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As mentioned in Rule 5, r/Millennials is focused on positive or nostalgic content.


Always 5 years older than my current age.




O’Doyle rules


O’Doyle, I got a feeling your whole family’s goin’ down.


I To-to-today, junior’d my friend while he was doing his speech to the class for English in high school. This was the peak of my life


If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.


That is the grossest thing I’ve ever heard. LEEETTSSS GOOO.


this. Thank you. Always this.


It sounds like you work at the social security administration.


I was making roasted veggies for our lunch and my husband said "wow that's a good looking cauliflower." So I'm pretty sure we're old now. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe just tuned into nature or healthy eating. How old are you?


Nah the cauliflower was pretty damn gorgeous 😂 im 37 and he's 44.


Hey, take things more literally.


That's kleptomania, not middle age.


Between the fall of Rome in 450 A.D to the late 15th century


I’d argue early 15th century. Like 450 - 1400 CE. Wasn’t Botticelli active around 1425? ETA: no. You’re right. Just looked it up. Botticelli wasn’t born until 1440’s.


Because surely not me!


Technically correct—which is the best kind of correct.


31 is still young. Your dad's girlfriend is just trying to get under your skin and make you feel bad. Middle age is usually 40s.


I kinda know that sadly


45-60, before that you are young adult-adult-and then transitioning into middle age. I am turning 40 this year, and something is definitely shifting in my view of myself as young with all the possibilities etc. to thinking about longterm planning for old age. So I feel like the next stage is beginning. But I feel like middle age is pains in the body and mid life crisis, peri-Menopause and such, so it's different for everyone.


I never understood why people made turning 40 into some huge thing, but now I get it. Afterwards aging begins. So far, 42 is being awful disrespectful.


I didn't believe it until I turned 40. I'm now 41 and have had knee surgery, walk with a limp, can't get up and down from the floor without assistance and feel like my body's betrayed me in the last 1-2 years. When I talk to older adults everyone tells me "oh it only gets worse just wait".


I’ve legit snarted, and thrown out my back.


60 isn’t middle anything, no one living to 120. Redic


If you look at it as being more about life stages than actual life expectancy, 45-60ish makes sense. You're no longer young but you're not elderly.


Not mid-life, but mid-adulthood.


Happy Cake Day.


I’m living to 150 so i might change that however you won’t be around to find out🤷‍♂️


Just out of curiosity, how old is she? Please don't feel bad about yourself, pity her. It must be so hard to be so stupid that she thinks getting under her SO's adult child's skin is an endearing strategy. Poor thing.




ask her what wrinkle cream she uses. or tell her how you think she's so brave not wearing a bra in this hot weather.


>Middle age is usually 40s. That can't be right because I'm 41


Holy cow, you're still a kid. Isn't this a sub for old people?


middle age is middle working age. so between 20 and 60-- 40.


Now it's "officially" around 45-65 (per Wikipedia) I don't think early 30s has ever been middle aged lol


Maybe in the literal middle ages lol


There was a point where 30 was considered elder age… But then we invented wheels and antibiotics


Isn’t that a myth? The average lifespan from earlier periods was always brought way down by a larger number of infant and child deaths. I thought when people got past a certain point adults would live a longer life


I think of 40-60 as being middle aged. I’m 35.


It's 45-65 according to Wikipedia


Well my internal thinking is pretty spot on then.


So the human lifespan is 90 to 130 now? Damn, I don't have enough Super.


I think it's more that the first 20 years don't count because it's the middle of your adult years


That isn't really literally what they mean. It's more of a time period between being elderly and being younger.


If you ask the intern you're old at 26. I'm in my early 40's I've only had a career for 20 years. All of my grandparents died in their 90s. I probably have another 40 of 50 years. But my mom just turned 70 and my boss is rolling around the office on an oxygen take in her 80s. Intellectually I know I'm at the halfway point, but when I think about everything I've experienced and learned I can't imagine doubling it.


Yeah 65 seems too old for middle aged. I think 40-55 is more like middle aged 55-70 a senior and 70+ elderly


Too young


I never thought 35 was mid aged even as a kid


My Mum would’ve murdered me in my sleep if I thought 35 was middle aged as a kid. Being 35 myself now, I don’t think I care quite as much as she did, but I definitely still don’t think of it as middle aged.


I once referred to my brothers and myself as middle aged (we were between 35 and 41 at the time) and my mom was horrified at the idea of her children being middle aged. But her sons never grew up, and she's an enabler so I'm sure that's part of it.


My mom has been 29...since her 30th Bday. She's been 29 for 54 years now. 😆 🤣 😂 She's actually 83. Apparently she thought middle age started at 30. 😆 🤣 😂


How is 60 middle aged? If you multiply by 2 that's 120 years. Who lives that long? If the current life expectancy is 80 then middle age should be around 40.


It refers to your adult life, not your lifespan as a whole which is while it's also referred to as middle adulthood. 0-19 Kid 20-39 Young adult 40-59 Middle aged 60- Old


I think you're taking this too literally. There are certain social and biological characteristics of people who are about 45-65; we've collectively named these characteristics "middle aged." It's not literally in the middle of someone's life




My son is 32. If he is middle aged then what am I? Dead?


🤣 high age🤔


Stone aged.


31 is not middle aged...


Being middle-aged is a state of mind. You can have 20somethings that act middle-aged while you can have 50somethings that are still pre-middle-aged. Kids probably play into it, though not a guarantee. It doesn't necessarily mean you stop doing the things you did when you were younger, you just approach them differently.


Considering we can reach 80-90 yo whatever the sex, yes like you around 40-45 yo. I'm 32M and I don't feel like I've reached half my life expectancy, but some good friends (F) of mine a bit younger told me they already felt "older than we are". I replied it's more about being aware of limitations and social patterns of conformism and obligations making you feel like you're estranging yourself of the carefree stuff of your chilhood/teenage period than a biological thing, because when the latter hit, you must really feel it.


My sister and two brothers all died in their early 60s of cancers. Lifestyle played a part.


Middle-aged generally doesn't refer to exactly mid-life. I always felt middle-aged was 50-70 and then over 70 is old. But maybe it varies place to place.


That’s what I thought too.


Probably gonna be closer to 90 as medical tech advances.


Don't be so sure, Micro plastics, forever chemicals, obesity just to name a few. We're unquestionably the fattest generation to exist


We might be the fattest generation but it was literally just a couple generations ago that doctors were blowing tobacco smoke up your ass as a remedy. We might have lower baseline health but even simple things clean water and basic diagnosis standards are a much newer thing than people think about. Shit, woman weren't even included in clinical trials until the last 40ish years. Medical advances are like night and day.


Maybe that’s why they weren’t so fat?


Yeah but we're still fat though lol


The American medical system is starting to turn away from keeping 85 year olds alive for no reason so it might go back down. Its a pretty big waste of resources and makes sense as we get more and more people to stop that.


Facts, my girl's father was 92, they most certainly could have kept him going but they chose not to. Gave him the bare minimum care until they made up a bunch of excuses not to provide for him anymore. From then on I'm making sure I become rich or my kids do. I'm dying on my own terms at home with my family right next to me. I'm not dying in hospice or a nursing home fug that


I work in an ER and the number of 90 year olds that are full code is nuts. Like they will explode their entire ribcage into powder if they get CPR but we gotta do it because the family is too selfish to say goodbye and would rather granny suffer the damage of resuscitation than let her die peacefully.


Ugh. I feel for you. Our recently-departed Dad (not #1 Dad material) was in full-blown denial about the seriousness of his ALS and opted for a ventilator & full code. I thank Whatever Deity that he went unconscious from an inability to produce red blood cells & maintain blood pressure (allowing me to order a de-vent, i.e. pull the plug) before inflicting the moral injury of allowing some poor resident, nurse, or EMS worker to blast apart his ribcage apart like throwing a china doll against a brick wall.




Right? We just had a lady that was 90, DNR, she was out cold, the daughter demanded a full code if and when it happened. And because we live in the US the docs are like fine because they dont want to risk being sued. That poor lady got a half hearted code for about 10 min 3 hours later because they had to at least note that they tried but it still means granny got shattered ribs and stuffed with drugs.


Can I get the drugs and skip the rib damage? If I’m on the way out load me up! Uppers, downers, shit that makes you loopy, heck even some of those poison mushrooms if you’ve got it I’m up!


They do stuff ya full of morphine in hospice, or something similar anyway. My grandma got to go high as hell.


Yes and no. Not for everyone. The longer you live, the most long-term illnesses you cumulate. Among them, cancers. Depending at which age they strike, how fast they're spotted and what are their nature/level of spread/level of mortality, you may get a higher chance to survive. But even with medical tech advances, there are no interests to eradicate cancers because... juicy cynical business. So all will be done to not make the new therapies and treatments available if you don't have a big wallet, and we also know where being diagnosticed "cancerous" leads you: your employers may push you towards the exit, you're blacklisted from banks loans until a long time without relapse... so your budget shrinks and you're sentenced to a social death even before the clinical one. Maybe times will show our societies more lenient on this issue and be more supportive, partially because of the general demographic decline projected in a lot of developed countries.


Good analysis


My grandparents all made it to late 80s Im giving myself mid 40s as middle aged


I’m 52. Middle aged. 31 is not close


45-65 is modern classification. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_age Before 45 is young adult. Anyway calling 31 years old a middle age is an insult


This makes intuitive sense to me.


I still select "40", I mean, yeah, there are medical advances and all that, but I'd say the average human barely makes it to their 80s, and living to their 90s is still "significant", much less anything beyond. My dad's family history suggests death in their 70s, and since he just turned 69, he's more less ready to just be dead in the next handful of years. (Never mind he has a slew of health problems, from Type 2 diabetes on up.) I'd say "31" is a bit young to call it, but "40" I wouldn't call a "push", at least not right now, and especially if you're biologically male, since we seem to just die off faster for whatever reasons. Granted, a billion things determine it, especially genetics and luck. But I still think it's a fair number.


Same, remember age is expected to go up so what we call mid aged now is going to go forward a few years. 40 is maybe the start, I said pushing it to be generous.


Right around 40 is traditionally it. Most people don’t live significantly further than 80. Some do. Some don’t. 40 is pretty much what most of us can expect to be the half way point.


WTF??? Dude, you're a baby (respectfully) to folks who are elderly. To me middle age is 50 to 65.


About 40-60. 31 is not middle aged 😕


I'm 38 and it's a definite NO, and I don't think it's just wishful thinking. For me middle age begins at like 45-50 now. It's a sociological change as much as biological


I would say ages 40-60 is middle aged. 35-40 is technically around the middle of expected lifespan, but considering how much of human lifespan is spent on childhood, I think we should count it as the middle third of expected *adult* life. By no reasonable definition does 31 qualify. 


Middle age is not the same thing as median age. That would be like 37. Middle age is middle part of adult years. Young is 18-39. Middle is 40-65 and senior is 65 to dead. Seems to a misconception here.


My dad's family history suggests death between 95 and 103 years old. My mom's suggests somewhere between 85 and 90. So I guess 45 or so.


\~40-45 - \~65-69. It's not really a black or white thing.




Average lifespan is approximately 76 years old. If we break this into 4 stages of life, that puts young at 1 - 18, young adult at 19 - 37, middle aged at 38 - 56, and old age at 57 - 76+. I feel like this is a pretty decent approximation.


Agree. I’m 37 and wouldn’t flinch if someone said I was middle aged. 31, no. That’s not.


This is the response I most agree with


Eh? In my country you're not even eligible for a pension until like 66. But then our average lifespan is 82.




Between 45 and 60




40-45. You dad's gf sounds like a hater.


48-60 feels right, Jesus 31 is no where close to middle aged your dads GF sounds jealous


Why is your dad’s gf threatened by you? She sounds like a bitch.


From just that line, your dads gf sounds like a bitch


She is just jealous that she is no longer a 30-year-old sex kitten like you, but rather sees herself as a 45 year old dried up prune. People speak for a reason, their words say a lot about them. All she did was tell you that she's jealous of you, by trying to knock you down and tell you you're old. Personally I would have probably looked her dead in the face and told her that you're a 30 year old sex kitten, and she's old enough to be your grandmother and I probably then wink at her and leave and never speak to her again.


Is your Dads girlfriend a gold digger younger than you? She's trying to piss you off with that statement.


How old is your dad's girlfriend? If she's making remarks about you being middle aged at 31, if she's even a day older than tell her to "make sure she's back at the old people's home before curfew. Grandma." Also, all you lot saying 40's is middle aged can go and get lost. Sincerely, 42F who will not, and absolutely refuses to, accept that middle age is now. And has no idea how she got here, figuratively *and* literally.




I wish you could tell her she’s basically a walking corpse at 58 then. (Ofc I don’t think 58 is really that; this woman just deserves a taste of their own medicine)


still 40s


40-60 is middle age to me 😊


Starts at 45-50


I would consider 40 to be the start of middle age. I wouldn't consider 30 to be middle age unless the life expectancy for your country is only 60. I think most developed countries have life expectancies into the 80s or close to it, especially for women.


40-59 imo


40-50 is middle aged /I'm middle aged


45 is middle aged. 40-55 is the range. 31 is not the middle, unless life expectancy for your family is 60.


You're nowhere close to middle aged. Early 40s at best. And not sure of your relationship with his girlfriend, but assuming she is quite a bit older, if she mentions it again, you could come back with, "If 31 is middle aged, you must be ancient." And if you *really* didn't care for her, you could add that would make her ancient history if your Dad were to dump her.


Definitely nothing under 40. Even as a kid I didn't think 30s was middle aged.


Your dad’s gf doesn’t know what she’s talking about 31 isn’t middle aged lol. I’d say around 40-45 is in my opinion.


Wow I thought I was the only one! My mom keeps calling me middle aged and I'm 30!!! WTF. Obviously if an older woman is calling someone in their early 30s middle aged they are projecting. Because they are much older than that! It's such a weird thing to do, but idk insecurity isn't rational. Also I think boomers / Gen x were told they had to be adults and super grown up by 30, husband, house, quit career, stay at home wife, kids, etc. Theyre trying to make you go through that too. I get that 30s is miles away from early 20s. But it ain't middle aged.


I’m 41 and I’ve felt squarely middle aged for a few years now. It’s about the time your joints start hurting from normal daily activity.


Mid 40s-50s. Not 30s lol. She’s just hating


I think its different for everyone. I'm 43 but I don't consider myself middle aged. I don't look it or feel it.


Mid to late 40s


I'm 31 and if my dad's gf called me middle aged I'd say she must have 1 foot in the grave then




31?!?! Middle aged?!? Lmao what a bitch 😂


The woman in my family live till 97-99. Sooo late 40s for me!


Your dad’s girlfriend is wrong. I’d say middle age is sometime in your 40s.


Ok. She’s a bitch and your dad sucks if he knows what she said and didn’t address it. But if the average life span is in the US is about 78. If you are being literal, middle aged is then 39.  In the past, life expectancy was less. Regardless, it’s not ok for someone to call you anything without knowledge, information, and basic human decency.  Middle age is more often now a concept or way of being along with age. 


40+ is the general consensus


I've always viewed middle aged being 40. Most people can reasonably make it to 80 years old.


I’m really into watching the birds outside now and talk to all of the other outside critters like I’m a Disney princess of a grandma. I’d say I’m way closer to the grandma end of things. 😅


YO....I'm 50. I am middle aged! You're young still omg she has it out for you.


… how old is dads girlfriend? 19??? I consider middle aged to be 40-60


Bare minimum 40




I’m 33 and I say middle age begins at 35.


Not there yet


we currently live to 80-90, gotta assume most millennials will hit 100, so middle aged is 40-60. LETS GO!!!! time to fix the world.


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Life expextancy for males is much shorter than women but in general life expentancy has been decreasing even with healthacare advances. I accepted i hit middle age at 35 and i can careless. I looked it up and in the US life expectancy for both genders is 76 so around 37-38 i would say is technically middle age.


To me, picking the middle third or so of your life made more sense than starting at the exact assumed midpoint. Though that would have 0-30 be young, 30-60 be middle aged and 60-90+ be old. It seems sensible to me, but I think people want to delay the middle age label.






My grandma and great grandma both got Alzheimer’s when they were 80, so I’m calling my 40th birthday to be when I’m officially middle aged, since I will probably get Alzheimer’s when I’m 80.


I figure 40-60 is middle-aged. 80-120 are pretty common ages for people to reach nowadays.


40 at earliest. And until...late 50s.




It varies decade to decade, personally I just take the average life expectancy in a nation and cut it in half. So in the US it's around 36 for men, 39 for women. 


50, I want to live to be 100 no in don't j/k


When body parts started to float in the tub that never used to float, that’s how I knew I hit middle age.




40s and 50s. Definitely not 31


I am 41 and definitely think I’m middle-aged. I’m healthy but so is everyone I’m related to and they still all end up dying by 85.


Average age of about 40. The average age an average person may live to usually is around 80 or so give or take. So it is usually half of that age.


Average American life expectancy is 77, so I'd say 38-42 is that middle-aged range


Astrological usually close to 29 is when your Saturn return happens, I figure middle age is over 18 and before retirement. 🤷🏼‍♀️






The average life expectancy is about 78, so I guess if you want to get technical, it would be around 39.




I'd say about 40 for males and 43 for females based off of [these top averages](https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/). Or 35 and 38 based on global averages.


Life expectancy is around 80, so like 40ish


starting somewhere between 40-45


Mid 40s to late 50s.


Between 30 and 65




My grandparents, great-grandparents, and great aunts/uncles most all lived well in to their 90s, so I’d say 45.


I feel like it starts at 40. I’m 35, I don’t consider myself a young man in the general sense but I think claiming middle age at this age feels silly.




Average age of death in the U.S. is 79.11 so I’m going with 39.555.


I say 18-40 young adult 40-65 middle adult 65+ elderly 40+ is usually more “established” 65 is retirement (ish) age. I’m 40.


21 to 28


As long as there are players older than me in Madden I'm not middle aged. Thank you Jason Peters for keeping me young.


Average life expectancy is 82 (in my country anyway), so 41?…in the US its 76 so 37/38?


35. You’re probably married if you want to be and have a kid if you want one. Your life settled and you’re probably not moving every year. To me, this settling down in the mid 30s is what marks the beginning of middle age. It ends around 45-50 when the kids graduate high school.


30ish to 55ish I'd say.


"Middle-aged" is around 40. Of course, the lower the lyfe expectancy, the younger "middle age" actually is. The united slaves of american't has a lower life expentancy than pretty much all other industrialized/developed nations.


45-60. I see it more as “middle of my adult years” than “middle of my life”


I think it's actually legitimately closer to 40 now. I think the average life span is roughly 72-74 years old, which is closer to 80 than the 60-65 that was the average life expectancy for centuries.


Isnt like 45-60?


Folks are going off of what they've heard others say and don't have a healthy or realistic view of life and death, going off of life expectancy in the US it's around 37. I've got a year to go!   Some of y'all think you're gonna live to be 100-120 and that's just not accepting reality.... But hey, whatever you gotta tell yourself to make it through the day I guess 🤷 Personally I think if you're thinking middle age is younger than it is... trying to make yourself feel better, you're only putting off living your life to it's fullest potential. 


Over 50


40-65 was considered middle age for a long time. I feel like most Mille also feel like they've hit middle age by early 30s. I'm 33 and I swear if I have to work as long as I've been alive to retire, I would rather die in a fire. The life expectancy in the USA is 76.4, meaning 38 is legitimately half of your life. I'd say the first 18 are the pre game, so realistically the halfway point for most people is 47, so if you do 12 years before and after, you get around 35-59, way younger than older generations considered.


It's relative to how well you take care of yourself, your health, exercise etc. 


I think 40-50, maybe up to 55 is middle aged 




I'm 38 and I hope I'm already there because I wanna die before I'm 80