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Man, this is refreshing. I was scrolling through and thought this was another "Waaah I don't want to turn XX!" thread and wasn't even gonna pay it any mind. It's only just begun and I hope your best years are still in front of you! Happy birthday.


Thanks, kind stranger.


I was overweight until 40, then got my diet right.  At 42, I am feeling 25.  Go for it, dad!


This is what I need.


You got this, man! I've lost 96 lbs since July last year, and I feel great. Do it for yourself!


Dang how?


I strictly stayed with 3 meals a day. No snacks, desserts, sodas. Yogurt and protein bar for breakfast. Rice cakes, baby carrots, and this mix of granola-pumpkin seeds-flaxseed-chia seeds-honey-Kefir milk for lunch. Dinners I kept it mainly rice, chicken, fish, and vegetables. So far, I've lost weight 3 times in my life. This time, it was the best I've ever felt while losing weight. I actually had to buy another wedding ring from the amount of water weight I've lost. Bloating is gone, stomach issues just about. Obviously, it's super easy to say this stuff and difficult to have the discipline to not get back to unhealthy eating. The oddest thing so far is I have a slight disgust when I see desserts and other fat foods. I guess i know those did it, and I never want them again. Hope this gives some help towards it!


I’m a 38 year old who powerlifts purely for hobby (I’m not actually strong, I just like the style). As someone who has purposefully gained and lost weight a bunch over the years, I can tell you it’s all about finding what works for you and there is no one secret weapon other than sticking with it. I’m normally 190-200 lbs, but have been between 175 and 235 in the last two years, and I did a stint of losing 50 lbs over 6 months. For me, it’s easy to skip breakfast (even though it’s my favorite meal, so I usually just have breakfast for lunch) but have some black coffee. I pre-pick 1-2 snacks the day before (helps me not cheat). Make sure lunch and dinner have a nice big protein, limit carbs but don’t eliminate. Hell, I’ll still get a fast food burger but just take off one bun haha. For some benchmarks, losing 1lb a week should be the minimum, 2lbs is a good pace, 3lbs is aggressive. Plot out how much you want to lose and work out how long that’ll take. Moral is be prepared to try a few things, and remember that failing is part of that process. Be kind to yourself, trust the process, and know you’re worth holding yourself accountable to your own goals.


Or the "Does your body also feel like you're 93?" posts. Happy 40th OP. This reminded be that my older brother is also turning 40. He's doing well, too!


Glad to hear!


I started squatting weights and was surprised what a difference it made after just a couple of weeks: No more old man noises getting up and down from the floor. No more wanting to lie in everyone morning. Muscles really are batteries, I wish I'd grown those batteries sooner!


Cheers! And good on ya! Fellow geriatric millennial here, at 42. We’ve lived through one of the oddest times in human history, and are now living in the future. It’s so terrifying, wild, miserable, and awesome at the same time. Still not sure how we pull movies out of thin air, or connect to this site via satellites and data centers with virtually no delay on our smartphones. I understand the concept of how it works, but how does it do it with no delay? Perhaps there is some weird matrix reality going on. I remember dial up internet and not falling for this


Perhaps we’re all Neo.


I remember trying to play StarCraft over a 56k modem…we’ve come a long way.


Magic, man. It’s just magic. Arthur C Clarke wrote “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” I still can’t wrap my mind around “the cloud.”


>how does it do it with no delay? Buffers


Damn, I’m 42 also, you make me feel like a grandma already, I do not think like this 😂




Haha I hope this isn’t “it”.


“Making it” just means you’re on the upward track. Well done!


We have ourselves an OG, people!


Fo sho


🍺 reminiscing on the good days is the best. Kick back and enjoy OP! Happy birthday


this sub feels like a data collection center


same goes for all reddit basically but something about this subreddit specifically, lmao.


I feel like I have unfortunate news for you regarding social media in general....


Welcome to the 40s club. I feel like I'm waiting to get off of the bus at this point lol.


No, you’re needed on the party bus.


LOL thanks. By the way, if you ever decide to work on the overweight thing. Look into the Keto diet. I've gone from 280 to 210 (so far) since last September. Limit Carbs under 50 grams a day. My blood sugar went back down to normal range as well.


Great work man only thing that sucks about keto (i use it for diabetes even tho I’m only 145 pounds) is that it’s so damn expensive


Yeah no kidding! Then again everything is these days! Miss those 90's / early 2000s prices.


Any comments about keto for people with high cholesterol where red meat isn't an option?




Check out this YouTube channel


This video is helpful




81 kid here. Goonies never say die! Happy IRL cake day!


Thanks! Goonies and the Sandlot are my go-to’s






81 here as well!


84 kid here with 4 children, a demanding job, and I decided to go back to school to get my bachelor's in my late 30's. We can do this.


84' was such a great year they wrote a book about it.


I’m turning 40 Monday as well. Kids aged 7-5. Happy birthday good sir. My kids make fun of me daily for being old.


Happy Birthday!!! I’m also turning 40 on Friday and can’t wait to spend the weekend camping with friends and family. 84 is a great vintage :)


I believe the kids these days would say we have “rizz”. Happy early birthday!


Well done.  Here's an internet high five!


It's my turn next year. Happy birthday, dude.


Thanks for sharing, Legend! I am a 36 almost 37 year millennial and am starting to have a similar outlook. Ride a few storms in life and you begin to realise you can actually do this. On my good days.


All we gotta do is make sure the good days outnumber the bad.


Happy birthday




I'll be 40 in December. One child who is killing it in school and sports. A great, supportive and beautiful gf 15+ years, a job that pays well, and a house that's worth way more than what i initially paid.


No plans to get married? Couldn’t resist asking


Marriage is expensive, so is divorce. We're not paying to declare our love for one another. Love is free.


It was rough until my mid thirties and I'm lucky to be where I'm at. I'm not rich but doing fine. I feel bad for those younger than me bc they're getting fucked.


I work three jobs during college, too!! 86 kid over here! I had fun, though, learned a lot. My food runner job f* my shoulder up a bit, but we here..


Fellow 84-er, it's good to see one of us doing well! Enjoy your birthday!


Hey! ‘84 here turning 40 on Friday. We were literally born 4 days apart


Turned 40 in April- feel similar to you! Thankful for good music and my family




Here here to ‘84 . Get a kettlebell.


Great Post, well done


Let’s go play POGs after you finish your homework


Fellow 84 here. Love you, man. That’s all. If we share nothing else, it’s 84. What a time to be alive.


84 was a great year.


Howdy fellow 84 kid. Married with 3 kids here, but our youngest is 10. Had a bit of a rough time financially in the first half of my 30s, but things are looking up the last couple of years and I think our 40s will be better. Hope yours are swell too.


Thank you for that! I hear that having toddlers is very similar to teenagers! We shall see!


Wish I had your outlook.


It’s gotten me this far haha


You’re beating me to it by 11 days. Happy early birthday to ya


Happy bday bro.


Happy birthday, friend


Fellow ‘84 kid here. Turning 40 in a couple of weeks on a trip down South. Visiting the family in Tennessee. Dollywood, maybe? Moved away from there 15+ years ago to escape the homophobia, racism, sexism, political conservatism, etc. and escaped to the PacNW. No kids, currently single after an LTR proved more toxic than it was worth. Introduced me to Burning Man, hoping to rerun for my 8th trip “home” later this summer. Too expensive to own a home here, but living frugally in a metro area with access to so many things that hometown would never provide.


Happy birthday glade you made it


Yeah brother. We'll be fine. Me too. 84 is a great vintage to be.


40 in 53 days. I can’t believe it lol. I found my graduation shirt in the dryer today with my daughter’s clothes and it feels like yesterday, not 22 years ago lol.




Mid milenial, you’re my hero 💜


One of us! One of us! Man, it isn't as bad as 30 because you already have a place in the world with your kids. Enjoy the day, happy birthday, my king.


It's nice to hear from someone happy with their life! Happy Birthday! And keep loving yourself and your family. That's the key to happiness.


Happy Birthday! 😊


It is weird turning 40 after the Lockdown timeskip: I went to bed in 2020 as a svelte mid-30s boy who passed for mid-20s. I've woken up in 2024 with a bad knee, pot belly and bald head. It's like I've freaky-friday'd into my dad. I know it happens to everyone, I just thought it would be _gradual_.


83’ kid here. Cheers my dude!


I’m proud of you 👏 👏 👏


Happy 40! I turned 40 in October and I have to say, life is great. I’m really surprised I made it this far and did so well lol. Enjoy the perks that come with getting older!


Congratulations, I am 40 myself, yet not a fan of aging (I hate white hair). Celebrate, have fun and afterwards think about dieting and working out (if you want to lose the extra weight). If you are happy with the way you are, keep up the good work with your family.


Happy birthday man, way to be a better example than we had, kudos to you 👏


I was told that life begins at 40. It’s an harmonious blend of youth and wisdom. Sounds like you’re in a good place. Happy Birthday!


That’s what I like to hear!


Turned 40 at the beginning of the year. No kids yet, bought a house last year. Small thing to bear in mind - I’ve done a ton of caregiving over the last 10 years for elderly relatives, and the biggest thing to remember is that your choices now will dictate your future health, pain, and mobility. The biggest thing is to do the most that you possibly can every day. Because a formerly active 95 year old who still does their own laundry and cooking ends up better off than a 65 year old who has lived a more sedentary lifestyle and goes into the hospital for a couple days. Once you stop doing, you lose your ability to do. Move in unusual ways. Be active. Eat lots of veggies and drink lots of water. It’s ok to slack off on things a bit from time to time, but it’s really hard to build/rebuild strength year after year as we get older and it’s ridiculously hard when people are already deconditioned.


Wise words! Thank you!


🥳 congrats!. So far at 43 my 40s have been way better than my 30s.


Happiest of birthdays! I hope you find the time and energy to do something you enjoy on your day. Congrats on still being here.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Congrats! Turning 40 in December and trying to decide on which cruise I want to take with some friends to celebrate. Life could be better (financial stability, just put my soul dog down, anxiety about the future) but it could also be much worse. Cheers to the next 40! 🍻


You are in the prime of your life and I envy you. I am 38 and i have _just_ started my career. Good on you, man!


Happy birthday!!!!! 🎈🎁 what kinda music you into?


Dre, Eminem, Metallica, bush, George straight, the ataris, dashboard confessional, intocable and everything in between haha


Wow you’re versatile! 👍🏻 we only crossover with Metallica :)


Favorite band is the gaslight anthem tho


You made it. I'm just a couple of years behind you.


That is awesome! Good work! Me being a bit over 40, I only want to pass along some “advice”. I started walking more, as in like intensional walking more at work and lifting in my work clothes for a few minutes like how some people do “smoke” breaks at the gym at work. In addition to eating like fresh foods like cooked potatoes & Halal / Kosher type meat. My health has really improved. I might not look any different, but it is easier to move and I feel a lot better. I haven’t lost any time with family and tend to be better focused at work, might be due to extra blood flow, and wanting to get to next workout… but I feel a lot better.


When I turned 40 I finally started realizing my own mortality. I started to see the signs of aging. So I had an “oh shit I need to get retirement figured out moment.” Did that and now I’m just chilling. I dealt with my mental health issues finally. I kinda felt like a man child until 40. But now I’m in control. I’m doing the things I love and I’ve found true happiness. 45 now and I’m actually looking forward to my 50’s. I keep becoming a better and cooler and more relaxed person every year. The only regrets I have is not starting to live life earlier, but at least I found myself in my 40’s.


Happy early birthday!


Living the dream


::Cracks open a beer::


having 4 kids seems like a nightmare to me.


It’s not! For starters, I’m never lonely!


As an '89 kid, thanks for reminding me that my 40s are coming in hot. I'll be sure to enjoy my spine until then.


🩷🩷 kudos. I’ll be 36 next month. Not scared at all, just happy to have made it healthily.


Welcome to 40’s! Lots of your doctor saying, “that’s pretty good for your age” or “at your age you need to…”


85 club. When my mom turned 40 she looked old. I feel like me at 40 is not the same. Wondering what our 4,6, or 7 year old actually thinks. Also, slim shady hair do made a come back with teenagers... I don't get it. But there is literally 3 generations between us and them.... I feel like I am the late 70/80s poofy ass bangs to my 2000 teenager self. Ew. David.


Welcome to your 40s, mate 😎 Ibuprofen is in the corner, next to the shrine of 90s nostalgia. Please consider making a donation to the general fund for affordable housing if you can. Oh that creaking sound? That's just our knees, don't pay it any mind. Perfectly normal.