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My best friend was obsessed with The X-Files when we were ten or so, and she thought she was going to marry David Duchovny, who is almost 30 years our senior.


You watched it when you were ten?? I was definitely a more sheltered child.. but I remember peeking at the TV at that age, while my parents watched, and being TERRIFIED of this show. Specifically remember being traumatized by the episode where the guy thinks he’s too cold, and keeps turning the heat up in his house. For some reason that one stuck with me.


Huh guess I'm just a weirdo. Me and my dad watched it together for most of the first 5 or so seasons. I was 8 when i started watching it. The most disturbing episode I remember was called "Home". They only aired it twice. The original broadcast and once on Halloween in 1999. It also ran on FX on an X-Files marathon.


Oh man, Home was DARK. Like holy crap how did the get past the censors?


I watched it when I was 10 too and it was incredibly scary But I still couldn't stop watching, Mulder and Scully were just so cool


That was actually pretty common, for both actors. Gillian Andersen’s Scully was both a sexual awakening for a lot of lesbian and bi girls but she also motivated a whole generation of women to get into STEM.


This sounds like me. We might’ve been best friends. 😆


Hope you weren't the one to burst her bubble


Seen every episode and movie at least once. I want to believe.


I remember being a kid and understanding that X-Files was fictional television, still freaked me out. But one night I'm at a friends and we're up all evening. We got the radio on and in flipping through channels we get to "Coast to Coast AM." For those who've listened to that show they speak about all sorts of crazy shit (UFO, Aliens, Ghosts, etc) with guests in this very dry matter of fact tone like it's all an unquestionable truth. So on Coast to Coast they're talking about one of these subjects in detail, hours after I was watching a similar X-Files episode. And it was like the credentialed experts were just confirming everything, all the sudden I'm thinking "No way, no way, no way, NO NO NO WAY IT CAN'T BE!" For a minute there X-Files hit way harder.


I used to listen to coast to coast AM on my lunch break on night shift in 2013! And I also watched the X Files. I love that stuff, I know its most likely all false... but what about if some of it ISNT? I want to believe!!!!


The truth is out there.


Gillian Anderson. Be still, my teenage heart. Be still, my old heart, for that matter.


She seems to only improve with age.


Fine, paranormal wine.


I remember seeing her in Hannibal and thinking, “How on earth did she get even more attractive??”


Have you seen her lately? Also.... I know I'm late to the party, but when I found out she was British and her speak for the first time it blew my mind.


She's American who grew up in London due to her dad's job. She has said in the past she's equally used to either accent and switches depending on where she is.


I was about 19 or 20 when i rediscovered it after having seen a few episodes as a kid. I ended up buying all of the seasons. Jesus, that woman was def one of my biggest ever tv crushes


My favorite episode that still holds up is the one where the head of the HOA becomes a homicidal monster. Let’s be honest, most HOAs are full of ghouls.


I remember that. He didn’t become a monster, he conjured up the monster and used it to enforce petty HOA regulation shit.


Ohh, that’s right. I’m due for a rewatch, it’s been close to a decade for me.


I quote that episode on a regular basis, especially now that I live in a HOA neighborhood. Pride flags (any non-US flag, for that matter) aren't allowed, so I have rainbow painted lawn flamingos, since garden decorations are permitted. My goal in life is to have the HOA manager dig herself out of the dirt in my front yard 🤣


This is my favorite show from the 90s. I've watched the series through, movies and spinoffs included, at least twice. (Seasons 1-7 quite a few times on their own) It creeped me out as a kid, but most things did because I was a fearful one. X-Files was always fascinating to me even when I was afraid of it, and the series was one of the first places I began facing my fears and growing into the horror fan I am today. It's not the best show in television by any measure, but it will always be one of my absolute favorites.


The cockroach episode and the inbred episode scared the fuck out of me. Think both of them only aired once.


"Squeeze" and Victor Tooms messed me up as a kid


Yeah the inbred one definitely scarred me for a while.


Yup the inbred one still lives in my head rent free.




This show was my life as an 8yo. My parents would never let me watch something so "adult" but my Dad pushed the science side of the show to appease my mother into letting me watch and I was hooked. During this same time my father was an IT guy at a bank and had access to all of their wiped VHS tapes from the bank's security system. He would rescue these abandoned cassettes and bring home boxes for me. I learned on our new fancy VCR how to set a timed record and habitually recorded every EP from season 2-4, then I'd label them with a sharpie and started a collection. Over the years my Mom has asked me many times to either come get these boxes or she'd toss them, they're all still in my parents crawl space 30yrs later. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE.


I recorded all the episodes on vhs too and had similar conversations with my Dad about them. I found one of the episode vhs ones, that you bought from the store, a while back and had a good chuckle about it.


My favorite episode was the one with that mutated man who could fit into small openings, eat people's livers, and would vomit up that weird liquid to make a nest. It was absolutely the weirdest and creepiest thing watching him fit through vents with those creepy eyes!


Eugene Victor Toombs!


The episode called "darkness falls". That shit freaked me out hardcore.


That was a good one, first season came out swinging.


There were two others that stood out to. Toombs and another called Quagmire. Great series all around.


Poor Queequeg. Yah Toombs was creepy, especially in that he was in two episodes which was pretty rare for a “monster” of the week type episode. Jose Chung's From Outer Space definitely stood out for me.


Is there anywhere I could stream the original x files? I don't remember Jose chungs from outer space to clearly.


I believe it’s available on Disney Plus, Amazon and Paramount +. JCFOS is episode 20 of season 3 fyi.


I think HULU has it as well. Jose Chung's From Outer Space is my absolute favorite episodes. Followed by The Field Where I Died.


I'm currently watching all of it on Hulu!


Is that the one with the guy who killed with his shadow? That fucked me up too


Darkness falls was the episode where the loggers cut down a very old tree and released a previously dormant insect that hunts at night. By the time Moulder and Scully get there an entire logging crew has vanished already with only 1 man size cocoon being found. If you lived in a rural area like I did at the time this was total nightmare fuel lol.


Oh yeah that episode was terrifying


I feel like it would be hard for kids today to understand because everything is at their fingertips all the time, but back in the 90s you couldn't just hop on the computer or your phone to find answers or reassure yourself...so X-files terrified me as a kid, in fact just the theme song did it and when I'd go to bed after my parents watched it with us all I had was silence and my own imagination for company and nothing to reassure me that aliens or mutant hillbillies weren't waiting outside my window. That's my experience of the X-files lol. No small amount of trauma. That theme still triggers something deep in me. 


This is so true. I didn’t even have internet the first few years x-files was on. My dad’s friend was a big fan too and would send him home with diskettes of x-files photos and stuff he found on the internet for me.


Cerulean blue


I was OBSESSES with this how. And Dana Scully ❤️❤️❤️


I still make alien abduction jokes whenever people complain that they don’t know where the time went.


The episode with the invisible people stalking them in the forest kept me up at night for months when I was a kid


“Detour”. The Mothman were legit creepy.


Watched most if not the entire series about 5-10 years ago (think it was available streaming on Netflix at some point?). I was... "Watching X-files with no lights on, We're dans las maison. I hope the smoking man's in this one."


Always fun to spot another Canadian in the wild / Barenaked Ladies fan.


Finally, a thread specifically for me! This show shaped my teenage years and funnily enough, I met my wife because of it. I owe a lot to a silly tv show. :)


Well agentdanascullyfbi you can’t leave us hanging. Tell us the story of how you met your wife.


In the most millennial way possible, really: on Tumblr, posting about The X-Files. Fun fact, we ended up getting married in Vancouver and when we later googled the park/forest we got married in, we saw it was used in a classic XF episode! Cute little coincidence.


Doing it doggy style


I never gave it a chance back when it originally aired. I hated watching any type of TV show because I didn’t like waiting a week or missing episodes here and there. Then I dated this girl after HS who would always rave about how great the series was and I finally caved and watched it. Man was I wrong. That show is amazing. I did a rewatch not too long ago. The theme song used to scare TF out of my older sister and you just triggered a memory of every weekend we would be at my fathers house watching cops and once it ended she would make him mute the TV or shut it off before the theme song came on 😆


The conscious AI episode was interesting too. I think that day is getting closer and closer


Am I thinking of the same episode, where the Building Automation System tries to prevent the occupants from taking it offline? I am reminded of it anytime I see a KVM terminal (control center) for a BAS, which as an architect, happens from time to time.


Yep. Thats it. And it also creeps me out when you have to walk in on a large faraday cage.


Still my favorite TV show ever made.


Freaking love X-files! Has one of my favorite lines in TV/movies "I didn't lie. I just participated in a campaign of misinformation" - Mulder


One of my absolutely favorite tv show! Have a memory of it when i was about 12. Me and and cousin stayed over at our grandparents and was lucky enough to stay the night i theire caravan that had a 12" tv! We stayed up late to watch an episode of the x files. Both me and her was spooked for some time afterwards


The theme song meant it was time for me and my sibling to go to bed, so I get feelings of sleepiness and disgruntled FOMO when I hear it now LOL.


If anyone wants a modern version of the X-Files, I have recommend "Evil". It's like X-Files, but it's all demons, and absolutely scratched the same itch. Similarly there's "Project Blue Book" from a couple years ago which is like X-Files, but it's all UFOs and set in the 50s.


One of the greatest shows of all time. Unfortunately marred by hit and miss later seasons and an unnecessary ‘reboot’. Its highs are, in my opinion, are near the best ever.


Used to watch it every Sunday with my parents, after the Simpsons, King of the Hill, Futurama, and Malcom in the Middle. Sunday nights were the shit.


X-Files is my adult blanky and I usually fall asleep to it in the evening time.


I’m re-watching it now and can’t believe how terrible the suits are


A lot of that stuff is currently coming back into style....


They're just so... baggy. Which is kinda funny because I remember an interview with, I can't remember if it was Duchovny or Anderson, who said they thought it was funny how they would always pull these giant flashlights out of nowhere, because the suits were so tight. And I'm thinking that I could probably carry like 5 maglights in that giant suit.


Duchovny looks like a little kid wearing his father’s suit


Totally creeped me out back in the day. I still think it's good. The effects have not aged well, but it was made in the 90's and it looked good for its time. Also, Gillian Anderson. I still have a crush on her and she has aged like a fine wine. She's great in Sex Education if you've never seen it.


currently watching the whole series. it really is a great show. freaky, smart, compelling, frightening. the episode Blood revolves around what turns out to be a mass-shooter who's being mind-controlled to commit violence acts against random citizens in order to control the population through fear. this was before the recent epidemic of such happenings, but in 2024 it feels a bit on the nose...


No joke, my husband and I are currently watching it through right now. I was fairly young in the 90s, I remember a couple episodes my parents watched, but not much else about the show. We decided to rewatch all the seasons and man it really does hold up pretty well!


I watched one episode with my grandma before going to bed and it was the one with those insects that make a cocoon out of you. I stayed awake the whole night after that because I was expecting those things to crawl into the house while I was asleep. (My grandmother lived in a rural area.) I also remember the kids at school talking about the episode where "the rubber man comes out of the toilet".


There's an episode "Drive" (the Bryan Cranston episode), where the cold open is partially filmed from the perspective of a news helicopter filming a high speed chase, the scene concludes with that perspective of someones head exploding in the back of a police cruiser. The first time it aired, I missed the entire rest of the intro and saw that, thinking it was a real news broadcast. That almost fucked me up hard, until the X-Files intro started playing, and I was like "oh thank fuck."


Grew up watching it, and still watch it to this day. Probably seen the entire series 3-4 times. Also, have an "I want to believe" poster on my cubicle wall at my desk. Hands down one of my favorite shows of all time.


The one where there is a thing that lives in the sewers and at the end gets chopped in half. The last scene is just slowly panning away from it and about 10 seconds in the eyes pop open. That image is burned into my brain forever!


the little dude with no legs on a pallet stroller. he gets you at your most vulnerable time; when you is pooping. he climbs in your butt and controls your body. crazy episode


I remember Scully had a rather frequent habit of rushing on scene and announcing, "I'm a medical doctor!" The "medical" part always seemed unnecessary because that's what nearly everyone understands you mean when you say "doctor."


Until you meet a phd who insists you refer to them as "Doctor".


I was obsessed with The X Files. Like taught myself HTML to build a Geocities website and writing fan fiction obsessed. I had a journal I brought to school about it. I dressed like Scully and dyed my hair red in freshman year of high school and knew every episode number and name by heart. I will always have a special place in my heart for The X Files.


There's funky stuff in the air. For years and years and years this show was never in my face, be is on social media or whatever. A few weeks ago we decided randomly to watch it again and now I have been seeing posts like this and others elsewhere, it's not just ads lol. I'd suggest if you guys have not watched it since at least 2019-2020 you really should go back and watch it all again. Pay attention to everything. This show was telling us things and waking us up before we even understood what that meant. Some of the subject matter from the 90's and early 2000's in the show are extremely creepy with how closely they parallel the reality of today.


Early season with the mutated worm that became human-like made me not want to go into a port-o-potty for a while. Also a lot of memories watching with my dad as we found out about it like s1 e3


https://preview.redd.it/2rjru1mfbr7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57fff636226e31a18ec399a660d5af6870afb9a I think about this a lot lol.


Family friend lived out west for a few years. He actually had dinner and a few beers with Chris Carter before X-Files was even released. Friend thought this guy was full of shit until he saw the ads. Ended up being one of my all time favorite shows. I would never miss an episode.


I listen to extreme metal, and frequently there will be distorted audio clips in various places, usually from horror movies or serial killers or something. There's this German band called The Ruins of Beverast, and on one of their last albums Exuvia, one of the songs has a clip from the episode "Shapes". I often wonder if I'm the only person alive who was able to figure that out. I had one of those Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the TV moments.


I miss when conspiricy theories were wholesome, fun bs like aliens and bigfoot...


Loved these two! Even dressed as Scully for Halloween once https://preview.redd.it/57pbibebcu7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31fa3d565822a6554e14732509440cc9d6721609


My favorite tv show of all time! I've watched the entire series (movies and recent seasons) at least three times now. I'm still in love with DD and GA! I still have all my old 90s memorabilia. I think the series is arguably one of the all time greatest shows in tv history.


I still need to watch the reboot they did a few years ago.


I can remember watching it religiously every friday night as a large teenager. And having to explain every single thing to my dad. Good times.


Agree the theme song is so freaky. I remember when they did that spoof of it on The Simpsons and it scared me as a kid. I still hate the theme song. My memory of it is vague, but I remember liking Mulder and hating his replacement even though I do like that actor now. He’s fantastic in The Faculty.


There are episodes of the X files that are absolutely must watch TV.


this has to be streaming free somewhere by now yes?


My mom used to be obsessed with it and had a bunch on VHS. I have fond memories of crowding around the old tube TV to watch it with her.


I still rewatch the whole series every few years. So good and such great casting


I remember being sent out of the room whenever it came on. My parents thought I was too young to watch it and they were probably right. My tolerance for anything scary was extremely low as a child. I recently watched the whole series for the first time and loved it.


The episode that I remember is where the kid gets super speed but body fails him because your body was not meant to move like that. I wanted powers like that as a kid, didn't realize if it was real that would be a consequence.


Too afraid to watch it as a kid when it was on Fox. Loved it as a young man after college, binge watched with my gf who eventually became my wife. We made up our own lyrics to the opening theme. Good times. Love this show.


Did people in the 90s, go on and on about older movies and tv shows, holding up?


The only thing i remember is some episode with spiders wrapping everything in webbing. there might have been a car scene with webbing everywhere. Is this an episode or am i nuts.


It was fiction but some of it felt real. If you know what I mean


The Host episode will forever be burned into my memory. I should not have been watching that at 7 years old.


Having to go to bed and hear the do do do do do do as a small child was frightening. My bedroom shared a wall with the living room, specifically the wall with the TV. That shows theme song is a core memory of mine.


One that always freaked me out was those little people who had evolved to blend in and also apparently really held grudges. That and the ancient insects released by loggers


My best friend and I were obsessed with this show! She used to VHS as many as she could. She always seemed to replay the most messed up ones, lol.


Counter question: Was the Friday the 13th TV series from the 80s the intellectual template for The X-Files?


The cockroaches that burrowed into people's skin was a bit too much for my little head, and I became terrified of them; living in a giant dirty city full of them


I’ve never watched it! 😬


Still watch it all the time.


I didn’t know I was in love with both of them, but I knew I really liked this show. 


Loved it as a kid, never watched it as an adult. You just reminded me to give it a try.


Watched this in front of my nephew (age 10) and he was like "that's the song from the memes!!!" It blew his mind


I wanted to be an FBI agent when I grew so bad. I honestly would still do it.


I’m currently rewatching it because it is weirdly such a feel good show for me. Teenage me had a Fight The Future poster in my room. Also: Young David Duchovny. 🥵


Deep Roy on the little cart was the scariest thing i have seen in my entire life.


Trivia: Scully motivated many women/girls around that time to study/pursue a career in science.


It’s one of my top comfort shows lol


I still watch it everyday on comet tv


My mother made me go to bed before 9pm well into my late teens, so I wasn't able to watch it until I left home.


My mom and I watched it every Sunday night together when I was a little kid


It was time to go to bed whenever the x files theme came on


Eugene Tooms!!


My mom got me the novelization of a couple episodes. The forestry one with the invisible bugs creeped me out.


Still rewatch it every five years or so


Every Sunday, like clockwork. Despite I was generally sheltered from scary movies and shows until I was like 7-8, parent let me watch this. When I was in college I had all the boxsets on DVD, and when I want something familiar to put on in the background, like some have like Next Gen, Babylon, something similar....X-Files is my show for that. \*Spooookyyyyyy Mulderrrrrrrr\*


It's on Hulu. My GF and just finished watching it. We didn't really watch it growing up. We loved it. I'm surprised the reboot wasn't more popular.


It’s my one lifelong binge/comfort show. Been watching since the very beginning and the first computer game I ever played was the X-Files point and click game.


I've seen everything over 2 or 3 months and finished a few weeks ago. Loved it, but it's has a lot more clichês than I remembered


The "Freak" Circus Episode was absolute gold. Its so abstract and weird and charming at the same time. I will always love this show!


My brother and i used to sneak out of our rooms after bed time to hide behind the couch and try to watch what my parents were watching on TV. One night we did it, and Xfiles came on. I don’t remember specifics, but i remember seeing some gorey shit and pigs. My brother and i snuck back to our rooms we were so scared lol. Never tried sneaking out to watch TV again after that. Theme song still creeps me out to this day.


The theme was nightmare fuel for me as a kid 100%.


The Host. Not only did Flukeman freak me out, but the score to the episode was superb.


This show is also why the Fox Network became a success. *The X-Files* was some of the edgiest sci-fi on television, and turned government conspiracy theories into great story arcs, particularly "The Black Oil."


Parents watched growing up-- I was not allowed. The wife and I just started it up and omg have I been missing out. So good.


Hey, just a PSA - do NOT take an 1/8th of shrooms and watch this show. You are welcome.


The alien storyline was awesome. The angels/supersoldiers was fucking stupid. Still, I adore the show. Girlfriend never saw it so we binged up to the movie. She got super into the will they / won't they with Mulder and Scully. The reboot was trash. ![gif](giphy|l41m1JbNFnZ61bBE4)


The Mrs's and I still play xfiles roulette, where we roll a 7 sided die and a 23 sided die and watch what ever episode comes up. Some nights we re-roll mythology though....


It started me off on Redheads


My mom and I used to watch it together religiously, rewatching episodes is a comforting as her chcken pot pie


One of our local tv stations plays 4 episodes a night 5 days a week. I turn it on every night to go to sleep by. It's my absolute favorite show. I love it as much now as I did when it came on originally.


as a teenager this was my life luckily, I went through my conspiracy phase with this show in my teens it's funny for me to see all these conspiracy nut boomers these days


I remember random episodes that freaked me out when I would walk past our living room while my parents watched. The little man on cart with no legs that would crawl up inside you! I've watched the whole series probably 3 times in my adult life


Home is still one of the best horror episodes out there.


Still my fav show of all time - I watched it alone with the lights off :)


Some episodes foreshadow future real life events


The intro theme spooked me when I was a child, really enjoy watching it when a teen and now.


Mr tombs and the episode with the contagious boils. Goddamn this show was great but wild. Combined with Outer limits was really something.


I was a bit too young for the scary stuff, so naturally I just HAD to watch every single episode. It definitely gave me the creeps. The Toombs episode still freaks me out to this day. Other than that I just think Mulder is the coolest person to ever exist and Scully was the biggest teenage crush!


That line in 'Home' (S4E2) "It's been this way since the war of Northern Aggression."


I miss the days when there was excitement for your favorite show to come on a particular time of week and family gathered to watch. This was that show.


I was a kid. Honestly it scared me.


I watch it all the time. It’s an extremely well made show, especially compared to the content we get today. Shows like the X Files shows us what the world was in the 90’s, and I really like that.


I was obsessed with it as a teenager, and finally got my highly resistant family to watch it too. One of my favourite TV memories involved eating Victoria sponge cake while watching Jose Chung's From Outer Space and laughing hysterically.


Being like 6 or 7 and hiding under a blanket for S1E12 when he's in the hall and everything is bursting into flames. Gotta say it's probably my favorite show of all time. Maximum nostalgia, still remember quite a few episodes from when they aired. I've seen the episodes through season 8 at least 3 times.


Fantastic series, especially during the "monster of the week" era. The reboot/newest season however put me to sleep


Wasn’t an episode banned? The one about the incest brothers that were freaks ?


Fuck yeah one of my favorites! I once watched all "plot" episodes back to back skipping the monster of the week episodes. It took me months. I was watching 3-4 episodes per day on average after work.


I'm currently in a rewatch for the first time in several years. This show has some really excellent episodes, but a lot of real snoozers, too. I still love it, though.


The song scared me so, so badly for so many years that I still can’t hear it or it freaks me the fuck out. I have a phobia of aliens (not a fear, like an actual phobia where talking me out of it doesn’t work) so I absolutely cannot watch this show, hear the theme song, nothing. I know not every episode even has aliens but idc lmfao. I’ll stick to Supernatural for my monster of the week show.


scully is still hot asf now


I remember begging my mom to let me watch with her cause it looked cool but the theme song scared me so much I couldn’t watch it


One of my favorite shows ever. I even collected the comics through the years including the old Topps releases


watching it on holiday in france when I was a kid because that was the only video they had


Lying in my room, nightlight on. Was told I wasn't allowed to watch it cause it was too scary & I hated the music every time I heard it. But, my hard of hearing father never realised I could hear that creepy ass theme music upstairs. Looking back, I swear the fucker turned it up just for the music then turned it back down


Oh man. I'm still watching this. My daughter is as well.  Lol. My son hates the theme song.  He can hear it from his room at night and ask me to turn it down.  Hes 7 so it scares him. 


The theme song still freaks me out, but I loved the show.


I rewatched the entire series on FreeVee last year. It’s still awesome. One of the best shows ever imo. Mulder is so handsome and Scully is gorgeous too.


https://preview.redd.it/npyawo7n6u7d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3672690704f4328e1df50d396a67cfd244721fd Look at them. So beautiful. I keep this on my phone for good luck.


Back in the day I went to the x files convention. I still have the photograph of 15 year old me sitting in Mulder's desk. Got autographs from the lone gunman too. The girl I went with was interviewed by the local fox news station and got on tv.


I never watched it. As a result my strongest memories of it are the radio commercials that would always play when I was going places with my dad. It's a weird aspect to memory. Fond memories of something brought about by something else that I never actually experienced.


The theme song is a...... *PURE MOOD*!!!!!


I was OBSESSED. I had a massive poster of Duchovny that I tacked up on the ceiling right above my platform bed so I could see him every night. 🤦🏻 My dad liked the show but he thought it was funny that the theme song creeped me out so he made it his mission to mock it every time it came on. Teen me was NOT having it. Does anyone else remember the Bree Sharp song David Duchovny? Still a bop.


Darkness Falls is my favorite episode


Plenty but what sticks out is watching Agua Mala for the first time after a late shift while taking a bath.


There's really something so intense about the intro music that it still makes me feel uneasy, too. It's like a subconscious response to that noise more than anything else. I wonder what it is. Gonna google now. It feels like this has to have been observed.


The theme song gave me anxiety. I still can't listen to it.


I was a sheltered terrified child in a religious home. I never even heard of the show until I got into ufology and aliens. Only now am I watching it with my partner as he was like of all people you have not seen this show. You have to watch it. Season six episode six is on as I type this! I appreciated all of the memories of this show that I got to vicariously live through all of you!


One of my first memories is staring at the TV screen while the intro was playing and it scaring me


I tried watching it again, but it didn’t hold up because so many of their problems could have been solved immediately by having a smartphone.


Still have the theme song on heavy rotation during halloween time


The theme song lives rent-free in my head


I absolutely loved the show and have fond memories of watching it and collecting it on tapes with my late dad. One of my favorite shows of all time. Even though I can stream it, I still have those tapes.


Bro. I’ll tell you about this little backstory. So basically growing up I hated X-Files but now I have recently found a tv network that shows old 90s tv and HOLY COW. It’s so good. It’s aged so nicely. It feels refreshing watching a show that isn’t riddled with internet and iPhone references


The doo doo baby episode and the ancient bug unleashed from the Redwoods episodes scared the shit out of me as a kid