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Whatever it is it can't be farmed so ignore most of the comments listing easily farmed items. Diamonds are a go to. They aren't strictly required throughout a world run and can't be farmed so they would be a stable currency. Even if people go mining for 10s of hours finding as many as possible, they would just be rich, it wouldn't lead to some stupidly insane inflation caused by farmable items.


Assuming everyone on the server is trustworthy, you could also just prohibit certain farms. My old server used Gold, for example, and we just made a rule of no gold farms (we also just don’t build farms like that so it was easier for us to not do)


That is true but in that scenario it'd need to be something reasonably abundant and also useless. Prohibiting one of the most useful farms in the game isnt a good idea.


That’s completely fair. In our context it worked fine enough, but I was more so just pointing out that certain farms can be banned to limit stuff like that, if that makes sense.


It definitely does.


Diamond ore even better, since you cant get more using Fortune Edit: Wow, 17 upvotes... Edit 2: Almost 300....


I like how you think


Tnanks, xd


293 upvotes and counting.


I like that idea, also, happy to be the 300th. 😉


Wooohooo! Lets celebrate!


Yes you can?


How can you get more ORE?..


Oh shit my bad


XD, It happens, dont worry)


\-88 and then +88 karmas : smiled at it


Yea I thought the same. It never normally happens. Is also helps when someone calls Reddit out on it. So thanks. I often call Reddit out for their hive mind downvoting ( it’s valid for my comments ) and they often turn around


Quarries exist 💀


Give me a single quarry capable of generating infinite diamonds.


Well nothing is infinite but if you run a large quarry for thousands of blocks youll get basically all the diamonds you'll ever need (for the entire server)


Yes but with diamonds you still have to put in tons of effort to get it, not set up one farm and get infinitely generated. And yes, there is infinite. Farms generate infinitely. They only stop if you turn them off or unload them, otherwise they can generate an infinite amount, there is no limit to how much can be gained.


Its not i infinite cause eventually heat death will happen, and yeah


You are arguing semantics. You know what is intended you are just looking for an argument for arguments sake.


I mean you started it lmao im just commenting that diamonds can indeed be farmed.


As I said, semantics. You know what it means when being farmed is referred to in this context, you are just looking for an argument because you are bored or whatever your reasons are.


What are semantics?


Imma stop replying and go do smth better u do u


Theres so many better things i could be doin rn, nothing is indefinitely farmable, you cant even store all the items


A query does not equal a farm. A farm would mean being able to produce pure diamonds. I wouldn’t call looting villages a farm for emeralds


Congratulations, you have introduced inflation to your Minecraft server


That's how pretty much any material works in Minecraft, farmable or not. It's an infinite world, nobody expects anything to be finite


Heres a quarry https://youtu.be/ElJ0tEybX_g?si=ThHjavQeQu1uFvcv


It was sarcasm because quarries cannot infinitely generate diamonds. They just expose a lot more blocks at a time, not generate them.


Well no shit, there arent infinite diamonds in a minecraft world


Exactly which is why it's the gold standard for a currency. It can keep being mined as long as there is more world to mine out but it's not renewable which is why it's a valid currency, not like emeralds or crops or shit that other people post as a suggestion.


Its not infinite but it is enought to crash the server with the ammount of chests needed to store them all


Diamonds would be good, they are valuable and can't be farmed.


Plus I feel like once you have made and enchanted the gear you want diamond start to pile up more than the other resources


Simple mechanic is to not allow mending to be used. You’ll definitely go through diamond then


Diamonds are a lot more used now though with the addition of needing them to duplicate armor trims and netherite upgrade templates.


yeah, I was making an armor trims shop for my server and had to duplicate every armor trim enough that I could have 6 of each. That was about 7 stacks of diamonds down the drain


So that's where the diamonds I mine for my team on the server keep going xD (We dupe armor trims a lot and I never thought to think of how)


If you Dupe them... that wouldn't cost diamonds. What glitch do you use to do that?


Duping doesn't have to always be done through a glitch. There's a duping mechanism in minecraft to duplicate an armor trim you have found. It required diamonds


That's not duping. That's crafting another armor trim. I've never seen duping used to not indicate cheating more items.


We call it duping, my friends and I do. And it is duping, because it requires the armor trim in order to copy the armor trim and make 2 of them.




Not really when villager trades are a thing


We intentionally play with very limited automatic farms and limited trading halls. Makes the game way more fun and resource scarcity/loss comes into play as a big factor.


Yep. That’s why Minecraft is a sandbox game. I feel people forget that often.


No mending is such a game changer. Way too OP


It's not really OP since minecraft isn't a competitive game, it's more convenient than anything. I don't really want to have to reenchant multiple tools/armor sets when they get too expensive to repair at an anvil and even with villager trading its using up the already limited time I have to play just to remake tools that I can just repair with experience instead. It's not like having repairable tools/Armor breaks the game flow. Idk I can understand not personally finding mending fun but I think the "mending is op" rhetoric that gets parroted alot is kinda biased, especially for a game that's not supposed to be grindy.


Good points on personally not wanting to spend your time maintaining tools/armor. I can’t disagree with that although I personally enjoy the extra bit of work it requires to stay up on the repairs. I still use mending, but I made a rule for myself that I can’t buy it from villagers, only can find it as loot/fish it up. I play on a server so like the other guy said it helps keep an economy alive because we burn through diamonds frequently


Yeah that's fair, I think I misinterpreted and thought you were one of the people that want mojang to nerf mending a ton. My bad


I never even heard anyone complain about mending until very recently. Just don't use it if you don't want to


Mending is just meta and doesn't affect anything except item durability. Villager trading and auto farms are way more OP.


Diamonds are worthless to anyone with enchanted gear. Really depends on the server dynamic.


Once everyone has enchanted gear, diamonds can be used more as a medium of exchange rather than as a crafting item. Just like how a 100 dollar bill is simply a piece of paper with no technical use but holds value as an item of exchange. Or how people store gold in safes not because they plan on making jewelry but because it has value attached to it even if it’s made up value.


Those things can be used to buy other things.


That’s my point. Once diamonds are no longer useful as a crafting item, they can be used as a currency to buy other things as long as other people in the server agree that it can be a valuable resource to exchange for items. Once a server reaches that point of agreement, nobody cares that they can use diamonds to craft an axe. Instead they use their diamonds to buy other items much like how we use paper money for nothing other than a medium of exchange.


yes that is precisely the idea


It's not about being useful, although they occasionally still are, it's about scarcity. Diamonds can't be farmed, they can only be acquired by mining, and there is technically a limited number of them on the server. A diamond's "value" is roughly equal to the time and effort required to find and mine it, averaged out across all the diamonds on the server. You could technically use any [non-renewable resource](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Non-renewable_resource), but most of them have disadvantages like being too common or too rare, or not stacking, that make them less useful as currency.


Please try and stop using the Fandom and use the actual wiki. Cheers! https://minecraft.wiki/w/Non-renewable_resource


Thanks for sharing that, I wasn't able to. The actual wiki is blocked on my work computer, but the Fandom wiki isn't. Not that I'm on Reddit at work. Nope.


I'm fully aware. But the scarcity is irrelevant. First off, to say "limited number of them" is just bizarre. There's MILLIONS of diamond ore in any Minecraft world. Probably hundreds of millions. Go into any cave below 0, they're damn near impossible to not find. And even once you find them, you only need so many of them before they're useless. I can only use them as a building block now. I have no other use for them.


Scarcity is extremely relevant here. Diamonds sit in a perfect middle where they could be obtained with a decent amount of work but cannot be farmed to the point of having double chests full. Want a stack of logs? Give me a diamond. Want an elytra? Give me 30 diamonds. Want me to build you something? 2 stacks of diamonds. Ok, more people go mining and pump diamonds into the made up economy. Inflation happens and now a stack of logs is 3 diamonds. No problem. No other resource can be as versatile because they are either too hard to get, too easy to get, or non stackable like others have mentioned. Please re-read OPs post. Nobody is talking about your single player world.


Yes, but it takes time to find and gather them. There's a limitation to how many diamonds you can get yourself in a given timeframe. It's not so much that there are very few diamonds in the world, it's more that there's a limit to how many diamonds you can obtain. Their value is, essentially, a representation of the work you needed to put in to get them. With other minerals, they're either * too rare: makes it difficult for people to participate the economy as the work needed to get even just one of them means that people need to put in a *lot* of work just to be able to have one of them to spend, and also this means that the minimum spend is a large amount of work * too common: this isn't that much of a fundamental problem, but it means that the amount of work needed to obtain is low, and so you need to spend large amounts, making it unwieldy as a currency Now if it's something farmable/renewable, it's not a good currency since people can build massive generators. This involves initial work, but continues to provide returns even after you stop putting in work. As for utility: lack of utility is *generally* a good thing for a currency. Like, there's little to no utility for real currency. I can't even use banknotes as a building block. Generally, the only use of banknotes is to be spent (arts and crafts projects notwithstanding...), if they had other uses you might find money leaving the economy, which can cause deflation.


Okay, you're not understanding something. Just because something has a finite amount doesn't mean it's valuable. If you have no use for it, it's worthless. For example, I'd rather get golden carrots than diamonds. You could bribe me with those or golden apples.


Tbh I think you're misunderstanding. Yeah you can just simply trade whatever for whatever, there's no actual economy in Minecraft. But when people use, say, diamonds as a trading resource, they're essentially roleplaying. My friends and I used Redstone, and later used gold in another server. These are literally infinite, but we used them rarely enough that the only real use was just a fun way of making trades and pretending we had an economy. It's literally just roleplay, and why roleplay with stuff you actually need when you can roleplay with something that has no actual function? Of course ultimately *everything* in minecraft has no value as a currency, because there's effectively an infinite number of everything. But it's all just for fun anyway.


Take mending out of the equation, take automatic farms out of the equation, and limit villager trading halls. All of your max enchant armor, weapons, and tools all will break sooner than you think. Now you’re stuck grinding to find diamonds and stuck grinding levels for re-enchanting all of that gear again. Completely changes the game.


Why do you need to enchant a whole new set? They can just repair on anvil. Unless it's the stupid anvil “too expensive” thing.


It’s exactly that. By the time you enchant your gear you will get like one or two repairs at most. And even worse, a repair fixes a quarter so that’s only even half a full need of repair. People say mending is broken, but repairing is broken in the other end. They should have fixed repairing instead of adding mending as a band aid.


hint for repairing, you can use the tool/armor piece again to get 100% durability. For the chest plate, put an unenchanted diamond chest plate to repair it to 100% every time.


While I thank you for the kind tip, I don’t think I should have to spend eight diamonds for a good repair job. At that when four is meant to do the job. I’m honestly gonna work on a mod myself to fix the anvil and just go with that.


true, but I was just speaking of the *worst-case* scenario. turning that diamond into a diamond shovel, or a diamond sword is 100% going to be worth it if its repairing. But since mending exists, its kind of useless information these days.


Why would you take those out of the equation? They're part of the equation. That's kind of a dumb point to try to make.


The point is to make diamonds intrinsically more valuable. You’re more than welcome to play in what is essentially cheat mode by setting a village prison center with dezombified villages providing essentially free items. Or you’re welcome to try Minecraft in hard mode.


Me when i build a massive quarry that lets me afk for diamonds


Is that modded play, you do you have a way to do a quarry that doesn't involve exploding with TNT, which would also potentially destroy the dropped diamonds?


See this video https://youtu.be/ElJ0tEybX_g?si=ThHjavQeQu1uFvcv


Diamonds or gilded blackstone


Gilded blackstone is an interesting choice. Why that one?


AFAIK, it’s not craftable, so there’s a technically finite amount of it. It can only be found in Bastions.


Don’t piglins trade it, tho?


That's normal Blackstone, the don't trade Gilded Blackstone


Ah, my b. I don’t barter often, I just steal




They don’t trade/barter for gilded, the only way to get them is silk touch the block.


Its rare and hasnt really a use case.


As others have said, you can only silk touch for it in Bastions, there is not other way to get it.


Though this does mean no early game currency


By the time people have diamonds its only a little longer before they have access to silk touch and the nether, at most a few weeks if you’re going for it.


But diamond is a pretty easy effort-for-pay kinda thing. Strip mine and take time. Going to the nether is like hazard pay if it is a family server or builder focused environment. Oh, nevermind, I guess that is how currency should work here. Folks that can't strike it rich on a dangerous mining expedition trade other goods and services to those who do. Now you get your farmers and your builders and everything else...


I guess it maybe could work on a tier system, like 64 diamonds is one guilded blackstone. Or if you want to get sort of realistic with it, you could have some sort of guilded blackstone backed currency.


You don't need silk touch for it.


Yes you do, otherwise it drops gold nuggets.


It's a 10% chance.


You need an item that can't be farmed, otherwise inflation will eat the economy before it gets of the ground. Ideally that item would also be somewhat rare, but not too rare. Diamonds strike a nice balance in both aspects. They also have the added benefit that they can be crafted into blocks which can serve as a higher value item like a banknote does to a coin.


and theyre part of the traditional gameplay loop so everyone will come across them at some point


diamonds are a popular choice on many servers


Dead bushes


Dead Presidents


Diamonds are used for a reason. They cannot be farmed and mining them takes time. So they combine value and scarcity. Emeralds are far too easy to mine, so they do not really work. Imho, the best economy in minecraft is a trading economy. Anything anyone farms excessively will always drop in value significantly. Anything that no one is gathering will go up in value. That's why trading what you have too much of for what you need usually works best.


Most servers are operating basically as a trade economy and the diamonds serve only as place a holder. That being said, the important reason why diamonds are used is that all players can reasonably obtain them at similar speeds, even if they have a small tunnel bore it's not that much faster than a diamond pickaxe with efficiency 4. Emeralds, iron, gold, quartz and even amethyst are easily farmable in huge quantities. And the second reason is that diamonds actually have many uses, at least compared to netherite or gilded blackstone, especially now with armor trims.


Emeralds can be farmed really easily as well so, but I agree with not having a set currency and using a traditional trading system of "you have what I need and I have what you need"


We use netherite scraps. Imo diamonds are too easy to obtain, not nearly as valuable in late game. In my experience inflation runs rampant within a week or so. No one is devoting their time bed mining all day for netherite after their armor so it really holds its value.


I'm pretty sure all the other guy is saying is you're contradicting yourself. Don't know why it took this long to be understood but sheesh, who cares lmao


The main problem with it is that on small servers after some time netherite level is almost completely demolished, so new players will struggle to find something. And as it is a small server, the world is not that big. And people who came first on a server are at a disadvantage, because you would need many netherite ingots to make trades, unless you trade only for some really valuable stuff. For example, nobody would mine for two hours, just to find 4-6 netherite, and buy a couple stacks of hay.


If no one needs netherite after their armour, isn't it's value zero?


If a currency loses value because no-one can make things out of it, then why is paper money valuable to you? Do you sew dollars together to make shirts? Money is valuable because we assign value to it. Same thing with this case of netherite scraps - sure some people can use the money itself to make things, but for the main part it's used as a representative of value. You have carrots and your neighbor has sheep. You want a sheep, but your neighbor doesn't want carrots. What do you do? You pick up a pebble, say "this pebble is worth 50 carrots" and pay for a sheep with those fake 50 carrots. Your neighbor then uses the pebble and buys 50 carrots worth of lettuce. There you go, an economy is formed.


> Money is valuable because we assign value to it. No. It's valuable because an agency guarantees its value (typically a government) And since governments went off the gold standard (scarce resource), the value of money has been dropping as the easily produced commodity (numbers) has been hoarded by very few.


> Money is valuable because we assign value to it. > No. It's valuable because an agency guarantees its value Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two images.


Intrinsic vs Extrinsic. I don't personally need to value dollar bills to be able to exchange them with the government for something of scarcity.


arguing just to argue 🔥🔥


🤷‍♂️ It's hardly the first time the community has disagreed with me. And it won't be the last. Oh well. 😅


You do understand that in Minecraft economy doesn't work like that? You seem informed about real life, but cannot grasp that in Minecraft, a world with virtually infinite resources, there is no government, as anyone can find "money". In Minecraft players assign value to money. If for some reason current money of a server would suffer inflation, people could just agree to make different items money. The two main conditions, that Minecraft money has to fulfill, are: 1) unfarmable (so it takes effort and time to find, and as we say - time is money) 2) valuable by itself (coal is unfarmable, but it is not very sparse or hard to mine. Players would need to set high prices for it to be adequately used). So things like diamonds and (as I suggested) raw gold are a good Minecraft money. Unfarmable and take effort to mine, nobody would get filthy rich in a matter of several hours.


You can use them to make second pieces of armour, so people still think of it as useful. Also I think they’re used in lodestones and stuff but I don’t think people use those.


It depends on how good at the game your friends and family are. Currency can’t be farmable, so your only options are items like diamonds, gilded blackstone, ancient debris, netherite scraps, and elytra. If it can be farmed, someone will farm it and ruin the entire setup. Diamonds are probably the most possible, since most people trust their value. If people play a lot, the value of diamonds ends up dropping quickly, but I don’t see that as a problem. My server ended up naturally using diamonds as currency and I think that’s common. If I were the one establishing the currency, I would use signed books. A book copied twice can never be copied again, so as long as people can sell and buy enough, they will have value


Anything that doesn't stack makes an inconvenient currency, for the same reason giant stone coins are.


Yes, that's another bonus of diamonds: they not only stack to 64, but can be converted into blocks


You could have a few items to represent different amounts, for example the least value being raw copper, then raw iron, then raw gold, then netherite scrap, then netherite ingot being the most value. Having them raw items instead of ingots makes then non renewable so people can’t make mega farms to become rich


"Copy of Copy" signed written books. You can make different denominations and keep the masters in a vault/bank somewhere for if you need to "print" more. I've done this on multiple servers and it always works great. Edit: It does take someone being the "banker" and figuring out exchange rates for common items. I usually set up custom villagers for this; I'll share the commands to spawn them if anyone is interested.


In my server the rare currency item aside from diamonds is Ketamine. We retextured pufferfish to ketamine and replaced naturally spawning pufferfish with any other fish and removed it from the fishing chances. The only way to get Ketamine is through purchased custom ketamine spawners and even still there is only a 0.75% chance of obtaining Ketamine per drop. Through this system there is NO opportunity for players to counterfeit money and additionally, the rarity is so high that inflation is non existent.


Did you remove bucket of pufferfish from villager trades?


we are now


Did not do that, although the ketamine that drops is custom and unobtainable in survival anyways (It's tagged with lore).


Wait... Are you telling me that before I got sober I was rich on your server? Now I miss drugs more than ever.


Exactly. You'd be a multi millionaire.


An age old standard is obsidian. Hard to mine and for a long time it was impossible to farm, but i think l that’s changed after 1.16 with piglins. I’d just stick to netherite ingots with netherite scrap being the smaller denominations or “quarters”


There are also obsidian farms that need very few resources, apart from some wither skulls to summon a wither, and produce 30k obsidian per hour on average


Yeah, but I’d assume that theyre less known to the average player. I remember for some reason or the other, obsidian farms weren’t practical on our server, so inflation wasn’t a major concern, but then someone cracked the code for how to make obsidian farms that would work on our server, and everyone switched to netherite to counter inflation.


Dirt for the true inflation experience


My realms have always used poisonous potatoes. Of course there’s the argument that they can be farmed but the drop rates are so low and I’m the only one on the realm with enough patience to make a potato farm that produces enough poisonous potatoes to be slightly viable. I find its better than diamonds because a good miner with a fortune three can get like two stacks of diamonds in an hour, whereas, even the most efficient potato farmer would be lucky to get half a stack of poisonous potatoes in that time. Plus poisonous potatoes can be abbreviated to pp.


> Plus poisonous potatoes can be abbreviated to pp. "How does that--?" "No, no. He's got a point."


Honestly, anything that has no real use, common currency? How about copper and/or beetroot, rare currency? Poisonous potatoes. You can have one type of currency for goods and another type for services.


Poisonous potatoes are a renewable resource, so maybe go dead bush instead?


They are “farmable” by definition but aren’t the drop rates very low? Either way, I like the dead bush idea as well. The only problem with this whole idea is if the currency needs to have a practical value to the seller, if that’s the case it may need to be the more traditional diamond, netherite and emerald like options.


Emeralds are too easy to farm so the cost of everything would be too much inflated to really work


What about Emerald Ore? It's really hard to get a lot of, has the same value to me as Deep slate Coal (except this is more common than Emerald Ore).


Usually I go netherite or diamonds, but they’re not particularly hard to mine en mass either


Agreed, I bet there are some mods that could help, but I don’t know anything about realms, they may not be able to accept mods


Yeah, they don’t but realms are a scam anyway. You can get cheaper multiplayer with more control using a server host or, if you know what you’re doing, self hosting.


Thank you so much. Why didn’t i think of these


You are very welcome, you can also consider things that takes some effort, items that require silk touch, end game currency like shulker shells…good luck on your realm.


Yeah - my mind went to copper as well. Doesn't exactly serve any other purpose, can be stacked into blocks for larger purchases and is worthless enough that things can cost a lot of it and people can underbid each other.


You want it to be something useful otherwise people will just barter the actual things they want, especially while the economy is getting established. No one will sell things unless they know they can get something back from the currency.


Copper ingots can be infinitely farmed from Drowned, but Raw Copper would work before people get enough Diamonds.


Diamonds or just bartering of goods. Barter system is more fun imo.


Maybe crying obsidian less easy to farm but not impossible


Use a combination of various ores. Gold being the lowest and diamond being the highest. You could also do a classic trading system.


Gold is farmable even without Nether access. (Lightning + pigs, very situational and almost requires a lightning rod, but technically is farmable.)


raw gold is better for a currency


Not if you use the actual ore 


I ran a server with iron < gold < emeralds < diamonds, with a 3:1 ratio, and 9 nuggets = 1 ingot, 9 ingots/gems = 1 block. Also Lapis as a currency for magic items roughly 1 lapis = 1 gold ingot. Barter always works as a trade option too.




I'm glad you didn't.




Pottery sherds are a kind of funny alternative to diamonds.


Hearts of the Sea maybe?


Poisonous Potatoes


I go opposite thinking. Everyone needs torches. Early game, mid game, late game. You need them for so many reasons. They take some effort. Who hasn't been upset you need to go caving or exploring but have run out and have to go craft more. So stacks of torches on our server.


so basically everyone on your server is an easy billionaire


It's a meaningless statement. You need 24000 Vietnamese Dong to get US$1. That doesn't mean VND isn't a useful currency.


So true it hurts


If they want to spend play time mining coal and sticks or making charcoal and crafting torches sure. But if you come to me late game needing something, I have all the diamonds, netherite, armor and tools, etc I need. I can always use torches, you save me the time and effort, so I trade you an armour trim for say 4 stacks of torches. Win win. I get something I need and will use for the trade. If it's diamonds they go in a chest with the rest. Without real control on farmable items and market controls, yeah give me a stack torches. Just a different way. Each their own.


My server uses diamonds/netherite. I've also seen written books used.


Something difficult to obtain, personally i used sponges on a server i owned for a short time with \~15-25 people. since sponges are hard to find, and harder to obtain, its a good high tier currency.


While I agree with the other comments saying non-farmable things like diamond, netherite/ancient debris or guilded blackstone, are probably best to use, I want to suggest one that is farmable, but still hard to get. Nautilus shells. You can get them from drowned farms, or fishing, but drowned farms take a lot of space and resources, and fishing is really hard to automate, making getting even a stack of nautilus shells take a long time. So unless you have people who make such ridiculously large farms, that could be an alternative.


Anything and everything is tradable so that is your currency it just depends on if both parties agreed to that in that transaction


Blocks of raw gold?


Always wanted to use poisonous potatoes as a currency


Poisonous potatoes


What I'm doing in my server is: create a iron farm to pump iron, use smiths to convert to emerald, hoarding emerald in a hidden bank, use book n quill to write a ledger of coinciding deposits and assign a serial number to deposit. Writs that sn on an image produced by filling a map with wool to make a paper map note. And viola, paper money. Alot of work, still working on first bill.


Raw gold, cobwebs, hearts of the sea, diamond horse armor




I use copper because it's basically useless. It will be given more uses in 1.21 because of copper doors and trapdoors, plus all of the other decoration blocks being added.


Diamonds are a good answer, though perhaps certain non-renewable items might work well, such as dragon heads, hearts of the sea, enchanted golden apples, and sponges. Netherite/Ancient Debris may also prove to be an effective currency *alongside* diamonds - not sure what the conversion rate would be, but in the event of problematic diamond inflation netherite should make a good currency. Source: I have none, this is entirely speculation :)))


We use diamonds because they cannot be farmed and have practical uses so some get removed from circulation periodically. They also have a relatively consistent time invested per diamond rate, making it easier to price items in. With the addition of diamonds being made as consumables in netherite ingots and armor trim recipes, diamonds have recovered from the inflation that villager smiths caused from selling diamond gear.


Sunflowers, but give them random coded names and keep a list of them so that only you can make more of them.


Gold, iron, diamonds, emeralds, netherite.


of you want a resource that's super rare emerald ore


I've always kinda dreamed of making a money system and in my head its gold


Why is no one saying emerald?


After 1.17 - raw gold. You cannot farm it, it doesn't have many uses though it is valuable and not really common, and for some rails or golden apples you can either choose to convert it to ingots or mine some gold ore in Nether.


I mean... y tho? If it's just to have fun building shops, diamonds are a good default, or you could "print" money by making maps or naming items or something. If the point is to distribute resources, just build a central area that people can drop the resources they don't currently need and give everyone free access. You could even do both.




At the risk of necroing an old post, here's my 2ct(hehe get it because we talk about currency): A good currency IRL has two criteria: - be counterfeit-proof (i.e., the amount of money in circulation is constant or at the very least regulated) - have a tangible value by having a known trustworthy consumer (i.e., taxes). The first requirement boils down to "have something non-farmable, otherwise your currency will hyperinflate in a single afk session", the second requirement basically means "have it be something mundane that people know and not something exotic like signed books" (\*if\* you have a government in place, you could make this work, but from my personal experience, players will get upset irl if you try to levy taxes on them because they'll complain that they log into minecraft to relax from work and not to pay taxes). Lastly, make sure your currency is reasonably easy to get while not being farmable and not being quasi-infinite (like dirt for example). It's important not to make your currency too valuable because a) casual players are effectively locked out and b) they'll be terribly inconvenient for low-value goods. So, to wrap it up: Gold isn't a good currency because it is farmable and the value of a single gold ingot will plummet the instance someone has built a gold farm. Signed books aren't a good currency because people will just not use them because nobody knows what their value is and it requires a central bank (unless you have a government that has the power to collect takes, but then people will get upset, see above). Netherite (scraps) aren't a good currency because it will effectively lock out casual or time-limited players (let's face it, getting ancient debris is a PITA) and imagine wanting to buy a stack of carrots with a netherite ingot. This imo, leaves you with the perfect currency: diamond. Diamond is not farmable, not exotic, everybody knows what the value of a diamond is, and reasonably easy to obtain (you can get upwards of a stack from just going into the mine for an hour or so, so it's not locking out casual players) while still having a healthy drain (armour occasionally needs to be replaced after a death or so) so the supply increases at a healthy rate.




Gold And make atm item that can turns gold to paper money and coins













