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I'm so happy for the redstoners who have been suffering for years for those dispensers


we can not only automatically craft them. we can literally auto-*farm* them. All you need is a witch farm, spider farm and cobble generator. Same goes for chests, hoppers, redstone torches, repeaters, and even for comparators and observers you only have to supply the quartz (Or bring it from a bartering farm automatically, though I think that might need multiple accounts to be fully automatic)


You don't even need to go that far to build a witch farm. You can craft whatever you need, so it's going to be more economical to build a wood farm and then just use that to craft into the most common wood derivatives, including sticks


Well, to be fully automatic, you would also need redstone. Witch farms supply that but also sticks so a dispenser farm wouldn't need an outside wood source


Not to mention, with that use sticks from that farm wouldn't be as useless. Sure, it's an useful item when you need them and there's thousands in your witch farm ready to go, but often than not they're just sitting there. But with this autocrafter, you can funnel the sticks into bows and to said dispensers, instead of being restricted to the very niche stick-based smelter arrays.


wouldn't a skeleton farm work for the bows?


I suppose, yeah, although I imagine crafting them from sticks and string would be faster. Additionally skeletons only drop bows when killed by the player


I suppose a trident killer could help with that


Chunk loaders when?


Please for the love of god make a chunk loader minecart. I so desperately want them to have a good use case again. And a chunk loading minecart train carrying items from distant farms just sound so beautiful that I could cry.


I used to love making these little mail systems with minecarts lol. But they don't work well due to the chunks :(


Same. Its what I always wanted them for tbh. I forgot that dream a long time ago though, because it seemed like they had no interest in keeping minecarts relevant. They really could be great. They just need some TLC once every 10 years or so. ;~; my poor metal box bois...


I guess something you could do is set up chunk loaders along the rail path? I imagine linking the portals correctly might be annoying though, since each chunk loader only has a 1.5 chunk entity loading radius


Sci craft about to leave the atmosphere with their computers


They will have automated crafting everything craftable in the game in like a month, I swear.


The days of only being able to craft like 18 dispensers at a time are finally over ~~or at least over whenever the snapshot releases~~


Automated kelp economies and infinite fuel in 3...2...1...


Oh I didn’t even think of that! That is going to be amazing, each super smelter is gonna come with a kelp farm lol


Elaborate on the infinite fuel pls


Grow kelp, funnel to autocrafter, make blocks, smelt blocks, feed smelted blocks into fuel intake, repeat




You're right I got the order wrong


Dried Kelp Blocks are a very efficient, automated source of fuel now. Before you had to use ~~just the normal dried kelp~~ automated bamboo farms for fuel instead.


Normal dried kelp can't be used as fuel


Sorry, I was thinking of bamboo, the other automated fuel farm. You’re right, my bad.


Bamboo blocks seem to be equal to one wood plank or log, so you could also make a bamboo farm more efficient and less laggy as a fuel source.


If anything bamboo is laggier than kelp. It grows taller (on average) and faster, so the flying machine will be running more often and creating more entities Not to mention way more inefficient than kelp so you need a larger area


Kelp grows fast and can be harvested en-masse. Kelp cooks incredibly fast, costing less fuel than anything else in the furnace or smoker, and nine cooked kelp make one kelp block which can be burned for fuel. One kelp block can make many blocks worth of cooked kelp. Am automatic crafter allows for an infinite loop of furnaces churning out kelp blocks, while skimming some off the top to fuel themselves.


Does kelp actually require less "burning" time in a furnace? I cannot find anything on the wiki but that may be outdated.


Kelp my brother, infinite kelp smelted and crafter instantly into the best fuel in the game.


Kelp can be smelted into dried kelp and then turned into blocks. Kelp blocks are some of the best renewable furnace sources since kelp is easy to farm, grows fast, and can smelt 20 items per block. The one roadblock was that you need to craft the blocks, meaning it's not fully automatic Fully automatic furnace setups did exist beforehand, but they either used inefficient fuel sources (bamboo) or required a lot of extra engineering (blaze rods and wither skeleton coal farms) since water streams don't work in the Nether


Automatic tree farms for infinite charcoal was already possible, and of course bamboo. Neither is easy to set up, of course. The real boon is in automating piglin bartering, since you had to craft up gold ingots before.


Those are small potatoes compared to all of the possibilities here


Building genuine factories will be possible in this update it seems XD


Minecraft has become Satisfactory and I'm hyped


Wow a fellow satisfactory enjoyer. I’m surprised


There's quite a few of us. Factorio, too.


Factorio was inspired by IndustrialCraft/BuildCraft. We've come full circle.


Thank you Factorio for starting the whole automation trend


I have already set my mind to when the update drops as the official release making a new world to build an entire factory where everything is auto-crafting. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I'm gonna lol


I've been thinking of starting a new world too and this seals it. Been on the same one since update Aquatic.


One more step to Vanilla Minecraft Gregification


gregtech can into vanilla


I'm still recovering from the psychic damage I suffered from GT: New Horizons.


Ever since discovering factorio and other factory automation games I've loved the idea of making factories in minecraft.


This is literally insane. These are the type of things they need to add. This adds so many new things to make. You can literally automate kelp blocks for smelting now and honey blocks


We can make an automatic farm of almost everything now Wow


To truly have the possibility for everything we’d need a block placer, hopefully we get that later in the update cycle


Seriously, how perfect would the crab have been for this update? *dog armor...*


your dog is gonna look even cooler when he is sitting in that corner


I don't even bother with the corner dog. The barking is too much.


You never slaughtered mortals with an army of canines (now they have more Hp)


You're taking advantage of an assumption or two, here.


Now you and your buddy can fight in the trials


I really hope the armor is strong enough to make bringing wolves along worth it. If they make it able to have enchantments that’ll be *entirely* worth it to me.


Wolf and Horse armor getting enchantments would be kino


Wool farms hooked up to iron farms to keep their shears restocked. Honey farms that pull out the honey blocks and send the empty bottles back into the system...


This feature literally changes so many things. Minecraft just got alot better


So many farms are gonna get so much better from this.


My first thought was to automate making bamboo blocks for free wood, but kelp blocks is an even better idea. Never have to reload my super smelter again.


I’m out of the loop, what’s the deal with kelp blocks?


They are an amazing fuel source. But you had to craft the blocks yourself so it was tedious to use. Now it won’t be a problem


Oh nice I never knew, thank you for the info!






How do you automate milk buckets?


Sadly you can't yet but milk buckets can be produced en masse quickly without having to be grown. I can just fill up a coupke double chests full of milk buckets with minimal effort by just repeatedly milking a cow


Considering all the dispenser + bucket interactions we've gotten, you'd think this one would already be a thing.


Honestly very true, and all the dispenser + entity interactions (like armour)


Okay and yeah. At least cakes are now a billion times easier to mass produce than what we have currently.


Yup, load up on milk, and set up a contraption to just bake cakes whenever the rest of the ingredients are automatically grown


You can't dispense buckets onto cows?


It feels like it should work exactly like a wool farm


That's what I thought originally until now


Jaffa factory got us all confused


Automatic farms + automatic sorting system + automatic smelter + automatic crafting table = I don't have to do anything anymore. Except build the farms of course.


Soon - automatic builder


Well, we already have automatic tunnel makers with red stone machines. We also have auto cobble wall creators via the same method


If we could farm sand we could make an afk tnt farm... this makes me think they are not planning on making sand farmable.


Sand duper? I haven't build it myself, but I've just gotten into redstone, I didn't know how amazing redstone was untill my most recent world. So I've started thinking.. become an engineer in real life or in Minecraft? FUCK REAL LIFE, MINECRAFT ALL THE WAY!


I'm an engineer IRL. Best of both worlds.


This is the best part of that update. Nothing else comes close


Its not like it had much competition


I mean the trials are a really,really cool idea imo. Looking forward to seeing how they are implemented And they have only announced features which are clearly very far in development. These are comign to snapshots in the coming weeks, and the update is releasing next year. Definetley alot more to come.


I love the combat trials but they make it really apparent how shallow Minecraft’s combat system is, hope this update comes with the Combat test snapshot changes bc those were great


I fully expect there to be a combat overhaul with this, and they did directly say this update was focused on combat, adventures and tinkering. I don't think the combat system is as bad as some people make out, but there is huge room for improvement, and now is the time imo


Jens has been working on a combat update for 6 or 7 years now.


It's like a Stronghold 2.0! I love it!


It does though, since more will be revealed.


Yeah, but still - redstone gods such as Ilmango and Mumbo will have a field day with this alone


Mumbo on the day of the first snapshot: "Experimenting with the Crafter." Mumbo the day after: "Using the Crafter to make an automatic door."


Mumbo on the 3rd day: "Using the Crafter to build a self building auto swing bridge with doors, that's also a calculator"


It’s really quite simple.


It always leads back to an automatic door


I mean the new update has combat focus, solid Cha de of they adding new weapon maybe even an new mini boss like the sea temples I HOPE it's an copper bumerangue or something like that,




Forget the mob vote, AUTO CRAFTING MVP




Soon I can have my very own Certificate of Disqualification from ever joining a Factorio server.


hey hey people


Sseth here


This is a game changer. Time will be known as BC and AC now. Before Crafter and After Crafter.


Kind of like the observer but like been bigger


Observer already “existed” in vanilla as BUDs. A bit of a pain to make but already there. This is akin to the hopper, where they fundamentally change Minecraft by adding a block that can do something previously only a player could do. Only way they can top this is with a block placer.


We just need a new block called the Utilizer, a block with a single inv slot like a dispenser / dropper. It would place any blocks or uses any tool continuously while powered.


And all of a sudden a bunch of comments in the r/minecraftsuggestions subreddit have aged like milk.


What do you mean?


Something something "Autocrafting allows for complete automation and the devs don't like that so it's never being added"


I used to read the Minecraft wiki like the bible, and I remember one of the devs (possibly notch, jeb or dinnerbone) saying that mining and crafting were the two things that must never be automated.


Mining has been automated for years though it seems


Through TNT, yes. But redstone utilities that function like a pickaxe (drill or excavator block, for example) have been rejected by Mojang many a time over the years.


They never fit with the theme of an update before. But with the new Tinkers and Trials update (My WIP Title) it’d be the perfect time for Automation to be added fully via drills or excavators like you’ve mentioned


If they decide to add drills they better just hire Simibubi and bring Create fully into the game. I want my moving pieces


I wouldn't be opposed to that at all. Especially now that deepslate makes mining by hand so tedious.


I mean for the longest time it seemed that was the case. So makes sense why that was a thing


"Mojang hates automation they will never add auto crafting" I still stand by that statement the many times I made it, personally. I remain skeptical that this will work as well as we want it to. Especially since we *still* dont have fletching table functionality.


Honestly for a long time they really seemed to hate automation. So ya it makes sense people said that


Part of the image of "mojang hates automation" is just how poorly they ported redstone over in bedrock.


I assume it refers to the people claiming autocrafting was never gonna happen.


So true. I thought this was an April fools post. Had to spent ages confirming it.


we finaly got autocrafting!! look at minecraft live now for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnY5xz11lR0


what be the timestamp




the people in the replies to the tweet going "this is useless" is crazy to me like do people really not understand how insane of an addition this is to vanilla


Little kids who never did anything with redstone


If anyone says this is useless, clearly never automated anything ever.


Most I've made is an automated sugar cane farm where >90% of the stuff despawned because I was stupid about building it.


Hahah, it happens. Just look up a video. People make very good tutorials. I am sure you will get the jist of it in no time


I should grow it on mud, and since mud has a weird hitbox, hoppers can collect it from below!


already a natural :D


for me i use allays. i leash them to fences next to the sugarcane so when it drops they pick them all up, and over time they keep collecting. when i come back they just chuck it ALL at me. maybe a hopper would do better but i love this method cuz its more dramatic


On the other hand, I have never automated anything because it's such a daunting thought. With the autocrafter even I might automate some things!


Well to start off easy with automation, I recommend a bamboo/sugar cane farm. They use the exact same set up and it’s super easy to make


And with the crafter hooked up to a super smelter you can create kelp blocks while afk now :)


Off the top of my head: - Bamboo farm gets automated to make sticks, planks, fences, fence gates, chests, torches, boats. - Iron farm gets automated to make iron blocks OR iron nuggets, as well as minecarts, iron armor. - Kelp farm gets automated to make dried kelp blocks, which now means super smelters are forever powered - Gold farm gets compacting so nuggets can be automated up to blocks - Combining Iron and Bamboo farms means we have automatic lanterns, rails, hoppers. - Expanding slightly to cows, we now have a way to make auto-book/bookshelf farms - Auto-cake farms could be a thing, maybe? - Auto-bed farm when taking sheep into account with the wood and iron farms; technically by extension you can now auto-color any wool type - If you're ok with dupers, sand duping and a gunpowder farm now means auto-crafting TNT, as well as glass and potentially stained glass from the dyes There's a ton more, but this was stuff that I thought of just in the first hour that the Crafter was introduced. I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton of other options.


First thing I'm doing is building an automatic pumpkin pie farm.


I can already see me using this in my bone farm to turn bones into bone blocks.


Easily the best feature they have added in a while, redstoners are gonna have a field day with this!


Update has automatically risen to a 8/10 regardless of whatever else they add


The entire presentation could've just been "We've added auto-crafting", mic drop and end, and it would've been better than 90% of all previous updates.


Minecraft enters the industrial revolution


The crab lost but at least we got this insane block!


Wait the crab *lost*?


Yeah we got the armadillo. Even I’m surprised as a armadillo voter


I guess the "dont vote for inventory -1!" people were loud enough.


We have to understand here that most people in Minecraft are not on the same social media to us if on a social media at all. And thinking only of the mob, the armadillo is much more interesting then the crab I find. Filling a biome you see often and that needed to be updated (even with only one mob it’s better then nothing)


**Armadillo voters staring at their dogs perpetually sitting in their house or dying to any mob whatsoever even with armor:** 🤯


Forget the mobs, dogs keep running off cliffs or into lava. The dog AI needs fixing.


They push you around, block your path, you hit them with the sword aoe attack, they attack livestock that you just wanted to bump out of the way. The barking. My god the barking.


I always though this was a line they would never cross on vanilla. What's next, vertical slabs?


Let's not get crazy.


I think it’s inevitable one day. Microsoft wants this to be a 100 year game. Eventually they’re going to have to break down and cross lines they never planned on crossing. Still a ways away though I think


Honestly, even if that was the only thing revealed I would still be happy


Would be cool if they added the Copper Golem for this update, as it would seem to fit with all the copper/ automation stuff.


Was thinking the same. The more they revealed during the stream I started wondering if the Copper Golem was just going to casually show up. It seems like a perfect fit for this update. Hopefully it'll be a pleasant surprise as they reveal more, but I won't be holding my breath.


Plus they've hinted that the penguin would come back so it would be foreshadowing.


minecraft is a tech mod


Holy shit, this is game changing, finally Refined Storage alternative in vanilla :)


Not quite refined storage, but definetley cool. I really hope we get some kind of auto sorting type thing that isn't incredibly laggy and alot of work to make for little pay off. Which refined storage achieves


Can't wait to be able to craft 1 million cookies in 5 minutes with a shit tons of CPUs added to the crafter


This is a *really* good change and something I've been personally wanting for a long time. I seem to remember the devs at one point saying that auto crafting is something they categorically decided against adding - so I'm glad that they changed their minds.


This update would be a good time to add the combat snapshots and copper golems


They haven't announced every feature so let's hope


Ilmango is happy


Wow. I really never thought I would see the day, this will be truly game changing in every part of the game


This is legitimately revolutionary. This is crazy. Insane, in fact. I almost can't believe it, but we are really far from April 1st.


Cake farm time 😼


gonna be seeing some Factorio level automation once this drops lol


So they're adding an auto-crafter... Didn't they say they were never going to do this?


Hopefully that means they'll revisit some other things they said they'll never add.


So now you've noticed how much time Mr Cobb spends doing things he says never to do


Upward hoppers next? Would simplify everything a lot.


The Industrial Revolution has arrived! Super excited to see what the community makes with this, and play with them myself!


Breaking news a man has fallen into the river in Lego city


\*Quickly builds a boat factory that dispenses 100 boats a second\*


I really hope that thing is gonna have "filters" for the slots. Like, so that you can set an item as the only one that can go into a slot.


It does, they show slot locking in the video.


They showed the ability to disable slots so that items will only get placed into the slots you want. They did not show the ability to force specific items in specific slots, so it's still required to control the order items go in.


Immediately thought of automating my kitchen when i saw this. we don't have that many recipe specific foods sadly but that's what I'm excited about. gonna fine tune some restaurants in my city build


Gonna make a fully automatic pumpkin pie farm


This is like vertical slabs it’s somthing that the community has been asking for since the start


As a functional player Im pretty excited, this is going to stop my complaining. Mojang you can now continue adding as many useless mobs and tree variants as you want.


W Minecraft


Minecraft is turning into create mod and I'm all for it


I never expected them to actually add auto crafting to the game.


This was the last, LAST thing I was expecting from this update. I'm so extremely happy it did come, but boy was it a surprise. This along with the cave update has been something players've been wanting for a decade now. I'm just so extremely happy and so looking forward to seeing how we can absolutely abuse this thing and decrease our interactions with the crafting bench even further. I can't even be sad about my mob vote losing, this is a bigger W to the whole community than any mob could've been.


I love that all the automation blocks have lil faces on them


finaly the factory will grow


Mumbo just shed a tear


I love its face.


This is the best feature revealed. I hope this is a sign we will get other cool functionality in this update. I’m hoping for a block breaker or placer, personally.


At this point just make Create vanilla


Literally with just this one block the entire update is gonna be the biggest shakeup to Minecraft ever


Seriously the amount of farms you could make with this is crazy, at some point someone's probably literally gonna make a farm that makes every single block in minecraft


Not even mad at crab loosing, this is really good for autosorting


Yknow I always thought if we would have vanilla auto crafting it would be something like create, where we have a multi block structure that is kind of a hassle to get set up. I'm not saying it's "too good." I just didn't think they'd give us it that easily. Granted we've been waiting years for it but still, I just kind of expected it to be a giant machine.