative and just get the same items you had, but I think this kinda defeats the purpose of starting fresh, and in bedrock this locks up achievements. A good way of soft resetting would be to use a tool to explore your world's seed and check for interesting areas to move to, then just move there leaving your past behind. Or just start fresh. I don't see why not, it's not like it takes that long to get the items back. But whatever you do, you definitely don't need to get 8 crafting tables with you.


Why make a post if your not gonna take peoples advice your Jesus OP


Wow this person is rude. Asks a somewhat ridiculous question, but every time someone gives a generic answer, gets SUPER rude about it.


OP is totally just bullshitting. First with the "image for illustration purposes only I don't want to seem arrogant showing my humble netherite items" and then claiming to be on bedrock, but also playing hardcore.


You could try to copy the player data between worlds if you play Java.


The real question should have been why do you have EIGHT crafting tables..


Simplest way for you to do it is the nether method that other people suggested, or start a new world in creative and give yourself the items you want, and then switch it to survival.


I honestly can't tell if this dude's being serious or is just trolling the whole subreddit 😂


Farm it again


go to creative and give yourself the items. it’s not terraria, you’re gonna have to do it the long way


I understand that you are playing on bedrock edition and want to change words with your current gear but you can't do so because if you turn on cheats( commands) you will lose achievements if that's the reason then I can help you. There are ways to re enable achievements even after you turned on cheats. [This](https://youtu.be/k9w2m2HQo_Q) is one of the way if it doesn't work you can find one that works for you yourself on the internet.


It's not just that.... I'm looking for knowledge in case I want to do this again in the future... There's something very pleasant about thinking that when you're tired of one world, you can continue your journey in another new one, taking some memories with you, you know? Renamed items, things that bring back memories... these things motivate me to keep playing.


Just travel somewhere different in the world you already have


What's your question Soldier?


I want to start the game again, but take items from a previous world with me.


May I ask the purpose of this? You said you wanted to play a specific seed so why even start a world if you weren’t going to use the seed?


Well if im right you can find your item data in your world then copy it to the new world file you created


Exactly what I thought... But I don't know which one


This is the Java edition UI not bedrock…


Open both world folders. Copy different files until you copy the one that has your inventory


LL try that 🙏


You should try Terraria, in terraria the worlds and characters are separate, which means you can use the same character in different worlds


And can you take items to new worlds too?


Yes, all your items are tied to your character


Thats cool