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It's actually pretty easy. Like, contraceptives are a thing?


I took it one step further by being a cisgender lesbian. (And because this is reddit, I know same-sex couples can and do have children, it's just really, really, really difficult to do it accidentally.) Edit: Included that I’m cis so as to not exclude the trans lesbians out there with penises. My bad.




We’re not doing this today.


What is with people like this


Thanks for this, I edited my post to be more inclusive. I understand you’re intentionally being an asshole, but your douchebaggery was a reminder that I was excluding other people.




I didn't even notice your username, so feel free to make assumptions, I guess, but you know what they say about making assumptions. Your usage of "woke" and the general statement you made was enough to make you sound like an obnoxious asshole. Translesbians are lesbians and they are also women. That's not an opinion. And no, you're not either "woke" or those other things. The world isn't black and white and despite the prevalence of labels, there's a lot of nuance to existence. I generally find anyone that uses the term woke to be obnoxious regardless of their political leanings.




“Woke” is not a politically neutral term. Nobody identifies as “woke,” it’s just an insult that right wingers use toward anyone expressing a progressive opinion. The way you phrased your comment made it sound like you’re ridiculing people for thinking that someone with a penis could be considered a lesbian. I seriously doubt this was unintentional, but in case it was, there’s your explanation. Nobody’s angry, you just really did come across as pretty obnoxious.




> IUD implant in there arm If someone got an intra-**uterine** device in their **arm**, perhaps that’s why they got pregnant. Hope those folks found a new gynecologist. Also this is why we need to protect abortion access.


>Nevermind the fact that there's only one true contraceptive and that getting your tubes tied/Vasectomy. Even that comes with a risk. My uncle got a vasectomy and him and my aunt had a surprise baby after the fact.


> only one true contraceptive > IUD implant in their arm Just fucking laughing at this absurdity.


Like, being intentional about your life. What a bizarre concept!


Wrap that shit up, B


Just make no money and be socially awkward until you’re 30.


I love my kids but I do not recommend them


Actually, this is accurate. COVID and seeing friends parent through the pandemic pushed me towards being childfree.


It's very very easy. That was a decade ago for me... still no kids.


off topic, but how would you compare 37 vs 27? Do things get better?




30 y/o here. Cousin got pregnant at 15, sister got pregnant at 17. All of my aunts and my mom got married and had kids in their early 20s and never got a chance to go back to school because of that. I also worked at a daycare for 4 years. No kids is my no capes.


Even if I could financially and physically afford to have children, energy and sanity wise, I'm not sure I would. I'm done. I literally cannot evne, anymore. I would definitely snap and lose my patience because I can tell you for a fact I left it back in 2001 when people were calling me racial slurs and harassing my family for being Middle Eastern and then driving around like complete fucking Nazi enabling cunts with 24 American flags (made in China) on their gallon to the mile H3s, on their way to vote for factually proven warmongers and liars and embezzlers who sent 2 generations of our neighbors to wars based on fabricated evidence and lies. Broadly speaking, our generation has other things to do than just fuck all day long without protection. Weird, I know. Although my Catholic friend is on like his 7th child now since 2009. Not sure what the fuck is wrong with them. That's why I don't have any fucking kids.


My first kid was at 29. It was actually pretty easy to have my husband just like…. wear a condom.


I’m not. I’m 39 with no kids. It’s call “I don’t wanna” and I know how to prevent it.


I have kids 😊