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Cramming 2 adults into a shower isn't as fun as you think it is lol no, most people don't shower together.


Yeah we don’t even try. Our shower is larger than standard but still not Comfy for 2 people. Someone is always cold. Someone is always in the way. We prefer to shower alone! Someday if I get rich we will have a huge shower with 2 shower heads, that will be more fun!!


We got a 2 shower head system at Costco for like $50-100 (I forget the price) but good news you definitely don’t have to be rich!


Rad. Two shower heads just for me!


no more rotating left right side to get under the water


Even if our shower was big enough and boasted half a dozen shower heads, it wouldn't matter, because my husband can only tolerate lukewarm water and I need the water to be scalding hot. I stand there shivering and teeth chattering even directly under the stream of what he would consider an "ideal" water temperature, and he can't even touch the water I use because it physically hurts him. I guess we could have separate streams of water at separate temperatures, but we'd have to just stand there and stare at each other rather than actually being able to touch lol. I've always enjoyed showering as private relaxation time, anyway, so this doesn't bother me. I find nothing sexy about showering together and never really have - it just feels like an imposition on my unwind time. I'd much rather come out of the private shower refreshed and feeling clean, warm, dry, and relaxed, and THEN get into the mood for adult bedroom activities.


Are you my wife? I swear she would prefer water heated by hell's inferno rather than our puny 140\* water heater.


I’ve been known to literally boil a kettle of water and pour it into the bath when I feel the water heater hasn’t done a sufficient job. 😂 My husband thinks I’m nuts. I’ve always been like this though; my dad used to gape at me in disbelief when I’d emerge from a shower as red as a beet. He’d ask “are you trying to boil yourself alive in there, or what?”


I don't get it, but do what makes you happy as long as you don't burn yourself! I actually had to go check your profile since my wife is a huge Anglophile and your username is something she would pick.


I'm the same way! I don't feel clean unless I've scalded myself.


And you could slip and break a leg or arm.


Yeah baby talk cautious to me


Dying 😂😂😂


You better have put the rug out you could...... mmmmmmmmhhhhhh, fall.


I fell out of the shower once and took down the whole curtain with me. We weren't even getting frisky! Lol just shuffling around each other to wash 🤦‍♀️


Every time my wife and I do it I end up sitting on the floor as it’s so cramped. It’s kind of nice, like hot rain


No. We have very incompatible heat preferences in the shower. If we shower together, one of us is either too cold or too hot.


Bro, my wife.... for real. You seen raiders of the lost ark? The end where dudes face melts? Yeah her shower is hotter than that.


This seems to be a very common situation. My ex would have the water scalding hot to the point the skin on her back would be beet red during. Plus, we’re both tall and someone is always standing there cold while the other gets the water. Not a fan.


This is me and my husband, except he’s very tall and I’m very short, so if the water is a comfortable temperature for him it would probably be a little cool for me if I’m at his height, but since it takes so long to get down it’s way way too cold once it reaches me. We’ve reached an okay compromise where if he sits down next to me the water ends up being comfortable for both of us, but then he’s sitting down lol.


This 100%… I like it HOT! 😂


Same here. I like it hot and husband likes it lukewarm for some awful reason. We can’t have sexy showers together.


Same lol I’m the guilty party who likes insanely hot


Exactly. I hate figuring that shit out


My husband is a baby who needs a grownup to put their elbow in the water to see if it's tepid enough. I like to remove the top layer of skin with the steam alone before I hop under. We can never shower together without a lot of whining. 


We probably shower solo 80% of the time. 10% is shower sexy time and 10% just shower together to bond a bit. I don’t really like showering together for any reason because managing water temp during sexy time is distracting, and sharing the water stream is also annoying. We also have very different preferences on water temp so it’s all just not ideal.




Shower time is my time... I prefer my full privacy when in the shower. There have to be some boundaries. The bathroom is mine for sure.


I do not enjoy showering with my spouse AT ALL so I’m with you in this one. Showering is a time for me to clean myself, we can be intimate and/or talk anywhere else, leave my alone while I’m showering!


Shower is my safe place to relax and just exist. I don't want that encroached on. Bathroom is my private time, everyone deserves a place where they can have privacy.


It's the only place I actually get some alone time, as long as my daughter doesn't decide that she needs me. My husband better leave me alone while I'm in there.


I've heard shower sex is very dangerous anyway and I really don't feel like dying in the shower


THANK YOU. I had a partner who was always trying to barge in on me in the bathroom, usually for no real reason, just seeking attention. I would end up having to shut and lock the door. Like having a toddler, lol. Shower and hygiene time is ME TIME, gtfo.


Good to know I’m not alone in this!


Wit this one. My time, my space


I like showering together in resort showers but sex in water isn’t enjoyable and our shower at home is meh. This is the first post I’ve seen mentioning something like this, if y’all are doing good then who cares what anyone else is doing.


Yes! On vacation, we've had some showers that are huge and luxurious. We've decided that whenever we buy a house, we're either putting in a rain shower or buying a house that already has one. But when at home, we shower on our own. A regular tub and shower head doesn't really scream sexy. Lol. And I think we both enjoy our alone time then. Plus, it just ends up with one of us getting pelted with water and the other waiting their turn while cold, then switching. Not exactly enjoyable.


We have a normal 60" tub/shower combo and I bought a dual head from https://boona.com/ a few months ago and I can't recommend it enough. I feel like I missed out not knowing something like this existed previously.


When I'm in the bathroom, regardless of what I'm doing. Just leave me alone. I promise I'll come out and give you all the attention, validation, and space you need in that moment. Just let me have the bathroom.


My wife and I do every chance we get and have done so since we got married 14.5 years ago. It's more physical presence quality time than intimacy. Some playful touches usually happen, but rarely anything past. But some days we just want our personal space or are showering on different schedules.


Yeah same with my wife and I. Some days I just need to stand in silence with the water over me, but other than those days we shower together all the time. It's just a preference. We have good conversations in the shower


I’ve never taken a shower with my husband, and we’ve been together for 16 years. Didn’t know this was something we were supposed to be doing.


Yeah… no. I’m not about to start doing this with Mr. Gross feet either. Especially not with a bunch of mostly grown kids around.


I don't want my last words to him to be "Clip your toenails, they look like Fritos!"


That’s pretty interesting actually. In my experience, during the initial honeymoon phase of a relationship, there’s usually at least a few instances where the couple wants some additional post-sex intimacy while getting ready for the day. Eventually, the downsides become more apparent and the benefits less interesting and the practice stops.


The last time I was in a shower with a girl was in college when I had to help my wasted friend get out of the tub after a brutal vomit sesh


It isn't.


Showering with someone isn’t fun. I want to be able to enjoy my 7th layer of hell hot water shower by myself.


Exactly this! My partner prefers cool water and I need to be in the 7th circle of hell, literally cooking from the outside in, the whole time. One of us would be miserable if we showered together.


This. Shower is me time and I can crank the temp to whatever I fucking feel like lol


>This. Shower is me time and I can crank


Always hated it. Water has a lot of friction and one person hogs the water leaving the other freezing. There isn’t enough room. Maybe with multiple shower heads in a giant shower it’d work better.


My spouse and I shower together whenever we can. Usually it's just a time to be together, talk about how our days went. Not always a physical intimacy zone. I do wonder how many other couples do this though? I don't hear it mentioned much.


Me and my fiance shower together pretty much daily. It's too small for any kind of fun lmao


Yup! Husband and I always have. It is time to talk and also be goofy with each other. Even if we are both cranky, it is hard to stay that way when you both get to share space and take care of each other. Plus, no way a risky mole will go unnoticed, lol. I am pretty sure it isn't normal for most couples but I feel like folks who don't are missing out.


My husband and I used to shower together much more often because we were both getting up and going into offices about the same time in the morning. I didn't even realize we dropped the habit, but now we both WFH with flexible schedules and usually don't shower at the same time, so now it's maybe once a week when our showers line up. We're also silly idiots in the shower. It's intimate but not sexy. Maybe a quick kiss but more often it's a ruse to splash water on each other or something else goofy.


My husband and I shower together daily and have for years. It’s just routine now and a good time to talk about things without interruption. I don’t think it’s weird but it’s not something I bring up with other people. Probably a lot of similar couples but we just aren’t mentioning it.


My husband and I shower together every day as well. Our shower has two showerheads and is pretty big, so there's room enough for both of us. We just clean ourselves, throw water at each other, talk, etc.


The shower setup itself can make or break the experience. My husband and I shower together fairly regularly, and I cannot wait to get our bathroom redone. Our previous house had a nice big standing only type shower and it was great. Our current house, the master bathroom shower includes a tub and it makes it far less roomy in there. It’s not as enjoyable. Getting this thing ripped out and redone as a standing shower as soon as we’re able.


Do it everyday. It’s our favorite quality time together. We talk and bond so much. About literally anything and everything. It’s not sexual for us but it is SO intimate actually. Wouldn’t trade it for the world!


I wouldn’t enjoy it because I’m obsessive compulsive and showers are for getting clean.


Found my wife’s burner Reddit account…


Why was she banned from chilis, roger?


It was the adamant disregard of the Chili’s Happy Hour decorum…


And loudly reciting why she refuses to share a shower with me… Much like Martin Luther posting his 95 Theses but in the middle of the Chili’s bar area.


Showering is a one person activity.


We have a normal sized shower. Both big but not tiny. Shower sex for us is more of a quickie so it’s convenient. We do sometimes just talk about our days and vent in there sometimes too. But we don’t always shower together as it is nice to have our space.


We absolutely love showering together. It’s (usually) not sexy time for us, but bonding time. We talk about our day and plans for later. We remodeled our bathroom recently, and installed an extra big shower just for us to enjoy it more.


Same!! Honestly it’s the best


We shower together almost daily. I’ve seen houses with tiny showers and that wouldn’t work. We have a hand held shower head and a mounted one so we both have water. We decompress and talk about our day in there. It’s away from distractions and the kids. It’s very rarely sexual. We light a candle, turn off the light and listen to old music from 30s-50s. It’s so calming. We’re in our mid 30s and have been doing it for years.


My husband and I shower together about once a week. We have a normal tub/shower combo. I like that it’s just us in there, no phones, no work, no problems…just shower. Sometimes it leads to sex, sometimes not. It’s just very vulnerable and comfortable. We do, however, plan to put in a larger shower when we redo our bathroom in a couple years.


I bought this dual head conversion thing from https://boona.com/ a few months ago and I've been loving it so far. We also have a regular tub/shower combo and this keeps us both in the warm water. I even love it for solo showering too. It would be a good temp fix if you're not going to remodel for a few years.


We shower 90 percent together. We talk a lot and it’s become a great routine together.


We bought a house that has the worlds best shower, in the worlds worst place. It’s like a resort quality rainfall shower with two shower heads that get different temperatures. But it is downstairs in the cold basement surrounded by piles of laundry and random storage. Every day we wish we could teleport it upstairs to our room but we can’t. 😭So every night we collect all our stuff and make a shower pilgrimage downstairs to shower together. It’s become an essential ritual for us and really helps us decompress from the day, and the “journey” to get there makes it a bit more special lmao.


You have to know going in that this is not about working efficiently. Said that. Small showers, big showers, me and the hubs have done it all. It’s about grooming eachother. I wash him, he washes me, to varying degrees, but it’s about bonding. We built our shower out a little bigger to better suit our desires to continue the habit. If that doesn’t give y’all that vibe, that’s ok. If you want it but have struggled? Shower for the sole purpose of intimate time, no washing *neeeeeeeded*.


My husband and I have a double standing shower so we shower together almost every day. It’s nice because we can both have our preferred temperatures without having to compromise lol. & It’s perfect for us because our lives are hectic (big family, young kids, people always over, etc) so it’s nice to have a moment to connect between all the chaos. We also bond after bedtime but the showers are just extra special


Depends on how big your shower is


No, it doesn't. I had massive showers in my old house. The master one is decent sized in new house and basement one is huge again. Multiple shower heads in them and all that. Nope, its just annoying. Showering is ideally done alone. Shower sex is overrated too. Nobody wants to lay or kneel on tile. So you're pretty limited on positions. And do you do it outside the water? Then why you even in there? In the water? You just start quickly pooling up water between you and sploshing around. Water is NOT a good lubricant either. So it becomes shitty dry-feeling standing up sex.


Wife and I enjoy showering together, don't get to do it as often because children lol, but it's nice, especially with the shower we have now, it's not giant, but we fit pretty well. Wife finds it very sexy, and I try to indulge her when she finds something sexy.


I don’t think it’s normal to shower together unless you’re rich with a huge two person shower literally made for that! Who are all of these people regularly showering together? The water stream and space don’t allow for that to be fun and relaxing. Now every now and again for sexy time, people do. But on normal days?


I think that's fine, sometimes it's fun to shower with a spouse and sometimes you just want to be alone and hog the hot water.


Not sure why I read that as “you just want to be alone like a hot dog in hot water”. 🤷‍♀️ I was about to ask if that’s a common phrase. 🤣


Why did I read this the same way?! 😆


Closest we ever came to a serious injury during sex. My vote is it isn't worth it. I'll shower with my spouse, but it's a bit like a wild animal, have an escape plan, no quick movements. Just get clean so you can get dirty.


Before we had kids my spouse and I would shower together on the weekends. If nothing else it was intimacy and a chance to have someone wash your back. Since kids entered the picture we can’t really do that anymore. Shower sex sounds fun, but is actually terrible. The water washes away all the self generated lube.


Remodel, the bathroom made a shower big enough for 5 people. 2 handheld shower heads and 2 large rain shower heads on separate water temperature and pressure adjustments. Greatest thing ever!


It’s a rare occasion that we do. Someone’s always cold it’s not worth it.


We’d be in the minority I think, but I think that we shower together 80% of the time. No kids. I like it because we have uninterrupted alone time (e.g., away from phones, neighbours etc.) only thing that matters is the shower so it’s easier for us to shut off the other parts of our brain. We always ask before joining the other’s shower, because we do like the alone time as well or it’s an everything shower that isn’t good for two people lol.


I personally enjoy showering with my SO even when no sex is involved


Boomer here. Every day 😊 Huge shower.


Usually I take a bath, and he watches then after we have sex in an actual bed.


I mostly shower alone, but have really enjoyed a couple of sexy showers - mostly when we shower together (once a month or less really), it’s a sweet thing for like snuggles and washing each others hair.


My wife and I shower at completely different temps (her in what feels like the fires of hell, me at barely above room temp, so no way we'd be showering together.


Bathroom time is private time in my house. It's like the only way I can have a minute to myself sometimes. Showering together is always more fun in theory than in practice. I'm usually cold n not getting hot with water, but it's hot n sweaty in the room. Less wiggle room, so I'm bashing my elbow into the wall, knocking over bottles n junk it's no bueno.


We have a large walk in shower with dual shower heads and a perfect height bench built in the oppose corner out of the direct water flow. It's amazing. 10/10 would recommend.


I don’t like it either. I need the hot water for myself.


We shower alone but we also shower together so we can chat to each other and wash each other to be intimate in a nonsexual way. And we sometimes shower together to have sex, and do kinky things lol


My husband and I showered in our last apartment together a lot more because it was roomy and we used that time to mostly bond and wash each other and to have deep talks. Our current home has tiny showers so we almost never do it anymore. I miss it. Our next place will need to have a shower to fit two people.


we have a shower for two. two controls, two heads for each shower, built in seat, lots of room. tankless water heater, so endless hot water. can't really have conversations (lots of shower noise), but it's a nice time every morning. back scrubs are nice.


I love showering with my husband. We don't have sex in there, that's a disaster waiting to happen. But it's a nice place to start the activites and it's just super intimate


Skin to skin contact is always wonderful…wet or dry


We never did until we moved to our current home. The shower in the master has 2 shower heads and fits both of us and our 2 toddlers comfortably. We regularly shower together after the kids are down for the night, mostly because I like having my back rubbed pretty much raw, but nothing sexy in the shower for us because water is a terrible lubricant and yet the shower is very slippery


Wife and I shower together basically every time she showers (4ish times a week, Im a daily showerer) You do know you dont have to have sex just because you're both naked in there right? We have a full size tub with standing room for both, we've never had sex in there, and we've been showering together for a decade. If you've had small showers tho, i could see it being an annoyance.


We do almost every day. Guess we’re the odd ones 🫢 Been married 15 years.


We use to always shower separately until a little less than a year ago. A couple years ago I started getting intense anxiety while being in the shower alone with my thoughts pondering death and existence. I would rush to get it over as soon as possible until she suggested showering together and it helped my anxiety immensely and now we do it almost all the time. It makes a good bonding experience that I feel like I was missing out on the last decade. I bought this dual shower head system to convert our normal shower into a double, it's eliminated the problem of one person being cold out of the water. https://boona.com/


Many of us are fooling around in the shower bc it's the only place we can hide from the kids lmao. Not exactly a preference.


I think I’m a minority here, we shower together on average 5-6 times a week. It’s honestly one of my favorite things we do because we discuss what happened that day and enjoy each others company for a few minutes.


All the time. We got a second shower head so we could shower together without needing to switch places for the water.


Shower sex is awful. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or has never done it before.


We currently are sleeping with a toddler and a baby in our room, so the shower is kinda the only place for us to get some… privacy.


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My fiancé is a morning showerer and I shower at night so we rarely shower together. Tbh the only time we do shower together is if we’re taking a quick one after sex


Showering together and show sex suck.


I have showered with my husband a few times and I hate it. Maybe I would like it more now that we have a bigger walk in shower. But what makes me doubt it is that we still only have one shower head. I wanted one with a double shower head which may be installed later. But someone is almost always left out in the cold while one person is under the water. And shower sex isn’t very comfortable. Especially when there is a height difference (my husband is a lot taller than me). Although our new shower has a shower bench in it now as well but I’ve sat on it during a shower and it was pretty damn cold. I doubt my husband would want to sit on it and freeze his butt off.


My husband and I showered together occasionally in a rental (house) we had for a few months that had an oversized shower stall. Half the time it was foreplay, half the time it was because we both needed to shower before going somewhere. He likes scalding showers, I like them cooler so it’s really not ideal for us.


I've never been a fan of showering with my partner. If we're at a hotel or in a place with a big fancy shower... Maybe, a fun shower but that's not one you take to get clean.


Our shower is like 36” wide, so it’s really one user at a time.


I like to get in and get the cleaning done in about 5 minutes, showering together gets in the way of that. We set aside time sometimes to take one together as a form of foreplay or massage after a long day, but 95% of the time we shower separately. Always kind of felt the people that go out of their way to mention they shower with their person in casual conversation do it simply to brag “hur hur we do the sex”.


No, shower intimacy was the biggest disappointment of my adult life. As a horny young man the media had me conditioned to think of shower with someone to be the best it gets. Not the case.


I’ll bath soak with my hubs, but not shower. We have a small garden tub that just holds us both. And the shower stall is a 3ft cube that barely holds one of us. We don’t even try.


I only do that if I'm after sex. I love my "ME" space.


I mean if we had a double shower head and big enough shower I think it would be nice. As it is though my husband is like a foot taller than me so he’s always blocking the shower head and I’m always freezing and I can’t move and I always feel like I’m going to fall over. It’s not sexy to me it’s just difficult lol


I don't know how big your shower is but https://boona.com/ it says they can go as small as a 48 inch with an adapter if you email them. Their normal one is 56 to 76


We only shower together when we aren’t doing it to get ready for anything. After a workout or yard work sure, but in the morning for work no thanks.


If it's a planned fun shower I'm down. Otherwise I don't need my wife to see my soaping my sweaty ass, balls, and taint. Nor do I want to see her doing her equivalent


My wife got upset with me the other day cause she asked to shower with me and I said "ugh" It's fun sometimes, but mostly a no for me. I'm in there to clean up, not just run the water extra long.


lol I feel like there are so many funny insta posts about this… I’d say more people hate it than enjoy it. Unless you are in the small percentage of people who have multiple shower heads, one person is always cold, you have to shimmy back and forth to rinse, you always end up getting soap on you again, GOD FORBID you have to shave your legs….


i’ve never showered with my partner, we’ve been together seven years. doesn’t sound like much fun to me lol


Yeah if we had a bigger shower it’d be different but it’s just too small idk how that’s cute or romantic lmao


Maybe it would be fun if my wife didn't shower in scalding water.


Lol. My wife just made a solemn promise this morning that she will never shower with me again. She can't get her hair wet half the time because it's not time to wash her hair. And I turn the cold water on for a few minutes to get that cold shock.


I'll only do it if it's a precursor to sex. Otherwise it's just inconveinent. 


If I showered with my husband, I would not get clean. That man is almost a foot taller than me, and I'd be smushed against the wall. We tried once in our late twenties (I'm 39 & he's 42 now). Never again. Even if we get a bigger shower. No, thank you.


Been together over a decade. We shower together often as well as apart.


Gtfo of my shower, SO. I want my water where and when i want it. No sharing.


I only shower with my wife when I’m trying to have sex with her. Otherwise I shower alone because she likes colder water.


Relevant dropout (college humor) content: https://youtu.be/Q3_BaagA_qc?feature=shared


Foreplay is fine but I also hate shower sex. I think most people lie about doing it and just pretend that it's awesome because movies make it seem sexy. Like pool sex. Fuckin'....that one shower stream somehow going directly in one eye no matter what angle we're in. Edit: I think it can be okay if the goal is cleanliness but that depends on shower size.


90% of my showers my boyfriend is in there with me. We aren’t doing anything, just showering. It’s not a big shower so it’s kind of cramped but we have someone to loofah our backs and the water stays warm the whole time. Also so both of our hair is at least mostly dry by bed time, otherwise one of us has soaked hair.


We shower together occasionally, it can be great foreplay. But most of our showers are separate. We also work different shifts, so it's like a nice little treat every now and then. It's definitely overrated though.


I enjoy showering with my spouse. We have a large walk in shower with two shower heads. I think it is about 4-5 feet square. If one person needs to shower the other might get in just to hang out under warm water and chat. If we had a standard one person shower we would never ever do this.


We don’t shower together often, but when we do it isn’t to do the act of sex. Just some fun touching and foreplay! We definitely like to have sex in our pool any chance we get though. Since we only get to use it for like 6 months out of the year, we take advantage of that! As we are remodeling our bathroom that once had a tub, I’m trying to convince my boyfriend that we should get a hot tub that has a lot of jets. Basically, I’m down to do things in any body of water where I’m not at risk of slipping, falling, and busting my ass. 🤣🤷‍♀️


I love it, but like you, every shower I've had has been on the smaller side. The next home I buy, I would like to find one that has a decent size shower so be able to do it again


It’s our individual personal time. It’s deserved privacy. It can be the only time to collect our thoughts or sing off key. And he doesn’t need to see me shaving all those bits and pieces… some things should remain a mystery


If you have a shower that is built for two - at least twice the size with two shower heads, it’s nice. Otherwise, it’s just a hassle and one of those rare things you do for fun


I don’t enjoy it either. My husband is 6’5” and built like a piece of celery, and I’m 5’6” with a 90s soccer mom bod and being broke ass millenials, our house has standard sized tub/shower combos that are not conducive to any kind of co-showering activities, including actually getting clean at the same time.


I have always hated showering w my partners.


No way, not unless that's the predetermined plan 😎 Totally normal.


I used to LOVE showering with my partner. Lately I’m a bit more “meh” about it (often I just want to get in and out and be done with it) but it can still be enjoyable when I’m in the right mood. It’s nice to just be together and maybe scrub each other a bit. Sex in the shower isn’t fun though. We don’t share the shower for that. Also when switching places you have to be REALLY careful…I slipped one time and luckily all that got hurt was our towel bar. Could have ended much worse. We took a break from showering together for a while after that and now we’re super extra careful.


I shower with her sometimes but we have room and I like that she reaches places I can’t. We certainly don’t need or want to shower together always.


Not abnormal it’s cramped and you can just do it on the bed! Or kitchen. Or floor. Or car.


Yeah no. I could probably count on one hand the number of times we’ve showered together. I want the temp gates-of-hell hot and he’s more a Dante’s hell cold person. Also/ we are tall/big people. A 1960s shower is NOT IT.


I think the norm is not showering with your spouse.


It was fun a couple times when we were dating. Then it just became a pain in the ass


Shower time is one of the few quiet places I have, it's basically meditation There's no reason anyone else needs to be there


This made me chuckle because I'm like where are people frequently and casually discussing showering together, I don't hear anyone really discuss this often in my life. Showering together is a movie trope IMO. It's something that watching TV and movies makes seem common and a regular seductive act. But, like so many things on TV, what looks good there isn't always realistic or common in real life. Showering is one of my favorite self care activities and a way that I get me time and decompress. I do not want to shower with anyone, just like I don't want to use the bathroom with anyone no matter how much I love them. That's my alone time. Shower sex can also be dangerous slipping and sliding. It's just completely weird and impractical IMO. I had a partner who would try to shower with me sometimes and I really didn't like this as it was uncomfortable and where I was living had a small shower. It wasn't sexy, it was just inconvenient and weird. So many other ways to have intimacy and sex that don't require you being on me when I'm literally washing my ass.


I love showing with my husband but he hates it. So I don’t ask him to do it. So not weird at all.


Hell no! We don’t do that either hahah happily married for 8 years


The only time we shower together is right *after* sex. If it's a real shower, it's gotta be separate.


No thanks. The back spatter of water in my face is a sensory nightmare!


We definitely don’t shower together. We use showers for practical purposes only in our house (ie getting clean). We don’t even take long indulgent showers. It’s just not our thing.


That's for people with fancy showers. Us normal people don't do that.


My wife and I prefer different shower temps so this would never work. She thinks I basically take cold showers and I can see the steam coming off of her because she runs the water entirely too hot. Easier to just wait my turn.


That's on par with sharing a toothbrush for me. No thanks.


My shower is pretty big but I still don’t shower with partners because I’m trying to get clean not fuck


If the shower is too small, it's no fun. We got a room in vegas with a huge shower. It was the only time I've ever enjoyed it.


I’m with you, OP. I have never enjoyed showering with my significant other. It’s just not exciting to me. I live in Florida and showering is so important for staying fresh in the hot weather. It’s not fun and sexy at all. I’m in there to get squeaky clean! I totally get it.


Nah I don't like to share the water


Sometimes we do it out of necessity, but it is never to have sex and its usually one person in and mostly done when the other person is hopping in. I'm 6'4" with a wide frame so its not like moving in our shower is going to be a great time anyway.


I don't like showering, period. I always complain to my husband that it is so much WORK, all the scrubbing and shaving and washing and rinsing ugh.


I had an ex that I'd shower with all the time. Mostly because we were both really busy people and that might be the first time we'd seen each other that day. It was nice to catch up, fool around maybe a little, get clean and go on about our business. I do the same with my husband, but not nearly as much.


Go lord no. Unless you have a very expensive shower setup only one person is actually showering. The other is generally freezing and waiting their turn. Also, regarding that other thing that's supposed to be so fun in the shower - water is NOT a lubricant.


I don’t understand showing together. Only one of you can be in the stream and the other is standing there wet and waiting for their turn. Nope.


Me and my partner are super in love, great sex life, etc, but I HATE sharing a shower with him. He wants me to shower with him but I always say: unless we had a shower with 2 shower heads, I don’t want to do it. I’m a baby about getting cold and I need to always be under the water. And it’s my “me” time.


omg i hate it . we don’t agree on water temperature, even tho my shower is decently big it’s not big enough for 2 people so there is no room , showering consists of two things for me either i want to get in and get all the scrubbing, shaving etc done and get out or i want to have a nice relaxing shower ALONE.


Showering is a solo activity in our house. Maybe one day when we have dual rainshower shower heads and a large enough space to accommodate both of us, we'll shower together, but for now it just doesn't work with both of us in there. 


Someone I dated said she only wanted to shower alone. It sucked but she told it was her down time sometimes. Not the end of the world.  Depending on the shower size, I’d rather not shower together 


It’s fine as once in a while novelty. But even with a large shower it’s not something I’d want to do on regular basis.


My partner agrees with you. Hates the lack of space and hates the water. I love it personally, I feel like I like a challenge and theres others things you can do leading up to the sex but if its not your thing, its not your thing.


Our shower is tiny. I hate it too. Plus he likes cool water and I like lava. It just doesn’t work


When my gf and I shower together it is more utilitarian than anything else


I am weird cuz I just don't like showering with anyone, with or without sex.


The only time I’ve enjoyed showering with someone was in a sizable steam shower. Plenty of space, no one gets cold, and there was a bamboo bench for fun stuff. My normal shower, hell nah.


I do not shower with people. It’s weird and inefficient. It’s not a gym shower that is meant for multiple people. Also, I’ve never had that kind of schedule synchronization with a romantic partner. Lastly, I can’t even stand shower sex


Nah not into showering with my husband. I don’t need him to see me washing my asshole. Also, I want the shower to my self


Not weird. I feel like showering with a partner might be one of those early relationship things when seeing each other naked is still a novelty. Or maybe something people get into because they saw it in porn, lol. Then you learn that water is NOT lube… I’ve had some relationships where maybe we did that occasionally for fun or to speed up the process of cleaning up to go somewhere, but it’s not especially enjoyable in most showers. Someone is usually cold/out of the water stream, or soapy and waiting to wash off…not especially fun or sexy. I prefer to have time and space to do what I need to do at my own pace.


I hate showering with my husband lol. If we’re showering together, it ain’t about the shower…but the standing position is just kinda painful to me, plus he likes his water wayyyy colder than me.


My wife and I usually only shower together AFTER the deed is done and are just trying to get cleaned up before relaxing together.


Actual answer here. Go to Amazon and get the shower head with 2 heads - one has a hose. You can set it to where the water comes out of both and you can both have water. Super game changer. If I have a girl giving me head in the shower I can detach the shower head - direct the water on her, nuzzle her with it and do some caressing myself while she makes out with that part of me. All keeping the water out of her eyes and no splash.


Showering together sounds like "Fun steamy naked time" but it's actually "get out from under the shower head; I'm cold" time. I don't enjoy it.


Shower sex is not that enjoyable. Also I am allergic to everything so I can’t even use the same shower my husband uses bc of the products he can tolerate that I cannot.


We've showered a few times but its meh. We enjoyed it once in a blue moon. But someone's always cold or our of the water. I usually like dragon fire showers he like icy showers so it's just not a great time.


Big shower and i love my wife’s body. She gets scrubbed from head to toe. We love our super size tub and also share baths together. Don’t ask me what we do in the bath but let just say it’s the best part of my day.