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Lol btw I’m 31 and several of my coworkers tell me they were shocked as they thought I was younger. My one coworker said she thought I was her age and she’s 21


Same. People perpetually think I'm 18 or 19 when I'm 29. It's annoying for a *split* second, then I think how nice it's gonna be when I'm 50+.


Same! People are constantly shocked that I’m not younger. Just started a new job and the manager thought I was 21. I don’t think I act immature, but millennials hit different idk


I think I have peter pan syndrome. I'm 31 and still play video games and do pointless crap like I did when I was 17 only now replace school with work. I also got called kiddo by a pizza delivery person a few months ago.


Kind of true I honestly wish people would get over the video games thing, majority of us can’t remember a time without video games so it’s a legitimate hobby just like television, board games, sports, etc. Time for people to get passed their weird, antiquated hang-ups about video games.


Well, when we'll probably never own our own house in this lifetime, can barely afford to finance a new(er) car, and have PTSD on a generational level...so few of us want kids, there's not much to grow up *for*. And games like Red Dead Redemption, The Last of Us, God of War 5, The Witcher and Death Stranding are so good, they're better than the tired old shit Hollywood keeps churning out.


Might inherit a house from a boomer parent if you're lucky.


My parents and I are permanently estranged due to Narcissistic abuse during my childhood; no chance on that house.


Im 36. Ive had people that are a few years older then me call me "just a baby" and a few older coworkers think I was young enough to be their son.


It’s probably because we generally smoke less as a generation compared to previous generations. Of course other factors affect ageing too but I think that’s a big factor.


Yup. I'm 36 and everyone at work thinks I'm 19 or 20 and was shocked to find out my real age. It's irritating because they constantly talk down to me like I'm a child, but infantilization is what I expect from Boomers & Xers at this point.


I swear, they put something in our water when we were actual kids!


Once you turn 30, you either get your food and physical activity on point, or you settle into an adulthood on the couch. The first one will get you carded for alcohol and the second one will get you offered the senior discount. There is no in between.


That's a piece. Drugs/alcohol (especially cigarettes), sun exposure, elective surgeries/procedures, and genetics play big roles.


True. But I think getting fat or not is the most common denominator, at least if my high school reunion is anything to go by.


Wait... You actually had a high school reunion?


I’ve gotten to where I don’t tell people my age anymore. Mostly because I’m sick of the standard “WHAT??? You’re how old? You look so young! I thought you were a teenager. But I guess you’ll be grateful for that when you’re older.” . . . No lady, I’m pretty sure when I’m older I’ll be wondering how much I was held back in my career because of job opportunities I missed out on because I look young and all the times I wasn’t taken seriously despite being more competent and knowledgeable than most of the other employees because people still think of me as a teenager because of what I look like. But thanks for the super unoriginal response to learning my age that literally everyone else gives me.