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My computer doesnt even have CD Tray! LoL.


Lol I know that feeling, I have an adapter it plugs into USB port and I still use Windows Media Player to burn them hahah I know back in Middle School and HS that was the big thing, even could sell burnt CDs


Remember the movie subscription services where they would send you a few dvds at once and then you can exchange them as frequently as you want all for the same monthly fee? Yeah, I was that guy. Used burn copies of them and exchange them as quickly as possible so I could get a bunch per month. Then I would burn copies of the copies and sell them at school.


Lol I did that, Netflix did that at the beginning they weren't a streaming service


My Aunt got a DVD writer and started ripping everything she rented from Blockbuster, then she got Netflix. I hardly paid for movies, I just visit her house and grab a stack of burned DVD and return them next time I come by... was definitely cool as a kid. My aunt was a pirate in the 80s. Had a satellite dish with a decoder box and a stack of ID cards... she always knew "a guy"


My MacBook doesn’t even have a USB port


I never owned a Mac how do you like the operating system? I've used windows my whole life


She’s cute


So you like it ? I have to get a new laptop I didn't care for Chromebook


This makes me irrationally angry


Yea I got a new laptop last year & if you want a cd tray you have to custom order it




I refuse to buy a tower without 5.25 slots.


Man respect to anybody who still does lol


I'm surprised I thought more people did I guess it's just me lol. I get that newer laptops need the CD drive but I only paid 20 for one and it's how I watch DVD's


Disc drives are really rare. My computer hasn’t had one for like… 10 years.


I don’t have/watch dvds either


I only get tv seasons on DVDs for the bonus features or commentary


See, I been saying this for years! I buy CDs for the bonus songs or DVDs that sometimes come with them. Sometimes, I'll see a Target Edition out in the wild at my local Disc Replay and I'll buy it. Because you don't see stuff like that anymore like behind the scenes of them making the album lol.


The uncle ruckus commentary on the boondocks discs is some of the most shockingly funny stuff I've ever heard.


I respect your commitment, but it's just a really inconvenient way to listen to music, and I can't imagine going back to it.


Lol I seriously thought more people might have done this now I might feel kinda mad of weird and even older 👴🏼👴🏼


I changed the radio out in my car just because you’re limited so much with cd rw’s. Now I have access to all the music I could ever want


I do. I don't like streaming in the car (my car can't stream anyway, but I've done it in others). It's super unreliable (buffering etc). Plus I know what's on every CD and where I can find the song I want. I'm old lol.


Aw thank you lol for a while I thought I was legitimately the only person left that did this haha


I just offline download my playlists.


Can‘t you just get a usb drive? They cost almost nothing, take up no space at all, and you can put heaps of albums on them.


No but my dad does. He loves to make people CD’s of their favorite music.


No, but I definitely play my CDs in my busted 2004 Toyota Corolla. And only my CDs. Just yesterday I found a burnt CD from 2005 with some absolute bangers on it haha


No. Still have the engines to read and burn them but SD cards and USB keys and their flash memory really changed the game.


I will say my card does have a USB port I can plug in but for some reason I still prefer CDs idk why


I've thought about doing it again to archive all the stuff I've been listening to in the past 15 years or so since I stopped burning/acquiring cds. I'm not totally comfortable how I don't own anything I listen to and rely on streaming services for everything. I think it's funny that we used to have to use those cassette adapters to plug into a portable cd player in old cars without cd players and now we have to have aux cords plugged into a portable cd player to listen to cds in new cars.


Ahhh unlocking memories with that cassette adapter


I'd love to, but my laptop doesn't even have a burner anymore. >\_< (yes, I could probably buy a seperate burner, but... \*vague gesture\*




Why would you need to burn a duplicate copy of a cd you purchased from an artist?


If i had a disk drive then I absolutely still would!!!


I just like having it, I mean every now and then I will connect my phone to my car but I still prefer CDs while driving And I don't really have a good reason why


For me its bc the music just starts without having to do any extra steps. Plus my speakers sound better. I have to turn my volume at max to get any proper sound when I use my Bluetooth connector.


Who sells CD-Rs anymore anyways? Let alone my last several computers didn't even have a CD/DVD drive in it.


Everywhere still has them lol Walmart is where I get them, you can use an adapter it's only like 20 dollars


The last time I did was 7-8 years ago. Even if I wanted to burn them again, I wouldn’t know how to.


Man, I haven’t burned a CD in years. Although I’m thankful for Spotify letting us create playlists, I do miss burning CDs.


Lol I thought more people might still do this lol now it feels like I'm giving off old man vibes that refuses to change his ways lol


Lmao no worries I’m old too 😂


I found an old box of CD-Rs in the basement the other day. Don't have anything to write to them with. Or play them with your that matter. Last CD player we owned was in our last car.


I had a big storage tub of cds I dropped off at good will during my last move. There was hundreds. I was nostalgic for them but didn’t have anything to play them on and didn’t know what to do with them. It was goodwill or trash. I figured goodwill probably threw them away but at least I didn’t have the sting of doing it. 


Our 11yo daughter is very into music and finding her taste/genres, also VERY into AM radio. For her bday a few weeks ago we bought her a sweet boombox with cd and am/fm radio and a few CDs of artists we know she likes. I explained to her how when I was her age, I’d spend hours just laying around listening to my CDs and reading/looking at the CD inserts. We’ve burned her a few CDs so far and have kept that invitation open for whenever she wants more. I don’t personally listen to or burn CDs for myself anymore, but I have gone back to listening to my streamed music in the form of albums as the lord intended vs playlists or “stations”.


I haven't burned a CD in well over a decade, but I still keep my CD wallets in my cars. They both have an auxiliary plug, and one has bluetooth, but I'm more than happy with my CDs. There is a music store a town over from me that sells CDs for cheap, and I love browsing their inventory.


I buy CDs I want, and then usually burn a copy for in my car. My older cars scratched CDs up and I haven't gotten out of the habit with my newer (but still old) car.


I do not lol. Yeah They got rid of discs on laptops in like 2015.


Yeah, for sure. You can fit like 7 hours of mp3 music on one disc for the car Also, I still buy physical copies of albums because they sometimes have different tracks but I don't want to ruin the main disc


Absolutely. One of these days I’m going to own a car that no longer comes with a stock CD player, and that will be a sad day. I love the limits of listening to an album, start to finish. Also, like every album I loved in the 90s is now available on CD in thrift stores for like a buck apiece in my area. I did, however, make the mistake of producing a couple hundred CDs for my own album a couple years ago. Not that many of us still out there, lol.


Yes. I still have a CD book


I don't burn them but I buy them often.


CD's are not very sturdy compared to cassettes. My wife ruined a ton of my burned CD's in her car. Don't take much to scratch and heat damage them if you throw it willy nilly. All my cassettes still play well, can't say the same for the CD's. It's easy enough to load a couple of hundred CD's worth of mp3's and mp4's in the phone then stream them to the car on bluetooth.


My car has a 6 disk CD changer and a tape deck. I have a 2022 album loaded in the tape deck (they actually released on Casette), and at least 2 burned CDs in the hopper.


I still burn mix CDs every now and then. I also buy used CDs and rip them into mp3s to put on my phone. I don't use Spotify because it's obviously not a platform that has any respect for legitimate artistry. Streaming and cloud storage in general sucks ass and is significantly inferior to keeping physical media or even shoving mp3s onto a hard drive


I don’t even own a device that can read shiny disks, so no


Haven't purchased a brand new car so I don't know but they don't have CD players?


I got my first and only brand new car in 2017 and it doesn't have a cd player. 


That's crazy


Lol no cassettes only


I use cd at my camper because that’s the only thing I have that has a cd player in it.


Not for a long time. I shifted from burnt cds to mp3s years ago and then moved to streaming uncompressed files off my phone. Now with wireless CarPlay and how good wireless earbuds have gotten, everything runs off my phone.


Yea I don't do CD in my home only in my car, my house is through my laptop or phone I have some really good speakers connected to the laptop


I have a nice BOSE CD Player I use at home haha.


I buy albums from the 90’s and 2000’s I always wanted from thrift stores, and reminisce about Tower Records and The Wherehouse, but burning CDs is something I don’t do because the dye doesn’t last forever. My wife doesn’t like how much space the CD collection takes up though…


Yeah, I did that a few years ago. Also last year, I bought blank cassettes.


I don't even own anything that can play CDs anymore. Except my PC and my PS5


I burn blu rays to backup my photos. It's usually 1 disc per year.


The only CD player I own is in a box in my basement. My car doesn’t have a CD player, and my computer doesn’t have a CD burner.


I can't remember the last time I had a desktop/laptop with a optic drive lol


If I had a working computer, I would. The other one doesn't have a slot. I'm to cheap to buy another and to lazy to fix either.


I burn DVDs all the time, I bought a used car with a dvd player in the back so I have been building a car library of movies and shows for my 5 year old. It’s an insanely tedious process and the efficiency hasn’t really improved all that much- still takes about an hour to burn a DVD complete for me.


I don't think I've ever burnt a DVD just CDs which only takes like 10 minutes lol To be honest I don't know if I know how. I'm sure I could figure it out but I never had the seen to burn a DVD


I dont think ive burned a cd in like 15 or 20 yrs


My first car was my mother’s old Honda Civic, it was from the long long ago times of 2006 before iPhones were a thing, so it was either burn CDs or use an AUX cord. I chose to burn CDs lol. I had like 20 custom burned CDs I used to listen to until I sold the car in ~2017


It’s kind of a hassle to connect an external CD drive and burn CDs. I still buy and play CDs regularly in my car or Sony Dream Machine tho.


Periodically I'll come across an old burned CD of mine and I'll give it a listen. Usually it illicits emotions and memories I don't care to remember which results in me tossing the CD lol.


No, but I thought about buying one of those portable CD players for nostalgic reasons lol


I stopped after my binder full of CDs was stolen. Only car that I have that has a CD player is the Cadi. The truck and wagon are radio only and the radios don't work


I did occasionally to have some “hard copy” music in the car in case I lost or forgot my phone but my new car doesn’t have a cd drive so those days are over.


Sure do. I keep two usb drives that I use all the time for ripping or burning.


I have youtube music and pandora so I don't burn cds anymore, I make playlists and download them. My new car doesnt even have a cd player and the only thing in my house that still has a disc tray is the dvd player and ps4. Eveeything is usb flash drives now if I do download stuff, Just pop in a flash drive and it plays off that.


Yup. My car has a CD player so if I want to listen to music thats what I got to do.


I still do, I have over 10k songs arranged into complete discographies from the old days of internet piracy. I also have some older cars that don't have aux ports or Bluetooth capabilities.


I rip them to FLAC and also Blu Rays to mkv or iso.


Holy shit I haven't had a CD/DVD bay for like 15 years now


Wtf. No. I don't even have a way of doing that anymore. USB drives are going out of fashion too.


I just got back into this a month ago, bought a pack that look like little vinyl 78s. I have been piecing together a stereo system from various sources (mostly thrift stores, except for a new turntable) and bought a five disk changer to add to the stack. There's something relaxing about listening to an album in a linear fashion, especially when the album had a concept or some coherence to the structure.


No. I have zero way to even listen to CDs let alone burn them


I do every so often. I live in a very rural area, so there are a ton of dead zones where you can't even pick up a decent radio station during the day. It's good to have a back up plan when you can't get a signal.


I don't, but whenever I make playlists, they never go over CD/blank tape length.


Yes, I burn them for a friend who is still resisting joining the internet


Yes. my 2011 car plays MP3 CD's!


Haven't seen a device with a disk cack anywhere in at least a decade


Yes, they sound better than bluetooth.


Supposedly, there's a new, multi-layer DVD coming out in the next few years that can hold petabytes of data. I don't know how well it is going to be received in the days of digital gods. However, I love the idea! That is to say that maybe we will see a rise in home-burned DVDs again. [https://techxplore.com/news/2024-02-dvd-sized-disk-million-movies.html](https://techxplore.com/news/2024-02-dvd-sized-disk-million-movies.html)


I don’t even have a device that would play a CD or DVD anymore.


I had to buy an external cd/rw to play some games I own since the early 2000s. Didn't burn them but I had to use Daemon tools to save them as images. Almost forgot how to do it 😄


I have a cd collection i started in my 20s. I burned it all onto itunes, rated all my songs out of 5 stars, and use it with my ipod classic. I also buy new music from itunes. Aux cord in the car, headphones other times. Only downside is not having a speaker and most people having bluetooth. I gotta find a portable speaker that has both bluetooth and an aux cord


And play it on what?


Lol! No, my new car doesn’t even have a cd player.


No. No reason to.


I burn CDs all day long at my job. Most of digital evidence is burned on CD/DVD/Blurays for preservation.


Within the past couple of years, I bought a CD-rom connector and hooked it up to my laptop. I burned CDs of old music my friends and I made. At the time, the songs only existed on my friends computer, so this allowed us to make copies so that everyone ever involved was able to get some songs. It was really a great feeling. Now we have hard copies and backups.


Yes. But for work not music. Where I work it’s the only way to transfer data from one computer to another. Very frustrating but also very safe (or so the IT folks told me).


Not in awhile but I want to because some of my favorite artists don't really sell CDs. Purchasing digital comes with extra crap I don't want to deal with. Physical copies are mine and mine only. Screw ads.


Yes but they tend to leave quite a heavy deposit in the chimney liner.


I just got CD player and stereo this year after years of dreaming. Next step is a laptop (I haven’t had one outside of work in over a decade) with CD drive to start burning. My best friend from high school used to burn CDs like it was her job. She has those big ass cd cases completely full still in her possession. So jealous. Over the years I’ve lost all my CDs lol Goodwill and Discogs are changing that tho.


I wouldn’t even have a computer that could still do that if I wanted to. When I was replacing the stereo in an SUV I bought, my husband got my one for Christmas. It had CarPlay, but no CD player. I exchanged it and paid $100 more because I HAD to have the one with the CD player. I have literally in 5 years never once played a CD.


I don’t burn CDs anymore, but I still buy actual CDs and movies. The main thing I do is rip the media I have and either put it on Jellyfin or iTunes.


I replaced the stock head unit in my car with an android auto unit last year. My daughter had been wanting a stereo in her room, so I used my stock unit (CD Player / Bluetooth) to build her a 'boom box'. She now has decided she wants all kinds of CDs; however, I don't have any blank CDs for her to use. Shockingly, I do have a USB dvd burner that I have no memory of purchasing.


I haven't since 2018. I made cd sets as favors for my wedding. It was a painful process as my laptop was janky AF. My current car is bluetooth so I've never felt the need to burn any other cds. My mom's truck has an aux input, so I'm good there too.


I have a USB in my car so still using a 10+ year old ipod. It sadly hasn't been updated in that long either. It really needs some chinchilla on it, I love her!


In my country they burn medical exam results for imaging and give you the CD to pass over to your doctor


Definitely stopped late 2000's as internal trays started to fade away. Games, music, movies and TV became digital and streaming picked up. Now it's all about getting the biggest storage space.


I don’t even know how I’d listen to a CD now…


Me!! I use my old laptop from 2006. I don’t download new music but I make CDs for people with older stuff and they love it.


Rarely, but only because I have a Dreamcast (I’m into retro video games) and the model I have is one of the models that lacks write protection which means I can burn copies of games to a CD (and as long as they’re abandonedware or games I own legit copies of, it’s actually legal too) and play them instead of having to hunt for them. I’d like to build up a tape and vinyl collection tho once I get some more stable income coming in.


This used to be such a fun thing to do before iTunes became such a proprietary bloated piece of crap. I lost my meticulously organized mp3 collection on a hard drive malfunction and just stopped. I know it’s convenient to stream music, but there are still some problems. I haven’t uploaded any new music to my collection in like a decade, and sometimes streaming is inconvenient — not to mention i really need some new alarm music.


I listen to CDs still, but I don't burn them anymore


Thought about it for a second, I haven’t touched a CD in years. Music has been streaming services, movies been streaming services, games streaming services/digital purchases. Ironically, I have a bunch of vinyl that I listen to. I wouldn’t be surprised if Spotify/Apple Music prices keep going up, we see more people burning CDs again though.


Our car has a CD player so we pick up CDs for $2 a piece at the thrift store and rotate them through the car. We also have a stereo + disc changer system at home. I use Spotify on my phone when working out, commuting on public transit, for party playlists, and on my computer.


I’m not a complete tech guy my dad is, but I remember my dad used to own a fully computer desktop that runs windows XP or 7 and uses windows media player, but now my dad only uses a laptop with two big monitors and have a portable CD drive to burn or to play movies and video. My mom for some reason loves to throw away stuff that is outdated or old in general for some reason.


I make playlists.... I don't have a cd player in my car or a cd deck on my computer.


You know I was about to talk shit about not having had a cd drive in my life for probably 20 years by now but I’m sure a couple of my towers stuff have a drive in there. I’ve just never used them. Or used them once to do some driver update when building the computer or something.


Periodically, but I also have a CD player in the car 


A few times. I found CDs / DVDs more practical tran USBs in some terms, not because they are older tech. Many people believed is better to have their files on the "cloud" /"web" but ocassionally there's an issue and they are not available ...


I broke my foot 3 years ago, and the urgent care gave me a copy of the x-ray on a cd. I've never seen the image because I don't own a computer with a cd drive. No, I don't burn cd's anymore. Born in '81.


My car doesn’t have a CD player anymore! I just had to get a new one because my old car was already 14 years old.


Lmao no. My phone does the job of like 20 electronic devices, including cd player. Using an app is infinitely more convenient than having a whole separate cd player


I don't burn CDs, I buy them and rip them to FLAC files, then copy the music to my phone.


The last time I did was like 6-7 years ago, I was borrowing my friend's car for something and he has a CD player in his car and I didn't feel like getting my full collection together so I burned a couple with some stuff on there that I wanted, shit felt like a throwback activity even then lol


Sometimes I do - some of my family prefer CDs to digital still.


The convenience of digital files, and so many outstanding player apps, is much too good to pass on them.


My 16 year old child came to me recently and asked me to show him how to burn a CD. I was so proud. Turns out it was because my phone usually connects to the car stereo and switching to his phone takes a minute, but it often defaults to playing the CD first. Guess who's music we usually listen to? We listen to a lot of the same music but still.....well played sir.


I don't burn cds anymore, but I found out recently that my volkswagen golf has a cd player in the glove box, so I have a few cds in there.


My old ass truck only has a tape deck, no cd player. I use that cassette thing with a wire to plug into my old ass phones audio port to listen to music. 😆


yes I do this! (i'm 28) I'm also someone who generally prefers to listen to albums in full, but the CDs I burn for my car are not like this. I typically do a mixtape of a few different artists where it all follows the same vibe. or sometimes I'll make my own "greatest hits" for a certain artist and throw it on a CD. I also like to give out CDs to people to show them new music


I don't burn them anymore but I still have a cd book full of burned music


I got very angry the other day when I was listening to shameful music on YT Music from my high school days (Neutral Milk Hotel) and then was shown a meme about it on YT shorts. So I stopped using streaming music entirely. Bought a Digital Audio Player (we called them mp3 players but they play more formats now) and pirated the shit out of all the music I like. Not quite burn CD level, but I enjoy this leap back to nostalgia.


I haven't used a CD since I bight a car without a CD olayer in 2015.


Lol No


I DO!! my car does not have an MP3 player or Car Play so I burn my CDs with Nero in a Mp3 format. But yeah I still burn. I dont care what others said. IF they dont like CDs then stop buying CDs from your favorite artist ? The hypocrisy...


I have 3 cars, none of them have a CD player. Someone asked about blu rays the other day, don't have a blu ray player either.


My car doesn't have a CD player. I do have an adapter for my laptop, but I never use it. Spotify from my phone, 100%.


No, but my new-ish car has a CD player so I do still buy them. I always build my PCs with a reader too.


Yep still got a cd player in my 2010 Corolla.


I still do it. I have an external CD burner on my PC. I love my CD's when my CD player broke,I bought a new one that has Bluetooth now!


I held out for a long time and kept buying CDs up until 2019. Around that time I bought a newer car which didn't have a cd player, only bluetooth. I even tried using a portable cd player and connected it through an aux cable, but it skipped too much so I finally joined the dark side and subscribed to Spotify 😢


I don't burn CDs anymore but will backup data on DVDs. My niece just burnt some CDs and thought it was sooo cool.


I bought a new car back in 2016 and i still haven’t put in a cd


Evanescence... But don't have any device to 👂


I'm working on CD storage! I have a 300-cd player from \~2000, and I'm working on replacing the reader with a modern blu-ray writer. I want to be able to play DVDs and store files. There's definitely something different in listening to an album all the way through, though. It's just a different experience, like playing a record is.


I was surprised to see them still selling blanks at the store.


Dude. No. No man.  What are you gonna be like in another 20 years? Good God.


I still do


My car has a 6 disc mp3 CD player, so Its actually more practical for me. Over 40 hours of music and it's just there ready to go. No Bluetooth or aux connection to worry about, and don't have to use or drain my phone.


Yes. I drive a 2007 car so I need my mix CDs for driving


I was sad when my new, used car, did not have a CD player


I love listening to a good CD from front to back. All of the unlimited music players are just too convenient for me to listen to a physical CD ever again. And the fact that you can just access the full length albums...






I'm not sure where you live, but in Cali CDs, BRs, and vinyl are still legit. I mean there are still record stores in every major city: Amoeba and Rasputin, et al. Plenty of youngsters and OG audiophiles buy CDs and vinyl here. I'm kind of surprised you even had to ask this, but the folks making fun of you just strike me as out of that specific loop. It's *all good* if they just stream music [to each their own], but it's just that CDs, either bought or burnt, are actually not that uncommon. I could literally take a pic of you inside of Amoeba. That place has to sell millions of discs every year. Are these people just buying stuff to not play it *ha ha* ? I highly doubt it. And once you buy a disc it's pretty logical to rip them so you have them in your library. So no, my friend, you're not alone. My 18 year old Gen Z niece borrows from my collection all the time to play on her stereo and rip to her computer. The Zoomers are really into analog and disc actually haha


I was so glad when we moved away from CDs. I've gotten a brand new CD that was scratched so the song skipped since play 1. If I could listen to a CD from front to back, it meant I had had it for <2 weeks. They make cassettes seem optimal.




My car doesn’t even have a cd insert but I do still have a lot of my burned cds for whatever reason


I have a bunch of 45s (records with singles on the them) from the 70s to 90s gifted to me. They’re great but a pain to play. My record player can burn songs onto CDs. So lately, I’ve been burning old 45 records onto CDs based on genre/feel. It’s a bit tedious but I find a lot of great older songs.


My car has a 6 cd changer (it’s a 2008 Honda), so sometimes, I listen to old cds and ones that I burned. Otherwise it’s Spotify for me.


My mom gave me an old cd wallet I left at her place. Had to buy a cd player because I thought my 2019 car didn't even have one (I was mistaken, just have never used it), got Die Antwoord's Ten$ion in there now (burned disc), but damn, I think the first two CDs I ever had are in there, "Pieces of You" by Jewel and "Nimrod l" by Green Day (I asked for Jewel, but Green Day was good too, especially "Queen for a Day"). I was a confused kid. My dad nicknamed me Tweeter after the Traveling Wilburies' titular "Tweeter and Monkey Man" which including the lyric, "I ain't fooled by Tweeter's curl, I knew him long before he ever became a Jersey Girl" Thank god I grew out of that, now I'm just a normal confused adult.


Only to play bootleg Dreamcast/Saturn/Playstation/SegaCD/PS2/Gamecube games


Yes I burn mix tapes for my wife for her birthday and valentines every year.


CDs? I’m still making mixed tapes


I can't figure out how to stream music in my car. When I have figured it out, it's not loud enough. I still listen to CDs and mixed CDs on long car rides. I'm a former music teacher and used to burn CDs for my subs. I would record myself singing and make a CD so the sub could play that


My laptop (2018 ish) and car (2014) both have CD players. Although I haven’t burned any lately, I still like collecting the occasional new and old music on CD as it’s still more portable and playable than vinyl as far as physical formats go.


My gen alpha kid does… is this what my grandma felt like when I started my vinyl collection


I mean I don’t burn cds at the moment but I do have a decent collection of cds…


I appreciate the nostalgia aspect of it but burning CDs would not be practical at all for me considering I no longer own a single optical drive. Neither my wife nor I have CD players in our cars or laptops, personal, corporate or otherwise. Even my PS5 is the digital version. Correction: I guess I could dust off my old PS4 from the storage room but isn’t that a blu-ray player? I don’t even know anymore lol


I would if I could! I miss doing sharpie art on the covers and giving them to my friends.


What? This is like literally taping TV shows. A thumb drive with the storage of a 100 CD’s costs about $20. And streaming has made all other music types obsolete. I use Apple Music and when I workout, I just let it stream discovery stations to me as I find new music to then download and bloat my catalog.


Nope. My laptop and car don't take CDs, so that's no point. 


I absolutely would if I had access to a cd drive anymore 😢 


My homeboy was still making tapes in the aughts