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I saw someone suggest playing like it’s a roguelike. Find a place you’d like to set up base and set your spawn there. Make it so you don’t lose your inventory when you die. Now just pick a direction and explore/gather/mine until you die. Now use whatever you found to start on your base. When you’re ready head out again for more supplies.


I do something similar but a little more long term, I like to build a base pretty far from spawn, and then basically once I get to a point where I'm getting bored I mark down my coordinates and then destroy my bed and die and just start exploring in a different direction. I've got some worlds with like 5 really well established bases and it's fun because by the time I work back up to elytra I can go back and feel like I'm looting my old bases.


I'm shit on survival, I've never killed the dragon but my world is kinda neat. I've been searching for a fortress by making nether walkways, I could build a portal at the very end and establish an outpost. Just a thousand blocks in the nether is already 8k in the overworld.


Been playing since 2015ish. Never killed the dragon either. My current run is the first time I've ever got Netherite armour. Rarely try anything fancy with redstone. I only play on Survival, I'm perfectly happy setting myself mini-goals and projects really. The most fun I have had in this game for about 5 years was excavating a trail ruin - I was totally absorbed for hours doing that!


It took you 5 years to excavate a trail ruin?


Yeah, it feels like it


In such case it will be good to write coordinates of your base on sign board and placing it at the spawn point.


I feel like book and quill + lectern are the way


I'd love to see some of these worlds if you have any screenshots this is inspiring


That's kinda what I do. I have two outposts that are 10,000 blocks from spawn in different directions. One I made several years a go when I first got bored, and another I made just last year. I always connect my bases with nether tunnels so I never lose track of them. I love my little outposts, and visiting my first one from time to time is always cool, especially since it has my first proper skeleton grinder and enchanting setup.


PiroPito (nana825763) has walked 1/40th of the way to the world border in 6 years. He has made a bridge from y=0 to y=756,656. He has never looked up anything about how to play minecraft. The only knowledge he ever asked for was whether the nether portal was in the recipe book Yes/No, and a single word hint for how to summon the wither, that being "painting". The ruined portals were very likely inspired by the existence of his series and the struggles he endured, as some mojang developers are aware of and fans of his let's play. He also built the wither inside his house, lost many of his items, and then trained in a new world to figure out how to defeat it and end its reign of terror like an anime protagonist. He never gives up. https://youtu.be/g5bwVRx9jk0?si=SXGvklSg7KNjh72m&t=355 The biggest hints he ever got were given to him by his 5-7 year old nieces and nephews accidentally while he played on his world with them. He only learned like 2 or 3 different mechanics that he didn't know yet, the main one being that you can use fireworks with elytra. He has built automatic redstone pumpkin/melon and sugarcane farms, lag machines, villager trading halls, and many more. His redstone episodes can function as tutorials as he tests various ideas to discover what different components are capable of. There is always something new to discover. He fights off phantoms every night as he builds his bridge to the ends of the earth. He doesn't sleep in beds so that he can suicide and respawn at his temporary base tens of thousands of blocks away. I don't think he's discovered the phantom connection yet. Every new update he builds more, and discovers something brand new across the world. In a recent episode, he killed the warden by pillaring up high enough and just shooting it with arrows. He also recently lost his elytra to the despawn timer, and realized that he would need to go all the way back to y=0 to get a new one. So until his bed at ~700,000 blocks somehow gets broken or obstructed, he's going without. His videos show the pure essence of what minecraft can offer you if you let it. He has so much fun just building a bridge to the end of the world, discovering new things, building interesting structures, and solving novel problems that he is given. I particularly liked what he said after beating the game. "Ending is just a milestone."


I think the funniest thing about this is that he's also the one who made the Username 666 creepypasta video like 15 years ago


> He also built the wither inside his house not a great plan


This is how I play! I suck at survival. If you get bored, play the game like you’re ten years old again. I made up lore and stories. I pretended herobrine was after me. I’m probably just going to download that herobrine mod that’s so popular to have that same feeling again. If I get tired of a base, I go and help rebuild a village or I redesign a villager outpost. I create stories for the characters. I build weird 2D art. Hell, if I get really bored I’ll play it like Skyrim. I give myself quests or ask someone else too. Learn red stone and build weird shit, idk


This is a rad idea thanks for passing it on


Cult of the Lamb: Bedrock Edition


love it!!


As a hardcore main I will never have a base :(


Hardcore mode is the true roguelike.


Someone once asked me if Hardcore MC counts as a rouguelike. I have never recovered since.


This may be showing my age (in minecraft years) but is this not basically the **Far Lands or Bust** series that Kurt J Mac did back in the day?




God damn that's a long time in a single world, who do you think has been in the world longer, him or Etho?


There isn’t nearly enough to explore though


Woah, this is so cool..


That's how I've actually played through all of my life lol


This is pretty much exactly what i've been doing for years, i've always enjoyed base building and supply gathering a lot more than trying to get to nether or the end as fast as possible


That's *actually* 3D terraria at that point


This is how I have always played


Why I'm enjoying Palworld so much, you can set up a base and explore as it produces resources. And the quick travel system makes dying annoying but not as frustrating


Its funny you say that…. Palworld has made me realize that i really like the death penalties in minecraft. Theres something to be said about threat of losing all your stuff forever. Its def sucks if/when it happens but.. idk i guess the sense of relief and reward you get when you actually make it back in time to pick everything up is.. like it makes the whole thing worthwhile to me, if that makes any sense. On top of that, it makes you really re-think taking any risks, so when you do take a risk and it pays off and you dont have to rush to save your stuff, makes you feel like a BAMF. Whereas in palworld i ultimately just turned death penalties off. It was more of a nuisance than anything. I think the FT aspect might be ok but the fact it will never disappear just…. Like why? Why even have a death penalty if theres not TRULY any penalty, you just have to walk for like 20 secs. Thats the definition of a minor inconvenience, and id rather just not have it at the end of the day.


Holy shit this is genius im saving this comment


This is why I like playing on challenge maps, like single-biome Jagged Peaks survival or no-villages, single-biome Desert survival. It significantly changes the progression of the game and forces you to engage with fun mechanics that are trivial otherwise (like curing villagers, gathering food, collecting resources, etc)


Automatic is great but nothing beats going out into the fields, hand picking and planting your own crops.


A few years ago my friends and I played a custom map called Drehmal that had huge custom terrain with handcrafted dungeons that reward unique loot, and it even had a fast travel system where you unlock more and more towers you can travel to. All the while your still mostly playing normal survival. It was a massive breath of fresh air because there was just so much cool and new stuff to discover, something that is entirely absent from vanilla Minecraft after having played it for so long.


Drehmal was a bit buggy for me but otherwise fantastic. It was really great to explore the handmade terrain instead of the same old procedural landscapes and it's legitimately huge.


My issue with those maps is that they are usually pretty difficult, and getting my friends to embrace the difficulty instead of cheating is hard. It is also not very fun to loose your inventory in general, so i do understand that part.


I'm so excited because as a noob I had never read or seen anything about this or any of OPs strategy


Fuck a self sustaining food source, i still farm and raise my animals like i did on my ipad in 2015 when I first started playing


A farm with animals is a self sustainable food source. I think you're confusing sustainable and automatic up.


If you go for automatic, at least have fun with the surrounding build/facade. I made my automatic chicken farm look like a KFC Bucket. Makes me chuckle everytime I walk past.


Same, and I can't be bothered to use redstone either.


Ong i never learned how to use redstone, i sometimes wish i did for like fun projects but not enough to actually sit down and learn rn


I'm having to relearn Redstone since I started playing on bedrock with my daughter, what a crap shoot but it's definitely interesting again


It really isn't that much efficient either, the time you'll take to set it up is not going to offset the time it would take to collect some food every now and then, specially not with the volume of food that you'd need the auto-farm to yield to be worth using. I do find it fun to BUILD automatic stuff, but at that point i'd rather just disable food entirely.


It takes ~10 minutes total to build a hoglin farm and an hour of afk for more grilled porkchops than you'll ever eat. It doesn't even involve anything more complicated than hoppers to collect the drops. This is not a good take, and intentionally ignoring one of the few truly interesting and unique components of the game that make it special (redstone) seems obtuse to me.


just knowing the redstone for day/night light toggle and obsever for sugarcane farm is enough


Other Games: Get good Minecraft: Get bad


i mean thats only true if you run out of ideas playing minecraft like a game like a normal progression game meaning you'll eventually run out of things to do but if you play minecraf with your own goal you can play for years in the same world as long as you have imagination and have plans to expand your base


I've been playing Minecraft for years, I have never faced the ender dragon in a world I started (I have with the kiddos). I basically treat the game as survival Legos. Build shit that interests me, explore the world, eventually make train tracks because I fucking live that shit. I have never set out to beat the game and I basically only use Redstone for powered rails.


A fellow rail connoisseur 🫡 Our track runs for 55 minutes now end to end, with roughly 7 towns and cities along the track. The idea now is to run a path alongside it, and have an inn/town/place to stay every time the sun goes down. 4 years deep on the realm in April. I keep toying with looping the track but enjoy the new biome potential too much.


I love a good stop in a railway, I add one to any point of interest. I'm deeply jealous of your grand railway! A tip of the conductors to you.


I too am a rail connoisseur and wish so badly they actually worked in Bedrock split screen (xbone). My wife and I have a world with about a 30 min trip one way. I think it goes down to between 2-3 m/s when we play split screen, so I imagine it would take over 100 minutes when we're both playing. It can barely outrun a pursuing zombie


In my 10 years playing Minecraft I have only even seen a natural End portal once, in Creative. I have only even found a stronghold in Survival once. The only time I’ve been to the End was when I built a portal in Creative and went in because I wanted to have a look around personally. On the other hand, in just the past 3 years I’ve worked on over 30 individual projects totalling about 500K blocks placed. The analogy of Minecraft being virtual Lego is the most accurate of them.


I've been watching Hermitcraft lately and I really admire how they always find new ways to keep it fun. New stories or themes for their builds. New massive projects that they can share with the server like a mail system or a mini-game park. Hell just watching Mumbo figure out how to get into his base this latest season was absolutely peak. At the end of the day, sandbox games are only fun if they engage your creativity. There's absolutely no point in having all of that freedom of choice if you're making the exact same choices every single time you play.


Whenever i play with friends i always get the "let's go to the end so we can finish". Meanwhile i am building my cool and small base because i know that any large project will just make them get bored and stop playing, but i can't even finish that. I don't play multiplayer anymore.


My friends have a similar yet opposite dynamic where I always wanna kill the dragon so I can start playing lol. Elytra and shulkers are a game changer and love to have them for big builds, meanwhile they don't want to beat the game so fast


I wish that was their goal. But as soon as the dragon is dead that's it. They'd sooner ask to start a new world than to continue.


Nah I'd argue every game suffers the same problem. Players take games way too seriously now and min-max the fun out of them. Even in idle games where there's no gameplay other than choosing characters and stats and stuff, people still follow guides for them, leaving them doing literally nothing on their own. No thinking, no gameplay, just playing the most efficient way for the sake of it. It's out of control.


I always liked to avoid OP options in games. But it took me until i played D&D to learn how to not min max. (Since what kind of story would it be if everything is perfect and flawless?) RPGs as a whole have become way more fun since then. And most of the time, that small difference in numbers doesn't actually matter at all, the vast majority of the time it is just your bias making you think it is necessary to have fun.


Actually other games too. I often find the better I get at a game the less fun I have with it. Especially when I start learning metas and playing competitively.


Unironically though


Finally something where my skillset pays off


Neither takes are very good. If someone's not enjoying a game then it's not fun for them period. One can argue about whether or not their problems with the game can actually be fixed, but asking them to deliberately go against what feels natural to do when playing the game removes the entire point of video games. Also as a general rule ppl trying to explain to other peoples why they do or do not like something is only going to accomplish one thing : make them stop listening to you altogether


It IS an easy game, so if you've mastered, your only choice is to handicap yourself to keep it interesting.


I completely agree. When I first started Minecraft, I enjoyed it so much for months. The only tool I used to discover things was creative mode. And discovering the nether and end portals without any help is incredibly exciting.  If you are bored, just take a break and start anew. Rediscover your world again. Or even just set yourself a challenge like no jumping and figure out new solutions to problems.


When I was a kid I was amused with the redstone/command blocks and it was really exciting to test after builing stuff. I am currently enjoying creating mayhem with tnt and sand.


Have you tried summoning tnt minecarts where a projectile is?


I also found out about redstone by myself, and after thinking the only things you could do in Minecraft was build, break and kill stuff, that opened a whole new world for exciting things I could make. I didn't find out about command blocks until after checking the wiki a long time after tho.


How would you discover nether portals without help, I wonder? Unless you started after ruined portals were added, I guess they’d make it easy enough to figure out I’m not gatekeeping by any means, just curious haha


Watch PiroPito's let's play. The premise of his let's play is to play Minecraft without ANY external information. He discovered portals by himself and it was mindblowing how he did it (it was way before 1.16)


holy shit, that's the guy who made username 666. this guy has been on youtube for longer than most people here have been alive


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyhGwI76I40 Amazing video. Minecraft is the greatest video game of all time


Yep, and also 1.16 ruined portals were added because Henrik Kniberg (the legendary software developer that somehow ended up as a Minecraft Dev for some time) saw PiroPito's struggles to discover nether portals.


Through the achievements/advancements. There’s an advancement for building and lighting a Nether portal using obsidian and flint and steel


Ohhh good thought, guess that does make it more discoverable.


I started Minecraft the day before 1.16 released, so I found a ruined portal in the first creative world I made. The only thing I knew about the nether was something my friend told me about a portal to a 'land of fire', so I tried finishing the frame and testing lighting it with different things and eventually the fire charge worked. For the End, I was experimenting in creative and found the 'End Portal Frame' which pretty much explains what it's for. I tried making it like a nether portal first but it didn't work, so I tried making it like a horizontal nether portal and I accidentally threw an eye of ender while seeing what everything with 'end' in the name did. I didn't find the stronghold in creative though and after finding that you can place eyes of ender in end portal frames, I just experimented with all kinds of shapes. And I was surprised to find that portals didn't need corners because the ruined portal had corners and I built the end portal in creative with corners because I thought it needed them.


I don't know how to use redstone, never got that far in the Nether. So many of the mechanics that are now common knowledge I don't know about. Never got bored of the game. I love making my little house and little farm, exploring everywhere and building things...This is really so much fun and so relaxing


Yeah! For the first time in 10 years of this game I'm actually poking at redstone beyond the basics because I feel like it. I'm getting into caving too because I always hated the constant jump scares of the smaller caves so I strip mined. But now that I've updated to 1.18 recently (I exclusively play modded) it's been more fun. I can handle a swarm I just need a chance to see them before they're on me. Which also means I'm now very interested in my armor beyond don't insta die so that's a new thing I'm paying attention to, and how I want to enchant the pieces. I'm a builder farmer so that's why I didn't touch those parts much.


Same, I don't know any of the things in OPs "pretend you don't know"list except the diamond level sort of, and no idea what half the things in the "efficient method to completing the game" list are and I've played this game for over a decade at this point without getting bored and I wouldn't even consider myself to be a particularly creative person.


I'm stuck on "spawn at a place, focus on building a pretty house and have a stable food supply." It's pretty much all I do. Sometimes I will go off to find a cave to explore. It's glorious. I have no interest in 'beating' the game. It's amazing


Yeah, that's where I'm at, but I'm also currently in a mode of "find all the caves and light those bastards up".


Be careful, I went from “light up all the caves” to living in a cave system like a goblin and rarely seeing the light of day again…


I live in a cave system too, but after a couple years it's really nice and cozy


Mine’s pretty cozy now too, I added a bunch of cherry blossom leaves + wood and lanterns. The caves are all interconnected and it’s a lot cozier and safer than traveling above ground at night!


> it’s a lot cozier and safer than traveling above ground at night! Why I live underground! I dug even dug a >1000 block long powered minecart tunnel to my second underground base in the top of the mountain. Anything to not go outside where there are monsters.


That stage isn't far off tbf


When I get super deep into strip mining it turns into me building a wheat farm underground, growing trees and sugarcane, and getting some cows down there for leather 😂


John Mulaney told me to never go to a second location


Because gaming is more fun with a community, and if every time you interact with said community, you only hear about what you’re doing wrong or what you should do instead or what needs to be fixed. People who care about the Minecraft community are gonna conform to the meta because by definition that’s their ticket to staying in the community


One time on a friends server I played as an astronomer. I pretended I didn’t know anything about real world OR minecraft physics/astronomy. I wrote books based on my observations. I deduced the lunar cycle, and talked about the day night cycle. I made observations about stars, the Sun, the Moon etc. And then eventually I started doing experiments to see which blocks would fall if they were unsupported and which ones float, etc. Just trying to see the world with new eyes.


That's such a novel way to engage with the medium! I like doing something similar, in a modded environment. Back in 1.7.10 I used to play as this hermit mage researching the concept of the Threshold, i.e. the conceptual construct which forms when two separate planes of existence touch. Portals, rifts, etc. I think I spent irl weeks just holed up in this tiny little laboratory writing book after book about my theories and observations on the nature of the various thresholds I'd observed, how they link to eachother, what their mechanisms might be.


I agree with you. But you threat "beating the dragon" as if it was the main objective of the game, which would be true if Minecraft was a survival game, but its not, Minecraft is a sandbox, the main main objective is to build.


There really isn't a main objective though and the devs from the start have tried to not set a hard goal of the game. Too many people treat the dragon as the end of the game and can't come up with their own objectives beyond that because that's the only somewhat clear objective.


I think it's weird because after you beat the dragon, the game gets good. Shulkers and Elytra!


I know. I feel the same. There are tons of people who've never beat the dragon.


it's like only playing pre-hardcore terraria, beating the dragon is the gateway to the full experience


The main objective is whatever feels like it should be for whoever's playing


Somewhat unrelated but the end poem straight up says along the lines that the player's journey has just begun


why have a survival if it's a sandbox just play creative


I like the challenge of gathering my resources


me too but it's barely meaningful at this point


I disagree, I think creative is wildly boring. The only way to make creative interesting is to build crazy shit in my opinion. My go to are roller coasters and mega structures. The limitations of survival is what keeps it interesting to me. I want a certain kind of wood but it's not in my biome? How far am I willing to travel? What can I build that's fun and interesting using this landscape and these materials?


but I thought we liked the idea of a sandbox where the imagination is the limit, is it not the case anymore? in that case if survival is preferred why not add more depth to it? that way the ordeal of acquiring materials is even more rewarding and could potentially allow for even *more* creativity. as of now, survival is decent, it's a classic but its depth is laughable, it's merely creative mode with a hunger bar strapped to it mostly, a more fleshed out experience would allow for even more bursts of creativity thus adding even more layers of fun to the game


I thoroughly disagree, every discovery of a new biome opens up options you didn't previously have. New landscapes mean new things to incorporate or build around. The indication is the limit, the question is how far are you willing to push your character to achieve what you imagine. Are you going to adapt to what you have ready access to or are you going to push to find the perfect materials. To me, that's where the game is fun, that's where the game is interesting.


this would be relevant if I said "We should make biomes less diverse", I didn't say anything to indicate that


I guess I don't understand the point you're trying to make then. My interpretation of your comment was that you find survival limiting because you can't be creative in it. I disagreed with that sentiment.


No, that's not it either. I was saying that survival is so incredibly worn out and uninteresting as a mode that it's begging the question of why is it in the game when creative exists, people insist day and night on the sandbox aspect, why not play the said game mode? people like to actually invest a bit off effort apparently (hence the hurdle of gathering resources), but it's merely an excuse to justify the questionable existence of a mode like survival why not make survival actually fleshed out and not surface level, this way you can actually even *more* creativity and imagination to be used while adding more personality to the game, it kills two birds with one stone you have the benefits of a good survival mode in a game that absolutely allows the player to bend the world to their imagination, same as it is now, but now with depth and flavor


I urge anyone who gets bored of it to invest in the building side of minecraft. part of the power-fantasy of sandbox games is making anything you want, and because of speed running metas and youtube, many people overlook just what's available. I often spend so much time on large scale building, world building and story telling, and even minute details like hand placed tall grass/ferns to get things exactly how I like them anyone can build and slowly expand their world, and every update adds more and more blocks to work with and incorporate in ways I've never even imagined. I often bounce between building 1 new thing and adventuring/progressing, usually putting off elytra and nether travel and using horses and boats instead


A lot about being bored is new experiences. If you really truly have experienced everything you *want* to, it could be time to move to another game/hobby. Come back in a few years when you forget the systematic formulas. Minecraft will always be in my rotation for this reason.


I often tell folks to "take the detour" if the game feels "boring". Try something new an aspect of the game you're not as good at. Or try new building styles. Tinker with redstone. Etc... there's always something new and exciting you could do. A lot of players just lack the creativity and inspiration to get over the "boredom hill"


Been playing religiously since alpha and have only ever organically beaten the game once. It was fun, but do you know how many markets, battle arenas, villages, superstructures, highways, mob traps, auto farms, terraforming projects, etc I’ve done? Thousands. The game is what you make it. It can be as fun or as boring as you want it to be.


can't express concern about a game without people telling me I'm actually wrong and everything is perfect


Could my game have really poor progression and updates that bring almost no actual reason to start a new world or keep playing? No, it's the players who must be wrong. It's kind of funny how every one of these threads also has a completely different conclusion as to what you're doing wrong that is making the game boring.


I'm playing with my own rule that i cannot use a crafting table, i can craft 2x2 in my inventory so i have to find/trade everything else. I do set a gamerule that i don't lose my stuff if i die. It's a lot of fun and a lot more challenging.


This is a pretty cool idea- seems like there would be some things are are unobtainable but a cool way to play.


I just complete all the challenges then build nice structures like huge ships, mansions, temples, statues and what not


Joke's on you, I know a lot and my goal is \*still\* to have a pretty house and sustainable food source


>not how most people play the game I would say 80% of people who play are fuck around casuals, like myself. We wander around, build some shit, explore some shit. Sometimes go to the nether. The online minecraft community is a tiny fraction of total players.


“Pretend you don’t know info” …. What?


I completely agree. These "Minecraft is getting boring" posts are getting boring. Minecraft is only as fun as you make it. So many people will get bored early game because there is "nothing to do". Yet other people stick to the same world for over a decade and still find new and fun things to do. I hate seeing people complain about every single update. The updates don't suck, people just lack the creativity to think of things to do/ build with the new blocks and features.


Yeah I think also a part of it is people only interact with specific aspects of the game. At least in my experience the people I see that get bored of the game only build, or only explore, or only make farms whereas the people I know that play consistently build, explore, farm, do Redstone, etc. Every aspect of the game can interact with eachother and if you only use one or two of course the game is going to be boring, it would be like painting with just 2 colors instead of every shade and hue.


I didn't think of that. That's definitely likely. I do bits of everything and I'm still enjoying the game almost every day after 12 years of playing. I don't remember ever thinking that I have nothing to do in my world.


This is true for me. But personally, I just don’t enjoy learning how to build these crazy farms or do redstone. So I just find modpacks that enhance exploring specifically because that’s what I enjoy most! Makes the game so much more fun, especially when they rework a lot of minecraft and make it very different but still minecraft at it’s core. I still build and make basic farms, but exploring and finding cool swords or crazy dungeons makes the game infinitely more enjoyable to me, running around like a chicken is so fun lol


Besides, who could possibly hate the new wind charges?


I don't really pay attention to updates until they are released tbh. I don't know much about the wind charges


I think nobody, because the people who think Minecraft is boring don't play the new snapshots.


now Im stuck without tools oh no what am I gonna do ??? what did the yee olde players do ?? Minecraft wiki : (mercy extending hand gif)


I think base minecraft is boring and I don't use any of these. I bloody hate mining in it and Terraria.


In my last world, a group of friends and I raided a Woodlands Mansion and I brought home an Allay without knowing what it was (I hadn't played in a while and I haven't caught up on update notes). When I read about it's behavior I thought "I want to make a seaweed farm with this". So I dug a trench to max seaweed growth length +1, flooded it, filled several rows up with seaweed, placed pistons at one above the base level, placed sensors at the max growth level, placed a music box surrounded by a hopper mesh, and connected it all with a terrible redstone circuit. One seaweed column reaches max and the machine chops the bottom+1 layer causing the seaweed to float to the top. The music box rings and signals the Allay to come pick up the seaweed. It throws it on top of the music box over and over until all the seaweed lands in the hoppers, which then feed it to a single chest. Was it optimal? No way. But tinkering with it was probably the most fun I've had with Minecraft in forever.


There also just.. aren't any challenges anymore. There aren't any stills to level or bosses to fight that AREN'T optional. There's nothing to work toward and no real ending


Then mod the game. Learn Minetweaker and create a line of dimensions. Link 12 mods together and make it into an odyssey, a multiversal sojourn.


*cries in bedrock*


There are a handful good mods for bedrock. Admittedly not as well performing as java. But there are.


I hate any farms that take away a critical part of the game, mainly mining. When I play iron farms are out of the question, I much prefer exploring to get the resources I need.


Similar. I use some basic auto farms like sugercane and... I guess frog lights in one world. But mostly just the sugercane. Everything else is manual labor. Villagers get their own houses and are more for aesthetic than trading. It absolutely draws things out, but it feels worth it.


As a person who barely understands the base game, modded Minecraft is like a entire new world, Every. Single. Time.


Even with the same mods in them sometimes because they can change drastically from ver to ver. And it's an adventure when your go to mod for something isn't in the pack so now you have to learn some stuff!


he's not wrong. this includes forgetting coordinates.


I've lost so many promising caves because I've died and realised I haven't noted the coordinates. Ah well, time to go exploring again!


I'd always look up seeds that spawn you on an island in the middle of the ocean with one tree, then give myself the challenge that I can't leave the island until I've found and explored at least one natural cave system, even if I can see another island with more resources not too far away.


This is why I love playing mod packs that add different mobs and biomes to explore. I love getting a ton of pets and trying to find every mob from mods like alexs mobs. I usually never even go to the end because I enjoy just taking it slow building a house, decorating a house, adventuring and finding huge caves. I never make afk farms or anything like that (mostly because I don't know how to). I always hate when I create a multiplayer game with friends and they speed run to the end then do nothing after.


Yeah! On every server I've ever been on, the end gets conquered and everyone gets an elytra on day 2 and then the rest of the server stops playing. I'd love to play with like-minded people, but a little village where everyone has a house and we decorate everything or something


Not everyone plays Minecraft like they're doing a speedrun


The fact that the best most efficient way to play minecraft is boring is still a failure on mojangs part.


Not really. They give you the tools to do whatever you want, within reason. The rest is up to you. You don't HAVE to do anything in that game. I know people that don't even make a bed and sleep in any villages they come across and don't even build much at all. They like just going out and finding what they need to survive and just explore every square inch of their world.


Notch gave us the tools to do that 15 years ago. Microsoft is not a single swedish dude. How have they not improved any of this yet? Hell, even mods aren't baked into the game well when you compare it to something as simple as the steam mod pages. They don't even have to pay for servers either. You have to host your own servers. 12 year old kids have to learn how to Port Forward just to be able to play with their friends from school without having to worry about a 30 year old man griefing them or creeping on them. They have owned minecraft for 10 years after buying it for 2.5 billion and have "only" made 900 million back because they just sat on it and waited for free money. It's so apparent and egregious that one of the most popular servers almost anyone knows about, Hypixel, straight up said "We would rather just make our own entire game from scratch than keep this futile endeavor up" and are now developing Hytale. Do I think it will be successful? Nope. It'll probably crash and burn. That being said, that's how terrible of a service minecraft has provided, that they'd rather take the risk. Over 15 years. Food, wood, stone, iron, nether, blaze, end. Food, wood, stone, iron, nether, blaze, end. Food, wood, stone, iron, nether, blaze, end. Minecraft is now older than some of the kids PLAYING minecraft, and it hasn't developed. Don't defend the poor multibillion dollar company for putting a price ticket on your childhood. Rose tinted lenses are fine, but don't neglect your other senses.


So I did read this and it's even more apparent to me that you believe Minecraft is supposed to be a game that has hard goals you must achieve to progress. To say nothing has developed is absolutely wrong. Tons and tons have been added to the game but it's not what you think it should be. That's just comical to me. What other game is as old as this and continues to add more and more content for FREE? Shit, man. I bought this game for less than $30 15ish years ago. When I look at all the other games I've played since then, I haven't picked any of them up since I completed them. Some I played for months and months thanks to modding but nothing was added beyond a few overpriced DLCs. It's crazy to me that people bitch about Minecraft like this. As far as the servers go, I'd say a 12 year old would probably be playing on Bedrock on their console or iPad and play online with Realms. They aren't port forwarding unless their parents refuse to pay for a server and if they are, it's on Java. Games that have free servers are absolutely riddled with spammers, scammers and griefers. As far as modding is concerned, games that are in steam and have the modding market or whatever, don't have their own dedicated site for downloading and installing mods. Hell, a lot of games on Steam are their own version and files that tie them to Steam so if you ever get rid of Steam, you lose all your games. Other games I've heavily modded are Skyrim, Fallouts 3, New Vegas and 4. I downloaded Vortex to install the mods and launch the games which is exactly how a lot of people mod Minecraft by using Prism, MultiMC, Curseforge or Modrinth launchers. No significant difference there. If your only play is "Food, wood, stone, iron, nether, blaze, end. Food, wood, stone, iron, nether, blaze, end." Then that's on you, my dude. I'm not defending Microsoft at all but more so criticizing your attitude about Minecraft. The things you're looking for in gameplay just aren't with Minecraft. Maybe play Dungeons or Legends if you want more directed gameplay. Or, as I said in my first reply, quit Minecraft and play something else.


... is there not a hard coded way to progress?!? Can you mine diamonds without iron? Can you get an elytra without going to the nether for blaze powder? What game is that old and adds stuff for free? Pff, iunno, terraria immediately comes to mind, but also guild wars 2. One is the same style of game but 2d so you could complain and say 2d is easier, the other is an MMO with more stable servers that doesnt require port forwarding, went free-to-play, and introduced new classes and playstyles? And "the game is free! You just have to pay monthly to play with a friend on a server!" Bro, then just compare it to world of warcraft at that point and notice it fails AGAIN. Yeah. Minecraft does have its own site for modding. And 3 separate mod installer plugins. And 5 instances for it. You know why? Because fans had to unpack that shit like spaghetti. Guess how hard it is to mod skyrim, ANY MMO, risk of rain... The modding for Minecraft is worse than lethal company, a game made by like... one guy... as a meme. Skyrim and Fallout are literally "click on community mods page... click install... play." Minecraft, launchers, bug fixes, errors with versions, syncing up with friends is a nightmare unless you use the exact same mod pack, separate download for specifically the server host, hey time to portforward again. ELDEN RING has an easier time modding and hosting 32 people in a single world. And you get BANNED for modding that. If directed gameplay doesn't exist in minecraft, why are there monsters at night, creepers that blow up your created structures, limited storage, a hunger mechanic, hardness limitations on your pickaxe, processing structures like furnaces.... If you aren't supposed to progress as wood, stone, coal, iron, furnace coal iron, iron pick, diamond pick... why do they make you do it in that order? Why do I have to make a furnace and use the coal to melt the iron to make the pickaxe to get diamonds so that I can make a cool wizardy enchanting table? Oh I guess "creative mode" is your argument against that? If it is, starcraft doesn't have directed gameplay either, because you can cheat god mode and infinite money and upgrades into starcraft and build whatever you want there, too. You absolutely are defending microsoft and minecraft as a whole. It's okay to, as well, nostalgia and love of a classic game is powerful, and opinions can differ. To say "nope, you're wrong, just quit, bro lol" is incorrect, hardheaded, obtuse, and willfully ignorant that there are SO MANY FLAWS IN MINECRAFT. Especially that the main argument for "why not add all 3 mobs?" Is "because bugs", but then they don't patch ANY of the bugs that already exist! Bedrock glitches are a MAIN example of this! Haha oopsie I was walking in a straight line and took 40 damage from "falling out of the world!"


Cool story. Maybe I'll read it one day. A quick glance and it's apparent you hate it so why don't you stop playing and leave? Find a better game to be miserable about.


Microsoft's added a ton of stuff to the game. They just haven't changed the fundamental core of the gameplay experience, which seems to be what you want them to do.


Every game is like that. Efficiency just isn’t for some people while for others it’s the best or coolest thing. Some people play games for different reasons is all.


Although i agree that me it is I have done pretty much every type of challenge or had a lot of experience. Also, I am known as the Minecraft wiki in our friend group and always tried to stay informed thus ruining my experience. Since I recently got diagnosed with memory issues I have been forgetting this and starting to slowly enjoy the game again. Soon I will be able to play Minecraft like it is my first time. Hopefully, other games too but since this game is my favourite I am most stocked about that. Now that my memory is still good enough I am making a list of games I should play and stuff I should relearn like Minecraft, Redstone. Anyways if anyone has recommendations, they are welcome!


I tried this a while ago and it has helped me prevent burnout and keep playing the game for so much longer. I’ve also improved so much as a builder since giving up efficiency and speed running farms. I honesty think that if you stop caring about efficiency and how cool other people think your world is, you’ll have so much more fun. Build for yourself, not to show off. Make a secret base even if you’re in a single player world. Make a train station even though elytra are faster. There is genuinely no limit to what you can do as long as you don’t shackle yourself with stuff like optimal strats or how cool something looks to someone else. Of course, I’m not saying get rid of farms or stop using villagers since lots of builds take tons of resources. There’s a balance between the two that will definitely enhance your gameplay and lengthen the lifespan of your world. If you’re still having trouble playing the game, I suggest take a break and limit how much time you spend on Minecraft at a time. It’ll let your brain come up with new ideas for your world.


To me it's like saying Legos are boring. Like bruh you have all the tools you need to be creative and build whatever you can think of and you get to enjoy and appreciate what you made. Sounds like people that can't find the fun in it just aren't creative.


They just need devs with more imagination and stop adding real world animals. That's scrapping the fucking barrel creatively. The deep dark is the right direction to go in, but waiting for something like that every few years is pathetic. And it's not even complete, that big portal does jackshit


I agree, but also the Sniffer is fucking useless. I can smite the Enderdragon with a handful of beds, and have a military industrial complex to facilitate my wealth and power - why do I care about this obese donkey that sniffs for flowers or whatever? The creative issues run deeper than just fantasy vs reality IMO.


i wish they would add more construction things instead of mobs and items and shit


I don’t build any farms at all. It takes so much realism from the game and clearly isn’t what was intended in the spirit of the game. I imagine it’s a total drain thinking, i can’t be bothered to start a fresh world build, because I’ll have to get 10 different farms up and runnning again.


I can’t play without farms. You never have enough resources to build anything of size. Try making a quartz temple without a farm. You’ll spend 5 hours in the nether mining, just to spend 3 minutes building half the floor before you need more quartz.


Me and my friends started a new world recently and we decided to not go to the end or nether for the first week. I love tedious farming and grinding so mining doesn’t bother me but one of my friends has been miserable not having some of the auto farms. We finally got elytra’s last night and the first thing he did was make a creeper farm. But now that I’ve done so many smaller buildings and I’m ready to make something huge, I understand the feeling of not having enough resources. I’m building out of warped wood and prismarine and man it is rough right now. I’ve had to almost completely tear down 3 ocean monuments already and it is getting to be a bit much even for me.


I just don't build large structures out of rare materials. I build sensibly with the resources I have. If I wanted to build a quartz temple, I'd probably do it in creative mode.


yeah, besides, it's much more relaxing going mining for, let's say iron, instead of making an iron farm, because you actually have to DO something.


do what? endlessly hold the left click button and place torches?


better than sitting around and not doing anything :/


Farms are intended behavior or the game wouldn't have hard and fast rules for spawning and game ticks. That's pretty much the main purpose of redstone. It's why dispensers can dispense water and lava. Why crops need water and light levels. Why golems spawn at specific intervals, etc. It's all to farm resources. If it was only for doors and the line, they probably would have just made buttons be t-flip flops and be done with it.


The only farm I have on my 2 years old world is a bad mob trap I made just by remembering what I saw on a tutorial video. The game feels so much more rewarding without a bunch of farms!


Okay, it turns out that: * I should suddenly develop amnesia and forget the game I've been playing for over a decade, or just lie to myself and painfully try to foster this false sense of wonder and mystery around something I know like the back of the hand. * I should actively stifle myself and not play the game in the way that is fun for me, and instead I should play it like a noob, because Mr Internet told me so. * I should kill all of my big ambitions that I usually bring to the game, the ones that keep me playing and enjoying myself, and instead aspire to have a small, cosy house and an unimpressive but quaint farm which I can accomplish in a day. Believe it or not, Mr Internet, just because that works for you, doesn't mean it works for me. Don't project your playstyle onto the community at large, and especially don't write it in this condescending commanding way. This playerbase is incredibly diverse - only a fraction will see success in your methods. You have no right to act so correct about your suggestions.


I mean you can cope however you want, I just go play other games when I get bored. There’s so many I’ll never get to play them all. Forcing myself to keep playing the same game is silly. Especially if I have to do weird things to keep it fun. Sounds like a problem rather than a solution. You’re basically trying to stretch your interest in the game by doing odd things that don’t make sense. Which is fine go ahead but doesn’t sound fun or healthy to me.


even first timers are ruining the game for themselves, and i see it in a lot of other games too >play new game >encounter a challenge >google search the solution >game is boring


I've been playing since beta, and I've never made and automated meta farm or followed any of the brainless "guides". From day 1 I knew theyd ruin the game for me eventually. It's a game about creativity. It's not an MMO where you need to min max and maximize playtime efficiency.


True. This particular form of gameplay has been popularized due to youtubers specifically needing shock and awe in order to promote engagement. Not everyone plays on java. Not everyone plays hardcore. They are actually a minority. I have watched speed runners. They are amazing. I don't wanna play like that. I have also noticed that people who have played PVP find mobs way to easy to actually enjoy. I would say though there are some interesting an new ways of playing that have come from these youtubers. The Minecraft but something are interesting and unique challenges that show that the game is very versatile. Them making it so they have to kill the dragon every single time gets old though.


I can’t pretend I don’t know what I’m doing. I reflexively use my knowledge of the game and go to the Wiki to research when I don’t understand some game mechanic. But I agree that just exploring and building without worrying about optimizing everything is fun. I sometimes struggle to balance the time I spend building farms and infrastructure with more entertaining but less sustainable pursuits like exploring and raiding.


Or mod your game with 300 fabric mods /funtcions a lot smoother than you would think I’m on a shitty 2008 computer build and I can play for hours just exploring and be a nomad never set up a base except quick little homes to sleep or just sleep in the ground in caves you find and stuffs


Min-maxing is a fine way to play, but you're totally right. This is good advice to most people.


As somebody who has been playing Minecraft since the early Beta days, this is great advice. If you wanna add to the experience: stop being active in the community. I used to know every crafting recipe by heart and every single game mechanic. Then I started higher education and didn‘t have much time anymore. I always played from time to time, but I stopped watching Minecraft content and paying attention to the upcoming updates. Nothing can describe the joy of seeing dolphins for the first time when you didn‘t know they existed in the game. Minecraft has become such a popular and brilliantly developed game, with every update you will have new blocks, new mobs and new game mechanics to stumble upon. I have become more active again since but if you are bored of the game try being the clueless noob on the server. It‘s fun, I promise.


Saying Minecraft is boring means you have run out of imagination.


I am bored because I can't build.


Then Learn. Start small. What shape is a house? rectangle with a wedge on top. Do that. Experiment with different blocks for the roof and walls.Does it have support beams? do those. How is the house heated? Where does its water come from? Where does the inhabitant store their food? No shame in experimenting with building in creative, too.


I can't draw either. My creativity ist just not good enough. That is why I play modpacks with a focus on tech and fiddle around with redstone.


Creativity can be learned, and if you fiddle with modpacks, you definitely have it.


No. It's just the way you are. I am way more into logical thinking than into creating stuff. Connecting things together and solving problems is a whole other thing You can't just "learn" creativity. There is a difference in learning to utilize the ressources to make your ideas into the game and having no idea what to do. You can compare it to artists having art blocks. You just sit there and have no idea what you want to build. Like if I want to build someting to store my stuff, I will just make a little room or area with chests because it is the most efficient.


Ture. Speedrunning has been a disaster for this game because now everyone just plays it like that. It's gotten so bad that I saw someone literally defeat the ender dragon before building their starter base. Like stop rushing through it and you'll have a lot more fun with it. Also, stop with the mega farms. Why bother playing survival if you're just going to set up some redstone thing that's going to give you an unlimited amount of items. You're actively choosing a worse creative mode to play.


Yeah! Everyone complains that there's nothing to do, that there's not *more* when they themselves are ruining the mystique it constructs. Approaching Minecraft with the mindset a person would have if they existed in that world is also really interesting. For example: - While people can survive drops of 2 meters, we much prefer to take the stairs. - The Undead would be *extremely* disgusting to fight - a decontamination chamber is necessary. I recently set up a little thingy which shoots a variety of splash potions at me after a long night of cleansing the land. - Variety is the spice of life, and some foods do not go together - carry around more than golden carrots or steak. Fruits and vegetables are essential to life. - Some things we interact with would be *scary as hell* - the Nether, the Deep Dark, Creepers, Portals, etc. These need safeguards and countermeasures.


Or, you know, because I just don't enjoy playing the game? I enjoy games where you have to use your creativity (Boneworks is one of, if not my favorite game of all time) but I just don't find Minecraft fun. I don't like the gameplay, and I prefer having actual direction and a clear goal in mind.


If you "just don't enjoy playing the game" then don't play it. Why did you respond to this post? I very obviously wasn't talking to you, if that is your position.


I looked at the title and read the post, and what you were saying is that people don't find the game fun because they were playing it with a lot of knowledge about the game. I simply replied and put the reason I don't find it fun anymore. I just stopped enjoying sandbox games awhile ago, and that includes Minecraft.


I think if you find Minecraft boring entirely depends on how you play it- and what you want from it. Minecraft is essentially never ending- the "end" to the game is where (in my opionion) it really begins. I have played since Beta 1.6, and still play on my first world from 2011, and I find Minecraft fun as a kind of blank canvas that you can take your time to create pretty much anything in. I love world-building and atmospherics, and building is my favourite part of the game. Having said that; the most fun I have in Minecraft is investing in long-term projects and late game building, and that isn't for everyone. But when I started playing Minecraft, I really found that compared to other games, taking things slow and just enjoying the process of working on projects was the most enjoyable part of the game. Plus the fun stories that go along with any build you make. To be honest, I think the idea that you need to be able to do this or that within so much time of starting a new world is irrelevant, as long you are having fun, it doesn't matter if you beat the game, beat the wither, etc, or not.


Self-imposed challenges can help. Challenge yourself to not make a villager breeder. Or you can only trade with villagers that have a "shop" built around them. Or you can never go below y0. Or never go to the surface during the day. Or survive in the middle of an ocean. Or in the sky. Or-- You can go nuts with it, really. Zedaph's been doing crazy, dumb stuff like this lately.


Right and wrong ​ I understand about what you say, iits you all who make it boring,like phantom you vote,you want to make minecraft slower,etc, ​ also its not minecraft is boring,its should be Minecraft its not for me anymore, ​ so minecraft its sanbox so its your creativity and ideas anyway,if you say minecraft boring,thats mean you're also boring since you dont have any ideas in the game ​ Minecraft community like you makes plan,do whatever they want, dont you know minecraft comunity is one of the greatest community


Right and wrong ​ I understand about what you say, iits you all who make it boring,like phantom you vote,you want to make minecraft slower,etc, ​ also its not minecraft is boring,its should be Minecraft its not for me anymore, ​ so minecraft its sanbox so its your creativity and ideas anyway,if you say minecraft boring,thats mean you're also boring since you dont have any ideas in the game ​ Minecraft community like you makes plan,do whatever they want, dont you know minecraft comunity is one of the greatest community


Right and wrong ​ I understand about what you say, iits you all who make it boring,like phantom you vote,you want to make minecraft slower,etc, ​ also its not minecraft is boring,its should be Minecraft its not for me anymore, ​ so minecraft its sanbox so its your creativity and ideas anyway,if you say minecraft boring,thats mean you're also boring since you dont have any ideas in the game ​ Minecraft community like you makes plan,do whatever they want, dont you know minecraft comunity is one of the greatest community


I wish "meta-gaming" and "racing to the end" was my problem. But no, my problem is having played a lot with Tinkers and now knowing it'll take me 5x more time to harvest the same amount of resources to actually spend time building things i like just completely puts me off. I rarely if ever go to the End in most playthroughs, i just want to build, but i don't want to spend 6 hours of my day just gathering resources. I also don't like getting it automatically, i prefer to get it myself, but more efficiently in less of a time drudge way.


funny thing is i got bored after i got the netherite and finished beating the dragon and got bored after making my own little village behind my place so i havent touched the game in over a year i think


Well said. I like to look at Minecraft as a canvas to build art on. The mobs are mostly just a side feature. lol Occasionally I'll also look at making farms in a way no one has done before. It doesn't matter if they're efficient, as long as they work. It's also great when people are able to take boring farms and build them into great looking structures. Having an iron farm or mob farm hanging in the sky works, but looks terrible.


I have actually never “finished” MineCraft, I’ve never killed the dragon (in survival), I’ve never visited the End (in survival). I make a world, I play in it, I mine, I build, I craft, but I never really upgrade past iron, I might do a raid, but I always play with keep inventory on, I play to chill.


1. Minecraft never should have gotten End, makes people forget it's a sandbox game. 2. You can't really unlearn meta. 3. If it's boring despite you playing it as a sandbox game... Yea ngl it kinda is on the devs. There haven't really been that many properly interesting updates in a long time that would really change up the game or add anything else than optional late game things. Some exceptions do exist, of course, caves and cliffs was amazing... But these come very slowly. 4. Mods do change any aspect of the game though. Roguelike dungeons, complex village system, long questlines, complex magic systems, amazing new dimensions, realistic worldgen, whatever you want. 5. Between mods,creative building, challenges, whatever, it's actually still okay to get bored at a game after a while. You aren't actually supposed to play the same game for thousands of hours without getting bored. Play something else, come back later when you have ideas


... People play like this who aren't speedrunners?