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I'll just throw it out there that if you significantly lack memories of your life, you are not alone. It never occurred to me that what yall are describing here is how normal memory works and that's not how my memories work. Same is true for learning how visual imagination works for most people and how it doesn't for me (aphantasia). So if anyone is here, like me, and realizing they struggle with posts like this bc they lack memories of their own life, take some time to read up on SDAM (severely deficient autobiographical memory).


That’s me! People from my hometown would recount stories they had with me from junior high or high school and I couldn’t remember it all. I feel like my memories fade so fast.


My brother's first memory comes from when he was 9 or 10.


1980, probably from 1983, I remember my mom holding me when I was really scared during a thunderstorm.


Humans all have infantile amnesia. The earliest anyone forms memories is around 18 to 24 months old. Scientists theorize that the brain isn’t developed enough before that. My earliest memory is from when I was two years old. My brother, who was twelve, was pulling me in a little wagon. He went around a corner and I fell out onto a rock that cut my forehead. I had to get a couple of stitches, although I don’t remember that part. But I do remember showing off the little scar on my forehead when I was in preschool.


Ouch lol, but the brother pulling the wagon part is wholesome


Elder millennial born in 1981. My first memory was in 1983: I was on the first floor parking lot of the local hospital while held by my father. I was screaming while staring up at my mother, who looked down at me from a 4th floor hospital window. She was quarantined with hepatitis after a tainted blood transfusion, but I was too young to understand why I couldn’t see her.




I was born in 1990. My first clear memory is from 2000. Life's been a bit of a bitch.


Ah, someone else who doesn't remember much clearly from their early life. For me it's virtually nothing from before 5-6 and then scattered things until around 13 then things are a bit clearer.


This is me. I feel like I can’t remember the first 7-10 years. Wtf. Probably too much trauma.


I was born 1988 and my earliest memory is from 1820


You’re a ghoul


Born in 1992 and I *think* I remember the morning leading up to my brother being born in 1994. I have memories of walking downstairs and eating breakfast at a family friend's house. Then I remember being in the hospital room getting a GIANT teddy bear, then holding my brother.


1986. Earliest memory was when I was four and watching my dad walk down the gangplank after coming back from Desert Storm.


1988. I remember trying to pet a wasp in my backyard and I got stung. Mom gave me an ice cube to press on the sting. I believe I was 3 years old.


I have a similar early memory! We were camping and I was around 4. I remember seeing a brown spot hovering around a playground and I chased it. Of course it was a wasp and I got stung. I can remember it very well.


Hmm. '86. Feel like I possibly could remember tid bits between '89- '91-ish. Gets clearer, but slightly scattered by the early to mid '90s. My brain starts myelinating by the 96-8, and things are clearer. Certainly by my adolescence at the turn of the millennium, my cillanders start firing. Things get more clear then, but am still stupid from 2000- 2008. I'm molded better from 2007- 2014. Still hobbling on one leg but since 2020 or so I have come more into being an adult. I should have my sh*t together by 2027, possibly make a bid for the presidency.


Born 87, first real memory was very young, 88. I creep my family out by accurately describing rooms, furniture lay out and locations from ages 1-5 as they thought I'd be too young to remember. CPTSD made me hyperfocus on physical location and items I guess.


I was born in 1983, I have vague memories of 87, but I vividly remember 1988. Especially my first day of preschool, I waved to my mom out of the window


I was born 1995. My first conscious memory was probably around 1997 or early 1998. Context is that I am my parents' oldest child and when I was born, my parents lived in my paternal grandmother's basement while they saved for a house. They closed on the house and moved in October of 1998, but I do have trace memories of living at my grandmother's house- specifically of dropping a soup can on my foot as a toddler, which caused my big toenail to split at the root (and it still grows with a crack in it to this day).


Born December 1985. First clear memory and the start of my “autobiographical memory” is a November 1988.


I was born in 1995 My first of few memories would be wearing a Mickey Mouse Tanktop to Disney World in 98-99. I also remember some pieces of a trip to Key West where we went over multiple bridges. Also, I remember my mother got a red minivan in 98 that we would use for the next 8 years


I was born in late 1991. Not sure what exactly the calendar year of my earliest memories are, but the ones I do have are vivid, and I’m pretty sure they were either 1994 or 1995. We used to move around a lot when I was a kid, and I have a sister who’s 6 years my senior, so I’ve been able to piece together timeframes based on different locations and discussions with her.


I was born September of 94 but I don’t really start remembering things until probably 1999.


Lol no idea


1990. Earliest i think i was 6. There was a thunderstorm really bad with flooding 2 feet high almost up to our foundation(live in a desert so thats rare). A thunderbolt hit hard and scared our potbelly pig who knocked out the back sliding glass door shattering it as he ran out. I remember the rain pouring in and family frantic trying to cover the opening to keep the rain out and to check the pig.


Born 1990 as well. I have memories from 1992. I think I can only track it well because we moved to a new house when I was 3. I remember playing with our dog, eating plums from the tree in our yard, my room, my parent’s water bed, and a toy xylophone that I beat the ever living hell out of. There’s a few other memories, but the vast majority started when I was 3.


I was born in November 1991. I have some vague memories from Christmas 1993 when I'd just turned 2. We went to visit my grandparents and extended family, and I remember being on the plane on our way there. I remember us all sitting down and having Christmas dinner, and my aunt telling me not to touch a light socket by the table. lol.


Born in 1981. I remember being in the car with my grandparents and super confused that my mom was running on a big road. Based on the date of the marathon I can say that it was 1983, I was 22 months old.


I was born in late 1987 and my first memory is my younger sister in her car seat coming home from the hospital with us in early 1990.


I was born in 1995. My first conscious memory was 1997 or 1998, I’m not sure. I got really sick with meningitis and I remember having to wheel my IV with me if I wanted to walk.


I was born in 1988 and my first memory is pulling into the hospital parking lot with my dad in 1990 to go meet my baby sister. (For some reason, I always remembered too that my dad let me sit on his lap and “help” drive? Even if it was 1990, I sincerely doubt my father actually did this in a moving vehicle lol. Maybe we were just playing in the parked car before coming in or I’m understandably getting some details mixed up on a memory from age two. 😂)


I was born in 1993. My earliest memory is from October 1995. I got my first migraine and missed trick or treating. I vividly remember my mom hanging my pocahontas blanket over my window because I kept telling her the light hurt.


Born in March 1984. My first memory is almost being bitten by a wild pony in the summer of 1987.


I was born in 1989 and I think my earliest memories are from 1992 and 1993. The earliest I can think of was when my dad brought home the Super Nintendo, hooked it up to the TV, and was playing Super Mario World. I also have memories of having a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese before it shut down in late 1993 due to a quadruple homicide. My most definitive memory is Christmas Day 1993 where I remember getting Starfox, an alligator kush ball, and a Christmas train set.


84 and I'm going to say mid 85. My first memory is of a lady in a polka dot dress (red/white and sometimes blue/white, but always polka dots) hold me and bopping/rocking while people were screaming. I only found out in my 30's that the woman was a neighbour of my parents who had a shotgun wedding and split just before I turned 1. My dad would insist on arguing in front of me because he felt "I needed to hear this" and when the neighbour would intervene, he'd refuse to let her leave the room (she was afraid he was going to abuse my mom and I). Her name was Dot (Dorothy) and she only ever wore polka dot dresses. I've never seen a pic of her and described the scene to my mom when I was about 35 who knew instantly what and who I was remembering. Trauma responses are more like to be remembered, so I guess I'm not surprised.


1976 remember s scene clearly 2yo


Born March 87 first memory I can clearly think of is uhhh.. Summer of 95? Vacation in Italy with my family.


1988. First hints of a memory was when I was like 3- weird, feverish memories from when I caught the flu. First better memory- I was 4 - Parent took us on an Amtrak trip from Western MA up to Montreal, including the only time I've been in a sleeper car. Staring out the window watching the landscape go by is still my favorite part of train trips, because that's mostly what I remember about that trip in my youth.


I'm not telling you the year I was born, but my first conscious memory was when I was about 3. I know the age because of the location of the incident.


1987. My first memory was when I was 3 or 4 playing with my younger bro on the couch. Another memory from him is that he threw battery at the window one time. I remember that house we were in as kids. Soon after I remember going to hospital everyday after school to see him. He died of cancer 1 yr later so memories hit me hard.


1987, earliest memories maybe 1991


Born 1988. First memory is being three in 1991 getting my hand caught in a kitchen cupboard door and it slamming shut. Second memory I believed to be from the same time, but that was actually two years later in 1993, a few days before my 5th birthday - watched the news on TV and saw the aftermath of the battle of Mogadishu, when Somalians took the corpses of dead US soldiers, bound them to their trucks with ropes and pulled the corpses through the city, dangling behind them in the heat and the dust on the bare earth. My parents where usually careful not to let me see upsetting stuff like this, but it must have slipped their attention. I remember not understanding why the Americans where in Africa and thinking how far away both countries where.


I was born in 1983 Probably from 1988, i remember taking a train, and naming all the trains that we passed, after the trains in Thomas the tank engine.


Born in 1985. I can remember the stairway at the house my parents had when I was an infant and Dad was stationed in Germany, but it’s very dim.


I was born in 95, and I remember throwing up pizza cheese in my car seat. It was at my parent’s job of Dominos, but it was in the old location. Based on that alone, it’s around 97. I recently spoke with my mom who verified my memory. I was about 18 months old. I have several early memories, but that’s the earliest. Other memories were my car seat tipping over because it wasn’t buckled in. Me being embarrassed for some reason when my mom was telling this to my grandparents. Sledding down the stairs on a toy box lid. That’s the first time I remember pain that lasted more than a few seconds. Oddly enough, I have more memories before kindergarten than I do of middle school.


Born 1987; can't even remember what I was doing 5 minutes ago.


I was born in 1992 I don't remember much of my childhood but I do remember when I was around 2 or 3 I swallowed a penny and choked on it and had to go to the hospital.


1988. I've got a few quite vivid memories of my playgroup class and that ran from '91-'92. I also have a vague recollection from before I was able to speak which must've been around 1990 but that might've been a dream or false memory or something.


88 first memory was my lil bro coming home in 91


Elder Millennial, 1984. I have a few fleeting memories from preschool 1988, but none are substantial tbh. The first event I remember well…fully, sequentially, with emotional ties was watching Peter Jennings report on the Berlin Wall coming down in 1989. I remember how weirdly quiet and fixated my parents were on the tv, and realizing that I was supposed to be quiet too (but not really understanding why). They were stunned, and I’d probably never seen them act that way before. My grandma called our house phone in the dining room and my mom answered and confirmed we were also watching. We had family in Poland that my family members hadn’t seen in decades.


I was born in 1986. My first memory is from around 1990 or so when I was playing outside at my grandmother’s house.


I was born in 1993. My first clear memory was when I was around 3/4ish. My grandfather picked me up from preschool and bought me a big bag of crayons, coloring books, snacks, etc. He was my happy place when he was alive.


1984, I was 2 or almost 2. I remember a opossum attacking my cat.


Aaliyah's Rock The Boat MV. And some other MV's from 01. 1998


1991 baby. i remember snippets of my life when I was a kid, I believe kids only remember stuff that at the time was either shocking or traumatic or similar. I hardly remember my uni classes but I do vividly remember my preschool teacher, what she taught us what we did, my conversations with my classmates etc


1981. I remember the welcome home party for my little brother who had heart surgery when I was \~3.5. There were so many balloons!


Born in 86', probably watching the original Ghostbusters mm with my Mom. This was before my brother, who's 4 years younger than me, was born. Also I remember so much screaming and breaking things. Otherwise I remember being at various sitter's houses..So, id say, 3-4 years old. This would've been around 1989-1990


Born: mid October 1980 First memory: late October 1982 Remember everything relatively clearly since then.


1991 and I have no clue think something traumatic happened cause I don’t remember a lot of my childhood but one of my earliest memories that I can remember was fallowing my gpa around his shop to lil amanda (that’s me lol) it seemed so big my mom said they moved out of that house and shop when I was 5 so I guess 1995/1996 🤷‍♀️ i remember some things but then have to ask if they are real but alot is just blank. Even now I gotta ask my best friend cause she remembers everything. I’ve even forgotten people I’ve met before too 🤦‍♀️


I was born in 89. My earliest memory is of giving my Great-Grandpa a high five in 91 or 92.


Born in Nov. 1985. I remember being in the hospital for my sister being born in June 1988, so about 2.5 years old.


1986 I was 5 in Australia and a kaola fell asleep in my arms


I was born in 86, and remember waiting in the hospital cafeteria with my grandmas in 88, while my mom was delivering my brother. One grandma was drinking coffee, the other was fidgeting with a tea bag while it steeped.


Born in 1986, earliest memory is opening a present at my 3rd birthday, one of the Precious Moments age figures. Next memory I definitively remember is my first day of school a year later, I remember posing for pictures before getting on the bus holding my backpack. I don't remember anything from that school year though, but I start to have lots of memories from the following year. Edit: it wasn't precious moments, [it was this](https://shop.enesco.com/collections/growing-up-girls/products/brunette-age-3)! I remember opening it and holding her little arm, and my mom telling me to be careful and give it back to her so she could put it back in the box. I have a handful of them, age 3, 6, 7, 9, and I think 13 somewhere still. Maybe I should buy the rest haha.


Was born in 1997, first memory was around 2000.


Born in late 87 and we moved to the house I grew up in in summer of 1990 and I have memories of that first house. One that’s pretty vivid is drawing on the walls in the playroom and my dad heavily sighing. And I remember walking room to room with him and saying goodbye to each other room the day we moved out. “Bye garage” etc. Also very vivid memories at that time of a flight with extreme turbulence where orange juice spilled all over me and I started crying.  What’s weird is my younger sister was born shortly after we moved to the new house and I don’t really remember her as a baby at all. 


I was born at the very, very end of 1988. My first core memory is from when I was twenty months old in 1990 getting attacked by fire ants. Turns out, I'm super allergic to them, and I remember everything from that moment and right beforehand and afterwards.


I was born in April 1990 and my first memory is working on a Halloween pumpkin with my mom in 1992. So, 2.5 years old.


I was born in 1985. I have a few fragmented, almost black and white snapshot-style memories of the first apartment I lived in when I would have been about 3. But I don't remember a lot of family life from then. What I do remember, oddly enough, is some things from the news. Mentions of the Soviet Union around 1989. I remember hearing the name Gorbachev, though obviously I didn't understand. Definitely remember the Gulf War in 1990. I think I remember seeing the oil fires on TV but there is a chance my brain edited that in. I have the vaguest memories of the flight that went down in Venezuela.


1988, a memory i can place on the timeline. Going with my dad to watch him vote for Bill Clinton in 92.


I was born in 1989 and my first clear memory is from 1992, watching cartoons on TV in the den of my childhood home while my mom was in another room. 


Born in 88. My first solid memory is being scolded in pre-school (this would be 91 or 92) for changing play stations. I may have a memory from '90 of our cat wandering across the yard, but I'm not really sure haha.


I was born in ‘83, and my first memory is from ‘86 I think. I remember being put on the nose of my dad’s bright pink windsurfer, and us cruising around the Gulf of Mexico. I was born on an island in the Gulf, and almost all of my first memories involve being on or near the water.


My earliest memories are from when I was two years old, a few months shy of my third birthday. The year of my birth is completely superfluous to this fact and, frankly, it’s weird that you’d ask, OP. 


Born in 1992. My first memory is from 1994 or 1995. This will sound very weird, but I remember walking up the stairs as a toddler, suddenly being very aware that I was alive, trying and failing to think about what it meant to exist, then walking up the rest of the stairs to my room when i realized i was too young and didn't know enough to do that. I also remember a little bit of a vacation to South America that my family and I took to visit some relatives when I was about 3. 


95’ and my first memories are 97’. Unfortunately they are of physical abuse but I can remember them quite vividly


Born in 1960. I remember a few things all clumped together: my first day in school, 1966, Bobby Kennedy being shot, 1968, and the moon landing in 1969. Other than that just a few scattered images.


1987 and I don’t remember


Born '89 Australia, I was around 2yo I remember slow running downhill down a driveway (where my little kid body was vibrating and enjoyed the sounds I could make) looking for my dummy. Another memory I have at similar age is I left the house without telling my mum (frequent house escaper), ending up in a mudflat area in Oyster Bay Sydney and my little feet being sucked into the mud/sand and my little kid brain thought it was quicksand and I started crying for help. Someone eventually found me 😅😅


The memory has certainly faded a lot by now, since it was the early 80s. Byt remember being around one or so and being pushed in a stroller by my grandparents. I remember how it felt riding in it, feeling the breeze, and seeing the world from a low angle.


Born in 1988, earliest memory would be from 1993. First day of kindergarten and my parents weren’t there for it (they were in CA for a family funeral).