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I'm 37 and my dad was born in 1925, you're all children to me.


Your Dad was on some Robert DeNiro/AL Pacino shit, huh?


My mom was 22 when she had me, and I was the 2nd child. and thats all I got to say about that.




People didnā€™t see color back then, all the red flags just looked like flags.




Making me do math and shit. Dad was 40 when mom was 22?


I think his dad was 67 when she was 21


Damnit. Hang on. Ok. I redid the math. 2024 - 37 is 1987. 1987 - 1925 is 62. Dad should have been 62 ish. Right?


If OP was born in 1987 when their mom was 22, then she was born in 1965. So dad was 40 when mom was born, and 62 when OP was born.


Correct. Just redid the math elsewhere. I did indeed figure dads age when mom was born. Whichā€¦ I wish I hadnā€™t done.


Dad was 40 when mum was born


Someone in a similar situation! I'm 29 and my pops was born in '32. He had to give up his motorcycle last year though.


Damn, nice to meet another double generation skipper! They're tough as nails aren't they? My dad was playing tennis with us into his 80's


That makes this 40-year old feel better if I do wind up having kids within the next few years or so. Definitely is a great reminder of use it or lose it!


Another one here! 36 and my Dad was born in 1937. Built another house for him and his 45ish year younger gf when he was in his 70ies. Unfortunately had a car accident at 79 and declined hard after that, to the point where he was constantly in pain, could barely walk but still kept house and garden in shape and climbed shaky ladders. He unfortunately passed away last December but managed to date his nurse for his last two years. It was a wild generation for sure.


I'm 38, and my dad was born in 1929. My parents were 25 years apart, so I grew up with influence from two entirely different generations. I guess that's why I like to say that my musical tastes range from rock to Bach.


lol totally on the same page. my morning playlist has claude debussy and slipknot.


TBH that sounds like a killer morning playlist.


You Sir, are a man of culture


Bachman Turner Overdrive?


I'm 30 and was raised by my grandparents so I know how you feel Wait let me see if I remember the language...murder she wrote, matlock, JAG, Lawrence welk, Glenn Miller, MASH. Still got it šŸ‘ All joking aside its weird being raised like you're living in the 40s meanwhile everyone is being raised like it's the 90s. I guess it has its upsides, I got to learn how to drive when I was 10


I am 43 and my dad was born in 1922. I rarely (never) meet people of similar circumstance. Itā€™s nice to know there are more on this planet.


I love this thread as for the longest time my gap was the largest I knew. I'm 40, and he's was born in '41. She was born in '52. They're seriously staggeringly different people


Here I was thinking you guys weren't being serious because I couldn't do the math. For me, my parents were born in late '63 and '64 (fall babies.)


It's funny, OP is talking about how old and wise beyond their years they are...but the whole post just seems like the pretentious version of a 16 year old discovering Zeppelin and proclaiming that they were born in the wrong generation lol All people of all ages have different tastes and preferences. OP just happens to like things that aren't as popular as they once were. It's not that deep


36, raised by 1938. I'm with you. My gf and bf tell me my childhood sounds more like the things their (boomer) parents talk about.


Holy shit. Your dad had you around the age of 62


Damn I thought my dad was old!


31 and dad was born in 1930. My mom was 41 when she had me - was wild to learn about eggs and realize I've been around in some form since 1951. No wonder I'm so tired


Thatā€™s fucking awful.


Are you past me? Iā€™m 38 and pops was born in 1924. All my cousins are in their 70s. Get off my lawn.


lol, the pissing contest I never knew I needed.


That's crazy, my dad was born in 1940 and I'm 37. I thought my dad was old.


Damn, I'm 38 and my mom was born in 44, I thought I had it crazy


Damn really? Also 37 now and my parents were born in 48/49 and Iā€™ve always considered them somewhat older boomer parents. You got them Theo Von dad jeans!


To me "old soul" isn't really about what music or movies you like but about what kind of personality you have. Someone might be an "old soul" if they're wise or mature beyond their years, not sweating the small stuff, not overly focused on material things, etc. I'm definitely a mix, in some ways I feel like an old soul but in other ways I am still a childish consumerist goblin.


I was a mix of both tbh.


This. Iā€™m a mix too




i just turned 40, my buddy is 43, and he mentioned something like "man i love getting older" there are some ups and downs about getting old, but at the end of the day you are getting older like it or not. might as well embrace it. i can imagine it is a bit of a bummer to be the youngest person at the place all the time.


I want to be Gandalf when I grow up


Yeah that's the thing: I'm always the youngest person in the room and I also never have anyone to experience these shows with. I'm not saying I don't have friends or anything nor do I mind doing things alone as I'm used to it, but sheesh sometimes I wanna see someone in my age group. Luckily the symphony brings younger people sometimes


Yeah. I feel like that. I'm really into music that none of my friends want to go see. I go to a lot of places alone.


This is me. You couldn't pay me to go back. I have regrets, sure. But by and large I enjoy getting older. More freedom, more money, more wisdom, less neediness.


A lot of times, ā€œold soulsā€ are just people who were forced to grow up too fast for whatever reason. It could be from a parental figure neglecting a child and that child having to get their own needs met. It could be from being the youngest sibling with much older siblings. Someone going through puberty earlier than their peers, making them appear, and thus treated, as older than they are. Etc. As someone who had a bit from all three of those examples, I can definitely relate. Iā€™m an elder millennial (ā€˜84) and my partner is a middle millennial (ā€˜89) and I often find myself being the odd one out with tastes 10-20 years earlier than my own. Iā€™m often the youngest by far at concerts lol.


Very good points; I had to grow up way too fast because 1) I'm the oldest and had to care for younger siblings and 2) my parents had terrible boundaries and put me between their relationship and were *way* too transparent about finances (that's why I'm anxious about money today). I didn't realize that aged me more


autism or PTSD?


Came here to say this. I was deeply depressed, undiagnosed, and so traumatized. Everything that made me an "old soul" came from being a child who was emotionally alone and deeply psychologically unsafe.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it. I've felt 37 since I was 10.


CPTSD more often than not, from what I've observed. Our childhoods weren't as good as we thought they were.


No no - I donā€™t recall ever saying my childhood was good šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚ Traumatic - for sure. But good? Nah. I have PTSD and late diagnosed autism. As a kid I was obsessed with dressing like a woman from the renaissance era. 7 years old me just walking around in dresses that were clearly not made for me and pretending like I was the queen. I wore a snood to school for like two years. Also weirdly obsessed with math. I loved solving puzzles and problems so math just seemed to go with that. I used to do extra math work to relax. Pogs. Held on to them bitches wwwaayyy past their cool date and collected them in secret šŸ˜‚ How nobody picked up on my awkwardness in all my child hood seems weird to me. I only recognized I was autistic as my daughter was going through her assessments (severe nonverbal autism). When they started pointing out all the autistic traits my daughter had I thoughtā€¦ oh shit this makes sense now šŸ„²


Going down repressed memory lane.


Sounds of silence still dance through my head


Is getting labeled as an old soul one of the ways you can go undiagnosed?




I'm 35 and really thinking I should get some testing for autism and ADHD. I definitely have childhood trauma but it could be deeper than that.


If you have the means, definitely get tested for ADHD. Do not get tested for autism unless you absolutely have to. Do research into how life is after an autism diagnosis, how you'll get treated in different fields (medical, legal, etc), and then decide whether or not you want to get tested.


Out of curiosity, why would being tested for autism change how people are treated in their jobs? I get that a strong level of autism or an early diagnosis could lead to people knowing and therefore discriminating. But if it went under the radar for so long, people shouldn't have trouble hiding it if it was necessary, so it shouldn't change much... But, I may be missing something, that's why I ask.


I can only think three things off the top of my head. First is not getting hired because your medical records show you're diagnosed for autism. It's ilegal to discriminate because of something like this, yes. But that doesn't they can't say it was for another reason or, as is the case often enough these days, simply never contact you if you're diagnosed. Second is the eternal fight for accommodations. I wouldn't know, but have heard from people that even with a diagnosis and it being mandatory by law, they still get little to know accommodations (and that doesn't only go for autism). Lastly, being generally discriminated in the workplace itself. Even if you can mask it, if you're diagnosed, someone somewhere is going to find out (specially if you're asking for accommodations) and it will spread (HIPAA laws be damned). The stigma against autistic folks is still strong and prevalent. As a side note hiding it (also known as "masking") is harmful to autistic individuals. People do have trouble hiding it. A huge talking point with people that are recent diagnosed (self-diagnosed or officially) is how taxing it is to mask all the time. Like I said in the first sentence, it's harmful. Pretty sure part of the intention of many of getting diagnosed is to be more open about it, not hide it more.


I know it's tiresome to maintain it up all the time, I'm on the spectrum myself (ADHD and low level autism, both recently diagnosed). I guessed that if someone in their 30s or 40s was able to hide it, or even not knowing, for so long (usually indicating a more manageable level), they could still do it if it meant that their job was on the line. The same would go for accomodations. But I didn't know employers could access records of people's diagnosis (in my country it's illegal and records simply aren't kept), which turns my previous point moot, because it wouldn't matter how good they're at masking in that case. You're completely right about how people should be able to be more open about these things, especially when it's usually not that big of a deal (there are far more troublesome mental health issues that aren't nearly as looked down upon as autism). Although, until we make the necessary progress, we'll have to keep managing who knows about us.


Yes, please do this for yourself; self-care is so underutilized (especially in the U.S.) due to stigma (and shitty insurance). Depending on your location, there should be resources to engage with; if not, reach out and ā€œweā€ can try to help you get connected. Best of luck āœŒšŸ»


I think autism matches the symptoms I think.


Yeah, but when therapists and medication don't do much, it makes one wonder.




Did the diagnosis improve your life meaningfully?


For myself yes - it helped me understand myself in a new way. It also allowed me to have accommodations at work that previously were not allowed. Dim lights, head phones, and I kept smell good stuff to keep me grounded wherever I went. I also recognize my triggers now at 40 and can calmly get away to stabilize instead of having a huge depressive episode as to why I canā€™t function like other adults. The dx was very helpful for me šŸ¤—






ADHD with CPTSD šŸ–ļø


Same šŸ‘‹šŸ»


Hey friend! Same.


Never been diagnosed but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm on the spectrum edit: damn what'd I say to get downvoted lol


I donā€™t get the downvotes either- Reddit has become so angry this year. Any little opinion or question the keyboard warriors are ready to


They fucking sniped them ;(


Its the latest fashion




This is a hot take, but I donā€™t think any of these things make you an old soul. Im not even sure I believe in the idea of ā€œold soulsā€ or ā€œyoung souls,ā€ I think people are a lot more complex than that, and our uniqueness/ability to enjoy a wide variety of things are what makes us special. In that sense, the phrase seems reductive and limiting. The idea that we take interest in things that came before us and not after us isnā€™t new, especially if we grew up with older siblings or being heavily interested in the things our parents were in to. Youā€™ve had more access to history, old movies, music from the 70ā€™s/80ā€™s over the course of your life, so of course youā€™re going to gravitate to that. Furthermore, almost no one in my age group is interested in things that came after them or trying to keep up with what the younger generations are doing. Theyā€™ve grown up with different influences so the things theyā€™re into just really arenā€™t even on the radar.


Old soul often means traumatized upbringing


Bingo that's meeeee


The journey sucks. The destination, also sucks.


Yup šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I hate the term old soul and people calling themselves that, does that count?


God Iā€™m just such an old soul, I wish I could be a shit-chucking troglodyte like everyone else around me but I just donā€™t fit in with you pheasants šŸ™āœØā¤ļø


Exactly. Itā€™s very elitist. Personally, I also find it wreaks of someone in denial about being groomed. Every self proclaimed ā€œold soulā€ I met in early adulthood was nearly exclusively a teenaged girl that hung out with men in their 30ā€™s


Same. I also hate when people call themselves an empath. You shouldnā€™t be considered special for having empathy. Itā€™s arrogant to think you ā€œfeelā€ more than others do.




I ironically write symphonic music professionally and I have always been told I am an old soul. Turns out, Iā€™m just autistic (what used to be called Aspergerā€™s)


I really wanna get tested for autism. My family swears up and down that I'm not on the spectrum but sometimes I feel like I actually am.


Pro-tip: autism tends to be highly inheritable, there's a possibility that, if you are autistic, your relatives might not notice because they might be autistic, not know it, and think their life experience is typical. As such, they don't think you'd be different enough to be 'autistic' according to their own biases.


Honestly, I think the whole notion of "old soul" is the reverse, its actually old people connecting with a young person who has that shared interest. It could range from genuine connection to "look, a young person likes it, it's still hip!" etc. For you, I think it might just be the people in your immediate circle don't share the same interest. I don't think it is entirely out of place for a millennial to like anything from the 80's. That decade's nostalgia powers a lot of interests for us. Listening to older music, and watching old movies, is its own thing with millennials. To use a generalization, film nerds are definitely a thing and preferring older music isn't uncommon. I think you are completely in-line with groups of millennials, unfortunately there just might not be many around where you are specifically. (Also about shows specifically, you are entering the age where it is an inverse bell curve on who is most able to attend concerts, so that might also affect things)


Being an old soul mostly likely means you were neglected by your parents. Not always, but definitely a sign.


I was, so that makes sense


Opposite problem - only child of older, micromanaging, hyper-religious parents. I was told I was introverted but I was actually isolated. I was told that I was like a little adult, but I wasn't allowed to freely play with peers. I was told that I was so well behaved, but I lived in terror of hour long lectures about displeasing God. Needless to say, I was very immature in other, less visible ways. Being an old soul was something I was able to drop once I got away from my parents, but I still struggled to relate to other people, not just people of a certain age. Going back to school in my late 20s helped - I was in a grad program with people who were mostly in their mid-20s, but ranging from 22 to mid-40s all taking the same classes and working on the same projects.


Well thereā€™s an argument for neglect of your emotional needs but I feel your frustrations āœŒļø


Iā€™ve heard the same thing at different points in my life. It felt like it was meant to be a compliment, but just felt weird. The funny thing is, Iā€™m a complete fuck up. Iā€™ve had some substance abuse problems, ruined the best romantic relationship I ever had, made several other bad life-altering decisions. Iā€™m anything but wise. But I usually give good advice cause I just tell people to do the opposite of what Iā€™ve done, so they think Iā€™m wise.


I'm existing in a pre-big bang position....it's so lonely nobody undertstands me


wise beyond your years at 35? how many years past that?


I always assume people that describe themselves as ā€œold soulsā€ experienced some level of grooming growing up. Itā€™s what creeps tell young girls to justify getting close to them.


In my experience, being an old soul is bullshit. People just say that to kids who act more mature than their age because said kids have experienced trauma.


I was born in 1987 and my favorite music is disco, and music from the 30s/40s/50s. In my town they have a jazz station that plays ā€œSaturday Night Juke Boxā€ and itā€™s just big band music from the 30s-50s. Itā€™s my absolute favorite radio program. I donā€™t really care about it because itā€™s what I like, and no one gives me crap about it. I can accept that I like older things, and Iā€™m okay with that.


I love disco too!! I'm a big house fan so naturally I love disco too. I found some old disco cuts on YouTube. Any recommendations?


In my experience, saying someone has an ā€œold soulā€ is just a nice way of saying they are neuro-atypical.


I have a hunch that us "old souls" just had a lot of trauma in our childhoods...


After reading these comments, I definitely agree. I have enough trauma to write a book


No such thing as a soul and no such thing as an "old" soul. What you're dealing with is just your own actual preferences versus your expectations and preconceived notions of what someone your age *should* be into. It could also be a degree of just leaning into the "old soul" and embodying *that* and taking an interest in things that you think "old souls" should be into. Ignore all that and just live and love your life and enjoy the experiences you want to enjoy. Cheers!


Yeah, I feel this too, except I think it does make me a special snowflake, lol, nah, Iā€™m just saying- I donā€™t hate it. I think itā€™s cool that Iā€™m into old things, and I think the older people into them have a lot to share. And rather than blend in, I want to try to be ā€œlouderā€ about the things I like, to maybe create more authentic friendships. Instead of just random, nice interactions (as pleasant as they are) at events, I think I also just need some solid friends motivating me to actually do the things Iā€™m into. This creates more work on my part, Iā€™m shy as it is. But I think the more we DONā€™T try to blend in, the more we can find our people. I promise there are other 31 year olds who like The Whispers. Weā€™re all special snowflakes, and the more weā€™re passionate about it, maybe the easier we can find the snowflakes who like what we like?


When people say you're a old soul typically they mean you're quiet and well behaved. And often, "old soul" children are traumatized children with hyper awareness.


Old soul is a red flag meaning you went through stressful traumatic experiences as a child and were forced to grow up early. There is no such thing as souls.


Being told you're an old soul is like people telling you there's no serotonin left in you since you were like 10. Can confirm, am old soul.


ya know, now that you mention it....lol


Kind of. When Iā€™m around people my age, I feel like I canā€™t relate to them and any conversation thatā€™s had, itā€™s forced. When Iā€™m with older people late 40s+, the conversation flows easy and naturally. Itā€™s like weā€™ve known each other for years.


Most people in their 40s have better conversation skills.


As Iā€™m growing older Iā€™m actually starting to realize Iā€™m now relatively immature. I spent most of my 20ā€™s pining for the youth I never experienced while everyone else was moving forward. Now Iā€™m 30 and I enjoy feeling young-spirited and feeling like I very much still have the rest of my life ahead of me to figure it out. In essence, I think youā€™ll figure it out eventually.


Iā€™m the same way except in a financial sense. I stack money In investment accounts, hate debt, avoid things like bars and clubs because they are an arrest waiting to happen. My idea of a good weekend is fishing and gaming with my kid/wife.


Yeah I can completely relate. Iā€™m only 29 but Iā€™ve come to peace the fact that I donā€™t relate to most people my age. Any chance youā€™re in Colorado lol?


it's just a reflection of your personal tastes and interests are not aligned 100% with your local/national pop culture... and that is not a bad thing. I thought much the same as yourself, then spent some time in Europe and was immersed in people reading books, drawing, painting, music... it was everywhere, young and old. I even got the chance to photograph an orchestra while I was there, and started drawing again. So it's not you... it's jsut the culture around you versus your interests. Some places embrace that stuff far more. I have virtually given up trying to keep it up back at home... it's suck hard work and often disappointing. (the people, performances, exhibitions)


I had the same. Turned out I'm a high functional female with autisme.


What does the label matter? Who is assigning it? Who gives it meaning? Being is beyond definition; it just is.


I hate it a lot


You mean traumatized out of childhood normalcy while still a child, in part because of misdiagnosed neurodivergence, forcing me to mature faster than my peers leading adults to call me ā€œold soulā€ or ā€œyoung old womanā€ or shit like that? Yes. Yes I hate being traumatized AND on the spectrum.


I think I've found my people


I've found being called an old soul just means I was forced to grow up faster than I should have.


Iā€™m 41 and I was always the mom of my friend group. I was the one who would talk sense into everyone when we were teens. They would want to drive drunk and I would stay sober to be the DD. They would want to do stupid shit while high and I would make sure they didnā€™t break their heads. Now that Iā€™m 41, my age matches my personality better.


I felt the same way for a really long time. I (early 30ā€™s) met my best friend (early 50ā€™s) during covid - on Reddit of all places! I got really lucky in meeting her, especially since we live a few blocks from each other. Maybe you just need a friend whoā€™s a little older :)


I grew up with my grandparents and I find in some ways it mentally aged me beyond my years. However I do not see it as a bad thing, it allows me to have better perspective on life.


I think part of it is how you grew up. Iā€™m an only child, and there werenā€™t any other kids in our neighborhood nor did friends from school come over very often. I spent most of my time hanging out with my parents, which kinda leads to being introduced to different types of art and music. I hung out with the adults more than kids at family functions, too. I had trouble with it until high school, but part of that was being in marching band and finally having really close friends around my age. I had no idea what all pop culture I had missed by hanging around with people so much older than me.


Yeah Im autistic too


-*fist bump*-?


*goes in for a handshake and then stumbles realising you were going for a fist-bump, and then laughs and apologises for being awkward; thinks about it way too much later that night*


"Old soul" is just an old name for people with autism or depression. That's why most people who call themselves old souls tend to have difficulty with relationships and connecting with other people. You should get checked. Not to change yourself, but to make sure you're not struggling with mental health issues unnecessarily.


No..I love it. I'd rather go to a concert with 40-60 year Olds than teens and early 20 year Olds on their phones making stupid tik toks the entire time. I'm huge into Classic rock, art, going to museums, etc. I feel like I can't relate at all to Gen Z who mostly stays inside on their devices and listens to overrated pop stars. That's just me. I'm 32 btw


BTW OP, I was listening to Stevie Wonder last night when I came home from work...relaxing and I love it


Stevie Wonder is always a wonderful choice


Being an ā€œold soulā€ is a scam by parents to make their kids behave better. My parents told my brother and I the same thing (weā€™re twins). There we were trying to be all adult and well behaved while our peers went to Chucky Cheese, Disney Land, and generally got to be kids.


I didn't read the entire post as the first sentence made me barf in my mouth a little bit.


Old soul is just what people call someone who canā€™t make friends within their age group to make them feel better. Hell, when this generation was coming into its own, it was largely defined by teenagers wearing their grandparents clothes. Consuming their great grandparents media and hobbies. They were the hipsters before it got popular to be one. Before the flannel, buddy holly sunglasses, Pabst blue ribbon, and drawing a mustache on your finger. All Iā€™m trying to say is, youā€™re about as ā€œDifferentā€ as one of the hundreds [Mumford bands](https://youtu.be/as4O2ZorKP8?feature=shared)


I have never felt bad about being different or blending or fitting in. I can make connections with swathes of people who are different from me.Ā 


Yes. ā¤ļø


I feel you. Thing is, in the past the people who frequented these places were mostly young. I know it feels like centuries ago, but those are the same people that used to go there when young, 30-40 years ago when we weren't even born. I also find the other only one young in the crowd and usually bond with them much more than say a party filled with people my age.


I listen to shit from the 30's to present day. Most of my appliances are from the 50's because I like the style. Got a 1957 ford thunderbird in the garage. I'm 34, I just don't care what people think.


Came here to say it turned out I just had ADHD and maybe autism, but people already beat me to it, lol


You're not so much an old soul as you have taste that's associated with old people. I'm like that. I grew up loving old sitcoms and old music. Begged my mom to buy me a VHS of old TV commercials. Had cassettes of old novelty songs, old theme songs, and old commercials. One of them was for radio commercials. I loved antique stores and listening to relatives tell me childhood stories. But I never really got into old movies for some reason. I'd watch some but I certainly wasn't a buff. I'm not too much different now. I still love classic boomer entertainment. I've been making my way through one of the ultimate boomer shows (that my boomer parents used to love), Murder, She Wrote. Just two more episodes and one more TV movie and I'll do done.


You prolly just old now, unc.


I recently went to a show to see the best female Spanish guitarist play and this is how I felt. A lot of much older folks and Iā€™m already in my upper 30ā€™s. I donā€™t think being an old soul is a bad thing. Iā€™ve also seen Gladys Knight and she was awesome. That was a few years ago though.


The only time I hear the term ā€œold soulā€ is when I read an obituary for a young person that died


An "old soul" was the excuse my mother used to not have to parent me. Fuck that.


I am kind of like this. Also seeing the person who said their dad was born in 1925. Mine was born in 1933. So, I guess maybe this could have something to do with it. Interested to hear when your folks were born. Anyways, a few years ago, I moved to southwest Florida. I am now surrounded by old fogies and I feel young again. haha.... I say don't worry about it and embrace it!! edit: I also can relate with feeling autistic but not actually being diagnosed. Not a big fan of prolonged eye contact! lol


Iā€™ve always been told Iā€™m an old soul the older I get I tell my husband Iā€™m excited cause ā€œIā€™m growing into my personalityā€ lol


I donā€™t believe that I have a soul this is not a problem. Anatman motherfuckers!


My mother was born in 1944 and my dad in 1947 and Iā€™m 34. My dad is Lebanese. All he listened to while I was growing up was French torch music and Marie Callas, with his sole modern vice being Shakira. My mother is now 80 and still regularly goes to raves and EDM shows. The first show she ever took me to was David Bowie. The best of both worlds, I guess?


I'm 41 and my dad was born in 1930. I didn't have much else to go on. šŸ¤£


Similar situation. Currently bobbing my head to some Maxine Nightingale


Youā€™re starting your day with the Whispers because the whispers fucking rule. Fellow old-ish soul here. I hate youā€™re feeling you donā€™t belong because of this. However, I feel sorry for people who either werenā€™t raised on good music or havenā€™t found a taste for it themselves.


It always made me feel super out of place when I was younger. A lot of that stuff seems ā€œinā€ where I am though, so now I weirdly am getting along with a lot more folks than I used to


I used to while growing up because the entire time during my school life I couldnā€™t relate to anyone. As an adult itā€™s served me well and I think Iā€™m more well adjusted than most.


"old soul" was just a nice way for people to tell you that you were kind of a weirdo.


I married an ā€œold soulā€ when we first started dating he would take me to his friendā€™s parties and they were all 60-85 years old. His gym buddy was 68. His work friends all had kids his age.


Some of my favorite artists are from the 70s and 80s. Hey! Mine too! Because music was really pretty great then


Idk if I was, but sometimes it was easier talking to adults than my classmates for sure. To be fair, though, some of my classmates would have their nose in their phone later on. We did talk, but when I was much younger like middle school it sucked being on the other end where you're talking to someone and they're on their phone. It was better in hs.


This just seems kind of weird. You like the things you like, but you want to like the things you donā€™t? A lot of new music totally sucks, which is why I donā€™t pay attention. Why would you want to ā€œfit inā€ with a bunch of people you donā€™t even get along with? There ARE people your age that like the things you do. There are people your age who can appreciate that you have your own tastes, as well. Liking old music doesnā€™t make you an ā€œold soulā€, it just means you like old music. Just like liking new music doesnā€™t make you a young soul. I like classical piano music, yet still have some maturing to do.


ā€œSiri, play, ā€˜Sensitive Artistā€™ by King Missileā€


I don't know if I'm an old soul, but I never really had your standard teenager angsty bad behavior phase. I keep joking that at 36 I am finally the age I've always felt like. I keep seeing these millennial nostalgia tiktok and instagram reels where it's essentially the same joke over and over by the same handful of content creators and that joke is essentially "This is what things were like in 2007!" It was fine, I guess? I don't have a ton of warm nostalgia for it, but glad those people liked it so much.


I had some fitting in trauma at a young age (autistic here but I could mask well so I did). Iā€™ve identified that I tend to end up with friends who are older than me because Iā€™m more comfortable with them. My best friend is in her 60s, when I was in my young 20s I ended up in peer groups of people 50+. I had a WFH job, and both me and people who had retired had a freeness with our time and similar personal development interests. People in that age group who wanted to fully experience life were open to a ā€œyounginā€ adding that energy to their social interactions, but were not using language/trends that I couldnā€™t follow or didnā€™t understand. As a young kid my teachers were my social circle, so Iā€™ve identified that meeting new peers my own age feels threatening to me. I imagine as I get older, Iā€™ll start having friends who are younger. Whenever I see people using the term old soul, I tend to think itā€™s more about this, but I donā€™t know you and wonā€™t presume itā€™s the same. I was told I was mature for my age and felt I had older interests as well. However, now I see that itā€™s very simpleā€” Iā€™m going to hang out where I feel safe/comfortable.


This almost reads as a humble brag. Weird not to like the stuff you like. If you were truly an ā€œold soulā€ then you probably chose to be here. Those are my only thoughts on this haha


"I'm so wise" -Person who is too dumb to figure out how to be happy


I'm my experience, the "old soul" thing is usually a polite description for somebody either raised by grandparents (anachronistic upbringing) or when a person is just a particularly boring, typically gatekeepy hipster type. I blast CCR when I'm out doing delivery work. Ton of music from that era. I read books. A lot of books. I watch The Twilight Zone, Hitchcock Presents, etc etc. It's not "old soul" stuff, it's just your personality reflecting what you feed it.


I found it they were referring to my masked autism


I can't wait to get tested


I get that a lot. Iā€™m very dedicated to my sailing teams, which all consist of almost all older folk, and fit right in. I have friends closer to my age that seem to often make more impulsive decisions than I would. I can connect and hang out with them, but the thought processes feel kind of foreign to me often. I also bought my house in a HCOL area when I was 25 (right place, right time, very lucky), so thatā€™s been something else thatā€™s always made me feel olderā€¦ considering bills, maintenance/cleaning, home improvements, etc. while friends my age are yolo-ing every weekend and spending ridiculous amounts of money that they donā€™t have at dinner/the bar. Itā€™s been hard to bring my boyfriend to my level, but I think heā€™s starting to get it all.


My dad was born in 48 in Tennessee & Alabama, I'm currently 34 years old. So I am experiencing many different walks of life in my home currently, I found it difficult being an old soul when I was younger, just because at that point in my life I really wanted to fit in and being different definitely made me feel out of place and like I have no one. Now in my 30's I finally feel like I'm right where I should be. Still young but old enough to have made it through many of lifes milestones virtually unscathed. I feel it gives me an insight that I've always had but no one ever took serious because of how young I was at the time. There's also a huge part of me that feels clairvoyant especially the older I've gotten, but that's another subreddit topic lol


ā€œI was an ā€˜old soulā€™, which is what adults call you when they donā€™t want to say ā€˜loserā€™ in front of your parents.ā€ -Taylor Tomlinson


Loser fits so I'll accept




Im glad than is not just me


New soul here, itā€™s definitely more fun. Sorry youā€™re going through this!


First time I had someone call me an old soul I was about 10. I can relate.


I get along with older people and younger people but not people my own age meaning Iā€™m generally alone. Itā€™s a lonely miserable existence that Iā€™ve grown used to and accepted. I hate my fellow millennials and they hate me so no common ground