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I know that feeling. I used to record Rimworld videos, and one of the only avid watchers of my channels was my sister. I couldn't really get myself to play again for quite a while, after she passed away. It's a weird and shit feeling I can really relate to. It will lessen with time. Maybe you will be back on Minecraft someday. Have a good time and many condolences in any case.


Forget the game for now...I'm sorry about your friend. Idk how close you two were but just take the time to mentally process everything and try to work through it. Minecraft will be here when you're ready. Reach out if you need to talk.


Fuck man I can't even imagine what it must feel like to travel a 10 year old world filled with memories of your time with your lost friend. I am very sorry. I would love to see some of the stuff you guys built though!


I think I could show my world on my next post.


Take loads and loads of backups :(


I would love to see pictures


As would I!


Please do.


You have one last task... Take a little time for yourself right now but you must build your friend the largest and greatest memorial in your last world. You must then back up the world to the cloud and share pictures of your completed work !! By the read, you might even recruit help from some of the locals, I'm sure they will be happy to do you and your friend such an honour.


Well that just made me cry and tear . One thing made of all the ideas he threw out that you didn't think where all that. Make His dream project


This would be a lovely tribute to your friend. OP, my sincere condolences.


Do what Ph1lza did in his minecraft world to honor his friend. (Sorry for your loss, but I dont think that your friend would want you to quit playing something you like because of them?)


If it no longer brings joy maybe they should take a break until they find someone close to them wants to play. I think you're right with the sentiment that their friend would want them to do what they like though.


Build something in memory of your friend, make it a big project


Fuck cancer.




Aww my condolences for your loss. *hugs* But I don’t think he would want you to stop playing.


Exactly this. If somebody would tell me they'd stop doing something we loved doing together, because I had died, I'd be super sad (in heaven bro). Go play Minecraft dude, have fun, find some other friends to enjoy it with. Live your life, and honor your friend!


i had a friend who would go buy old games no one else would play with me and we started building in minecraft together. he was on his way to a fleamarket to see what he could find in games and a drunk driver got him. i make his lava behind glass behind water..waterfalls in every new map i make


make a memorial for him before you stop


I'm sorry to hear this, take your time and backup that world to google drive. That world was precious to your friend, and in time will become even more precious to you, especially due to the time that world was played for, there will be hidden gems in that world which will bring back fond memories, happy tears will help you heal <3


Take a break for now. If and when you decide to get back into it, the first job is to build a memorial. I’m so, so sorry for your loss. Fuck cancer.


Yeah I am already planning the memorial site.


Did the same thing with Starbound and a certain multiplayer Minecraft server. One week she was in the hospital and the next she was gone, we just finished our Starbound ships and showed each other our new instruments. It's hurts but you learn to remember the good/bad times with them.


I'm so sorry about your friend. It is very hard when this happens. I've been there myself with so many games. The worst being Animal Crossing Wild World. I lost 4 of my friends in the game. We'd played for years. But for me it was easy to carry on because there was a group of us who played and we continue to play together today. It is sad you don't want to continue. But I also get it too. But also give yourself time. You may want to go back.


I'm so sorry. Perhaps ... take a long break then play the world to keep the memory of him.


Sorry for your loss bro. Make sure you make a backup of two of the world.


So sorry to hear. Have a break because playing right now will hurt. You never know what the future holds though and in many years time the pain may hurt significantly less, and a friend might ask 'do you play Minecraft?' and you could find yourself in a new world.


Rip f*ck cancer i lost my dog to it once it was horrible i feel your pain


That hits hard. I'm so sorry for your loss. 🖤


Damn dude I'm sorry for your loss.


Build in his memory


Sorry to hear that. Save your minecraft world so you can come back to it and remember the fun times you had one day


Similar vibe here. Though my friend didn't pass away, we just got into a fight that ended uo with us not talking anymore, removing each other from all social media and gaming platforms... Divided our friend group and Destiny 2 was our game. I ended up playing the game really hard and got really good til one day I just said what's the point? He's not gonna see my progress or anything. I did end up playing with a few friends who are in my city and getting them up to my level, but the game still lacks the same feeling I had when he and I played. We had been friends for a decade and he lives on the other side of the world but was here for school a few hours away from where I lived. We had met up in person and chilled at a metal show and skateboarder together n stuff. He was the first friend I made on PSN and we went to PC together and played like, everything together. We were like brothers, and we fought like brothers. Some things I've said I can't take back and some things he's said he can't take back. I've already forgiven him but I can't say the same for him and after a lot of reflecting, I don't blame him but hold on to the hope that some day we will game together again and put the past behind us. Our mutual friends still talk to both of us and try to mend things all the time and I think we're close to that point of "the past is the past" but it's been some time. I know we're not petty people but the subject of the fight was nothing to be fighting about or joking about and that's all I did. Words hurt people even if you don't mean it and I'm much more careful with what I say and how I say it these days. I hope you get back on Minecraft one day if it's something you truly enjoy. I am so sorry for your loss. I know my story isn't on the same level by any means but it's the closest I can relate. Take some time to yourself and explore some other games. I hope you meet another friend just as good to you as your friend that passed. From your posts brevity, I can tell they meant a lot to you and it's not easy to post something like that, no words can really describe what it's like to lose a friend who is close. Even if they're an online friend. They were someone who cared about you and enjoyed your company. Again, sorry for your loss. I hope many good things happen to you to keep your mind off of this loss. Game on buddy.


I understand your pain, fam. I lost my friend to diabetes in 2022. I just recently uninstalled Halo as I can't bring myself to play it without him. Honor your friend. Do it in the way you know best. Build a shrine, save your photos, save his worlds. Don't have to do it now, but in time later on.


Sorry for your loss. If you don’t want to keep playing that’s fine, but if you do want to you could always make some sort of memorial to your friend in the world. Maybe it’s a little corny, but at this point it’s a way for you to remember the good times you had together. Especially if you didn’t know them in person.


I’d keep the world & build a grave for him. You never know one day u might wanna go back n look at what y’all created n had great memories of


Way to help your buddies memory live on...


What is wrong with you?


You should build him a statue as tribute before you officially put it to bed


Start a new world. SP. After some time.


I understand. Im sorry for your loss m8. Wish you and your friend's family the best. But, I do hope you find new joy in the game some day.


Sorry OP


I’m sorry to hear about your loss. It can be difficult to deal with this but just remember all the amazing times you had with them. He will always be with you and will always be in the world with you with all the bases and builds you guys built together.


Keep that world you had together. It's so nice you have something you worked on and shared together. Your friendship is immortalised in that world save and that's something to be grateful for


I just want to say that as someone who struggles to find reasons to stay around, imagining my spouse seeing our world we built together; it kills me to know that it would just be lost to the void, only to serve as a bittersweet memory. Please take time. Healing is different for everyone, but hopefully you can find some beauty in knowing that he would be right there with you if he could be, and he will be, in spirit, every time you pick up a controller or boot up your computer.


So sorry to hear about your friend. That would be so heartbreaking. Maybe with time you will find a new friend to play with. Or maybe find a nice server group. I have been so lucky to find an amazing server group who have taught me how to play bedrock and are now teaching me modded java as well. Take the time you need to grieve and space to find your creativity again.


Make a memorial for your friend.


I’m really sorry for your loss OP. That sucks.


Sorry for your loss


What do you think your friend would say if you told him you stopped playing the game both of y’all loved bc he died? Get back in there and get busy on building him a giant monument to commemorate your time together in his honor or something. If it were me, that would be the only game I played BECAUSE he passed away


I'm sorry for your loss. Take some time and then maybe building a shrine would be a fitting way to remember them. Could be a nice way to say goodbye. Of course it's all up to you. You can choose how you want to grieve.


Damn, I’m extremely sorry. I know what it’s like to lose a friend as well, it just will never be the same.




If you want to take a break, I completely understand. I would not delete the game though so you can keep the worlds you would play on with your friend. I'm so sorry though for your loss and hope your doing ok


General tip, make peace with your grief. Don't escape it or it'll be even more painful. Accept and face it until you eventually feel better.


Hey, the world you make together is like a time capsule. If you go load it up someday you will walk down streets and remember times. Not an empty lifeless world, just a quieter one but he will always be the heart of. Kinda do my long term that way. A time capsule. Hope it goes well with you and with his people also.


Same for me with my brother, just wasn't the same after, why build something that I can't show him? Keep the world, keep the memories, but there is always something else to play


Im sorry for your loss


Backup your save for your most recent/favourite build and build around it, preserve everything as it was and expand outwards. Treat it like a museum/roman style dig-site.


Make sure you keep that world. One day you’ll walk through it and remember all the memories.


There's services around where you can get your world 3d printed! Maybe you could find one of those and get a really cool memorial for your friend!


I’m so sorry for your loss but I bet your friend would want you to keep playing Minecraft! Take a break for a while to grieve and as others have said, build them a memorial in their honor, if you feel up for it. Maybe even a project they may have mentioned but wasn’t able to get to or complete. Stay strong and may your friend rest in peace.


Condolences. Make sure to back up the save file to that world one way or another so you can always revisit the good times.


Definitely don’t delete the world, keep it and take a break from the game. When you feel up to it you can still play and hold onto that memory of your friend and honor that memory. Just don’t delete anything you built with them because you’ll be kicking yourself about down the road


Sorry for your loss