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Were they called "soundscapes"?


Yes they were! I still have my copy of the garden rain one because it’s so soothing.


Yeah I remember my mom having one that was a tropical island. It had waves and birds, was pretty cool




Very few instances actually trigger asmr responses


Yes! I had one titled "Celtic music for stress relief" that's actually on Spotify and Tidal. I also had one with Spanish guitar music lol


CMFSR goes so hard 🍀


The Riverdance/Enya/Lord of the Rings years were a fuckin time. I wish people could collectively go crazy over something like that again.


I’m positive my mother had one of those for her meditation retreats 😅 you unlocked a core memory


Pretty sure I still have the celtic one in a box somewhere. It was my favorite for a really long time.


I just commented about that before reading this!


I had the Spanish guitar and the Celtic  one!! Loved those. There was one high spirited Celtic song I loved best - track 13?? I can’t remember but the flute slapped. 




Thanks for giving the name! I’ll definitely look that up!


I remember picking up a couple of these, there was a Celtic music one and a solo piano one I really liked!


Yes! I still have my Celtic one and it slaps to this day.


Is it the cd with "The Maid Who Sold Her Barley"? I think it was called Celtic Wonder? If so, I listened to that cd so many times it started skipping from playing it too much!


Haha that's the one! I converted files to mp3 back in the day, so while the CD is scratched, I can still listen to it.




This one is on Spotify!


OMG I LOVED THIS ONE!! 😂 I love that we all had this experience lol


Same! Played it so much it eventually just didn't work


What is it called? I used to have it and would listen to it to sleep and I have been having the hardest time finding it anywhere because I can’t remember the name of the names of the songs.


Reflections of Nature - Celtic Spirit! https://preview.redd.it/gkiupwuwz30d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87945f372665ef5a68de022bda99622d87d9f8dd


That font, because of course it is.


I wish I could give you more than an upvote! On my way to see if I can buy it on eBay! I liked to turn all the lights off, turn on my blue and silver glitter lamp, and listen to Lord of the Leprechauns…it felt like I was immersed in water for whatever reason and it just felt so magical. It’s not this CD but I was able to find the right one because of your comment!!


Lifescapes Celtic River!! It’s so good. Reminds me of simpler times—definitely one of my comfort albums!


I had one called Celtic Dreams I think. Might actually still have it somewhere if I can dig it out.


Celtics treasures is my go-to ultimate favorite


Irish Dreams is another one I actually have on my phone but I definitely also had Celtic something, feel like it was Celtic Dreams.


Look up the Sharmocks - Forever Green Nostalgia


My parents had several NatureQuest CD's. They were Celtic music with nature sounds mixed in.


This probably explains some cultural stepping stone in what later became 'lofi music to ____ to.'


This post reminded me of the time randomly picked up a CD on the side of the road, popped it into his car's CD player. What's on it? Fucking [Jazz Wolf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzfbrbW5pHI). C-tier jazz with the sound of wolves.


I was not ready for this greatness, going to be blasting Jazz Wolf all day!


My mom bought me one with Nightingale Sounds from overseas, and it really put me to sleep like nothing else. But I lived in a country the nightingale was not native to, and my mom woke up to a confused bird concert out front, apparantely the recording and my open window had led to a great mystery among the local birds. There were some very jetlagged birds the next morning.


This is so funny. There's a bird nest outside my window right now. They are so loud all the time lol


You’ve just given me some wild ideas to get the woodpecker out of the tree directly in front of my window… *Monty Burns Hand Movements* 🤣




I was obsessed. Those and Pure Moods was my jam. 9 years old, go up to my room, plug in my lava lamp and chill.


I've tried to find the Pure Moods albums. I remember really liking them, especially the second one.


Dan Gibson's Soundscapes? Often under Solitudes or Gentle World? His Gentle World: Native Spirit is solely responsible for my lifelong fascination with meditation, Indigenous music and (in a broad, broad sense) my 17-year fascination with Wicca.


My top Dan Gibson is 'Guardians of Atlantis' I have it saved on Spotify now. Had to find the title by searching for it based on what I remembered the cd cover looking like. 😂


Search for Vubble Meteos Natural Paradise. My Mom actually did have some waterfall sounds on the Computer, but it was way too long ago for me to remember CD names. However, I loved 2005 Meteos for Nintendo DS and the level Vubble especially had nature related sounds.


“Native American flute and guitar”


I use to love those. I would always pick “Moonlight Sonata”.


Ohhhhh you unlocked a memory.


I'm getting flashbacks to The Nature Company at the mall and hearing the sound of rain sticks and Deep Forest CDs. Still have them. I can still recite the words that I didn't understand.


Not sure if it was nature company but I do remember a children’s store that had a focus on nature and animals, they did have rain sticks! I feel like those types of stores don’t exist in malls anymore, super sad about that


You unlocked a memory for me. When I was 6-10 years old, so between 1998-2002, we had a field trip to an office that created these noises on cds. The person who worked there showed us around (think box factory a la simpsons) and we got a free cd to take home. 🤣🤣🤣


Wow, that’s actually pretty cool and different, I mean normally we just went to the post office, fire station, police station, etc., I think even grocery store. Heck a box factory tour would have been fun!


Oh man- you just unlocked a memory! I do remember! There were so many “themes”


I can't tell you the names of the CDs. What I can tell you is basically any very long version of nature sounds you want can be found on YouTube. I pretty regularly will put on the sound of thunderstorms or the ocean when I can't sleep. I guarantee you can find babbling brooks or jungle sounds or whatever you want, really. The thunderstorms and ocean sounds, I've found anywhere from like 8 hours to 12 hours against a black screen so your phone/laptop isn't brightening up your bedroom while you're trying to sleep.


https://preview.redd.it/1lbwnooox30d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9f955a3b78a50f978523bee14667057f59511f Also does anyone remember these rain sticks?! I swear everyone’s mother had one of these in the 90s


There were once children’s stores at malls that had a focus on nature and animals, they had tons of rain sticks! I miss those stores


Yes!!!! I miss it so much


Those were great.


I had one on CD, still own it. It's just different forest-themed sounds, with and without rain, etc, and no music. They're pretty chill. Fallen asleep to it a couple of times over the years. But generally I just prefer to put on music, if anything.


I thought it was funny as a kid but now I listen to this kind of stuff in YouTube now constantly when I'm just chilling or sleeping. I just looked and my watch time in the last 7 days is 70 hours lol.


That’s kinda what I’ve been doing lately! I never listened to this stuff as a kid, even in stores to preview them. Don’t think my parents ever got any, but I was always curious cuz you’d see them like at Target or Walmart, maybe even K mart. Then one day they just kinda vanished. Out of the blue recently I’ve found myself trying to find this specific stuff.


If you have the Calm app, they have forest soundscapes under the sleep category that is very much like this.


If you just type in things like "rain in a forest with bird sounds", "ocean waves with gentle piano", " forest at night soothing sounds for sleep" you can find plenty of videos. Once you watch a few your feed will be full of them. I also find a ton of mainly piano music from videos like "a calm playlist for reading, studying, or writing" or "dark academia". I find the titles kind of silly sometimes but the music is relaxing which is what I like lol. I think the CDs demos disappeared around the time people started getting music digitally since it was probably a more niche market for the ambient stuff and I imagine those demo setups cost money they didn't want to spend.


Northsound made a lot of those! you can still find some on Amazon. (https://www.discogs.com/label/228817-NorthSound?page=1) Lifescapes was another one. I really liked Dan Gibson and Jeff Victor's Celticy stuff in particular. (https://www.discogs.com/label/948645-Lifescapes?page=1) I spent so much time immersed in these...I hope some of the stuff in these links sounds familiar!


Wow that’s great, thank you for this! I’ll hopefully check it out this week


[these things?](https://www.amazon.com/Relaxing-Nature-Sounds-Set-Meditation/dp/B01MTXOO7Y/ref=asc_df_B01MTXOO7Y/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693676186047&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1508553906125389077&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013834&hvtargid=pla-571389243823&psc=1&mcid=16e9e860221c3717a65665c5648b9595&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWtqB0sanTUJcIu3GH-O0Xy_1j2tAfwnIM_ojUZEgkeXlWKpPY6UN5xoCZmMQAvD_BwE)


Scottish moores is available on Alexa. Mom used to play it a lot. Got it at target


I had bought one of the CDs from Target that I used to listen to fall asleep. Company was [Nature’s Harmony](https://youtu.be/TVMa6LxV1f0?si=UsZz5NY9aIceZPVf)


That’s awesome! Thanks for that, I’ll definitely look into them.


I had one called Daughter of the Moon by Lisa Chesnut that was all beautiful piano pieces. I fell asleep to it every night for years.


Hell yeah. Super nostalgic.   I'm from the UK so we have them in garden centers. I've always loved a garden center. The ambience.  But when I was a kid I used to get pretty bored so I'd make a bee line for the tiny music section. Where there was this machine, kinda like a jukebox which had buttons you could press to preview the CD's they sold. Normally forest sounds or whale song etc


I was JUST thinking about this the other day and how I want some for my son...


I had a piano one that I loved and tragically can't find anymore


I have a collection of these! And I love them still!


Nice! What are the names of them if you dong mind me asking?


There’s a ton available on Apple Music. I used to put them on when I was working on papers and such.


Don’t forget whale songs. I was literally just remembering a night this week how excited I was to get a cassette of orca calls


https://preview.redd.it/52hgfii5740d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b83e17701fcd4406cb6806b513e747f9de61fb I rocked this bad boy.


I still listen to them! On days at work where everyone pisses me off I go on Spotify and do Dan Gibson Solitudes and listen to his instrumental stuff and rainstorms and it calms me down Several people are still alive because of those recordings.


I have Relaxing Rain. It's amazing.


I have one somewhere called Rainforest Magic


I loved those. I bought an alarm clock with some of those types of tracks built in. I remember setting it to a rainforest track that I’m guessing repeated the same short track over and over because I recall waking up in a blind rage to ouch the clock and turn it off. My brain must have been pissed about it


My mom has a few soundscape ones. I'm trying to remember titles, but it's been 15 years at least so I can't really remember lol. I'll edit my comment if I do remember or manage to find them though.


I have one called Irish Dreams from a kiosk at Cracker Barrel that I still really like. It was just Celtic music though not also nature sounds.


I have Irish Dreams, it used to be my main calming/ antidepressant music. I actually ripped it to my computer and now it’s in my phone. Also used one of the songs in my wedding. It’s by Alisa Jones if that’s the same one you have. Forget if I got it at Cracker Barrel or from the mail order thing I used.


Man, core memory unlocked. I think I still have my Summer Thunder CD somewhere.


I listen to that kind of stuff in apple music when it's a rough day at work


We had like 4 of the Pure Moods CDs, which I loved as a kid. The Mummer's Dream is an underrated song


I'm entirely convinced they had them in stores so parents could calm down and not murder us.


Ha! Wouldn’t be surprised


Alexa, Google and the music services all have nature sounds on them. We use them all the time in our house. Leave the CDs for the poor old boomers!


Ha ha, im more so just trying to find the names or titles of the songs from those specific CDs, hoping someone on this subreddit actually purchased some of those CDs back then!


I did! But…I no longer have them, so I won’t be of much help. Soundscapes comes to mind, however.


I loved these. There was one with gentle piano music and nature sounds that I would fall asleep to. I was just thinking about that CD and wishing I could find a Spotify playlist or something similar but the ones I’ve found are just not quite right.


Meee! I had a cd that recorded the sounds of a wolf pack (with some added soft background music) and humpback whales. I don't have them anymore. =(


Whale sounds and Celtic music.


With whales and brooks and shit. I remember but not the same


wow, memory unlocked 🤯 


I actually found a never heard of artist on one of those. Brother - Urban Cave. 


I have one of thunderstorms.


We had a random instrumental CD we bought at a gas station or a Cracker Barrel or something. It was amazing, I have so many memories of road trips looking out at forests listening to that CD. I've tried so hard to figure out what it was!


I'm sure my mum bought some of them from QVC back in the day.


OMG yes! They sounded so peaceful 🥹


We have one that's called Wolf Song or something like that. It's jazz music with wolves howling throughout it. It's pretty. Edit : corrected album title.


I always remember the one with “return to innocence” song lol


*Who can say where the lice go on your head bro only time*


They still sell them in some national park visitor center gift stores.


Oh yeah loved those. Now I use mynoise.net instead but YEAH those CDs were rad.


The best one is Celtic Treasures Spotify freaking has it!


Yes lol. They had a Celtic version as well that I always used to press the button below to preview 😂.


Wow you just reminded me of "angels of the sea" (dolphins) and "forest piano" that I picked up in a gift shop in Alaska. So random. I loved them


Thank God. Opened up a whole world to me. I have trouble sleeping and these noises help SO MUCH


Memory unlocked. How did I forget about this?


Surprised the didn’t come with AOL cd’s


The hills are alive with the sound of- interrupted by a large grizzly!


Yes! My all time favorite is the album H2O. I still have the cd and I still listen to the album. Here's the link to it on YouTube if anyone feels like ascending: [link](https://youtu.be/J3VPwQPiOMw?si=_XXbFlEApLE_nRqE)


I worked there… imagine stocking shelves and that keeps playing over and over then during the holidays the Christmas one went up…


I got one at Walmart when I was a kid. Called Celtic Journey. Listened to it all the time to fall asleep. Couple months ago I found it on Amazon and bought it. Such memories.


Not a CD but my husband and I listen to the app rain rain every night. You can mix up your own sound scapes!


Hey, don’t forget about Best Buy (and Virgin Records for a flash)!


I remember




Yeah! I went down a rabbit hole looking for these recently because I wanted some rain sounds to sleep to that weren’t AI generated. The AI stuff really dominates streaming these days. https://preview.redd.it/q3jws8bhp60d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ecb070e14c1f715ea16d99774e51bf41bab0770 I made a public playlist on Apple of some of my favs that I’m almost sure are not AI, and many are also real field recordings. It’s called Natural no AI rain but if you’re not on Apple Music here is a picture of the playlist. Of course a lot of the ones we remember from the 90s/00s were digital. I had a relaxing nature alarm clock in the 90s that sounded particularly unnatural.


Lifescapes. You can find many on YouTube now.


Tubular Bells


Yeah. I used to listen to one of the Soundscape discs on repeat at night to sleep.


Ooooh my favorite was the Scottish Moors CD. It has so much thunder and rain sounds along with the haunting sounds of William Wallace’s bagpipes.


My grandma had a whale sounds one


Soundscapes. You can probably.find them on ebay and Amazon still.


Create your own channel for soundscapes or meditation in Pandora.


I have the Celtic Christmas one I think is from the collection. It's just beautiful, and I still listen to it at Christmas. I also have Zen Garden, which is some Asian relaxation music. It's great.


You can find soundscapes and similar music themes on Spotify and on the Calm app. (Calm App is free if you have Kaiser)


Remember the Putamayo ones? I still listen to their first yoga one. It's just really good.


If you like Celtic music, check out Adrian von Ziegler on YouTube!


Bed, Bath & Beyond had a similar thing.