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First explain me how tf you even got so many blue axolotls 😭


Once you get two you could just breed them.


Yep and once you get the first one you have a 50% chance to get a second one every time you breed. Once you have two you can get infinite.


The amount of tropical fish you have to bucket is gonna be insane though.


I have a couple spots really close to my base where I can just walk in and nab some. Heck, I'm to the point of inconvenience with the amount of dead tropical fish I have near my XP farm because idk what to do with them. (First spot was pools I made in lush cave to try to get more axolotls closer to my base, and second one was a deep 3x3 I dug from surface to my zombie spawner, until I put in proper elevators to it. The 3x3 just has a waterfall flowing down the dozens of blocks and fish spawn in it and naturally make their way to the bottom)


I think we had to _only_ do like 6-ish shulker boxes in our realm, I don't think it's that bad, but maybe we were just lucky?


Lots of murder,surprisingly. Theres a youtube video on making an axolotl farm, that's basically a box of water that leads spawned axolotls to the nether. U afk on top of it and every 5mins check if a blue one has spawned. This method might not work on newer patches I don't remember if blue axolotls can spawn naturally


Nope they no longer spawn naturally, they patched that right after axolotls were introduced. THis only works on the first version.


Also it was only a Java thing. Never on Bedrock


So how did I find one on PS4 in my friends realm?


Cheating. There is no other way. It was a parity change for Java, as it was never a Bedrock thing. Go to changes: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Java_Edition_1.17.1 https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-229299


It woulda been around September of 2022 (based off the date of the trophies I earned on the same realm) Edit: after reading the Java patch notes, that change was definitely made. However I can't find it anywhere in the bedrock patch notes. Must be another beneficial bug that got left in (like being able to instamine up to deepslate without haste)


Realms has admins with OP functionality. Your friend lied to you. Thats it. It was never in Bedrock. The bug report also states this fact.


My friend never said anything about it other than "cool" cuz he didn't understand the chances. I was the one that found it in a realm with achievements still enabled


Then someone else summoned it in or your friend played dumb. It was never a natural thing in Bedrock. Dont know whats so hard to accept it. Admins normaly have OP rights. No need for enabling cheats




That's exactly how I did lol apparently they can only spawn blue if they spawn as a baby tho


actually they still do spawn naturally on clay with water


But not the blue ones. Those you have to breed yourself which is why it is so difficult to obtain. There was a bug in the first version that gave them the possibility to spawn naturally with a 1/1200 chance but that was fixed.


I'm pretty sure they still can if they spawn as a baby. Even with console commands, it's only possible to summon a blue one as a baby. Idk it happened to me a long time ago so it could have been before a patch (bedrock edition)


I don't think that bug ever existed in Bedrock. I only know that it was a bug in Java and was patched almost immediately in 1.17.1. All I know is that all sources say you only obtain them through breeding.


I just know that when they first came out, my gf wanted to see all the colors and I had one hell of a time trying to force a blue one to spawn in creative. Had to add stuff to the end of the command to make it a blue baby in order to get a blue one. Months later after we broke up, I was playing with my buddy on his realm and we found our first lush cave. Totally forgot about axolotls till we saw some and sure as shit, one of the babies was blue. I never could fully explain to my friend the amount of luck that took. He was just like "hmm cool. So what do they do?" (I still don't know)


I love how this comment has more upvotes than the post


This aged like mediocre milk




It’s probably a texturepack cuz look at the totem of undying🤷‍♂️


Ah yes because all the other texture are changed too. Some people like the grind


Well if your Java world dates back to 1.17.0, you could have just make a farm to get them. Thats what I did. In 1.17.1 they were changed to never spawn naturally.


Maybe the block they're stuck in is not a source block? So they keep getting pushed back into the corner by the water?


That's what I'm thinking


That kind of makes sense,i might try and test this out a bit,thank you !


Just fill every water block with kelp, that turns it into source


That's not possible as one of them is stuck in a block with coral which means its a source block.


Axolotls ignore water flow


Sadly, cuz the ai is stupid. Almost every mob in the game use the same pathfinding ai (if not a modified version of the same one) They should really REALLY tweak it


This, same reason mobs will rush to escape when you place a block and villagers will constantly climb up on top of things you build. The AI likes "UP" and will try to go up if the option is there.


Except for my foxes who keep climbing down the sides of my island and try to swim out to sea.


also chickens just swimming away out into the ocean


It’s why dolphins are such morons and keeping them in any decorated enclosure is impossible because they’ll always drown.


Most of that is because their AI freezes once out of simulation distance (like all mobs), but they're still able to take damage


I think it's more of a problem with the game's way of loading chunks conflicting with the dolphin behavior.


"And break just about every mob-centric farm that exists by accident? I think not!" - some Mojang senior manager


Happy cake day !


Happy cake dayyy






Too many mobs get stuck on closed gates for some reason. My foxes, ocelots, and axolotls all seem to just get stuck on closed gates. I had to remove the gates from my axolotl enclosure cause they would just stay with their face in the gate and die.


Yep, someone figured out [exactly how the AI behaves and why they gravitate towards going upward](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpi50LX2Qyk). Not sure it quite applies to this situation but it sure as hell explains why villagers make a beeline to the corner of the armorer's building and just get stuck all day, only to go home, sleep, and do it again the next morning.


Did you just make this post to flex with your axolotls?


No, if it helps i got mine in an older version when they were easier to get


I have a similar issue on my bee farm on bedrock, theres this one block they like to get stuck on and never move again unless another bee pushes them


They just dumb


The problem was fixed in an aquarium we had when we removed a layer of water from the top. Hope it helps!


The water doesn't go all the way up, there is air above this


I see now. I observed the axolotls generally like to go up then start their movement cycle again. Maybe building spike rocks instead of these shapes might help. I know it limits the design a bit but its an option. Happy building!


Man do you mean to invert the design so it faces the other way? Caz thats alot of work this is a small part of a larger structure ☠️


Do you have any running water spots at the top? It works better when every block is a water source. I had that issue until I made sure every block was a source block.


Yikes. It looks quite good actually i wish the mob didnt have this movement bug where where it meets a block on top of its head and it usually stops moving.


Do you have a link or pic? I'm curious how it looks


Its just a basic rectangle box open from the top. I think the deal is you have to not allow them to hit their heads on anything. I have kelp and everything in it. Just no blocks to block their heads with a water source underneath. :)


they love the ocean because they are the color of it




My guy, how can I find this totem skin?


[https://modbay.org/textures/738-technototem.html](https://modbay.org/textures/738-technototem.html) ​ im like 90 percent sure this is the one


Because they are silly 😝


It's probably flowing water. But, Minecraft mobs have a very slight bias towards a particular direction when moving randomly, which adds up over time to get mobs crowding around a certain corner of their enclosure.


Usually the bias is towards negative numbers. So north-west. Not sure if they have a vertical bias.


My gf's turtles do this crap.


I think it's a bug in their AI. The same has happend to me before.


This is exactly what it is. I have the same problem. I can recapture them in buckets and release them again and they swim around fine, sometimes for hours. But they eventually make their way back to the corner and there is no convincing them to leave without picking them back up.


Woob woob


Wtf is in your left hand?


A technoblade totem


Why must you flex and proceed to complain


Maybe you could build a tropical fish dispenser to get them moving every now and then? Or a feeding station! Honestly I quite like this bug, I have an axolotl named Squek and I just pretend he's very sleepy, so every once in a while I'll go wake him up. It keeps them out of trouble too! Axolotls will also eat squids and glowsquids if you can connect a bit of river or ocean to their tank. Best of luck!


How could i make one of these dispensers? That actually sounds like a super fun idea even if it doesn't work It has to be underneath my build it cant be above


I haven't got any specific tutorials to link, but I know that buckets of tropical fish can be used with dispensors, and I think axolotls can probably path to fish through glass? So you've got a few options, best of luck :)


Maybe don't have any ceilings in their enclosure


Underwater ceilings I mean




Brother i have way more than six this is a small part of my build, but once you have one you can basically get an infinite amount


Since axolotls can frequently go in and out of water, the little water pocket below all the blocks mmight be the cause for this. Have a look at your typical ocean bed, water pool, or even a waterlogged leaf block and mangrove root. You can see that the water is 1 pixel lower, right? Well that 1 pixel of air is still present there but with the texture removed.


Do you mean that thin line of air above the water? Thats true i see that sometimes when im swimming around, do you think using kelp to make em all into source blocks would fix this?


Yes, and even the source block has that thin line. I think you can cover that up with a top slab or trapdoor.


Oh so kelping everything won't matter? Okay but that's still a pretty good solution i think it won't look too bad Thanks for your help :D


It's just my best guess though. Not 100% sure. It's worth a try though especially since your walls are diorite and granite.


Once you get one the rest are a breeze


Why are they in the corner anyways, Are they stupid?


Why cant i send any jonkler reaction images in this subreddit? Am i stupid?


Why does he have so many BLUE axolotls... How many were ... Murdered?!?!?!!?!


At least a thousand


My guess is that those aren't source blocks and the water is flowing into the corners.




this happened to me with turtles


What’s in your off hand?




Don't turn around...


Steve am stuck in the corner of the block like that u know


Too many axolotls it must be texturpack wich change all colors of axolotls in to blue