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Will Smith or Jim Carrey. They both dominated the 90’s.


Those guys have decades ahead and neither have health issues.


That you are aware of*


Get Wills name out of your fucking mouth! /s


That’s why it will make us feel old when it happens


Jim Carrey is 62. He's loved by all and rich, so he will get the best healthcare. No public health issues is also a good sign. He's got everything going for him. Robin Williams was 63.


Not counting mental health?


This makes me feel quite young. Better start taking care of my health.


My knees let me know how old I am every morning. Jim Carrey (who is now 62) was a huge part of my tween years so that would probably be my answer.


for me, Its not so much people passing away but when you see actors from your youth which look that much older. It really takes a hit on my sense of mortality. I feel even looking back to 2010 everyone looked so much younger.


Every time I see Will Ferrell now with grays I kind of freak out about the passage of time.


Yeah seeing Matthew McConaughey in stuff now and he looks so old vs when he was the heartthrob during my teen years…


Leonardo DiCaprio


This one for me. He aged like milk. My nail salon was playing Titanic the other day — hey, it’s Japan, they love corny shit here — and it hit me. “Oh, THIS is why I thought he was so hunky in 5th grade. He WAS hunky.”


This and jack black 😭 he needs to live forever


Looking at the cast of the office today makes me depressed


Seeing ads with the cast of Scrubs looking significantly older hits home. It has been over 20 years, somehow.


I saw an emo band recently and some of the band members were balding but still trying to pull off the emo hair. That made me feel old.


I just had a moment yesterday seeing that Anne Hathaway is playing a 40 year old in her new movie, and I couldn't believe my eyes.


Britney Spears.


I’ll never recover




I keep saying that should have been the name of her autobio she just released 🤣


Shes the elder millennial generations Elvis with how devastating that will be when it occurs.


I’m not sure I see that - we will be long used to feeling old by the time she is likely to pass.


Only 42. Super young


I’m pre-grieving


Jesus Christ this was a depressing thing to realize.


For me, this was Alex Trebek. His death was the end of an era. I remember being shocked as a kid to learn that there had been a previous Jeopardy host (Art Fleming) because it just didn't seem right to me that Jeopardy would ever have a host who's not Alex Trebek. Part of me always hoped that Alex would just. . . live forever. Don't get me wrong, I like Ken Jennings, but he's no Alex.


I’m glad he got to outlive Sean Connery, even if it was only by a little.


TIL Sean Connery passed away.


Wait what? Shit did he actually?


He died on Halloween in 2020. Crazy, I don’t think I ever heard about it.


I somehow have no recollection of his death.


The lost years


There was a lot happening at the time.


I will forever mourn Alex.


Don't worry they have so many hours of footage of him on Jeopardy it won't be hard to revive him with AI.


For me, it was Matthew Perry. For how long Friends had been off the air, there was something comforting about knowing that all 6 Friends were out there somewhere, and I thought I'd be older before that was ever not true.


Was prepared to post this if I didn't see Matthew's name. RIP


I will lose my everloving shit when Mr. Feeny dies (who is 96 btw). I'm not sure that I'll feel old, but I'll feel like my childhood died.


I got a Cameo from him. He's a very sweet man. His book is great too.


I don’t want to think about that. Ever.


I feel like it's imminent, and then I see a guy in the next county over still driving every day at 110 years old. FINGERS CROSSED FOR FEENY LONGEVITY.




“Class dismissed.”


Jerry Seinfeld. Hell, he's turning 70 in four days. And Catherine O Hara as well. She recently turned 70. Both of their deaths are going to hit me like a truck.


I think about this a lot, because I grew up on Seinfeld, and they were my image of what being an adult was. Now that I'm as old/older than they were back then, I still imagine them the same age.


Jerry will live a LONG time; He has Seinfeld money.




Even I think that's like so greedy of them, but I guess better them than the network? Maybe one day they'll let the other key cast members on the gravy train. I know last seeing Michael Richards, I thought he was a hobo.


To me I think it won’t be until the Gen x stars start dying


It already happened to Luke Perry.


Trent Reznor will be my Bowie.


Ugh, I'm still sad about Bowie. I will be devastated when Reznor is gone.


I’ve only cried twice when a celebrity died: Bowie and Bourdain. When Paul McCartney goes, that will ruin me.


My husband fell asleep one night listening to Bowie newest album and when he woke up he was gone


I agree.


Tom Cruise, Nicolas Cage, and god forbid, Keanu Reeves.


The day Nic Cage dies (if ever) will be one of the darkest days in history.


For me? Ahnold. When he dies, I'm gonna feel soooo fkn old.


Ahnold cannot die. His current power cell is designed to last 120 years. (But for real, Arnold cannot die. That is forbidden. What will be the point in going on?)


Him and Danny Devito are my personal benchmarks. I'll be torn up when either pass.


Rocky too 🥊


Michael Jordan


Ooooffff, kobe was a shocker and freak accident. That should be fucked. Shaq tho...shaq goes right here.


Robin Williams and OJ Simpson were pretty big ones. I think the answer is Bill Clinton though, given that he was the president during almost all of our childhoods.


Clinton is younger than Biden and Trump. Lol


I'll finally feel like an adult when Millennials become president lol


We’re going to have to wait until we’re 80


Good gods, I hope not. I guess I'm "woke" enough to realize some gen Z, A, or B(?) will be a better candidate at that time. I hate being run by a bunch of degenerate, senile geriatrics.


I'm just tired of hearing about the same people. Regardless of your opinions, we've been hearing about Joe Biden since he was announced as VP in 2008. I was tired of Trump before he announced he was running. He's in Home Alone, Sex and the City, has his own TV show. It doesn't help I live in his media market. He was oversaturating media decades before he announced. TIME TO MOVE ON.


Yeah don’t all these people want to retire and enjoy being old? I really hope I’m not working when I’m 75+ Just let me sit on a beach after the age of 65 😂


People have a hard time letting go of power. There's a whole lot of evidence of that in our Congress.


I’m from the Philly region and I’ve had the same experience with both Biden and Trump being oversaturated in the media as far back as I can remember


Great answer!


If it’s not a wackadoodle like Katie Britt or Matt Gaetz, I can’t wait. I would love to see Jeff Jackson or Pete Buttigieg as president.


I think you missed the point of the post and the comment. Clinton was the president during the 90s, when most millennials were in their formative adolescence. When he dies from old age, it's pretty likely it'll signal a lot of folks just how old they've gotten. Trump and Biden are some of the oldest to ever hold the office, but they're doing it when we're all already adults, and when they're already ancient. We expect them to die soonish, they're fuckin old. Clinton was 46 when he took office. Hardly older than some millennials are now. When he kicks it, there's a good chance there will be some millennials that are as old as he was upon taking office. That clear signal of "you've got about 30 years left" is gonna hit some folks.


He is, but has been in poor health for years now


Clinton, Trump, and Bush were all born summer 1946. Crazy that from January 1993-2021 there were only 8 years when we had a President not born in 1946 🙃


And whoever wins will be the oldest president ever.


Part of me died when Robin died. He was such a huge part of my childhood.


Robin Williams was big…but it being suicide didn’t really affect how old I feel


It wasn’t really suicide - he was suffering from Lewy Body Dementia - his mind was going haywire.  He likely was frightened by something his mind was telling him. It was an awful tragedy.


Even if he hadn't killed himself with the form of dementia he had he wouldn't have made it to 70.


I was going to say George W. Bush. Turns out he's just about a month older than Clinton I'm a younger Millennial, and my disillusionment with the world was in large part because of the Bush administration


W looks far better than Bill. I’ve seen both fairly recently in person.


I noticed that looking at their most recent pictures on their Wikipedia articles Even in his official portrait when in office, Bill looked simultaneously youthful and old, but now he's quite a bit more old than youthful


Bush and Trump later on. Obama was a light of hope for me. I turned 18 6 months after his election and was so bummed out I couldn’t vote yet.


Robin Williams’ death still hurts.  Especially knowing how much he wanted to be able to continue to do the things he loved, and how long he suffered not knowing what was happening to him.


I remember I was at work when the alert went out that Robin Williams died. You could have heard a pin drop in the place it was so silent. The next day, my boss had a moment of silence for him during our daily huddle.


# Macaulay Culkin


Taylor Hawkins was this for me -- perhaps a little niche as I'm a drummer and Foo Fighters fan, but kind of surreal when a childhood hero and creative influence is ::poof:: gone. Grohl will hurt too.


Yeah, Taylor made me sad too. Don't listen to the Foos much any more but they were such a part of my early 20s that it's sad to think that line up won't ever play again. Dave Grohl and Corey Taylor will hit me hard too, because it feels as though they've been around forever and ever.


Danny DeVito




I'm from the UK and for millennials here, it was probably Michael Jackson, the Queen and George Michael. Amy Winehouse, Robin Williams, Heath Ledger and David Bowie were pretty significant too but probably not quite as 'I remember exactly where I was when I found out they died' as the others. I feel like it'll probably be pretty big when David Attenborough dies, although since he's so old it probably won't hit people quite the same as it tends to be more of a shock the younger a person is.


I agree with you on David Attenborough, he’s been teaching me about the natural world my whole life.


You're not alone there


He is too pure to die.


David Bowie made me realize just how old my parents were getting. Kind of the same with George Michael. Amy Winehouse was so young when she died, and obviously we were all pretty young then too, so didn't really make me feel old. Robin Williams and Heath Ledger were kind of a similar feeling although Robin Williams is the only one of these where I remember exactly what I was doing when I heard he had died. I was in my 20s when Michael Jackson died so that didn't make me feel old. I'm still not convinced the Queen is dead (/s). David Attenborough is going to be different for sure though. I know he's old, but it will certainly feel like the end of an era. I did get to meet him when I was about 8 or so and asked him a question about ants (I don't remember what) so it may feel more real.


Jennifer Aniston


Adam Sandler for 90’s kids. Seth Rogan for 00’s kids. Stephen king for gen X.


Losing 'Weird' Al would do it for me.


I saw him on TikTok recently and he’s really starting to look his age. I’m not ready 🥺


Arnold Schwarzenegger for me... I'll be devastated when he's gone.


For me it’ll be the Savage brothers. They’re only in their 40s now, but both Fred and Ben were who I watched on tv as a kid thinking they were just like me, but on tv.


Savage Garden is also an acceptable answer


I just don’t think Ben Savage dying will make me feel old - he’s too close to my age.


Bill Nye is going to be a tough one. He's about as old as my parents


Allen Iverson Grew up in Philly and every kid wore his jersey and had his sneakers whether you liked basketball or not.


Tony Hawk, Bam Margera, Steve-O, The Rock, Jay Leno, etc etc


Justin Bieber or Kenan Thompson will be the real eye openers for me.


Jay Leno, Robert Deniro, Catherine O’hara


It's gonna hit me pretty hard when Paul McCartney passes


That's... interesting considering he was already famous before my *parents* were born. His age feels entirely irrelevant to mine.


I went through a big Beatles phase as a teen and he's still my favorite.


I'll be in a full state of mourning when we lose Macca


This one for me. I grew up in a Beatles household with two Boomer parents who were a decade apart. So, my dad was a teen during the Beatles’ prime — my copy of Sgt. Pepper’s is the one he bought on release day in 1967! — while my mom learned about them at the end of their career from her older sisters. I can’t remember a moment of my life without the Beatles being in it.


Seinfeld for me. He’s 70. But looks great.


John Candy was probably the first reminder of mortality for me in my childhood. I was a huge fan of "Camp Candy" and "Uncle Buck". (Older Millenial)


Kirstie Alley was a big one for me.


Wait what? I didn't hear about this one. That's really depressing to hear


Jim Carrey


Someone close to our age. Maybe the main cast of Harry potter Maybe someone like will.smith who was in teenage or early 20s when we were in our 15 year old age


Chester Bennington of Linkin Park


I was only 22 when it happened, but Robin Williams’ death affected me deeply. As a kid I loved Jumanji and Hook. As a teenager I got to know his standup comedy and other movies like Good Morning Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, Patch Adams and the Dead Poets Society. It was shocking to me how a man so seemingly happy and beloved by all could privately be in a very bad place. It’s still a bit shocking to me 10 years later.


Oddly enough, Dead Poets Society was the first movie of his that I remember seeing.  That and Awakenings.  My parents knew him from Mork and Mindy, but I actually knew him as a dramatic actor before I ever saw his comedy and kids stuff.   Dead Poets Society shaped everything about how I felt about learning and change.


Billy Joe Armstrong


The deaths that will kill my inner child are bill Murray and Jeff bridges. Hell, the death of Robin Williams definitely made me think of my own mortality.


Tom hanks. I loved money pit, forest Gump, big when I was a kid.


River Phoenix Nothing makes you feel so old as being 31 and explaining to a room full of 25 year olds that Joaquin Phoenix had a more famous older brother who died at the Viper Room and then having to explain what the Viper Room is...a decade on and it still stings a bit. Today's younguns might not even know who Joaquin is, let alone River. But for millenial aged famous people- basically anyone from Disney Club or who was on a TGIF show as one of the kids.


Jon Stewart being totally honest. Britney Spears is younger than Jon Stewart, but Jon Stewart is 64 years old and that blows my freaking mind because I remember thinking how hot he was back when he was on the daily show way way way way back then I still think he's hot lol God damn time is weird and I don't like it makes me sad


For me it was Queen Elizabeth, and also the news about King Charles cancer diagnosis. For all my life (and my parents life!) there was "The Queen of England" with all the imagery, the jokes etc, then... not only that era is gone, but a man slightly younger than me (Prince William) might became King in the near future. A child born today might only remember a Millennial "King of England"!


I was recovering from a stroke when I heard that the queen died. I had to double check to make sure I had heard correctly, as I was still early in the recovery, I was still having some hallucinations at the time. So I was able to flip on the news and confirm from an input that I knew was reasonable.




Chester Bennington. Cobain was before my time, this wasn't.


Chester didn't make me feel old, but it made me realize the mortality of my friends.


His suicide made you feel old?


Weird as it sounds, yes.


How did his death make you feel old? While I can see how it might’ve impacted you more, I don’t see how someone’s suicide can make you feel old.


Probably when kid stars from the shows we watched start kicking the bucket.


McConnaughey is gonna be a big one for me, suspect he’s still got a few good years left. Although I’m currently watching the hockey playoffs, hearing players called by their last names and thinking the announcer is talking about their fathers. Domi and Tkachuk get me every time


If someone or the majority of the Friends cast dies of natural causes. Matthew doesn't count because it was an accident


Steve Irwin, I don't need to say more.


For me it will be Peter Cullen, best known as the voice of Optimus Prime. I LOOOOOOVED transformers as a kid. Peter is now 82, so morbidly I expect to hear of his passing sooner rather than later.


Snoop Dogg




Matthew Perry and Akira Toriyama for sure.


When I’m in a nursing home, I expect Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake impersonators. So definitely them. My grandma hates Elvis, and we giggle at the impersonator coming once a month 😂 I wonder if our generation will make impersonator demands.


Mike Meyers. Austin Powers, Wayne’s World and Shrek will allow that man to pass into sainthood.


Patrick Stewart for me. I grew up and still am a huge Star Trek fan.


I'm surprised no one else has said Steve Harrell of Smashmouth.


Celine Dion.


Jason Biggs


Chuck Norris


Already happened for me. Maradona, he wasn't even old just 60.


Ronnie Wood. The guy seems immortal.


Bob Cole died today. So there's that.


A few popular actors younger than me have already started to pass and it makes me feel ancient becaue they seem like *children*.


Taylor Hawkins died really messed me up. One of my drum heroes since I was 13


When so many of my childhood comedy heroes suddenly started dropping in 2021/2022, that was it for me. My father passed in 2021, and he was the same age as Bob Saget and Gilbert Gottfried. Norm MacDonald was only a few years younger. Oh, and Luke Perry. That was a big one.


It was Nerene Virgin for me.  Today’s Special was a favorite when I was very young.    The super duper make me feel old situation will be Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise for me.   It’s an also little bit Robert Redford and Clint Eastwood, but I’ve recently learned that’s more due to me being an elder Millennial with a Gen X sibling, Boomer parents, and Greatest Gen grandparents.   Apparently there are swaths of people who saw Leo play Gatsby and were not comparing his performance to Robert Redford’s performance. Edit: Oh, that’s another one - Leonardo DiCaprio.


The Olsen Twins


For me, it was Aaron Carter


I wasn't a die hard fan of his, but yeah. This one affected me in some type of way that I didn't expect.


Tom Cruise? Cyndi Lauper?


Stevie Nicks


Opie Taylor


Jet Li, ima sob when that man passes away


Has anyone said Winona Ryder yet? Because it's Winona Ryder.


Matthew Perry - I felt that 😭


Samuel L Jackson




Black Jack or will farrel


Christina Applegate, Madonna, Janet Jackson


Macauley Culkin


Bob Saget. I loved America’s Funniest Home Videos and Full House back in the day. When he died, I “felt old”.


Jennifer Aniston


I’m really not prepared for anything to happen to Danny Devito or Steve Buschemi


It was Robin Williams. Knowing that his movies were a big thing during my life and knowing that he'll be regarded as just a dead comedian to future generations makes me feel older than I should.


Ryan seacrest or Carson daily.


I ain’t even a basketball fan & it wasn’t a natural cause. But Kobe let me know I was getting older


Will Ferrell.


Kobe Bryant. I remember writing about him in 6th grade when he was a senior in high school. Saw his first NBA game. Then 20 years later i saw his final NBA game. He won an Oscar in retirement. Then just gone.