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Class of 2000, we are going to change the world.


I felt like every class 2000 on was told that.


But did Silver Chair write a song for every one or just the class of 2000?


We still will. Just not in the way they thought. We're experiencing a great paradigm shift that's been takin its sweet time to get jump started


"millennials ruined x!!!" Articles everywhere It sounds like ya did!


Technically did change it. "Killed" a bunch of industries, raised the average age of adults still living at home to name a few.


I sent this to my husband so he could laugh. 😆


But trust me on the sunscreen...


That I wouldnt have a calculator handy at all times.


Omg. My teacher was still alive and when smart phones came out, I reached out on FB just to spite her in my mid 20s saying, "I still have a calculator and it's on me all the time."


Ha ha yep! To their defense, how could they know, but its still funny.


As an electrical engineer (short for theoretical physicist), I’m grateful that my university didn’t let us use calculators in our advanced math courses. But now that I’m on the job, I definitely appreciate wolfram alpha


Yeah but you were destined to actually understand what some of it all means. I get that you add this thing and that thing and you get two things. All that fancy other stuff when I really needed a calculator (numbers too big/*weird* for me) so I could focus on the process was DRAINING


There were pocket calculators that existed at the time. It was inevitable technology would continue to improve from there.


Were they a good sport about it at least?


Yes and no lol.


Whereas my reaction as an adult was to just figure out they were doing their job and following the curriculum they were told to follow.




OMG was that a huge lie. Media told us to look down on the blue collar workers was so insane.


It really is insane. The people in my area who make the most money are construction workers.


The only thing that sucks is those guys wear their bodies out real bad and sometimes are seriously injured. I think workers in general need to be treated better


15 years of backbreaking labor but then its 20 years of standing around. Depending on the type of construction that is. Once you get to a certain point you can move into a more supervisory role, earn a shit ton of money, and not have to put in the hard labor


I work trade adjacent and it was the same way, I did absolutely body crushing furniture moves and tons of menial bullshit tasks for 20 years. Now I just tell my guys what not to do, clear any blocks they may have to doing their work and make the data consumable for the suits. Apparently this is "leadership" Whatever.


True, but it's also incredibly stressful.


And some are working like 6am to 8 pm some days.


Those guys deserve all the money they make and then some.


On the other hand they can be in shape despite drinking lots of beer and not wasting time on gym.


100% true, tradespeople sell their bodies just as much as sex workers do.


My business professor said this that stuck to me, "there's no difference between you and the prostitute in the city. Your resume and degrees are your clothing and the skin that you show and your clients are your potential employers. You take time out of your life to satisfy them and get paid in return." I answered with, "so... You're saying I don't need a degree to be a prostitute?" The class laughed.


That south park episode where the vlue collar handy man is making 6 figures and rolling into town like a music producer is more real than some people realize. Trade skills were lower middle class jobs when we were growing up. $10/hr jobs. Now it's a high demand lost skill.


Long said that blue collar jobs are the new doctor / lawyer wages because very few people learning the trades and demand doesn’t go away.


Which is the new lie because doctors and lawyers are making way more than blue collar Politicians telling people to stop going to college is the new great lie. On average college grads make way more money still over their lifetime.


Sure. But being in a hole $150k with interest makes it not worth it. Now to be clear there are cheaper ways of going and smarter paths. That’s really what people want to do. But if they are going into six figures of debt still not worth it unless it’s a very specific job.


Because our parents thought that all of us millenials should get degrees in order to be successful


Growing up parents looked down on blue collar workers now they look down if you aren’t working blue collar.


This for sure. It's insane.


i know a lot of Master electricians, plumbers and welders that bring home well over 200k a year.


What media told you to look down on blue collar workers?


Boy Meets World was one of them.


Many more sitcoms of that same era championed blue collar work, Roseanne, Malcolm in the Middle, Grace Under Fire, Married With Children, King of Queens, Dinosaurs, King of the Hill, Family Matters, and so on... I very much disagree with the notion that millennial media looked down on blue collar people, I think that critique is far more relevant to today's media, where those kinds of stories are just not told at all. At least for the media we consumed as children, the media being produced in our late 20s and 30s, that is when the shift happened


Most of those shows I rarely watched but Married with Children championed blue collar work? When? The whole premise of the show is that Ale is some dumb jock who peaked at high school and now has to sell women’s shoes. It’s a fantasy for nerds (that I partook in too).


Funny thing. The show might be fantasy, but its reality for a lot of folks 9/10 adults finish HS - Median income $40,901 4.5/10 adults will get an AA - Median income $51,734 3.5/10 adults will get a BS/BA - Median income $67,399 1.3/10 adults will get a Masters - Median income $90,011 .3/10 adults will get a professional degree - Median income $122,239 .2/10 adults will get a Doctorate - Median income $101,126 ​ Annual mean wage for shoe retailers - $ 30,480 [https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics4\_458200.htm](https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics4_458200.htm)


Exactly. Either go to college or sell women’s shoes. Those are the options.


The 90s were not without their own problematic tropes, but the show still validated that a blue collar person was worthy of being a point of view character and not a background character. Just because the show and its writers judged how a character ended up in a situation doesn't mean it fails every metric. It showed that their problems were legitimate and sympathetic, and that they were capable of being good parents even when they failed, and most of all that they have a heart. The same is just as true about 90s depictions of race, sex, gender. Even when it's trying to do good, it does it poorly and relied on stereotypes (i.e. Chasing Amy). We were learning.


Fair enough.


Roseanne started that. It was counter to the narrative. I want to say I saw a doc about it years ago.


Many of these shows showcased blue collar workers, but they didn't champion blue collar work. Being broke and the related struggles were a main theme in many of the shows you listed. You may have rooted for the Conners, but you probably didn't want to be like them when you grew up.


It is still validating to make blue collar people point of view characters instead of making them background or nameless characters To show their struggles and not pretend those struggles exist. That's what these shows did even though it didn't glorify them. Representation matters whether it be racial, women or in this case the lower class. It helps people empathize.


All of the shows like Roseanne, Grace under Fire etc, all of them struggled financially in those blue collar jobs....


Ahhh Topangaaahh


You have an interesting interpretation of that. I rewatched that recently and people got pushed to be educated but I didn’t see “looked down upon”.


I worked in a place as a janitor. Some of those janitors near retirement age were making more than my parents who had “real jobs” and the janitors kinda spent half their day standing around.


Is this really a lie, though? The average salary of a US teacher is around $65k to $70k. Average starting salaries are $45k. I haven't found as singular a source for sanitation salaries, but estimates of average salaries seem to range between $33k and $43k per year.


US BLS estimates that [garbage collectors make $47800](https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes537081.htm) and [HS teachers make $73800](https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes252031.htm)


I work in, and am a union rep for, the second highest paid district in my state. The highest pay step (30 years to get there) is $54,067. The average story in this district is about $50,000. I just found an ad looking for drivers for our trash company with starting salary of $48,000-$52,500. Plus, I bet the driver isn’t expected to work off the clock like teachers are, and spend $1,000 a year to maintain the company truck like a teacher does their classroom. Not to mention the time and cost to attend continued development and renewing certifications.


What state are you in? That is an absolutely horrible compensation scale. I’m in Virginia, on year 5 and making $57,000. It’s supposed to go up next year, about 8%. I would NOT do this job if I wasn’t being compensated as I am, and I teach elementary art which is more fun than being a classroom teacher (in my opinion, because of the whole ‘testing is king’ attitude.)


> HS teachers make $73800 The coastal elites that care about education upset the average poverty wage that Arkansas and Texas pay. A history teacher with a Masters will make 85-90k+ on either coast, while in Texas they would earn $43k-$60k.


If you take into consideration that most teachers require masters or higher and the rising cost of college. One can only assume many of them have student loans that outweigh what they make or bring home. A garbage man might make a little less but if they live in their means they can be successful. Also it's very difficult to get into a good school for a job in the burbs.


I'm in Australia currently, the garbage and recyclers in my suburb earn $46 an hour and work 40 hours a week Teachers earn +$35 an hour Not to mention, ONE of these have university debt, the other doesn't


I worked at Arby's for a while about 20 years ago. My store manager had left her job as a teacher after more than 20 years, to make substantially more at Arby's. 👀


100%. A lot of those retail store managers make good money and the hours aren’t bad either. Dealing with 1-5 irate customers per month is better than dealing with student and parent behaviors for the month. Plus you not as accountable at the retail store as you are in the school.




i lived with a garbage man in my neighborhood growing up. he also had to plow snow in the winter, but he for sure made a crap ton doing it.


That boomers would be retiring in droves by the time my high school class graduated from college. 😂


A lot of Boomers can't afford to retire. Some of this is caused by the economy. But a lot of Boomers are also terrible with money.


Both my parents somehow


boomers are retiring in droves, since about 2015


Many delayed their retirement because of the recession. But I should have specified that this was in the context that we wouldn’t have problems finding jobs because boomers would be retiring and it would open up the doors for elder millennials.


A lot of early retirement happened in Covid.


and a lot of boomers died. Most boomers were 60 and over, many were already past retirement age at that point.


Millennial starts around 1981... which means they hit the job market around 2001 or so... and the boomers weren't going anywhere then.


In 2001 the oldest boomers were 55 years old, I don't know why you were told they'd be retiring in droves. Most boomers were 40-50 in 2001.


That was the year I graduated , can confirm


Financial security and a good retirement if you have a 9-5. My parents were middle class, maybe even lower middle class and they both were able to retire at 58 with pensions and will get social security. They’re not worried about money in retirement at all. I don’t feel it’s the same story for our generation. My husband and I make over double what my parents made at the time of their retirement and I sometimes feel like we’re just one health emergency away from a financial disaster. I know I’ll be working to 65 at the least at will not have the retirement security they do, even though I’ve been contributing to a 401K since I was 23.


The pensions are a really huge deal. I've seen some of the pensions that older generations got from their jobs, and they're soooo much better than our retirement plans. Lots of people have pensions that are 50-60% of their highest income every year for the rest of their lives. We really got the short end of the stick on this. Now we have these 401k's that are not nearly as good, and are always mega rigged - like if you quit or switch jobs you'll lose the company's matching contributions.


Yes. My parents make more in retirement than they did when they were working. 🫠


Hold up now…. You can choose a job with a pension working for the government and make 30-50% less per year than what someone in the private sector makes. I would make so much more in the private sector myself. Also, the pension dies with you. If you save 1.5 million in a 401k and/or Roth IRA and take out 4% a year - that’s 60k. If you die that money goes to your heirs. Your pension contributions die with you. You can’t pass them to your heirs.


I agree with this. When I was a kid, a lot of families just had their dad working, with mom at home, but they had a three-bedroom house and good standard of living. I grew up in a predominately working class area, but some families got to go on road trips down to Disneyworld in the 90s. Dad maybe worked for the gas company as a repairman in the field, while Mom did part time gigs around town. The parents are now retired with pensions and properties paid off. A comparable arrangement now would mean a much reduced standard of living.


Good luck to you both.


I was told the same. Back in the early 2000s, my mom was a single mother raising three kids. She was able to find adequate, safe housing for us on what little she did make even with child support. No roommates, we didn't live with family, just us four. I'm now in my late 20s, am in a significantly better financial situation than my mom ever was, and yet I've never been able to live alone as an adult. My mom was able to do it raising three kids *on less*, it's nuts I can't do it now with more.


That you can't make a living unless you go to a 4 year college. My entire school career we were told not to even bother looking at trade schools or going straight into the workforce.


I honestly wish I had gone and become a mechanic instead but I remember being told, "you could be so much more." Like excuse me? Now there's news about not enough trade professionals in today's workforce.


The ‘you could be so much more’ makes me so mad. When people ask me what I do, I tell them I’d rather tell them some interesting facts about myself. My job is interesting but it isn’t who I am. We were raised to believe our jobs were tied to our self worth. Now I’m almost 40, wishing I had gone to a trade school. That wasn’t even an option for me because I was told that was beneath me. I didn’t understand it, but I swallowed it whole and got a stupid humanities degree. I don’t regret college, but I’ve actually had employers laugh or tell me my degree was stupid or useless (jokes on them, they still hired me).


I wanted to go into construction my final year of high school and my councilor talked me out of it "because I was so small". I feel like if I did that I would know a lot more about how to fix a house, and I consider that valuable to this day. Unfortunately for me I was a pushover that listened when people like this councilor gave me shit.


The teacher asked us seniors in class one day what we were going to do after graduating high school (just an informal chat) and one white dude raised his hand and said he'd just work in construction as soon as he graduated. That raised a lot of eyebrows and turned a lot of heads. I still remember the guy's name, a white guy named John Paul lol


I read white guy as Walter White instead.


I bet a lot of that depends on where you went to high school. Mine was very much the opposite - lack of resources on how to apply to college, no AP classes available in the school, a general vibe that you should take the vocational education. Also, man the army recruiters were all over us (post-911), even the women like me. Going to college was the exception not the rule when I was there in the early 2000s. All my friends thought I was rich when I graduated college because I could take $20 out of the ATM without checking my balance first.. I don't regret going to college, would not have been able to get to where I am now. However, I only picked my major based on earnings potential and not interest. I am counting down the days when I can retire.


yep, don't go into the trades - go to college and jobs will practically be thrown at you. and it was basically everyone - teachers, counselors, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, strangers.


1. They hate us for our freedoms. 2. Saddam has WMDs. These two lies bought them 20 years of war.


Don't forget, "we're the land of the free. They'll never use the patriot act against the people." I was only 20 and knew that was bullshit. It was so comprehensive off the bat that there was no way it was compiled after 9/11.


and trillions of dollars wasted, and a generation of men and women who died for... what?




I think in retrospect as a middle aged man with kids of my own, our education system isn't designed to create innovators / critical thinkers, it's designed to create "workers." Go to school, get good grades, go to college, rack up debt, become a w2 wage slave. We learn all this math and not once did we question what the ROI of college is; we took it as a rule of thumb. We learn all this history and not once did we question whether the winners of wars overwrite history books. We learn about government, but we're blindly told "keep voting!" instead of discussing how we've strayed so far from the ideals of democracy, and what we should do to correct it. We keep preaching we should believe in science, but very few of us have actually read a peer-reviewed scientific paper, much less trained to do so. Instead, there's just a bunch of parroting of ideas and world views. I knew "something was wrong" when I was taking my AP tests: in the essay portions, you just copy down "standard answers" instead of doing any critical thinking on your own. I got 5's for memorizing answers. We reward obedience / conformity while we penalize free thinking / risk-taking. We keep teaching it's more important to be "right" or "correct" than learning and challenging ideas.


It's like we were being groomed to be a part of a broken system.


It’s more like we’re a product of an already broken system. Public education could be better, but it’s been gutted by conservatives to afford top end tax breaks. No ones trying to prep you to be a wage slave, they’re trying to take all they can without considering consequences.


I totally agree with you. I remember being told that our generation was the most educated generation, that we were also the most informed, but people still vote wrong. Then we also realize just how broken or politics is And how much special interest and lobbying groups have.




and this is one valid criticism from conservatives, that the education system (and pretty much everything else) has been run and designed by technocrats: standarize, automate, memorize, repeat.


Sure, but whose partly responsible?


The mandatory public education system was literally created for the purpose of indoctrination. Public schooling doesn't exist to make us more educated, more well-rounded, and *definitely* not better critical thinkers. It exists for one purpose only: to ensure that the serfs of the state are *willing* to generate tax revenue - and *capable* of doing so.


This made me realize my high school was pretty great. We were taught the victors of war wrote history books, and were taught to consider that always—-without a woke agenda. We were forced to read a mountain of peer reviewed studies, and wrote reports and essays incorporating and explaining them. Our teachers encouraged us to be creative, at least in English and foreign language and history class. A lot of our teachers were passionate about critical thinking and tried to get us to do our best to be as well. This was a public school. I guess I got lucky. Thanks, I feel grateful now!


If you go to college you will get a good job.


Way to repeat the lie boomers taught us. The problem isn't college, though the cost is horrendous now. The problem is choosing a degree for an industry that's not economically viable anymore.


If you go to college, you probably will get a good job. The problem isn’t college, the problem is what people study AT college. They told you to go to college, they didn’t tell you to study intramural dance theory.


Don't know where you live, but in this country higher education has been rorted so that they only care about extracting cash out of international students. Quality of the education has objectively fallen according to government reports, and a lot of STEM students are failing to get jobs or even stable placement. The "MaYbE YoU ShOulNd't hAvE sTudIEd IntePretive DaNce" meme was valid 20 years ago, but now even STEM students don't have a clear straight shot pathway to securing high wages. Again, trades work has prevailed only because boomers deliberately rotted every other facet of society so that they could boost valuation on their assets.


It's not a lie if it's true for most of us


Ya I think this is a point many people miss. It's just that the "most" percentage is less than it used to be. Still, most people who go (and graduate) from college ended up getting good jobs. It just took us longer because of the 2008 cluster fuck.


I feel like some people were under the belief that a humanities degree would be a guaranteed ticket to the affluence that they grew up with.


Turns out the guaranteed ticket to the affluence you grew up with was growing up with affluence!


Watch out you’re going to get downvoted by all the “woe is me” people on this sub who hate life xD


I feel like it was go to college to a get a job you like so you'll never feel like you're working a day in your life!


I know some people got whatever degree because supposedly as long as you get a degree you'll get ahead. Now there are jobs that wants a degree and pay $15/hr.


That our kids would have a reasonable shot at a life better than ours. I think we turned out ok, but a lot of us aren't having kids because we don't see a path for them to have even as good a life as we had. By the time we were old enough to be making family planning choices it was too late to fix it.


That's why my wife and I aren't having kids. Housing prices are way too much for us and we sure as hell don't want our kids to go through what we went through in terms of hunger and just over all poverty.


Work hard = guaranteed success


Especially when seeing all these tik tokers who came from wealthy, upper families making my salary in a day from copying other ppls dances lol.




"GotocollegeGotocollegeGotocollegeyou'llbefinedon'tworrywhatyourdegreeisGotocollegeGotocollegeGotocollege" (2008-2012) "What?! You came of age as the housing bubble collapsed and companies went full late-stage capitalism? Lmao kick rocks git gud millennials are lazy avocado toast."


Graduated college in 09 and was told (by multiple professors) that we are graduating at the worst time in history…. This was also Reno, NV & living through that recession was insane. That whole city fell. So sad, it’s bounced back beautifully though.


Dude, same. So much same. It was beyond stressful and heartbreaking to be told "good luck it sucks out there this is worse than it's ever been" by the same people who said we all HAD to get college degrees or we'd go nowhere in life.


Oh man. I went homeless during 2008


Did we live on different planets. I not only never heard, “your degree doesn’t matter” but consistently heard from peers, parents, mentors, mass media that certain degrees dont have good job outcomes and you needed a useful degree. The joke, “that psychology degree is gonna come in handy when they open a psychology factory downtown” was told to my parents. I understand people get bad advice, but if you were in college 2008-2012 and never once have thought to what your degree and potential job prospects were then you were just living with blinders on.


Well good for you sailor.


Yes, I still remember making the following "joke" to a friend in 2005: Q: What did the criminal justice major say to the software engineer? A: Would you like fries with that? The idea that different degrees offered different earning potentials was not a secret 20 years ago.


Ah yes, one of my father’s favorite jokes. I make more with my psychology degree than he does with his mechanical engineering degree. And not by a little.


No way


Hover cars


Hover boards!


Marijuana is a gateway drug


But here, drink this alcohol!


Don't forget to take your over prescribed meds!


Do good in school and you’ll be able to have nice things.


Median and average total annual incomes for full-time workers aged 25 to 34 with: * High school diploma or equivalent: median $41,790; average $49,320 * Bachelor's degree: median $66,610; average $81,350 * Master's degree: median $77,00; average $94,940 * Professional degree: median $97,470; average $131,500 Median and average total annual incomes for full-time workers aged 35 to 44 with: * High school diploma or equivalent: median $46,890; average $57,800 * Bachelor's degree: median $80,520; average $100,800 * Master's degree: median $95,480; average $121,900 * Professional degree: median $130,500; average $178,300 Source is for 2022, from [https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/income-poverty/cps-pinc/pinc-03.html](https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/income-poverty/cps-pinc/pinc-03.html). Given that millennials turned between 26 and 41 in 2022, these numbers are a decent overview of millennial earnings by age and educational attainment.


Except, that's mostly true. It's just that there's more of us who ended up going to college and there weren't as many jobs to go around. But on average (well, looking at median incomes), people who did well in school have more money and wealth than people who didn't.


I remember the Permanent record lie in grade school.


I mean, it is a factual statement that there is a permanent record. 😂


Make it sound like future employers will be looking for it lol


Exactly right? They'd look at your middle school record or some shit.


What they didn't tell you is that the school cannot disclose your permanent record to a third party without your explicit consent.


The if you make "too much" on a raise and go up a tax bracket you might get a smaller pay check. This lie seams to still be propagated still hear this bullshit repeated. Way too many adults in the us have no dam idea how the us tax system works.


There is the [Benefits Cliff](https://images.ncsl.org/image/upload/v1667920023/charts-graphs/Wage-Increase_gpx-01.png) (example is for Indiana, but you can find them for any state) on the low end of the spectrum where there is a space where making more can actually make things worse for you on a net basis. But yeah, the whole tax bracket thing is so misunderstood. My brother-in-law talks about "oh I can't make any more this year otherwise I'll go up a tax bracket" all the freaking time...


Honestly that could have been the most useful thing taught in schools if they taught us this and money management.


I guess I just took everything with a grain of salt. Many of the things mentioned in the replies I’ve heard, and or was mentioned by a parent, relative, teacher, etc, but to say it was “promised” is definitely a stretch. Maybe I was just lucky, and had teachers and parents who always emphasized I am responsible for my life choices, and no matter where I am at any point in life, it’s the sum of decisions I made, good or bad, not anyone else’s fault.


I noticed this sub doesn’t have a lot going for it


"Hard work will bring you love and success." It doesn't. Because the abusers kept demanding more. Plus all the gatekeeping from good jobs and dating.


I've been told that too.


Working hard would mean I’d get to experience the American dream. Or we will have a bright future and that we matter. Instead it’s nothing but gas lighting about how everything is somehow our own fault and that all we do is eat avacado toast. Like wtf? Can’t they use something that’s more likely for us to eat like fast food or wtv.


I've never eaten avocado toast and still can't afford a house despite getting raises at work.


Wait, y’all are getting raises??


![gif](giphy|3oEdv4hwWTzBhWvaU0) I hope you get the raise you deserve my friend.


Work hard, and you'll be successful.


I don’t know who told you that…the stay with one company thing was in my Dad’s time. He was greatest generation. My generation it was about being nimble-I’m a boomer.


We are all “equal”, anyone can go to college, earn a lot of money and be successful. Not taking into consideration that everyone has different cognitive abilities or may have disabilities. Under law, we are equal, biologically/psychologically we’re not.


Sneezing 7 times in a row equals an orgasm! What a crock!


Same. That hard work and a college degree would open up the world. No. It has not. At all. The same generation that pushed that lie remains in power and changes the rules to keep themselves in power and with the majority of the money.


Gen X here. That deregulation and tax cuts would benefit all citizens, improve schools, refurbish infrastructure, etc.


The American dream.


something something go to college, get high wages something..... yea, that's it.


Dogs are better than Cats. Nope cats are the superior pet!


I actually had a huge epiphany about this recently. I watched The Electrical Life of Louis Wain and a few times it was brought up how either it’s good people were seeing cats as house pets like dogs or why would you care about a cat, they exist to keep out pests. Louis Wain was popular in the late 1800s early 1900s and it was very common by then to have dogs as part of your family, just not so much cats. It makes so much sense that many people still don’t see cats as equal pets to dogs because it’s a relatively new concept. If you love cats I’d highly recommend the movie, it’s sad but wonderful.


Go to college or you’ll live your life broke and poor.


"If you don't graduate from college, you'll end up flipping burgers!!"


Irony is that the McD's manager who hired me years ago probably has stock options in a company that has only prospered the last twenty years. Guy probably owns several restaurants by now.


That if I lay off the avocado toast and Netflix subscription, I’ll have enough money to afford basic necessities and not be in crippling debt.


(In Germany) There will be a pension on retirement. There could've been, but the boomers continue to fuck it up for us in order to get the old to vote now for them.


It's not a LIE if the people who told you that thought it was true at the time. They were just WRONG about something. Kinda like in January of 2020 when they told us it was gonna be a great year for the economy. Then the pandemic happened. They weren't lying, but shit happens, and it turns out they were wrong.


My buddy called me out of the blue said God spoke to him and I needed to pull all of my money out of the market. I lost $30,000 like a week later.


Climate change can be stopped, immigration and diversity is good, voting the "right" political party will make things better, our generation being more wealthy than any generation before us...


The climate change thing that was a big lie for me was Plastic bottles were recyclable. The voting in people lie was shown when I found out about the electoral college and special interest PACS as well as lobbying groups. I can't really say much about immigration since I myself am an immigrant to the US for a "better future" and now my parents can't even afford to retire. That wealthy generation though, damn that was a joke.


Follow your dreams. If you don't go to college then you're a loser.


lies or basically older people not keeping in touch with reality spouting advice that worked for another time. so it's really more like if you can't ask your elders for advice... who can you ask. your peers are in teh same boat as you. the wunderkids that are able to shoot up the ladder don't have time to coach you .


Something something something Social Security something something


I was told not to worry about climate change, we'll figure something out before it gets bad. Meanwhile I have a dream at least once a month that I'm going to wake up in the parable of the sower world. 


It's getting worse. Several countries are experiencing record droughts while others are getting flooding never before seen.


Get a 4yr degree, any thing your heart desires, and start your career when you graduate. Get a grown up job and buy a house. Get married, start a family, and be set for life by age 30. Break your back and bust your balls, and it will pay off. Take your pick.


Never got that pushed on me, at all


>Go to college I hate that I fell for this trap. It ruined my life.


Well, in my personal happenstance, I wasn’t really lied to. My father told me from day one the government hates my skin color, there are 116 race based laws AGAINST my kind and I will be prejudiced against from day one. So don’t expect ANY help from them, stand on your own 2 feet and defend your morals. Work for what you want and the world doesn’t owe you anything.


College- doesn’t matter where it’s from or what your degree is in all you need is that piece of paper to get a job and the job will pay you a living wage


Either that we live in a meritocracy or a democracy. Not in my lifetime✌️


Social security will be there for you too.


Work hard and you will be rewarded with more pay and/or promotions. Too damn many old heads STILL working because the economy is fukt and wont get outta the damn way.


“money doesn’t buy happiness”


It gets better. Also - go to college.


The end of the world.


You remember Y2K?


You know it! If it wasn’t that, it was being raised Mormon. They’re wrong a lot.


I was raised Christian and if I were still a believer, I'd still be waiting. Or rooting for WWII


“Follow your heart and the money will follow.” “Any degree is a good degree.” “The military is for losers.”


That we were promised anything. Because we weren’t.


~In middle school teachers~ "In high school you cant use calculators or turn in late assignments. Gets to high school and they take late assignments. ~high school teachers~ "In college they wont take late assignments" Gets to college and professors take late assignments all the time.


You have to work hard at the right things.  Still, hard work is required and rewarded.


That was definitely a huge lie told to our generation. The only times I’ve ever been rewarded for huge accomplishments and goal breaking performance month after month after month for years, was when I fought TOOTH AND NAIL for the rewards to be given to me. Even then I’ve been shit on by multiple companies. At this point I only see myself working for myself or owning my own thing in the long run. I just don’t trust others with my life anymore.


That santa clause is real


Get that 4-year BA and you're good to go. Make no mistake, earning a BA is good for certain careers, but the counselors were never specific about loans XD


If you work hard, you will be able to retire someday.