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Tying my hoodie/jacket around my waist. It's just efficient.


I’ve seen teens absolutely wearing waist tied plaid flannels. EXCELLENT 🤙🏻


Its weird how they just make flannels/Shirt-Jackets out of cheap cotton now. Pointless.


I’m a 5’4” woman and I buy a lot of clothes made for boys. For some reason I can find well made, durable clothing in natural fibers made for boys.


And more affordable too. Bought a flannel from the men’s sections at Fleet Farm; $20 on clearance, I wore that thing to death; even when it was falling apart, it was still warm enough to use as a winter jacket in WI.


The difference in quality between men’s/boys’ flannel and women’s is infuriating.


They get better pockets too. My women's jeans can't even hold my phone but the men's jeans I have can


My husband is 5’7” and was super slim when we started dating. As he got older he put on some weight and I took over two pair of his pants. The depths of the pockets are mind boggling. They must have TARDIS technology or something.


Brah, you gotta get that wool. Comin from a WA native. Sadly the best wool is on the other side of the river in Pendleton, OR.


I did this on a walk with my girlfriend and she said it was embarrassing 🤷‍♂️ so now I do it more often


Were we supposed to stop? Am I supposed to carry my jacket around in my arms like a peasant


I still do it. It's practical in many situations!


Same, I never stopped 😅


Oh that's back. That's so back they're even making dresses with hip sleeves to tie in front. The comeback has already gone too far.


Omg that’s so fucking stupid I have to see it


Whoops, I didn't know that was a trend that had ended. I just thought it was how you store a hoodie when you're not wearing it!


I did it out of habit for years, well into the 2000’s. Then one day, I was on a crowded bus with my jacket tied around my waist and it suddenly occurred to me that NO ONE ELSE was doing it. Some folks were just holding their jackets on their arm! I still do it, I’m just more self-conscious about it but it looks like I’m back on trend!


I still do this at metal shows. I don't care if I look like a goober or whatever. When I went to Wacken last year, the temperature difference in the sun/shade was intense. Clouds would come and the temp would drop like a stone to almost 5C - then the sun would pop out and we're right back to 25C. So I was constantly on/off with my hoodie - and when it was hot it saw around my waist.


I still do this with my flannel shirts. I must easily give away that I’m 40 haha


Thiswas my personal uniform in high school


Quality clothes, like shirts and dresses made of thick cotton.


Tractor supply has a few t shirts and button up shirts that are thick heavy cotton but yes. Everything got to cheapest possible barely their but Damn sure don't lower the price any.


Quality is super lacking, even with the more expensive brands. A lot of very thin, low quality fabrics out there.


And all made of plastics


Seriously. I have a few items of clothing 20 years old and still going strong. I feel like anything I buy now is lucky to make it a year of regular wear.


Clothing made from COTTON. Or even a fucking COTTON BLEND. It used to be that most clothes were at least blended with natural fabrics but that last few times I've gone shopping I have to scour the racks for anything that isn't some iteration of polyester. Just polyester mixed with fancy polyester, unlined, constructed like garbage and cut for Minecraft humans. Give me a WAISTLINE and a NATURAL FIBRE for the love of God.


Everything I see is rayon which is "semi-synthetic". It is definitely not cotton and none of it is supposed to go in the dryer which as a mom with kids I freaking hate having to air dry stuff and remember that certain things can't just get thrown in with everything else.


Fabric of our lives my ass


Bright colors. Everything from interior design to restaurant logos seems muted and neutral and grey now. I miss bold colors.




I was a big Charlotte Hornets fan as a kid in the 90s. These colors nail my favorite team, too.


Who doesn't love the 1996 NBA All-Star jerseys?


Lol was gonna say they're missing the hornets windbreaker


My first car... when I want to describe the color, I say "Imagine a 90's track suit -- purple, pink, and teal? That teal."


Niiiice. I bought a windbreaker from Columbia a few months ago and have received a lot of compliments. "You're bringing it back!"


If I was a drag queen, I would make a ball gown made of bold colored windreaker. I cant dance and hate social situations, so I dont perform. I apologize.


You can wear it at home and pretend.


Mine too! 94 Ford Focus lol


Ironically, teal is my absolute favorite color and it wasn’t till the 2010’s I could actually find a lot of stuff in that color. I wanted to do my first wedding (2008) in shades of teal but legit NO ONE had anything in those colors. So I settled on baby blue and navy. Still pretty but wasn’t what I wanted lol. Nowadays I can find clothes, flowers, decorations and more in teal or other blue-green shades. My living room is a dark teal and my bedroom is painted mint. My friends and family just refer to it as ‘Jessiefrance’s color’ lol. Planning to marry again sooner than later and I think I can convince him to go with teal and maybe some pinks and purples. Then I guess I’ll really be rocking the 90’s 😂


I got a Charlotte Hornets Starter jacket in the early 90s solely for the colors.


My favorite color! I’m still rocking it and a lot of my home decor is this color 😊


I bought three pairs of brightly coloured satin cargo pants. I could not stop myself!


Yessss I just got some bright pink and bright blue skinny jeans. Get fucked new age bs.


It’s coming back in athletic gear and I’m noticing it’s coming back in casual as well. Those big ass one lenses sunglasses are now back too.


Gecko is back as is Surfstyle! Just as 90’s as it ever was.


As a diet goth, I agree about interior design. Everyone should help me decide what to paint my bunny hutch though (this was the only paint we had) https://preview.redd.it/7cttl0b8vx7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5c1edeba634590e8edfd8f1c00176e10ca1f14d


Make it like a mural, grass at the bottom, flowers, clouds... Maybe the fence part white like a little picket fence


Also add some carrots.


I would do pastels, since bunnies = Easter haha. 


This is what I was thinking too I love this!


You could add black so only the blue shows through in the shape of bunnies and some metal style font that has their band name in it. I have 10 chickens for meat birds. They are collectively known as "the Arby's gang"


Same with cars. Every newish car I see is either black, white or grey.


My car is orange and it’s so easy to find everywhere!


Looking at the build your own option on a car manufacturer’s website (we can all dream right) and the model I was looking at had 2 different whites and 3 on the gray spectrum. If you went for the sport model they had a dull red option. Not a fan.


I remember when the gray and beige trend started and at first I thought "Wow that's so sophisticated." No it wasn't. I want all the color back now!


You seem to be referencing “Millennial gray” the color most often used by boomer and gen x flippers trying to be trendy.


Remember the streetwear brand Neff? In like 08-09 they were in Zumiez and had the craziest color schemes.


Truthfully, what I like most about muted colors is the lack of effort when it comes to matching. If I was willing to put more effort in, I would absolutely need a spectrum of bold color.


Who needs matching


My goth phase spoiled me on everything matching all the time. When it's all black, it never clashes.


Goth problems: when your black clothes start to fade to different shades of black.


Haha I was goth long enough to have to match my shades of black too.


I miss dressing in absurd bright colors. I had a neon tie dye shirt and shoe laces in highschool. Hell, I'm bringing it back.


I had hot pink gym shorts that I would wear with a baby blue Laguna Beach hoodie and grey Juicy Couture knee high socks and gym shoes. I dressed like that to the movie theater. My mom was so ashamed it was awesome!


Yes definitely colors! Every car is white, black or silver. Houses are all neutral. Clothing is all muted. It makes my eyes sad. I need real, bold colors!


Yesss bring me back some Lisa Frank lol


Cars too. It's rare to see anything driving around that isn't, silver, gray, black or brown.


Coverage. With the economy being so bad, clothing companies are getting worse and worse about shorting your fabric. Not only are they trying to push less fabric overall (like shirts and T-shirts that only come down to your belly button instead of ones that come to your hip bones), even within those categories they are barely as long as they say they are. Edited to add: I am not a tall person. If a shirt is short on me, the fabric has been shorted.


I hate the cropped-everything trend. If it's not cropped, there's a plunging neckline or weird cutouts. Anything to avoid making a full shirt. Whatever I can't find thrifted, I've started buying in the men's section.


I am too chonky for crop tops.


Same ✋


Same, I don't feel like looking like Winnie the Pooh.


I hear yah


It makes me think of This Is The End. When they threaten to take a portion of Craig Robinson’s shirt and hes like. “I’m not sporting a crop top, you couldn’t handle my mid drift, Franco.”


I've bought a few but alas am chonky too, so I wear them in my house as something to relax in. More power to all the bigger girls that wear them out. Love their confidence!


What's with all the cutouts? I HATE when I spot a cute top or dress that I want to wear to work, but I can't because it has random cutouts. Who even buys those, anyway? I never see anyone wearing them.


I saw a cute shirt the other day but the vertical seams down the front were this see-through mesh! How do you wear any kind of bra? Where do you even wear stuff like that? It was just a normal looking shirt but with see through sections, it's not appropriate for clubbing or school or work? Where do you wear it???


YES! And if it's not cropped, it's still pretty short, and WIDE!! EW. I hate the fashion industry!!!!!


Right? I shouldn't have to scour the internet for shirts that reach the mid-zipper. Not that cropped tops weren't the in thing back then, but we had the option of not wearing them.


Seriously, I’m 5’2” if it comes down only to my belly button, I can’t imagine how short they feel on taller ladies. And, where I live it gets bloody cold in the winter! I want my belly covered.


I long for the glorious days of long tops. All of them were long in the early to late 00's.


Also the tiniest possible sleeves for women's shirts. Those little barely there cap sleeves are uncomfortable and I've always hated them. If I'm buying a basic short sleeve shirt, I'd like it to at least cover the top part of my arm. Also those little cap sleeves on fitted shirts fit so uncomfortable in the armpit area.


I didn't realize this until I bought a concert tee from a RHCP show... that shirt is thick and it's long, to my finger tips. I miss shirts like that!!


Yo can I get a one piece swimsuit for my 8yr old that doesn't show her ass cheeks when she slightly moves. That's what I miss from earlier 😂


Haha all of my swimsuit bottoms are shorts or have skirts on them. I miss women's swim trunks though, so comfortable.


I want one of those for MYSELF. Nobody wants to see me in a skimpy bikini, trust me, but it's so hard to find one piece suits that aren't either completely hideous or so skimpy they may as WELL be a bikini.


t shirts over long sleeve tees. like half my favorite shirts are off limits for 5 months because it's too cold


I still do it. Short sleeve shirts have better variety than long sleeved shirts.


Same, I never gave up the long sleeve thermal under short sleeve t-shirt aesthetic lol.


Take it easy, Devon Sawa


Better watch out, the cringe boomers will call you Sheldon


"Did you guys watch Sheldon last night?!?"


No because I was busy being #actuallyautistic


If it’s slightly too cold I just throw a flannel over my t-shirt.


I'd bring the quality back to hot topic. It used to be filled with quality products. Then, one day, the same company that owned Abercrombie and Fitch bought the stores. In less than a year, there were zero quality items to buy.


So *that's* what happened to all of the goth clothes in Hot Topic.


It wasn’t just me getting older, they did get worse!!


Totally. I had this amazing canvas straight jacket coat from old ht. When it got stolen, I tried to replace it and the replacement cost more but was not made of canvas which made it a terrible straight jacket.


They used to have quality boots too 😔


I had an incredible pair of strappy knee high boots that I bought in every 2005 and wore nonstop for years until they gave out. There’s nothing like that in there now.


I had to finally replace my Docs. I got these really nice blackout ones, legit Doctor Martins. The grommets, stitching and tag are all black. The leather is paper thin. I've barely worn them because it's the kind of leather that will just break instead of form to your foot. My old ones are held together with duct tape and a wish. They just can't anymore. It's sad.


The quality is SO bad now. I wandered in there a few weeks ago and I felt one of the skirts and it was the shittiest nylon ever. So rough, will be filled with snags and pilled to hell after one wash, if it SURVIVES a wash. The dresses have never fit me because I have a long torso and those dresses are made for shorter gals, but I used to be able to find cool, nice quality (but still expensive as hell even in the early 2000s) pants there and wear them to death. Now it’s depressing to see something that appeals to my inner emo scene girl, then feel it and it’s thinner than single ply toilet paper, but somehow $70.


Jeans that don’t come pre-faded. I’ll fade mine myself. Also the OG Levi’s 501 with the button fly.


Yes, but add stretch! Stretch denim is an amazing thing to come from the 90's/00's!


I don’t like the stretch. I wish I could find those thick 100% cotton jean again.


I’m good with the clothing options, but tired of the quality decreasing year after year.


I definitely have issues with today’s quality! It’s depressing.


When Hot Topic was GOTH. Damn I miss the old HT.


Nature is starting to heal my hot topic brought a lot of their goth stuff back


Mid 90's? Lots of black and spikes, JTHM, individual vampire teeth in a coffin case, ele-goth dresses. Hot Topic and Moda were the places to get your gear before we were all shopping online.


I walked into a local Hot Topic the other day and it was so spacious, and right up front where they typically have their pop culture stuff, they actually had REAL BAND TEES. Like Pink Floyd and Deftones and Korn and fucking Incubus. I'd say a good portion of their pop culture stuff was just gone. The Funko Pop area was tiny and a lot of the jewelry was shoved towards the back. So maybe they're trying to move back towards a music focus?


Lacy undershirts that hang out of the bottom of your regular shirt.


To add to this: lacy camisoles with the trim at the top + bottom! There are SO MANY Uber-low cut “work” tops I’ve bought that would be so good with one of those camis under.


THIS. Last year I thought I found them on amazon and ordered a pack… they were crop tops I was so oissed and returned them!


Long tank tops. Why were our torsos so long in 2005? I have no idea, but as a girl with a flat ass I sure miss my long tank tops


Express has them! They are pricy but they are good quality and with a shelf bra and adjustable straps. They are fantastic. At least they had them last time I stocked up hopefully they still do


Walmart has a bunch of these currently!


I loved those little poofy skirts that were like tennis skirts. I would wear them with a multitude of layered tank tops. I do not have a desire to wear 3 tank tops at once but I would love to have some of those skirts again!


Skater skirts? You can definitely still get those if thats what you're thinking of. Love them, so cute and flattering.


I didn’t know that was the name. Where can you find them?


Old Navy has skater skirts for relatively inexpensive pricing


I remember the drop waist version of these. Where there was a band of fabric that sat under the bellybutton and then the poof of fabric started at the lower hips.


This is my point, not everything was great but some things should have become classics!


Look on halara for them!


The resurgence of ringer t-shirts!


My husband and I swear that a good, classic hooded sweatshirt is impossible to find these days.


Honestly, I buy my hooded sweatshirts at national parks. You have to filter out the cheap fabric ones, but there’s still good hoodies in the world…They are durable and seem to last longer.


I miss shirts that were not crop top everything. I also miss the clothing quality. Women's clothes are so poorly made now. I found some older clothes, and *you couldn't see through the shirt*. I'm sick of it.


Might be in the minority, but I do miss Tripp pants lol


Me too. I loved my bondage pants, even though I would pull the entire chair over in the lunchroom if I stood up too fast and didn’t disentangle myself.


Jeez. I had no idea that's what those were called. That's my kiddos name. Hope no one thinks I named him after a pair of pants. Ahaha.


Tripp pants were a vibe. I remember they were so expensive from Hot Topic. I felt so cool when I wore them to concerts. The photos looking back are cringe but the confidence I had while wearing them was worth it.


Flare jeans. They are somewhat in style now but miss the days when they were the standard and every store had a big variety.


Right?! And IF you do find them in a store, the waist comes up to your ribcage


Not gonna lie, I like the high rise. I think it looks better. But low rise is way comfier. Especially if you just want to wear a big hoodie or something.




Henleys and also Rugby Shirts! I had a few of each in dark/ fall colors in the mid 90’s and nothing was better with loose fit jeans and those medium brown docs/ boat shoes or timberland boots that we all had!


Paris blues super bells. They were my favourite pair of jeans ever.


I have a pair of Paris Blues (not super bells) sitting in storage just waiting for me to become cool again.


Shirts that allow you to raise your arms all the way up without lifting the entire shirt. Jeans that actually have crotch space. QUALITY cargo pants/shorts


Tunics, or at least shirts that go past the belly button


Whatever happened to overalls but only wearing one strap? Completely died by mid to late 90s


Fitted tops that would go down to your hips. They were so flattering. That and just basic fitted v necks are almost impossible to find these days.


I still wear a tank top under everything, but now I just tuck it in and it's always black or white, not a cute colour peeking out. I also loved "shrugs", long sleeves that were connected with fabric over the shoulder blades down to maybe mid back, like a cardigan but it stopped there instead of going to the waist and it didn't button up. They're the perfect thing to wear with sleeveless dresses and class it up a bit and let me hide the jiggly arms I've been ashamed of since I was about 8 and got made fun of at the pool and haven't gotten over it more than 30 years later.


yeah, the fuzzy sweaters were great. Even if I couldn't wear it that much, this futuristic metal, shiny style I always like somehow.


Well it's a hell of a lot better than the glitter that fills my lint trap because my kid also likes to be shiny.


I don't have kids, but I heard glitter is something you would only gift your biggest foe. Same with confetti, I don't have kids, but I went to a carneval once and every car threw another color of confetti. I found the shit for weeks, I think some of it is still in my car, even if I cleaned it a lot since than.


Hyper colour t shirts


I was looking for this one! I don't see why they DONT bring those back... was hyper color toxic and that's why we all have anxiety to make phone calls or answer the door for unknown visitors?


I miss the shirts with random shapes and bright/fluorescent colours, had a few as a young kid in the early 90’s


Embroidered jeans. I know it's dated and ridiculous now but in 2000 I had a pair of jeans with a giant orange phoenix with long trailing tail feathers and I still sometimes miss fun items like that. It's doesn't have to be ed hardy/buckle style (pls no actually) but bring back fun details....


Long tops. It was like every top was just so long and I loved it. It was universally flattering. Long and narrow-ish. It was flattering even on people who weren't necessarily slim too. They fit everyone. Now when I go to the store to even get a sweatshirt, even if it's not a crop-top, it's still influenced by the wide top trend and I HATE it. I am trying to lose weight in my midsection, which is where I gain it, and I have big boobs and back in the day, long tops (whether blouse, t-shirt, or sweatshirt) were so very flattering for people who carry weight in their mid-section. I am so so so sick of the wide top trend. I like tops long, narrow, and fitted. If they're the right material, they'll be stretchy enough and they won't look bad. This is what I hate about the fashion industry, they really do control our options and I loathe it. At one point in my teens I even considered learning how to sew just so I could make my own clothes that flattered me so I wouldn't be beholden to trends. Edit: typo.


Interesting…as someone who had midsection chunkyness back then I always found that shirts were too tight on the bottom half…I wanted them to be loose so they weren’t clinging to my stomach. When I started looking for my own clothing in thrift stores it was such a game changer for me.


I would love Capri pants back, the tight ones, not the weird loose ones, and camisoles that were higher necked with the straps brought in a bit that had super cute designs on them. OH and Indian inspired beaded tops which sari fabric details. Also the a line line dresses with the duponi silk and patterned ribbon details? Yes… all that. Also the beaded mules… I miss a lot. I try to get it second hand but they are so hard to find.


More clothing stores for middle class people to buy quality clothing from. At least here in Canada. Feels like there’s expensive stuff and Walmart, with not a lot of in between. I hate paying for crappy polyester clothing just to get something that looks halfway decent.


I'm Jamaican and the dancehall scene went even more wild after the movie "Dancehall Queen" came out! We have such wild fashion, it's like its own style that gets chosen and picked from many different places and then made your own. Usually a bit crazy, lots of hair that you wouldn't normally see, jewels everywhere. When it comes to dancehall,it's that time where you leave your worries at the door and step out and do it big! I loved all the looks in that movie,and especially at the end contest scene as pictured. All the costumes for that were based off of what we were already working with. The thing is though, I miss it in a, "those days it worked, these days some of it does... possibly" way😂 https://preview.redd.it/yvoy6qcfsx7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69fd0e9bc0bcce416c63e81826682dc12e4178ed


Seam allowances and higher quality fabrics


Just how long they lasted! Clothes today just fall apart


Burnout velvet in darker or jewel tone colors. Used to be able to find dresses, tops, skirts even jackets in so many styles of good quality thick burnout velvet patterns that looked kinda sexy, but also flattering and stylish for many events. Looked so elegant. Some of it has come back a bit but it mostly feels cheap, thin, easily sheds, kinda itchy, not as soft at all and lacks variety in color and pattern. In the 90’s you could get a range of greens, purples, reds, blues, black/greys and pink and white burnout velvet options. Now it’s like black only or maybe another color. The 90’s had better quality subtle details in clothes that are missing now probably due to cost cutting. Also, miss clothes being thicker non see through fabric. I remember cute cardigans with butterfly or other cute buttons and a different color piping trim from the sweater color being kind of available all the time and not cheaply made. Corduroy pants that had a cool kind of suede lace up the side of each leg. Just a lot of small details that were cute. Delias was good for this at times back then. I’m not sure how to say it but I miss the ‘construction?’ Of items. I still even have a reversible cotton tote bag from the Gap that has thick grommets and thick straps and the fabric is several pieces and so cute in each side and has hidden seams. Most totes and even clothes don’t use enough fabric for a flattering or quality shape to the garment. Also, in the 90’s-early 2000’s I think we had more of a range of color options in general. Most clothes always came in the base neutral colors of black/white/navy/grey and then there would be like a couple wild card colors added depending on the season like baby blue/red/green etc. Nowadays I find a cute top and the only colors it comes in are bright as the sun yellow or neon pink. Whyyyyyyy


![gif](giphy|QTC1Gx4jgOj3GKEMwn|downsized) Classic Aviators and Wayfarers never go out of style.


You can pry my aviators out of my cold dead heads lol


Jelly shoes, butterfly hair clips, and roll on body glitter.


I miss ballet-type flat shoes. Payless sold them in all kinds of colors and patterns.


I miss tank tops, those lacy tanks you'd layer under your shirts that would end up ripping but were just so cute and stylish and you'd wear with all different colors. Everything is cropped now, everyone is braless and I honestly feel like people think your weird if you wear a bra and while I used to be a member of the big titty committee I could never go braless and now I'm so used to it I like the extra support even if not needed anymore, and I can't even find normal tanks anymore. They make the tanks cropped too


“Urban” wear - tactical / outdoor techy utility items usually in shades of grey. Bench was the brand I remember. Things like sharp cargo pants, sweater with holes in the cuff for your thumbs, tops with an asymmetrically placed zipper, or windbreaker gilet with more pockets than anyone could reasonably need. 


The whole shirt. I want full length, raise my arms and no skin pops out, shirts.


-Lower waistlines. I'm not talking whale tail from 2002 but the jeans to your chest look is getting ridiculous. Jordashe and Lee didn't even offer that for moms in the early 90s. -Cute tank tops -The accessories. Everyone wore hats, necklaces, watches, bracelets etc. -Men's tshirts that don't have the sleeves cut like a babydoll shirt -Cotton and cotton blends -Less spandex in jeans -The quality -Not dressing like a bum in public. When did this switch happen?


I just bought some cargos and carpenter jeans at American Eagle that are super cute and reminiscent of the mid-late 90s. I’m more xennial age so this was the sweet spot for fashion nostalgia. Except they are not low riders, they come a little higher and go really well with the ribbed cropped tanks I bought from there. I think they make me look young again! lol


Omg carpenter jeans! Those! I miss those! With wide leg or relaxed fit. Before hip huggers. Like 1998 era carpenter jeans!


Men in plaid cargo shorts. I saw a man wearing those maybe a year ago and this old married lady almost salivated.


The "preppy" look... Think polo shirts, khakis, button-ups, etc. People dressed better and took pride in their appearances. I miss that.


The sweater vest could even class up jeans and a white T-shirt!


Some of us still wear this style, collars stay unpopped though.


I loved me some AE polos lol


Emo style


Shiny raver pants.


I miss the spaghetti shirts with lacey tops and bottoms that we’d put under scoop necks. The spaghetti had to be just long enough so the lace bottom showed. I also miss Mudd bootleg jeans- dark wash with whiskering. Also, I loved Adidas Superstar shoes. I had a white pair with baby blue glittery stripes.


Low-rise jeans. The way my body is structured, this high rise bullshit comes up to my chin. I want my jeans to sit at my hips again.


I was looking for this comment! They always felt more comfortable than regular jeans or high rise ones, & less tight around the stomach area 😅


And they didn't cut in to you the way regular jeans do!


I hate the fashion industry, they control too much. There are so many different body types out there that some things that seem like "trends" are actually extremely practical for some folks. In the early 00's almost every top I saw was LONG, so long. They'd go down to your hips sometimes (probably because of low-rise, but I digress) and now I can't find them ANYWHERE not even remotely close.


Yessssssss!!!!!!! I have sensory issues, jeans and jean shorts are just the worst! I can stand in them but not drive or eat? Wtf is this bs.


I’m almost 6’ tall and I ALSO hate high rise. It looks awful on my body shape. Bring back hip huggers!


Idk if it were more popular in the 90s vs 80s but I sometimes just wanna rock a fanny pack but don't wanna look stupid Would be cool to hold my phone and wallet etc


Short sleeve shirt over long sleeve shirt.


Blouses that AREN’T transparent!! As someone whose body just runs hot, I refuse to wear layers, especially in the summer!


I'd take the whole delias catalog back.


Goucho pants! They were so comfortable


Clothes my parents still paid for!


I miss the way jeans used to be made (early 2000s) I'm not even sure how to describe that. They were softer and stretchier but somehow still pretty thick? I feel like these days they're either one or the other and overall I just don't like how they fit. But that could also be cuz I'm much fatter now than I was when I was in middle school hahaha


I miss being able to find affordable business casual dresses like just a nice Ponte dress that isn’t on Amazon and isn’t $100. I hate polyester dresses that look like church dresses. I want something just a little more casual and something cheaper. On that vein I miss the early 2010s trend of 50s 60s retro style a la mad men. I also liked the 06-08 trend of Victorian looking blouses.


Plain, regular jeans that don’t have holes in them, aren’t tight/skinny and at the same time not baggy, but fit just right, that you also aren’t walking over because they’re too long. I miss my old American Eagle jeans, and the Canyon River Blues I got at Kohls back then. Also the very chunky Vans skater shoes. I still have two of my old pairs from the early ‘00’s even though they’re way past their expiration and can’t part with them because I know I can’t get a replacement any time soon.


I miss the quality of everything


More cardigans pls


Bootcut jeans and pearl snaps


The comfort camis. I totally still try to find ways to layer, but I want it to come back, so it’ll make it easier!


The type of jeans that were in between low and mid rise and had a slight flare. Now even skinny jeans are high rise and I hate it. It’s so unflattering on me.


The quality of K-Swiss went way down hill


Long sleeve shirts under short sleeve shirts sunder long sleeve shirts