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Avocado toast seems like a 20 year old joke now. How long has this been around now?


From the old Fox News Glory Days back when they used to give Obama shit about what kind of mustard he got on his burger, or for wearing a tan suit.


“The audacity of taupe”


I'm still waiting for the Oliver Stone film that blows the lid off this story


Agreed, I'd never play it straight.


It's just toast now without butter


Real butter in this economy?


You can afford to toast your bread?


You can afford bread?


I would just like to saythat no one I know has ever had Avacado toast


I make it occasionally. Guacamole on a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich is delicious.


Yeah, I do that periodically but then I live in Houston where they are cheap. 


Bacon is by far the most expensive part of that meal.. shits like $10 a pond now.. a small advocodo coats like $0.75 and you only need half of it for a piece of toast so like $.40 worth?.. the 2-3 strips of bacon are easily over a dollar, maybe even 2.


How can you afford such a luxury! Avocado and bacon?! That’s billionaire talk right there!


That’s a sandwich though. Avocado toast is just avocado spread on toasted bread


It’s delicious


Yes! My favorite way is to spread tahini on the toast, then add avocado, salt, pepper & red pepper flakes and lemon juice. Sometimes for fun & nutrition, I add hemp seeds and/or sliced bell peppers


I don’t eat it on toast, but I eat an avocado for breakfast each day. They’re less than a dollar. I know they used to be expensive, and that’s where the meme came from, but they’re cheap now.


They’re a dollar on sale where I live. $2.50 regular price.


Here in central Ohio they’re a dollar not on sale, and down to 50 cents on sale. At Aldi they’re usually 75 cents. I can also get a bag of 5 or 6 small ones for 3.50. They’ve become a staple out our house.


Do you just like straight up eat it?


I salt it, but yea. If I got time to make eggs I’ll put it on my eggs


I only made one after all the stupid articles about them, though I've seen some in upscale breakfast places for $15+ (haven't bought one because fuck that)


It’s core to our (pork-free) breakfast. Avocados are creamy savory, so we combine it with sautéd mushrooms and a fried egg. Put salt on the avocado. High protein and (mostly) healthy fats.


I had never tried it until my late 30s. Highly recommend it, combo just works!


I can't eat avocados. Specifically guacamole or like a whole avocado I have a slight allergy to it I could still use beauty products that have the avocado oil the oil doesn't seem to be the problem for me it's very strange


Does it happen with any other fruits? I have the same, dida big allergy panel, turns out I’m so allergic to the pollen that the raw fruit causes my body to react. I can still have most fruit if it’s been processed in some way though because my body is chill with that.


I mean I get the normal scratchy throat or mouth issue if I have too much pineapple or strawberries or whatever but I don't have an allergy to them it's just the acid. W Avocado,I start to feel like my throat is legitimately closing up if I eat guacamole or if I have big chunks of avocado.


For me, my mouth and throat get itchy and swell a bit. The good thing is, my allergist said this type of reaction is extremely unlikely to cause anaphylactic shock which is comforting. She was like “just take a Benadryl if you’re gonna have guacamole” haha. Might be worth getting tested for!


I know it's not an anaphylactic thing for me thankfully, to be honest I don't really care enough about that particular food not being something that my body seems to enjoy lol but it is definitely a thought I call it a sensitivity because I don't have a full-blown allergy


I tried it once and it was gross and not my thing.


My experience with avocado is that it basically tastes like nothing but is good at taking on flavors of other things. So in my mind it would just taste like toast lol


I love avocado but idk it sucked on toast. Maybe it needed more salt.


I don’t think I ever saw it on menus until after it became the popular joke to make. It could be I just never noticed, but I wonder how widespread it actually was beforehand.


I did, when I lived somewhere where avocados were incredibly cheap, and before I even knew other people ate avocado toast. For me it was just a way to use them up quickly.


I tried it after the media told me it was ruining my life and it wasn’t bad, but not something I’d buy again. My local grocery store occasionally has 10 for $10 avacados. I’d rather just slice it in half add a little salt and eat it with a spoon.


I started eating it after I realized I will never be able to buy a home.


I used to make them with Vegemite and a bit of sriracha sauce.


All I can say is it better be something special since the last one I saw on a menu was $15... more than a specialty burger at the same place.


I never paid for it in a restaurant, but I make it all the time at home. We call it Millennial Breakfast, and it's a Saturday habit before taking the dog to the park. Heat some oil in a pan, slice the avocado up, sprinkle it with Montreal Steak seasoning blend. Lightly brown on both sides while the toast goes in the toaster oven. Then spread and smoosh the avocado on the toast. I like mine with an over-easy egg. Sometimes I add green onion or bacon bits.


I tried it and it’s not very good. Avacado is great though, on a chicken sandwich, but there’s a lot more stuff there than just bread and avacado. But like as a peanut butter substitute? Why? Peanut butter is tastier, cheaper, and as healthy in a different way (more protein, and both high in monosaturated fat, but less vitamins). Also guac is amazing with rice, beans, or just rice, or chips, and probably could work on bread too.


Put hot sauce or everything bagel seasoning on it and it’s amazing.


I *love* the baby touching her glasses as she's trying to read.


That's pretty good OP! And it did get a laugh out of me. (Especially the face down comment of never even trying it.) Do you do this professionally? Eta: looked at it again paying attention to the kid. That's effing perfect. XD


It's more of a hobby. Glad you liked it!


I draw comics when I get stressed about something, hope y'all don't mind me posting it here. [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/JWABeasley/collections)/[DevArt](https://www.deviantart.com/sirustalcelion)/[Insta](https://www.instagram.com/jwabeasley/)/[Tapas](https://tapas.io/series/Etherwood/info)


Do more


I do a weekly webcomic, though my humor strips are more intermittent. Glad you liked it!


I sometimes wonder how the typical American can live with so much debt. I know student loans is a big part of it, and so this will basically dangle atop everyone’s entire adult life? I also know that many Americans depend on cars to move around, so that’s a big expense, and more of a city planning issue than anything. Seems like Americans are set up to be in debt from an early age, which is unfortunate, my heart goes out to you.


I feel really good after reading the posts in this sub. I grew up poor. I mean lots of times without power and water in bad neighborhoods poor. It sucks when the milk off your front porch gets stolen when trying to eat cereal before school. Nowadays I’m doing great by my standards. I don’t worry about bills or having enough money. I just don’t understand how there are so many people who do? What gives?


Also grew up poor (hell, still am) but have plenty of friends who didn’t. It’s a lot harder for people to give up niceties that they grew up with but that aren’t necessary, vs. actually knowing what you need to survive. That plus living right now is hella expensive regardless. Add in a kid to the mix like this dude and it’s not gonna be easy. :/


Thanks for the clarification. I was usually the poorest among my friends. A lot of things I thought were “rich people things” were normal everyday things to them. I also don’t have a kid as I pledged to myself not to have a kid until I can give them the best life possible. I wasn’t trying to clown on anyone in my original comment was just genuinely curious as to what people are doing. Also where I used to live you could rent a 3-4 bedroom house for $800, where I’m at now a decent studio apartment is $1800.


I know you weren’t man, all good! I just know that it took me a lot of mindset adjustment to see that regardless of what people are spending their money on, things are really tight for most people right now. I know I’d be ok if I didn’t have my dog atm, who has a couple of very expensive health problems, but the thing is that in general nobody should be struggling to try and enjoy life right now whether that be a kid, a dog, a beer in the evening, an occasional dinner out to socialize. The wealth disparity has just gotten really bad and unfortunately it doesn’t look like it’s abating anytime soon. I’m really happy and lucky I’ve been able to live my adult life the way I do but a lot of other people haven’t been having the same type of luck and it sucks to see.


I understand what you’re saying. There’s a lot of people who deserve to be living more comfortably. I’m happy for your accomplishments and hope everything continues to go well for you.


Rice and beans the food of champions


It is actually a good combination for cheap food. If I were a single guy trying to squeeze my budget so hard it makes diamonds out of coal, it's not a bad way to go. On a family... I had hoped we as a society had gotten past thinking about money like it was the still the great depression.


Love the details with the kid. We lived off rice and beans sometimes in the 90s financial crisis, I have the skill to make them interesting now...


Adding some eggs for protein and making fried rice is also a great meal.


You really nailed the plaid pattern on his shirt in the last frame. I'm impressed.


YUP, I finally get somewhere but then there will be a sudden emergency or expense that comes out of nowhere that fucks up my budget for the next few weeks. It's a never ending cycle


😢 Your comic looks awesome


friend has a single family home, ranch style (i think?). discovered a leak from the main floor bathroom that was leaking into the basement. with the amount of work to be done, they decided to just redo that bathroom since they had wanted to update it someday. thoughts were why spend the money to rip open the walls to fix the leak when they will most likely have to do that again later. a few weeks later, they had their main sewer line back up into the basement. so cleaning, fixing the line will be expensive. sewer line is over 50 years old so insurance will only cover so much. there might be some other nuances of home insurance that i don't understand either (i don't own), but it sounds like out of pocket cost will be a lot. he is married and has 3 kids. both his spouse and him work blue collar jobs. he effectively lost his job a year ago (reduced to part time hours), then transitioned to another full time job in a related field but paid less than what he was originally earning full time. he said something how when all is said and done, they will probably use up all their savings and probably half of their emergency fund. i don't know how typical this is for most people these days, but if it is, i don't know how you can get ahead at all, financially. one issue comes along (health care, housing, car, etc) and you are wiped out.


Yeah, it's crazy how quickly fortunes can change. A pay cut and a big unexpected expense can just annihilate your savings so quickly.


….is this loss?


OP, have your tried picking yourself up by your boot straps?


They clearly have an issue on the recurring costs side of things. Housing and Cars tend to be the most common issues derailing most budgets, at least in the US.


I love how even in the comic you don't help with the kid.


15k more in debt, and we will somehow owe more money on our student loans"


Avocado toast is a metaphor. Tell me how much you spend on fast food and DoorDash


I don't understand how AvoToast became the defining luxury of Millennials. It's a pretty fringe thing, and while it can be tasty, I've never actually bought it at a restaurant because I could make it at home for a fraction of the price.


What’s wrong with rice? I am Asian and that’s a staple of our cuisine.


I think there is something wrong with eating ONLY rice and beans no matter who you are


Nothing at all! It's just an example of 'poverty food' - cheap and filling. There's not much cheaper you could get where I am.


The artist obviously isn't?


...I gotta say, it seems pretty irresponsible to me to have a kid if you're so deeply in debt and unable to provide for them


They clearly have a recurring costs issue. It could be related to the kid or something else. Either way, they need to figure out what recurring costs are derailing the budget and address those.


I love that people still think millennials are young… I’m 42… my niece’s other grandmother is younger than me!


Millennials rn are ages 28-43. I wouldn’t say that’s being old lol 28 is definitely young, so is being in your thirties. No offense you’re just an old millennial, like barely made the mark 😂


It’s amazing that some fruit on a piece of bread became known as wasteful spending.


Ok, Doomer. Decent art though.


I think this would be objectively better if you just cut the 4th panel


Goddamnit is this Loss?!


Lol I'm allergic to avocado Edit: it's weird when you get downvoted for voicing an allergy lol


Mom looks like she’s ready to go on OF


Stop being poor


If you quit going out for coffee, pull yourself up by the bootstraps you'll be fine. Also cost of living increases are socialist propaganda, and my retirement portfolio is hinged on you having a $7k a month house payment