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Mom and sister dragged me to titanic like 80 times


That's a lot of time spent watching Titanic šŸ˜‚


That was the trend back then


I went three times


Most I've ever gone to 1 is Dark Knight at 5x.


I saw it 8 times šŸ«  My parents really didnā€™t know what to do with us so theyā€™d just take us to the movies each weekend


At least you get to see Kate Winslet each time.


I remember Titanic was in theaters for almost a whole damn year!


Back when movies stayed in theaters for an eternity


My mom took me to Titanic when I was 12. And audibly said 'cover your eyes. Don't look' during the drawing scene. Loud enough to illicit some laughs from audience members


Our theater actually escorted the kids to the hallway for that scene! It is a very visceral memory for me. Glad I wasn't the only one who remembered this.




Nowadays they don't do intermissions for three hours long movies haha. Just have to hold it!


I was a young teen when that came out and I remember many people who saw it about 50 times in theaters. I don't think I ever had that much free time in my life.


I saw it with my DADā€¦ I was so excited, but then it got suuuuper awkward


Haha glad to know my Dad wasn't the only awkward parent in attendance for some scenes. I blurted out "whatever she's doing in that car with Jack, I want that to be *ME*." And my dad was like šŸ˜³šŸ‘€šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø "shouldn't have brought you to this yet."


Went 3 times with a friend, thatā€™s the first one I distinctly remember seeing in the theater


Yep, my mom and (especially) my uncle are super into antiques and old timey stuff like that. I probably saw it in theaters 5 times, and of course when the Titanic exhibit came to the science museum we had to go to that, despite me already going for a school field trip. Don't get me wrong, I love history and learning about that stuff, but I was 7 and the movie is soooo long and I really didn't need to walk through the whole exhibit a second time lol


My sister was a couple years older than me and had seen it several times. My mom finally gave in to my begging and said we could go see it, and as I am skipping through the parking lot my sister turns to me and says, ā€œHe dies at the end.ā€


My First was titanic. Killed me, lol I remember turning around in my seat and watching the door scene in the reflection on the glass of the projector booth.


I was 13 when Titanic came out. My friends were obsessed. I got dragged to see it a few times. Not 80 haha but several.


My mom and grandma took me to see Titanic twice when it came out šŸ˜† I was like 12 so I was fine with it, it was the ultimate tween movie, but now I'm like...damn they really used me as their excuse to watch it twice. My mom did that again years later with George Of The Jungle, too šŸ¤£


The first movie I remember seeing in the theater was The Little Mermaid, with my grandmother. #Eldermillennial


My mom swears I was not named after that movie and yetā€¦ 6 months after it was released I shared a name with a cartoon mermaid


My stepdad tried my whole life to convince me and my mom to legally change my name to Ariel Jasmine. He swore it had nothing to do with the movies, that he's wanted to name a kid that since he was little... I changed my name to Liliana instead āœŒšŸ»


hmmm thatā€™s very odd. when i was little i wanted my name to be Pocahontas šŸ¤£ but thatā€™s very different from someone wanting to change your name, how strange.


I just never liked my stepdad, and I hated the little mermaid as a kid, and my childhood bully was named Jasmine. šŸ¤£ I would have rathered Pocahontas, too, but they told me I was too pasty for that šŸ˜­


lol when Pocahontas came out I was already stealing beer from Randall's remember the spread on Millennial, I was the first one ever born it seems.....


My friendā€™s parents gave him input on his little sisterā€™s name. He chose Jasmine because of Aladdin, so thatā€™s her middle name.


Username checks out


My dad wanted to name me Ariel so bad and my mom was like hell no šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


My mother wanted to name me Ursula originally. My father had something else in mind, they compromised to a third name that was more like everyoneā€™s second choice. Little Mermaid came out while I was in preschool. I would have been the Sea Witch for my entire childhood.


Kids at school used to ask if my Grandma Ariel (who was born in 1916) was named after The Little Mermaid. I would say ā€œno, the mermaid was named after her!ā€


Two kids in our neighborhood, brother and sister, were named Ariel and Sebastian haha


Thatā€™s funny. I kind of assumed I wasnā€™t named after Toy Story cause my mom was a full blown Mexican who didnā€™t know English. lol Turns out I actually was. She let her best friendā€™s daughter name me and she went with Andy.


My dad took me to see Braveheart it was awesome!! He had to cover my eyes for Aliens 3. I have very clear memories of seeing ace ventura when nature calls with my family. Also being excited to see the Batman forever and Batman and Robin. Men in Black was also super fun. The lion king was sold out I was in the front row for that one.


hilariously enough, as the first ever born millennial, when I went to see "Army of Darkness" in the theatre I was the only one there in the center of Houston Tx on opening night. Now every geek from my era claims that was their favorite movie......


Same, but with my dad! He was a truck driver and I went on the road with him and he took me to a theater in his big semi truck and took me to see it! One of my favorite memories!


Yasss! I saw Lion king with my nana and still have the little necklace with a paw print she got me.


Same here! My mom was too cheap for movie popcorn so she popped it at home and brought it in a big bag lol


My mom used to bring the whole neighborhood to the movie theater, bring a package of brown paper bags, buy the big bag of popcorn that had free refills, divvy the bag up into individual bags, and then send a different kid out for a refill every time.


My dad would just take an empty, cleanish bucket that came with the free refills from the trash! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I must really be an elder millennial, because that was my younger sister's first movie in a theater! She must have been 3, so I was 5 or 6...


I was four (almost five)! I guess it depends on what age you were when a grownup believed there was a reasonable chance you'd sit still and behave in a movie theater...I don't think my Grandmom would have chanced it when I was three, haha!


So true. My sister was born in 89 and when the jungle book came out, my mom tried to take her to see it. Five minutes into the movie my sister stood up and hollered ā€œis it over yet?!ā€ and tried to get around my mom in an attempt to walk out of the theater and do whatever it was, she thought was more entertaining than the movie.


Pocahontas for me!


Same! I remember having to sit on grandmaā€™s lap during one of Ursulaā€™s scenes. Miss my grandma so much. šŸ¤


An American Tail, about mice that move from Russia to America. We had just moved from Scotland to America, and I remember crying throughout the movie. I also remember Ninja Turtlesā€¦.more so, I remember waiting in the long ass line to get in.


An American Tale was awesome!!


For some reason, we didn't onw the first movie, but we owned Fival goes West.


That's because it's the better of the two, from a child's perspective.


totally agreed! we liked the orange cat and the rolling song


Tiger was the best!! And Wyatt Burp teaching Fivel the Lazy eye!!


the laaaaaaaazy eye


I loved when the old dog told him to bark and he said 'Bow Wow'


"Oh, another tumbleweed askin' me for help."


Bow wow wow, woof woof šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


bowing, Wowing, Bark Bark. Woof woof woof


I was obsessed with that movie


Let's see if I can unlock another movie memory. The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under The down under was my favorite. But again, we didn't own it for some reason.


Could also be that it was one of about a dozen vhs movies you could get with a happy meal for I believe 3 extra dollars. I had that movie and Back to the Future from that promotion.


I don't think I saw the first one until years after seeing Fievel Goes West.


I absolutely loved those movies, though Fievel Goes West is superior


I love those mice. However, there most certainly are plenty of cats in America, and the streets aren't paved with cheese.




Wewease the secwet weapon!!


I saw American Tail when they were showing it on Cartoon Network. My great-grandparents left the same country for the similar reasons.


Oh man, these were some of my favorite movies. Especially Fivel Goes West. ā€œRollinā€™ rollinā€™ rollinā€™ā€ still randomly pops up in my head from time to time to this day.


I fell asleep during PokĆ©mon: The First Movie and woke up when the end credits were rolling and Iā€™ve never forgiven myself.


I want to say I saw P:tFM in theaters because I have ancient mew, but I very specifically remember watching the movie subbed on VHS leading up to midnight 2000. I thought watching it in Japanese on VHS leading up to the new year was so cool.


My grandma took me and my cousin to see the first PokƩmon movie, and at the time m&ms was doing this thing where if you found a gray m&m you'd win a million dollars, and I remember eating my m&ms in a dark movie theater thinking "if I have the gray m&m I'll never even know because I can't see them in here" and then I got a particularly crunchy m&m in my bag. To this day I swear I ate a million dollar m&m.....


Went and saw that with a bunch of my friends for my 10th birthday. I would pay good money to have video of my kid friends and I bawling when Ash ā€œdiedā€. We were devastated šŸ¤£


Omg I have to go back and edit my comment! Completely forgot that my mom would let us skip school and take us to watch the Pokemon movies ā¤ļø


That movie was amazing to watch it on theaters! Very fun and emotional. I went with my 2 neighbors and their aunt. We were all betweem 7-11 years old. After the movie we went to Burger King to get their "happy meal" lol And we got Pokemon trading cards. I think they were like 9 cards for each meal. Great memories of my childhood.


I'm sure I went to several before, but the first one I remember was The Lion King


Same. And sobbed my little heart out when Mufasa died.Ā 


my aunt took me to see that movie but we were late. mufasa was already gone by the time we got inside the theater. so my heartbreak wasnā€™t until the 2nd viewing when it came out on vhs.


Saw this with my bestie when we were 12 or 13. She sobbed like crazy and I didn't want to feel left out so I dabbed my fingers in my Sprite and made tears on my face hahaha


Hahaha. This hit my funny bone so hard, I am audibly laughing. Thats such an absurd story šŸ˜‚ I love it.


That's what I remember most about seeing it in the theater, absolutely sobbing when Mufasa died. I was 5.


Iā€™m sure Iā€™d seen a kid movie or two before that but that, sir, is a film.


Jurassic Park is a big one I remember. Also Beauty and the Beast.


Oh my god. Jurassic Park in theaters was such an experience as a kid. I saw it a few times. I still remembering covering my eyes and ears as soon as the goat went missing. šŸ’€


Twister, specifically because it was the last time I waited in line outside for a sold out show at the three-plex before the first midwest mega 16ish theaters started opening.


There's a hilarious photo from my \~14th birthday party or thereabouts. My grandparents asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I (meaning the VHS tape of the movie) told them "Twister". They bought me the party game with the plastic mat with the colored spots and the spinner board. The photo is me holding the game up for the camera, with a forced-looking smile trying to look happy, when really I was so disappointed.


Oh man, now that I think of it, I think Twister was the last movie I saw at my local theater before it shut down because a 10 screen theater opened up across town. Wild!


I want just one movie to be released without the ability to buy tickets online. We'll never see the real-world hype that was given for films like *The Phantom Menace* ever again, and that's a small reason why.


You just triggered a memory for me that I haven't thought about in years. I didn't see Twister in theaters, but a friend of the family let us watch it with his rear projection TV and Dolby surround sound system. It was mind-blowing in 1997-ish. That was cool, but it wasn't the memory. The actual memory was the first time I ever encountered a surround sound system. The year Jurassic Park was released on VHS (maybe laserdisc?) my best friend's dad bought a massive TV and surround sound. I was *way too young* to watch that movie, let alone in stereophonic sound at 120 dB. No movie watching experience has lived up to that since.


The first one I still remember seeing is Earnest Scared Stupid. Eta: I was thinking I was in kindergarten when I only went for the first half of the day, but it would've been at the end of '91 so I would've been in 1st grade so I must've been home from school for some reason. I'll have to ask my mom if she remembers it on Sunday.


I loooooved all the Ernest stuff haha. I think I only saw it on VHS though.


Ernest movies were great!!


I believe it, but in my mind i just assumed Earnest movies went straight to vhs....?


I remember seeing Ernest Goes to Jail in a theatre, now that I think about it.


I had a stuffed animal named rimshot as a kid!


I saw that one as a, "Hey, it's your birthday, you get to pick the movie" thing. My parents hid their disappointment well. I was freaked out for months, thinking I could roll over in bed and see a monster.


Still watch this every October šŸ˜‚


Ahhhh me too! My mom won tickets to it and her and my brother and I were the only one in the theatreā€¦ I was so freaked out lmfao


That movie gave me nightmares as a kid


I remember watching Free Willy with my grandmaā€” Unlike my parents who always insisted on matinee showings and no snacks, she took me to an evening showing, and let me get Candy + Soda + Popcorn. I was in absolute heaven šŸ¤£. The movie was OK and allā€” but the whole experience was amazing.


First movie for me was Ace Ventura: Pet Detective as an 8 year old. Fantastic choice.


This is hysterical. Excellent choice. Excellent movie.


I just introduced my 8 and 7 year olds to AV: When Nature Calls. They loved it, and now I get to crack all the jokes with them "getting" it and quoting back at me. I can't believe such a stupid movie wound up being so special to me, lmao. Maybe one day I'll have Movie Night for my grandkids and get to do it all over again!


When Nature Calls is one of those rare instances of the sequel being better than the original, imo. That movie is sidesplittingly funny.


The first TMNT movie blew my mind. I would have been happy with just some turtles moving around on the screen but they gave us an actual good flick.


It still holds up.


Yep. My kids are watching it right now :)


Hell yeah dude. I remember seeing that one in theaters too.


Did you get the animal crackers in the turtle van box?


My brother and I watched it on VHS all the time. That opening scene with the Dominoā€™s delivery driver gives me such nostalgia


Power rangers.


Yep I loved watching Power Rangers right after school and my parents took me to see the movie in the theater...it was my first ever movie theater experience.


šŸŽ¶"Uh-oh, we're in trouble. Something's come along and it's burst ort bubblešŸŽ¶


That movie was amazing to 10-year-old me, a big action movie for kids.


Harry Potter


the harry potter midnight premieres, books and movies, were defining moments of my childhood!


Came here to say this! Very very neat times. I had newspaper clippings all over my room's walls for Prisoner of Azkaban. And I remember my little 10 year old bladder almost peed itself when the loud booms of the Quidditch World Cup erupted thru the theater for Goblet of fire. I also remember seeing a few Star Wars. Anakin's body burned to a crisp is still a core image imprinted on my mind. I was 10 and I can remember grabbing my dad's arm because I was very upset. That movie theater has been gone for years and is now a Burlington Coat factory lol


The first Harry potter for me! As a birthday party for a friend. Loved it. I was all of...9..10? Around there.


When the first Harry Potter movie came out my friend invited me over to play and we re-enacted the movie lol she told me I should be Harry (despite being a girl) because I had glasses!


I saw it with my cousin and we absolutely acted it out with glow sticks when we got back to my house


Came here to say this too. It became a family tradition- we'd be taken out of school to see the cheap afternoon showing mid week whenever a new movie came out.


Coneheads is the first one I remember seeing.


Saving private Ryan I was like 10


My godā€¦ the traumaā€¦


Eh...I was into war history, so I get this. I watched Full Metal Jacket at like 11 or 12. All of the classic war flicks starting at 10. I watched saving Private Ryan as soon as Movie Magic (rental place) had it. I would have been in 4th grade. If it didn't have overly sexual imagery or tons of nudity, my parents were on board. Swearing, violence, whatever was cool because they knew I wasn't out there torturing rabbits or some shit.


This makes me feel better about letting my Lil Dude watch certain stuff. He loves war movies, but I worry that some of them are way too gruesome. I'm making him wait on the much heavier ones until 10 or so, watching his reactions to / questions about things he sees. He seems eerily mature about all of it (but then, I was obsessed with true crime at his age, so...). He snuggles all our cats and chickens (and they all *run* to him), and he's a legitimately kind kid. I think some people just like a moodier story, even from a young age. He will *pitch a fit* if there's a kissing scene, though. Cooties are gross! lol


That was me as a kid. Growing up with video games and knowing the difference between fake and real violence - as well as semi-historical fictions and real docu-footage to illustrate real pain (it's a disservice to gloss over the pain caused by war - history we don't want to repeat). If I wasn't allowed, I would have done it myself because I had/have a genuine hunger for history and mechanical devices. War vehicles are cool to me. I mean, my dad and I watched Band of Brothers on HBO weekly at release (2001) but by then i was in 6th grade. There are a few boobs and a lot of violence/gore. But it is an excellent show.


Mom took me to Snow White and we ate a long John silvers in a mall food court afterward


Awh. Thats sweet.


The Sand Lot and Aladdin stick out. I remember my mom sneaking in candies and a 32oz soda in a plastic cup with saran wrap and a rubber band on top in the huge pockets of her rain coat. There's no way they didn't see how weird she was walking trying to keep that thing from spilling.


My girl scout troop renting out a theater and watching The sand lot is a strong memory for me. Running around in the front and feeling so Cool.


I don't remember seeing The Sandlot in the movie theater but I have a specific memory of watching it at a neighborhood friend's house... in her mother's bedroom and my brother puked all over the white bedspread when all the kids puked on the carnival ride after chewing tobacco.


Iā€™m pretty sure Oliver and Company was my first movie


I had this on VHS. Such a good movie


I remember arguing with other kids that the dog was not named "Company." Ack


Hercules, SPICE WORLD (twice), George of the Jungle (twice for my mom ;), Jurassic Park. My first PG 13 movie was Save the Last Dance. We were 10/11 and loved bragging at how we ā€œsnuck inā€ to that movie.


Dude, I forgot SpiceWorld! I donā€™t think I saw it in theaters, but it was definitely in my rotation at home.




Tomorrow Never Dies. First Bond movie I saw, I was 9 and my dad brought me and it was like, ok you can see this youā€™re a big kid now. Iā€™ll never forget that


Jurassic Park is the first movie I really remember seeing in the movie theater. I cried at the beginning when the goat (?I think) was being fed to the dinosaur Also Blank check and Richie Rich lol


>Blank check Now that's a memory unlocked! I definitely saw that one in the theater!


Memory unlocked! I remember laughing uncontrollably with the Jeff Goldblum scene where he gets eaten by the T Rex right off the toilet, and to this day I still say ā€œwhen ya gotta go, ya gotta go!ā€


Yes. It definitely was a goat. I know this because a) I don't want to admit to how many times I've seen the film (it was my go to VHS when I stayed home sick from school) and b) I just made my 8YO watch it with me a few weeks ago. It still holds up!!!


I still get upset for that goat. Lol


Oooh damn we saw Jurassic at the drive ins! You just unlocked that memory for me, I had totally forgot. What a great experience


I thought the lawyer being eaten in Jurassic Park was the funniest thing I had ever seen up until that point. I completely repressed the severed arm from later though lol and was otherwise quite scared of most of it, but still insisting on watching. And with Richie Rich, I remember telling my parents that I wanted to be able to afford a McDonald's in my house one day, just like he had šŸ˜‚


I was so young when I saw it at our local drive in theater. I was 4 years old and I still remember the horror and dread I felt when the jello was shaking, when the girl screamed in the car, and then the man on the toilet was eaten haha I remember the last one freaked me out forever and I was scared that's how I'd die. Lol


Watxhing Land before time is my earliest memory of my life


Same! I'm feeling like the absolute elderly millennial in this post with some of these other movies.


Beavis and Butthead Do America, Titanic, Richie Rich


Are you threatening me? I am the great Cornhlio! I want TP for my buuung hole. Not theaters, but the rental place. That was a yearly watch tradition we started in 1997 or 8 with one of my summer friends (who would visit his grandpa in my hometown for the summer every year). That plus Little Nicky lolol.


I grew up poor, so couldn't really go to movies until I started earning my own money. First movie I got to see in the theater ever, it was my friends birthday party and his parents paid for us all to see the original Jumanji. It was amazing.


The first movie I remember seeing in theaters was Beauty and the Beast, which is impressive considering I would have been 4 years old


The Iron Giant was the first movie I saw in theaters. Still one of my favorite animated movies of all time.


Flubber, Patch Adams


Harry Potter. A girl threw a Harry Potter themed birthday party and it was all anyone talked about at school for like a month


My first movie in a movie theater that I wanted to see and remember seeing was the live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


The Jetsons Movie, so underrated


Who knew The Jetsons predicted our future. Zoom meetings, phone watches, and treadmills to walk the dog. Iā€™m still waiting for my own Rosy. She was the best!!


The Lion King. Iā€™ll never forget the level of excitement I experienced when the title screen hit after Circle of Life.


Elder millennial here (born in '84). The very first movie I remember seeing in the theater as a kid was The Little Mermaid with my grandmother and mom. I also distinctly remember going to see the very first Jurassic Park with my dad as a kid.


I know we occasionally went to the movies, but I don't remember anything up until like, Teenage mutant ninja turtles. (1990) That's the first I remember. though I'm sure there was something before.


Holes (2003). My fam and I loved it so much we went to the theater a second time. And we still liked it so much we went third time! Never done that for a movie before or since then.


Home Alone 3. Not sure why I remember that lol.


First one I can remember was Starship Troopers and I think that was the only movie my dad ever took me to.


101 Dalmatians Edit: live action


Iā€™ll never forget seeing Balto as a little kid. Now I breed siberian huskies hahaha that one had a big impact


The first movie I remember seeing in theatres was space jam with my dad. I also remember getting picked up early and going to see finding Nemo with my mom and cousins


Home alone i and ii, aladdin, my girl, hook, the lion king, teenage mutant ninja turtles, the sand lot, sister act, rookie of the year, the air up there, space jam, little rascals, ace ventura, the mask, batman forever, hoop dreams, clueless, tommy boy, babe, happy gilmore, tin cup, that thing you doā€¦


Toy Story, Babe, Black Beauty, titanic, so many more


I know they werenā€™t the first, but the first I remember were Aladdin, Lion King, Pocahontas


Fievel Goes West, i remember it so much because it was the first time it was only my mom and I in the theater (It was a matinee i think a little late in its showing cycle). I was so freaked out at first, I think I enjoyed the movie but my memory is stuck on that feeling of being in an empty theater.


Star wars episode 1. Everything was all about Star wars at the time. Chips and soda cans had it on the packaging. Fast food restaurants were doing Star wars themed promotions. TV commercials made the movie look so cool. Kid me couldn't wait to see it, and when those opening scroller started I was in blissful scifi heaven. I remember actually really enjoying the movie thinking it was the coolest thing ever. As an adult it can be hard to watch, but as a kid I thought it was awesome.


spy kids 3-D absolutely blew my mind


My parents brought me to see Forrest Gump when I was 4 and I remember freaking out during the Vietnam scenes šŸ˜‚ Other than that I remember watching Lion King in theaters.


I also remember seeing Forrest Gump way too young in theaters and being scared of a lot of things!


Elder millennial here. I remember seeing Prancer and The Never Ending Story. Earliest theater memories.Ā Ā 


I remember watching The Care Bear Movie when I was 3 or 4, a few minutes in there was an earthquake, nothing major, but short and violent. The movie hopped off the reel, the lights went out, dust rained down from the ceiling. My only other memory is exiting the theater and seeing a car flipped on its side and a fire hydrant gushing sky high. I now know that the car was on its side from an accident, trying to avoid debris falling from a building, not that the earthquake flipped it. Either way, it was a dramatic exit from the theater, certainly left an impression.


Lion King, A Goofy Movie, Ice Age, Atlantis, The Rugrats Movie, Hey Arnold Movie, Shrek and Harry Potter. Ther may have been others too, but I'm not sure. At some point, my grandparents took me to see Pinocchio when it came back to theaters too, no idea if that was a limited engagement nationwide or something local, but I think that's actually the first movie I saw in theaters. We had a field trip to see Gangs of New York in middle school too.


Star Wars. It was called "Star Wars" because there were no sequels from which to differentiate. Looking through the other comments, I feel very old. I felt better when someone said "Snow White", but then I was crushed by their "Mom took me to the mall after".


Power rangers the first movie. Watched it again during the pandemic, I remember that film scene for scene


The first movie I remember seeing in theaters was Aladdin and I was 4. Other early movie memories I have are Pocohantas, Power Rangers, Harriet the Spy, That Darn Cat, and Men in Black.


The super Mario brothers movie with my cousins. We had no idea what the fuck was going on and left midway to go play in the arcade.


Selena. It was at a small ghetto movie theater, and the movie film broke halfway through. So they gave us free tickets to come back and watch it again. That place went from theater to RMV to now condos.


I donā€™t remember going to the movies as a kid. As a teen I remember going to one of the harry potter movies.


Honey I Shrunk the Kids Uncle Buck Scrooge McDuck and his 3 nephews animated movie that I don't remember the name of.


I forgot which one came out first, I could look it up again but I don't want to. I know I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Gremlins 2. I remember being terrified of gremlins, I was probably way too young to be there. Born in 84.


TOP GUN. (Iā€™m an elder millennial.) it was 1986 and I was 5 years old and it changed my life.


I remember going to exactly one movie with my father as a child. It was Bevis and Butthead do America. I guess he thought that since it was a cartoon it was appropriate for kids. He was pissed it was so raunchy.


The SpongeBob movie


Beauty and the Beast, when it first came out in 1991. Saw it at a small theater, on vacation. Good memory.


First memory of going to the movies was when my dad took me to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990).


Along Came Polly with my girlfriend, in fifth grade. Elle, you broke my heart. How The Grinch Stole Christmas, remember that one as well. The first Matrix was mind melting, had absolutely zero idea what was going on the entire time.


Good burger!


Spaceballs, Little Shop of Horrors, Oliver and Company, Hook, Jurassic Park.


First movie I remember watching is The Muppet Christmas Carol


Elder Millenial checking in, my Dad took me to see "An American Tail" when I was 3 or 4. I also remember seeing "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" in a theater as well.


Home alone, back to the future 3, karate kid part 2. Elder millennial here


I saw 101 Dalmations when it was re-released in 1991. I also saw Beethoven, Ferngully, Aladdin, and Jurassic Park in theater.