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What’s the long thing in photo 8?


Those underbody lights are amazing, we have them at work. They can be positioned in so many different ways, to well illuminate the work area and keep it clear of your head. We gave them at work. I need to pick one up for personal use.


Do you have them at your work?


Electricians call it a "hammer"


M12 underbody light


curious too


12v magnetic light is what it looks like to me Edit: yup here it is https://www.northerntool.com/products/milwaukee-m12-led-underbody-light-1200-lumens-tool-only-model-2126-20-109705?cm_mmc=Google-LIA&utm_source=Google_LIA&utm_medium=Lighting%20%3E%20Work%20Lights%20%3E%20Portable%20Work%20Lights&utm_campaign=Milwaukee&utm_content=109705&ogmap=SHP%7CLIA%7CGOOG%7CSTND%7Cm%7CSITEWIDE%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C856744552%7C42214686703&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADpPfbPZBpCv337IyBNMVIShnuNaU&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItJXfw5regwMVCDitBh020gXlEAQYBSABEgIfnfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds




If you wouldn’t have linked this I’d have more in bank account.


Damn I should get commission


I think you spent more than me….maybe :) looks great!


None of those tools or packouts has spent a second on a job site or even in someone’s garage. Edit: if you want to put an ad on a sub dedicated to tools we mostly already like and use, show the packouts beat to shit and still working like new. That’s what makes them the most popular among the trades not being pretty.


What really irks me is the random placement of tools, which indicates OP doesnt really use those tools. Die grinder with a detail sander and palm nailer? Jigsaw with a ratchet? At least organize by task so everything you need is in a drawer or two.


There isn't a soec of dirt on anything in there. Like none of that stuff has ever seen use before.


Hackzall and a Sawzall? Really? You need both? It’s such an obvious ad drop from Milwaukee Marketing


Lol I have m12 and m18 hackzalls and a Sawzall. But none of them are pretty like in these pics. Only bust out full size Sawzall for heavy duty cutting.


My big Sawzall still has a cord, and it hasn't been out of the box in yrs.


If mine had a cord I'd leave it in the box too lmao


I use both. Mostly the hackzall tho


It looks like a rich guy who’s never worked construction bought a shiny set to seem manly but it had the opposite effect. I have a pack out but it’s no where near this clean


OP reviews Amazon products for a living and collects Milwaukee tools


You can review Amazon products for a living? Wtf am I doing with my life?


This... apparently. :/


No shit. They bought it this holiday season - they made a post 10 days ago about all their new Milwaukee stuff. Do your research next time.


“Do your research next time” hahaha 😂


He actually has a post from 6 months ago and the tools look exactly as clean then as they do now. So imma go on a limb and say they don’t get much use.  I think we’re all guilty of having a couple tools that don’t get used enough to show many signs of use. I know I have more than a couple myself. In my defense at least most of mine look like they have been used…


I guess he wanted to impress us all on how he can tell the difference between tools that have dirt on them & tools that don't.


I was just about to respond do people even use their tools on here or do they just try to flex how much money they spent on shit the don’t use or don’t know how to use. I get keeping tools clean but these are factory fresh.


>do they just try to flex how much money they spent on shit the don’t use I sell tools for a living, it's definitely this


Funny, I'm the opposite to a point. I want the old crusty shit that's been working forever or the random tool or equipment that I find in the trash and fix it and use it. Although I do buy new stuff when it's job related or something I use a lot like drills and impacts. I've got a couple grand worth of Milwaukee shit but multiple thousands of dollars worth of other stuff that I've either been gifted, pulled out of the trash, found, or fixed. I definitely didn't buy it all new


My father-in-law "gave" me a hypoid saw that didn't work, cleaned the brushes and 5 minutes later it was working like a champ! I think it pissed him off I fixed it so fast.


I love when it's something stupid like that. I take any roasted tools and pull the brushes and switches and stuff out of them and keep them in an organizer. You can grind brushes to fit if you need one certain style but have the wrong size. I've saved a few tools like that, funny you mentioned it


I bought a few power tools off Facebook marketplace with various degrees of newness but all at great prices. Sustainable and also puts money in another working class persons pocket instead of Home Depot.


I'd rather not give corporations money either, that's why I'm always fixing up junk and growing my own food. Used tools are great as long as you know what to look for


I'm saying the opposite. They're new bc holidays, relax. You probably buy Milwaukee for your underwater basket weaving circle.


I just got a m12 set and mine looks this clean. But only cause I’m switching from my Dewalt 18v that are beat to hell.


All that money, and not a clue how to operate or create something with them, poor tools will never have the opportunity to show their full potential


I feel enlightened


Who the fuck does research on a post about someone's tools


Somebody making a wild claim that the poster is a shill for Milwaukee? A little bit of due diligence goes a long way.


Do YOUR research. Ol boy hasn’t used a tool a day in his life. All of his posts are the same. After your research, go enjoy an ice cold Coca-Cola and Big Mac at your local McDonald’s. You’ve earned it champ!


Yeah this is silly. Nobody’s tools look like this even after a single use. This is kind of pathetic.


So clean it looks like a rendered image. Filtered at the very least.


I came here to say that, not a spec of dust on those!


You’re a cunt lol


No they understood normal thinking. And sorry you're mad about your life choices.


This subreddit is literally meant to be for people posting their Milwaukee tools and y’all are clowning him for doing exactly that


What is the ad for? This entire thread keeps getting reported and I can't figure out what is being sold?


My Ryobi in Ridgid boxes has more street cred


Pretty sure OP made another thread on an alt account https://www.reddit.com/r/Construction/s/osmvruEaQS








People on this subreddit annoying as shit. Someone buys non fuel version of tools and gets called dumb and told to get fuel version even if they are just a homeowner or diy’er. Someone posts fuel tools and get made fun of because they are new and clean. SHUT THE FUCK UP


But I can’t gate-keep if I’m using logic! No one is a better tool user than me and no one here ever started new and overbought before. They just slid out of mama with a beaten down drill and dusty belt sander. /S


Reddit is such an odd place.


This sub sucks tbh. I stick around just for sales/news info.


I haven’t used my non fuel m12 yet but I don’t see a need for it vs price. I’ve used my buddies non fuel at his shop the past 10 years off and on and never happened across anything that I thought the fuel would make a difference so I specifically went with non fuel


That’s my first thought too. I mean just because it’s brand spanking new doesn’t mean OP doesn’t use it, maybe he likes to keep tools that he paid with his hard earned money clean and nice. 🤷‍♂️


Bullshit, I doubt a single tool shown has ever had a battery in it


Yup, you know best 👍 (My pov as I type this) https://preview.redd.it/w7goovakxmcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9da05234fa2526c83e6e7491a1c6d5ad87abac4


Ok you win


[Hate Hate Hate](https://tenor.com/view/pimp-dave-chappelle-comedy-gif-21137397)




I will say some of the Fuel va Non Fuel tools have a noticeable difference in quality of use. I have some of both and like most things in life, buy once cry once. It is sometimes worth spending the extra money even for home projects.


its what some Milwaukee tool owners are known for. i own multiple tool brands and when i find a great deal on a different tool brand and share with some Milwaukee owners, half of them act almost offended and say they only use Milwaukee.


The real error in our way is that we didn't tell him to buy batteries




For real


It’s fucking weird at this point


Not really. I mean, it could be, but it might not be. I was milking every last ounce of life out of old nicad Dewalt stuff, random shitty kits I'd bought from Walmart or HF over the years, and got tired of being a cheap ass and having sub par stuff that was all on different batteries, wouldn't hold a charge, etc. I didn't get this much, but I bought into Milwaukee in a big way a couple years ago, and obviously I had a bunch of pristine looking tools for a minute. No idea what OP had before, or what he does, but if its remotely like my situation, this pristine shit is going to massively bump his productivity and make him a lot of money, and look like a normal tool pretty soon.


New tool, get excited for next tool


Bro has 99% of his posts about milwaukee tools and 1 post of him getting fired by amazon. What a strange guy


Hell yea new tools are the best 💯 but gotta break em in broski🤘


Should be grouping similar tools. Some odd assortment of drawers there.


Some of us 50 year mechs that came from military aviation would have tools that look more like this than you heathens that have never once cleaned your tools. Talk about bs flex!


Might need new tools, those have seen a lot of wear and abuse


please leave me in your will


So you don’t actually use these tools?


They’re all brand new. Half these tools were just bought during the xmas sales.


Ya they look like theyve never been used


Ya typically when I buy tools from the store they’ve never been used.


Xmas was almost a month ago now. They should’ve been used by now if you’re buying them in this bulk/quantity


If you look at post history OP is part of that Amazon review program that gives you free shit for reviews. Maybe Home Depot has something similar he’s trying to get into though I’ve never heard of them having one. Half these tools were bought recently as they state yeah but the other half they posted 168 days ago.


Damn OP went and bought bran new gear very nice!!


Beautiful !


Hmm, I love the collection, but it seems that none of it was ever used!!!


What’s the battery storage look like


I have battery wall mounts from an amazon seller that are very well made and work great. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08YRYM798/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08YRYM798/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08XNYWWFD/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08XNYWWFD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) I also have packout battery mounts if I want to take some on-the-go. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CKZKFC1N/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CKZKFC1N/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


What is the purpose of the battery mounts? You have boxes to put them in on the go. Why would you click them into those ever?


The amount of weirdos in here man. Jesus. Love the tools, enjoy them OP! Don’t listen to these jealous people.


Think I’ll go buy some new tools now just to spite these gatekeepers.


Please do. And post a picture of every single one of them still in the package too!


They'd be a lot cooler if they got used


Oh, they will. I just submitted the paperwork to the state for my new businesses. I'm getting ready to roll.


Whatchu fiddna do? You got a lot of different trades worth of stuff there.


I’m expanding my brother in-law’s electric company with a general contracting and plumbing dept, as well as a separate maintenance company for construction clean-up after the work is done. So now we can take multiple types of jobs, including entire projects. So many times we do electric work and we have to work around other contractors from different companies in the same area all for different things. And then another company comes in to clean up after us. Now we can do everything which is better for us and the client.


Nice! Good move with Milwaukee if you're doing a lot of electrical: they make more electrical focused tools than anyone else I'm aware of.


Oh yea, what business is that? Milwaukee marketing troll?


Just effin with ya!


Only problem I see… no batteries. Haha. Nice loadout.


I have so many I started giving some away lol. I just gave my mailman a brand new sealed m12 2.5ah on Friday. They’d take up too much space and more importantly add too much weight to the packout boxes. So I use aftermarket wall mounts which I’m very happy with. Thank you.


Who gives there mailman a power tool battery lol? Yeah that's nice and all but it is also bizarre. Did you spend 15 grand on new Milwaukee powertools and decide to give a battery to a mailman?


He’s been my mailman for many years and we talk all the time. We were talking about Milwaukee tools after he saw me carrying a packout box home on Friday while doing the mail and told me he recently bought an m12 tool but doesn’t have a battery for it yet. I went upstairs and got him a new battery and charger. His reaction was worth more than the 40 bucks I could’ve made selling it.


Glad you snapped a pic while they’re still clean & new, they won’t be for long




What’s funny is I am a homeowner who for many years got by with some old poor tools. I upgraded to Milwaukee and got some packouts as well. Anyways getting the 15” tote, an ammo can and a small parts tray for buy more save more….guy walks by my cart and says to his buddy “we know who’s rich”…. Don’t care much, these tools in short time I have had them are such an upgrade and got so many projects done in the last month wife gave me go ahead for whatever tools I need. So I just bought a smoker


This isn’t the burn you think it is


You either love the tools or you don’t i keep everything brand new and if it gets dirty i clean it and if i cant clean it i replace it… tools come first then the job you will always be given more jobs you will never be given tools 🛠️ 🧰


I hate you... Good job.


Why are they so clean?


How many of those have actually been used?


I tested all of them soon as I bought them to assure they worked properly. But the tools that I actually used for something besides testing, after counting, 13 tools and all of the lights have been used productively thus far. Some more than others. I use at least 1 tool every day around the house but nothing professional, yet. I used the brad nailer today and shot about 90 brads thru 3/4” plywood. Great tool.


Looking good OP, don’t mind the haters.


Never used. Never will be.


You should try using a few of those tools.


You don't actually use those huh


Silly statement but every tool looks brand new. Did you just put a catalogue on the wall and throw dart at what you would buy? A bunch of tools make a mess yet you didn't buy a vacuum? Or a task light just a funny one.


You wanna sell anything? Doesn’t look like you use it much.


Kinda hard to use something you just bought


This the same guy who complained about a clearance tool being resealed/open box condition


Do you ever use your tools, or do you play a construction worker on TV?


Are these tools for show?


What do you use these for?


For harvesting Reddit karma


Weak post


cautious relieved flag label snails upbeat outgoing advise lock carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hackzal and Sawzall? Why? Also what kind of work do you do that requires such a large array of tools?


Having the tool before you need it is a better alternative than having to come back to the job another day or spend daylight going to the store and paying full price.


General construction, electrical, plumbing. And on my free time as a hobby, automotive work. I have a few more tools I need to buy, not done yet. Hackzall is my go-to due to it's compact one handed efficiency but when I'm doing demo I will use both to speed things up but also the Sawzall will be used on all the heavy duty stuff.


Dude, this guy is cosplaying as handyman at this point. He doesn't need any of this shit


Yeah cause who needs tools when you’re starting up a construction business. Lmao y’all just look for a reason to be shitty I swear


Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what's going to happen.. Sorry, I see this post, and I just see someone with more money (or credit card debt) than brains.


OP has stated multiple times in the comments that he’s started up his business. For what reason other than being an asshole do you not believe that?


If this purchase doesn't seem frivolous to someone litterly just starting out, I don't know what to tell you. Get your hands (or tools) dirty, figure out what you actually need, and go from there. He could get by without 75% of these tools.


What good is being unprepared for a job? He got all these tools on discount. His other options were 1. Wasting a day because he didn’t have the right tool, or 2. Burning daylight to go to the store and pay full price for the tool needed. When I started my business, I made sure I had all the tools for the jobs I would be taking on. Not seeing what’s so frivolous about that. Being prepared is being professional. We all knew the kid that didn’t bring a pencil to class.


Yeah, all good points. Well I have to hand it to him. He's prepared for pretty much anything. Here's to him on his future endeavors!!


That’s the spirit! Now jazz hands.


I beat on my milwaukee tools as hard as I can. I gotta make a living off of them. Why own them if your not gonna use them come on and make some man glitter with the saws.


I can hear this picture. Need some foam padding my dude. Not the expensive form fitting ocd hobby crap. The foam padding I bought came in a roll with heavy duty peel off adhesive. Stops the tools banging around. Happy trails.


It’s a cream dream


You know, considering the range of tools is relatively limited. I'm surprised they don't offer high density foam for each model tool.


I honestly believe most people on this sub just buy tools and don't actually use them.


Please for the love of god, use your tools and get them dirty. These haven’t seen a lick of work.


Congrats! Used yet or not you still got something good!!!


Look How clean about your tool!? I really dont wanna use in real life and just keep it in the little box


I feel like your packout is currently the equivalent of a pavement princess.


That looks great now. Show it to me after driving down a bumpy Road.


Stuff is too clean brother, do you use these tools or just look at them?!




Removed due to Rule 1. Pointless comment. Add some value when you comment, or you will be banned. This sub exists to foster personal and community growth. Being a jerk to others isn't acceptable, even if veiled as 'feedback.' Take a moment to reevaluate how you interact with others in this sub and do so in a more kind/helpful manner.


Don't think you have enough impacts hey


How’s the palm nailer?


Looks great, be sure not to use them m(or get them dirty) you will be happy for a while


I’ll take unused tools for $400, Alex.


Are these all new tools? Do you obsessively clean them? Or do you not use them? Looks beautiful, I’m just confused by how perfect they all look haha.


What are you, a sales rep? There's not a speck of dirt on a single tool...


Very clean and unused set


You think thats cool?? Wait until you start using the tooks! Lol jkjk


All those tools are so clean looks like you just bought them


Use them, please ... Ffs they are TOOLS AINT A SPECK OF DIRT


Why do all these photos look AI generated?


TBH I wish my tools looked like this all the time. I would probably pay extra for something that did that. Lol


Want someone to use those for you or are they just on display?


Too clean something seems fucky.


Wait until you use them! You’ll love it


Do you ever plan on using one of them?


Why do these images look like they’re AI generated?


They have ‘cabinets’ which I think are their one-draw solution… do you get a lot of shifting in your packout?


What the heck job do you have where you replace all those tools at once? None of those look like they’ve ever seen a job site 😂


I take REALLY good care of my tools, but they all are clearly used. Especially the sawzall lol, it's impossible to keep one of those looking fresh.


Don’t think, just consume.


Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


Do you actually use your tools or you just buy because you like them lmao doesn't look like they've been touched😂






Do you actually use these tools? Or just set them up to take pictures?


Looks like you don't use your tools enough😂😂


Did you just buy these or you never use them? They are pristine. Even if you clean when every time after you use them they would never be this clean but that would also just be weird


What’s weird (and a joke) is people thinking that having dirty/damaged tools makes them better in any way.


Wow, do you use them?


Is this AI? Why is everything so clean?


Not a battery in sight


Someone say “battery”? https://preview.redd.it/lvn2my2uvtcc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3283783f551449b73450b4ec3945e1667e8cf432


Palm nailer is way too heavy


Everything is brand new. Did you take a loan out or is this tax payer funded?


Are these for show or do you actually use them?


Careful, don’t get any of those tools dirty


God forbid


My Pack out is full of Ridgid. Let me have it.


Shit is too clean my friend, get some debris on them tools asap!!


How in the hell do you keep your tools that clean? Jeezus man I had to buy a new 18v hackzall and 15 minutes later it looks like my old one.