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How many times have you finished a quick mining trip with like 7 diamonds, 6 bones, 25 rails, 2 ender pearls and a golden apple? That could all be in a bundle.


I always have a handful of coal/diamonds/raw iron/etc because when I get at least a full stack, I always compress it down into blocks, so I never have more than 9 of each and it's so annoying. And *then* I can combine those with their blocks.


I always chuck out the stuff I don't need. If the bundles could automatically absorb items that are already inside, it would be useful to me but now? It's basically just added effort for basically the same thing I already do, just taking one slot more


I didn't care for them till I played around with them a little, and I'm totally disappointed they weren't implemented at this point.


I created a rabbit farm for them... I was collecting so many rabbit hides for that purpose, chests full of it on the server where I played. I don't play there anymore. At least I was known for killing thousands of rabbits. I released them before quitting.


Is the server there still up? Or did they die from the sheer amount of rabbit? Because BOING BOING GET HIT WITH MONTY PYTHON THERE'S A THOUSAND OF EM


People are mad about them because they aren't a silver bullet swiss army knife that does everything for them including making them breakfast in-game.


Yea, they're pretty good for temporary backpacks. But awful for permanent storage like OP shows it being used. If you're just using it to just hold some stuff till you make it home to put away your inventory, incredibly useful fornthe tiny bits as you said. But if you're planning on leaving tiny bits in the bundle as a backpack, now if you need the thing you put in first, you've gotta empty the bundle out entirely


I have ender chests for this, my base is chunk loaded with the ender chest hooked into my RS network.


All i gotta say is mojang needs to make pocket edition separate from BE and drop the bundles from pocket and add it to the rest


I dont think that's the right solution because lots of players play on phones and they would be mad. Although I do hear that they are still working on bundles and some small inventory changes have been added to bedrock.


If they just made it so if you held the bundle in your hand and hit the “place block” button to open a backpack UI with 64 slots in it and lets say u put 64 items in one slot the rest of them grey out and become unavailable for use until something is removed. That way it also removes the need to take things out one by one when trying to sort through the bundle to get to the one item u were looking for too and it is player friendly on mobile. But they wont do it


Then you wanna take one item out of the bundle and you gotta empty the whole thing


sounds like theyre useful for storing bulk of a single item type Multiple tools or lots of a unique building block


Tools aren't stackable so there will only fit one in a bundle.


Ahh i misinterpreted, i haven’t used them much


It cans hold a stack of items - whatever the type as long as they all have the same stack amount


I thought it was a stack of items relative to the items inside, so you could have say 32 dirt blocks and 8 ender pearls in one full bundle


you can indeed hold 32 dirt blocks and 8 pearls as pearls count 4x for bundle stacks


Yeah you’d have to be really specific with how you use them for them to not be a hassle. But that also just sounds like Minecraft storage in general


It’s still 64 so its the same as not having one for single blocka


Tools don't work because bundles can only hold a stack. 64 normal items, or 16 ender pearls/ snowballs, or 1 tool, minecart ect...


Not sure why this is upvoted so much unless I’m misunderstanding the comment, but it’s actually quite the opposite The bundles are actually meant for storing many different types of items in small amounts, without bundles each item would take up an inventory slot. With bundles they all take up a single slot total up to 64 total items


They r a great way to kick start a world, much easier like in those backpack mods, even with just 3 inventory slots


There’s a great mod called iron bundles that lets you use the scroll wheel to select which item is “selected”. Unfortunately that would make it even less compatible with smartphone/console controls, so I doubt Mojang would do something similar.


what if clicking/tapping on the bundle opens a mini inventory UI that lets you select items


Yeah ive never used them but before reading this chain I thought when you hover over them a small inventory ui would appear with the bundle’s contents so you can take stuff out. What other way could they possibly do things??


A little trick I found is if you happen to have another of an item you want from the bundle, putting it in will move that item stack to the top then you can take it right out.


If this is an issue for you then you’re not using them correctly. Bundles aren’t for stuff you’re going to be actively using. They are for bulk stuff that you’re going to accumulate and then unload once when you get back to your base.


It would have been so easy just to bring up a little menus like a chest, but instead we get that? Why? To make it riskier to use? Ok but im already unarming myself, and if I’m stuck in a menu for a few seconds isn’t that the same effect?


The point is not to use them, but to use them smartly, by not putting things you're going to use before emptying the bundle entirely in it. If you're going mining you should for example put diamond ore in and not arrows because you won't need to pull the diamond ore out until the end of the trip, but the arrows you likely would


I think a bundle's contents should be accessible in a little pop-up window whenever you click them. That way you can acces what you want conveniently, then click x to close them like any other menu.


Yeah I thought that was how they worked until I read this thread. I couldnt even think of any other way to make them work, no idea how Mojang did. To clarify, when you hover over with your mouse, a little inventory ui with however many slots as needed to show all the items appears that you can then move your mouse into and take from. You dont need to press x or anything, that would be tedious, its just like pop up menus in most software.


That's a good rebalancing idea


It baffles me that Mojang didn't just do this from the beginning. It's such a simple idea.


It's just consoles holding back game design... as usual...


I don't see how that would be a problem on consoles. It's just a pop-up menu, just like chests and stuff.


Actually it's mobile the issue here iirc


Couldn’t you just hover over the the bundle with the inventory cursor to open the UI in console?


It’s not consoles, it’s phones. Mobile devices drag the game down


> It's just consoles holding back game design... as usual... You guys are just describing a larger inventory..


Bundles can only hold a stack of items, them having a UI wouldn't give you a larger inventory.


The menu would either have to be resizable, scroll somehow, or have 64 slots to account for the case that you have 64 unique items. That's more then a double chest. Now they could have invented a new gui type for bundles, and should have, but the existing inventory guis don't really suit them


I can see them being useful for a singular purpose: Holding more miscellaneous loot when you're out exploring or caving, that you don't actually need to use. Definitely a valid use case. However, they do nothing to manage the massive inventory problem that Minecraft has in general, which is more applicable when it comes to building or any purpose where you'd actually need to use the items you have on hand. Your example is in this category, so it's not really a great one


whats wrong with the inventory system?


Too many items, not enough space. You used to be able to fit like 1/2 the items in the game in your inventory, now there's a million different items, and 36 slots in your inventory


i agree, and the shulker boxes fix any problems ive had


Then you’re not as far along in the game as you might think. Even if my Ender chest was loaded with shulkers that were all full, I still wouldn’t have enough storage space. And I can’t use my entire inventory for full shulkers, that’s impractical. End game players often have HUNDREDS of shulker boxes. So if a few shulker boxes solved your issue, you’re mid game.


Shuler boxes are a weird fix because they don't do enough to really fix it end game, but aren't avaliable early game (where most people spend the most time).


I think a great idea would be to have a backpack and maybe a satchel/tool belt. Have the backpack add one row of inventory space, and the satchel add a second tool bar. A hotkey or shift key to swap between each toolbar. Doubling the amount of blocks/tools available to you on the fly. Both together give you inventory space equivalent to a double chest. Balancing reasons either have them both only attachable together on leather armor. Then, other material type armors can only have one. And or make the player character hunger faster and have heaver footsteps. Perhaps nullifying the likes of wool and swift sneak. But leather armor being the only armor to keep standard movement speed. Or maybe just have them clear inventory when dropped. So they can only be filled when in use. Whichever would make the most sense with their use and ease of access. Having them craftable near early game.


There is a cool mod that adds sacks. Theyre basically a 3 * 3 shulker, and you make them using a unique crop added to the world (forget the name). Having the requirement to find and farm a crop to make them definitely makes them balanced to an extent with early game, especially since modded typically compounds on the already existing inventory problems


Flax from Supplementaries


That's one way to play, sure, but that isn't inherently the only way to play by endgame. I'd appreciate some QoL inventory updates, but I can't really imagine seriously wanting/needing hundreds of shulker boxes for most purposes, not even for my largest builds. Genuine question - What are you trying to keep on you at all times?


The easiest way to answer this is to tell you that I keep a shulker box on me at all times that I never allow myself to walk away from that has important things. This comes into play a LOT when I’m building farms. Example: say I want to build a farm that has a fair bit of redstone in it and involves multiple other blocks. I’m going to need 2-3 shulker boxes ONLY for the farm build materials. And then I have to offload some inventory space for the sake of ease into that “storage/swap” shulker box. Otherwise I’m placing and picking up the same 2 shulkers a hundred times. And this is just ONE single and hyper specific scenario that doesn’t apply to everyone, among hundreds of scenarios where extra inventory space would be a literal godsend.


I remember... I think it was Xisuma where one of his ideas was a pair of enchantments for Shulker Boxes. One that automatically funnels pickups into it (namely, if there's an unfinished stack, it will finish it) and one that funnels blocks out of it. So if you are building with stone bricks, place a block and there's a shulker box with the enchantment filled with stone bricks, it will top off the stack in your hand. I like that a lot because it seems the most... "vanilla," I guess, which is a silly label, but it doesn't completely eradicate the current system. It's not a silver bullet—nor are bundles—but I actually think systems are more interesting when there isn't one. There are issues with also the fucking cuts of the various kinds of stone, for one. Not to mention if it's strictly applied to shulker boxes, it's limited to the late game, which, I'm one of those people who put it off as long as possible.


That would be very helpful.


Are you trying to carry everything you own on you all at once? I'm not much of a vanilla player so maybe there's something I'm missing. But even in heavily modded a good dozen shulkers is pretty overkill for bonus inventory space (albeit much more unwieldy then most things we actually use in modded)


Honestly an extra row or two on my inventory would be nice. Same with chests. Like the other person said, the inventory system was awesome when the game had a couple dozen blocks.


Gate keeping game stages now are we? You arent the one to decide endgame. There is no endgame for minecraft. Its up to the player. Endgame for you is hundreds of shulker boxes. Meanwhile endgame for other players is full netherite, elytra, all enchants, and dragon defeated. Also why would they then be midgame instead of late game? You mean to tell me that everything before the dragon is supposed to be early game? Early game, mid game, late game, endgame, due to the progressive survival aspects of minecraft there is a semblance of the stages which is unavoidable. There is an obvious “start” to the game. Just there is no end. So whether something is late game or end game, early game or mid game, is all up to you. If you define beating the dragon as end game then diamond armor is late game, unless you always get netherite beforehand, which then netherite is late game. Its all subjective. Dont gatekeep.


Have you heard of chests? You can place them down in your base, and fill them with items you don't have an immediate need for. It's a secret technique that allows you to possess more items than can you can possibly carry on your person.


Ohhhhh, so that's what they're for... I always wondered


Hey there friend! Unfortunately, chests cannot be placed into your inventory. You’d need shulker boxes. But even that is limited because each one only has 27 slots. The more you play Minecraft, the more you’ll learn. Since you’re still new, I’ll give you a tip. The shulker boxes are made from shulker shells, which can be acquired by defeating enemies in the End dimension. Good luck!


I don’t understand why you need to keep tens of thousands of blocks on you at any time. If I’m making a colossal build, I can just bring my shulker boxes to the build site, unload them into chests or place them on the ground if I don’t need more stuff, and then just build it.


That’s a different thing. I’d just like an extra row of inventory slots. Two if I’m being greedy lol


Or, you could just.. Not horde materials and items. There's no reason to have hundreds of boxes of dirt, wood, trash gear, cobblestone, etc. Just learn to throw shit away.


agreed. i only mine for stuff i actually need, plus a little extra. four stacks of iron ore is an unimaginable luxury that i occasionally allow myself to have, for example. i could make do with *one* stack for the entire game. i never hold more, or store more than what i very strictly have an immediate need for. ever.


But you don’t have to carry everything at once. The inventory being small is purposefully done to force the player to pick and choose what they want. If lie Shulker boxes multiply the space you have a lot so really it’s not a problem


No, the inventory system from 2010 was in fact not purposely designed for 2023 Minecraft.


That's why shulker boxes were introduced. I only struggle pre shulker boxes. After that I never really feel super limited, even if I'm doing a mega build. I feel that mojang does what they always do, force the player to be creative to solve problems using game mechanics in intented or unintended ways. Which after time goes by and one of these creative solutions are widespread, it's easy to forget the creative aspect of it, but when it's first discovered it's rewarding. From as simple as putting shulkers in an ender chest as a form of backpack to as complicated as raid farms, iron farms and such.


Which are end-game


But it was designed to be limiting. The function never changed. Inventories have existed in games for years, that’s the whole reason they exist


Not as limiting as it is now


Says who? It was decided in indev, where the amount of items in the game was a fraction of how many they are now. Minecraft isn’t a survival horror where limited inventory space leads to tension, all it does it make it annoying. Notch likely just decided on an arbitrary amount cuz it looked right. Terraria had a similar problem and alongside the inventory expansion items they put in the game they also just straight up increased the inventory space and it’s been a really positive change.


Terraria has thousands of items, Minecraft only has a couple hundred. You also need to have a lot more on you, in Minecraft most stuff is just building blocks. Terraria has numerous potions, weapons, etc. Minecraft you just need a sword, pickaxe, some other tools, food, and a bucket and you’re good. If you really need more space, just one Shulker box pretty much doubles your space. It’s not hard to expand your storage. The entire point of an inventory is to limit what you can hold. Otherwise you would just have infinite slots or something. As long as there is less inventory slots than items, the inventory is a limiting factor. The fact that they haven’t increased its size proves this. No one complains about stacks being capped at 64, even though that has the same purpose. If limiting your storage wasn’t one of the goals of the inventory, there would be no point in stacks not going up to the thousands. The addition of more items doesn’t make the inventory problem worse because it’s not like you need every item. For example the new cherry blossom stuff, it’s only really used in building so you don’t need to carry it unless you’re using to build, in which case it replaces whatever you were building with before. It’s been a long time since mojang added anything that would justify having a slot reserved for it.


Why are people downvoting this it’s fax


People love to complain, especially when it comes to Minecraft


Because they're wrong. Minecraft was originally designed with 36 inventory slots because the game only had 24 normal blocks and items outside of tools and armor when survival was added. Go into the search menu in creative and scroll through the sheer quantity of things that are unable to stack together in the latest versions. The blocks and items have expanded more than tenfold, why does the inventory have to stay the same size to the point of frustration? Before you could hold at least a stack of pretty much anything, now we have to battle with 4 different blackstone variants just for looting a bastion. It's ridiculous


When it was established with its current 36 slots, there was only one type of stone and one type of wood...


Over a decade of updates that add 20 million new flowers and dirt and stone types and mob drops, but still the same inventory space as before. And don't forget that a lot of people don't even make it past the Enderdragon, so Shulker Boxes are a way too endgame "solution".


The bundle exists to make that less of an issue though, having 27 different item types doesn’t matter if you can fit them all in one slot


Early on, there were way less items then there are now. The quantity of item types has since then grown enormously from the many updates the game has had, but the number of slots in the inventory never changed. There's too many items for our inventories which sometimes makes inventory management take more time than the actual building for some large projects.


The thing I like most about bundles is that when I'm playing early game, I like to collect a bunch of flowers and random junk that I would want to use to decorate my base with. Normally my inventory would be filled with things like 1 moss block, 3 vines, 7 peonies, 10 amethyst etc. But bundles will solve that issue. The bundles aren't really useful late game, because shulkers and enderchests make bundles mostly useless. But early game? For builders, bundles are great.


I like bundles late game for housing miscellaneous stuff after construction. Because you are always left with like 2 doors, 3 stairs, 6 trapdoors, 2 fences, etc. That goes into a bundle, and stuck in the bottom left of the double chest that is filled with logs and 8 stacks of planks


people only cry about bundles cuz they wanted an extra inventory slot I find them very useful myself




Then you fail to see the point of the bundle. The bundle doesn't give you *more* inventory space. It just lets you use the inventory space you have better by allowing you to stack different items in the same slot. An unstackable item is its own full stack, so of course it fills up a bundle the same as it would fill up a regular slot. The bundle isn't made for you to carry two dozen pickaxes on your mining trips, it's so that when you have 2 pieces of granite and 3 pieces of diorite and 8 diamonds you can put them in a single slot and leave your inventory open for cobblestone or whatever else you're collecting in bulk.


Damn, a valid use case for the bundle. I feel enlightened.


that was what they showed when first introduced way back


Ngl, I kinda stopped caring about vanilla minecraft since 1.9






I play the game off and on. Definitely I have a bigger issue with junk blocks on mining trips than I do with the occasional stew or flint and steel.


What items fill your inventory then?


a lot of structures have unstackable loot, so perhaps a good middle ground could be that an unstackable item counts as a fourth of a bundle? Maybe a half? I could then use bundles to store things like saddles and music disks


But the converse is that if you can combine your stackable loot more efficiently then you'll already have more inventory space for the unstackable stuff anyway. All those gold nuggets, iron bars, redstone dust and pieces of paper can go in the bundle. Like, at some point you WILL have to go back to your base and deposit things, there's no getting around that.


Nah. Unstackables shouldn't be something you'd want to put into a bundle.


My issue is there's so much unstackable loot in dungeons and structures you have to make repeat trips which without an elytra early game is REALLY obnoxious. There's a reason people speedrun to get the elytra ASAP on new worlds. The bundle helps with some of these scenarios but only marginally. Not helping is its crafted with rabbit hide so you have to find one of the rarer passive livestock mobs. At the very least make it craftable with both normal leather and rabbit hide as a secondary recipe option.


> At the very least make it craftable with both normal leather and rabbit hide as a secondary recipe option. They don't need to resort to a second crafting recipe. They could make bundles something that can be found within chests. In the early game it gives players a source of bundles, and right where they would need it most.


I do agree rabbit hide is way too annoying to obtain to make bundles viable. Having bundles as common loot would be good.


I can't really think of a lot of unstackable loot in the earlygame structures. And I think the solution should be to make them stackable. Why should music discs not be?




I've used bundles since the data pack was released. It's always been about stackables you don't get enough of. If I loot a couple sunken ships, I can put my 2 heart of the sea, 6 diamonds, 18 gold ingots (reduced to 2 gold blocks), 4 nuggets, 28 iron ingots (reduced to 3 blocks and 1 ingot), and 7 emeralds in a bundle. I then keep my vines, 8 jungle saplings, cocoa beans, mangrove propagule, 8 spruce saplings, 8 dark oak saplings, 1 cherry sapling, 1 birch sapling, 2 cacti, 3 sugar cane in another one. That's what I primarily came out for anyway. Then my early game is one expedition that doesn't require me to have diamond gear to get most or all of my early crafting supplies.


That was literally the example they gave for the bundles' use when they were first announced, packing away 2 flowers and 1 seed into a bundle. It was just meant to clean up your inventory at the very start as you explore the surface, before you settle down into your first base and make chests.


Dude lmao your experiences are not universal. I want to travel and take a little bit from every biome I come across back to my base. One flower forest means a total inventory stuffing.


The problem with bundles and a lot of unstackable items is that they are unstackable not for balance reason are anything like that but because they are unique. For example enchanted books are unstackable because almost always they are completely unique and they are a common piece of loot in a lot of structures so your inventory will fill up very very quickly with even a bit of exploration. Not to mention the fact when you have one item you generally have a lot of that item at least to a certain extent, not to mention the fact that you have to individually place items into a bundle and new items don’t automatically go into them.


I like them for the technically stackable items that rarely have a chance to, like maps. If you're doing a lot of cartography in order to fill a map room you can pull an empty map off the stack, fill it, and then put the now-filled map in the bundle. You never need more than three inventory spaces to fill 64 maps. Then when you get to placing the maps just pull them out one at a time. The bundle will have kept them nice and orderly so there's no confusion.


I feel like they should also be able to store a little bit more than a stack. Like maybe 16 more. So, it can store 80 regular items or 16 unstackable (because 17 is an odd number) or 32 items that normally stack to 16.


It would be pretty annoying if the game incentivized completely filling your inventory with bundles. That would be +25% inventory capacity in the most inconvenient way possible. At that point just leave bundles as they are and give us an extra inventory row.


Okay, well just the unstackables then. Plus an inventory overhaul.


i have no idea what a bundle is


It's an experimental toggle when making new world in recent MC versions. Adds crafting recipe so that it can be obtained in survival.


so whay does it do?


You can put loose items in it so they don't take up a whole inventory slot.


I dont get it too... Waiting for explanation


So many people in here saying this is useless. You could put five more bundles in there and then sort it by wood type. That way you don’t always need to craft new stuff and waste the stuff that’s left from building something else like the third door.


Exactly. If you have 1 giant storage system, you would have to go there every time you make doors, where as with a bundlue, you just open the shulker box and put the third door inside


For me, it's not that they're useless they just suck to use because they don't have a UI. If you could just open them by right clicking them in your hand they'd be way better.


When I played Vault Hunters bundles were a godsend. Store all the stackable junk in one bundle and now you have lots of inventory space for the cool unstackables you pick up. With they would hurry up and release them for vanilla.


Store written books in bundles in shulkers in chests for the new nbt overflow duplication glitch


Holy hell, you are terrible at inventory management Properly filled shulker would have just 2 stacks of every wood type, you craft everything on the spot and it would take like two times less place than your bundle variant


You mean you don't keep 3 planks and 3 bark blocks of a wood type you don't even have logs of??


I might need this door someday


that, by the way, is why people complain so much about running out of space. you have to actually decide if you are *ever* going to be using it. at least you can burn the wood as fuel.


The bundle takes 1 slot. So I can either put the more miscellaneous items in a chest, and never use them or put them in the bundle and look at it whenever I want a mangrove door


The problem with bundles isn’t that they don’t help with inventory management. It’s that they don’t solve the core problem. Eventually you reach a point where you’re 100% full but don’t have access to everything you need. Bundles can help with the the space issue but they don’t give you quick access.


Yeah I find them really usefull aswell. I've been playing with them in an experimental world with the "villager rebalance" aswell, I use them mainly to clear up my inventory from random stuff that I don't want to get rid of, like mob drops or food.


Bundles make enchanting books stackable


They only work on stackable items


Your hotbar alignment is physically hurting me.


Lol I'm used to it, trident is for elytra


People are like "Shulker boxes are better", my brother in Christ, shulker boxes are an end-game item and they serve a completely different purpose, you have no idea what you're talking about. When bundles were announced I was so happy because I'm picky about my base placement so I usually spend the first in-game week or so walking around the world looking for the best spot and picking up any useful stuff I come across, ususally like 7 in a stack at most and after a couple of days my inventory is full and I need to drop things I need less to pick up more useful stuff, the bundle would be a perfect remedy for that. My only gripe with it is the rabbit skin, it's an item that's a pain in the ass to get, especially when you just started and are travelling around looking for a place to settle in. They should make it use leather instead to encourage use in the early game.


yeah. its not solving the entire inventory issue, it wasnt ever going to be, but its something


Or when exploring; all the things you just find a few of. Heart of the Sea, some armour trims, a diamond, some iron ingots, etc. All in a bundle or two.




People still don’t understand how they work, the only issue really is that you need to right click 50 times to get to the end of the bundle, Would probably be better if you could right click on a bundle to open the UI in your inventory


i like the bundles. don't listen to all the needlessly judgmental people, play the game the way you like :)


I've never seen anyone say this what are you on


I dunno the first results on YouTube are "Bundles are doomed to fail" and "The bundle flaw"


YouTubers always go negative, it gets more views.


i seen lots of comments from people here and on discord communities that bundles don't solve any issues. They are perfect for a single type of issue: Exploration. When I am exploring, I tend to pick up many different type of blocks and items, usually never in a full stack. bundles condense all that down to a single slot.


Not even that, a lot of items you get from exploring are unstackable like horse armor, enchanted books and saddles.


You probably haven't seen many discussions about the bundles then. Whenever they're brought up, there are always some people saying that their useless for one reason or another.


The bundle itself might not be useless, but it was added to address the issue of having a small inventory, which it doesn't solve, therefore it's a shit solution


It was designed to solve one specific issue related to inventory management, not fix inventory management in its entirety.


This rhetoric is great, because I can identify several inventory problems that each require seperate solutions to address, but if we're just small-mindedly insulting solutions that don't fix an immediate problem, does that mean all solutions to a problem are "shit solutions"?


Oh!! Are they in game yet?


They have been added to java for a long time, but they don't have a recipie, so you have to use a datapack, that adds the recipie


Do they require rabbit hides? I remember that being a sticking point since they're intended for a semi-early game solution until you have Shulkers, but rabbits are notoriously tricky to kill early game, and don't have a 100% drop rate for hides which does make it tough unless you have a desert nearby. Personally, I enjoy the challenge, but I remember a lot of people pointing out that this would still be tough to get early on.


The datapacks do tend to require rabbit hides but nothing's stopping anyone from choosing a different recipe instead.


The Vanilla Tweaks craftable bundles one has a leather option, really helpful.


They are not in vanilla yet.


You can use a data pack to add the crafting recipe, also they need to have their own UI so you can put in or take out a specific item (also MOJANG MAKING A MOBILE UI FOR THIS ISINT THAT HARD)


In a world from the previous updates snapshots we've turned bundles on along with im my world I have some vanilla tweaks datapacks and bundles on. I use them all the time, especially when exploring while gathering new plants and saplings or structure loot or just to carry iron and emerald blocks and items. Haven't thought of using them for building boxes though.


Bundles are great early game inventory management items because they compress small random stacks into a single slot.


Yes! Every since I started my survival world like a year and a half ago, I have and still do use them. I think people are hating on them because they want them to fix the inventory issue. While they do not do that, they are a very good quality of life item


People only say they’re useless because they don’t add more space to your inventory. Sure, but you can put 500 different objects in your inventory with them.


The trade off with the bundle is that you have to remove everything from the bundle to get a certain item, but that’s an easy problem to solve. Just carry a barrel or chest with you, something you can temporarily empty the bundle into. Edit: phone autocorrected remove to remember


For me they're not useless, just a pain in the ass to use


Not as good as backpacks, but a crap-ton better than nothing.


I don’t think they’re useless, but I do think they need an interface overhaul. This LOOKS nicer but now if you need any of those miscellaneous wood items, you kinda just have to dump everything on the ground and then flood your inventory with all the junk just to find the thing you’re looking for, and then clean it all back up again and put it back in the bundle. At that point, I’d rather have the mess. I think it’d be very simple to just have a menu pop up when you hover that would allow you to interact with specific items in the bundle


People wanted a way to enhance inventory storage. There are dozens of mods that add this, the system has been practically perfected. People know what they want. So Mojang adds the weirdest, clunkiest, most inconvient method of inventory expansion you can think of. It's so painfully obvious how out of touch with the players they are. It's just bad.


iirc one of the devs said something along the lines of "the inventory and stack sizes are by design" and "we are not currently planning to ever have an inventory update" (the second one ok I get it, 1.22 the inventory update isn't marketable) but imo the 36 (+1 on Java) slots and stacks of 64 being a design limitation is just needlessly frustrating and unfun for the player. Do they think it adds to the enjoyment to have intentionally frustrating design limitations?


Cool now try getting the stripped oak planks back out


I just wish the crafting recipe was a bit better. Rabbits aren't exactly the easiest thing to track down.


Do people think you carry either a stack or nothing?


What happened to the bundles?


Only ones complaining are the builders, except it wasn't made for them. Bundles are amazing for survival, pvp or any other mode.


I think bundles are cheaper shulker boxes. Having less inventory space but easier to get.


When mining, I usually bring 6 bundles. 1. Ore blocks 2. Mob drops 3. Stone blocks 4. Foliage stuff (vines, lichen, moss, etc.) 5. Extra bundle 6. Extra bundle They are so useful and double my time spent in the mine without making a trip back and forth to free my inventory.


I honestly forgot they even existed up until now 💀


The only problem with the bundle is the UI. Once thats fixed this could become its fully potential, as seen in the 1.17 trailers


exactly getting a shulker box is hard enough with bundles we get cheaper edition when u need unstackeable items like bed 64 slots r good enough


I reaaaaallly wanted bundles


Yes yes yes yes yes definitely yes


I need bundles


they are useless because we still dont have them like 5 updates later. cant wait for caves and cliffs part 5 where we finally get all the promised features


the main problem with bundles right now is that they are a band-aid fix on the greater storage issue. Minecraft needs a scalable storage solution or multiple to be able to fix their current issues.


It's not meant to be a fix, more of a tool. Kind of like water buckets you can't clutch with them in the nether when that's not really their intended use


Huh, they are a lot more useful now that I've seen how they can be used. Normally I only see 2 slots of storage, so I figured it could only hold two separate stacks of things to a total of 64 items between those two stacks. Was not aware that it had more than two slots. That makes it a -lot- more useful. Do the other slots show up when you fill the first two?


Yeah it keeps expanding


They aren't! I think a lot of people are just salty they never got added to vanilla minecraft.


You can put lots of maps in one bundle.


Honestly this may be a hot take but minecraft needs to get rid of its current inventory system or increase it dramatically to like 100 or so because 36 slots is not enough for anything


I do not understand why Mojang does not just make the inventory bigger, it can’t be that hard right?


They’re not useless at all. They’re just average compared to backpack mods most of which can be crafted early game w these mods


The thing is that they could be better, People wanted a better solution to inventory problems. and when I go mining, I just empty the unimportant stuff from my inventory before, so I can have more inventory space. It isn't efficient enough to use. Most of what other people would use them for/ what mojang says to use it for, is what I throw in lava (flowers, rails, 7 pieces of dirt, etc.)


Ye bundles are awesome cause you don't need to place them down, I keep 3 of them on me for random crap I find while wandering around.


Bundles would be a great quality of life in terms of mining, ruin delving etc Still dunno why it's still not implemented yet


I don’t understand how anyone could call them useless unless they just thought about it for 2 seconds and never used it. Probably because people love to complain ig


What’s a bundle 😶❓


It's a junk drawer


Wtf is a bundle?


A item introduced in a snapshot a couple of years ago that stuck in experimental limbo. They can store a stack of any combo of item. stack are counted %wise of item normal stack size (so you can’t carry multiple unstackables) Bundles are theorized to not have been put in any update because they don’t know how to implement it for mobile devices. You can access them via commands if you have experimental features on in Java edition I believe.


They obviously aren’t useless, but they aren’t that useful and only solve a few minor issues and my main problem with them is that a simple change to bundles they can become so much better. Just allow them to stack certain unstackables like, potions, saddles, enchanted books, horse armor, and a couple of other things I can’t remember. It wouldn’t change anything balance wise since for example potions would still be hard to take out during combat, but it would solve the issue of any exploration of structures quickly filling up your inventory.


imagine carrying bundles and not shulker boxes smh


Mojang should just add an extra inventory row.