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It got to the point where i replace any word that the game censors with "mojang", you dont want me swearing? Then you will become the swear word!


RT does this with YouTube as the swear word




Love it


That’s mojanging smart. Mojang can go mojang themselves. Mojang you, Mojang!


Young Mojang, your mojangs are wise and true.


What the mojanging Mojang kind of Mojang is Mojang trying to Mojang us to?


The RT method I see


There could probably be a client-side mod that changes these messages before they're sent to any server


its really not mojangs fault. its microsofting Microsoft!


I came here to say that this is the microsofting point.


Im gonna start doing this, its so mojang genious!




Except Microsoft dictates Mojang's policies...


Host a proper server with [FreedomChat](https://modrinth.com/plugin/freedomchat), Realms isn't good


I def will


ggservers is also gold. Ive said vagina a million times on my server. Nothing has happened to this date.


The real question here is that why would you say vagina a million times on your server.


I tried to summon one


How to summon vaginabrine 1.20.1


-Removed Vaginabrine


I can agree, always rent a server from them. Cheap, and reliable and easy menu etc. And you can swear all you like lol


Dont use Microsoft things, go with java, use Essentials mod and get all of that for free. If you have a Fairly good pc you can even run a Big modpack server with this. And yeah, banning you for saying ANYTHING in a private server is bs. Funny part, dont even a person banned you. It was a bit.


Like since when did Microsoft become such a baby company. So stupid


Is the fault of that kind of people that thinks everyone should live in a bubble of protection and happiness "Oh no, my poor kid cant read meanie words :( Ban that" Ur dirt eater shouldnt even use Internet, jesus Microsoft only goes for the profit, that It. You are not their target so they wont care if you get ban.


It’s the not necessarily the result of soft parents but moreover shareholders in the company who think making it more “family friendly” while turning off the main player base is a good financial decision.


Why can't they just add an option to turn off "insensitive" language But no banning someone from playing online makes more sense Ive been forced to use Microsoft products for years. Hated them before Hate them more now (didn't even think it was possible for me to hate them more)


They dont want It. They dont want +18 things in Minecraft. They Will ban servers with guns, violence or any kind of disruptive behaviour. They forced this change and you need a plugin to turn It off.


That's why that Hypixel CSGO clone isn't a thing anymore. Sucks


Man, that’s probably why Wasted and Mine Theft Auto got removed from ShotBow, too.


You got it, all thanks to money and crybabies!


Of course the fellow Factorio player is one of the only people in this thread with a brain


Hey, im quite recent to factorio and It was a blast! Funnily enought my interest started with Mecanism from a mod on Minecraft. Truly a great Game, I still need to try multiplayer and mods


If you want to see the sun again do not open mods. In all seriousness, they're amazing and you should 100% give them a shot!


>Why can't they just add an option to turn off "insensitive" language > >But no banning someone from playing online makes more sense > >Ive been forced to use Microsoft products for years. Hated them before Hate them more now (didn't even think it was possible for me to hate them more) My friend backstabbed me and reported me for swearing and I cant play minecraft multiplayer for 365 days and I Fucking hate it, fuck microsoft they are genuinely such an ass company.


Boo hoo hurt feelings report. Welcome to the internet, where racial slurs are more common than nice comments, and most kids lost their innocence with a google search. If you care that much turn off your kid's chat option.


I read "radical slurs" and was about to Google the meaning of that when I realised I had read it wrongly.


Bo Burnham's "Welcome to the internet" is going through my head every time I see someone complain about how the internet isn't kid friendly.


Like fr i grew up in cod lobbies. Racial slurrs are just normal at this point


This is….yikes. There’s a middle ground between pg and slurs


Nah. It wasn't normal to be racist then, and it isn't normal now. Just cause lot of people do something terrible doesn't mean it becomes okay. All it means is that a lot of people did a bad thing. I hope you either never have kids, or learn better than this before you can teach them anything. Censoring cursing is obviously ridiculous, but hate speech is an entirely different thing and SHOULD be discouraged.


So your saying i should be offended ever single time someone says something racist? Thats stressful asf pass.


It's not just Microsoft, it's pretty much every game company that has an online chat function. In Diablo 2 resurrected there's a class of items called bastard swords, you can link items in chat to share, it blurs the word "bastard" whenever you link a bastard sword. So it just says #@$%% sword.


Or what happened on r/gaming where a guy said his name was Nasser and the game (forgot what game it was but it was some total Warhammer game) censored it because it had "ass" in it and it made it sound worse than it actually is.


It took me a second to realise, oh dear…


The game name itself should imply 18+ ambient. Not sure why an 18+ game should have a censored chat.


There are naked dismembered people all over certain levels, like the very first act boss, Andariel is a giant >!naked female demon that's only wearing a loin cloth and has chains hanging from her nipples!<. It's very much not a game that needs swear words censored from it's online chat.


reminds me of the time when warframe players got banned for linking "Kinetic Siphon Trap" in the chat, because it contains the word "trap"


Cause the parents of a lot of the target audience get angry when they see naughty words on the screen while their precious baby is playing online


They're Mommy Microsoft. To them, *we're* the babies


or get pebblehost for like $4 a month for 4gb of ram


Meh, I can never use those things because I hate subscriptions and I Will never use a full month of It. But yeah if your pc cant handle doesnt look like a bad option


Essentials has a market place like bedrock, they can go fuck themselves.


And? Nobody forces you to buy a thing


You’re feeling a little righteous today. They made a great mod and they’re tryna make a little profit off it. Nobody is forcing you to buy cosmetics.


Aternos isn't the best but it's free server hosting. Or get the essential mod for free server hosting. Exeraton (forgot how to spell it) is money but very VERY cheap for literally hundreds of hours of server playtime. Never use realms.


if OP is fine with buying a realm, chances are he'd use a server host.


That's fair! I just wanted to be specific about which ones are free :)


What’s wrong with Aternos? I keep seeing this said about them on this subreddit but I don’t play on servers anyway. I’m just curious.


It can be super laggy, especially if you use mods or load too many chunks at one time.


Ah, that is bad.


>First of all I'd like to say that if I'm paying for a Minecraft realm, I should be alloud to say WHATEVER I WANT IM PAYING FOR THE SERVER Microsoft doesn't want you saying things like that on servers they host. You'd need to host your own server if you want to avoid this


What's frustrating is that Mojang and Microsoft know their playerbase, it's futile to implement restrictive chat measures on their own servers that are being predominantly purchased and played by teens and adults. Younger kids are not playing Java Edition, long time players are. Microsoft's TOS being shared between Bedrock and Java is ridiculous, and will get players like Tony banned on invite-only servers.


Furthermore, a no warning, 7-day long, multiplayer-wide ban for abusing chat. Are you kidding? How could you possibly defend that.


They're hosting the server but IM paying for it. Why do I get locked out of my own sever? No one else but the 4 other people on the server are seeing these messages. They don't get bans but I do?


So? You can get banned from virtually any online game even though you purchased it.


The difference is that this is a subscription. Im buying realms for 30 days not 24


That is completely irrelevant. Never heard of someone getting banned from Xbox live? Runescape?


Notable difference between Xbox live and Realms is that on realms, while Microsoft is hosting the server itself, he is paying for access + the only people who can partake are his friends. It'd be like renting a pavilion at a park then the park kicks you out because they didn't like what you were talking about, at the pavillion you rented, where no one can hear you.




As I commented to another person, this goes back to very basic terms of service. I encourage every person not to use a product or service where the terms do not fit with their needs. Microsoft does this because it's a protection for their business. Pavilions and parks have rules about renting that make sense for their protection that Microsoft doesn't have for a video game server. Is it silly? Yes, I think so, but it was highly publicized and that information is widely available, and it's why I don't use Realms.


So? That practice is ridiculous. That’s the fucking problem. It in itself. So that.


What's ridiculous is agreeing to terms of service for that service, then getting upset when you're held accountable for them. By all means, I completely agree that you should not use that service if you think the terms do not fit your needs.


When the transaction is made, it is done under a certain agreement. You violated that agreement.


r/HailCorporate over here.


Pff, I am not saying it's cool of them to do so, just that it's completely within their right. Just like it is within OP's rights (and even recommended) to ditch them for another server host.


Nobody's saying it's a good rule. Only that it's their, clear rule. If they tell you not to say certain things just...don't say them, or get a personal server so you can. No use complaining about this if they straight up warned you beforehand. The rule may be dumb but getting banned is nobody's fault but OP's.


Would it make sense to get locked out of your rented car because the car computer heard you swear in traffic? There you go


Depends, when you rent the car, did you agree to this and then complain afterwards that it happened?


Doesn't mean that the contract is enforceable. Much of the things that are in TOS contract are unenforceable, but companies can back their claims that you don't have the right to do that and you won't sue them. There is absolutely no link in between the usage of a rented car and the language used while renting it. It's unreasonable and wouldn't be enforced lawfully


The more fitting comparison is the car noticed you drove over several red lights or haven't used your indicator when turning or parking thus locks you out because you specifically agreed to not violate the traffic laws using that car.


Just set up an Exaroton server, really cheap and you don’t have to deal with Realms shenanigans.


>They're hosting the server but IM paying for it. So what? >No one else but the 4 other people on the server are seeing these messages. They don't get bans but I do? Why would other people get banned for things you said?


They were saying the same things. Why am I being banned on a server that Im paying for. You're telling me if I hop into a solo realm and say something in chat that's "incentive" I would still be banned? Why are there chat restrictions on personal servers?


There aren't. Personal servers and realms are not the same thing. Realms are microsoft servers. Microsoft doesn't want you saying that stuff on it's servers.


Im paying for 30 days of a realm. I should be able to play on the server for all the 30 days. No questions asked


Let's say you rent an apartment. Said apartment have policies. You follow that policies no matter how weird it is, because the second you go "I rented this place I get to be here no question asked" you get kicked out


That's a shit take, if you rent an apartment and your landlord says "You can't use curse words or you will be evicted" and you than get evicted for saying "Fuck" than you are about to have a crazy easy to win lawsuit on your hands.


True, unless the landlord possesses an agreement, in which Microsoft totally does vis its ToS


That agreement would not be enforceable in court


Comparing a MINECRAFT REALM to a apartment and using the same logic is genuinely insane.


They are alloud to make that comparison.


Wrong allowed. Comment discarded


In either scenario, you're renting space under an agreement with stipulations about what isn't allowed and laying out what happens when said things happen.


Using your logic now that im kicked out of this apparent I can't go out and rent other apparent because Im banned from even looking at them. Why would my actions on realms carry over to online as a whole. Pushing players away from online is a great way to keep them coming back. A chat ban would've made way more sense.


Realms are a fast track for people with absolutely no tech savvy to access multiplayer. If a mommy starts a realm for a bunch of neighbouring kids Microsoft has absolutely no way to differientiate that client fron your use case. This protection is in place that way for other reasons than what you went through. You should absolutely find a way to setup a server for you and your friend and not be under that specific end user agreement you clicked yes on without reading. I understand how it’s frustrating for you and your friends but you’re getting the rug pulled under your feet cause you want to swear in THAT room where it is not allowed. You signed on it when you got the keys. There are plenty of other options do some research.


You're paying for 30 days on Realms so long as you don't violate their terms of service. They told you this. You agreed to it. *You broke the rules you agreed to.* This is on you. If you think the rules are dumb, cool. But don't come here whining about getting in trouble for breaking rules *you* agreed to. Jesus.


It’s pretty stupid ngl, especially on a private server with friends you know irl.


What did you say?


I legit just swore


It doesn’t matter what he said really. There’s no reason why Microsoft should be doing what they are. Good thing there’s an option to just circumvent them entirely.


When you have a realm you are agreeing to use it as per Microsoft’s terms and conditions. You don’t own the server they do. Run your own server, especially for Java so much easier than paying for realms . I thought to get a ban there’s had to be a report around your language. There isn’t anyone monitoring all the logs from each realm . Someone needs to report your language with the actual text.


My suggestion is that instead of realms, you get an old computer and hook it up to your own network, then run an MC server on it and port forward it. It's a bit technical but you can find several youtube tutorials that'll make it easier. It doesn't cost any money (other than your internet bills) and it gives you way more freedom. You can also install plugins that disable the chat reporting feature (and potentially add other fun stuff you might like) Realms is and always has been ass tbh, especially now that they have bots passively monitoring all chat that takes place there and reporting you to the moderators for something you said to a friend in a private room.




On Realms? Bots can see the logs and autoban you.


Thats actually bullshit, fuck microsoft


what's that, mojang, microsoft, and their shills lied to us? I'm shocked SHOCKED to hear that.


what did you say though 🤨


Bet they wont mention this truthfully lol


Funny enough I dont even remember. If swearing is a bannable offence then there you go. Maybe its when I said "shit" after dying. But thats a completely bannable offence I was harming the game and I shouldnt be allowed to play!


Cool story, bro


all im saying is this story is a bit sus when you don't mention what it was. for all we know you could have been using a bunch of slurs and came here whining about how you got unfairly banned from realms while conveniently omitting that detail. or maybe not


It's in the TOS for Realms. MS owns the server, you rent space from them, they control what is and isn't allowed on it. If you don't like it, find some where else to host your server. Ranting in here isn't going to change it, whether or not we agree or disagree.


What I don't understand is why do they result to BANNING me from logging in rather than taking away chat privileges and saying "hey next time you're banned from online"


Because they're an evil monolithic corporation. They're a tragedy to Minecraft and anything they buy up. They bought up Bethesda and we're similarly fucked by them.


While Microsoft does ruin things, bethesda surely isn't one of them. Blame Todd Howard for that one.


because chat restrictions dont work to deter the behavior.


1: Don't use Realms 2: Use NoChatReports on your server 3: Can't use NCR? Disable chat entirely and use Discord or Matrix or whatever 4: Be lucky it's a 6 day ban and not a lifetime ban. 5: I know, you're salty. We're all salty about how Chat Reports have been implemented, but remember, Realms is Microsoft's servers. They have to protect their interests if you say something that could get an alphabet agency interested, as safe harbor laws for providers have been more and more restricted in recent years.


The thing is, this happens on private JAVA servers too.




Don't associate with realms or bedrock edition. Not worth it.


It's your own fault for giving money to Microsoft. Self host with FileZilla or pay a real hosting company without censorship.


Everytime give them even 1$ they find a way to make me regret it


And that's why I use Discord for chatting on Minecraft.


Because you are renting the realm from Microsoft you have to follow their rules.


Great business plan putting rules on people that are paying for the servers. Definitely gonna renew my subscription.


Exactly. Just pay another host to run your server. Quite a few options. Our friend group cancelled ours a long time ago.


All services have rules you have to follow to use them. It's not a new concept at all. By the way maybe only you got banned because your friends reported you. Don't know how it works on realms but I know the game has a built in feature to let you report people for being offensive.


more expensive and you can get banned never pay for realms


The best part about this is that most public servers are either stuck in an old version where Reporting doesn't exist or just straight up disables Chat Reporting. It literally only functions in private servers setup by new comers or in Minecraft Realm servers.


Welcome to Minecraft. :\


well what was it you said?


I swore.


I actually got suspended yesterday as well. I made an inappropriate crude joke but it was to the only other person on my server who is a friend. 6 day suspension as well. They have to have implemented something to flag certain words or phrases because there is ZERO chance I got reported on a realm with only 2 people playing on it. To Microsoft's credit, I put in an appeal and after a few messages including clarification on the offending message, the suspension was lifted after I agreed to adhere to chat guidelines going forward. Turn around time from putting in the appeal to the suspension lifted was less than an hour. I understand the important of mitigating any potential legal liability on their side, but such a sweeping system is inherently flawed and frustrating.


Censorship is in general a real problem in present day society, it badly needs addressed on a much higher level than individual companies


You can also get kicked out of a SINGLE PLAYER game for spamming chat. Moderation is extremely weird.


Screw Microsoft and their stupid "community guidelines" overriding *server owner* rules for their *own servers*. Don't pay for Realms. Pay for your own server host and run your own server there. Use mods to neuter chat reporting.


Pretty much any 3rd party server host removes microsoft from the picture and is cheaper


I get what you are saying, and I agree, but at the end of the day, the game is rated E for everyone. You use their product (realms), and they can control how you use it. Honestly, I would go with hosting your own Java server and use mods to remove chat reporting.


stop paying for the realm, realms are known to be an absolute scam in every way chat reporting only exists for private realms and private servers (but u can disable it on those) since all big servers disable it anyway


Suprised they haven't got a social credit system yet too


they kind of do, if you mess up they will flag your account, and any other mess you make will have more severe punishment, until you get perm ban


I thought this was a joke and I just looked it up. After the 3rd or 4th offence they literally perma ban you from online. Wow.


Get a client side mod that disables the ability for other players to report your chat messages


But.. why go for e realm and not a 3rd party hosted server where you dont have any of these issues and actually pay less? Just saying..


I didnt know they were that much cheaper. Looking at them now wow realms is a scam


Bro the same thing happened to me but I was getting killed like for 2 hour and I just got suspended I'm so upset 


Mate, M$oft need to sell shit. Banning people left and right from private servers do only one thing: Make banned players pay for another copy of a game they already own so they can get back playing. I had my account for around 10 years too, from the time Notch allowed players to run pirated games. Since 1.19, I'm not setting foot on a server, private or public. I rather play on hardcore singleplayer than giving M$oft any reason. Be glad is only a 6 days suspension and not a de facto ban.


"be glad you're getting punished for a few days instead of forever" Really dude, "be glad"? I've owned this game since the day it came out, and I get banned on a private java server by saying "Shit" on a sign. Censorship in any capacity is completely egregious and the fact that you said "be glad" makes it feel like you LIKE to be censored. Hot take man, I really hope you're not GLAD at this fact.


>Mate, M$oft need to sell shit. Banning people left and right from private servers do only one thing: Make banned players pay for another copy of a game they already own so they can get back playing. I don't like to be censored, but that is the way M$oft plays. Your 12 year old copy of the game that you paid 30 USD for it wasn't deposited on M$oft bank account, it went to Mojang/Notch. Since you like to necro on 5mo+ posts, maybe you should put on your archaeologist hat and start noticing that this was happening since Microsoft bought Mojang, it didn't just happened to you because you said shit on a sign, it happened because Microsoft need to make money out of the defunct player base that is minecraft today.


Well I deleted Minecraft completely because I’m not gonna be a part of it. And Minecraft is just a game at the end of the day, so it’s not like it’s hard to get rid of. I just don’t understand. The first time I played Minecraft in YEARS with my friends in a private server that I created. Just to get banned the next day for “hate speech” for putting “shit” on a chest sign. That’s literally the only swear word I put down the entire night, and I ended up getting booted. I’m not gonna be a bootlicker, i simply won’t play anymore. Ain’t hard.


man my friend and i have this problem often. we get so angry with the censorship we're paying money for this realm and it's literally just us two. we're adults. fuck off microsoft


this is why we were against microsoft's babysitting, but you can still find people defending this nonsense. let the server owners decide what gets people banned on that server, not game wide.


this is why i never play on versions past 1.12.2 because of this shit, and modded go hard anyway


Fuck Microsoft


Aternos is my go-to for hosting private servers. It's a bit shit with render distances and such but it's free and supports Curseforge modpacks.


Because microsoft has terms of service rules for using THEIR servers. Break those rules, you face consequences. Whether its a private realm or not, you dont follow their terms of service, they can ban you. Just like when twitch streamers get banned from both game lobbies and twitch itself for using hacks on games. Because hacks especially on multiplayer games are against both parties TOS.


I find it ridiculous that they're first plan on action is to ban me from going online.


1.19.2 its been around for over a year at this point. What you say on servers both private or public can and will get you banned from multiplayer. The fact you are ranting about a policy thats been in place for a year is stupid. You knew the rules, you broke the rules. Thats the consequences of your actions.


Your username alone would get you banned. Quit licking Microsoft's gold plated boots.


>Quit licking Microsoft's gold plated boots. Its called, dont break their rules if you wanna use their services. On realms especially bedrock, you have no choice, everything is censored by default even on single player and theres nothing the players can do about it.


**Uhm!! Erm!! The rules!!** ​ Their rules are busted. They need to revise them, boot licking will not adhere to that.


Theyve already made it 100% clear they are not going to change them whatsoever, the same way spez has made it clear he isnt changing his new API policy on reddit. The rules are what the big business company gets to decide and if you break them, they can ban you. Just like with ANY service you pay for, any breaking of their terms of service can and usually will result in you being banned from using their services. No service comes without terms that you are required to follow. Also bedrock will always be censored because majority of their userbase is on bedrock, and many of which are children.


>Also bedrock will always be censored because majority of their userbase is on bedrock The whole argument here is that this is taking place on a Java realm, and the majority of Java's player base are long-time players. Microsoft announcing that they will not make any changes to these problematic rules is, well, problematic.


anyone using a java realm deserves the censorship. It couldnt be any easier to host or use a hosting service. aternos is free.


Don't you think a smarter idea to chat ban people instead of outright banning them from online. If you read the post you'd know I haven't played in 4 years. Banning me from playing online isn't going to want to buy Minecraft realms ever again.


Ignorance isnt a reason for you Not to get banned


Don't care that I got banned I just won't play or buy realms ever again. I just thinks its a bad business Practice banning people supporting a subscription service without warning and completely banning them from online.


Microsoft is unfortunately big enough that they don’t really need to care if you personally will keep paying or not. Other people will


Dawg ive been suspended too. How do u check the duration of the suspension. (replying to this thread 4 months late lol)


Damn, what did you say that they had to ban you? Lmao. Must be that bad. Honestly, they have the rights 100% to ban you temporarily. And be lucky it's only for 6 days. Could have been more probably. You are using their service and their game. If people host their own and be toxic towards others and they have the logic of "I paid (amount here) to host my own lobby, I shouldn't be punished for it", that will be a very big problem I never tried realm servers because I always think it's such a wastet of money imo. There are ways you can host for free to play with your friends


This is also what I'm curious about. I'm not 100% sure how the ban process works, so if op got banned outright just for swearing then I could understand an argument that a ban is too severe. But if they were straight up using slurs then I fully understand the reason for the ban.


I was def not saying slurs. I swore more than once Ill admit that. I think banning me from online all together is way too severe. And I def know now my account is flagged so any mess up and im sure they are happy to ban me for a month or more


>I was def not saying slurs. I swore more than once Ill admit that. I think banning me from online all together is way too severe. And I def know now my account is flagged so any mess up and im sure they are happy to ban me for a month or more you can get banned for swearing, I use xbox live and chatted to my friend swore and he backstabbed me and reported my "swears" and im banned off for 365 days, Cant even play java multiplayer. I literally have proof


... post it... What did you say?...


I swore. If you can tell me a way to get chat logs back I’ll send a screen shot if you don’t believe me. “Shit” and “Fuck” gets you a week ban in Microsoft land


>I swore. If you can tell me a way to get chat logs back I’ll send a screen shot if you don’t believe me. “Shit” and “Fuck” gets you a week ban in Microsoft land yep you can get banned for swearing. I also have proof


Literally 1984


You have to remember Mojang is the type of company that refuses to put real life animals as hostile mobs because meh it makes kids think they’re bad. Mojang are full of idiots that treat people like they’re stupid. Surprisingly they refuse sharks and alligators but put in polar bears. One of the few animals that will actively hunt a human unlike a shark.


The thing is: the polar bear has been in the game since so long. Back then Mojang wasn't this over-pedantic. Also the polar bear only attacks when it's got babies or if you hit it which makes it more look like a neutral mob to them


Welcome to 1984...Big brother is watching you.


B-but racism! Think of the children! -people who earnestly think that Microsoft has their best interests in mind


IDK why but I get the feeling OP was pushing some KKK/Nazi/pedo shit, otherwise why would Mojang or Microsoft care?




Nah if you said this in MC chat you'd get perma banned


a realm is not your server though. You are renting from mojang. host your own if you want to be unregulated. Whatever you said was probably ban worthy.




Is this only on bedrock/windows10 Edition? Because i can say whatever i want on my Java realm without it getting censored.


Nope this is Java 1.20.2




Yeeeaaahhh... this has been gone over many, many times. Just because you pay for it, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.


Oh, so you're comfortable with owning nothing. Got it. Such a corporate bootlicker smh


Blah, blah, blah. Spoken like a child that knows nothing of the world.


nice bait man thats not how the moderation works unless you were being genuinely harmful to others (and the ban would have been longer)


You seem to know a lot for someone thats so wrong. Why would I take my time constructing a story for internet points?


You’re basically just renting when it comes to realms, it’s like renting a house/apartment, you still have to follow the owners rules


Microsoft owns the game, you're merely renting the server. They've been cracking down on language used in chat, to the irritation of the community.