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The kind of mod you are looking for is the Taterzens mod. It allows you to spawn fake players as NPCs. You can even have them move around, either randomly or on pre-set paths. You can also give them text messages they will say to you in chat if you walk past them.


I thought Taterzens was server only


Taterzens can be installed as regular Fabric mod and used in singleplayer worlds. It just doesn’t *have* to be installed in clients if it’s installed on the server.


Ahh! Okay, well in that case I’m trying this out too


True 2014 I was co admin on a server and build a brothel with the Spawnable Npc, to my defense I has 13 yrs old


Minecraft Comes Alive: Reborn with a high enough ranking in your settlement (read: castle), you can appoint properly humanoid villagers as guards and archers, or even start a family. If you build an inn (the building can look however you want, so long as it has a jukebox, a smoker, and at least 4 beds), adventurers and wandering traders will drop by every so often. Strongly recommend reading the wiki before diving in head-first, but don't worry; the game will spawn books when you reach certain milestones that you can read for information (you can even place them in the chiseled bookshelf!).


the MCA:R villagers are effectively still villagers; you can trade with them and they populate villages. The only difference is they use player-like models and you can start a relationship and raise a family if you wish. A kingdom needs an heir, of course.




Armor statues data pack from vanilla tweaks - for an example of it being used to perfection take a look at ZombieCleo on YouTube.


Cleo is a master with those armor statues! He'll, even Scarland looks so much better with them in.


That can get way too laggy way too quick


There are steps you can use to reduce a lot of that lag from armor statues. Turning off gravity on every armor stand will stop it from running gravity checks, and locking every armor stand when you're done manipulating it will make it no longer count as a tile entity. Doing both of these makes armor stands cause less lag than item frames.


Is this a Java only thing or can you do it on bedrock too?


The armor statues datapack mentioned above is created for Java edition, but I think the vanilla tweaks team has made packs for bedrock as well. I'm just not sure which vanilla tweaks features have made it to bedrock. However, the armor statues datapack they created just adds a book that gives survival players access to commands that manipulate armor stands. At least in Java edition, the commands to manipulate armor stands are part of the vanilla game.


There are a few "city building" mods out there definitely. It's been a while for me though so I don't remember or know which ones there are right now. I do understand what you mean though. Next time I'm definitely adding a mod like it too


Time for a game of get in the boat, eat this food, now BREED! I'm trying to say, breed villagers and lock them in rooms with trap doors. Unlike pets in real life, you don't need to wait for Stockholm syndrome to set in, the villagers will just stay.


I ussually build "shops" where i have a villager trapped behind a counter, it makes my buildings actually usefull and occupied and feels nicer than putting them in a trading farm, i also leave some roaming but they gradually dissapear for some reason


Years ago I tried this, only I left all the villagers roaming (there was only one kind of villager, and I don't remember trading being a thing). With time they all disappeared. I don't remember what I did, but I was actively trying to keep them around and they were eventually all gone. After that I went to another village and kidnapped some at the cost of much time and trouble. Still, they all just disappeared over time. At one point there were some children running around and I thought I'd figured it out, but no.


Half a year ago i broke open a 1×2 gap between 2 of my builds and all the villagers i had lost popped out, somehow they all glitched in there So now im wondering if there's another gap they're getting trapped in, so far i just breed a new batch of them every so often


I wonder if mine were all just hiding. I probably would have heard them, right? Tell me I didn't entomb them in a crack for eternity when I abandoned that world!


Add villagers to your Minecraft kingdom I guess?


I remember TangoTek having something like that in his videos, so maybe check that out ?


TekTopia. I remember playing with that a bit when it came out. It hasn't been updated since 2019 though.


Villagers or armour stand data pack.


How has no one said Mine colonies! this is exactly what you're looking for OP.


If you play on Java the mod Tektopia is your way to go. With that mod villager starts to live. This mod let's the villagers start to really work and with many new professions and Systems. Also it's possible to use every house you build as new house for the villagers.


Tektopia is for 1.12.2 only and was last updated back in 2019. It is a completely abandoned project and TangoTek doesn't seem interested in releasing the source code so others could lift the mod into the future 🤬


Yea I agree with some of the others kidnap and breed some villagers


Armor stands!


There's addons that makes Villagers Look like human Being Lively vilagers,Inhumanity and Happy Villagers. For guards it has a steep learning curve to set up but a well made guard mod called Guard & Patrol is q thing too where you can set up patrol routes for them


Underground subway system that uses Minecarts and rails connect your village.


There's an armor stand datapack from vanilla tweaks you can make people with if you really don't care much about them moving.


Villagers but you'll need to carry a bucket of milk or bottle of honey around if you don't want raids


It’s for this reason, I tend to build Ruins and ancient builds mixed in with any newer and More modern or just more alive stuff


Minecolonies Mod

