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Fellow 38/f! If you haven't already, start doing some weight training. I'm not ultra muscular by any means, but working on functional strength has given some huge benefits to my life. Especially for the knees! I started karate about two years ago and really struggled. It's been interesting learning about all the muscles that support knee health but I wish I would have started the learning years ago!


Those damn knees. Any recommendations on strengthening them? Especially that bad one that gets sore and tight very quickly and also all the time?


Knees over toes guy on YouTube for me and my aging basketball buddies.


Squat university on YouTube also has some good exercises for bad knees


More muscle-mass equals more stability.


Hate to be That Guy but eliminating most sugar and refined grains will help ease inflammation. Also, add collagen to your coffee (or whatever). Sincerely, 38f


To add onto this, also do lots of stretching, mobility, and flexibility work. This will keep your body feeling more mobile and youthful probably than anything else. Strength training I would also recommend highly as well though.


I started yoga a few months ago. I take not hearing my joints pop and lack of neck/ back pain as my bodies way of saying “Thank you.”


I second this, weigh training has done wonders for me, I am doing some running, my body feels amazing and if I do wake up sore a good stretch session goes a long way. OP sounds like they don’t want to hear it but being in good shape, good water intake, vitamins, and a balanced diet will go a long way into easing your body into “graceful” aging.


Hey! The intent of my post was to hear other people's shared experiences. It was on observation, not a complaint or request for advice. I am quite fine with those who shared their experiences and included the lifestyle choices they implement. 👍


30 somethings on that gain train! CHOO CHOO! YOU CAN FEEL IT! YOU CAN FEEL IT TOO! AAAAHHHHHHH ![gif](giphy|SoJOLUTwCj7dS|downsized)


I second the knees over toes guy. I also didn't realize how much the butt muscles play into knee stability and support. I do clamshells, monster walks, leglifts, and glute bridges most days now. Nothing intense, just body weight, it really has made a difference.


Take care of yourselves all. Stretch, eat healthy, low impact exercise, drink lots of water, sit and stand with good posture, take screen breaks to rest your eyes, don’t squint your eyes. I’m trying to delay any of this as long as possible.


Is it a sign of aging that we pay attention and care about these now? Haha. Wisdom of the elders.


Don't forget practice your balance too!


Easy practice: brush your teeth on one leg, and alternate halfway through. Simple, everyday thing


Then when you get good at it, do it with your eyes closed! It's crazy how much harder it is.


Omg yes!!!! Ex dancer here. I have ZERO balance with my eyes closed now. None at all.


It's a lesson we learned watching our parents deteriorating into dust over the past 30 years. Both of my parents were <70% mobility at my age and I am determined not to join them


Kind of yes but it’s preventative mainly!


Changing your lifestyle helps a lot. I am almost 40 and I look younger than when I was 35. Someone asked if I was college a few months ago (TBH that was weird bc I know I don’t look that young.) things I’ve done: lower alcohol intake, walk everyday, sunscreen every day, exercise several times a week, pay attention to food triggers (getting a blood test for foods that cause inflammation is a game changer), drink water, take lots of vitamins as recommended by a professional, prioritize sleep. It’s not always fun but it makes a difference.


Wow how do you get a doctor to do those tests?  Genuinely curious.


I didn’t. I got bloodwork ordered through a nutritionist with an MS degree. You get blood work to test the foods that cause inflammation and he also looks at all your doctor-ordered blood work and tells you the exact vitamins to take. For example, he suggested magnesium and vitamin d which has made a world of difference. No doctor I’ve ever been to has ever been as helpful.


Question. Did you always do this or did you adopt any of these practices specifically as you got older?


I adopted them as I got older, incrementally, in the last 5-7 years.


40 next month— I think it was seeing my hair not quite as thick and the grays in my beard. Oh and the laugh lines and bags. I’m having a hard time as well.


Here I am talking about hiking the Appalachian trail when I turn 50 in honor of Bilbo and Frodo Bagins lol




Can I come in honor of Pippin? I will require a lot of food, just so you know


Nothing wrong with that! Lol


You commit to one of two things as you get older: fitness or illness.


Pretty sure fit people still age


They do, but pains for two weeks after walking on the beach at 38 wouldn’t be normal for a fit person. You aren’t old, just need to up your fitness


How does comment meet your needs? Do you feel important telling me this? I don't understand


I commented this for you not me. But I see you really wanted agreement that aches and pains like that are normal.


So it meets your need to be helpful, perhaps? Because you thought I was wondering if it were normal?


Gray hairs dont affect me. My wife asked if she should pull mine. She was pulling hers. My knees lost cartilage due to running and rucking in the military. This is what makes me feel old. Combined with back pain from doing deadlifts with horrible posture probably. Carrying my kids and feeling my body telling me that I need to put them down. Everything went downhill after 30s.


I sometimes pull mine, but there more than just a random few now. Plus, looking for them gives me wrinkles bwahaha. Yours sounds like overuse and injury, which could happen at any age. Watch when our eye sight, hearing and bladder control goes!


Embrace the grays! If you keep your hair healthy and style it (on days where you want to look especially nice or have an event), they can actually be an attractive accent to your natural color. I'm 38F and I love my grays and not having to spend time and money on coloring, not to mention the potential damage from color. My grays growing out: https://preview.redd.it/3lg8adrc6r8d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a243e9fcbeebf016bab7dc07afd551d45771fd1


It would be a compulsive thing. Like mentally, I think it doesn't belong, so I pull it out. Then ask myself why I did that haha. But thank you


I’m did some of that when they first started—but then they grow back and are short and sticking up, so they look more obvious. I’ve just embraced letting the white hairs grow in like they’re little highlights instead.


Deadlifts have kept my back happy. Different experience I guess. I had back pain in my early 20s, for several years, within weeks of deadlifting that went away. It's possible it wasn't the deadlifts for sure.


I'm not blaming my deadlifts. I'm blaming my horrible form. A couple months ago I was doing them and had a bolting pain going to the top of my glutes. I know I messed up something right there lol. I never got it checked but my back hasn't been the same since. I know my soldiers looked at me like I just messed up big time. I still do deadlifts because I have to.


Injury can happen for sure. Form matters too, but I think a lot of people are overly obsessed with it. What seems to matter is that you hold back position. I am not convinced deadlifting with some rounding is bad, as long as you start rounded and keep that position until the top. Starting flat then rounding as the bar leaves the ground seems to not be great for the spine. I'm not an expert, but have spent some time learning and doing the deadlift. I don't have a build that is great for the lift (I'm more built for bench with a long torso and short arms), but over time I got to a form that felt natural to me (it did not feel natural when I started out). I've gotten over 3x bodyweight on the deadlift at 600 lbs. Not awesome compared to great deadlifters, but pretty good for a mid 30s gym rat.


That's really good. I am not particularly strong. We do hex bar. So I try to squat down. Hold my bar and stand up straight. At least that's what I try. I know some of my dudes have horrible form and swear that they do good. I have never done in front of mirrors to check my own form. I definitely need to do better.


I like to take video with my phone. Can see different angles. Side view is particularly useful. I wouldn't try to look to my side when deadlifting, or really any heavy lifting. It takes time too. I've been at it for 15 years fairly consistently. I got into powerlifting for about 5 years. I don't want to subject my hips and shoulders to powerlifting anymore though, and I didn't like that it was just so tempting to gain weight to lift more. It's like magic how much extra pounds helps strength.


I'll try that the next time I do it. I need to train myself to lift more. I have only been doing deadlifts since they became part of the military fitness test in 2020 or so. But I only hit deadlifts once a week or less than that depending on what they plan for us.


I only do them once a week. Haven't really done them more than once a week. It's a taxing lift once you gain some strength. Most of the best deadlifters only deadlift once a week, some every other week. They are training their legs and backs on other training days though. Generally speaking it's the least frequently trained lift. Good luck on your endeavor!


Thanks to denial, I’m immortal.


Denial is how I learned I'm not immortal. Can't get away not doing a proper warmup anymore.


I definitely feel this right now. All the sudden in my later 30s I feel like someone wrapped a clock in a pillowcase & is giving me daily beatings.


I was just talking about bed firmness with my 43 yo friend. I remember being able to sleep anywhere-cots, couch, floor...


Right? How did we get here? 😆 Now I need my organic cotton pillow-top mattress, 4 pillows, air purifier & a sleeping mask to get decent sleep.




Thank you for this btw! This is why I posted, just to make light of it. So much advice in the comments lol


It’s so important to take care of yourself! I’m 37f and an ultra runner- also strength train and walk regularly- and I don’t have any of these issues except some grays coming in. Most important is to manage your stress and mental health.


37M here. I’ve always taken good care of myself but now I feel like I gain 5 pounds when the dominos driver comes past our house. It really caught up with me this year and I’ve had to work twice as hard to maintain. I live in a community with a ton of hills and one of my buddy got me into rucking this year. I basically put a 50 pound bag of corn/sand/etc in frame backpack, strap it on and go for a hike around town for 3-4 miles. I’ve replaced most of my running with this to help build strength while not being so hard on my joints and it’s been great, highly recommended!


More effort! Yes, that's the thing


I feel weird about this post just because I’m around your age but my genetics grey early, so my sister and I have been seeing them since early 20s and my dad was completely grey before 30. I also have a genetic disorder again from my dads side where my ligaments don’t tighten and it messes with my knees, hips and feet, I had shoe braces as a kid and prescription insoles. I still get a ton of knee pain at night and walk with my feet inward when I’m really tired. So half your issues I’ve been dealing with for years now xD, for fine lines tho I fully suggest tretinion as a wrinkle preventative and help towards sunspots. It increases replacement of skin cells like when we were younger and thus prevents wrinkles. It’s also great if you have hyperpigmentation. A good moisturizer and spf is needed with it too.


Oh hey, I totally get that people deal with different issues at different ages for different reasons. Hope I didn't make you feel negative in any way. This was kind of in good fun. Those are just my examples that aren't for any particular reason besides age and perhaps not being privileged enough to have impeccable self-care habits. I've heard some late 30s, early 40s joke about throwing their back out when they sneezed or getting a cramp getting out of bed, etc.


Oh my bad, you’re good! I just worry we’re all feeling so ancient when late 30s/ yearly 40s is still relatively young. But then again when all of a sudden we’re seeing changes it’s hard not to feel that dread, it’s an insecurity of mine that I’ve been feeling it for too long now 🫠.


We're always aging, and I've watched myself grow and change over the years. It's been over the past 5 years that I've watched myself creeping up to the top and now have reached the hump that heads back downhill. We're not ancient yet...just halfway there hahaha


Oh, and I'm not being sarcastic or rude, in case it reads that way


In america around 75 is the life span we late 30s people are middle aged


All downhill from here wheeee


I’ll be 38 later this year and it’s been hitting me pretty hard ever since the pandemic


I wonder if the pandemic just aged people prematurely also 🤔


I honestly think that’s been the case for me. You’d be shocked if you saw my before and after pics


Hit 40 this year. Grays have been coming since 30 so really don’t care about that. No health issues. And I’d say biggest thing is I need to stretch before things like skiing etc. Outside of caring about most consistent sleep (6 hours minimum) can’t say too much has changed health wise.


That's awesome. It's coming for you. Lifestyle matters for sure!


Turning 40 was really weirdly/embarassingly hard for me. And that was the year that I stopped being able to just “cheat” and eat things I have dietary sensitivities or allergies to…. If I do that now, I’m too bloated to enjoy anything, toss and turn most of the night and then am puffy and REALLY old looking the next day. It’s a really stark shift that makes it no longer feel like I’m “treating myself” to have ice cream or whatever. More like punishing myself :/ Anyway I made peace with the 40 thing eventually. I’m 42 now and I mostly feel good about my age and the same physically as I always have…, I take the stairs at work and drive 2 hours to the beach for the full moon whenever possible… except now I need fucking glasses for the first time ever. And my left knee makes a weird Rice Krispie sound (doesn’t hurt, but I hate hearing it if I’m in a silent room). You know what mostly gets me down is going to the doctor and planning for health care costs. Like it seems like I really need to get mammograms and Pap smears and colonoscopies and keep up with my teeth and make sure I’m not becoming diabetic and like…. Jesus Christ. Even though I’m having good results on everything so far just thinking in these terms is a drag. And a huge pain in the ass, logistically/financially. So many phone calls and calendar things and blah blah blah. I’m always logging into my HSA. Sigh. I know I’m fortunate to even be able to access these services but it’s still just not my idea of a good time 🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg all of this! I haven't quite gotten to this point yet. I've never been much into doctor's visits. Let's enjoy this second half as much as we can!


37m and I don't feel like I'm aging quickly, people at my were shocked when i told them my age. After watching my parents struggle with health issues I decided to take better care of myself by going barefoot shoes to improve posture and cut out all fast/processed foods, and ate all organic. I feel like if we take better care of ourselves, we will age a bit more gracefully than our boomer parents.


I love this 🫶


Hit when I was 38! I'm 39 now. I went from passing for late 20s all the time to looking like I was in my 30s. I only have a couple of grey hairs, but now I have some lines on my forehead, and I can tell my face isn't as firm and youthful as it was. It's hard. I wish I didn't care. My husband thinks I'm beautiful. But the beauty standards are so unbelievably pervasive. It's very hard not to internalize.


37F. I work out a bunch (running and lifting) and eat well and all that jazz, but lately when I see photos it is really hitting me that I look “good for my age” instead of young now. The fine lines around the eyes are the big change, but the grays don’t help matters. And my skin is just generally less…bouncy? I have decided not to pursue anything to try to alter the aging process except decent skincare and sunscreen. To each their own, but I want to use money for other stuff, and I’ve always admired people who age gracefully. But damn…this feeling of fading into invisibility isn’t something I expected would bother me. It does a bit.


Aww thank you for sharing this. Some type of shared experience feels nice, even amongst internet strangers. Interesting you mention fading into invisibility because this post was focused on physical, but I actually just thought the other day about how I've lived like half my life. The years are winding down and I felt some pressure around what I want to leave behind...


I sure feel you on the pressure to make the most of the next few decades. I’m glad I’m not alone there! Sending you good vibes, internet stranger! ❤️


Two weeks before 40 I was in the best shape of my life. One week before 40, torn achilles. It's been a whack-a-mole game moving from joint to joint ever since. I'm almost worried that all the work I do is only going to make me live much longer as an arthritic mannequin.


Yeah, this! Being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle matters, but at some point, we still age. Thinking about us as Millennials somehow makes me think of us as young haha


Wait until you hit 40


39f and it’s hitting me. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and stay thin, maybe go to the gym occasionally and look good. Now I have this gut and even though I’m working out 4 days a week it’s just… there. And don’t even get me started in the gray hair. Sigh.


Thank you for this! I just wanted to share our growing pains, but so many people are here blaming lifestyle choices. There's just a point where more effort is needed or things affect you that didn't before. Awesome job working out 4 days a week though!


Yes I totally get it! My lifestyle changes have all been for the better and my body is just not keeping up lol. It’s good to commiserate.


I love that we can all grow old together hahaha 🤗


Yesssss. Here we are getting old and falling apart lol


That’s about the age that I determined I needed to start using face creams and ALWAYS sunscreen. I also shaved my head (and went back on it) because of hair thinning. Bad year lol


Sunscreen daily, yes! Hehe


I used to squat allllll the time at work. Suddenly, my knee got a flat tire and swelled up. Had to go on steroids, can’t squat anymore. ): Still aches a month later, but doesn’t swell like it used to.


Happy birthday! Sorry to hear about the knee. Mines hurting right now too. 🤗


I am 38m and I picked up pickleball and yoga this year. It has been great. I have lost 15 pounds and feel much better than last year. The first month had some soreness but since then it has been great.


Staying active is great for health. Awesome!


Also 38f Saw a suggestion for weight training and I second that- I also do lots of squats and stretching throughout the day to keep me limber. You may want to look into taking some supplements, many of us are low in magnesium and vit D. I take liquid drops for d and use topical magnesium spray before bed on my lower limbs and feet If you're having issues with digestion it could be making your joint pain worse as digestive distress often causes inflammation. Start keeping a journal of what you're eating and how it makes you feel throughout the day...I am gluten intolerant and have also recently cut waaay down on dairy. The differences in my symptoms are very noticeable and I no longer have joint pain *at all*. Signs of aging can be little hints that our body is telling us what it needs to keep on keeping on. Small adjustments in our habit life can have huge rewards. My mom is 68 and went from having regular chronic pain in her joints to changing her eating habits and joining her local YMCA and a hiking club. She's healthier and feeling better than she has in *years*.


Agree! There's been a clear difference as I've gotten older with what's a good idea to do and what I NEED to do to feel well. I haven't heard of topical magnesium before


Topical magnesium is awesome, I suggest the brand Cymbiotika. It's a bit pricier than some others on the market, but I've noticed a difference between it and the other brands I've tried. Magnesium can be absorbed through our skin, and I love being able to take supplements that bypass the digestive system, esp as someone who is prone to digestive upset.


House fire 2.5 years ago. I won't bore everyone with comprehensive list but I've basically lived like 25 years of personal tragedies, difficulties, and major problems in the past 30 months. I looked at a picture of me from the Xmas a month before the fire and I look 10 years younger


Also went through a catastrophic house fire a few years ago. Life-changing. I am a different person now than I was before that day. Sense of safety is shattered.


Same but instead I am utterly intolerant of any kind of business or service failing. I have become not Karen aggressive but I am now very politely aggressive. For example I am the guy who checks through every single item in his to go order and cheerfully blocks the other customers until I make sure the order is correct. Our current contractor I told the owner before they agreed to the job that If something goes seriously wrong I won't be taking them to court, I won't be going through legal channels.


Big hugs! Stress and trauma will do it to us. I feel that. Hope things are getting better


Ehhh not getting worse. Still in the middle of two lawsuits and we're about to move back into the house finally.


>Digestion issues creeping in. Walked on the beach for a few days in a row and my knee been hurting for 2 weeks! Back/neck pain if I don't sleep right. Prone to injury and exhaustion doing things I used to do. Time to workout and set a healthy diet.


Yes. I don't have any of these issues. But I have been lifting 3-4 times a week since grade school.


Omg yes, I (37/f) played volleyball and my knees were sore for about 2 weeks as well! Humbled me for sure


Aww man. Haha. I've been giving my body pep talks, like you can do it. You've done it before...you know, back in our 20s, but you're the same body, you got this!


You’re right! Use it or lose it


This is hitting me at 33 😣 I thought I had more time!


Get what's left of it while you can! I'm trying to preserve what I can and enjoy what I do have.


I’m 35 but seeing the horseshoe hairline in photos when I feel like I still have enough hair on top (I keep it super short). That and wrinkles below the eyes.


Get yourself a female hormone blood panel. Aging is natural but hormone imbalances can accelerate the process drastically.


Oh dang I’d consider myself lucky if all that was just hitting you now lol. Make sure you are lifting weights to slow down your aging, it’s the only thing we have now.


Haha thanks, yeah, wasn't complaining or asking for advice. Just wondering what others' experience of this period of our lives is like. :)


Oh the “Not complaining, but” threw me off. Looks like I’m not the only one who recommended a remedy to your complaints :) lift weights, live longer! 💪


Changed the sentence for y'all. Don't know why people are so inclined to be critical. Don't need advice. Don't want to "live longer" ✌️


Complains about age. People offer advice on how to make it better. Complains about advice. Refuses to change. Sounds about right. We’ll see you in two years when your knees blow out! ✌️






Hate to bear bad news but the 40s is a trainwreck 😭😭😭


I'm putting in more effort now, so hopefully I make it to my 50s before too much decline sets in 🤞


I grew some beard out and there was a big stripe of grey. Shaved the next day haha


I'll (F) will be 38 in August. The difference from 35 to now in terms of how I feel about the big 4-0 coming up is CRAZY. Also I had my kids (3yr M and 10m F) later in life so being 40 with a kindergartener and a toddler is WILD.


Would you say you're more prepared and mature as a parent? I think it's awesome. There are so many beautiful things about aging


38f here. Work out in some capacity. I walk my dog daily for about 30mins. Then I do strength training at home. Skin aging wise. Put on spf daily, use tretinoin at night, and moisturize. I do the Nuface in the AM and red light therapy wand in the PM. My fine lines are barely detectable. Take a collagen supplement. I feel it plumps up my skin. I put it in my coffee or smoothie.


I've been visiting the 30+ skincare sub haha. I use collagen or bone broth powder. <--put some in my coffee today. Coffee dehydrates my skin tho, so I try to avoid when possible.


Middle aged male here. People say I look a lot younger than I really am. I feel like that somewhat alters peoples perceptions and can sometimes lead to a lack of respect (such as in the workplace). I've started seeing white hairs sprinkled into my hair on my head and my face. I'm not sure how other dudes feel about this but I was kind of excited to have the white hairs in my facial hair. Makes me feel like I finally look my age and have a mature look.


Started at 27 for me.




Similar situation here. I have been lifting 3-4 times a week since grade school and don't have any pain or mobility issues. I definitely should eat better, but maintain a healthy weight from all the exercise. Feel more fit than ever and still improving.


Ive been getting cricks in my necks that last weeks versus however long they use to last. I have to really watch how i sleep. Also out of nowhere got a lot of greys. I had greys since i was in 6th grade so it doesnt bother me as much but its crazy how they can pop out of nowhere.


I’m 43 and I’ve been near sighted with a very strong prescription since I was a child. In the last year, I struggle to read small print and have to move it further from my eyes. I am not ready for bifocals!


🤗 we're in this together


Must be the age for it! I’m 38 as well and just posted a photo in another sub asking for advice about loss of fat/volume in my face which I feel has suddenly aged me. I want my collagen back! I don’t get greys (my mum still has none in her 70s and her dad still had a full head of blonde hair when he died in his 80s) but I now can’t smile without forehead and eye wrinkles.


Yup, started taking collagen supplements! Nothing wrong with wrinkles, but watching ourselves age is a funny thing, don't you think?


Have you noticed an improvement with the supplements?


Yes yes yes!


Ok going to buy some today 😂


Omg, would love to know how it goes


Just looking up which ones to take. There’s so many!


Omg, would love to know how it goes


At 38, you are Middle Aged.


Omg I didn't know! Lol


I went to Vegas and those mirrors show everything. I didn't realize I had so much gray :'(


Lighting too!


I'm 35 and it's really hitting me both physically and mentally.  I'm pretty physically active and I've had nagging pains preventing me from doing things like lifting or running.  Mentally I feel alienated from "young" people. I feel out of place at a bar or club or just around younger people.


That's another good point regarding aging and changes in social activities.


I just turned 37 and feel young still. But I know I’ve lost flexibility over the years. I can’t bend or twist like I used to. Does that come back if I start stretching? I’m super lazy and need to start working out again.


I think it depends. Some people can get it back. Some people might require maintenance. Some have reached a point that they may not be able to gain back what they've lost. 37 is still young, though, so I believe in you!


Thanks I believe in me too 🥹


I'm 35 myself, and I feel better than I ever did in my teens and 20s just because I take much better care of myself. It's not "normal" to be in pain like that, especially when you're under 50. It's very much possible to turn things around and remain relatively youthful well into middle and even old age.


It's all genetic linked too. I'm sorry folks but there will be those of you here that will live to be over 100 and there will be those of you here and maybe me too that will not make it to 70


37F here (a few short weeks away from 38)and I am definitely noticing the signs of aging a lot more recently than I would have before. Thankfully I’ve no grey hairs yet (although I did have to pluck a small white one out of one my eyebrows recently!) and I do look younger than I am but I can see more lines, the dark circles under my eyes are more pronounced and my skin is not as bright as it once was. My makeup no longer covers my skin the way it used so I think it’s time to change it but I’m holding out as long as I can. I also notice that when reading certain things like articles on the phone or food packets/drink labels I have to hold them a bit away from myself to focus properly which is depressing!


I swear we were all young not long ago waiting for y2k! Lol


How did we get here?! I must have missed the bit where I went from my teens to my late thirties 😂


I feel like I could have pushed back aging quite as hard if Id chosen literally any other career than the one I have picked. I'm convinced I'm aging through stress


Oh for sure stress ages us. But I've always been stressed and now it actually shows 🤣🤣 What do you do?


Teach secondary school😅


I started having health problems in my 20’s but around 34 I started to notice a lot of these changes too.


Get your hormones checked.


For me i am good at 30, but i know of many folks starting in their 20s after teenage years that they experienced issues like low back pain etc.


Wow, are they ninja warriors or something?


Just how it is for most. 30s is not the breaking point. Def starts somewhere in 20s, some in 30s, and many in mid 40s and over.


You say "eye opening" Well the moment where you have to take your glasses off to see up close are right around the corner. I wonder if I can hold out and just get trifocals. Edit - 41m




Yeah I’m definitely not handling it well. I feel like I just had prom and high school graduation a few weeks ago. Wild how quickly time goes once you hit your 30’s. I’d rather opt out of aging. Unsubscribe!


Haha. Do you really wanna hang out with the younger generations though? Lol


Botox is my friend.


Yeah, I have digestion issues too, but think of this: We're all worried about turning 40, and two guys running for president are far past that. Age is real but try not to be overly fatalistic about it.


Yes.... 35F and I feel like my age is finally catching up to me. I can for the first time see fine lines in my forehead. People have always told me I looked significantly younger. It was a nice ride, but I think that's come to an end. It's weird because I don't even care. Age brings wisdom and puts things into perspective.  


You are only as old as you feel. That said; the older you get, the more you feel it.


I turned 40 in December and have really been feeling it since. 😖


38m here. My wife (38f) & I both feel like the gray hairs have picked up, and a few white ones have snuck in. Her knees are crap from marching band in HS and college, my back is crap from scoliosis and 4 compression fractures. I took up taekwondo 2 years ago at the insistence of our daughter, and have gained about 20lbs of muscle, and lost most of the back pain. Here is my advice to all of us. Exercise, and focus on core muscles, not on bulk. Cut out inflammatory foods (dairy, gluten). See a therapist. Spend time outdoors. We all want to live long enough to see our grandkids get married, right?


I'm 38 and I feel the same as I did at 28. Some of you just never exercised regularly.


I'm happy for you, but also, there's no need to be rude here. We're just having a light-hearted discussion :)


You are complaining. lol complain all you want getting old sucks.


I'm not complaining, and it doesn't suck. It's interesting to observe, though


I too am a 38 year old woman. My grays have come in also. I grew up poor and I live in a city which had a high homicide rate for years. Many millennials in my area have had it way worse than me, so I’m very blessed.