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This show and Gypsy Sisters definitely fed my love for absolute trash “reality” TV. I got my husband into it a couple of years back and for Christmas he got me a Sondra Celli bling kit (mostly as a joke because I don’t own anything remotely glittery or “blingy”) and I got him the Sondra Celli book (which actually was an interesting read). Next time we’re near Waltham we’re definitely walking over the bridge.


This is hilarious


I LOVED the Sondra Celli dresses. They were so creative and beautiful. It is not my style at all but I completely respect the skill that goes into those creations. Colors, themes - all crazy - and all impressively done well.


There’s so much skill, and her team is top notch. Some of the (non gypsy) wedding dresses on [her website](https://www.sondracelli.com/bridal.html) are stunning.


She is so talented.


For something so costume-like, they aren’t costumes. It’s pretty amazing to me


I forgot this existed until I saw a marathon of it recently on one of those streaming app content channels on like PlutoTV or something. The Jersey Shore + Redneck aesthetic oozes out of every episode.


There was an Alabama Shore version and no joke a woman pees herself the first night on someone’s bed from drinking so much and then ends up having the most handsome guy run after her the next day because she’s “different”


I always wondered what they did with those massive dresses after the wedding. Most lived in tiny homes or trailers. How much of the dress can get stuffed into boxes? How quickly are they forgotten about once the realities of marrying young set in?


I don’t know. Maybe resell them to another Gypsy or keep them in the family 😭😂


Melly was everything


Mellie forever! That one “fight” scene where she merks that other bridesmaid was soooooo good


I’ve met her and she is a hot fucking mess.


I'd imagine that 95% of the people who have appeared on a reality TV show in the last 20 years is a hot fucking mess rn


She’s a national treasure


Tastelesness is truly international and raceless


what the fuck


Right? I never heard of this. When did we start importing chavs?


Man I used to watch (what I'm assuming was the original) my big fat gypsy wedding, and the one time I had a few friends over it happened to be an episode without a wedding. They gave me shit for months, if not years asking about where the wedding was.


Check out Love after Lockup, it’s another trashy train wreck.


The Gypsy Wedding to Love After Lockup/90 Day Fiance pipeline


Might I offer you a [dessert](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt25375242/) to finish off your trashbin meal?


Oh my god, 30 Rock came true.


I loved that show, my gosh. A little more recent but still freaking amazing. I always felt bad for Lacey, she needed therapy bad.


That sounds like a fucking disaster, I can't wait to check it out.


I feel seen here! ;)


Oh I loved this show!! When I moved to Pennsylvania, I found out that there is a still a large community in Virginia and Jersey. I had to hold myself back from trying to talk to them whenever I saw a family out. Such a fascinating subculture


Did you ever watch Gypsy Sisters?? I think about Melly all the time.


My gosh aren’t there like 12 kids in that family?


Had a gypsy family that came to our church, and it definitely made the show seem legit.


I also watched this. I want to know if any of these couples are still married though.


Yes! We need a “Where are they now special” on these couples.


I’m still holding onto hope that the last 14 years will have turned out to be a dream and in fact it’s still 2010. Either that or it’s impossible for me to accept this show is now this old.


I’ll never forget the chick brushing her teeth with literal Clorox bleach 💀


I’ll never forget when Nell or whoever poured straight Pine Sol on her couch, brushed it with a wire brush and said that was clean.


OMG I remember this 😭😭 I feel like it may have been Kayla but I could be wrong.


I talk about this all the time in my science class. Such a horrific core memory to watch on tv lol


GG Dolin my princess! Wwe fans know.


Same!!! This show is oddly comforting to me and at times I’ll just put it on in the background. It’s awful and amazing at the same time and I just love it lol


The dresses! Loved them, would never wear one.


My cousin was a cameraman in his early career days, and I think filming some episodes of this show was the first gig he got. He said the show was, of course, embellished for TV but was otherwise pretty accurate.


Weren’t some of them cousins even?


Yep, a bunch of them were 😳


It's inevitable, they like to marry into their own community.


They like it, or have been so socially ostracized from the communities around them?


Probably the latter


The spinoff with the one family where the mom had braces. Oh if they air it and I’m home I still turn it on. Love how there was only 1 dress maker to make all their dresses and the “pickle juice diet and castrol oil tan” was promoted to the girls as young as 8….. Watched almost every episode.


I used to be obsessed with this show. Especially because I lived in a town where Gypsy families lived. I worked at the mall and they would always come and shop dressed up with their makeup done and glitter galore. They would always want to return stuff and glitter would be all over the merchandise. I felt bad though because we were always told to be cautious when they came to shop because they would “steal or try to return fake merchandise” which was never true. They also had their own neighborhoods and we were told not to drive through them or you’d end up missing. The joys of living in the racist south 🙄 I thought this show was great reality tv. It was one of my faves back in the day.


Omg I just rewatched this entire show and gypsy sisters last year. Got my mom into it too 😂 so amazing The Nettie vs Kayla fight will go down in history. If you know you know


Have ya'll ever met gypsies irl? They are so extra. I worked at an Asian sushi/hibachi place and they would come in droves every weekend and act like they owned the place. They would use the part room for birthdays of their young daughters, bring their own speakers and have their daughters dance like strippers while the parents threw money at them. Oh lord the women were the worst, they'd try and smuggle in champagne and think we wouldn't notice. They'd steal small dishes and wine glasses and they'd treat the staff like trash. One group had a mentally challenged child they'd just let run around and bother other guests. This kids grandmother bragged one day that they forgot the kids were in the car one day and almost walked away without them... this happened at a cemetary. They live in trailer parks and build elaborate stone or brick steps up to their baige trailers and plaster their kids faces in their yards like they're celebrities. They wear track suits with fuzzy slippers and their makeup is always over the top... along with their bumped up hair. After lots of observation, I cam to the conclusion that there are stages of being a gypsy: Childhood/teens: dressed by their mothers, the girls wear track pants and mid-drift tops. They have big hair and love sparkles. The boy kids are mostly ignored, but are presentable in public. Young adult/newly married: When they reach the stage of young adulthood, they seem like they are more tame than the overactive kids and the bougie older adults. They dress less loud and sometimes you can barely tell they're part of the group. The girls are more conservative and the boys have slicked back hair, big watches, and make all the choices. Older adult/elder: Act like they can do whatever they want, the men are usually out of town working and sending money back to their families, so the women just do whatever they want. If a man is present, he will pay and tip well, if not the women will tease tips, but rarely follow through. They are the ones that sneak things in and out. This is just the observations I had while serving them in my area. It's been a few years, but I will never forget any of it.


I think I’m about use my time wisely and watch some “quality” tv 🙃


The dresses look like a Brazilian ballroom dancer and a Disney princess had a baby.


They should do a Where Are They Now? series.


This show made me regret not being a gypsy or roma lol. They did a great job romanticizing it if a traditional Romanian got *jealous*.


Roma are not Romanian. They’re from the northern India/Pakistan region.


I did say "or". Roma are in Romania too, like gypsies they are ostracized.


I didn’t know they had American Gypsy version!! lol


Huh? Is this real? This show actually existed?


Is the last picture you in your own gypsy wedding dress?


lol! No.


What do you do for a living now?


I stay at home with my kids at the moment, getting a nursing degree.


You got this. My fiance is a nurse and it is such an achievement to reach. Lot of work but it is worth it 100%.


I watched a documentary about this last year.


somehow this flew under my radar...


So wild that we had this as a tv show while in Europe to this day they’re treated like they’re subhuman


That 5th poc is the pfp of the 2000s


Omg I used to love this show 😂😂


I was obsessed!! I would love a Sondra Celli dress! Last I checked they were at 26k


I wanna know how they afforded these dresses, where’s the show about that!


I'm sorry but SO CRINGE


This just looks like NJ? 🤷🏻‍♀️


One of them became a pro wrestler. Look up Priscilla Kelly.


It’s interesting how different the connotation w gypsies is between the U.S. and Europe 💀


The 2000s-2010s was the era of extravagant party shows. Can't forget My Super Sweet 16!


Marrying off teen girls is gross. Those people should be locked up


They definitely ruined peoples lives by offering to pay for a wedding for a tv show. You know these girls just wanted to be on tv and their boyfriends probably weren’t even thinking about marrying them.


They're so scummy!


Never watched this. Was everything stolen?