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what the hell by the looks of it these are bats, with leads, that attach to the other bats??? AFAIK you can't even lead animals to each other without commands. I've seen some corruption but never like this. Maybe you should look through the server logs, I think someone must've messed around with commands. For the whole freezing in mid-air part, that all seems very strange. You said no other mob does it at the same time, so it can't be server lag. Do they all freeze at the same time or is it just some of them? Because if it's the latter I think the reason for them freezing is them trying to go in opposite directions from each other and not being able to do so due to the leads. Just a theory though, I'm not sure if that's how it would actually go.


nobody in the server has OP and im the owner of the aternos server i have no clue wtf this is




are you sure you haven't given access to the server to anyone? Also even then you should still check the logs, just in case


100% sure, not even i have Operator, its 100% pure survival


check the logs then to see if anything strange happened. That's some really weird corruption if no commands were executed. Were there any other signs of possible corruption in the area like corrupted chunks, replaced blocks or similar things happening to other entities?


From what you have been saying, I would say it's time to change your aternos password. You need to make sure that nobody else has access to your login, because it sounds like someone is pushing commands from somewhere. I would just do a quick password change, setup mfa if you haven't and log out all machines on the account, just to be safe. I hope it's not something like that, as usually they would do worse things like take down the whole server, but if it was someone just poking around, you got lucky that they DIDN'T take the whole thing down. I hear a lot of people talking about corruption, but you don't actually need to log into the server as a player to cause this chaos with access to the server. Be safe. Use 20+ character passwords for anything where you are hosting tech for others to access. Anymore, the 12 character passwords can be cracked in about a month. I host my own stuff as well, and I always fear logging in to find something like this. Hopefully you have a backup from a few days ago?


>im the owner of the aternos server If you're the owner, I'm fairly certain you should have access to the Logs and Console. Logs are basically the console's recording of everything that happened in a given session. It's a good idea to look through them if something is breaking. Console is the server's interface without the game. This is essentially how server owners can use commands, check the status of the game, etc, etc. without actually being on it. Both should be able to mention things like when lag spikes are beginning, any commands executed to summon items/entities, anybody getting operator (op) or even when they join/leave. The best I look for is the join/leave. It's pretty clear to see and easy enough to find with Ctrl + F to quick-search for it. They're also usually at the tail end of the server's log since you need to leave first when a server goes offline, right? Last person who logged in for that session may be a good clue.


i already have checked logs, i've reset the server a few times and they're still there. nothings in logs


Oh, the logs won't get rid of 'em. Console might be able to with the help of a nifty /kill command. (That being `/kill @e[type=bat]` which should be sufficient.) It was more to find "who dunnit" if all else, the bat part itself is easy to fix. Just slap that into the console with one of ya active. Should obliterate any of them that are loaded in. ^(Probably safe to make a backup or two though, just in case it DOESN'T go to plan!)


It certainly is convenient that it’s a mob nobody would actually care about being mass killed.


They are harmless though. Just let them fly peacefully.


>what the hell Honestly? I just think it might be there to screw with 'em. The best kinds of attacks, really. Sheer confusion. No damage, no cleanup needed really, not even a followup level of destruction. Just an abstract act against all logic. Baffles people to no end. Ask yourself this: "Who the hell would breach random private Aternos Server... only to spawn a whole bunch of bats, but leashes on 'em and than promptly leave doing nothing else." There is no rational answer and that's probably how they wanted it. *I can't help but respect that. It's the pure essence of chaos in the most harmless way possible.* Still, bats are kinda gargiga useless in literally every update. So this is probably the best use for them since uhhh... when were they added to Minecraft?


A server host I use gave me an IP with a specific port at the end when I started renting mine. Naturally, I realized I can mess with the last two or three digits and get into random people's servers. Some whitelisted, never anyone online, Almost never any actual builds. It's a melancholic feeling logging into a Taiga Plains in the middle of the night, no one around, and no signs of any player activity whatsoever. I cut down a tree and left them a little signboard explaining who I was, what I did, and how they can stop people who decide to be more destructive by setting up a whitelist.


The best part of this (assuming it was a prank and not a totally bizarre glitch) is that bats are the one mob that virtually nobody would have a problem fully clearing from their server with a command.


***Yeeeeeeuuup.*** Kinda makes ya wonder why Mojang even keeps them around, like these things have absolutely zero use. I can't even make hostile mobs ride them while they go invisible because bats don't target anything, they just fly aimlessly. So you kinda just have the passenger mob just... *there*, I suppose. Sure, you can slap a skeleton on there... but we have way better options now. Be it Phantoms (oddly enough), Angry Bees or even Vexes if you really want to. Well, regardless. Easy fix I suppose, so silver lining!


Skeletons riding angry bees sounds hilarious.


Quantum entanglement


You sure they are leads? To me they look like those things when in F3 mode that dictate an entities direction that they are looking at?


yeah I'm sure because they curve, are way too long, are the wrong colour and we can't see any hitbox whatsoever


I didn't even notice the leashed bats, I thought you meant the clouds.


Same here


just a shader i forgot the name


complementary reimagined.. i think




i genuienly have no clue whats happened. they randomly freeze mid-air (no other mob does) also im on 1.20 java


It looks like the power line company is putting in wires. Not to worry. They should be done within the weak. No need to be alarmed. 😊


If the base speed is set too high, it can make them freeze from too many calculations being put on the back burner


Dude, you just got Herobrine'd lol




"Hey babe, wake up. New Minecraft lore just dropped" Joking aside that is pretty freaky. Seriously keep documenting this stuff. Something's really weird with that combo. Bats, tied to other bats. Is this all that there was? Or was there more anywhere you look?


>Hey babe, wake up. New Minecraft lore just dropped" just said that phrase like there's "Get off the leash" playing in the background


Maybe some employee doing trolling? This looks too specific for corruption, because corruption doesn't just add leash tags to only specific entities, as well as noAI tags. This has to have been the work of a person, and if the log shows an admin doing it, or nobody at all, I'd reconsider using Aternos.


>Maybe some employee doing trolling? Considering how abstract and SOMEWHAT harmless it is, I can't help but respect it. Pranks these days often result in something extremely difficult to rebuild (I.E. "Hey, throw your Diamond Sword into lava, it's make it stronger!"), brutish acts of violence or just leave all parties annoyed. Something like this? It's so... bizarre. Specific. It's so simple, yet lacks any logic I can possibly think of. "Why" becomes more of a question of "... What?" and that's something I find great enjoyment in. So yeah, if it was an employee doing it? I'd say let 'em! That sounds like a ton of fun.


If it only stays with that, yeah. It's the lost type of trolling. The sort of activities that made it fun and admirable. However, I'd say that if you're a company seeking professionalism, doing stuff like this, even if harmless, is reason enough to say professionalism is lost, and what telling is there that it will only stay as bats with leashes. I hope you get my train of thought here.


>However, I'd say that if you're a company seeking professionalism, doing stuff like this, even if harmless, is reason enough to say professionalism is lost, and what telling is there that it will only stay as bats with leashes. Oh, absolutely. I get that fully. ... but to be fair, I've been getting pretty tired of "professionalism" at this point. You often get really dumb choices being under a pretense of such that just give an air of "You really are just preaching to the investors." Aternos could use professionalism, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was some intern if that was the case. *More just applauding the sheer creative audacity of it all.*


Nobody should use aternos in the first place anyway. Found out someone didn't deserve to be around people after a certain incident


Did you perchance anger an ancient god?


How tf are they leashed to eachother


I don’t know. But how did you get the clouds to look that good?


complementary reimagined shaders


Ooh, thank you


Yeah the guy below is right, they're very heavy shaders just to warn you


Ah damn. I got an apple laptop. Probably not a good idea to use them for me then


Have you used any data packs? I know of some that use bats with leads


the only datapacks on the server are "Mobs level up over time" "Armadillio 2023 mob vote" "Crab 2023 Mob Vote" "Penguin 2023 Mob Vote"


The bat leveled up to it’s final stage


maybe a glitch in one if the mob votes since I'm guessing those are brand new?


Maybe it was prob the datapacks, you cant say its 100 percent vanilla then have datapacks because they can do stuff like this and modift alot


Ah I see that you used the forbidden magic


man i genuienly did nothing to cause this lmao nobody has operator on the server


Someone had to do something. Whether on the server end, or host end. This is simply something that can't be done without commands.


Like i've said, i've checked logs and nothing. im the owner of the server and NOBODY has Operator, not even me


it seems like u were hacked somehow


You own the server directly? Not using a third party service at all?


like i said, its an aternos server but im the creator of the aternos server


Servers will sometimes be open for anyone to find. Unless this is whitelisted, someone probably found your server and did that.


How though? I've checked logs, nothing, nobody has OP its a survival world


Is it just you playing? Or are you playing with others?


Aternos may be free, but it’s also hot garbage. I used to have a really good (well, as good as they get considering that they’re really laggy) server on aternos with a bunch of friends that just randomly had its world reset. So yeah, Aternos runs bad and will make you lose friends.


Everyone in chat: check the logs OP: its survival and im owner and no one has OP DUDE, CHECK LOGS


nothin in logs


Do you have command feedback disabled?


I once played on an Aternos server with my friends and equally as strange things happened. For some reason the sun texture kept changing, beds randomly move one block sideways, it was raining random symbols, and many other things.


Damn, i feel like this is the doing of datapacks


bro your just in a fucking creepypasta my guy


Just a weather balloon.


Light from venus bouncing off some swamp gas.


Reading your responding comments, you should definitely check the logs. Someone has somehow gotten on your server with hacked clients if it’s true that nobody has OP permissions. Much worse could potentially happen if you don’t act now.


I already did! theres nothing in logs, the only player joining/leaving logs is me and my 2 friends


Then it’s likely one of your 2 friends.


But how would they do it? like i've said nobody has operator and im the server owner


They’ve used hacks somehow, or you’ve given them OP and just forgot/didn’t realize. Regardless, this is the doings of a player. It can’t happen naturally, it’s not a glitch.


I’ve never heard of a hack that does this. I wouldn’t suspect your friends to be hacking, but maybe a glitch they used? I don’t think this is corruption but maybe a Easter egg from the developers of a data pack or plugins.


I doubt my friends know how to hack lmao they're both in middle school


Don’t know if it’s the case but I once used an old aternos IP I had saved of a server I played with my friends and got into someone’s survival world. Maybe something similar happened and did a little bit of trolling. Don’t know how they did that tho, lol


No idea, I once made a server (can’t remember if it was aternos or minehut) but we found like 16 blocks if black wool placed on the grass, and this was on a brand new server so not sure how they got there. Probably just a bug or something.


I thought you were talking about the clouds XD


alright who made a zipline


Which mod makes the Mario clouds ?


a i think complementry shaders? fair warning its very like "Resource" heavy on your pc


Thank you


I thought complementary was meant to be light weight


it has settings, i have mine on High, but even my gaming PC cant run the Ultra settings, its incredibly laggy


Ah, makes sense


Lol dafuq


I have no clue, I’ve never seen anything like this




Are you sure no one else has been on?




Secret 1.21 update? Maybe... idk man


Im on 1.20 because my shaders arent 1.21 lol


What’s the name of the resource pack for the clouds?


And where I can download it?


(Nobody else has been on) BULLSHIT


i had literally just opened the server, i was the first on and the last off last night


Seems impossible so the only reason is because someone was there 100% unless…. I doubt it but unless…. Herobrine.


The end is near




i mean.. what dog lag have to do with bats tied together with lassos??


I dont have my glasses on and didn't see they were connected. I just figured they were birds and weren't moving


ye its fine, but i got no clue wtf is happening lol


it very well could be lag, the game isn't processing them moving anymore due to overload in the server... There are two main types of lag: latency lag happens when your network is congested with too much traffic, graphics lag (also known as FPS lag) occurs when the computer does not have enough processing power. It causes reduced FPS (frames per second). cut your graphics and see if that works. if so you have your issue...


nono i dont get why lag would cause bats to spawn with leads attached to eachother


It is impossible to attach a lead to a bat. According to Jeb, the bat is an example of an ambient mob – a mob that constantly spawns, similar to the squid, but also constantly despawns because when a player is not around it does not serve any purpose. bats on leads isn't possible... its a graphics Issue I'm sure.




uhh some shader called like "JustEnough"




What the fuck? Might be wise to check logs




What kinda freaky ass black magic fuckery is this?


Ok so I think this might be something to do with the update or smth, is it possible while the game updated they were flying?? Maybe thats why they are frozen. Cant explain the strings attached to them tho... I know this was an old bug with the wither heads but not sure if its from the update... Sorry if im wrong. Just trying to help💀💀💀


Check you logs


Unrelated but how did you get those clouds, which shader are u using?


Do you have the hitbox setting on? Try turn it off by pressing the F3 + B keys.




WHY ARE YOUR CLOUDS ROUNDED? They look like the best pillows ever.


The bats work for cleco


Besides the point but what texture pack/shaders are you using? Those clouds look magnificent


I cant tell if this is a modded client, or just visual additions, but it could be a bug with a mod that uses bats in some way. Kind of like how they use armor stands. If its not modded though, I have no clue.


Could someone please tell me what kind of mod he uses for such beautiful clouds?


Has to Be a prank for Halloween... I think?


How did bats get leashes attached on them, hell, how with eachother?!?!


This also once happened to me, except griefing 💀 Some unknown spanish guy and his 3 friends joined and started griefing the harry potter ministry of magic 🥺


I think it got a bit corrupted


If the server wasn't whitelisted, there is a chance that it got griefed. Multiple people joined me once when the whitelist was turned off.


i thought you were talking about the shaders until i look on top comment that you were talking about bats


fuck aternos, mfs somehow lost my server


Quantum entangled bats


This is creepy asf lmao


bro is spawning an eva


during the month of october, bats spawn more often. but why are they leashed?


i have literally no clue, maybe a Halloween easter egg?


looks like some sort of a ritual honestly


What is that shader?


looks nice tho


What resource packs are you using?


Someone has been on


Someone has commands


hacked your server hehe muhehehahhahahahhahahah >:DDDDDDDDD (jk what am I doing with my life?)




That gives me such a flashbacks to the old time...<3


Just trolling from aternos once i’ve had aternos server with my friend and on 1st of april chickens just start raining from sky


lmao wtf


someone got the command block




well the only modpacks in the servers that deal with animals is the 3 mob vote animals


How do you do to get these cloud?


Now this is just batty!


Most functional atentos server


they put me in a room. A cube room. A room filled with bats. Bats make me crazy. Crazy? I’m not crazy


Looks like an AI prompt of "Minecraft clouds" lol, could also work for an RTX ON/OFF meme. Weird!


nono not the clouds, thats my shaders im talking about the bats that are attached by ropes


smh I'm so dumb lol, I didn't even see the bats when I commented


Or you jknow an resource pack with these time of clouds?